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Rwby Chronicles Sapphire Trail (Lilly, Kobi.)

As Penelope felt up Blake's ears, the Faunus let out a soft gasp of pleasure as her ears were played with. Blake leaned forward and groaned softly, her ears twitching lightly to each little touch and stroke.

Blake couldn't help but let out a soft moan as her fur was complicated, and she found herself thinking about all the hard places of the ant Faunus' body, and then her body in general, as it was mentioned. The girl was basically panting in Penelope's lap before the girl stood and offer more tea.

She was completely red-faced and short of breath as Penelope stepped away, and she was about to agree and ask for more - anything to cut the awkwardness down - before Penelope tripped and took a spill right onto her little butt, hiking her skirt up for Blake to see. The cat Faunus' ears perked up as she caught sight of those frilly white panties, making out the shape of her sweet lower lips in the delicate fabric.

When Penelope scrambled to her feet Blake threw up her hands shaking her head, "n-no I'm sorry" she apologized frantically, "I shouldn't have looked" she said before Penelope noticed. Once she did, and called it unsightly, Blake blushed and mumbled yet loud enough for Penelope to hear, "I.. Didn't think it was unsightly... It's okay" she said softly, averting her eyes from the girl.


As Sapphire reiterated the day for the three Huntresses present, they all sat in silence for a moment. They were ashamed, they had fallen into a trap set by that bastard Roman and were pretty easily ambushed. It wasn't an easy pill to swallow.

Except to Yang.

"Yup!" She answered matter of factly, beaming through the tension as always as she finished off her umpteenth plate of food before leaning on her elbow like Ruby was moments before.

Ruby was now leaning back along with Weiss as Sapphire told them Glynda would be coming. "Thank you.." Ruby said softly, still feeling a bit stupid over the whole thing, "you really saved us" she told the woman who struck quite the powerful lady-like pose.
Penelope clears her throat, flushed that she would say so. Then leans in to whisper into Blake's ears. "Would... Would you like to join me for bath in my room." Seems Sapphire let Penelope have her own room after all, equipped with her own tub and everything.

She even seemed eager to bring Blake with her. The ant faunus feels a burning inside of her, as she had heard the faunus say she didn't think her unsightly state was bad. She looks to Blake, "I... I am sure you would like to feel clean after being stuck in that awful place yes?"


Eventually, Sapphire smiles to the girls and rose up once a single plate of food had been finished up. She then licks her lips. "Okay girls, so why don't I show you the big bath." She winks, as she looked to the girls. "Even if I have showered, I would still adore to get to know the 3 of you rather... intimately." She winks, "Besides, even miss stick up her arse over there surely won't turn down a free hot bath." She winks to Weiss.
Blake's ears perked straight up, pointing to the ceiling as Penelope whispered into them. When offered to join her for the bath, Blake's lips went small and her eyes wide with her face red and hot.

"Y-yeah, that would be nice" Blake said sheepishly as she stood, following Penelope to the bath.


Ruby lit up at the suggestion of a large bath for them. "Yaaaayy bath timmmeeeee!" she cheered a little too enthusiastically, though who wouldn't be so after spending days in a grubby prison cell after fighting hoards of Grimm and lackeys. A hot bath was just what the doctor ordered and Ruby was ecstatic, though she didn't really pay any mind to Sapphire's comment afterwards.

Yang however did, sort of. She was normally flirtatious, it was pretty much how she made friends. The blonde had actually not had sex, despite how she presented herself. She was open to it, it just had not been something that had happened for her, yet. As such, she took Sapphire's comments the same way and grinned, "alright, sounds good to me" she said with a similar look and tone to hers.

Weiss raised a brow at the comment, but now fed she was a little more receptive of her kindness. "Yes. Thank you" she said coldly, almost professionally.
Penelope's eyes light up, as she gets to have a bath with her new found friend. She stands up, and dusts herself off. Taking Blake by the hand. "Come my lady let us make to my chambers." She said, her tone of speech turned quite formal. As she then began to walk her skirt swishing and swaying, that black and white french maid outfit really fitting her form.

As she guides her along the hall, Blake can see many of Penelope's clones moving around, it would seem she was proficient at keeping them up and active as long as she needed. A sign she trained her aura intensely. The trip leads them to a surprisingly comfortable tub, it was big enough for two. Upon arriving, she steps up to Blake and bows her head. "Here we are, I shall now commence preparing the bath." She said, bending over the tub as she gave a display, her skirt playfully lifting, giving Blake a view of her bent over form, if she looked she'd notice the girl had armor plating all along her back, and even some around her buttcheeks. Her bug like armor really did stand out.

She set the temperature of the water, making it warm but not scalding, and applied some bath oils. Then looks to her friend, before she began stripping, unbuckling the apron first, then lifting the entire maid outfit right off, unclipping the garter belt from her stockings, her breasts bouncing around, with cute pink areolas. They looked to be about a firm full C-cup. They drooped a little free of their confines. Then she kicks off her shoes and rolls off her stockings. Eventually she stood there naked as the day she was born. Then walks up to Blake, her eyes upon the girl "May I help you undress?" She asked softly.


On the other hand, the other group was also going for a bath. They arrived at the massive sized bath. To the girls it might have seemed like a swimming pool. The size and shape allowed for a lot of room, and the stone it was made from was smooth, and wouldn't mix with the water. The Penelope clones were hard at work getting the bath prepped for the bath goers. Then as soon as they arrived, several of the Penelopes came up to help the team of girls undress.

However Sapphire shamelessly, just pulled herself free of her dress, the blue dress sailed off, showing the toned and curvy body Sapphire was rocking, she then slips shamelessly free of her panties, and the sound of some tape being removed was heard, as she then turns around showing the long thick shaft between her legs, reaching about 9 inches in length, with balls and a slit hidden under the hanging shaft. "So, you three looking forward to a bath?" Her g-cups bouncing as she folds her arms under them and she winks at the girls, above her shaft was a patch of curly blue hair.
Blake let Penelope take her hand and lead her off to the bath, the Faunus not able to help but stare at that cute little backside as the frill skirt hanging over it swaying from side to side. She couldn't help herself, for Blake did not just fancy men but girls as well as boys. It wasn't something she had explored either way, but Blake was very much attracted to both and this Penelope was incredibly cute.

As the two arrived at the bath, the ant Faunus began to undress. Blake watched carefully, trying not to look too intensely but her face heated up and her heart raced as she laid eyes on Penelope's tight, armored body. Those modest breasts with such cute little nipples, Blake was nearly drooling at the sight.

When asked if she could help Blake undress, the Faunus nodded, lifting her arms. At first, she let Penelope have at her black vest, the buttons coming undone and revealing a thin, tight abdomen. Blake took the next article, her white top, and she slowly pulled it off herself, a black simple bra contained her breasts that were similar in size to Penelope's and it was next to come off. Blake turned around, moving her dark locks to let Penelope unhook it for her.

Once the article came off, Blake's tits were free; they were about a C-cup like the other Faunus'. Her nipples were of average size, pink and cute, and rather perky naturally, but even more so as her nipples perked up in arousal. She crossed her arms over her chest before turning back around, Blake's cheeks flushed and her golden eyes averted as she slowly moved them, revealing her soft, fair skinned breasts to her friend.


The three girls watched as Sapphire undressed herself rather unceremoniously, tearing off her dress and panties quickly followed by an odd ripping sound.

As she turned around, the three had their own reactions. Ruby, the first to act, covered her eyes innocently with a whimper. "S-sorry!" she said, already feeling like she had been rudely staring.

Weiss' eyes went wide and gracefully, yet coldly, the princess of a girl turned her head and placed her hand in front of her field of vision. "H-how unsightly..." She commented rudely, surprised by such an... Unnatural sight.

Yang however, was the complete opposite. Once again the blonde was not very experienced, she had not bedded any of her friends or randoms as was the usual rumors about her through the halls of Beacon, but she was however a bit of a perv who very much enjoyed the male form and was secure in a sense that she didn't really mind flirting with women, even if it wasn't her particular interest. So, when Sapphire turned around and showed off such a long... Thick... cock, Yang couldn't help but blatantly stare.

"Woah... Look at that thing!" She ogled in awe as the Penelope's started to undress them.

Yang's brown jacket was pulled off gently before she lifted her arms. A Penelope slowly pulled her yellow top over her head followed by an orange bra that contained her incredible breasts barely. Once removed, Yang's big tits heavily bounced out. She was curvy, though not nearly as much as Sapphire and her light skin was flushed rosily in all the right places. Her large chest was a DD-cup, her tits were heavy and bounced with every motion yet surprisingly they were perky. She had small pink nipples that perked her chest right up, giving them a rather perfect shape. Next, she undid her own belt, letting the half skirt fall to the floor before she kicked off her brown boots, pulling off orange socks before next and finally came down her black shorts and orange panties.

Yang's abs were the most developed of the group, they weren't ridiculously toned but she had the tightest stomach of the girls, showing just the right definition as she stretched out. Her hips were curved and her legs long, creamy thighs leading up to her perfect pussy with slightly plump lower lips. Above her tight pussy was a trimmed pubis, a small flare of blonde fur shaved onto the smooth surface. Yang herself pulled off her gauntlets and finally her gloves, tossing them into the pile with the rest of her clothes.

"Ahh that's better~" Yang chimed as she already started for the water before everyone else, "but seriously that thing is huge" she casually complimented Sapphire as the Penelopes next approached her little sister who nodded nervously, eyes still innocently covered.
Penelope runs her hands over Blake's soft form, her pale flesh was soft and smooth. The ant faunus had her feelers going a mile a minute, twitching about as she found herself drooling as well, leaning in. Penelope grasps a hold of those beautiful breasts which laid bare before her, she grabs them, weighs them upon the palms of her hands and grows a slight flushed.

"They are so pretty..." She said fingers moving to caress the perky little nipples. Leaning in, she then kissed each breast on the top. Then, she kneeled down perfectly before the cat faunus, her hands moving to the waistband of Blake's tights, and she slowly begins to peel them down for her. The ant girl giving a smooth sound as she carefully peels them down getting her first view of the cat faunus's exposed hips.


As Sapphire moved to settle into the bath, the Penelope clones were on the move helping the other girls with their clothes. With Yang being the first to finish undressing, Sapphire moves in like a predator and slides herself up and under Yang, slipping her onto her lap. Letting her get up close and personal with that dick Sapphire was packing. "Mmm, well arn't you a blossoming young thing." She licks her lips, and pushes her hands up under Yang's arms, then cups her hands over the young delicious D-cups, and firmly begins to squish and squeeze them. "Mmm mmm mmm, hey Ruby was it, you ever feel these things your sisters grown, they are some real nice and squishy fruits." She winks.
Blake tensed a bit, her ears flattening as her breasts were lightly grabbed, though she bit her lip and let out a soft sound. They were pretty sensitive like Yang's even if Blake was more... Hesitant, as would anyone be in this situation - but she wanted it. "Th-thank you.." Blake answered properly to the compliment, before her breath hitched at the kisses.

As Penelope slowly pulled down her tights and panties, slowly her pubis was revealed. Blake was trimmed but not shaven, the hair of her pubis short, and just below it... Her own length became revealed.

Springing out rock hard above her tight little pussy was a powerful, and utterly hard dick. It was a good eight inches in length and it twitched harshly with need, the Faunus blushing bright as Penelope laid eyes on it.


Yang slipped into the bath and, almost as she had hoped, the lady swept in like a shark and casually slipped up under the blonde so that her developed body was sitting in her lap. She felt that thick length rub up against her thigh and Yang shuddered, it was so huge!

"Damn right I am~" Yang simply answered confidently before she let out a gasp at Sapphire's invasive grip - she loved it. "Ahhh~" Yang grunted softly as her tits were manhandled, roughly groped and squeezed, making the busty blonde huff out in pleasure.

"Oh she so has~" Yang answered for her shy sister, "I made her touch em once" she shamelessly admitted.

"Y-Yaaaaaang!" Ruby whined, silver eyes wide and face going bright red as she was being undressed by a Penelope clone.

Her cape and corset already done away with, next came off her black dress with the ant Faunus' help. It was zipped down and pushed off of her; Ruby's thin, lanky body started to become revealed. Still in a black and red bra and matching panties, as well as her stockings, Ruby had a bit of a bony, lanky form, thin and petite and a bit awkward as she curled her knees in and held her arms over her tiny abdomen.

Her bra was done away with next, she blushed and looked away, even if she let it happen - they were all girls after all, right?

Ruby's tits were rather small, they perked right up however, with small lightly pinkened nipples (though not as pink as Yang's), and they were stiff. When her panties were pushed down, her tight little pussy just barely covered in peach fuzz, was revealed to the room.

"Yeah sis!" Yang encouraged, making Ruby throw an arm over her small tits and a hand over her pussy bashfully, "h-hey..." she mumbled.
Penelope looked to Blake's length, and smiles. "Such a pretty item." She leans in and her feelers began feeling over the length. Then she smiles, and begins to open her mouth. As the smell of the feline faunus's cock was all to interesting. She wrapped her lips around the long straw, there was a bit of a barb to the girls cock, due to her feline nature. But it didn't harm the inside of Penelope's mouth.

As she begins to suck upon the dick, and taking it down her throat like a pro. She grins and sucks with an almost professional skill. Hands reached up, clutching Blake's barb was being pressed back with her slightly armored tongue, as she swirls her tongue around. As she was squat down with the grace of a stripper. Her skirt flipped back,and the visible appendage of hers could be seen jutting out, slightly covered in some ant shell like armor in places, beneath it her own hungry little slit. She took down Blake her throat making no noise as she seemed so used to throating a cock.


As the two sisters were eventually submerged she laughs, Sapphire settles into the bath, while the Penelope clones went to work wrapping themselves in towels and moving to work on shampooing and washing the women who were in the tub by now. As the washing continues she flashed her hands up under Yang and winks grabbing her tits and massaging them in ways never before done, like she had skill with using her hands upon breasts.

It didn't take her long at all to get used to stroking Yang's breast in a perfect motion. As she did a movement of her hands move over along eventually along Yang's arms. "You have such nice tonage." She licks her lips.
Blake held one arm at her side and folded the other arm over herself to hold the first bashfully as she let Penelope see her, all of her - at least the most private part. It tensed and Blake bit her lip as she felt the delicate... And rather cute, actually, feelers tickled against the length, even just this pleasing her. It seemed the Faunus was sensitive, her cock unexperienced?

It was then that Blake felt something warm slide over her tip, Blake looked down to see Penelope so suddenly taking her cock into her mouth. "Ah-haaa~" Her hands darted to the Ant Faunus' head, gripping tensely as she felt herself sinking into the warmth, and then... Further? A gasp escaped her as she felt the even greater sensation of her cock being swallowed, the barbs pressed with her tongue. Blake's cock was human shaped but it was lightly barbed along the length and the feeling of them scraping her tongue was incredible.

Blake peered over as she could see Penelope's pert ass, half armored, sticking out from her frilly skirt, a sight that only made her cock tense up further down Penelope's throat!


"Oohoo!~" Yang gleefully accepted the playful groping of their gracious host, as she began to skilfully handle her larger breasts though, the blonde began to blush slightly redder than her usual rosy tone. Her tits played with even rougher, Yang's small, pink nipples hardened under the touch and her laughs as she let them out became just a bit more breathy and she leaned into the touch. This feeling was amazing... Yang felt... Safe, against the woman, and as she complimented her tone Yang grinned and flexed her arm, showing off the nice tense muscle that appeared from it.

Ruby blushed as she watched, and soon became dazed. Being washed by Penelope Ruby couldn't help but zone out as she stared at Yang's breasts, her eyes fixed on them as they were played with. It looked like it felt good, and she began to wonder.

"How improper..." Weiss mumbled as she relaxed, letting Penelope take care of her clothing, revealing the most dainty, pale body. It was as if the young miss had been made of porcelain, her skin a pure white shade compared to Ruby's pale pasty tone. She turned from them, letting them see the small, round, pert ass exposed to them as she stayed turned away until she submerged her petite body into the water, only turning around once she was submerged, hiding her breasts... For now.
Penelope took down Blake deep. Her throat expanding and her small hands come up suddenly. The ant like arms of hers were smaller digit wise then her human like fingers began to sneak up, and rub against the hidden slit of Blake's cunt slowly brushing the small digits over. They would tickle, like having an ant crawling along your bare arm in feeling. The fast digits moving at an intense speed as if crawling to massage her lips.

The ant girl took that length down to the base, and pulled back with no sound of throat noises, yet using her throat to the maximum to forcefully suck down, and work that hard member into an early orgasm, she tasted the cat faunus's shaft with her tongue, she however accentuated the moment by the moist noises she was making. It didn't help that Penelope's mouth was filled with a fluid that was almost like honey in design, but made the dick even more sensitive. She made some lewd sucking sounds as she worked on the dick. Pushing Blake up against the porcelain tub resting her hips up against the rim as she works on her. "SHHHHK, SHHHHK, SLLLLP"


Sapphire smirks at Yang and snaps her fingers, and spreads her legs apart. Then eyes Weiss, then Ruby. Thinking it was time she had some fun. "Yang I am curious, how long can you hold your breath for with something in your mouth?" She asked, as one hand returns to Yang's bust and she plays with the right nipple as if it's a dial. Her gaze locked towards Ruby and she smirks. Patting the water beside her for the girl to come in close. "And Weiss you talk with your sister much? I heard she's a military officer now, moving up in the world. She's been calling me often though, she rarely says anything about you, your father or anything for that matter." She speaks calmly despite how she is blatently molesting Yang on her lap, and working on weasling a finger or two into the younger of the siblings.
"Ahhhnnn~...." Blake whined in husky pleasure, gripping Penelope's head at the intense feeling. Though it already was warm, Blake's cock began to... Tingle? She didn't know what it was, that Penelope was using a special trait of hers, but she did feel the sudden sparking tingle jolting through her cock like electricity, sensitizing her nerves to the heat and moist sucking feeling gripping her cock as she slurped it down.

Blake's taut ass pressed against the tub as she was leaned against it, "n-not so fast... Ahhh" Blake tried to warn, her cock twitching early. "Hnnngh..." She tensed up, trying to hold back as she felt the smaller digits tickling at her absolutely soaked cunt below her cock.

"I... I can't..." Blake bit her lip, her ears twitching as those lovely slurping sounds reached them, "Aaaaghhh!" Blake growled in pleasure, grunting out crudely as suddenly her dick spasmed. "UNGHH!" The first load shot down, spurting right down Penelope's throat so far that she didn't even have the choice to not swallow. Blake bucked her hips with each burst, holding Penelope down on it as spurt after spurt spilled ruthlessly down her throat until the very last, Blake panting as her throbbing cock remained tense down her throat as she finished gloriously for the Ant Faunus.


"Unnhh~" Yang let out a husky sigh as Sapphire began toying with her nipple again, the stiff pink nub sensitive to the woman's toying. "Heh I wonder why yer askin'~" Yang chimed with a wink back at her, "pretty long... Should we find out?" She asked knowingly eager.

Ruby's face was already red watching her sister get fondled, molested by the strange woman, but she saved them and it would be rude to be so suspicious right? When Sapphire patted the water, Ruby reluctantly, but quickly scooted over to Sapphire's side, sitting next to her as her sister sat on the woman's lap still. Ruby gasped in her hollow, light voice as she felt the fingers of Sapphire trail up her skinny, lanky thigh. "Uhhhuhuh... What are you doing haha?" Ruby nervously chuckled out her question, but despite her discomfort she didn't have the fortitude to pull away.

Weiss let the clones wash her, staying submerged as to hide herself, it was already so improper for them to be doing this, but this woman was just... Just deplorable! "Hmmph" Weiss closed her eyes and stuck her nose upward, "It has been a while if you must know" she answered prudently but coldly to their host. She may have been that, their host, but this behavior was unacceptable, and her teammates were just going with this? Idiots... It was disgusting...
Oddly enough, Penelope didn't seem to have an issue swallowing down all of the semen. Then, pulled back, and gave a nice healthy belch "Bahhp" as if to say thanks for the meal, she sucked every bit she could out from the little slit of Blake's cock. Till she felt she had gotten most of it. Then looks to her, "That was tasty." She looks to her. "Mistress has trained me well hasn't she?" The cock of Blake's likely still throbbing and sensitive, it be hard to wear pants while the honey like saliva still coated her shaft.

The ant faunus smirks, and picks her up with all 6 arms eventually and laid Blake into the tub. As she then fully undresses, and moves to settle in the center of Blake's pelvis, her ant like shell parting to reveal her slit hidden, it was a nice pinkish color, it was clear it didn't get much sunlight as the armored plating just below her shaft was pretty dense.

Her onyx like chitin parted. Her slit revealed, she looks to Blake with the warmest smile. "It has been a while since I've had one of my own kin over for a change." Was all she said before she pushes herself down upon Blake's shaft. Letting Blake push herself up inside her pussy. Penelope didn't even seem to feel the barbs that covered Blake's cock, the pleasure overrides the pain quite quickly. So, she began to bounce up and down. The water splashing around them. As she looked euphoric as she rode Blake's shaft she leans in. "Forgive me, it has been a while."

Her pussy was just as skilled as her throat. It squeezed down like a virgin vice, but clearly had experience beyond Blake's. As she rode the cock down to its base, her own cock receeds back so to not get in the way. She retracts it and a plate of chitin covers over it making it look no different then her fucking a girl with just a pussy. Leaning forward she pulled apart the armor over her breasts that made a natural bra and let her breasts rest against Blake's own as she began riding.


Smirking, Sapphire positoned herself, and let Yang get between her legs. The tub was large, and spacious, Weiss on the other end though was going to be treated with a view of Yang's generously toned ass. While her fingers played with Ruby's inner thigh. Looking to Weiss, as she put her free hand on the back of Yang's head as she readies to help her bob for her cock. "Well, I hope you two get to talk soon."

She calmly nods to one of the Penelope. "I know maybe you can relax and enjoy an invention of mine." She said as Weiss had some sort of visor slipped over her eyes, then suddenly to life jumped a virtual image of her settled behind Yang, Ruby and Blake. All with their hips pointed upwards at her. As the room fades to view, the bath disappears, and then the virtual images of Yang, Blake, and Ruby turned to look at her.

Their pants down and in various states of disarray, if Weiss looked down, she'd find her virtual dick inside of Yang's pussy, and her thumb right within Blake's anus, what was even wierder was that it actually felt like this was all happening.
Blake panted, face dyed a deep red as Penelope pulled off of her still rather stiff cock. It took more than that to bring down a raging hard Faunus cock.

"Y-yes... She did" panted Blake softly in response, just what kind of things was this Sapphire woman teaching Penelope?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Penelope lifted her up and helped her right into the bath. The bashful Faunus tried to move with her to not feel so silly being picked right up, but she was set right in by the ant Faunus and as the warm water relaxed Blake, Penelope joined to tend to the last part of Blake that wasn't yet relaxed.

Blake's ears flattened nervously as Penelope undressed and she laid eyes on the other Faunus' own hard member, sticking out just above the armored plating that covered her cute ass and her tight pussy. It parted to reveal her pale slit, the sight of it making Blake's barbed dick stand further on end. She didn't even have the chance to respond though, to her kin's eagerness towards her, before the sudden tight warmth enveloped her cock, forcing it inside.

"Ahhhnnn!" Blake's arms threw themselves around Penelope as she parted the natural chest armor, something about watching her plates unfold and contract only intrigued Blake more. Their breasts pressed together, Blake's average cups pressed flush against Penelope's cute tits as she held onto her tight, her whole body shaking. This... This was what pussy felt like, and it was amazing!

As Penelope began to ride her, Blake leaned back, arching her back as she bucked her hips awkwardly, the water sloshing about. "This... This is... Hnnn" Blake bit her lip, the soft spoken girl finding it hard to find words now. Quiet was her style, but she couldn't help but groan and grunt crudely, this was just too good! Blake reached for whatever she could grab, she reached out for Penelope's cock, but only grazing it lightly as it retracted and was covered. Blake, tense as could be, gently patted at the plating that covered it, looking up at Penelope with her sharp eyes wantingly as her cock pulsed thickly with arousal inside of her.


Yang scooted to her knees, her D-cup breasts submerged into the water as she looked up at Sapphire with a mischievous look, she was lucky the steamy room would prevent anyone from seeing the nervous sweatdrop that formed on her brow as she contemplated what she was about to do, only making her more eager to try it. Taking in a deep breath, Yang dove under the water as her plump ass poked out of it, right at Weiss to give her the perfect view. Once under, Yang gently grasped the base of the large dick in front of her and opened her mouth wide, stuffing Sapphire's cock into her mouth.

"Yang? Yaaaaaang!" Ruby gave a little panicked sound, held still out of nerves keeping her frozen as the older woman fingered softly against her young fifteen year old pussy as her hands darted to Sapphire's wrist, not pulling it away however. "Uuhhhhh... Uhhmmmm... I..." Ruby looked to the left, then the right, then down, and as awkwardly as the lanky teen could muster she hiked her skinny hips up and landed flat onto Sapphire's hand, forcing her finger up her tight little teen cunt. "Waahhh!" Ruby gasped out as she was penetrated by the small digit, "oh crud!~" She gasped out as her large silver eyes rolled back cutely, gripping Sapphire tight. Not knowing what to do without Yang around, best she could figure when noticed was to follow the crowd and so just like Yang she went and took whatever was coming, in this case Sapphire's finger molesting her too.

"What are you- Ah!" Weiss gasped out as a small visor was pushed over her head and the world started to go blank. "What... What's going on here?!" Demanded Weiss haughtily as the first thing she noticed appeared... The feeling.

"What... Uhnn..." Weiss couldn't help but sigh as she felt a pleasure, a tingling heat down below. What was this feeling? It seemed to extend passed her even as the warmth in her loins trailed outward, extended outward, but was enveloped by something more, a... Tightness was gripping at it. It was intoxicating...

Soon as the world came into view, Weiss looked down to see a rather horrifyingly improper sight. It was her teammates, Blake, Yang, and Ruby were all bent over, exposed in front of her! She tried to move, but it made her legs weak as this pleasure gripped at her in response and she fell back forward, drooling out a light sound as her eyes rolled back into her head as she pushed into Yang? Wait... Pushed into... What was it that she was pushing in? Weiss couldn't help but look down and gaze upon herself, her small tits even more petite than Ruby's, but all the more perky, her pussy was hairless without imperfection, her tight virgin pussy smooth to the touch. Just above her pussy however, she saw it... It was a cock, pale as her, and she could feel it... Inside of Yang.

Next she could feel her hands, one thumb pushed into something but dug deeper, her hand not able to pull away. Same as the other as a small, round, almost flat mound was felt in her hand. On one side her thumb pushed deep up Blake's tight asshole, the object in her other being Ruby's flat, round, cute ass as she pushed into the girl's older sister.
Penelope began to groan, and swivel her hips. The tub wasn't big enough for Blake to move a lot with Penelope riding her. The trained swivel of her hips. She grasps Blake's hands and guides them to her ass. "Come on, just relax and let Nelope take care of everything." She said in a honey sweet tone. As if the act of sex was so thrilling to her.

As her pussy clamps down tight and she begins rotating her hips in a nice circular motion. She leans in smacking her lips down upon Blake's own, as she guides the woman's hands to her ass which she had parted all the plating over her cheeks so the soft rounded flesh could be squeezed to her hearts content.

"This is refreshing, normally Mistress Sapphire is so rough, yet this is a nice experience... is this your first time with another woman Blake?" She asked as she breaks the kiss leaving a trail of saliva connecting the two as she licks deliciously to break the little web. The noticable throbbing had Penelope riding down deep, and hammering down, her bum slapping under the bath water upon her partners thighs.


Sapphire smirks and watched Yang go down. Looking back she could see the jiggle of Yang's ass as it bobbed to the surface, her legs were likely her least worked out part. Showing a bit of thickness along her thighs, and not as much muscle as her arms. She reached her hand to the mass of wild blond hair floating on the surface of the warm water.

As Yang goes down below to water, her hand rests upon the scalp of Yang's head, managing to find it in all that hair. "Seems your sisters not fond of hair cuts." She laughs lightly, it wasn't that her hair was badly cared for either just long and unruly when it wasn't brushed down. The woman helped her bob up and down, making sure to give her enough lee-way for when she did have to come up for air. Her fingers noticeably feel tightness on Ruby's side, and she chuckles. "Looks like I underestimated you little one." She teases Ruby, as her finger begins to plunge down into the younger sisters snatch.

On Weiss's virtual trip, the Yang in her vision was bucking back on Weiss's pulsing virtual dick. It was a feeling she'd never had before, nor knew she even wanted. Weiss wasn't into men, and the prospect of a dick never really interested her, yet the strange oddity when she was given a feeling of it virtually going into her team mates tight snatch, it was unusual. As she looked to Ruby, her form noticeably wasn't flat or like the actual Ruby at all, her form was just as on par with her sister, and even Blake, who kept her face down in the pillow mewling like a cat in heat, however her bow was still on.

The virtual vision didn't seem able to emulate her faunus ways, as there was no dick upon her in the virtual vision. Weiss's thumb was down to the knuckle inside Blake. "Come on Weiss, show me what you can do you are the beautiful Heiress of the Schnee company right, you can do better then just sitting there, here let me help." The virtual Yang said as she bounced her fat ass down upon Weiss's cock, the shocking pleasure running through her, catching the Schnee unguarded.
Blake's body was absolutely shaking with pleasure as she felt Penelope crashing down on her cock, taking her into her tight pussy. She couldn't believe it, this was what pussy felt like, it was amazing! Blake could see now what all the fuss was about, why the boys were out to go after all the girls... With something this amazing... How could anyone not want to fuck all the time?

As her hands were guided Blake could feel the plates over her ass split and contract to expose her soft ass. Blake grabbed tightly, fingers digging into the soft flesh tightly as she couldn't help but pull Penelope against her with every buck of the riding Faunus' hips as they crashed against her thighs. Blake nodded softly when Penelope told her to let her take care of everything, "just... Nhh.. Let me please you too" she said calmly through quickened breath, blushing madly as she was ridden. The Faunus moaned and kissed back deeply as she was kissed, bucking her hips what little she could in the tub, unable to resist.

Her barbs scraped against the sides of Penelope's tight pussy and it felt amazing, her cock was gripped so tightly as her tip was driven deep. When asked if it was her first time, Blake nodded furiously, her ears flat down in nervousness as she admitted this to Penelope.


Yang moaned softly, inaudibly under the water around Sapphire's cock as she fit it in her mouth, the shape stretching out her cheek. As she felt the motivation of their host, Yang began slowly bobbing up and down it. Yang in her perverted ways knew full well how to do this, she just had no practice really, but she would learn. The blonde slurped up to the tip, grazing her tongue against it rapidly before she sucked it back down about half way so it stretched out her cheek again. Again and again she started to repeat this faster, not able to fit it down her throat... Yet.

"Aha I... Uhhh.... Dunno what I'm doingggg" Ruby spoke out meekly in response to Sapphire as she felt the invasive finger in her tightening young virgin pussy. When that finger plunged in her tight pale cunt pinkened with arousal Ruby tensed up, a shock sent through her as she gritted her teeth and her eyes went wide. "Ahh!" Ruby leaned forward so her head was leaning against Sapphire's shoulder and she started humping, her tight little body bucking on the finger inside her at the sudden new pleasure.

Weiss was nearly in a daze at the new feeling, actually having a cock, it was so weird... But it felt so good, so right plunging deep into her blonde teammate, but there was no way this was right! This was sick!

Still... Weiss tried to pull away but her knees went weak and her head swam at the pleasure and her hips just wouldn't pull back making her force herself back into Yang with a hard, awkward thrust. She did this once more, "guhhh..." as she made a guttural sound, drooling it out before Yang spoke to her.

"W-wait no you cannot... Unhh!" Yang's plump ass started bouncing, smacking against her pelvis as the busty blonde began riding back against her new dick, the feeling overwhelming for Weiss so much so that she couldn't pull away! "Ahhh! Y-you disgusting... Ahh! Deplorable... Ngh!" Weiss tried to condemn her act but couldn't pull away from it, instead her hands gripped tighter, one holding Ruby's ass as the other dug her thumb deep into Blake's, her own skinny hips shaking and unable to do more than push against Blake as her body utterly betrayed her mind for this pleasure... It was addicting!

"Uwaaahhhh...." Weiss drooled out crudely as her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

Outside of the virtual reality, Weiss was arched enough that her small chest poked from the water finally letting Sapphire see. Her tits were small, she was clearly the flattest of the team but because of this she was also the most perky. Her tits were nearly pointed with small, pink nipples against the pure white snowy tone of her skin, and her nipples were incredibly stiff.
Penelope ground down, working her way into her orgasm. Then gazing over her body, licking her lips. "Come on then, show me what you got Blake, don't hold back." She lifts Blake's head towards one of her nipples and grins. "Suck my nipple come on Blake suck my nipple." She buried her hips down, as she works her pelvis down up and down riding like a professional rider.

She groans, forcing the cock she was taking in her to throb its way into its first true orgasm. "I can feel your close, hold on just a little longer." She buried down, and continued slamming herself home. "Hold on just a little longer." She grins. Looking readily aroused and incapable of slowing down. The slapping continued, water splashed openly out of the tub. As she moans out. "Your so very pretty Blake such nice... mmmm skin, and a beautiful figure." Her body did not stop.


Suddenly, Sapphire grins and grips down into Yang's hair, winding a few strands about her fingers in a manner of making a puppet string motion. As she gripped, she makes sure she wasn't pulling the roots. As she helped Yang bob up and down, her hips swivel and rotate. Making sure she was getting deeper back into her throat. "Mmmm good girl Yang, keep it up."

She said, as she continues to bury her finger down inside Ruby, but not deep enough to puncture her hymen, after all, it wouldn't do to take her virginity just with her finger. She looks over towards Ruby, pulling out her finger and then wraps an arm over her shoulder and leans her close, and guides Ruby to suck her nipple. Her breasts produced milk, and she made sure to keep Ruby drinking.

The Yang in the virtual Illusion kept working upon Weiss, as Ruby in the virtual vision was moaning out. "I am so sorry Weiss, your right you should have been the leader of this team, I am so pathetic arn't I and stupid." It was like they were programed to say things to boost her ego, while she worked upon them.

Suddenly though, one of the Penelope's came in with a remote in hand. "Mistress Glynda is calling, seems our message about rescuing her students went through." She said, and bowed handing the vision screen remote, a nod of her head she pushed Yang down below the water so Glynda wouldn't see what was going on. Clicking the button, the screen in the back of the bath turned on and it seemed she'd get to see her old submissive. "Glynda, good to hear from you." She smirks.

As she kept Yang under the water and used her aura to protect her from drowning by flowing some air up through her cock so Yang could breath while she sucked her off, moving her facial features to stand perfectly calm. Being able to control herself even with some dick being sucked, she looked as professional as ever.
Penelope's sweet voice and rapidly spoken, upbeat words even during this made fucking Penelope such a unique experience... It aroused her even more. She felt Penelope's hand reach around her head and pull her close, she encouraged her so much, suck my nipple, suck my nipple she was so eager... Blake couldn't resist. Being pulled close, Blake eyed Penelope's cute pale breasts and little nipples before she nodded and moved in, pulling her nipple into her mouth and sucking deeply on it as she was ridden harshly.

Penelope was right though, Blake was close. When she told her to hold on a little longer Blake nodded furiously in effort to hold herself back, but her cock was tingling and throbbing hard. 'Just a little longer' she said, but it only pushed Blake further. The sounds of their hips slapping underwater rang out as the water splashed out of the tub from their fucking.

"I... I can't..." Blake huffed against Penelope's chest, and as she complimented her she couldn't hold back anymore. "N-no I.. I'm gonna.. Can't hold it!" Blake warned as Penelope didn't stop, the pleasure jolted over her and Blake's whole body tensed up. "Uuughh!!" Blake groaned out deeply as she arched her back, pushing her barbed cock as deep as it would go inside of Penelope and without a choice she let go. "Agh! Ungh!" Blake gasped as her cock burst, thick, hot loads of cum poured in buckets into Penelope, shot after shot spurting up her tight pussy until she finished and collapsed into the bath, her cock of course still rock hard inside, as Blake looked up at Penelope with the reddest face she could, embarrassed that she came early.


Yang couldn't hear Sapphire under the water but she did feel the encouraging hand in her messy blonde locks. Yang moaned into the cock, she would have to come up for air soon but she wanted to please their gracious host after all. She felt Sapphire's hips gyrate and as she did her cock hit the back of her throat. Yang coughed and came up for air with a loud gasp, "ahh... ahh... Sorry 'bout that~" Yang chimed before breathing out and then taking a deep breath before going under. This time as Yang started to slide her cock back in, she began to try taking it back to her throat, swallowing to avoid choking as she took down Sapphire's dick slowly.

Ruby whined and humped against the finger diddling her tight pussy but not breaking her hymen. As she was pulled close, Ruby just went with the flow, "wahhhmmmph~" She started to question but her mouth was suddenly stuffed with breast and she sucked on instinct. Moaning at the pleasing feeling, she sucked until a liquid started to fill her mouth and she couldn't help but drink.

In the virtual headset, Weiss was going mad with pleasure. "You're all idiots!" Moaned Weiss as she couldn't help but fuck against Yang who rode her cock ruthlessly. But when Ruby said that, said that she should have been leader and that she was an idiot, Weiss' completely inexperienced cock lost it.

"Ack you dolt!" Weiss cried out, pushing into Yang and nearly falling on her as she felt the most intense pleasure she had ever had in her life. Her body heated up, jolts of pleasure shot through it, and the feelings melted together in her groin as she exploded thick, hot shots of her spunk right into Yang's bare pussy. "AAAUUUGGHH!" She cried out nearly drooling as she emptied her load, but... It wouldn't go down! In fact in this virtual world cumming just made Weiss need to cum more!

"It's... It's too good.. You all... Disgusting..." But as Ruby went on, Weiss' impulse was too great and she reached over, basically falling out of Yang as she pulled Ruby too her, falling onto Ruby bent over as she shoved her cock up Ruby's cunt mindlessly.

"Hmmph?" Yang questioned as she was shoved down in the water, but she just took it as a sign she was doing good and so she went deeper...

The screen flicked on and Glynda appeared. She was dressed in her usual attire; her pencil skirt corset over her white blouse and black stockings, with a tattered cape.

"Ahem..." Glynda cleared her throat, already looking and speaking with a softer gaze and tone than her usually demanding disposition. "We'll be at your place soon" she informed Sapphire, "I have brought a couple students with me" she told her, leaving out the reasoning for now that they were worried about their friends.
As Blake released, Penelope soon joined her orgasming over Blake's cock soon as she came. She pants and groans, as she settled back. Leaning against the opposite end of the tub. Then looks at her brushing her brown hair from her eyes, and shaking out her curls. The wild mess was clearly disheveled from the course.

"Well, that was fun. But I think we should clean up now, wager we will be having company soon." She moves to work on quickly scrub up Blake her small arms moving quick soaping her, shampooing her and having her clean as day with ease.

It was then she got from the tub a nice pop out of Blake's dick from her pussy. Then she was dressed. "I have heard a staff member from Beacon is coming to pick you up, I am sure you and your friends are all ready to get back to the ordinary." It seems she had no real loss of motion from having just sucked, and fucked her. The woman was dressed up in maid form and cleaned up within seconds, the mark of a good maid.


Sapphire looked up at the screen. Her gaze flashed and she saw Glynda and nods. Peeling Ruby off her. Then lifting Yang from the water making sure she turned to at least be aware that Glynda was on the screen. The Penelope with Weiss finished washing her, and clicked off the visor, and pulled off what was the worst part of it.

Was that Ruby and Blake were getting up from their position and readying to get up and work on her dick. But then there was the feeling of nothing being there, almost an empty void when she lost the virtual power of having a dick.

"Good to hear your on your way Glynda, we have much to catch up on. So who are you bringing with you?" She nods to the ladies, as she finished with Yang by awarding her with a blow of cum, for her enjoy it splatters all over her tits though so to not show the headmistress on the screen such a side of her. Even if there was no need for Sapphire to be secret towards Glynda about her tastes and lack of any faithfulness.
As Blake came she felt Penelope's pussy clamp down over her cock as she felt the Faunus' own wetness glazing over her cock inside of her. The two finished together and Blake was left a panting mess as the ant Faunus washed her off rather energetically and thoroughly.

As she rose from the tub Blake heard the nice soft pop of her cock being pulled from her pussy, but as it did it was still rock hard. Blake understood though, there wasn't much time. So now completely clean she got up as she saw Penelope dressing incredibly fast, this girl had so much energy for someone who just sucked and fucked their guest into the tub!

It took longer for Blake obviously, she dried off with Penelope's help and quickly dressed as well.


Ruby whined as she was pulled off and she fell back panting in the tub, that feeling was... It was incredible. Ruby couldn't help but toy with herself under the water just like Sapphire was doing before to her.

Yang sucked and sucked, swallowing down her first cock with eagerness and vigor. Suddenly though Yang was pulled just above the water and as she gasped for air and panted, she moaned softly, trying to be secretive, as Sapphire blew her load all over her tits. Yang arched her chest into it and grunted huskily as thick spurts of spunk streaked up her large teen tits. "Ooohooo~" Yang cooed with a cocky grin as the hot cum of their hostess sprayed all over her chest.

Weiss' tongue was hanging out and she couldn't help it as she fucked into the virtual Ruby, but suddenly everything went dark as the device was lifted from her eyes. The wonderful feeling vanished, a void now existed where her tingly cock once was but the arousal she didn't understand remained and the heiress subtly covered her aching pussy, her heart racing as her thoughts couldn't help going back to having that... That thing!

Glynda raised a brow, "... I don't see why you'd know-"

"Are they there?!" A chipper and rather gruffly enthused girl's voice chimed over the screen as a girl jumped in front of Glynda. "You guys okay?! Hmm?" The orange haired girl with short locks that parted at the front and flared out at the back, she had rosy cheeks and a wide grin until she saw another woman rather than her friends on the screen. "Aha.... Hi there!" She chimed as she realized her mistake.

In the background another girl could be seen waving bashfully, her hair was long and deep red, her features sharper, more mature looking than the strawberry blonde.
Blake and the real Penelope would make way and go towards the bath where everyone was. All fixed up and proper. "Milady, I believe they will be here soon. Let us have the guests readied for the arrival." Penelope said, and bowed her head to the image of Glynda on the screen. The woman then helped Sapphire out of the water, her beautiful form slipped from Ruby and Yang.

Then is dressed readily into a lovely blue dress and garment. Perfectly upon her. Then gazed to the screen. "Girls come, we must be ready to greet them when they arrive. Penelope, prepare a feast and refreshments for the new comers, and ready the ship pad for their arrival." The clones of Penelope salute her and get to work. Helping team Rwby get ready for when Glynda, and the other two huntresses arrive.

About 15 minutes later, the group of them were waiting on the landing pad, as Sapphire stood there, the girls all cleaned up freshened up by this point to meet Glynda when she arrived. The view of the sea below the almost cliff like island Sapphire called home. It was with just a single pad for ships to enter to get to her landscape, otherwise the massive manor of her's was so removed so remote, not even a grimm would find her. In the distance a small dot could be some coming in close. "Well ladies, hope you all have your full story of how you wound up caught prepared, as Glynda may want to beat the snot out of all four of you." She said teasing
Soon and with quick efficiency due to the skilled work of the Penelope clones the four girls of Team RWBY were cleaned and dressed. Blake had to adjust, after doing what she did with Penelope she was still incredibly hard and she strained herself to hide that fact for the time being.

Weiss didn't say a word, her face was heated and any attempt to get through to her was met with the usual cold ways of the ice princess.

Yang and Ruby were right as rain, the older sibling was chipper as usual if not even more so after getting to try something like that and having seemingly done a good job and the younger, Ruby, was as awkward as ever and so things seemed no different. Though it was true this time that something else was on Ruby's mind making her behave as she did.

They all awaited for Glynda at the landing pad before Sapphire's large home as the ship drew closer and closer before finally landing.
Standing there the Penelope unit was flashing red lights to help guide the ship into landing as they stand there waiting. Then the ship lands down, a simple transport vessel loaned by Beacon Academy, a vessel used to come and go by air. Sapphire waited for the gangplank to be lowered, and stood waiting as the ship landed and unloaded. Seeing as this was the first time in 10 years she'd seen Glynda in the flesh, it was going to be a good time to get the good stuff out.

"Penelope you did get me a bottle of wicked witch wine from the market yes?" Sapphire said to one of the many Penelope clones. Who responded with just as much apt as the real one. "Yes Mistress, a bottle is in your study." She bowed her head and her feelers bounce around. "Good." She moved in, and waited at the base of the gangplank so Glynda could disembark and the first thing she'd see was Sapphire.
The ship landed with a whir of jets and landing pressures activating. The doors of the ship unfolded and the plank lowered, and a poised blonde woman stood as the embodiment of professionalism at the top as it did.

It was Glynda.

The tall woman strode down the plank, her walk as graceful yet stiff as ever. She peered over her glasses as she headed down the gangplank and looked to the four girls who stood in wait.

"I'm glad you're all safe" she spoke softly though without dropping her stern demeanor or tone. "Sapphire" Glynda greeted her, hands held behind her back as if merely greeting a colleague or the like, "thank you for coming to their aid" she said honestly, as if this were all business.

"Yooooooooouuu guys are okaaayyyyy!" A wild voice broke the tension as a blur of pink and orange darted down the walkway and collided in a giant hug with the four members of Team RWBY who all fell to her charge "I was sooooooo worried!" The strawberry blonde called out to them as her voice bounced from low tones almost growled out to higher pitched notes, a rather wildly spoken type as well, just her voice let those around her know the kind of outgoing and tough spirit she was.

Standing up and brushing off, a clear view was now open of the girl. She wore a complex top, sleeveless with white cloth covering her bosom with a black collar and metallic straps around it. A short pink skirt with white ruffles underneath came down only to about mid thigh, and pink fingerless gloves covered her hands as she stepped in pink and white boots up to her ankles.

"Are you hurt? What happened? Who did it? Did you snap 'em like twigs?!" Nora spoke fast and bluntly, firing question after question before seeming uncomfortably enthusiastic about the last part... "Who's that chick?" She asked suddenly about Sapphire, "did she help?" Asked Nora assuming the best.

"I'm so glad you're all okay" a more meek, nearly singing light voice chirped from behind Nora as another girl stood. It was Pyrrha, Nora's teammate and friend of Team RWBY just like her. This girl had long crimson hair tied back in a long ponytail, a small crown hidden by bangs around her forehead. She wore a brown leather corset with slight gold decoration and black sleeves that covered up to her biceps with a leather piece on her left arm. Around her neck was a sort of golden decor as well and she wore a short black skirt just over her backside with a red sash tied around it, and finally armor worn around her legs up to her thighs.
As the ship landed, and Glynda and the two other young huntresses emerged. Sapphire moved over towards the group. "Glynda, it is so good to see you." She wrapped her arms around the woman's shoulders kissing her cheeks in a friendly European style greeting.

Then, looked to Pyrrha first recognizing her first then looking to Nora. "Seems someone is quite full of vigor, that is good in a young lady I say." Even if lady was not the word to ever use when referring to Nora. The Penelope squad gathered around and did a proper curtsy. Then Sapphire turns to the lady who was asking who she was. "I am Sapphire Stone, a former graduate of Beacon academy, and Glynda's junior. Pyrrha I have heard much of you." Sapphire mentioned in passing.

She said in calm tone as could be. She was behaving like a lady, till she leaned to whisper into Glynda's ear. "Got your favorite bottle waiting for you in my study, why don't we go discuss things, and leave the girls to Penelope." Sapphire said in a playful way to Glynda, sure she had come a long way, and it be a shame if she just took off and left after the first time together for them in 10 years.

Penelope approached well 5 Penelope's approached and looked to Nora and Pyrrha. "Greetings I am Penelope, Sapphire's Maid and aide." She said, and all of her clones voiced this in unison.
Glynda Goodwitch returned the greeting, kissing the opposite cheek in time with Sapphire, hands rested on her shoulders as well. "It is good to see you too" she said, even if her tone was as stoic as ever, though... Maybe just a bit more chipper?

She watched Sapphire take notice of the other young Huntresses and as she made her comment Glynda's brow furrowed lightly, "don't think about it" she said sternly at first, they were too young for that kind of thing, "please..." She added. Now that was weird for Glynda, she went soft ever so slightly before Sapphire, asking please so suddenly to what before was a demand. Luckily the students were too preoccupied to notice this.

Nora stiffened up to attention with an innocent look on her face as the lady responded to her question to the others. "Oh!" Nora responded blatantly, "Neat!" She said with a wide grin and approving tone before she thrust her hand out to shake Sapphire's, "I'm Nora!~" She chimed.

Pyrrha stood poised, arms to the side until she was addressed. Clasping her hands together in front of her the girl's already bright expression brightened, "O-oh, why thank you Ma'am" she answered politely, eyes closed and smile radiating. "Thank you greatly for helping out our friends" she told her, speaking rather formally but almost in an accidental way? Her polite, proper tone was laced with a hint of modesty, shyness, her tone wasn't forced or haughty as Weiss perhaps came off at times.

Glynda seemed as poised as ever even as Sapphire leaned in, but as the whispered words caressed her ear, Glynda perked up, her eyes widening ever so slightly and her cheeks flushing. Clearing her throat quickly with a fist brought to her mouth delicately, Glynda turned to the girls. "I will discuss Sapphire's account of the story before we depart" said Glynda, reclaiming her stoic demeanor with her students.

Pyrrha looked innocently to each Penelope as they introduced themselves, "why hello! That is quite the Semblance you have" she excitedly expressed, "I am Pyrrha, it is lovely to meet you" she sang happily.

"Woah! That's your Semblance?" Nora replied, clearly far more crude in nature than her companion. "How much can you do that?!" She rushed to each one eyeing them a bit close into their personal space, it was clear she was interested in them.
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