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Rwby Chronicles Sapphire Trail (Lilly, Kobi.)

Sep 18, 2015
The Moon
Deep in the recesses of the Emerald Forest, a secret facility was in place. Team Rwby, a recently put together group of huntresses. They had just managed to pass the Emerald Forest trial, and had done well. However a mission ordered by false pretenses under a falsly sent message to the four of their's Scrolls.

They were not ready for when Roman Torchwick laid out a clever trap, team Rwby was gathered up, disarmed and bound. Transported later that day to a fortress in the forest. No one should have been able to find them. Torchwick had their weapons taken possibly destroyed. This was when, ultimately a hero was sent to find them.

The woman was named Sapphire, the young woman had long blue hair, a cool in control behavior, and no connection to Beacon or Ozpin. She simply wandered the world of Remnant and as a vagrant huntress. She was moving along the forest with her prized weapon Brunhilde a massive blade with many different forms it can shift into. She wanders in through the forest, on a whim in fact, cutting down grimm on her rather 'enthusiastic walk' through the dangerous grimm and saw the facility built inside the fortress. Sapphire blinked "Whats this..."

She saw guards outside, they were heavily armed, but as her curiosity, was far to high to and ultimately, 100 or so heavily armed guards later, the sexy mature huntress with her hour glass figure, and tightly bound a blue and white one piece suit with blue embroidery around the neckline cuffs and pant legs. Had managed to work her way up through the facility, and was carrying two sets of keys by the end of it... "What am I going to do with these keys?" She slightly wondered. Then she saw two solid doors in the depths she had wandered through the forest, there were bars on the door windows and she crept in close peeking in both of them.
Deep within the forest, within the bunker-like fortress that lead into a large, more appropriate one, deep in the deepest confines of cells they had, in the last cells down at the end of the hall, a door each gave way to the small rooms where team RWBY was being held.

On the right cell, two young girls - one clearly younger than the other, were held. One was a pale girl with silver eyes that stared frustrated at the wall, her hair short and black that faded into a reddish-brown at the tips. This younger girl was thin and petite - or more like scrawny and awkward if anything, and she was dressed in a long sleeve, short skirted sort of black dress with red ruffles, held tight at the waist by a black corset with red lace that ended just under her rather small chest. Black pantyhose disappeared into black boots with red lace, matching the rest of her attire, and finally a red cloak with a hood was draped around her neck, fastened by two silver cross shaped buttons to her chest - above her tiny breasts that was. Currently the girl was sitting on her heels, ankles bound together as well as her wrists bound behind her back, a thick tape secure over her small mouth.

Next to her was clearly the older, far more flesh toned and rosy than her companion, a blonde with a rather curvy frame for her age and a blessed bust for the teen. Her hair was long and wavy, eyes a light purple and burning with a determination the other girl seemed exhausted of at the moment. Dressed less conservatively than the dark haired girl, this one wore shorts that showed off her long, toned, creamy thighs and legs, as well as a yellow crop top that tightly strained under the pressure of her bountiful cleavage worn under a short brown coat that also showed off her tightly toned midriff. This one sat up on her round butt, legs out as she seemed to rest back for the moment, no less fire burning in her gaze however.

In the other cell were two more girls. One had long black hair and sharp amber colored eyes, she was wearing a white top covered in a black vest that left the chest open, and white matching shorts worn over black leggings that faded into purple before disappearing into her black boots. A black arm warmer rested on her left arm that joined her right behind her back, tied together tightly. Finally the girl wore a stiff black bow atop her head. This one sat cross legged, back straight, seeming to be in a meditative sort of sitting position yet her eyes were open, half-lidded in wait for whatever would come next.

With her was a girl that seemed exactly her opposite. Her hair was stark white and done in a long ponytail that came from the upper side of her head before falling long down. She sat to the side with her legs lazily rested the same way, her stare was as cold and icy as her blue eyes - the left of which had a light scar over it. She was much paler than the dark haired girl, her skin a porcelain white and her attire mostly made of white as well. She wore a short white dress that hugged her thin frame, this girl more accurately petite and thin, as opposed to the more lanky girl in the other cell. Over this was a thin, short coat, white but with red in lining, and her long, smooth legs ended in classy white boots that matched her attire.

These four girls were Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long, and Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee - they were the four members of Team RWBY. Yang, the bombshell blonde of the group was the first to notice the new figure peering in, clearly someone not with Torchwick judging by her appearance alone. When the busty teen noticed her, her eyes lit up and she made a muffled "mmmph!!" from behind the tape over her mouth. Ruby, Yang's sister, looked up at Yang's sound and her already large, innocent silver eyes widened as a softer, cuter "Mmhh!" came from behind her tape.

In the other cell, the dark haired Blake looked up hopefully as she heard the sounds her friend's made. However, Weiss, the primp and proper white haired girl kept a poised stance, simply staring coldly in case this was just another trick. One never could be too careful.
Upon two of the captives seeing Sapphire and making quite the ruckus. The woman could tell they really wanted to get out of here. Now no body sent her. She was here by chance. Happening by and wandering into a heavily fortified and secret facility owned by Roman Torchwick. The blue haired girl looks to the keys in her hands. Such a simple way of going about things. A quick raise of a well trimmed brow on her pretty face the Huntress looked to the girls. Before tossing the keys away and smirking. Flipping open her scroll she punched a number in.

"Yes Mistress?" A chipper voice came through the reciever. "Penelope dear would you be so kind as to bring the chopper to my location, I have a few friends to bring home, be outside in 15 minutes. Understood?" The confident woman said into the reciever. The voice of hers was mature and feminine. A little on the husky side sounding, but it had a sort of Norwegian like lilt to her voice. The blue haired fair skinned woman putting her sheathed sword to the ground and then pulls it from its sheath which was also a heavy machine gun. The blade pulled was the length of a claymore and had a blue glow along the edge.

"Roger!" The chipper voice on the other end says. With that Sapphire hung up and pulled a cord on her swords hilt which had it reved up and sounding like a chainsaw. "If you don't want your door to hit you sit back far." She said as she jams her blade into one door. The high frequency blade cut into the metal door like paper. She cuts it in an X shape and the door was then kicked down. It fell open. Then she repeats with the other door. Both doors fell. She enters and rips the tape off the mouth of the blonde and dark red haired girl. The tape removal was quick but likely to feel like she had quickly ripped off a bandaid. "So who are you four? Students?" They seemed like teenagers. Sapphires blue eyes roaming the two in the cell she was. Cutting the bindings from the two and freeing them up.
"Mmhmm!" Yang answered cheerily, scooting back on her plump butt, scuffing her shorts on the dusty cell floor in eagerness to escape, willing to take any help they could get. Backing up to the wall, Yang readied herself for whatever it was this woman was about to do.

Ruby followed suit after watching her sister do the same, scooting back as far as she could before she heard the thick clinks and clunks of a weapon. Ruby's heart raced with excitement, something she was unable to help, as she heard the sound of the weapon reving up loudly. In a flash the door was obliterated and the two laid eyes on their savior.

"Mmhh! Mhh!!" Yang mumbled excitedly before with a sharp sound, the tape was ripped from her mouth. "Aaaooowwwwwwwwww.... Thanks!" The blonde swiftly took the sharp pain before recovering herself with a chipper attitude, "my my, who sent this tall drink to save lil' ol' us?" Yang teased in excited gratitude as her bindings were cut free and she rubbed at her sore wrists.

"Yaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" Ruby squealed out as the tape was ripped from her face, the younger girl holding the red spots tightly as she whined about the pain. "Nhhhh thanks" she mumbled into her hands before those silver doe eyes snapped open as Ruby remembered the sound of that weapon, peeking around to get a better look at it eagerly as she went to free the others.

Once Blake's tape was removed she barely made a sound, "thank you" she spoke in a dry tone and a soft voice, carefully getting to her feet and stretching out, almost like a cat, once she was freed.

The other girl, Weiss, on the other hand also only gave a sharp gasp as her tape was removed, but instead of gratitude, Sapphire would be met with suspicion. "Who sent you?" Asked the girl in a rather proper tone that made every word possibly a bit sharper... Or maybe even just as sharp, as she meant it.

With one girl suspicious, another quiet, and Ruby behind them absolutely drooling over the weapon Sapphire carried, only the outgoing Yang was left to answer her question. "Yup, students at Beacon Academy" she said with confidence as she placed her hand on her curved hip and gave a cocky smile.
The girls now freed up. Along with the loud way Sapphire decided to open the doors. Sounds of the footsteps of guardsmen rushing to the scene of the sounds. They approached quick, with numbers and a narrow hallway. Out numbered she was. "We will talk more later, take the keys there, I think one of them opens the door to the holding room, if they have your weapons still, they would have them there. We will talk more in a moment, I will need the four of you to do as I say, I will create an opening, and the four of you rush to get your weapons. Can you four handle that."

She said, her eyes drifting over them, before falling to Weiss. "You look just like your sister, you must be Weiss." She smirks. Then sheaths her blade and holds the heavy calibur machine gun and began to cock the saftey off. Load in a cartridge of blue dust bullets. What kind of dust they were was unknown. Then she began opening fire on the advancing guards. The woman opened fire, the dust ammo was something strong it tore through a good line of the guards. "Move it ladies..." She would say sternly to get them moving. Even if they didn't know or trust her, they needed to get out of here before anyone had any right to interrogating anyone.

A blip on her scroll came about. Then a voice would be patched through the Scroll. The same chipper voice from earlier spoke. "Lady Sapphire chopper inbound, landing her in the clearing." Was said, "You heard her, get your weapons and rush to the exit, I will meet you there.." She said as she mowed down more guards effortlessly. Spread and spread of bullets rained on the advancing guards dropping them like flies.
Listening to the woman's plans, the four girls each agreed.

"Can do!" Grinned Yang as she cracked her knuckles loudly.

"Right." Answered Blake solemnly yet surely as she took the keys offered from Sapphire.

"Hmph" Weiss vaguely sounded, yet took a readied pose, holding up her arm ready to craft a glyph if need be.

"Woaaaahhhhh" Ruby ogled at the large weapon the woman carried, taking a second before she actually registered what Sapphire had said to them. "Oh! Uhm... Yeah, got it!" She answered hyperactively.

Weiss looked to the woman with a raised brow when Sapphire mentioned her sister. "How do you...?" But before any answer could be given, the loud mechanical thunk of Sapphire's weapon cut her off, the suddenly loud and close sound of the guards' footsteps ensuring this to be a topic for later. As the woman opened fire and called out, all four girls sped off through the opening she gave, headed to the holding room.

"Roger that!" Yang called back at Sapphire's command, speeding off with her team.

Reaching the holding room, Blake sifted through the keys trying to find the right one and once she did, opened the door came. The four ran in and grabbed their weapons before turning on the guards rushing for them. Ruby cocked the gun part of her scythe as Yang punched her fists together. Weiss gracefully pointed out her rapier and Blake swung around her gun on the ribbon it was tied to. They made quick work of the entire group before hurrying outside to meet Sapphire at the descending chopper.

"We're heeeereeee!" Ruby called out, waving a hand as they ran to the helicopter.
The Chopper was a sight to behold. As it landed its propellers whipped about as it stirred the grasses and the trees. At the Pilot seat a woman dressed as a maid sat. Wearing an aviator helmet with the head set and everything for looking the part of a pilot, atleast from the neck up. From the neck down, the rather small in size maid was dressed much as you would expect of a maid. Black Dress with white apron, and white blouse underneath. With stockings and garter belt about her waist and legs. Which led down into small black buckled shoes.

Among her normal human like arms, sticking out rather obviously through four custom tailored sleeves were four smaller arms resting against her torso just under her ribs they were covered in armor much like that of a bugs exoskeleton. These arms were about half the size, and length of the human arms, and the smaller ones only had four fingers instead of the five a human would have, and had some plated joints. They likely resembled the concept of insect like arms.

With human like properties. Her face also showed signs of what kind of Faunus she was. With black antenna jutting up from gaps in the aviator helmet. Her face had a bit of chitinous like plating covering both cheeks, and the sides of her head along her back and visible collar, it seems her armor mostly covered her back.

Her face was round and heart shaped, with shoulder length brown hair styled and curled so it fluffed out the back of the Aviator helmet. An insectoid faunus was not at all something common, where the more mammalian were the norm through most of the kingdoms, bird, insects and even reptilian faunus were relatively unheard of. A press of a button on the control stick would open the side doors, "Hope in quickly!" Her chipper voice called to the four exiting the facility. Followed not long after by Sapphire exiting after them, clearing back some of the advancing guards. The stragglers for what it was worth.

"Move it!" Sapphire said to the girls firing round after round into the opened door way while guards still ran head long at her, she was now dodging their gun fire. Her clothes a bit scuffed up from her dodge rolling, but even as she was firing the large weapon off she still looked like some goddess or maybe more correct she was like a Valkyrie come to whisk the fallen heroines to paradise. Or... her place, she rushed and got up onto the chopper. Helping the girls in when they made the move to do so. "Thanks Nelope, you follow orders well." She said once the chopper door was closed and the four girls had been loaded on.
Blake's eyes only widened softly for a moment, a blank stared expression of surprise - at least what could be considered so by her standards. It was directed towards the odd woman sitting in the cockpit, it was a Faunus and a rare species at that, it just wasn't something she saw every day.

Yang and Ruby paid her no mind, Ruby zipping up into the chopper followed by Yang leaping up to it. Weiss seemed to eye the woman but ultimately paid no mind to her before stepping up with her team, finally joined by Blake as Sapphire emerged from the bunker-like entrance.

Ruby drooled as she watched that weapon in action, graceful yet destructive and clearly in the hands of a master as such a glorious piece of work should be. Weiss simply took her seat and crossed her arms as she sat up straight and poised, ready to leave, while Yang too was eager to watch this woman fight. Blake on the other hand couldn't help glancing at the Faunus, her blank expression not giving away whether it was infatuation, suspicion, or something else entirely.

The girls all settled however as they were joined by Sapphire and the doors closed. The copter took off successfully, a flawless rescue. They were now inbound to wherever Sapphire was taking them, but any place was better than there.
Slipping off her jacket, Sapphire made a rather almost sexual sounding "Oof." As she did, her jacket peels off to reveal a skin tight blue under suit her large breasts which actually dwarfed Yang's impressive cups, with a pair of G cups to flaunt along with a toned body that some girls kill themselves trying to achieve. It clings to her torso and arms, stopping at the wrist, and seemed to be very light but also helped to make her movement quieter. The woman sat her weapon up on the holding rack present for Brunhilde. Then she sat down in the seat next to Penelope.

"Good work, take us home, I need a long hot shower, that place had 0 Air Conditioning, and that sneaky rat Roman wasn't even there." Sapphire whined as her maid listened to her mistress in stride. She then took the chopper up and flashed a charming smile, her hefty perky bust in her maid outfit jiggling. "Oh mistress, you just wanted to get into trouble, and... you have new guests it seems?" Penelope's antenna move and point over the top of the seat as if they were used to point often.

The side seat could swivel so the woman could see the four girls in the body of the chopper. "Alright, so, let us return to you four telling me you are students." Now with better lighting, the woman was visibly beautiful. Sure all four of them were girls, and may have had a different standard for beauty, however.

Sapphire was one of those women even a straight woman couldn't help but eye ball, and yet the way she held herself, you'd never think she was a Baroness as well as a huntress. "And, you white hair, your Winter's Sister are you not? She told me much about her in those younger years of hers." She seemed to know Weiss's sister, "And you said Beacon yes, how is Glynda and ol Cryptic Ozzy doing?" She was also incredibly informal.

"Oh right, you all might be wondering where I am taking you, I have a little Estate on a remote mountain island, known as Sapphire.... wait, let me back up~ You can call me Sapphire Stone, and the place we are going is my Estate... and to your wonder who sent me, no body. I was on a nice walk, when I found that little Facility in the Emerald Forest." The way she said that last bit seemed far to good to be true. However upon her saying this, her maid at the helm spoke up.

"Yes, one of your "Enthusiastic Walks" as you call them, where are my manners as well, I am Penelope Brownfield." The maid was well spoken, unlike her rather informal Mistress. "I take care of this wanderlust stricken lady here." She said and in doing so her antenna pointed to Sapphire. "Yeah... anywho with that out of the way, any more questions or concerns?" Sapphire's face lights up.
Ruby marveled out the window of one side while Weiss looked out the window silently of the other side of the chopper. As Sapphire removed her coat, neither of the girls, nor Blake, noticed. Yang on the other hand was looking right at her and got a full view of the woman's utterly massive breasts constricted tight underneath that suit. "Woah!" Yang tactlessly blurted out when she caught first sight, looking down at her own ample chest in visual comparison.

"Haha... Nice!" Yang gave a thumb up and a sly smile, not really feeling inadequate - it wasn't in her nature, but she was genuinely impressed.

Weiss looked to Sapphire as her sister was mentioned again, "and how exactly do you know Winter?" she asked bluntly.

Ruby's head snapped over to Weiss, "what's your problem Weiss?" She asked with concern in her tone, "she saved us!" exclaimed the young girl - willing to trust anyone who handled such a beautiful weapon so well, especially after she had saved them.

"Yeah, don't be rude" Yang grinned to Weiss, trying to influence a smile. "Ozpin and Glynda?" Yang asked, returning the subject to her question, "alright I suppose" she gave a generic answer as it wasn't really her place to know how her teachers were doing, but everyone seemed in good health enough around the school to let her answer with at least that.

"Hmph" Weiss turned back to look out the window.

"You know them?" Blake finally spoke up, asking with interest rather than Weiss' accusing tone.

As they flew through the skies Sapphire finally explained where they were going. "Body like that AND loaded enough for an island? Move over boys" Yang chuckled to her own little anecdote, being her usual flirtatious self, even if she was joking. Though admittedly she was quite the looker.

As they were all introduced to Penelope, three of the four greeted her politely - Weiss still seeming to be in a mood. The other three waved and gave a simultaneous "Hello!" as the ice queen stared out the window.
"Wow, your sister is right. You do have trust issues... not to worry, Winter and I know eachother from our school days." She flashes a smile to Weiss, and kicks back reclining in her seat. Before she sat back up. "I know Glynda more then Ozpin, she and I are 'good' friends." She hid the fact she actually was Glynda's dom back when Glynda was her senior back in her school days. "I wonder if she still has that riding cropt I stuck up her....~" As Sapphire almost spilled an inappropriate little tid bit about Glynda, Penelope clears her throat.

"Mistress!....Your friends are probably tired and worn, they do not need to hear your escapades like that... and last I talked to Glynda she did say she still has it... but regardless, I have supper being readied at home, the table will be set for your friends to enjoy when we get there, and I will have a room set up for the four of them." Penelope ticks off the things to do that she seemed to have ready already.

"Oh then there is a bath, for you... and them, you all smell sweaty." The Maid said, being blunt but kinda cute about it. As the copter flew over the Ocean they would see a large mountain jutting from the sea, there atop was a massive mansion. "There it is ladies, once we are there, you four will keep me company for a bit, while I contact Glynda to let her know you four are safe, I bet she will be delighted." Or severely pissed. Which maybe they wouldn't mind staying longer till Glynda's rage subsided.
Weiss listened even if she was clearly giving the cold shoulder. After hearing too much for her to be suspicious about, Weiss' shoulders relaxed, but she still stared out the window. It seemed she was not as easily cheered up from such horrid conditions by a rescue as her friends were.

When Sapphire went on about Glynda, letting slip a little insinuation about their teacher, a few things happened at once. First off, Blake, the first to catch on due to the matter of the occasional reading material she was accustomed to, reached over and clapped her hand around Ruby's ears. Ruby's expression just went blank as she was confused, not having heard a word due to Blake's quickness.

Next, in the same instant Yang's face lit up, "no way" she gasped aloud, figuring where the woman might be going with this.

Weiss, though she didn't stir during the event, a pink flush did appear on her pale cheeks, all three of them having heard it save Ruby.

The secrets were saved by Penelope as she cleared her throat, quickly interrupting with a list of luxuries that would be waiting for them once they arrived. The four girls, even including Weiss a little bit, lit up at the mention of a meal and a bed, even more at a bath though they all had their own little bashful reactions about smelling bad.

"Excuse me for being held captive for days" Weiss huffed at Penelope's comment, the rest decided to let Weiss complain for now - surely everything listed off would help her feel better too.
The chopper eventually landed at the manor landing pad. Which was on the roof. The owner of the place looks to see what looked to be a row and line up of what looked to be 'other' Penelopes "Ahhh, so you were preparing while you were picking me up, good forethinking Nelope." Sapphire said to her pilot maid, who took the helmet off and dismounted once turning off the Choppers engine.

"Yes I wager you were in trouble, and thus knew I'd have to have some hands free to make sure the house was proper for your guests." As Penelope moved from the cockpit of the helicopter, upon doing so her skirt lifted and gave a view of her ample backside, and a bit of the armor plate along her back as well. The black plating seemed to shine and sculpt to cover her cheeks, but even so she wore a pair of frilly white panties over her armored little ass.

Then she landed light as a feather onto the ground, clapping her hands, then extends out her four other arms. Then they retracted out and they proved to be much longer then they initially appeared. Penelope gave some quiet instructions to her multiples. Then turns as her multiples begin moving to help Team Rwby dismount. Sapphire walks to the door leading into the Manor. "Come on girls, best head in."

Upon the arrival and entry the manor was away from everything, a peaceful little bit of land atop the mountain jutting from the sea. It was secluded, Peaceful. If not for the nevermores now and again, but the grimm didn't pose much threat to either of the 'two' who lived here. The mansion was of Western design, marble columns and flooring. The first thing the many Penelopes did was leading the team to their room. Which had four magnificant beds set up.

"Now then, till supper is completely ready your welcome to wander around the manor as you see fit, I will be in my personal study contacting Glynda to let her know you four are here." Sapphire said, while the Penelopes retreated back to continue prepping a feast. One stayed though, the real one, because if the girls could sense aura, then they'd know the others had none. Then Penelope walks right up to Blake, and gazes into her eyes, the Ant Faunus let her antenna feel over the girl. Then smiles. "A faunus..." She smiles, taking Blake by the hand. "Come..." She said tugging Blake with her. It was rare she had company, especially other faunus.
They came to a descent, landing on the manor's landing pad softly and smoothly, it seemed this Penelope in fact knew what she was doing. As they came down, Blake looked out the window to notice what seemed to be a larger gathering of more insect Faunus who... Looked just like Penelope? She watched with cat-like curiosity as the engine was cut and the loud blades came to a stop, restoring the quiet air that they all were not used to for the duration of the ride.

Blake's bow twitched lightly as she listened in. This Penelope needed more hands free? She was taking care of the house? With all of them looking like the pilot, as well as Blake having some familiarity with such a technique, she came to figure that this was her semblance. While she herself could make shadow clones and Sun, another Faunus acquaintance of hers, could make a few solid clones of Aura, it seemed Penelope's semblance was pure, unadulterated, clones.

"FooooooooOOOOOD!" Ruby called out excitedly as she burst into a blur of rose pedals and sped passed everyone at incredible speeds, darting into the manor with her own semblance that was basically super speed with a neat effect.

Yang leaped from the chopper before Penelope arrived to help, landing harder than Sapphire, but just as gracefully in a way. "Sorry about that" she smiled to the blue haired woman, "they uh... Didn't feed us much. So... Last one in!" Yang called before sprinting through the front door.

Blake gracefully took Penelope's hand and carefully dismounted the chopper. "Thank you. I'm Blake" she told the Faunus softly, the first to properly introduce herself.

Weiss was last, she held out her hand expectantly as Penelope took it to help her down. She started to walk past with poise and almost delicate form to her stride, that was until a loud, long grumbling noise came from her stomach. Weiss froze in her steps as her face turned beet red, the sound emanating from her abdomen signifying her immense hunger. Quickly she resumed her graceful walk, albeit at an almost comical speed into the house.

Once they were inside the four marveled at the architecture of the manor as they were lead to their rooms. Blake took a step back as Penelope called her out and her feelers... Touched her. It didn't creep her out due to the bug affiliated nature of the antenna, just that she was getting touched so suddenly. When she was recognized so suddenly as a faunus she stepped back again nervously. It was a... Sensitive topic. Still, as her hand was taken, Blake followed, looking back to her team that simply waved - all three thinking she merely made a new friend.
Sapphire smiles seeing as Penelope stole away Blake. Then laughs. "She doesn't get much company besides me, the world is full of racist towards your more common Faunus, insect Faunus are likely killed on sight in most cities." Gently she pats the head of one of the Penelope clones. Whose antenna twitches in delight. Heading Wiess's stomach make a roar that would put an Ursa to shame. Sapphire winks to Weiss.

"Well you three should eat, this Penelope here will show you the way to the dining hall. I will join you after I make a call to Glynda and tell her your all safe and sound." The woman smiles. Then walks away, her hips swaying in a nice saunter. The Penelope double looks to the girls who were still present. Then a turn of her heels, swish of her skirt she becons them to follow. It seems the clones were capable of simple tasks.

Each one had a specific thing she was made to do. Like a one woman ant colony and Sapphire was her queen. "This way." She said, and leads the remaining girls to a big dining area with a long table set with various foods. There was almost a buffet like quality, various foods the smells mouth watering. The smell alone would be tasty giving even the top chefs the Schnee family hired a true match. Or even someone who surpassed them. "Please help yourselves." The Faunus maid said as she bowed and let's the girls loose.

The chipper maid meanwhile lead Blake along. Then pushed open her favorite part of the house. Pushing open the doors to the massive library. "You seem like a book lover am I right?" The Faunus had her antennae twitching.
Ruby was too distracted looking around and Weiss kept herself off to the side for now, but Yang nodded at Sapphire's explanation. It was a sad truth about Faunus that Yang was well aware of, though honestly she was unaware of the treatment of insect Faunus, if even about them at all. They were lead by the Penelope's to the dining hall, let loose to attack the spread.

At the same time Blake was lead by the real Penelope to another room entirely. Once there, the door was open and Blake's eyes went wide, her mouth small, and she stared on at the seemingly endless library of books. A small sound of excitement was muffled in her chest as she nearly squealed at the surprise.

"Uhm... How did you know..." Blake snapped back to reality as Penelope made the note that she seemed like a book lover. She never felt she fit any stereotype of such a thing and not like she was carrying any books on her at the moment either. Nervously she stepped back as she watched those antennae twitch, just how much could those things read about her.

In another room of the manor a hologram appeared over a Scroll on the table. In it's image stood a rather poised and beautiful woman. She had shorter blonde hair done up in lengths of curls, a very pristine style for a dignified woman. Her gaze was as serious as ever with deep yellow eyes behind thin full rimmed glasses, and she wore a white blouse underneath a sort of pencil skirt vest that was buttoned all the way up to her bust which outclassed Yang's, but only by so much. Draped around her shoulders was a shabby purple cape.

"Hello?" The woman's proper tone asked to the call she had just received.
Penelope smiles. "Trust me, I know people well, your quiet, and prefer your own company to that of others." She moves a tall ladder and has it brought to where Blake could climb it and claim as many books as she wanted. The light brown eyes of hers twinkling with delight. "And trust me as a Faunus I know when one is hiding I was constantly hiding my features too when I was in school." She said in a gentle way. "I wager you too have had hardships because you are Faunus?" She works on some tea for the two of them a milk tea for Blake and a Melon Honey tea for herself. She was a good multitasker. She moved to pull a chair out for Blake and nodding her head. "Please? Join me for some tea and a little company, I rarely get to see other Faunus."

In Sapphire private Study which was her room in truth. A fancy bit of area. Curtains over the windows of the finest silk. The bed was a beautiful King size made of the best materials. Various of other things made it clear it is the room of a wealthy individual. It also had an Oak Desk and looked like someone did a lot of paper work behind it.

When the call to Glynda Sapphire came into the room. In a towel covering her body wrapped tight around it her blue hair bundled up under a towel like a turban as it dried. When she sat on the edge of the.m bed she crossed her arms. Looking at the screen. "Long time no see Glynda." She smiles scrubbing her hair with the towel as she was speaking and double tasking. "So how is my old submissive senior? You doing well? Oh yeah I have a few girls of yours." As she moved to her wardrobe and slips behind a cover with her head and shoulders in view. As she got dressed she casually has a chat with the Head Mistress of Beacon as if she were an old casual friend.
Blake eyed the ant Faunus as she seemed to pinpoint her rather well, shoulders relaxing as did her stance. "I see..." She said, a little embarrassed about her reaction to it all.

Watching the ladder being pushed to her, Blake climbed and started inspecting the shelves as Penelope went on. "How did you... Uhm.. Sorry no that's not right to ask" Blake shook her head, curious how the girl managed to hide all of her features consistently, though she realized just how personal a question that was. As blake stood up the ladder the perfect view of her round, tight backside in her white shorts was on display for Penelope should she indulge.

"Yeah" she answered softly to the question of her facing hardships due to her Faunushood, that was an understatement...

When asked for company, Blake smiled softly, she understood the feeling and honestly it would be nice to be around a Faunus who understood, as well as one who wasn't an extremist like most of her former acquaintances. "Sure" she said with a dry, but light tone as she climbed back down with a couple books in hand.

"S-Sapphire" Glynda greeted politely, though stuttering a bit in surprise. Her eyes wandered down the frame of the woman before she cleared her throat, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose with a finger as she straightened herself up, regaining her composure. "I.. Am fine" she answered simply, though her eyes widened at the next statement as Sapphire began dressing behind the screen, "what do you mean?" She asked with a serious tone.
Penelope smiled, sitting down at a nice table with Blake, sitting across from her. The girl seemed delightedly peachy to have another faunus around. Specially one that liked books. However a noticeable yawn escaped Penelope's lips after a bit.

"Oh dear~ Sorry, my semblance I am sure you have noticed it during your time around, it is oft real draining to keep it up all the time, but I assure you I serve Lady Sapphire with my very heart and soul gladly...." She sips her fruity tea, and settles the milk tea for Blake near her. "Mmmmm so you are, Blake yes? I like the name, its pretty." She winks. Sitting there looking fascinated at Blake. Before picking up her tea and sipping, her antenna going about twitching this way and that.

Despite what one might say about the ant girl, she had ways of being undeniably cute. Her brown hair shaken about, as she looks to the many books Blake picked out. "Any good ones? Oh, right you must be hungry like your friends, shall I have some of the seafood platter brought in and we can eat, read and chit chat? Forgive me for seeming overzealous." She hangs her head shyly realizing she might be over doing it.


In Sapphires private room. She was behind the cover and slipping on a comfortably form fitting blue open back dress, with a skirt down to her ankles, and a slit all the way up to the hip on the right side, so if she twirled just right one might see up her skirt, she slipped on a matching thong so it was not obvious through the thin material of her dress, she didn't bother with bras because getting them in her size was expensive, and while she was rich, she really didn't see the need to spend the money on something she didn't like wearing anyways.

Her little lady secret was tucked back and held down so there was no noticable bulge to anyone. Then moved out from behind the curtains, her make up done perfectly, and her hair pinned up. She looked very much like the lady of this manor now. Then sat behind her desk and moves the video screen, and double tasked on various things as she spoke with Glynda.

"Oh well, your girls, I believe they are Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang, I estimated they were your girls when they told me they went to Beacon, tell me dear, how did you let under-trained girls go out to an obvious zone that was a clear trap? You and Ozzy are lucky I was around the area, they may have been drugged and sold off as pets to rich limp dicks..." She said, her tone and face serious, as if she were scolding Glynda for being sloppy about keeping her eye on her students.

"Did you know where I found them? A facility run by Roman Torchwick... the smarmy bastard escaped as soon as I got there, but you should definetly come thank me in person." She said gazing at the woman on the other screen. Her face was in a calm, but judging way, looking into Glynda's eyes even if it was over a video call, her intense gaze still had a way of making the serious and firm Glynda shiver, and lose her air of prowess.
Blake fidgeted a bit, twiddling her fingers in her lap as she smiled coyly back at Penelope. When she yawned, Blake's smile faded as she noticed just how tired the other Faunus was. It made her a tad uncomfortable when she mentioned that she served happily.

Ignoring it for the moment when Penelope asked if she picked out any good books, Blake looked to her little stack and nodded. "You have 'A Magical Judgement', and the second 'Stone's Opera - I've been looking for that one for months" she explained with a calm tone. When offered seafood, Blake's stomach growled next, the girl blushing a bit. "Sorry... Yes, that would be lovely" she explained, "no, no don't worry. It's... Nice" Blake smiled softly.

Once again it faded and after a moment of silence she spoke. "Why... Do you serve her?.." Blake asked solemnly with a hint of pained concern in her voice, what did they run into? They didn't know this Sapphire, sure she was friends with people they respected but that didn't make her a saint. What if she was just another one of those who had Faunus subservient to them?


Glynda gave a slightly surprised look, "they are supposed to be on a mission... Elsewhere. What are they doing anywhere near you?" She asked with honest, but controlled concern. Glynda pushed her glasses up again, holding them there as she simultaneously rubbed the bridge of her nose in thought of how this could have possibly happened.

"Torchwick..." Glynda repeated in a soft, controlled anger.

"Right, I'll come pick them up righ-..." The blonde woman glared to Sapphire. "Thank you?..." She asked suspiciously before catching the sharp insinuating glare. A shiver shot up her spine and she covered up the urge to cling to herself in a shudder by folding her arms tightly, almost disapprovingly. A red tone started to flush over her cheeks as she looked away, maintaining her poise as best she could.

"I... Will pick them up personally" spoke Glynda. There really was no need, it was clearly her way of giving in without admitting it. She couldn't argue with Sapphire, she was too... Persuasive.
When Penelope had one of her clones bring in a plate of seafood, salmon, tuna, and even some lobster. It was rare for Blake to get lobster of all things. The food was placed on the table, and Penelope had her clone sent away. Then looked into Blake's eyes, and when she asked her why she served Sapphire. "Why do I serve her....~?" The woman asked pressing a dianty finger under her chin, giving a look as if she were thinking.

Then looks to Blake. "I serve her because I love to see, us insect faunus are... rare, almost... endangered you might say, the place I came from was home to various types of faunus, reptilian, avian, even some aquatic faunus." She said, speaking a place different from Blake's home town, for this place had faunus Blake herself likely had never seen before.

"Well, I was sent to Beacon, my parents worked up a huge amount of money, to get me an education, and well, life... was very rough, people would spray me with pesticide, show fear of me, swat me, they treated me like an insect, as a pest... But, Lady Sapphire, she met me when I was a student, she didn't do any of those things, she washed the pesticide from my body, she talked with me, gave me feeling of a purpose. Then I... I fell in love, there was something about Lady Sapphire I adored, but, she was my senior, and when she graduated from Beacon, she said to me "I will become very rich as a huntress, I will buy myself a place where you can feel safe, and secure, my little ant."

Penelope's cheeks were flushed the antenna of hers twitching various ways, as her light brown eyes looked up meeting Blake's then she continued her story. "After that, I honed my skills till it was my turn to graduate, and when I did, on that day she came to pick me up on the very day I graduated, and said "I have a place you can call home, I have a place far away, and you can busy yourself in my service." , And that was the happiest day of my see, us worker ant born faunus, we thrive off of staying busy, idleness is simply something we are incapable of, so when Sapphire gave me work, the kind that could keep me busy from sun up to sun down. I was truly happy." The ant faunus said flashing a heart warming smile.

"By the way, if you wanna let your ears show, you are welcome, I bet they are really cute." Penelope said hiding her little mouth behind her cup with a smile.


With Sapphire getting word Glynda was going to be making a personal trip to come and pick her students up. "Good, I look forward to seeing you." She said, as the call ends, and her stomach growls, "Mmmm I am famished, let's go see what the little children are up too." She said standing up, putting on some high heeled shoes, light blue. Then makes her way to the dining hall. Which upon entering she could see the most amazing sight. The three who had come to eat, were doing so, and looked to be really enjoying the food.

Upon entering, Sapphire could prove herself a head turner, she however didn't seem like even she could pull Ruby nor....Weiss? From powering through massive plates of food, set high with various choices. Sitting down at her personal seat at the head of the table, which was chained off, to keep the girls from taking it, upon seating herself she cleared her throat. Then gazes to one of the Penelope's there were plenty staying in wait to refresh the food, with more should some run out, and judging by a stack of plates on the dish cart, the girls had quite the appetite. "Seems, you girls enjoy Penelope's home cooking." She winks at the three.
Blake, though not as expressive as Ruby Rose, ogled quietly at the plate of fish and lobster as it was brought in and set in front of her on the table. The Faunus quickly stole some bites from the plate both trying to be polite and not gobble down the whole thing like an animal and trying to satiate the hunger that might as well have been that of a large animal.

As Penelope explained her predicament, Blake sipped at her tea coyly with both hands around the cup. It made sense she supposed, she was becoming fond of her new acquaintance and if she had to admit a little secret, Blake definitely found the girl cute. Though it was as she was thinking about her fleeting attraction that she spoke of 'falling in love' with that woman, Sapphire, causing Blake to blush a little more before she pushed the more... Intense thoughts out of her mind, for now.

The Faunus listened to the tale, enthralled by the backstory she was being explained. It even had her admiring Sapphire a little, and she didn't even know the Huntress all that much. She smiled as Penelope flushed and her antennae fidgeted, it was adorable, Blake wondered if they were sensitive until she quickly caught herself and ceased such thoughts then and there.

When she spoke of her ears, Blake's bow stuck up as her ears pointed upwards under them. Her face was bright red by this point as Penelope insinuated that they would be cute and slowly, after a moment's hesitation, she undid the bow, her ears flattening in embarrassment as she looked to the side. "Well... I hope so" she said, "your antennae sure are" she answered, blushing a bit brighter.


"I-Indeed" Glynda said, almost nervously if she wasn't also trained in the art of poise, before she hung up the call leaving Sapphire back to her own devices.

Yang was still chowing down by the time Sapphire had descended the stairs, and Yang gave a soft double take as she entered, revealing such an extravagant appearance. "Woah, she cleans up nice too guys, pack it up, good game" she teased in her usual flirtatious manner.

As the woman sat and asked how they enjoyed the food, Weiss who was already stuffed was leaning back on her chair with her hand on her stomach. "It was... Really good. Thank you" Weiss said, seeming to be in a better mood albeit her usual colder self.

"Yeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh" Ruby sighed out contently, eyes half lidded in bliss with a full stomach as she leaned back in a far less dignified way that Weiss had.
The antenna of hers moved rather excitedly. When she saw Blake revealing the ears. She got a big sweet smile on her lips. Then noticing how much she enjoyed her food by the looks of the way she ate. It really fascinated her. "Mmmm May I touch your ears Blake...?" She sees Blake's eyes wander to her antenna and she flushed. "Oh um, if you wanna touch them, you... are more then welcome too." She flashed a warm smile.

Moving she got up and sat in a chair next to Blake, lowering her head like a little young lady. Her head had no ears upon notice, because Ants did not have ears, and her skull was covered along the back with the Chitin armor akin to an insect. Seeing the armor on her cheeks, would allow Blake to see the armor was shiny, and had a smooth surface look to it.

If she touched it, or tried to peel it back it may hurt the girl because it was attached to her skin. Everything from the front of the girl down seemed to be soft to the touch however. Her antenna lean forward. These were thin black things, and they moved and twitched about, as they were her way of sensing the area around her. They had fine hairs along them, sensitive hairs at that, the antenna were also fragile, so Blake would have to be gentle, cause they could accidentally be tugged to hard and really mess Penelope up. "Go ahead."


Picking up bits of food and adding it to her plate. Sapphire ate like a lady for the most part. She also drank wine, which she had made here at her own manor. It seems the manor was a place where Sapphire's non-huntress hobbies were made obvious. She was a woman of class, outside her work, and it showed by the way she ate, and drank. Like a lady, maybe even putting both of the Schnee sisters to shame with her etiquette and shame.

"So, I called your Headmistress, she will be here in a day or two when she has her hands free to come pick the four of you up, and when she does, I want you girls to tell her the honest truth of how you ended up where you were... I hope you can tell me as well what had you four captured, and what were you doing meddling with the affairs of someone like Roman Torchwick? You are aware had I not been there to save you, he could have drugged you, and had you shipped off to parts unknown, and left you all untraceable."

The woman said, her voice carrying sternness to them, they would get a glimpse of what Sapphire was like when she was projecting the fact she was their better and she was watching every move they made. "Who wants to tell their side of the story first." He gaze drifts over the table towards the three present girls.
The raven-haired girl's cat ears perked up as Penelope asked to touch them, she just couldn't stop blushing. First, she offered the same to her and sat closer to Blake, it was too late to say no now and embarrass her. "Uhm..." She didn't want to say no and disappoint the girl, admittedly... She was just too cute to deny, "a-alright" she said. Slowly, she reached a hand forward and gently caressed the thin feelers before she bent forward in her chair, lowering her head and pointing her ears forward.

"I warn you.. They're uh... Sensitive" Blake admitted as she looked down at the table she leaned over. Her ears were black like her hair and covered in fur that blended into her hair at the base, they twitched at the touch and she was right, her ears were an incredibly sensitive erogenous zone for her, and touching them would no doubt elicit a moan from her and so she tried to brace herself for the incoming contact.


The three girls looked to one another as they were asked who wanted to tell the story. Weiss was as quiet as ever about the affair and oddly the other two had their own reactions, Ruby sighing softly in disappointment as Yang looked down in her first show of anything akin to shame. Though it was Yang that first spoke up.

"We were on a mission" the blonde started simply. "It was a ways away from where you found us, actually" she explained, "it was a simple Grimm cleanup run but we got an update to our scrolls from Beacon about some spike in activity in that area" Yang told Sapphire. "I guess we thought we were the closest so they were sending us on a side job before we went back" The blonde leaned her head back in frustration before she looked back at the lady of the manor.

"We went, got blindsided, got trapped, end of story" Yang said with a bit of huff to her tone.

"Torchwick was there... Said he hacked our Scrolls" Ruby spoke up, leaning in her hand propped up on her elbow on the table, unable to stop herself from relaxing now that they were out of it.

It was true. Unbeknownst to them, Roman Torchwick had actually set up that little base for the sake of a test. They were trying for just that, to hack into the Scrolls of Huntsman and Huntresses, specifically the more secure channels they used to receive mission updates. It had just so happened that team RWBY were the closest ones by, wrong place, wrong time, and they could have paid the price for it.
Penelope reached out, her gentle touch brushed along between the ears. Then her fingers fold and she brushed her fingers along the outer edge of her ear. Slowly letting her finger brush up, and then down along the ear fur. The twitching reaction an interesting sight.

The normally quiet, and taciturn Blake, would have trouble not just laying her head in the woman's lap and purring up a storm. "Your, fur is so soft... my body has so many hard places, I am jealous." Penelope said eventually as she then folds her hands in her lap, and noticed that Blake's tea was empty. Then she stood, clearing her throat with a blush easily seen on her pale skin. "Uhhh, I should get you a refill of tea." She gets right to her feet, but a bit to quickly and ends up tripping and falling on her butt.

Upon such a scene her skirt fluffed up, letting Blake catch sight of her white frilly panties, with stocking and garter belt. The skirt had gotten caught on the top of the chair upon her fall so it didn't settle down. If Blake noticed her panties had sunk a little into her pretty folds, Penelope had a bit of a camel toe going. Which she flushed at and stood up, patting her skirt down. "Such a terrible display I am terribly sorry!" She scrambled to her feet, and bowed her head apologetically.


"So, you girls were lured into a trap set by Roman, fresh from a fight with some grimm, so you were worn out from the grimm, to be able to handle an ambush by that snake." Sapphire said downing back a glass of wine, and settled in a alarmingly sensual posture, one that both showed her as a woman, and as someone of great presence.

Her right arm under her bust, a leg crossed over the other at the knee, her posture straight, and her left index finger and thumb all that held the thin bit of the wine glass. Sapphire's posture was lady like, extremely so.

"I see now, well, you will all be happy to know Glynda will come to pick you up in a day, and you will be able to go back to working and studying, as good huntresses." She said her tone calm.
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