Magical Sex Ed. (RoleplayMaster x ChrisGabriel)

"Oh... I imagine I would not...." Hermione stood up sighing, and the three girls went up to the teacher's desk.

Seeing the teacher coming, Luna was working harder to slid herself onto the dildo, but she just could not make herself stop the good feeling part to do the little bit painful part... Well, until the spell, when the painful was not so painful, and she sat down with a gasp, fleeing from the touch of the man. "I am all good!" she hurried to make him sure he was not needed... Even if her eyes was crossing over and had to grit her teeth, fighting off the pain and the feeling of being stretched... and prodded deeply.
Giving her one last smile, the teacher returned to his desk, and the three girls waiting there. Making them face away from the class and bend over his desk, the short skirts already allowed their asses to reveal slightly. But if they thought that was bad, they would soon feel their skirts lowered to their ankles. If they tried to move, a sticking charm would find their upper bodies glued to the desk. Now, the three girls' asses were on display, with Hermione's white ass in the middle of the two brown butts.

Suddenly, a slap hit Parvati's ass cheek. It was not hard, more like a playful spank. But after a few seconds, another hit, and another, and so on. Each slap was slightly harder than the last, and while even the harder ones were soft, the consistency caused even the soft hits to eventually sting.

This targeted approach was soon repeated on the other ass cheek, and then the four other ass cheeks waiting. Of course, Hermione's white skin allowed a red mark to show itself on the skin, whereas the Patils could hide the marks a little better. "Okay." He said, waving his wand, and the twins found themselves unstuck. "You may return to your desks. This punishment will be repeated but worse if you fail to fix yourselves before next lesson." He told them, and they'd find their skirts missing. So the two would return to their desk without anything covering their lower bodies.

Hermione was still stuck though, as the teacher was not done with her yet. "I warned you, don't question my methods." He reminded her quietly. "Now, Hermione has volunteered herself to be the display for our next lesson. Today, we are going to learn about the lower body sexual anatomy of a female. The parts you will all be focusing on, is the butt cheeks, the ass hole, and the vagina." The Professor explained.

"The butt cheeks are pretty obvious, as everyone has them." A hand moved to Hermione's butt, gripping it and giving it a small squeeze. "Some females enjoy ass play, whether it is giving it a squeeze, a slap, a kiss, or something else." With his second hand, Curtis opened up Hermione's ass cheeks. "Now, this here is the ass hole." Gently, the teacher's finger slowly rubbed the hole. "Again, pretty obvious, since everyone has one. With both men and women, some people like this being played with, others don't." Curtis explained, his finger tip slipping inside for a brief second, before pulling out.

"And finally, the vagina. This is where the magic happens. Where sex will occur more often than not." As he spoke, Curtis reached for a black dildo identical to the one he let Ginny borrow. "Of course, for first timers, a hymen does affect the passage." He explained, slipping the dildo inside. Using the numbing agent, Curtis pushed the dildo inside of Hermione until the hymen broke. Pulling it out, it was soon replaced with a larger one. "Okay, so, we will see what sex is like, simulated with a dildo. Girls, if you would like to get in a line, you can give it a few thrusts and try it out. Be gentle though." He warned, placing the dildo inside the nerdy girl and watching her reactions.
The girls squirmed and moaned, before they cried out at the slaps, but the two Patils was not as loud as hermione, who was basically sobbing in her shame... But... was Padma moans a little different? The girl was flushed when finally released, hurrying back to her chair, and sitting down - still not on the dildo, but around it - trying to cover up with her hands.

Parvati was slower, eyeing the two girls sitting on their dildos, both seemingly okay with it... and she tried to sit on it too. But pulled back and just sat around it, blushing, as she realized Seamus was staring at her, grinning.

Hermione tried to clench her ass, to move her back away, but it just was making her wriggle her ass to the others... The finger in her ass made her gasp and cry out a "No!" Stop it!" but the first dildo slid in almost effortlessly, just having to stretch her walls, or maybe her hymen was really weak...

But it meant that the second, thicker dildo was stretching her even more, leaving Hermione gripping the teacher's desk and continue sobbing... even if her pussy was getting moist enough to make the dildos move with sufficient lubrication. None of the girls got up to get closer to the scene, seemingly not wanting to do anything with moving that dildo.
"Girls, when I ask you to do something, I do expect it to be done. Remember this is not just a class. This is technically a detention." He reminded them. "But, nevertheless, I'll ask the boys to go first. Then when they are done, I will ask you to go. And don't get it twisted, I use words like 'ask', but as your teacher, you are expected to do what I ask."

Slowly, the boys stood and got in a line, a little uncertain since they were all rather close with Hermione. Seamus was first, grabbing the back end of the dildo. Gently, he slid it in and out of her slowly, seeing how slight twists would affect her. Dean was next, also opting for some experimentation. But this experiment was how she'd react with slow thrusts, then a few sudden fast ones, before returning slow once more. Neville was next, blushing and shy as always. Grabbing the dildo, he wanted this done as quickly as possible, so he thrust it in and out of Hermione faster than the previous two users, and rushed back to his seat. He never really thought of what would happen to Hermione when he did it faster.

Ron was next, watching his girlfriend stuck in place. It was kinda hot, despite how messed up this all was. Getting the dildo, he began pumping it in and out of her at a fairly good, solid pace for a minute or two, before Harry took over. He was a little slower, but learning from everything the others did before him, the boy with the lightning scar managed to pleasure Hermione better than everyone else.

Finally, he was back at his seat too, and the teacher stared at the female students expectantly.
Hermione cries soon turned into moans, and when Harry was finished with her - without her finishing - she was trembling in her knees and panting. The girls had some reaction to the whole thing... Luna was openly riding her dildo, staring at the scene, trying to copy it... Ginny just sat in her place, on the dildo, but her young pussy was clenching on the toy and soaked with her juices, leaving her breathig hard and flushed.

The Patils tried to save face in front of the Professor, and hurried to do his bidding.. Tentatively, Padma was the first, moving the dildo in and out, trying to move it all the way, even had it plopping out once causing Hermione to cry out a little... Hurriedly sliding it back all the way, she was making the studious Griff cry out again, as the Indian girl pushed it a little bit hard. Blushing, Padma backed away, looking at the Professor if she could get backto her seat...

Parvati taking over. Moving the dildo easily, as Hermione was sufficiently wet at that time, she marveled out loudly "It seems that she has no problems with this size..." she was moving it in and out, clowly rolling it around, both in the stuck girls soppy pussy, and also around its center line. "Shouldn't it be a detention, Professor? She likes it too much..." Parvati added innocenly, as Hermione was moaning in her humiliated pleasure, her pussy lightly fluttering around the shaft.
Raising an eyebrow at Parvati's comments, while nodding to say silently that Padma could return to her seat, the Professor thought of how to proceed. "Very bold, to try and manipulate me into doing something worse to your classmate, right after your own punishment." The teacher told the Patil twin. "Hmm... Mr. Potter, since your partner is busy right now, could you join me up here?" He requested. Taking the dildo from Parvati, he slid it gently into Hermione's pussy. A moment later, she would feel it expand to twice the size (which still wasn't particularly thick) and begin moving on it's own inside of her.

Harry nodded, standing up and walking to Professor Smith and Parvati. "On your knees, Miss Patil." He requested, though it sounded more like an order. If she hesitated to move, the teacher would raise a foot, gently pressing on the back of her knee to push her down.

"While Miss Granger is punished for your entertainment, we will move onto the next lesson. This will be part one of the foreplay class, and part two will take place at a later time. This lesson is about handjobs and blowjobs. Both essential tools in getting a male partner aroused, sometimes foreplay will lead onto sex, and at other times, foreplay will be the only thing you guys do." The teacher began. With a quick flick of his wand, the teacher forced Harry's pants down to his ankles, causing him to quickly cover himself up.

"It's alright, Mr Potter. Don't worry." The teacher said. "Now, Miss Patil. Grasp the penis in your hand and stroke it gently. Use your mouth to kiss or lick at the skin. Some people love the balls to be played with in some way. When you're happy that he's sufficiently lubed up with saliva, begin the blowjob. Careful not to use teeth. Keep going until completion." He instructed.

Standing back, he glanced at the rest of the class. "You may all start now. Mr Finnigan, when your partner is done with her demonstration, you will help her practice as well." He told the young man, knowing he would otherwise be annoyed at missing out.

Looking back at Hermione, he knew he wanted to have her practice blowjob skills with him, but he would wait and watch the other students first, and let her suffer the dildo for a while longer too.
"No, I am not ..." Parvati tried to save face, flushed, but her eyes followed the dildo as it went and doubled in Hermione... Hearing the girls gasp and cry at the dildo filling and fucking her pussy, the Indian girl had to bite back a moan of her own. While not doing it naturally, and with great reluctance, Parvati still lowered herself to her knees, but only turned her head towards Harry when his trouser and underwear was spelled down, to stare at his manhood.

Hermione was on her way to a forced orgasm, the stares making her hotter and the thickened dildo stretching and touching her sensitive places. No wonder Parvati glanced towards her when she took Harry in her hands... But she was not taking it in her mouth... Well, the most she would do is tentatively kiss it and lick it, when the others in the class got to that part too.

Luna got Nevill to sit in front of her on the table, letting the blonde to stay seated, while she examined the lesson's target. Soon, the adventurous blonde was tasting it too, while her hands roamed all over Neville.

Padma was almost disappearing in her shame and humiliation, tryin to curl up and keep away, but Dean was crowding her, while making sure to cover her from the eyes of others. Maybe thankful of privacy, or just because Parvati had started doing it, but she was touching the dark skinned young man's member with shown disinterest... even as she was getting into it enough to wordlessly start sucking on it later.

Ginny was not really sure what to do, if she should get in front of her brother, or what, so she waited for he redhead to get into a position and drop his pants, before she got to it... with enthusiasm.
Curtis watched Parvati's reluctance, sighing softly in annoyance once again. Walking up behind them, he waited for a moment where Harry's tip was at Parvati's lips, before shoving her head down his cock. He was forceful enough that she couldn't fight back, yet was still careful not to hurt her. A few head bobs later, the girl was released. "This is not violating your virginity, Miss Patil. I should hope that you'd participate a little more thoroughly." He said. "Now that I've helped you get started, there is no excuse for you to stop. If you don't hurry up, I'll bring Mister Finnigan up here so you have to help both him and Mister Potter at the same time." he warned.

Neville stood and sat on the desk at Luna's request, freezing as her small fingers hooked in his shorts, pulling them down. His erection was actually quite impressive for such a shy lad, and soon he was moaning and groaning at Luna's enthusiasm. He could not tell if her enthusiasm was what made it so good, or if she had experience, but either way, he was not complaining.

Dean's erection seemed to match the stereotype, quite thick and large thanks to his race. He stood up, using his body to hide her from the class to get her more confident, and soon enough, she was trying things too. "Take your time." He said softly.

Ron, still very much hating the fact that he was doing this with his sister, reluctantly pulled his pants down. "I'm not getting up... You're moving, not me." he instructed, meaning for Ginny to get on her knees and start. His eyes widened as she began, groaning loudly. This was better than anything Hermione had done to him so far...

When each student seemed occupied in a sufficient manner, Curtis moved to the other side of his desk, to greet Hermione. "Having fun?" He asked. Slowly, his pants unzipped and dropped, revealing his penis to her. It wasn't particularly special, an average length and maybe a little thicker than normal, with a rather thick bush of pubic hair. "We're doing the blowjob lesson today. Since your partner is occupied, you get to practice with me. When you finish, your punishment will be over." he smiled, rubbing her hair as if she were a pet.

The upper part of Hermione's upper body became unstuck, allowing her to use her arms and hands freely, while still being stuck to the desk. The teacher stood there expectantly, waiting for Hermione to begin, his cock swinging freely inches from her face. It was only semi-erect, so she would also have more work to do than the others... other than perhaps Parvati, who had two guys to finish off.
While Parvati was forced to take it to the next level, her sister just took her time. If she could, she would have left out the taking it into her mouth part, but gave Dean the pleasure to lick his member's head once or twice, and to kiss the sudes and under it, as she lifted up the cock and weighted his balls.

Parvati was less creative, she just kept moving her head up and down, almost slaving on the erection of Harry, her fingers just used to encircle the member and hold it, keeping the excess out of her mouth. She still kept stealing glances at Hermione.

Hermione, the reluctant, what is more, the rebeldom, as she turned her head away, and re-closed her eyes, not realising what the others was doing behind her... But she was panting, and gasping, as her body was fucked by the dildo. Maybe she just did not wanted her punishment to be over...

Luna and Ginny was exploring their own and their partners reactions, the blonde more palyful, while the redhead moaning like a slut, trying to get a reaction out of her brother.
While Dean was enjoying himself, he had experienced many blowjobs in the past, and wished Padma moved on a little faster. "Stop teasing me." He whined softly. Get a little faster. If you don't want to suck it, at least stroke it fast while you use your mouth." Dean suggested.

Harry was having fun too, enjoying the exotic skinned girl as she went down on him. He never had a blowjob before, so even the basics felt good. It did not take much longer until he came, the first one of the lot. The teacher had noticed the oncoming reaction, and before it occurred, he spoke up. "20 points to each student who swallows. Negative 30 points for anyone that spits." He warned, as Harry's load hit the back of Parvati's throat.

Forcing Hermione's head back to face his cock, Curtis slipped himself inside, thrusting in and out and using her throat as a fucktoy. Her tired, panting and gasping state helped, in that she could not fight it well. On every thrust, his hefty, hairy balls slapped her chin.

Neville happened to be the second to cum. As Luna's tongue twirled around his head, soft strokes contrasting with the fast head bobs, his thick wad shot into Luna's mouth, his legs tightening up as he exploded. "Wow." He groaned, leaning back and almost falling off the desk. Thankfully, his legs caught on Luna's chair and the desk, so he remained there.

Ron was still moaning, a hand through Ginny's red hair as she went down on him. As he felt himself near, a second hand joined the top of her head, and suddenly, he was in control. Forcing her head up and down his cock, she was going faster and faster as his tip hit the back of her throat. Suddenly, his load shot, landing into her stomach directly. As he released her, excessive amounts of saliva ran down the shaft and onto his balls.
Parvati was distracted by the words, and not really ready for it anyway, so she started sputtering and coughing, as she pulled back, but inadvartely done both... Gulping some and spitting some.

Padma looked up thankful and speed up her hands - she had to use both - and even took the tip into her mouth, before she looked around where to put Deans load when it came... she so did not wanted it in her mouth.

Luna was surprised too, but she just snorted, and kept exploring more, gulping down the cum only if it took her fancy... but was then licking him clean, humming and trying to ride her dildo to her own pleasure.

Ginny got to choke on her brothers cock, gagging and trying to get away as her head was kept in place, making her come up for air without missing a drop, but still leaving him a mess.

Hermione tried to push the professor away, as he filled her mouth, but she was panting too much and getting fucked for enough pleasure that she was just using her hands weakly, and not trying to bite him just pushing at the cock with her tongue... she would of cours sputter and spit, coughing if he finished in her mouth.
Helping Parvati up, Harry looked her over. She had swallowed half his load, he would estimate, the other half dribbling down her chin and onto her chest. As she stood, Harry escorted her over to her desk, to an impatiently waiting Seamus, wanting his turn next. His cock was already out, a little smaller than Harry's own.

With Padma's distracted nature, when his load finally came, it was not expected by the Ravenclaw Patil Twin. A hefty load shot out, a little entering her lips but the majority spraying them, her neck and her chest. "Oh fuck." Dean swore, panting softly as he watched her reaction.

To stop himself falling off, Neville rotated so he was laying along the desk like a bed, enjoying Luna's post-orgasm oral-exploration. He was a lot more sensitive now, but he still enjoyed every moment.

When Ginny pulled back, revealing how messy she left his cock, Ron made a disgusted sound. It was only her saliva, but it did not matter. Reaching over, he grabbed Ginny's robes, cleaning himself off with them. Now when she would leave the classroom later, her front would be covered with her own saliva.

Hermione, still being facefucked, did not have to wait too long for him to finish. In and out he went, occasionally pulling out so his balls could enter her mouth, his saliva-covered penis rubbing against her face. But he would always end up thrusting back in. But when his orgasm came, he pulled out once again, meaningfully spraying his load into her hair and onto her face. Slipping the tip back inside so he could clean himself off, the teacher finally said "Your punishment is now over. Return to your desk, as you can now sit on your seat properly. You have not lost any more points, however, if you do not clean yourself up for the remainder of the class, you will get another 20 points for Griffindor." He propositioned.

Waving his wand, the dildo suddenly thrust in and out twenty times in the following three seconds, before flying out and landing on the desk beside her. Hermione was then unstuck, her skirt missing like the Patil twins, as she was told to return to her desk next to Harry.

Now, only Seamus was left to be satisfied. "Be quick, Miss Patil, and we can move onto the next course. In the mean time, twenty points to Griffindor and Ravenclaw, thanks to Ginny and Luna. Parvati seemed to do a bit of both, so that evens out, and Padma did not seem to get the choice in the matter."
Hermione, with her face and hair covered in cum, and tasting it too, started cumming, before the dildo flew out. She was still gasping, and not really able to walk in her own... but if helped to her place, she would be distracted enough to not clean up for at least until she started to come down from her pleasure.. and with a dildo in her pussy - maybe buzzing - Hermione would be sufficiently distracted...

Parvati almost cried when she was escorted over to Seamus, and put onto her knees... but she started to take him into her mouth too, with her eyes closed.

Padma just blinked at the load covering her front, looking down and trying to clean herself off with a spell - except her hand was not finding her wand, as it was where the others was.

Ginny crawled back into her seat, disgusted at how Ron soiled her clothes, wowing to herself to somehow give it back to him. Then she also went for her wand... which was not part of her muggle clothes. "Yuck!"

Lina just kept playing with Nevill, but more like just resting her head in his lap and on his body, as she was moaning in her own orgasm.
Eventually, Neville returned to his chair, waiting patiently for the next part of the class.

After a bit of silence, other than Parvati's slight gagging and slurping sounds and Seamus' moans, he eventually gave her a second load of cum to swallow. Once she dealt with it in her own way, she was told to return to her seat. "Miss... Lovegood, come up please. Sit on the desk for me." He requested, tapping the spot he was wanting her to sit at. "And... Mister Thomas." He added, and the dark skinned boy stood and walked to the front of the class.

"Next session, is foreplay part two. This is how to please the woman, whereas part one was about pleasing the man. There are two target spots to focus on. The breasts-" As he spoke, he was waving his wand to reveal Luna's breasts to the class. A hand gently cupped one of them, shaking it lightly for them to see. "And the pussy." The hand moved down to the spot he had identified, cupping that too.

"Mister Thomas, if you like, you can do what I say as I explain to the class?" he suggested, and the boy nodded.

"First, start with the breasts. Your hands and mouth can do wonders for these things. Kiss. Suck. Nibble or bite at the skin. Massage the breasts. Maybe pull or pinch the nipples. Hell, the kinkier ones even love them being twisted. See what they like, and do so." As he spoke, Dean was experimenting with Luna. Gripping both boobs in his hands, he massaged them firmly, occasionally pinching at the skin, kissing it, and so on. He left no marks though.

"Then, you can move down low to the pussy. Here, like the male, there is a hand and a mouth option. With the hand, you can finger them, rubbing either the outer area, or delve inside. The mouth option, you again, lick the outer area, or delve inside. Focusing on the little nub known as the clit also is a good idea. Rest of the class can now try it out. Girls, get on the desks and let them go to work. Neville and Padma, you two can pair up too." The teacher instructed as Dean began to go down on Luna.

Neville glanced at Luna nervously, wishing he was with her. But he nodded at the teacher's instruction and moved to sit in Dean's chair, waiting for Padma to get into position.
Luna is slow to start on her way out, the girl still all smiles from her own pleasure. Hopping up on the table ,she swings her legs, and has her hands behind her to recumbent on. She just giggles as her breasts are bared, then curiously looks at what Dean was doing.. the contrast of their skin making her loose herself in the lesson, humming and leaning back her head when her breasts is groped. She only started gasping when he reached her pussy, which was surrounded by neat small bows of different colors holding tufts of her blonde, but recently moistened bush.

Padma and Parvati was looking at each other, then shrugging, they bot got up on their respective tables, blushing, and not really pulling up their clothes or anything. They seemed to expect to get touched through them - at least their breasts.

Ginny was eager to get her brother close to her legs, which she would clamp around his neck if he ever reached her pussy, determined to soak the other readhead's face with her juices.. even if she had to get herself off somehow.

Hermione was still in la-la-land, breathing hard, and occasionally twitching, the dildo in her pussy, as she was slowly rocking her hips.
Hands wrapped around Luna's waist, holding her still as Dean began to eat her out. Solely using his mouth, his lips and tongue worked quickly on her clit, occasionally dipping lower to tongue-fuck the blonde girl.

Both Padma and Parvati had no skirts still, thanks to the punishment earlier in the lesson. Neville stood up as Padma got in front of him, still as nervous as ever. Gently, his fingers worked on her buttons, undoing them and revealing her breasts. They were very nice looking, and with a hungry look in his eye, Neville began to kiss and lick and bite and suck, going to town on them in a very pleasurable way. As he did so, his lower half gently rocked against her core.

While Neville's focus was on Padma's breasts, Seamus' was solely on Parvati's pussy. Ignoring the breasts for now, his mouth found Parvati's moistened cunt, slipping two fingers inside as he licked and kissed. He was careful to not break her hymen, although as the pleasure heightened for her, her hips rocking gently against his hand, he felt himself go a little too far, breaking her hymen in the process.

Ron stared at Ginny for a moment, as she looked way too eager for this. Glancing at his girlfriend for a moment, Ron looked back at Ginny and sighed. Ignoring the breasts too, Ron began on the pussy, kissing and sucking on the outer lips before finding her legs clamped around his head. "Mmphf!" he groaned.

"M-Mione?" Harry said nervously. "U-Um... you're meant to get on the table." Harry said softly.
While Padma was hugging Neville's head to her breast, Parvati was gripping Seamus head and riding his tongue and fingers... Both Patils felt their pussies prodded by something, and the first to cry out first in pain, then in pleasure was Parvati, already aroused from watching - and doing - Hermione, then the two cocks, she could still taste... she came, her taste filling Seamus' tongue. And Padma was soon pulling Neville closer, with her legs hugging his ass, the boy lost in tasting her breasts. Feeling the boy's bulge at her pussy, she was overcame with natural lust and pulled him even closer, even lifting her hips off the table to rock against the boy...

"Get .. under it!" Hermione gestured before her, as she rode the inbuilt dildo, but she opened the front of her clothes to get to her breasts, hoping that Harry would soon add his hands too...

Ginny rocked ehr core against her brother's face, encouraging him and telling the redhead what to do, for her to get closer and closer to drench his face... She even pinched her own nipples to catapult herself higher into an explosive orgasm.

"Oh, Dean, you are such a dog!" Luna giggled, then moaned "Keep doing it, please!" her moan became panting, as she left herself all open for the young man's enthusiastic lapping.
Neville held onto Padma as she rubbed herself against him, enjoying the sensations it brought. Nibbling on her nipple in a way that brought a little pain but mostly pleasure, he soon moved down to her pussy, telling her to keep rocking her hips like she had when she was rubbing against his bulge. It forced her pussy to rub all over his mouth and nose, but it also seemed to get her off a lot easier.

Harry nodded nervously at the instruction, kneeling in front of Hermione. Not wanting to deal with the vibrating dildo just yet, Harry began with the breasts, his face buried in his best friend's chest. Her skin was so soft, her breasts a pleasurable weight to them. As he moved lower to her pussy, Harry's hands remained at her breasts, massaging them roughly as he eyed her soaked cunt. "I uh... could you get off that so I can start? I don't want to work around it." Harry said, thinking in the back of his mind that she could use the dildo anally if she so desired.

Gripping Ginny's ass tightly, Ron tried to escape but had no luck. So he relented, eating out his sister and following the commands she gave. As his hands held her in an attempt to escape, one finger slipped, delving deep into her ass by mistake just as she began to orgasm.

Knowing what a crazy girl Luna was, Dean wanted to know if she'd be up to some crazy sex things. Pulling back, Dean stood up and pushed Luna down so she laid on the desk, then spun her so her head was hanging off of the side. His pants and underwear slid to his ankles, revealing his rather impressive cock. A moment later, Luna was lifted into his arms, his cock by her face as the black man continued to eat her out once more. It was his hope that she would begin to suck him off.
Padma was gasping and maybe a little bit biting her lip to stop herself from giggling as she undulated against Neville's face. She did not wanted to make the boy feel bad, as he was making her feel good, after all.

"You can get me off first, then try to get me off again, Harry!" Hermione moaned, the playing with her breasts and the dildo getting her close to the edge again. She wanted to let Harry explore her, but she also did not tought that he would be able to get her off without the help of the dildo at the moment. And indeed, she was having an orgasm, before she let him lift her off, and put her anywhere to get close to her pussy.

Ginny cried out in surprise and pleasure, slamming herself into her brother's face, then slipping back on his finger... while she did not wanted to hurt him physically, she was also not ready for domwthing like this, and was neither he. Trying to pull away, but he was holding her ass became a face-riding girl with a quivering body, kept in the grips of the youg man under her, it was Ron who was controlling it from that moment, not Ginny, the girl's strenght swept away by her orgasm.

Luna shrieked a little, but then giggled as she was turned around, like she was in some kind of amusement park... As Dean lifted her up, and dangled his bits in her face, she exclaimed "Oh, that kind of worm chase!" then grabbed his hips and took his cock in her mouth, soon relaxing in his pleasuring her pussy, and thanks to the angle and her position, she was soon gagging on his cock... At least until she got accustomed to it, and started pushing herself up with her hands, then pulling herself closer to his hips, sucking his cock like it was some kind of experiment, with maybe some prize at the end. Luna was getting better the more aroused she became, and as she started cumming, she was crying out around his cock too. Her arms getting weakr, she was taking more and more of his cock.
Harry nodded, attacking her breasts with his mouth as Hermione moaned, riding the dildo to an orgasm. When she finally gave the go ahead, Harry helped her up off of the toy, adjusting his friend so she sat on the edge of the chair. As Harry nervously began, Hermione would feel her body pushed back a bit from the pressure, causing the pressure of the dildo to ride up between her ass cheeks. The tip lightly vibrated against her ass while Harry went to work.

Ron had no clue that Ginny's strength had disappeared, focused solely on the orgasm he was giving his sister. Ron had refused to go down on Hermione until she went down on him first, an action that had yet to take place, so Ron was having his first go at it now. And he was admittedly enjoying making her orgasm.

Dean lightly thrust his hips in Luna's mouth, helping it get deeper and deeper as he ate her out. She had enthusiasm, and quite a bit of skill too. Moaning against her lower lips, the black man could soon feel her tighten up, cumming against his mouth as he licked her clean. He came too, his cock slipping out of her mouth at the wrong moment. When he put Luna down at last, he found excessive amounts of cum and saliva had ran up her face, glazing it.


"Students!" The teacher called at last. "Now that you all seem finished, the lesson is over for today. Next week will be a cause for change, too. The muggle sexual education class you have been taking, is being put on hold for a few lessons. In its place, is the magical sexual education class. I am unaware of who will be teaching, but you will still come to this classroom for those lessons."

And with that, the teacher left, but the door was left unlocked, if anyone needed to remain behind.
The girls was all kind of dirty and tired, but the Patils was trying to clean up and leave, hopefully able to disappear before any of their other peers filled the corridors. They would be hurrying to get back into proper dresses and get their wands, as the possibility of some Slitherin taking notice was too big.

Luna and Ginny was still panting and out of it, their young bodies not accustomed to such kind of pleasure and abuse. They both was thinking too much, but intrestingly both the redhead and the blonde realized that this kind of fun was all right for them... They loked forward to have their wands and get to know the magic world side of it too. After all, they was not even partially muggles.

Hermione was. But she also was just about as broken as she could feel, her prized intelligence and knowledge not useful and her bdy already abused and fucked .. and she just could not seem to be able to stop. The vibrating dildo against her ass, Harry exploring her pussy and titd, and she was just about to grab Ron as he was trying to pass them. After all, they was close friends, and even had became almost more, if not for this class... Or maybe she was jelaous of Ginny.
Harry worked on Hermione as much as possible, hearing her moans and whimpers as she was trapped between him and the dildo. Finally, he felt her pussy tighten and convulse as she orgasmed, making a mess of her friend's face. Cleaning up, Harry placed a wet kiss on Hermione's forehead and walked off, knowing he had a detention he had to catch up on.


The following week, the male students were the first to arrive in class, getting situated and waiting for the female students. The teacher was also absent, so they still had no clue as to who was teaching this class.
Nymhadora Tonks was not herself. Obviously, in her case, it also meant that she was not looking like herself, as she would never be able to look into the eyes of the teens - or her fellow Aurors, or any professors - if they knew that she was not only able to teach them some of the magical sex things, but that she was really knowledgeful in them.

Of course Curtis, or otherwise known as the newly minted Prrofessor Smith knew it about her, and somehow got her from the Auror corps as an added protection and assistant teacher with 'protective magic'. Seeing that she would start with the contraceptive spell, and all the tricks to protect against unwanted sexual maladies, it was even true.

So, a buxom redhead with a serious corset and in high heels was who welcomed the group next time.

"Welcome, class for the magical part of sexual education. You call me Mistress Dora!" she had on a daring robe too, of course, but it was slit up and down enough to show a lot of leg and the bountiful cleveage with the corset. Just for show, she had a neon colored magical construct riding crop extension ending projected from the tip of the wand she was holding...

"We will be casting the three basic spells today, but take care to do it right or the end results could be ... problematic." she gestured towards the wall, where three name, description, and gesturing graphics was seen.

"The first is the Slippery Seducing Sheath. It would cover any part or orifice it is aimed at, but too easy to overcome, so usually everyone had to cast on themselves, or your magical core, or anyone's magical core would dissipate the full protection. If you are unfortunate, then just parts of it, so it would be still slippery, or still a sheath, even can leave only the seducing part... All good for something, but lacking in other parts. Can be cast on items, animated or unanimated objects, and living and non-living matter. But if you do not concentrate on it properly, it can get defective..."

"The second is the ... contrecaptive spell. While we in the magical community usually do not use it, as everyone should have enough grasp on their own magic to stop or help conception. It is called Holly's Help, seeing that she was a famous witch in some circles and she aimed to bed as much famous wizards she could. Thinking her own magic would grow... A bit of airhead, but she was soo good at sucking that there is a memorial spell called Holly's Hoovering... but I digress. The H Help spell would make sure to keep away two magical's core from entwiing too much while having sex, thus stopping intimacy from fullfillment... or so some of us see it. For a more usual monthly protection or taking care of medical problems you would have someone with deeper knowledge in potions comng next time."

"The third spell I call 'Keep it up!' which is of course not its real name. The spell is to make one's body ready to keep up with her partner's, but it is also a basic help with arousal or erection. And it would stop you from finishing prematurely, or if cast a bit late, return to readyness. It does not help with any magical weaknes, tiredness, or incompability, so that is why this is only a basic spell, like the other two. It needs to be cast and recast at the moment of need, but there are stronger versions. Also, just like the previous two, works better if cast on one's self, as other's natural magic can fight it off accidentally, and all three could be dispelled easily by an able wizard or witch by mere concentration. But you should use the incantation and a wand for now."

"Any questions? I was told you already progressed forward in the last lessons, so you can use anything you already know. Pair up, but you can mingle among yourselves, if you want. There should be a suitable dildo at your desk to work your spells on, and there is some extra on the table if you want to progress further..."

The redheaded Mistress Dora gestured on the table, where a couple of different dildos stood proudly. Some of them longer, some thicker, and some formed differently than the ones protruding from the chairs of the girls. "Males could use them too, if you want!"
The students had all moved now that Tonks offered change, Luna now beside Harry, Hermione with Neville, Padma with Ron, Ginny with Dean, and Parvati with Seamus.

A few of the boys were disappointed with what they were told the instruction was for the class, knowing that they would not see the girls naked today. Their new teacher was quite attractive though, so hopefully she would show off a little at some point... And Professor Smith demonstrated with the girl students, so maybe this 'Mistress Dora' would demonstrate with the guys at some point?

Harry and Luna were seated together, a fairly average sized dildo on their desk. It took Harry a few moments to realise that it, and presumably all the dildos on each student's desks, were the size of the male's actual dick. Unfortunately, that showed off just how small Ron really was... Harry began trying out the spell to create a sheath, but it kept tearing at the slightest movement.

Neville and Hermione were together too, the boy a little more nervous to be with Ron's girlfriend than Harry had been. Their dildo was the third largest, behind Dean and Harry's. He began by trying the 'keep it up' spell, which on occasion, would allow the dildo to sit stiff, rather than it's usual flaccid self.

Ron was annoyed at the dildo, and a little disappointed that Hermione had not come to his table. Sure, he got to try out other girls, which was amazingly hot, but he liked the kinky idea of fucking his girlfriend while others watched. He lazily was practising the sheathing spell, which somehow managed to encompass the testicles as well, gripping them and the shaft tightly, before tearing loudly.

"Miss?" Dean asked, raising a hand. "Why do we call you 'Mistress', and not Professor?" He asked, Seamus and himself both admiring her body quite obviously. Dean had the most experience, and the largest cock, so if she was looking for a good fuck, he'd likely be her first option.
"Because I am not a Professor. Just qualified and knowledgeful enough to teach some of the things." she was a little disappointed of the class lack of creativity and attention, but she hoped that soon they would start with the initiative-taking. "You did not learned and done anything the previous two classes? Or it is too cold in here?" she cast and changed the ambient temperature to more warm, maybe too warm for staying in robes and clothes underneath it, as she was soon finding out too.

"Okay, Harry, keep trying, I want to work on something more real..." Luna was bored, the dildo on the table laying and not on her seat, so she had her wand out and casting at Harry, getting his cock out in the open, before she was trying different swishes and intonations of the spells to make him sheathed and hard.

Hermione was trying to do everything perfect, thus even helped Neville by correcting his work, and adding her own versions of the first and third spells on the dildo - soon having it fall of the table and wriggle around the floor, accidentally just enough to be in thee way of the Mistress, who was just about to remove her robe because the warmth.

Their redheaded teacher stumbling and falling made enough noise and interest, that more than one wand was turned towards her - with spells fizzling out or being cast.

The Patils was just trying to master the second spell on themselves and each other, now distracted and their wrists still doing the movements and lips still forming the words, not really knowing how dangerous it could be - or realizing how dangerous it could be on someone who still had problems with controlling her own magical core and not follow others wishes for her shape and form. This time nothing really changed in her appearance...

Dean and Seamus had time and place to stare at the youngest redhead, who was trying to take the biggest dildo enspelled, with her creamy thighs open and pussy ready to try it.
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