Training Days w/Daxxel

Maurice walks out of the center, and he decides to stay in the main road since he doesn't trust going through alleyways. There were sounds of a battle going on as soon as he gotten closer to the gym, and it made him jump. What does him even more concerned is that a police vehicle pulls up by the alley, and a woman cop jumps out along with a Growlithe. "Hey, what's going on here?" SHe demanded as she finds a trainer right there.
Tristan turned around to se Officer Jenny and her Growlithe standing behind him, "Alola officer, I was just defending myself against a group of those thugs that have been causing mischief all over the town," he said grinning.
"You saw them? which way did they go?" Jenny asked him, but she quickly race back to her car, and drives off to catch the people. Maurice blinks, then turns to see Tristan again. "Hey...what happened?" He asked him, he seems to be a magnet for trouble no matter what.
Tristan chuckled as the officer quickly left to catch the thugs. "Alola Maurice, just another run in with those guys from before," he said grinning and rubbing the back of his head. "Gym's closed, in case you were headed that way," he added
"Really? That's too bad then...better luck is to head over to Pewter City then. That is where another gym is anyway." Maurice explained, as he heard that the Pewter Gym was easier for beginner trainers anyway. "We could uh....go together and stuff, if that's what you want..."
"Pewter City huh? Yea that would be fun," Tristan said grinning widely. "Do you know the way to Pewter City?" he asked, having no idea himself on how to get there.
"I'm glad that you seem to be in good spirits after almost getting mugged...but yeah, I know the way." Maurice grumbles a bit, as he wants to get out of here since the city is in a small crime wave. "I vote we get going right now"
"Ok, I'm ready, lead the way," Tristan said happy to be headed to a new city with a gym. He wasn't to excited to be traveling with such a downer, but maybe Tristan could cheer him up on the way.
He wants him to lead? He suppose that it makes sense. The farther he is away from this town, the better. "Okay, we head north, that would lead us to the city, we just need to pass a small forest, and Bam!"
"Great so we should be there in a few days?" Tristan asked, "hopefully there will be some trainers to battle on the way, and some Pokémon for us to catch," he added grinning. "You do need to get some more Pokémon for your team," he said and started walking towards the road out of town.
"I don't know, maybe less than a day if we pick up the pace." He actually have no idea, but it should be a short walk there. "Thanks, I would never have guessed I needed more Pokemon...I'm working on it."
"ok ok relax," Tristan said holding up his hands, "let's just get moving," he added and stepped aside to let Maurice lead the way.
"Fine, let's go." He said as they head north, passing an old guy who is cranky and shouts in need for coffee. Maurice hums a bit as he walks on the outskirts of the city, and feels safe in the woods. He is right, he does need Pokemon badly, and there is luck. A Nidoran walks on the road. "Hold on a sec."
Tristan grinned as they headed out of town. As a small purple Pokémon ran out into their path, Tristan's grin widened, "what is that?" he asked having never seen the like of the Pokémon before, "The male Nidoran has developed muscles for moving its ears. Thanks to them, the ears can be freely moved in any direction. Even the slightest sound does not escape this Pokémon's notice." Tristan's pokedex said as he scanned the Pokémon. "Go on catch it," Tristan said nudging Maurice.
Maurice looks at the Nidoran, as he wants to do battle, but he has a Bulbasaur, which wouldn't do anything to it. "I'm going to take a chance at this, " He draws out a Pokeball, and threw it at the Mon, catching it. The ball wiggles around a bit, but it stops. He stares at it as he couldn't believe it.
"That was lucky, but why not use Bulbasaur? He could have at least weakened it with tackle," Tristan asked as his companion retrieved the pokeball.
"I captured a Pokemon, that is what's important is that right?" Maurice said, as he collects the ball, but his turns when he saw something else. He has found a berry shrub, and examine it. "Holy crap...these are rare."
"These are berries dude, they are rare around Kanto. We could see them for big money, or it could made into something more cooler." He examine the berry.shrub, wondering if be should get one to sell.
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