Training Days w/Daxxel

"there was a person," Tristan said and head for the door, "they went down the alley quick lets follow them" he added and ran to the alleyway. He ran down the tight path following it's twists and turns until he came to a dead end. Tristan searched for a secret door or any other hidden passage way.
"A person?" Maurice didn't see anyone there, but he is surprised once this fool dash out of he center. "W-wait!" He didn't know why, but he ran after him. The alley is dark but he knows that he he would be close to Tristian. He ran fast, hoping to catch up and wish that this would just be paranoa.
Tristan growled in frustration when he could find anything. "There has to be something here," he said looking around frantically. He noticed Maurice behind him, "you followed me?" he asked grinning and turning to face the other boy.
"W-wha? U-Uh...yeah, i guess so." He said while he is flustered. "You must be crazy, police and thieves are everywhere, you can't just run outside without some kind of plan." He said, as he couldn't believe how reckless he is. Maurice whines, now that he is outside instead of being in the center.
"Welll there's nothing here I guess we should go back," Tristan said a little disappointed. He started to walk back down the alley. "Well you followed me so who's more reckless?" He asked with a grin.
Maurice grumbles, well what he has done is pretty reckless. "Well I-" He stops, as he saw two dark figures are looking at the two trainers. He could see that they are sinister looking, holding Pokeballs in their hand like they are ready for a fight. "U-uh...friends of yours?" he asked.
"Let's find out," Tristan said grabbing one of his own pokeballs. He then looked back at Maurice, "Alola fellas, you see the thing is that my friend here isn't quite ready for a fight like this, so how about a little two on one?" He asked grabbing a second pokeball.
The men didn't answer, but they did throw their balls to release their pokemon. It is a Koffin and Grimer looking a bit menacing at the trainers. This time, the men did speak. "You see this? we are gonna take your pokemon...any maybe we won't hurt you if you surrender." They look to be serious about this and Muarice is frighten about this. This guy is going to fight them by himself?
Tristan grinned, "if you want my Pokémon your going to have to fight me for them! Incineroar, Noctowl let's go!" He shouted releasing his two Pokémon. The large cat Pokémon growled and smirked looking at its opponents, while the Noctowl stared on with its usual unimpressed demeanour. "Let start things off, Incineroar Flamethrower, Noctowl Air Slash" Tristan commanded and his Pokémon sprung into action. The Incineroar roared as a stream of red-orange fire shot from the flaming belt around its waist. Noctowl took to the air, raising its wings above its head and a spiraling light blue orb of energy forms in between them. Then, Noctowl threw the ball towards the Koffing. As it shot towards the Koffing, the ball became surrounded by a light blue aura.
Maurice jumps as he doesn't do anything as the creepy guys summon their pokemon, and it looks like they are going to attack them. Tristian seems to be more of an action guy, as he used his pokemon that easily moped the floor with the weaklings. They creepers were shocked at this, but called their pokemon back and started to retreat. "W-wow..."
Tristan smirked as he easily defeated the two thugs, "you guys are worse then a couple Team Skull thugs," he said as he recalled his two Pokémon. As the two grunts began to escape, Tristan chased after them. "We can't let them get away!" He shouted but before he could catch one the area was filled with thick smoke and the pair of thugs disappeared. "As the smoke cleared, Tristan coughed and looked around, "damn they're gone," he said and looked back at Maurice. "You ok kid?" He asked, then added "guess we better get back to the Pokémon Center, it's getting late,"
Maurice doesn't want to follow the badguys anyway, he is too scared about that. "No...I think should let the cops take care of this." He said, as trying to go back to the center would be a good idea, and is more safe than staying in a dark alley.
Tristan walked back to the Pokémon Center, by the time he and Maurice got back it was dark. "Allow Nurse Joy, are there any rooms still available?" He asked cheerfully as he approached the front desk.

"We do have one room left," the nurse replied, "as long as you two don't mind sharing" she added and Tristan turned to look at Maurice.

"It will be like a sleep over" he said with a grin as he followed Nurse Joy to the room.
The walk back was tense, but he stayed a bit quiet as they return to the center. They would probably stay in town for a while, and needs to stay. Just just luck, he would have to stay here with this new guy. "A sleepover? Huh..." He said, as he follows him, having no choice.
As Nurse Joy left the two boys, Tristan thanked her and closed the door. "Man I am beat," he said and began to strip out of all his clothes except his boxers, revealing his lithe, toned form. " which bed would you like?" He asked putting his clothes into his backpack.
Maurice already choose a bed, and he sighs. What a day it has been, one thing happens after another. He turns around, facing the guy that is in his undies. "Gah! What the-why are you in your birthday suit?!" He gawked at him, what is this guy's problem? "Oh my Arceus..." He quickly turns around.
"birthday suit?" Tristan asked looking down at himself, "I still got my boxers on, don't tell me you sleep in your clothes," he said and sat on his bed a slight bulge now more visible in his underwear.
"All i'm saying that you should put on something! Have you ever heard of PJs?" He is flustered at this point, not even going to look at him because he is embarrassed. He then reach into his bag and found a Pecha Berry, he then moves over to the Metapod he sat on the bed. "Well, I guess that you will stick with me..." He then turns to his Bulbasaur on the bed and feeds it the berry.
Tristan grinned and shrugged as he lay on his bed and closed his eyes. "Good night Maurice." He said and steadied his breathing trying to clear his mind of everything that had happened today. 'who were those strange thugs? I wonder if the gym here will be open tomorrow? What adventure await me?' these thoughts and more ran round and round inside Tristan's head as he tried to sleep.
"I'm glad you seem so carefree," He grumbles as he jumps on the bed as he doesn't bother to change. "Goodnight, I guess." he said, as he looks at the window. It is dark, and he is scared as at the earlier event, and he has trouble with sleeping for a bit, before his eyes does eventually close all through the night until morning.
Tristan awoke early the next morning and quickly got dressed then went about making the food for his Pokémon. Once the food was prepared he went outside and called out all his Pokémon and gave them each their own specialized food.
Maurice grumbles, not wanting to wake up, but he has to. As soon as he does, he took his time to getting his thing together, and finds that Tristian is already feeding his pokemon. Bulbasaur nudged him, and he understands. He has his own food for his saur, and feeds him, and looks to Metapod. He read that they cannot eat until they evolve, and plus, it has no mouth. "Uh...good morning."
After all his Pokémon had finished eating, he took out a brush and bushed each one, making sure they were content. After that, he recalled all his Pokémon and headed back inside to thank Nurse Joy for her hospitality, then he would head for the gym.
Maurice blinks when the guy leaves him there, as he is not in a rush to get to the gym though. With all of the craziness that is happening around, he doesn't really feel like going outside. The Viridian Gym is closed, as there is a sign saying so. There seem to be no outside or inside activity, except for a few disappointing people who wanted to go inside.
Tristan frowned when he saw the gym was closed. Disappointed, he headed back to the Pokémon Center to get directions to another gym. On his way back to the Pokémon Center, Tristan was grabbed and pulled into an alley. "So you're the punk that beat our team mates yesterday, huh?" a woman said as he removed her hood, "well now let's see how you do against me," she added and released her Nidoqueen.

Tristan scowled, "You're a member of that gang of jerks robbing this town? Then it will be a pleasure to defeat you," he said picking one of his Pokémon, "let's flatten them Snorlax!" he shouted released his large friend, "Ready Snorlax, Heavy Slam," Tristan commanded. Snorlax yawned as it's body became surrounded by a yellow aura for a second. It then became tackled the Nidoqueen with great force sending it flying back.

"Nidoqueen, Venoshock" the woman commanded, Nidoqueen roared and fired a stream of purple, poisonous liquid from its mouth at Snorlax. Snorlax reeled from the blast and Tristan could tell it was badly poisoned. "Now Nidoqueen use Earth Power!" she commanded and Nidoqueen's outline flashed yellow and it slammed its fist into the ground. Glowing gold cracks traveled towards Snorlax and go under it, hurting it into the air. Snorlax fell to the ground hard and was badly injured.

"No Snorlax!" Tristan said and rushed to his Pokémon. "Ha! Not so tough huh?" the woman mocked. Tristan smirked, "Snorlax use Rest," he said and Snorlax quickly fell asleep. As it slept all it's damage healed. "now Snorlax Sleep Talk!" he said and Snorlax stood up and Snorlax's body became surrounded by orange energy and it burst into a fast run surrounded by swirling orange streaks. It then slammed into Nidoqueen. The Nidoqueen flew back, as it got up it staggered for a moment then fell to the ground unconscious. Tristan grinned and patted his sleeping Snorlax, "Now you guys leave this town alone," he commanded and the group of backed away into the shadows and disappeared.
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