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Rwby Chronicles Sapphire Trail (Lilly, Kobi.)

Sapphire grins and claps her hands like a school girl. Thus she departed with Glynda arm around her waist. Walking hip to hip off inside the building without looking back, all she said was. "You girls have fun, us ladies need to discuss business." With that, Glynda and Sapphire vanished into the manor and wouldn't be seen again for a while.

The Penelope's looked to Pyrrha and nods. "Yes, My semblance allows me to multiply myself and so long as these clones of mine do not take any lethal amount of damage they will stick around as long as they are needed. I can produce up to 3 new clones per day." She assured them. "Also I am also a graduate of Beacon, mind you I am also an allumni." She bows and then the troupe of maids cleared their throat, and there was the turn.

Then pull back. "So ladies, the mistress has allowed us to cook up a feast and clean up the recreation room for you girls to eat and enjoy the manors luxurys during however long you are staying." Outside of the manor the group might see a tower of some kind on top of the mountain where a couple of Penelope clones can be seen watching the waters.

It wasn't unlikely that Grimm had manage to take on aquatic forms, and having a look out was always a tip top idea. Penelope turns to lead them into the recreation room, and upon opening the door, a buffet style meal was waiting for them, arcades, games, a pool, a workout spot, basically if it was entertaining to someone it was in this room.

The maid Penelope and her clones all lined up along the wall, and make a motion for them to enter. With that the real Penelope also entered inside with them, and gathered towards Blake with a smile, the real one was hard to pick out from the clones. However, Blake should be able to tell the real from the clone. As she grins. Then nods to the girls. "Please have fun, and relax and if you have questions please ask them." The room was large and spacious so girls could spread out among the place to do different things, of course the buffet of food was also there, and the smells were far and above that of the Beacon Mess hall. So any hungry huntress was certain to grab a plate.
Pyrrha flashed a small open smile as she listened, it really was a useful and interesting Semblance, a powerful one too!

"Three NEW ones a day?!" Nora gasped looking all around as they all began to migrate back into the manner, "so like... Is there like a bunch of ya just... Runnin' around?!" Nora's tone darted in excitement as did her gaze around the place, noticing the multiple Penelopes with enthused interest. "Oooh I'm hungry!" Nora said, nearly growling out the word hungry as if it was a threat to whatever food would face her wrath.

Just then Pyrrha's stomach growled and the girl held her stomach blushing lightly, "ahaaa I guess I am too~" she chimed sweetly, "it was a bit of a long flight" she added.

"Anyone wanna play?!" Ruby exclaimed of the games in the recreational room they were lead into, hands balled up into fists and held up near her chest in excitement.

"Actually, I was hoping I could... See more off your... Ahem books?" Blake spoke solemnly, though her tone seemed to hint at an ulterior motive, her mind was clearly on her lingering arousal from earlier.

Yang was the only one to actually pick up on this and she flashed the two Faunus' a grin, "hey can I come?" She asked, though she didn't actually give a reason why other than her suggestive expression.

"Hey, I want to talk to you!" Demanded Weiss to one of the Penelope clones as she already started to storm off.

Ruby looked around, her lips twisted in a concerned expression of who to go with if no one wanted to play with her, before her eyes shot to Weiss, "Weeeiiiisssssss" Ruby whined after her as she darted down the hall after Weiss and the Penelope she went to talk to.
Eventually the girls disperse. The adults away, and the girls settled. Penelope was about to depart the room to go check up on her mistress. When she was stopped by a sudden voice, and the sound of feet chasing after her. Or atleast one of her, as she turned around. She'd see Weiss there looking rather dissatisfied by something.

"Oh, hello." She bowed humbly, in hopes to disarm whatever has her making such a flustered face. "Miss Schnee, Miss Rose, it is good to see you, is there anything I can do to help you?" The room soon was filled with the louder girl aka Nora being rambunctious in one side of the room, not sure if she wanted to talk and jabber on, or eat. Her friend Pyrrha looking really bashful by the fact her team mate was so loud, and active.

In the room corner, Yang and Blake were doing their own thing, and of course each group of girl had a Penelope or two to attend to them.
"Hnn?" Weiss turned her head softly as she looked back over her shoulder to see her dolt of a leader trailing behind. The petite girl put her hands on Penelope's shoulders and from behind walked her faster away from Ruby as she talked in a slightly hushed tone.

"What the heck was that filthy machine you put on my head in the bath?" She barked accusingly speaking of the VR visor she was made to use earlier. "How dare you subject me to such... Such filth!" She said as they ended up at the end of the room and she had to stop pushing letting Ruby catch up. It didn't bother her anymore, she just wanted to say that part in private. Though as Weiss complained it seemed she didn't really know what she expected to be done about it but she felt such a build up of frustration... It was how she knew how to take it out on her.

"Weiss?" Ruby asked, "what's wrong?" She gave a pathetic worried look as Weiss seemed to be fuming. The girl looked rapidly between Penelope and Weiss not really knowing what she could say here but having committed to following Weiss she felt weird stepping away now!

Weiss' face was slightly red, "nothing!" she huffed at Ruby most of all considering she was the one she was fucking after Yang in that virtual reality. Weiss still felt a void, a burning, hot feeling of longing, something missing, and when Ruby reminded her of it by just... Just being herself! It only made her burn up hotter.
"Oh, right, the Illusion Vision Scope, yes, the mistress wanted to try someone elses opinion on a little project of hers." She produced one of the scopes into her hands and holds out the visor like device that had sent Weiss down this spiral.

"I see you were not satisfied with the product, your feedback has been taken into consideration." Her response much like any spokes person. The ant faunus, smiled to Ruby, and grinned. Holding it out, with a gaze. "Would you like to try out our mistresses latest product, its going to send you on a fun little trip." She said flashing Ruby a smile, and brushing off Weiss's concern with straight ease.
Weiss visibly blushed, brow raised and furrowed in both horror and offense as she was shown the small visor that was before forced upon her. An 'Illusion Vision Scope' she called it, a project of that Miss Sapphire they were in the home of, "that... That degenerate..." Weiss let slip out in a scoffed whisper as she just looked at the object as if she had just been offered something illegal. In her opinion it should have been.

"Th-this is unacceptable! Why would someone have-"

"Yeah I wanna try I wanna try!" Ruby interrupted and accepted all too eagerly, almost snatching the device away before Penelope could give it to her and shoving it onto her face ready to try. "What do I do?" She looked around.

"Ruby no this thing is-" But it was too late to reach the girl either because of her own hyperactiveness or because she was already sucked into whatever deplorable, sick thing that unholy device was going to show her. Weiss shot Penelope a sharp, cold look, how could anyone see this as okay?! Was the the only one not crazy around here?!
Penelope's eyes grow gloriously big with glee, as she moves to set the visor over Ruby's head. Blipping it to life, and sure enough once on, what was playing before her. Put her right in the act of things, however this scope played a different scenario then what Weiss had seen.

In it, if Ruby looked down around her, she'd be dressed in a skimpy black outfit her tiny awkward frame wrapped in bits of leather in her hand Crescent Rose held like the staff of some Queen. Her team mates were surrounding her, on their knees dressed in little more then color matching little thongs. She was sitting on a throne, and it seemed as she looked around, the illusion felt so real, she of course may have also felt something between her legs like Weiss had.

The image playing made Ruby seem like a queen with her harem of slaves, the three around her were almost naked, kneeling with thighs spread pussies displayed, and their eyes locked on her. "We live to worship, your orders are our command mistress." Was said by the three of her team mates, Yang had her hair pinned back. She even waddled close and bowed her head forward towards Ruby.

While Ruby was experiencing the illusion scope. Penelope eyed Weiss, her show of distaste was taken into account. "Now Ruby what do you think?" She asked looking at the young girl testing the scope.
Now Weiss couldn't storm off, as much as she wanted to. Let this faunus subject Ruby to her master's sick experiments? Yeah right!

The image in Weiss' mind of that Sapphire woman standing over a messed up Ruby with a whip came to mind as she imagined her as some sicko mad scientist looking to take the young girls for her horrid experiments. It was a bit of an exaggeration to say the least but Weiss' glare was so intense it almost painted this picture right at Penelope.

Ruby looked around at the dark setting around them, she looked down to see herself covered in leather wear. Boots that went all the way up to her thighs, a belt much like her own draped over her exposed waist, straps over her chest that acted as clothing but very much let her small breasts perk out, nipples as stiff as could be as a feeling she recognized flowed through her... Arousal.

It warmed her body on her throne as she held her scythe and the warmth pooled into her abdomen, her lanky pale body presented to the three 'subjects' below her. The warmth that pooled in her abdomen sank into a tingling feeling not only making her exposed pussy ache as she recognized, but also extended from her. Looking down Ruby would see the source of it as above her already wet cunt was a decently sized phallic length... It was... It was...

A cock?!

Ruby was mesmerized by it, by the feeling of it, the sight of it throbbing with need, and just like in the bath and the times Yang had made her grope her sister's tits, she started to recognize a sort of attraction to the sight before them.

"Y-Yang?" Ruby meekly asked as her older sister bowed to her, her face only inches from Ruby's cock. She reached out... And couldn't help but cup Yang's head on either side, her cock almost laying right on her face as it was clear Ruby needed to be sucked off, to be fucked, anything really, she just needed to satisfy this feeling which she found hard to comprehend how to do. She had seen porn but never had a cock before obviously, how did she even use it? Would this Yang get what she was wanting her to do?

Outside, Ruby's hands were clutching at her skirt, it was already clear she was aroused with a dopey smile on her face.

"What are you doing to her you sicko?!" Weiss huffed, but still she watched...
"I am not doing anything to her, but..." She smiles, and clicked a button, and if Weiss looked over, she could see a screen blip on, showing what Ruby was seeing. There Weiss could see a virtual version of herself, squat there in a tiny white thong, looking at the dark queen Ruby, as she was working on forcing her own sister to suck her off.

"Lady Ruby seems to be enjoying the product." She smirks, and produced a second one, and clicked a few buttons before the woman slipped it over Weiss's head, then once she had Weiss linked into the work that Ruby was seeing, she'd find herself in the body of the Weiss in the virtual space. She'd see Ruby and Yang from her position, and could freely control the body of the virtual space Weiss, who had been set to cock mode, allowing her to feel that sensation form.

Upon entering the form of virtual Weiss, Penelope put on a third helmet, and then with this. Penelope loaded into the virtual scape with Weiss, to join Ruby in the playground of the Illusion. "This is the Illusion Space, anything you desire comes true in this plane. But with a bit of tweaking, and a few visors, anyone can join in anothers fantasy." The maid said, gazing at Weiss walking to her and offering to help give her a hand up. "So, how does it feel. Being in this place." Around them she'd see arcitecture and statues, and items that just screamed, 'This is the Castle of Ruby's Dreams.' As Penelope smiled, the front of her dress was open and she can see that hard member of hers. "Miss Ruby, hope you do not mind us. Tell us how this all feels, we love feed back." She said making a waving hand to show the scope of the place.
Weiss audibly gasped as the holographic screen clicked on to reveal the scene Ruby was experiencing from a first person perspective as it gave the feed from the visor.

Ruby shivered as she pulled Yang close enough to feel her hot breath on the shaft of her new appendage. It throbbed powerfully in Yang's face and on instinct and what she had seen before in videos, she pulled Yang's head toward her, pulling back her skinny hips to aim her cock before slipping it between the blonde's lips and into her mouth.

"C-crud!~" Ruby innocently 'cursed' out as she felt the warm mouth around it, her girly cock twitching rapidly as she pushed it deeper, deeper, hardly comprehending that it might choke her as she mindlessly slid it down her throat. Her big doe silver eyes went wide and unfocused as her cock was melting in pleasure. It felt so good as she reached the base that something snapped in the girl and she succumbed to the need to relieve this feeling. Suddenly Ruby whined out as her hips awkwardly started bucking and Ruby pulled Yang against her hard, starting to fuck her face ruthlessly as she panted hard.

Weiss was horrified, her hand covered her mouth as she started to turn to Penelope at her comment. It was clear she was about to give her a piece of her mind but the faithful maid worked too quickly, she slipped another visor right onto her like last time, and just like last time her world went dark before it reformed into the same place Ruby was in mentally. Weiss woke, or emerged, into herself so to speak, becoming aware she was on her knees in front of Ruby in nothing but a white thong, her petite, thin, graceful body on display. With a squeak she threw her hands over her near flat chest, covering her tiny, perky white tits before jumping up and stepping away.

"Ngh! Ngh! Ngh!" Ruby was rapidly grunting as she face-fucked her own sister, eyes rolled back in her head and a sly grin to the side of her face by the time Weiss turned her attention to her. "Augh ungh unph!" Ruby huffed before looking to Weiss, "W-Weiss?!" She panted, shuddering at the sudden thought that she could be being watched right now, but her hips wouldn't stop bucking, her cock already twitching like she was ready to blow!

Penelope appeared next to Weiss and she jumped, "y-you!" Weiss declared, but Penelope kept talking as a spokesperson without break. When asked how it felt, Weiss noticed her hard cock, both her own and Penelope's stiff rods and her own was tingling again, intensely. Weiss fell to her knees as they became weak and she glared at the cock now revealed from the thong that couldn't hope to cover it. Her hands hovered around her own dick, not wanting to touch the disgusting thing but fighting the urge to.

Ruby whined out loud in a light moan, "it feels greeeeeaaaaaAAAAT!!!!!" As she answered, Ruby's lanky body tensed up and she shoved Yang's face against her pelvis as she cried out, her body jerking as it was obvious that she was spilling her load down Yang's throat.
As Weiss looked to be having trouble with her new found joy for having something between her legs. Penelope, draws close, hand resting on either side of Weiss's face and turns her head to watch as Yang was now taking Ruby down her mouth scrubbing Ruby's small young dick with her mouth. The slurping sounds could be heard, as the Castle was designed to be quite audible.

Weiss down on her knees was given a view from the point of a reciever, where Penelope stood there dick just inches from her mouth. "How does it feel..." She smirks, and removed a shoe and put a foot lightly onto Weiss's cock, slowly rubbing her sole along the shaft in a brushing motion. Then removed it and spreads her legs. The Blake in the room remained motionless, till Penelope whistled, and the Blake virtual image came bounding up like a cat. "Remove thong." She ordered, and sure enough the Blake clone did, and once she did, her cock was displayed, just like the real one. It hangs before Weiss's face, and Penelope grins.

"Show her a good time Blake." Without giving Weiss much room to argue, the feline faunus copy took hold of Weiss's face and angled her dick towards the woman's mouth, before shoving it into her throat. Causing the member to slide in, thankfully for Weiss this copy Blake didn't have the barbed cock to worry about. It felt just like a regular one as it bulged out her throat.
Weiss was in so much pleasure she even found it hard to move, but she couldn't give in... She just couldn't touch that... That thing. As such, it made it easy for the already much stronger Penelope to turn her head, forcing her to watch this. The slurping sounds of Yang's mouth thoroughly scrubbing the young cock of their leader rang in Weiss' ears and her already flushed face reddened further.

The petite princess gasped lightly as she met face to face with Penelope's dick, her breath hitched before quickening, her hot breath brushing against the ant faunus' cock. As Weiss was dumbfounded by the sight, Penelope slipped off her shoe and pressed her foot against Weiss' dick. "A-ahh..." The pale girl flushed red as her eyes started rolling back in her head, mouth slightly agape at the wonderful feeling of the sole of her foot rubbing against her twitching dick.

The teasing was too good, Weiss' cock spasmed as she tried to hold back but precum already dribbled onto Penelope's dainty foot before she pulled it away and called over Blake. Before her mind dazed with pleasure realized what was happening, Blake stood right before Weiss, her cock in her face too and holding her by the face.

"Wait wha-Mmmmph!" She tried to protest but her mouth was stuffed with her teammate's dick instantly cutting her off as her cheek was stretched out by the size of it. That would be rectified soon however as with just an inch or so of pulling back put Blake in the perfect position before she crammed her cock right down Weiss' throat. "Hhngghck!" Choked the girl around it as her throat was bulged out with the shape of the invading girl cock. Weiss wanted to choke, she wanted to gag, but somehow... She didn't? Somehow this was sort of easy, no doubt in the real world she would not make it through this but here, it just slid right in!

Still Weiss' icy eyes watered as she tried to swallow around it, making her throat clench tighter. Weiss was powerless to stop this, her own dick nearly cumming without even being touched just from this alone.

Ruby in the background of all this pulled out of Yang's mouth mid cumshot, spraying the rest out on her face and showing that her cock was still hard, this world would not let it go soft. The skinny girl began jerking herself hard, uncontrollably to her sister. "Aagh! Yaaaang! More~~~" Ruby dribbled out, she didn't really know how to ask her sister for more other than this, but she knew she needed it.
As Blake worked on that throat of Weiss's, Penelope pushed her foot up between Weiss's leg putting her leg right up between Blake's leg. Pressing her foot down on the girls pale dick. Pressing it into the ground rolling it, and massaging the shaft with her toes. "Seems the princess has a foot fetish." She laughs, and began to stand there, feeling powerful. "You know, this feels really nice, paying back the Schnee family for all the trouble they've caused us faunus." She gazed over at her, and rolls her feet upon her shaft moving her heel up and down the hard soaked surface.

If Weiss could see herself in reality, she'd be looking really moist and was certainly going to have one uncomfortable ride back to Beacon. While Yang was splattered with her sisters seed. The virtual Yang grinned licking the stuff off her lips, in a very Cartoony and Yang way. "Mmmm fresh cream." She said giving a Yang styled pun, before she looked to her. "More sister? You want more." She smiled and reached for her thong and pulled it off, tossing the yellow thong down and turning her body around raising her hips up, and had her ass and pussy on display for Ruby to make a choice. "Well sis, make a choice, you can put it in any hole, and don't worry, my butt is quite clean." She shakes it left and right.
Weiss tensed up, panting as if she were in heat against the cock pumping in and out of her skinny little throat as her cock was rubbed, her shaft massaged by Penelope's dainty foot. Her dick twitched hard against Penelope's foot, rapidly too, only seconds in and Weiss already ready to lose her load right then and there.

"Nhh-nhh! Nhh-nhh!" Weiss protested, muffled by Blake's cock as she shook her head only to swirl the dick around in her throat. Her eyes rolled back and her body started to actually shake as her cock tensed up and spurt buckets of cum over Penelope's foot, covering the maid's foot in her shame, her thick spunk. At the same time her pussy tightened up and spilled over sweet juices from her cunt as well, cumming from both parts as she lost control of herself, convulsing as Blake just held her by the head, fucking her face.

Ruby made up her mind before Yang even gave her the choice, standing up, Ruby grabbed Yang's curvy hips and with a sly grin and a twinkle in her eye, Ruby shoved her cock all the way into her sister's pussy. The lanky girl awkwardly bent over the blonde and stood on her tip toes in her boots, panting heavily as she had to get used to the overwhelming pleasure. Her brow tensed and raised in aroused frustration, not even able to speak.

Blake was cold and quiet as always, though, perhaps in response to Penelope's feelings she looked at Weiss with a hint of discontent, fucking her throat in almost silent anger but only because of her usually cold nature. "You're right..." Blake spoke through rushed breath though calmly, "it does feel kinda nice..." She huffed as her cock tensed but she held back for now. She wasn't angry with Weiss she was just on the same page as Penelope.
Reaching over, she grabbed Blake's dick, and began massaging it back and fourth. While she was forcing Weiss to suck her off. As she removed her foot she wrapped a hand around her waist, and began to pump Blake for every inch that came out of Weiss's mouth gathering Weiss's saliva upon her shaft. Lubricating up Blake's shaft as she pumps it into the dirty princess's lips.

"Come on kitty, make the princess cry, she hurt us, her family made us faunus suffer." Her gaze lingering over Blake's shoulder, and gazed at Weiss, a cruel tormenting smile on her lips. She grabbed Blake's head turning the cat faunus's head to kiss her on the lips, giving her a mighty saliva filled kiss, as their lips mash back and fourth.

Yang went down on Ruby's cock, the feeling for Ruby as her cock was enveloped in pussy meat was intense. Her cock grabbed by it, feeling like a tight vice was wrapped around her dick. She couldn't pull it out, and soon the virtual Yang's pussy was milking her for her worth. Rolling and shaking her hips back and fourth.
Blake gritted her teeth in a subtle snarl of an expression as she felt Penelope jerking what wasn't inside Weiss' mouth with each ruthless thrust down. Her bow twitched softly as it urged her to go harder, faster, increasing speed and power with every word Penelope spoke. This wasn't the real Blake, the real Blake by now knew Weiss and didn't blame her personally, but this virtual reality Blake mimicked Penelope's thoughts as she violated the Schnee princess.

Tears streamed down Weiss' cheeks as she was forced to choke down her teammate's dick, probably the worst part about all this was just how good it felt, how good Penelope's foot felt against her dick. She watched Blake kiss back against Penelope's lips roughly, moaning deeply into her mouth as she tensed up, grabbing Weiss by the hair and forcing her to the base as she hit her peak.

"Mmnnphh!" Grunted Blake as her cock pulsed out thick spurts of cum so far down her throat that she didn't even get a choice to swallow or not, the cum just spurting down her throat. Weiss's eyes rolled back as tears ran down her cheeks from them.

In the background, a dry pap pap pap pap rang out from Ruby's skinny hips smacking against Yang's plump ass rapidly as she suddenly started to fuck her with all she had, having no real control as she was so inexperienced, not able to hold back from the incredibly tight feeling as her young little cock spasmed inside, the fifteen year old trying to hold back as she fucked away at her own sister.
As the scene went on, the others outside, were clearly able to see Weiss behaving in such a bizarre way. Penelope rubbing her foot over Weiss's dick brushing that soft sole along. Smooshing the shaft against the virtual floor. It wouldn't hurt at all bizarrely, as all this thing between Weiss's legs could feel was pleasure. Outside of the virtual device Weiss was likely on her knees squirming around, Ruby likely sat back and looking as if she had cam so hard yet had never came before. Both of them were going to have ruined panties by the end of this.

As Penelope smiled crudely towards Weiss, and laughed. "What's the matter no haughty words, no desire to make me stop? Oh that's right there is a nice long dick in your pretty mouth brushing your teeth with grade A quality faunus jizz." She laughs cruelly and gazed at the Princess. "You Schnee are the worst kinds of people." She grins and rolled her toes over that dick, squeezing it between the gaps of her feet, and rubbing up and down.

"Keep going Blake, she's got to learn her place." As she looked over she saw Ruby's skinny hips bucking against her virtual sisters plush behind, and the sound of her orgasming could be heard through the hall. Licking her lips, Penelope pulled away from Weiss to go give Ruby some help. "Mmmm bet that just felt like nothing you've ever felt before right." She reached out placing a hand upon Ruby's underdeveloped young chest, suddenly fondling around one of her still maturing breasts.
On the outside, Weiss was on her knees like she was in the virtual world. Her petite body was shaking as she slumped against the wall, her greater brain functions fed to the VR headset... Such as pleasure. Inside, Weiss was basically unconscious, though fully awake for sure. Her shoulders slumped in overwhelming defeat as her neck was craned awkwardly, forcefully by the virtual Blake who hammered her dick down the heiress' throat, lewd gagging noises splurting out with each thrust as her throat was crammed with Faunus futa cock as her eyes rolled back in a daze from the pleasure below.

Penelope's foot ground Weiss' cock against the floor. One would expect it to hurt but in this virtual world somehow the floor was smooth, and though her legs resting on it didn't feel it, to her cock it felt slick even, making the tip slip around instead of scrape, making Weiss go crazy with pleasure. She couldn't say anything, couldn't protest, merely shake and convulse as her petite body was used, knees spread on the floor as her cock twitched under Penelope's glorious, dainty foot. Weiss let out a guttural squeal as her dick was pressed, her voice sputtering around the length violating her throat, and with harsh effort she came. Weiss' cock splashed out thick ropes of white cum that streaked across the floor from under that wonderful foot...

Wait 'wonderful'?! Just what was Weiss thinking?!

Weiss had no choice but to gulp down Blake's cum as she was forced to take it, and the Faunus' eyes rolled back as she spurt her jizz down the princess' throat but just kept going on Penelope's order.

Ruby on the outside had her upper back against the wall as her skinny little hips bucked lightly, fucking so hard in the VR world that outside she was still moving a bit, her panties and pantyhose soaked with her cum.

Inside, Ruby looked up as Penelope approached, Ruby's tiny frame smacking against Yang's curvy ass as she drilled her sensitive cock into her sister over and over again. "It's amaaaziiiiiiiiing!" Ruby whined in a hollowed, cute voice as her big doe silver eyes crossed in a goofy look of pleasure as she fucked her sister harshly. When Penelope reached down to her small chest, Ruby gasped as her tiny breast was kneaded in Penelope's hand. Her tiny pink nipple was as perky as ever in the Faunus' palm and her underdeveloped chest definitely was sensitive to the touch. As her young tit was fondled, Ruby's tight body shook as she pulled herself against Yang's ass and immediately Ruby cried out, "waaaahhhhh!!!!" As she spilled another series of thick, hot loads right into her own sister, filling her pussy full of more of her young futa cum.

"Ahhh... Uwahh.... Nhhh..." Ruby panted hard, on the outside the subtle splashing of her cum could be heard as she squirt into her panties, soaking herself even more as on the inside her cock was still hard! Her pussy dripping with cum still aching for more!
Over in a different area the one dubbed the buffet. The girls were allowed to request any food they wanted and as much as they wanted. Suffice to say, neither Sapphire nor Penelope had taken proper account of Nora Valkry's love for pancakes. As soon as one of the Penelope clones had told her she could order as many pancakes and as often as she wanted. Then for the next 30 minutes Penelope along with Nora's only other team mate here Pyrrha were left to watch as Nora devoured nearly a life times supply of pancakes. Her face a gooey mess of syrup and pancake crumbs. Pyrrha looking sort of envious of her friends metabolism cause it was clear Nora wasn't getting fat off all those pancakes. Penelope on the other hand looked exhausted and terrified after the 300th pancake she'd had to make. "Your friend is like... a black hole for pancakes... I I have never seen anyone devour 780 pancakes in my entire life..."

The scene though clearly just having Pyrrha raise her brow, but any reaction above all else would have assured Penelope this was normal for Nora. Penelope took a seat for a moment while Nora was recovering from the pancake mayhem. Shaking her head her antenna going all over the place then her eyes just rest on Pyrrha. "You are Pyrrha like the one sponsored on all those cereal boxes and prided as a prodigy by even the top most huntresses in the world?"
"Ahaaa~ Yes, it does seem to happen..." Was Pyrrha's only answer to Penelope's comment on Nora's incredible metabolism, her voice a proper tone that almost sung every word.

Nora kept herself out of the conversation for now, far more content to stuff her face with pancakes as at this point she was basically laying across the buffet table as she inhaled every last pancake presented before the girl. 780 pancakes were down and counting as Nora seemed to not slow down and with these kind of eating habits yet with her figure, it showed the inhuman metabolism of the young woman.

Penelope sat and when she addressed Pyrrha, the graceful redhead took a seat politely across from the ant faunus. She crossed her legs and sat sweetly as Penelope started to ask about her.

"Ah, yes, I am" Pyrrha said with a bright, radiating smile, her response a tad bashful for the recognition but poised all the same, "it's... Not all that grand really" she assured. "You are the caretaker here? It must be a lot of work, even with all the help" she acknowledged the woman's cloning ability while recognizing her hard work.
The Ant Faunus smiles seeing Nora’s appetite. Getting one of her clones to help clean her up a little even dabbing a silk cloth over the girls lips. Then flashing a glance to Pyrrha. “Oh looking after the place is no issue. Not when you got my abilities.” She winks and eyes Pyrrha’s luscious red hair.

“I like your hair... it’s really pretty.. may... may I try styling it? The lady of the house tends to not let me experiment much with... with hairstyles.” As Penelope looks shy about asking such a question.

Meanwhile in VR land eventually the girls playing would be pulled out of VR land. The helmets deactivated and slowly the helmets pulled off to let the Penelope watching over the get a real good look at what was going down. She could smell it though both had likely jizzed themselves. Which just gave her a resolute giggle. “Seems it’s bath time for you two.”
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