Magical Sex Ed. (RoleplayMaster x ChrisGabriel)

Harry's eyes widened as his pants slipped to his ankles after a few wand flicks, his cock growing hard after a few more. The Keep It Up spell did seem effective, although it did not seem right... it was rather painful, to the point that he needed an immediate release. So much build up, it felt as if he hadn't cum in months, and it was all ready to explode. A noise to his left alerted him to his teacher falling beside him. The clumsy nature of the fall seemed familiar, but from where, he was unsure.

Ron was one of the few to act quickly at the sound, still rather alert from his exploits the previous year at the Ministry. Fighting Death Eaters had made him trigger happy at loud noises, so when the teacher fell, he cast a spell in that direction. The only spell on his mind though, was the Slippery Seducing Sheath. At once, her body from the shoulders down clung tightly together in clear plastic, showing off her many curves.

The teacher fell right beside Harry, and her body looked so appealing. The spell had made him horny, and not care about any possibly consequences. Mistress Dora had managed to get to her knees, and before she had the chance to yell at Neville and Hermione, Harry's cock found it's way inside her mouth. "Fuck" He groaned happily, gripping a fistful of hair and thrusting in and out quickly. The spell ensured he would last a while, so all she could do was kneel and take it, while his hairy balls slapped her chin.

Soon enough, Dean and Seamus had enough presence of mind to join Ginny, watching and even helping her with the dildo. Dean stood by her face, his meaty cock begging to be sucked. Seamus had one hand on the dildo and the other on her breast, massaging her chest while shoving the fake cock as deep in as he could. Essentially, Ginny would be penetrated in pussy and mouth by Dean's cock and a replica of the same cock, while Seamus felt her up.
Leaving the cocks for the boys to use on her, Ginny was concentrating on trying to enspell her own orifices with the sheath spell, and not hurting too much from the big dicks...

Hermione was gasping in surprise, and leaving Neville to hunt down the wayward dildo, while she tried to get Ron's attention. "Ron. Ron! Stop powering the spell!" as she culd see that the redhead was dumb stuck enough to keep putting his power into holding the techer.

Mistress Dora was just moaning around the big juvenile cock, her own arousal already peaked from being in the situation... And Luna helped by casting a sheath spell on her mouth, the blonde's tongue peeking out of between her lips as she tried to keep the orifice ready for the cock. Lune alternated recasting both spells, on the teacher, then on Harry, on the teacher, then on harry... She was just happy to have her spells work, not caring too much how she was almost linking up the two.

The Patils was just staring now, not knowing how their spells had got Dora's core latching onto the spells Luna and Ron was pushing at her, or Harry's more strong than usual core, creating a backlash with chaotic consequences.
The sheathing spells Ginny applied to herself left the pussy quite slick, allowing the dildo to slide in and out with ease, yet the stretching the dildo caused brought both pain and pleasure still. Dean was enjoying Ginny giving head, but ended up throwing Ginny's wand away from her so she could focus solely on his pleasure, and not her spells.

Ron, annoyed at Hermione for still ignoring him sexually in class, continued to power the spell. It had been an accident at first, but now, he kept it going. "If only this were Hermione..." Ron thought to himself, imagining his girlfriend bound in the middle of the class.

The spells Luna was applying did not seem to have the desired effects. Where the sheathing spells were meant to restrict Harry as not to hurt Mistress Dora too much, and prevent him cumming in a harmful manner, neither problems were fixed with the blonde's help. Instead, a hard plastic in the shape of an 'O' forced Dora's mouth to remain open, her tongue sticking out for Harry's cock. It only clung to gums, allowing her lips and tongue to still touch and apply pleasure to Harry, and it went no deeper, leaving her throat completely free to be penetrated. Harry's particularly strong core helped block any spells Luna attempted on him, now that he was resisting.

As for Harry, he was enjoying himself as much as he could, with such a painful build up. Dora seemed into it, and from everyone else's point of view, they could see his cock entering her throat, her neck having a bulge where his penis rested on each thrust. It took a solid ten minutes of thrusting for the boy-wizard to finish, shooting his load directly into his stomach. The wayward Keep It Up spell had caused him to feel as if he had months of build up, meaning an unnatural amount of semen shot into her stomach.

Harry stepped back, his tired cock slipping out and rubbing saliva all over Dora's face, before he sat back down. The plastic binding Dora fell to the ground, and now that she was no longer constricted, the semen gave off a look as if she were 8 months pregnant. The stomach she now had was large, but slowly depleting as semen leaked out her pussy and ass and ran down her thighs.

The final backlash from the events that had taken place over the last ten minutes, was the spells the Patils had been casting. Combined with the magical exhaustion of Mistress Dora and Harry Potter, the teacher's disguise soon fell through. As she recovered, it would be discovered that the true identity of Mistress Dora, was none other than Metamorphmagus Nymphadora Tonks!

"T-Tonks?!" Ron gasped in surprise, shocked and feeling extremely nervous as to what he had just done to her.
Tonks was laying in the puddle of juices and semen, feeling all washed out from the magically replicated cum. With her now only dressed in a loose corset and high heels, it was obvious that she shuddered with the backlash, feeling just more aroused from the taste and smell - and humiliation. She tried to reply to the question and stand up, but found her lips still spread with the O gag, and her appendages was slipping in the puddle, making her fall back She started giggling, laughing, and just crawled towards the teacher's desk - unwantingly and wantonly showing off her pussy and ass still drenched with cum.

Hermione was gasping and ready to screech at Ron, bit the redheaded boys smoldering look at her shut her up in time.

Luna just tried to realize where she went wrong, putting the tip of her wand to her lips, and maybe even gnawing on it a little like it was a muggle pen or pencil...

Ginnys moaning and humming in pleasure was soon more obvious, as she was just trying to imitate what they had seen on the floor, but her lips and throat was not ready for the bigger cock... Not even her pussy was big and deep enough to take the copy all the way, but neither seemed to stop the boys...

The patils blushed, looked at each other, then sneaked to the wall to re-read and watch the right way of doing the three spell.
Harry, too, was quite shocked and embarrassed at what he had done to his godfather's cousin. "S-Sorry about that uh, Tonks..." Harry apologised. It had felt good though... really good.

A trail of cum showed where Tonks had been and where she dragged herself too, which was fairly amusing. "What's the next lesson, Mistr-Tonks?" Neville corrected himself, having returned to his seat beside Hermione, dildo retrieved.

At that moment, Dean had cum, filling Ginny's mouth to the brim with his cum, and watching as it dripped down her chin. Simutaneously, the fake dildo also orgasmed, apparently having the same nerves as the real thing too.
Recovering and dispelling the gag, Tonks pulled herself up, then turned towards the class, trying not to blush.
"Okay, class, I am still Mistress Dora... " she cleaned up the trail and puddle by cleaning spells, then accioed her robe, and put it in order too, banishing it to rest on the shelf in the corner.

"Now, you experienced what could happen if you botched or miscast the basic spells... just think about what could happen if you do it to the advanced ones..." looking around she waited until Ginny and the boys finished up too, and some resemblance of order was reached.

"Well, folks, you still had to get these spells right, but whoever shows me that he or she can cast it perfectly thre times in a row, I would teach a spell he or she is interested in, and has connection to the class."
The boys all looked fairly interested in Tonks' proposition, though whether it was learning the new spell, or just her sluttified look now that cum had been leaking from her orifices. The students began to work on the spells, but it was Seamus who managed to beat her challenge first.

"Mistress?" He said, raising his hand. "I did it." To demonstrate, he did each spell once more, managing them all perfectly on command. He waited for her to confirm everything correctly, before he requested his spell. "Is there some sort of spell that makes uh... sex itself more interesting? So, like... not a sex protection spell, but something that directly impacts something going into something else in a pleasurable way?" He asked. All the other students seemed interested in that too. Typical, since kids never really cared about protection, and only wanted to fuck like rabbits.
Tonks was still slightly trembling from her ordeal, and imagining how all these students was now able to hold it against her - and she fantasized at the different ways they should be doing it after their classes progressed. So, she was also trying to see if any of the girls or boys would follow in her steps - either as sluts or dominants... maybe finding plesure from being switches like she was.

But basically she just looked out who should or could not be included in the 'deeper mysteries' of carnal pelasure. Lucky for her, it seemed all the students in the class had some qualities that would keep them hooked in a good, or bad way.

Ginny seemed really enthusiastic, even if it was a little bit exaggerated just to get a reaction out of her brother... Not healthy, but she could use it... use them. For the male redhead was also operating with negative emotions, being reluctant except when it came to showing off to his two friends, Harry and Hermione.

The Patils seemed to be just in it for the opportunity to be more free of their cultural and social clutches, making them sluts at the best. But hopefully would be at least trained to how do it best, and maybe less obviously. Dean just looked like he would be happy to either use them, or join them, the boy only needing some push in the right direction. There was a lot of witches who would like him well trained and providing.

Seamus and Luna was the kind of people who would be trying everything just for the fun of it - mused Tonks, while she checked to see if the boy... young man got everything right three times.

"Congratulation, Mr. Finnigan. Indeed you can get the basic right. And while protection spells are something you should be learning first, there is something said to protect yourself or your partner from bad experiences." she was thinking what to share, finally coming to a choice, lightly crossing her legs and clenching her thighs together. "While there are a lot of spells to make sex more interesting, there is one that should be easy enough for you to learn and use to make something going into somebody more pelasurable."

Changing her stance, the older girl shooed the others away. "You all better go back and keep trying, he can show you and try to teach you all later." then she got Seamus into a bubble of opaque bubble which muffled voices too, to teach him.

"There is a better version of the pleasurable coating, one that could be used instead of it, or under, maybe abowe it. You just have to choose the placement. It covers the choosen area, making all sensations that are coming from touching intensify, with a safety, that pain is lessened, and pelasure is heightened. Without that part, it can be bad... and there are rumors that there is a reverse, that just makes you feel more of the pain and less or none of the pelasure... Depending on the magic in the spell, and the caster's expetise, the spell is at least heightens and dims things one quarter. But there are people experienced and powerful enough to be able to cast it strong enough to make it feel five times better... This is what you have been thinking, or have some other idea?"
Seamus was clearly intrigued by what Tonks was telling him, wanting to learn more. "Uh, yeah. Sounds very interesting. But what if you say, put it on someone's back, or a part of their body that's not usually there for pleasure? Could you theoretically make someone cum from a back massage?" He asked with a small laugh. "Or what if you put it on their butts and give them a spanking? Would that make things more or less pleasurable, since people derive pleasure from the pain it brings?" He asked curiously, sounding unexpectedly intelligent. Though it regarded sex and not actual schoolwork, so maybe it wasn't a surprise.

"Anyway, yeah, I want to learn how to use it." Seamus added after his questions. He wasn't shy about letting his eyes travel her body.
"Well... Of course you can cover other parts too, with a little extra spellwork. Depending on the power and experience, it is possible to make someone feel more pelasure than pain eve nfrom a lashing. Or make a girl cum just from the playing with their breasts..." Tonks blushed, both something she had personal experience with.

"You know what? Then you can learn it, and try to use it... " she licked her lips, and was ready to lead Seamus on his quest for more pelasure... Tonks even held his hands and directed his movements from behind him, pulling the young man against herself. "One thing you have to be careful with, too much pleasure and too much repeat of it can change one's expecations and cravings..."

She very much hoped he would be abusing his new spell.

But then Tonks was there to teach, and hoped that others had their own success and requests too.

Even if it was only Hermione who wanted to show off the spells, when the bubble burst from around the two. While Seamus was left to keep practicing, Tonks had to try keep her amusement under the strict Mistress mask. Hermione was using one of the dildos on the table for her spellwork, not realizing - or maybe no caring - that it was not a human male member's copy.

"Brawo, Miss Granger."

"And now for my request for a spell?"

"Uh.. You was not the first?"

"But you told us whoever shows you... not that the first who shows you..." Hermione was right, of course, and it made the others interest peak.

"Well, you are right... What kind of spell are you interested in?" the Mistress in Tonks tried to find a way to mess with the girl, even if she liked her a little... After all, Tonks had her eyes on Harry... 's member. Not sure if the young man would be up to the level of her werewolf lover's experience...

"Well, I want to learn a protection against... getting affected by these kinds of spells against my wishes!" The studious Griffindor exclaimed with finally made up mind.

"Really... Miss Granger... Okay class, you keep playing and trying while I make sure Miss Granger gets what she asked for..." Tonks recast the opaque distortion sphere, taking a little longer and with some additional wandwork this time...

Leaving a whisper for the class outside.
"Recall that what you asks for you would get."
Seamus felt Tonks pressed up behind him, her body against his as she showed him the wand movements for this new spell. Trying not to enjoy it too much, Seamus listened and learned. Before she dispersed the bubble, Seamus was given a lifelike dildo to practice on. It was lifelike, in the sense that it reacted to sensitivity and pleasure. So he would be able to see just how effective his spells were.

The students listened to the whisper as the bubble was made around Tonks and Hermione, realising that Hermione had said a double negative. She wouldn't learn anything of importance, and would be easier to mess with. Seamus smirked as he learned that, now more eager to learn his new spell.

As Tonks became available once again, it was Harry that was ready to show her the spells he had mastered. Once he was in the bubble, he asked the simple question that Tonks was bound to love. "So... with that thing you just did with Hermione... what would be the best spell to mess with her?" He asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

While they were in the bubble, Seamus silently cast a spell at Hermione, causing her bum to become a lot more sensitive. It would be difficult to sit properly, or be comfortable without feeling pleasure, thanks to the spell. It was surprisingly strong, possibly thanks to the encouragement of messing with Granger.
"Oh, Harry... You are a sweet and intelligent young man, there must be something that you would love to see, hear, feel, or just know about Hermione gets blessed with." Tonks really wanted to share some spells with Harry, but... she promised herself not to get too far into teaching. "I think there is more than one possibility, but there is also your peers that could ask to learn one of them, just like you have to choose one. Lets see..."

Tonks started to stroke herself with her wand, telling Harry about the spells for the places she was touching.

"Here is the lips, tongue and mouth, just imagine what would mess with her short term greatly, or long term but still letting her keep learning and living in the school somewhat nomrally. Then there is the neck, that is usually just enspelled to let one more easily deepthroat cocks... Here are the breasts.. a lot of small and great spells, making it more or different... Even ones that makes them grow, or just fill with milk, but there are some of those spells that should not be cast together, ever, or... Then here is the stomach, I heard and know spells that help some food taste better and be more fulfilling, but that would be better with potionwork, mixing in the right ingredient, making it more potent... Then the womb, where wonders happen even without magic, but one could mess with the natural order, not that I would recommend it."

Tonks was breathing heavyer and obviously lost in some memories or fantasies, her voice growing husky, as her wand slipped between her legs. "You could give her something extra, outside or inside, make the girl more sensitive, or less, needing more and more, thicker and longer and... Hmmm! .... Then there is the ass, you can make it feel like a pussy to you, or to the girl... or maybe you would want to just multiply her parts, even if the potions are more effective for Transformations, but having two or three pussy, more than one pair of breasts... or just multiple nipples or clit!" Tonks was sawing her wand betwen her clenched together thighs, pressing it against her juicy folds and throbbing clit.

"If you fuck me in the front of the class, Harry, I don't know what I would do!" she panted and whined, slowly returning to her senses, blinking rapidly. "Oh, sorry, Harry... What was that spell you wanted to learn?"

Hermione was trying to cast her newfound spell, and kep it up until it became her second nature, but she just had to keep squirming as just sitting in her seat - without the buzzing dildo - she still was feeling too good to have it be natural. She was looking around to find out if someone was csting on hr, but the sight - sounds and smells - just made the studious Griff more aroused.

It would be the Patils to get the spells right after Harry, but they would be happy to hear some of the others ideas what to ask to learn from the Mistress, who was then even more friendly and a little bit falling apart, starting with the change of her hair in color and lenght, amusingly... Her other hairs not always matched in color either.
Harry listened with great interest as Tonks explained the many spells she could teach him. His interest soon turned to arousal and confusion as her voice took a huskier tone, confessing her lust for him. "Is there a spell where if I cast it on someone, they would feel what I feel?" He asked. Standing from his desk, Harry walked up to Tonks with more confidence than he felt, a hand slowly moving to cup a breast. "Something where I put it on Hermione, and then fuck you raw with everyone looking." Harry spoke softly, so she'd have to strain to hear every word. When he finished speaking, he lightly pinched a nipple, enjoying the softness. He was a virgin, but the idea of his first time being with Tonks and in the front of the class, he loved very much.
"Yess!" Tonks hissed. "We can curse her and make sure to heighten our sensations! She wouéld be a wreck, feeling both side of it!"

"But whe shouldn't!" she gasped, and pushed him back. "Are you sure you want to learn this curse, Harry? To make the target feel what you feel from that moment on? Your pleasure... your pain... your strongest emotions... As her own... Not sure if it would work on anyone stronger in the Craft, but... It could have been a good spell against You Know Who. There is a variation, where you share with other, and a third, where you make another feel instead of you... Want to learn it?"
"Wow, you really know how to kill a mood." Harry said, but was still smiling. "I'd love to learn just the basic one where what I feel, the victim of the spell also feels." He requested. "Anything else can just be in... private lessons." Harry added in a whisper, closing the space that Tonks had made a moment earlier. Turning his back to her, he pulled Tonks' arms around him. "So, how does this spell work?" He asked.


Once they were done going through it, Harry cast an invisibility spell on himself. "Feel free to turn the bubble off and go back to your desk. I'm gonna have a bit of fun." Harry smirked, although it went unseen.
Tonks did just that, hoping that it would not bakfire on anyone... Teaching Harry left her aroused enough to need that sitting down, and realizing that he disappeared from the sight of others - even if she could follow him with her magical sense - made the Mistress-Auror-Teaching assistant quiver in anticipation.

Taking in the Patils spellwork, - somehow the girls wanted to target her to let her feel how they succeeded - Tonks was soon squirming in her chair enough that she had to stand up before she creamed herself.

"Okay, girls, your spells work, I can feel my holes nice and slick, clenching with anticipation... Now, tell me what do you want to learn?"

"Cosmetic spells! ... To be able to change small things on ourselves!" the Patils said at the same time, leaving Tonks thinking what to offer them, that would be a little more... special. After all, Cosmetic spells was so obviously taught by other girls in school, from third years up...

"Okay, that is easy. There is a couple of Cosmetic spells I can copy for your use, but they are too easy and work only on yourselves... What is the other request?" telling them that while they would get what they wanted, it would be later, but also counted towards one of their bonus...
While Harry waited for Tonks to finish with the Patils, he silently cast his new favourite spell on Hermione... then for the hell of it, he cast it on Ginny, Luna, Padma, Parvati, and Tonks as well. That last one would be interesting too, because not only would Tonks feel the pleasure of Harry eventually fucking her, but she would also feel Harry's pleasure from fucking her. So twice as much pleasure!

Since Tonks was taking her time, Harry approached the bubble, entering and lightly brushing Tonks' pussy with a single finger. It was a soft reminder that the longer she took, the longer the wait was until she was fucked.
Harry could feel the spell creating the link with Hermione... It surrounded Ginny too, but when he tried to share himself too much, trying to affect Luna, the spell snapped away from her and Ginny. Curiously, Harry succeeded to cover Padma and Patil, but had not enough concentration left to even try on Tonks.

Well, except to start fingering her wet, hot pussy. He could see Hermione and the Patils check their fingers wondering... There was no bubble at the moment, but Tonks was ready to cast it, she just needed the Patils to voice what else would they want to learn.

"Uh... Something about wearing high heels?"

"Okay!" breathed deep Tonks, casting her shrouding globe around the four of them. "It is like this. You can learn a spell to make footwear to sprout high heels and bound the wearers foot in it, and there is a curse to make one's foot arch, and not able to be comfortable without high heels... This needs you to cast at each leg separately..."
The first touch was just a tease. A warning. He was trying to tell her to hurry up, but she still consisted on teaching. So he placed a hand on Tonks' hip while the other pushed the panties to the side. His touch was so light, that the feeling of her panties moving could just be a normal movement. But any such thought would disappear, the moment Harry's fingers launched into Tonks' cunt. He did not seek to finger fuck Tonks here and now, merely give a small punishment in the form of a hard but pleasurable few seconds, before the sudden removal. She'd get more once she moved back to her desk.
While the Patils looked at their hands wondering what wasit they was feeling, Hermione looked around in alarm. She was sure someone was messing with her, bu she did not see anyone suspicious. Well, Harry was nowhere to be seen, so Hermione moved in her seat to look around for him... Which made her gasp in surprise as her ass sent pleasure to her nerves, leaving her squirming in place a little as she tried to come to terms with it.

Tonks shuddered at the fingers touching her, pushing her ass back against Harry. Revelling in the feeling, she only reprimanded the girls when Harry pulled back. "Concentrate on learning, girls!"

Meanwhile Ginny goaded her brother into a mock-duel using the new spells, occasionally miscasting, causing surprising results or have the spell just fizzle out.

Luna had been aiming her sheathing spells at the boys middle, then targeting her own holes to really get it right... Just as she was making sure to cast the Contraceptive one on herself from every angle and in every position, leaving her posing in ways that would have been laughable, if someone not aroused looked at it.
Annoyed that Tonks still had not learned, Harry pressed himself against her, his invisible cock against her butt. "Hurry up, or your greatest desire will go to someone else." He warned in a whisper, nipping at her neck softly before pulling away. A finger lightly teased her ass before he pulled it back.

Dissipating the spell he had used, that linked the Patils and Hermione with him, Harry used a variant in which the Patil twins would all feel what Tonks felt. That way, every touch he did to her, they would feel too. So almost everyone in the class had an invisible molester. He wanted to do it to Hermione too, but he felt his magical core straining as it was. Besides, Hermione seemed to be having enough issues as it was.
As the two Patils was learning in the privacy of the globe with Tonks, they all three was molested by the invisible Harry there with them. While the globe was more see-through and audible from ther inside, it still made it more private... And with Tonks having a kick out of seeing the two girls trying to soldier on through what she was feeling, well ,she made sure to 'freshen up' herself with a spell, making it twice as pleasurable. The hot body of their invisible - and in the girl's case intangible - lover was soon pushing them to grip the table and just take it... Tonks on one side of the teacher's table, Parvati actoss her, and Padma between them on the shorter side.
Sighing softly, Harry stared at Tonks as she made no effort to leave. He wanted to fuck her, but in this bubble, no one would know. She wanted the metamorphmagus at the front of the class for all to see, but she seemed unwilling to move. Reaching to Tonks' front, an easy task when she did not know where he was, the boy quickly pulled her shirt apart, ripping buttons off their threads and soon revealing the bra she had on... which was quickly unclasped from behind. Hopefully this would embarrass Tonks enough to move...
Gasping all three girls stared at the shirt ripped open and then the bra being loosened, and they kept staring as Tonk's breasts was bared. The two other also felt the freedom of those titties, even if their own was not that out in the open.

"Oops. Sorry for my climsiness..." Tonks replied, her voice husky as her arousal grew a little more. The privacy shield stayed on, but it would be not that hard to dissipate now, that she was not really keeping it up. Also, it slowly started to be more see-through and a little more sound travelled it too.
Reaching around to her front once more, Harry began to pinch and pull her nipples roughly. Due to his invisible nature, the girls would only see her breasts jiggling around from her nipples while they stiffened from pleasure. "Get to the front of the class." He instructed Tonks in a whisper, his cock against her ass. A moment later, every last bit of clothing that she wore, was shredded to pieces, leaving the metamorphmagus completely naked.
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