Training Days w/Daxxel


Mystical Artifact
Apr 1, 2017
The Cosmos

Maurice sighs as he is off road at the moment, leaning against the tree while holding a Bulbasaur in his lap. He is just resting, traveling around can be such a pain, but what's he gonna do? He is a late bloomer when he started out his journey, and he doesn't regret it. The reason that he didn't start out when he was 10 due to laziness, but there is no penalty for that. He yawns, feeling a bit sleep, but petting the bulb. "Meh, maybe a nap would do me some good." Muarice said softly, as he closed his eyes.
Tristan walked through the meadow looking for new and exciting pokemon. It was his first trip to the Kanto Region, hell, it was his first trip away from the Alolan Islands, and he was eager to meet new people and pokemon. Following a small trail, Tristan walked into the woods. Tristan walked along the trail until he was what looked like a person passed out by a tree.

"Alola?" he asked walking over to the young man, "Are you alright?"
Muarice grumbles as he suddenly awoke by some rude passerby. "Huh? wut?" He snorts as he looks up at some sort of guy. "Ehh...what do you want?" He pouts, rubbing his eyes. "I was trying to get some shut eye," He looks at his lap to see that his Bulbasaur is still sleeping soundly, that is a good thing. He rubs it's bulb again, then he realized that this maybe a trainer looking for a battle?
"Sorry , just thought you might be in trouble," Tristan said stepping back. "Meant no harm by it" he added turning to head back to the trail. As he headed back to the trail, Tristan kicked a stone that flew and hit a small yellow cocoon-like Pokémon. Suddenly the air is filled with buzzing as dozens of bee Pokémon flew out f the trees and bushes.

"What are these Pokémon?" Tristan said, slightly afraid and curious, as these were Pokémon he'd never seen before.
Muarice grumbles, but then he looks to find that something had happened. He is wide awake now, and notice the danger that they would be in now. "Trouble, run!" He instantly shot up, holding his Saur and starts to run the opposite direction. This is just his luck, now he is running for the hill as a swarm of Beedrill is chasing after them, and he is scared beyound belief, thank goodness for common sense.
Tristan hesitated for a moment then took off after the other young man. "Why don't we fight them? Primarina, take a bow" he shouted releasing his beautiful seal-like Pokémon, "Dazzling Gleam!" he shouted and his Primarina released a bright white light from its body. It then jumped into the air and rainbow colored rays of light shot out hitting some of the Beedrill. "What are you waiting for? Help out," Tristan said to the other trainer.
Maurice looks behind him, to see that this crazy fool is actually going to fight the swarm. "Wait what? I am not powerful enough, I only have this Bulbasaur!" His Pokemon wouldn't do much against the Beedrill, as it isn't strong enough for more potent attacks.
"What you only have one Pokémon?" Tristan asked surprised. "Primarina Sparkling Aria" he shouted and the Primarina took a deep breath and began to sing. Water began to form above Primarina, forming into a giant ball. As Primarina hit a high note, the water exploded. For every beedrill that fell, two more took it's place. "How many of these things are there?" Tristan asked as he dodged an attack from the bee Pokémon. "Primarina return" he said calling back his Pokémon, "Noctowl Hypnosis" he shouted sending out his second Pokémon. The Noctowl flew into the air, it's eyes glowed red as red rings spread out in through the woods, putting many of the remaining Beedrill asleep. "That wont last long, let's go" Tristan said and started running through the woods again.
"Don't bust my balls man! I'm only a beginner!" He told him, crossing his arms. Still, he lets him do his thing to stop the swarm, and he does just that, and he quickly turns and runs away. He only stops when he believes that he is far enough, leaning against a tree. "Oh man...what a day..."
Tristan stopped running putting his hand on his knees as he panted for breath, "you're only a beginner?" He asked a little surprised, "so that is your only Pokémon?" Tristan straightened as he finally caught his breath. "I'm Tristan by the way, for Heahea City on Alola Island in the Alola region," he said holding out a hand in greeting
"Don't judge," He mumbles, now in a bad mood. How did this idiot not know what a darn Kakuna is? Those are dangerous, and could've gotten hurt. "Great, that's fantastic, and i'm leaving, good day." He said, ignoring him as he walks past him, fuming that he was being chased by Beedrill, and consider this guy bad luck.
"Very well, good luck should you run into any more aggressive Pokémon," Tristan said and started walking towards the next town whistling. Pulling out his newly updated Rotom dex, "Rotom what can you tell me about Beedrill?" He asked as the Rotom awoke.

"bee bee beep, Beedrill, the Poison Bee Pokémon. Bug/Poison type. Beedrill fly quickly and attack using poison stingers on their fore legs and tail. This Pokémon is an evolved form of Weedle, following its Kakuna stage." the living pokedex said as it floated around Tristan.
Maurice is still a bit angry as he continues forward, heading towards Viridian City, that s the first place he has to get to. He calms down just a bit, but he stops, looking around a bit. He wants to see if there are any wild pokemon he could check just because he has calmed down a bit. There is nothing so far, so he sighs, walking forward feeling tired. "Oh my tired..." He pouts, leaning on the tree. That is when he gotten knocked out from above by a Metapod.
Tristan continued on his way through Veridian Forest looking for interesting new Pokémon. Suddenly a young boy jumped out of the bushes, "can't jam out if your a pokemon trainer" he said and threw a pokeball releasing his Pinsir. "Let's battle!" He shouted.
"Ouch..." He grumbles, having a slight swell head. The Metapod is still there, and then he grumble, picking it up. "Just my luck," Maurice jumps when he heard something close by, and then his curious mind what to know what that is. He followed the noise, and he hides to find a battle is taking place.
Tristan grinned as the boy demanded a battle. "Alright, Decidueye, take aim!" he shouted releasing his hooded owl Pokémon. Without wasting time the boy commanded his Pokémon's attack, but Tristan's Decidueye merely vanished, "Spirit Shackle!" Tristan commanded and from out of the canopy flew a glowing purple arrow. The arrow circled the Pinsir before striking it deeply.

The boy grinned before brandishing a large bracelet with a strange stone, "Pinsir Mega Evolve!!" he shouted touching the stone. His Pinsir was surrounded in energy and then emerged from the energy completely changed. Tristan was taken aback, he had never seen this before, and before he could react the Mega Pinsir flew into the canopy. "X-Scissor!" the boy shouted and the was a flash of energy in the trees and Tristan's Decidueye fell to the ground badly injured.
Maurice is watching the battle, looking at Tristan mostly. Why does he have such cool Pokemon? He seems to be doing well, until the other trainer mega evolves his pokemon, and the battle really got going. Maurice doesn't have any mega evolution stones, he just started out after all. "Uh oh..." He sees that Tristan is in trouble, and he wonders what he will do.
"Decidueye, Frenzy Plant!" Tristan shouted and his Pokémon leaped to its feet and slammed its wings to the ground, causing massive roots to erupt out of the ground and slam into and entangle the opposing Pinsir. "now follow up with Shadow Ball!" Tristan commanded.

The boy looked paniced as his Pokémon was trapped by the roots. "Pinsir, use Guillotine on the root to cut free," he shouted and the Pinsir's large horns shone brightly as it cut through the roots holding it. The Pinsir finally cut itself free, but not fast enough to avoid the black and purple energy ball launched by Decidueye.

"Let finish this Decidueye," Tristan said and began to make a few body movements. An aura of power surrounded him and Decidueye, "Sinister Arrow Raid!" Tristan shouted and Decidueye flew up into the air and launched multiple arrows into the air. each arrow was surrounded in a purple energy and flew at Pinsir, and Decidueye dove steeply. Each of the arrows struck home, and exploded in a violent explosion. When the dust cleared, Pinsir collapsed to the ground unconscious.
Maurice looks at the battle until he had ducked to avoid the dust that is blowing his way and all that. He coughs a bit, then saw that the guy had won the battle. That was really intense, and he is secretly impressed. "Wow..." He whispered, and now he would have to sneak away. there is a reason why he is a trainer, but he has a lot to learn as he is a beginner. He noticed that he still have the Metapod in his hand, but he doesn't mind though.
Tristan grin triumphantly as his Decidueye stood beside him, "great work buddy" he said letting his Pokémon' shear, "here regain your strength," he added giving the Pokémon a pokebean before recalling it into its pokeball. Tristan's opponent did the same with his Pinsir then gave Tristan some money before departing.

Happy at his victory, Tristan sat under a tree for a short rest before continuing on to the next town.
Viridian City seems to be in an air of concern when Maurice got into town, and he noticed when he could see people standing on the sidewalk while police cars are roaring down the street. He wondered what is happening, but now his attention is to the Pokemon center to get some answers. The center is mostly quiet, the only one on staff are the Chancey and a single nurse at the counter. "Excuse me, what is happening here in the city? Police are everywhere."

"Well, all i know is that there have been a string of robberies around the town lately by an unknown group. The police is searching every nook and cranny." the nurse said. This sounds like trouble to him.
After his short rest, Tristan got up and followed the road into town. Once in town he saw that it was in chaos. Quickly making to the Pokémon Center, Tristan found out that a group of people had been robbing the town. "Well does anyone know where these thieves hide?" he asked but no one seemed to know anything.
Maurice sighs as he thinks he might be stuck here for a while, and he would have to wader in town to do something. He then spots that same trainer, and wonders if he could approach him, and would have to be careful. "Uhhh" he looks down to his Bulbasaur and Metapod. "Here goes nothing..." he whispered, and he goes over to the guy. "Uh...hey..."
"Oh hi," Tristan said seeing a familiar face, "how you doing?" he asked as he looked out the window. As he watched out the window he caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure in an alley. "Did you see that?" he asked as the figure disappeared. "Someone was there"
"Oh uhh...i'm doing fine I guess..." He said, not having a bad attitude anymore, and now he is shy. "Huh?" he blinks when he looks at the window. "What? what do you mean?" Maurice didn't see anything, but was just focusing on the guy. That made him scared, and he wanted to stay here.
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