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Asylum Underground

Gied looked suspiciously at Sebastian. He didn't believe the bad man's inaudible words for a second. The little girl was kidding herself. But she could hardly be blamed. She was a good little girl, pretty little girl... didn't know any better. Poor little girl. Gied went to follow the older woman, but looked back to the other two from the corner of his eyes. Looking away, he subtly waved his tail in a 'follow' gesture. He must save the little girl from the bad man! He would watch over her.
Gabriel wiped his face and looked up at Sebastian. He took his hand and started to lead him along. Gabriel was having a hard time keeping up because of how small his legs were. He wanted to hold Gieds hand but after what happened ealier he didn`t even say anything about it. He started to comment on every single thing he saw while walking. "It`s kinda spooky down here huh. How long have you been down here? Why are you down here? Is there rats here? It looks like a place that rats would live. What about spiders? I hate spiders. Sebastian shooes them away from me. I take care of him and he makes sure no bad people hurt me. Are there bad people down here? Is that girl really going to eat me?" Gabriel paused his questions for a moment. He looked up at Sebastian and thought something was the matter with him. It was easy to tell that Sebastiin did not like the older girl. Well, easy for Gabriel to tell. He tugged on the man`s arms and was lifted off of the ground. Sebastian carried the child along as he followed behind Gied. "Sebastian likes you Gied. He thinks you`re amusing. I think so too. And you`re nice. "
She started to hum a song as she went, looking into rooms, until she found the food room, and stopped. Her tail stiffened and her ears twitched a bit as she backed up and turned around, waking back to them "Kids go first" she said, her voice clipped a bit... she didnt like all the people in there, and if they were gunna eat her, best the kid went first! that way shed have time to run! and grab a spoon!
Gied swung his tail happily, chatting back to the girl as quickly as she could ask her questions. "Safe, not safe, not sure, not me. Rats, cats, bugs, birds, bats, monsters, men, women, children, demons, and shadow beings. All kinds, many times, all over this place. Bad man is bad people, bad people, yes; bad girl, nice girl, bad girl again. All bad, some good, never the same twice. Tasty, pretty little bit. Little girl, lovely girl, lovely with bits of fruit. Bad girl, bad man, who wins? Nobody wins. Never win, not here. Always nothing to win. Good girl, good food, no food for bad men or bad girls. Promise." Gied ignored comments about Sebastian that Gabriel made, but vaguely alluded to the answers of everything else, including making his promise that the woman they were travelling with would not get to eat Gabriel... even if Gied thought she might taste wonderful. "Gied is good, amusing good, yes, Gied is amusing. Nice? Not so nice... depends on you. You are nice, Gied is nice, man not so nice. Gied very not nice."

When the woman tried to make Gabriel take the lead, Gied held up a hand with his fingers carefully bent at angles that would not prick her and pushed her very gently aside, taking the lead. He knew this room. This room was safe. He knocked three times, with his ears flattened to the wall, just to make sure. The hall was silent. With a cheery, playful grin, Gied kicked off his shoes and pried open the doors. The toes on either end of each foot were slightly pointed and tinged a much darker colour than the rest of his feet, and as the others watched on, he showed them why. Reaching out to the wall, Gied dug his nails in, hopped up and dug his toes in, and then proceeded along the wall near the ceiling, in through the door, and hung upside down while he toyed with buttons on the other side. A red light switched to green, and a buzzing so quiet it was not noticeable until it was gone switched off with it. "All safe, all empty, all in!"
Gabriel listened to what Gied was saying but he did not understand most of it. He needed a lot more time to think about what he was saying before more words came but Gieds words never slowed down. He was rather impressed that Gied was able to get the door open. He liked Gied. What ever he was, he was amusing to listen to and to watch. Gabriel glanced up at Sebastian and wondered if he really did like the two others they were with. Gabriel did not like the girl because she had licked him. He held onto Sebastian tighter when he remembered. He knew that the man would never let her do him harm. " What kind of food is in there? Will I like it? well, I don`t really much care too much for the taste but Sebastian is a picky eater. Oh, what does sweet taste like? I have never had anything sweet. I`ve eaten a lot of different kinds of bread before. Green bread, and hard bread. I like the crunchy bread the most. Sebastian get`s to eat a lot of different things. Well, before he did. I really liked ther pasta he shared with me....."
The girl smiled an evil smile "Sweets my favourite... same with hot.." her smile turned a little more sane "But i have to say pasta is marvelous as well.. especially sprinkled lightly with some oregano..." she gave a laugh at the stupidity of it all and bent over backwards to stretch, flipping so she was right way up again "But foods food and foods better than rats so lets eat!" she said, walking into the room and scavenging for anything edible, and when she found a sppon, she started laughing manaicly holding it as if she had found a long lost relic "Haha! I found it! hehe, now i can defend myself!" she said lauging again until she found more food, then started eating
((Sorry, sorry... very... grah. muddled in the head right now.))

"Good food, fresh food, canned food, sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, hot, sour, and tasty food. All kinds at all times, for all types, but no good for bad people, no food for bad people. Taste is tasted, not told; must try to taste." Gied spun off another little web of answers, waiting for all of them to enter before clicking more buttons and the buzzing started up again. He turned to all of his companions and warned with a far more serious face than some might have thought possible for the eternally cheery monster, "No touchie, bad touchie, bad door when on. Leave to Gied. Gied make safe. Safe from others, others bad, bad door makes safe from bad people."
Gabriel started to wonder if he would ever understand the two he was with. Gied was enjoyable, but rather confusing, and the girl wasn't anything he was used to. Sebastian carried the boy inside and paused in the middle of the room. Gabriel hadn't told Gied or anyone before the last time he had eaten. Even before, when they did get food, he gave a lot of his share to Sebastian. he felt his gripe on the man grow weak and his eyes grew dark. He fell from the mans arms and hit the floor in a painful way. A hint of emotion came to Sebastian's blank face. After a few seconds he sat down next to where Gabriel fell, and did nothing. Gabriel must of faint from hunger, or malnutrition, but Sebastian did nothing to help the poor thing. It was almost as if the boy was no longer there to him.
She heard the child go thump and spun around, holding the spoon. "Is it alive? Can we eats it? No no eats it, its cute. But if its deads then we can, but must help it nots to be deads.... oh the headaches of it all. Fine. We'll do it. No harm no foul, good food good meat good ods lets eat!" she said as she grabbed a drink bottle from the fridge and went over to the man crouched and gave him an angry look. "You, silent one. Why do you do nothing? Isnt it yours, or you its? My this is rather confusing..." she said as she grabbed up the chld, snaking her tail around to tickle the kids nose. No response. Hmm... so its not dead, still breathing... feeds it. She tipped a little of the water into her mouth, seeing if shed drink. "Drink. Not poison, not yet. You better live. Others hungry, and people always taste good..." she said slightly concerned. She kept trying to feed the girl water, looking around for something else she could feed the thing...
As the girl tried to get Gabriel to drink something, Sebastian stood up. He walked around the room, feeling around to find something for his friend to eat. It was odd that he was blind and yet wasn't bumping into anything. Gabriels eyes opened but the small thing didn't seem fully awake. He took sips of the water that was being given to him. He soon stopped and rolled over on his side. Sebastian came back with food in his hand. He took the bottle from the girls hand and nodded at her. He then sat the boy up and started to feed him. Gabriel seemed more willing to eat when Sebastian was the one feeding him.
She gave a scowl, but sighed. She got up and did a cartwheel to the table to grab some more food, walking over to geid with a flirty smile "So, you wanna eat~?" she asked in a musical voice, taking a bite of the fruit in a very provocative way, her tail swishing slowly by her ankles.
In what was quickly becoming an obvious habit, Gied tilted his head to the side. Gied had the hugely powerful urge to poke the little girl with a spork when she had fainted, but he had been terribly afraid he might break her. She was so small and thin. This is mind, he had restrained himself to lying down beside her, head in his hands, feet up in the air and waving back and forth, sniffing. When he seemed satisfied that the girl was okay, he had stood up to search for something which the others might only have guessed at, only to be confronted by the other woman. "Hmm...? Eat? Food? No. No food. Food later. Gied finds. Finds tool, finds weapon, finds info, finds maybe food; no food here." He seemed completely oblivious to the woman's behavioural changes.
She gave a small smile "Ok, maybe later then~.." she saidgiving a small shrug and went to the big blind guy and sat behind him, putting her chin on his shoulder, wrapping her arms under his, and giving a small smile "Come on~ Shes fine~ You need to be looked after now~ I can do that~...." she purred into the mans ear, her eyes melting a bit from bright blue to a violet... she was stroking his chest slightly
Sebastian didn't pay much notice to the women. He started to pat Gabriel on the head after the small child had been taken care of. Gabriel shook his head and for a minute he thought he was still in a daze. That women was hitting on his man! Well, Sebastian wasn't really his but he still gave a glare towards the girl. "What are you doing?" Gabriel said as he made his way over to his bug, blind, mute friend. " Sebastian is mine." he said sternly." He's only nice to me. And he brushes my hair and...and....He's kind to me. " his grip on the man grew tighter but Sebastian stared forward. Not even noticing the two people hanging off of him. " I don't have anyone else, so you can't have him!"
She looked to the child and gave a smile, her tail swishing slowly "Your to young to know about this kind of stuff, so go on, play with some dolls or something~" She smiled, nipping Sebastians ear lightly, continuing to play with his chest... The child was getting fast on her nerves, which wasnt good in the least...
"I....I'm older then I look!" Gabriel snapped at the women. After Gabriel snapped at her, Sebastian shook both of them off of him and stood. The odd markings on his body started to move when he looked down at the women. Gabriel knew that what was happening and he quickly took Sebastians' hand. " No! Stop, it's ok! Don't try and kill her, it's fine! I just didn't like her being on you, that's all! She's not going to hurt me, it's fine." after Gabriel spoke, the markings went back into place and Sebastian looked away and stared off into space again. "You should thank me hussy! He could of killed you. He's only nice to me and he knows when I'm upset. If you upset me then he will hurt you. So stay away from him, he's mine." After Gabriel spoke, Sebastian picked the boy up and set him in front of Gied. When Gabriel wasn't looking, Sebastian went to the other side of the room to find something to eat. The other side of the room was too far a distance for Gabriel. His eyes widened when he realized his friend was no longer by his side. He started to shake and wrapped his arms around himself. His mouth clamped shut as if he was much too afraid to speak when Sebastian was not around, or to do anything for that matter.
Watching the little scrap curl up into herself, Gied found himself habitually crawling forward to encircle the child. It was because she was shaking, and he misinterpreted it as her being cold. He wound around her tightly with his head up close to her hands and made a dry rumbling sound in his throat not dissimilar to how a cat would purr. He nudged the girl's hands in order to encourage her to act a little. To come out of her shell enough to see him there. She was safe. She had Gied. She didn't need the bad man with her all the time.
She flicked her tail, watching the mans markings move and her eyes switched fast from violet to an orange... She backed up a step and crouched slightly, preparing for the attack, and so when the girl called it off, she stared at the man as he left and then looked at Gied curling around the child.... Her eyes flicked to blue and she looked at them all not sure of what their intentions ewre... they could be out to get her... the man did just try to kill her... what if the girl hates her and sicks the big guy on her? And what if Geid just watched? She went into a corner and sat so her back was covered and stared at them, munching on a bun she grabbed on her way to the corner... no way could they sneak up on her this way....
Gabriel started to lean forward until he was against Gied. But it was hard to say if he was doing so on purpose. After getting something to eat, Sebastian walked back. But he did not go to Gabriel right away. He walked up to the girl in the corner and stared down at her. His mouth started to move but no words were coming out. After a small while of simply moving his lips he turned and left her. He stopped a few steps away from Gabriel and Gied. It was as if his blind eyes could see what was going on. "Pl....." A small sound came from his lips. His voice was soft anad cracked badly. " Tha....k....An....ple.....ase...." He said to Gied. It was the best sound he could do. After he 'spoke' he went over and picked the small child up in his arms. Gabriel was still out if it and didn't realize that Sebastian had spoken. He wrapped his arms around the man's neck and closed his eyes suddenly looking much more peaceful then before.
Gied reluctantly relinquished his warm pillow. He acknowledged the words, although he didn't pretend to understand them all, with a nod. Alone on the floor again, Gied peered around, and for lack of a better activity to take part in, the creature curled up into itself, making a little ball of rags and fluff. His breathing slowed, and his tense body relaxed. His tail came free from the ball and lay in a bundle on the ground. Gied was showing all the apparent signs of sleep, but his eyes were wide open, watching, and his ears followed the movement of sounds in the room. Gied was God here. It would not do for God to be taken by surprise.
She tayed in the corner a little longer before her eyes shifted to brown and she crawled closer to geids tail to play with it, a cute look on her face like a kitten wanting to play
Sebastian looked down at Gied. After a few moments, he set Gabriel down on the floor beside him. He sat down so he could have one hand on the child as he slept. Gabriel didn't have Sebastian's neck to hold any longer so he wrapped his arms around the skinny body of Gied in his sleep. He started to pet the childs head, just for something to do.
Gied felt warmth spread across his body, and his subconscious mind told him that whatever was happening, whoever was so close to him, it was safe. There was no intent to harm in them. So he slept on, his tail twitching back and forth erratically, making it more difficult for the woman to catch or touch. They would need to go soon. They had a looooong way up to go. Gied might just get to eat as well, although he doubted that it would be a pleasant meal. The food here wasn't very healthy for him.

Tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic....

Gied's ears pricked up.

Clack, clack, clack... thunk. Gied's head lifted from the little ball it had been so safely enclosed in. Something in here was alive besides them. Turning to make sure, he counted the bodies, and yes.. there were definitely two more in here other than them. At least. But how?
She stopped trying to get the tail as she felt two more presences, and shrank into the corner, looking around for them, her lips turned up like hackles on an angry dog, a slow hiss coming from her... she didnt like this... too many against her...
In a swift motion, Sebastian picked up the child and took him in his arms. HE waited to see if they were in danger or not. His senses were dull when Gabriel was asleep. The markings on his body moved about, as if they were alive. He was tense but stood still. Gabriel slowly started to open his eyes. "What is it? Is something bad happening?" He asked in a small tired voice.
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