Magical Sex Ed. (RoleplayMaster x ChrisGabriel)


Jun 26, 2013
Professor Curtis Smith sat at his desk, smiling to himself as he watched the clock wind down. It was nearing the end of first period, meaning students would soon be flocking to his classrooms. Not many though, only about ten or so. Thanks to the destructive behaviour certain students were having (or at least, professors were accusing them of having) during their free periods, they were forced into this special class. Very similar to muggle studies, this class taught these gifted children of around 16-17 years of age, from a muggle perspective. The class? Sexual Education.

The Professor teaching the class was a muggle-born wizard who had graduated in Harry Potter's third year, and was eventually approached by the Headmaster to help teach Sex Ed at Hogwarts. It was now Potter's sixth year, though he doubted the students would remember him.

As the bell rung, he knew the students would be late. After all, they were asked to come in muggle clothing. This was meant to help the muggle-borns to be on equal footing with the purebloods, as well as helping with Curtis' own style of teaching. The girls would wear skirts, while the boys wore shorts.

When the students entered, one by one, the Professor asked them to remain standing, while he called their names.

"Potter, Harry?" "Here."
"Granger, Hermione?" "Here."
"Weasley, Ronald?" "Yep."
"Weasley, Ginny?" "Yeah..."
"Lovegood, Luna?" "What an interesting classro-"
"Patil, Parvati?" "Uh huh."
"Patil, Padma?" "Yes sir."
"Finnigan, Seamus?" "Yeah."
"Thomas, Dean?" "Yeah, here."
"Longbottom, Neville?" "Yes sir."

"Okay, good, you're all here." The Professor smiled, putting down his rolebook and walked over to the students, who stood by the wall. "Now students, my name is Professor Smith. You might remember me as a student a few years back, but I don't expect you to. The class you have all been signed up for, is muggle sexual education. I expect a magical version of this will be created in the near future, but I'm basically a start up course... a beginners guide, if you will. If you all behave, then we will all go swimmingly..."

"So, we will start by pairing you all off. As you may have noticed, the desks are joined together, with a blue seat and a pink seat. Quite obviously, this means the boys sit on the blue, the girls sit on the pink. Guys, you may sit where you like, your partner will join you shortly."

As the boys sat down, Harry and Ron were in the front two desk sets, Neville behind Harry and Dean behind Ron, and then Seamus behind Neville.

"Miss Granger, sit down next to... Mister Potter." Curtis called, which Ron and Harry both began to argue with. "Shut it... I don't care for relationships, friendships, or anything like that. I pair you off however I desire." He was aware of Hermione's relationship with Weasley, which was why he paired her off with Harry instead. Ron's older brothers, the Twins and Percy especially, always gave him hell while at Hogwarts. The twins were nice enough, he supposed, but Percy was hell. In his mind, this way a bit of payback. Well, that, and also...

"Miss Weasley... Please join... Mister Weasley." He requested.

"Miss Lovegood, join Mister Longbottom."

"Parvati, join Mister Finnigan, and Padma, join Mister Thomas."

As the girls approached their seats, they would find a large object pointing upward in the middle of their chairs. Fairly large and, well, phallic in shape, it was clear what its purpose was. As the girls began to notice this, the teacher spoke up.

"It is my expectation that you will all sit down properly in my class, but I do understand some of you may have your reservations. If that is the case, you may sit with it between your legs, but you should sit properly by next lesson." He warned. "For those with... the inexperience that worries you, your homework is to get some experience. If you're a little shy about that, come see me after class."

"Now... before I begin with the course, I will ask. Does anyone have any questions? Either about stuff they would like to learn, or just about the course in general?"
It seemed that most of the girls hesitated. The only one sitting down with the same gait as she reached her chair was Luna. "Hello Neville! Why don't you have a training handle for your chair? You are no better at flying brooms as I am."

The Patils was more silent and blushing, but all three of them sat gingerly, female like as on brooms, the upward pointing handle on the outside of their thighs.

But Ginny was sitting down with it protruding from between her legs, pushing up the material of her skirt, just to make Ron redder and louder. She even leaned out her tongue...

And of course it was Hermione who had questions, not even sitting down, but her hand already up in the air. And as the suppsoed professor looked towards her, she started.
"Are you really a Professor, Professor Smith? Who okayed this class? Why we are the only ones here, and not the usual partner House or why the change in the dress code?" then she took a deep breath, obviously having more questions, eyeing the protrusion, and hesitating.
Neville paused as Luna asked her question, stuttering and blushing as he tried to make out a reply. Most words did not come to him though, so it was difficult to figure out what he was trying to say.

"Sit down." Harry urged softly as Hermione came closer but refused to sit. But of course, she made a scene. The teacher seemed to have answers ready for her, not surprised at the outburst.

"Miss Granger..." He sighed. "I recently finished my education outside of Hogwarts to become a Professor. This was done in the muggle education system, which is why I'm qualified to teach the muggle version of this class. This class was suggested to the Headmaster by a few of the professors, due to the lack of a sexual education that our students seem to receive, and was okayed by the Headmaster himself. However as I am new to teaching in the professional sense, they are taking this class slowly. You students have been sent here because you are misbehaving in classes or in your free sessions."

"Let's see... Misters Weasley and Potter, as well as yourself, Miss Granger, have been reported as antagonising Slytherin students, and caught in forbidden areas such as the forest and the Restricted Section of the library. Mister Longbottom has been reported as purposefully playing incorrect ingredients in potions to cause classroom disruptions."

Neville attempted to argue, yet his shyness as well as the teacher's determined attitude in answering Hermione's questions, prevented him from doing so.

"Misters Thomas and Finnigan were caught having a little fun with pyrotechnics with the younger students. This was both using magical and muggle means. Miss Parvati Patil is reported as trying to swap sexual favours for homework help. Miss Padma Patil is reported as to defacing library property with spell-resistant ink. Miss Lovegood has skipped class on many occasions, apparently trying to catch some nargles... whatever they are... And Miss Weasley was caught in a broom closet with a seventh year while she was meant to be in class."

"Now that I have embarrassed you and your friends, do you mind sitting down so we can start the lesson? Or would you like to be the volunteer for what is first to come?" He asked.
Hermione gaped at the accusations, but as her eyes followed the reactions of her peers, she could understand why they was the ones chosen. Still, she could not just sit, had to say something more. "But..."

Parvati blushed and turned away shyly, not ready to own up to the said sexual favors was the main thing she got reported for. Only if someone watched her closely would they see that her hand rested on the upwards pointing handle...

Padma just hid her face behind her hands, and tried to keep back the giggles. She was sometimes mixing up her pens, pencils, and even addig others utensils to the mixups.. and in being a good student who tried to make usable notes, she sometimes forgot whose book was she working from. Or in, making notes.

Ginny was the one staring brawely at her brother close by, her head held high. "What? I kiss whoever I want!"

And Hermione was still standing... hesitating, as she was usually the first to volunteer.. but.. "Do we get usable credits or house points?"
As Ginny defended herself, the Professor decided to embarrass her a little further. "Actually Miss Granger, the report in question did not have both of you in a standing position." He said, trying to sound helpful but obviously wasn't at all. He did not say anything further, letting Ron think up what his sister was doing instead. Did he mean she was giving a blowjob? Was she fucking someone?

Ron, to his credit, said nothing. But his face turned as red as his hair. Whether it was from embarrassment or anger, they had no clue.

"I cannot guarantee house points, but this is like any other class. Do something good, you earn points. Do something bad, you lose them. As this is more a punishment than anything else, and this class is exclusive to you students only, you do not get any credits. That may change next year if this becomes a permanent class. Now, Miss Granger, sit down." He instructed, his voice now a little more firm.

"Oh, and thanks for reminding me. Ten points from Gryffindor for halting class for the first ten minutes." He smiled, sitting down at his desk. When Hermione did the same, he waved his wand, and the dildos all began to buzz softly. Thanks to the positioning, each girl was forced to either sit with it inside them, or pressed tightly against their pussy.

"Now, time for class. Is there any lessons you would like first of all? Things about sex you do not know but would like to learn? And are there any volunteers for the first lesson?"
Ginny blushed. Turning forward, she clamped her thighs around the handle, putting her hands properly in her lap on it too. At least the professor was not saying who was she with, or that the seventh year girl was eating her pussy out when the brooms was needed... Maybe it was not even reported...

Hermione gingerly sat in the chair, trying to be comfortable and still proper... she would have followed the other girls way of proper, half sided sitting, if she was not distracted by the removal of points. In her outrage, she was already feeling the dildo pointing aginast her clothed ass, as shestarted to sit, so she just scurried back and got it between her thighs, like Ginny.

The buzzing surprised them all. Luna started giggling, the patils squirmed, even if it only sounded loud next to their thighs on the outside, sitting that way would be uncomfortable long term. Luna had been squirming, then lifting the leg that the thing buzzed against, she let it fall on the ther side, getting the tool against her pussy, like Hermione and Ginny, leaving all three fall into forced arousal soon.

The girls waited for the boys to speak, Hermione still making the most noise with her indignance and squirming, even if she had nothing to volunteer for - and was not eve nsure she wanted to.
"Okay then, silence for both questions. Means I get to take control. Cool." The teacher smiled. "Let's see... Parvati, come up please." He requested. "Just stand in front of my desk." He added. "So, what level of experience do you all have? Just so I need to know where to start with you all..." He gestured to a poster on the wall, which spoke of the five levels of experience:

1 - Kissing
2 - Fondling
3 - No clothes (performing 1 or 2)
4 - Foreplay
5 - 'All the Way'

Harry responded with a two, as did Ron. The Weasley was a little more embarrassed, since he was sitting next to his younger sister, who clearly had more experience. Seamus answered with a three, Dean with a four. "Z-Zero." Neville stammered out shyly, almost silent but the room was soundless when he spoke. Ron sniggered slightly, but fought to control himself.

"And the girls?" Curtis asked, standing up and joining Parvati at the front of his desk. He did not give her any instructions yet.
The blushing Parvati was the first to reply with an one, being able to think about it as she was standing close by.

Of course it was Ginny who followed with a rash four, thinking that fondling others or getting licked would count as a foreplay... then trying to amend and say "But in clothes... so is that a two?"

Padma said one, and Luna was still dreamily staring, as Hermione asked "Professor? What does performing one and two mean?"
"Basically, you choose the latest number. So if you have kissed and fondled, you're a 2. I doubt you would do 2 without at least doing a 1 first." The teacher answered, and listened to the replies he was getting. "Okay, good... Seems we have a good measure of inexperience to experience. Just to be safe, we'll start with doing one and two - kissing and fondling. This means places you should touch, shouldn't touch, and so on, while you're kissing." The teacher explained, grabbing a chair and putting it in front of the desk. It was on it's side though, so the students would be able to see everything. Sitting down on the chair, he glanced at Parvati and smiled. "Parvati, dear. Could you please sit down?" He requested, patting his lap. As the lesson was to be about kissing, it was clear that he meant with the girl facing him.

As she sat down, the teacher began to teach, as was his job. "Okay, so. When you're starting out with someone new, you'll always be a little uncertain of yourself. Where should you touch and where shouldn't you? Of course, as time goes on, you'll learn each person's specific likes and dislikes. The general spots I'll be showing you will be things some girls might not like. It might be spots that some girls can't get enough of. Everyone is different, but each of these spots is considered safe."

Grabbing Parvati's hips, Curtis pulled her much closer to him, and pulled her arms around his neck, so it looked a little more realistic. "First of all, legs. Thighs can be pretty safe, as long as it is the outer area." He demonstrated this, placing a hand on Parvati's bare thigh so the class could see. "Don't go too high up that you're on the bottom, because that's not smart if the two of you are new to each other. Additionally, try moving your fingers a little bit, stroking the skin. It's just a small touch, but it works wonders. Hips can work too, as can the lower back."

His hands moved to each spot as he spoke, finishing at the lower back. He then moved them further down, cupping Parvati's ass. "See, this is not a spot you should be going for first of all. Parvati, you've done kissing before. Do you enjoy where I'm touching you now?" He asked, not moving his hands yet. His question was spoken in the same volume that everything else was said, so the rest of the class could hear.
Padma was just staring, while Parvari was blushing and feeling really uncomfortable, but not getting up from the lap of their new teacher. "If you was my boyfrend, then sure, all of it would have felt very nice. But... In our culture it is not proper, not in front of others..." her shame was evident in her voice too, and Padma seemed to get angry on her behalf too. Still, him being a professor, and a man, the two Patil still let him proceed.

Hermione tried to concentrate and sit as far from the buzzing dildo as she could, which left her clothes being vibrated... "Then I am a three..." she stated and only blushed a little, glancing at Ron.

Luna just giggled and moaned as she pushed her core to the toy, getting flushed. "Not doing the fondling and kissing but beng naked, I am still a big null, am I?" she asked, seemingly distracted from the lesson.

Ginny was biting her lip and slowly bumping her hip, the dildo buzzing under her skirt, and making her soak her panties...
Ignoring the part about it being improper to do such things in public, he gave her ass a slight squeeze, before letting her get up and return to her seat.

"Okay then. Now that you watched the demonstration, you can now proceed to practice with your partners. Kissing and fondling. Be sure to tell the boys if they're touching you somewhere good or bad." The teacher prompted.

"S-Sir? You partnered me with my sister." Ron brought up.

"This is just sex, Mister Weasley. There is no emotion behind it, nothing improper. If I was telling you to impregnate her, then I understand your complaints, but this is just kissing and touching. Nothing bad." He waved off.

Harry glanced at Hermione, feeling a little uncertain. While Ron had been paired up with his sister, Harry had been paired up with the girl he thought of like a sister. Well, he did have feelings for her a few years back, but when Ron claimed her wordlessly, Harry had backed off. Now she was here, next to him, about to kiss him and he was about to touch her. He knew it was wrong, but he was excited.

Neville was too. His first kiss, at last! And Luna was a nice girl, even if a little clueless at times. And very attractive...
"Come on, Harry, it is not like we would have another opportunity to do this." Hermione gave her consent, eyes twinkling, as she tried to squirm from being buzzed at her privates. Still, she would not make the first move... Except to get up, as she very much hoped that practicing meant she could leave her seat.

Ginny was gasping and moaning, anybody trying to kiss or fondle her would have a very aroused girl with few inhibitions...

The Patils would be blushing, but not against being kissed or fondled, even if it meant to sit in the young men's lap.

Luna just moaned and grabbed Neville, trying to get him to sit on her lap, ready to fondle and kis the boy... Not that she had more experience, just was more eager to try new things.
Blushing deeply, Harry nodded and took her hand, pulling her closer. A hand moved to her hip, pulling her down onto his lap. He waited for her to straddle him, and then he cupped her face for a soft kiss. His body was a little shaky, as he was kissing his best friend's girlfriend, but he proceeded anyway. It felt good, and even Hermione could tell how much he liked it, as she moved from one seat with a dick shape poking her, to another seat with a dick shape poking her.

"Ginny, hurry up and lets get this over with." Ron grumbled, waiting for her to move. She was moaning and enjoying herself, probably having not realised what she was about to do.

Dean leaned over and picked up Padma, pulling her onto his lap and kissing her. He was far from shy, and was happy to teach the girl a few things. Seamus was quite similar, however he let Parvati move since he was not strong enough to lift her.

Neville's eyes widened as he felt himself pulled onto Luna's lap, a reversal of roles. He did not think this was right, but until the teacher complained, he wouldn't do anything. Glancing at Luna's lips, he wanted to kiss her, but he froze up, unable to make the first move.
As Hermione was lost in the arms and kiss of Harry, Ginny was jelaously moaning from her seat. She was not jumping Ron, that was sure, eyeing the other pair as in she would sooner join them than let her brother... But she was not fully in control, as Ron would feel if he was finally moving to do anything. Ginny would be more than happy to get kissed and fondled in her present state.

Pasma and Parvati giggled and shrieked, but both was soon practicing with their partners, their shyness slowly letting out the teenagers. It being a class made it somewhat surreal, but both girls felt like getting permission to do what they would otherwise stay away if they could...

Luna was soon licking Neville's lips, before muffling her giggling by pulling him close. Not really knowing what to do, the blonde was just repeating what she had seen and felt others doing. Kissing Neville a lot of different ways, while her hands roamed over his clothes, mapping up the teenager's body underneath. All the while getting her core buzzed by the dildo... and even transferring some of it to the boy's crotch.
Harry pulled Hermione in closely, his cock pressing against her slit through both of their layers of clothing. His left hand was on her leg, making a small circle with a finger teasingly, while his other was on her hip, keeping her steady. He was enjoying this a lot more than anything he had done with Cho...

"Miss Weasley. Get on your partner's lap and participate in the exercise before you lose fifty points for your house." The Professor threatened loudly.

Both Seamus and Dean were a little more gutsy with their moves, their hands occasionally moving to their inner thighs, or their butts, or even their chests, being slow and seductive with their approaches as they kissed the twins.

Neville was having the time of his life, the hot blonde kissing him however she desired, his cock going hard from the vibrations. He moved a hand to her shoulder, except he did not realise he reached for a breast instead. Grabbing it for a good three seconds, he froze as he realised what it was he was holding, releasing her and throwing his arm back. "S-Sorry." he stuttered quickly, closing his eyes and wincing slightly as he waited for the inevitable slap coming for his face.
And Hermione was enjoying it too... glancing towards Ron and Ginny, she somehow got more flustered, moaning into the kiss, her hands hugging Harry even closer.

Ginny was just climbing into her brothers lap, not wanting to be the one to loose them more points. Also, that slut Hermione was making her feel vindicative, and Ron was supposed to be Hermione's boyfriend.. So, the younger girl was pushing her heated moistz core to her brothers, kissing the other redhead.

The Patil girls tried to push their suitors away, but their teenaged bodies was getting ready to give up... or at least feel good enough to let them get away with more clothed groping.

"Why are you sorry, Neville? You will get better with more experience..." Luna grabbed his hand and put it back on her breast. "This buzzing sure feels good, isn't it?" she moaned into his mouth, and resumed with kissing... and groping his ass.
The hand that was on Hermione's hip slipped lower to her ass, cupping it firmly through her skirt.

Ron reluctantly kissed back, embarrassed and flustered as he realised how good of a kisser Ginny was.

Neville was surprised at Luna's reaction, feeling her large, soft breast in his hand once again, as she continued the kiss. A hand moved to his ass, which made him jump slightly, but he didn't stop her.

It seemed like as soon as all five pairings really got into it, was when the bell finally rung. "Okay, short lesson today, but hopefully we won't have any students cutting us short next time." Professor Smith said, staring at Hermione pointedly. "Fifteen points to Gryffindor for Parvati joining me without complaint. You did a good job. Thirty points to Ravenclaw for Miss Lovegood as she was the most willing to begin, while everyone else sat around awkwardly. The next lesson is in two days. I expect you all to sit down on these chairs properly by then. If you are worried about your hymens, use a toy, a lucky boy, or even come to me if you need assistance." He suggested. "I'll see you next lesson everyone."
Almost every girl moaned with disappointment, but they got up to put their clothes back in order, before leaving. The only one still there was Luna, smooching Neville, and exchanging gropes.

Hermione was the first to seek out the professor. Waiting the others to leave, she asked him "Professor, isn't it a little bit discriminative that we girls have to sit on something like that? Can't we have it gone from our seats?"

Later he was sought out by the Patils. "We have to keep our virginity intact for marriage. Can't do this... Have to go to higher forums, if you insist on it..."

But it was the youngest, the little bit agressive Ginny who was asking for some help with sitting how he wanted...
"Miss Granger, the teaching methods are important for the class, so you would do well not to question them. The female students of the class are much better off in an educational sense, in terms of intelligence, focus, and so on. This is a method to help the boys catch up. Additionally, when it comes to certain sexual things, men are faster at reaching the 'finale' than the women. This teaching method is used to help the boys yet again." The teacher explained. "Please do not question my methods again, or you will lose house points, or be punished in other ways." Curtis warned.

When the Patils approached him, talking of keeping their virginity intact for marriage, the teacher was uncertain as to how to help them. But then, he remembered that he could lie. "There is an old potion from ancient Japanese culture that can restore a hymen fully. If you proceed with the class, you will be given that potion by the time the class is over. That way, you can still be virgins for your future husbands, yet have the knowledge and experience to please him further." He suggested.

When Ginny approached him, asking for help, a small smile was the first reaction he had. "Miss Weasley, I would be happy to help you out. What method would you like? I can use a toy to help you, or I can use a method that uses a little more flesh..." The latter option, quite clearly, was insinuating his penis.
Hermione seemed to disagree, but stopped herself from doing it vehemently and on the spot. Instead she went and looked at the school rules and other books - even muggle ones she had on her - to prepare a counter argument. Unlucky for her if it was about teaching methods, Professors had no real rules to follow, just the three tenants: 'Do not harm others magical core; do not cause inreparable damage; forget the unforgivables' or something along, focusing more on to have professors do anything to passs on their knowledge.
Also, she found 'evidence' that men are usually faster to finish, and that sometimes they had problems helping the women reach completion... Her clouded face was clearly indicating that she was upset. But at the next class she would be sitting down without stopping, taking the tool between her thighs.

The Patils clearly had their doubts still, as it was not just some physical evidence, but thanking the professor they left, and consulted with Madame Pomfrey... Who indeed knew about such spell, and some rumors that sometimes it even removed sexual knowledge, so making them count as virgins even in the eye of magic. Of course the Mediwitch then cornered Professor Smith, if only make him remember that virginity, and more the virginity of magical females was tied to some magical rituals and had effect on their core too, for one thing Unicorns would act differently...

Ginny blushed but asked for some toys, not really insisting that Curtis lend her a hand or anything more.

Luna was just chasing Neville for that two day, giving back all the attention she got from boys herself.
Nodding, Curtis handed Ginny a few toys, some small that vibrated for stimulation and pleasure, and others that were flaccid or stiff dildos to help break the hymen. "This one here." He pointed to a skinny black dildo, that had a button on the opposite side of the tip. "If you press the button, it released a very mild numbing agent, thus helping you break the hymen without too much pain." He explained.

Meanwhile, Neville was enjoying himself, the attention that Luna gave him. It could be a little scary at times, so he often hid as he heard her approach, but mostly he enjoyed being pushed into a nearby broom closet from time to time.

Soon enough, it was time for class once more. The boys were the first to appear, eager for some more fun with the girls. The girls seemed a little slower to get to class, mostly because of the clothing change he assumed, but they still made it. "So, girls. Did you all complete the homework I gave you?"
They was looking at each other not really knowing what he was speaking about. But then Luna spoke "A sceroel ate it!" and went to sit in Neville's lap.

Ginny - being used the skinny black dildo repeatedly the previous days - nodded, blushing, and went to gingerly sit on the tool, having arrived with loose panties she could pull to the side while she arranged her skirt to properly cover everything.

The Patils sat with the tool betwen their thighs, just like Hermione... Who was finally not able to stop herself and blurted out "There was no homework, Professor!"
Curtis stared at her. "Miss Granger... I would have thought you of all students would remember the homework. Very disappointing indeed. The homework was for all of you with intact hymens, to fix that issue to make teaching a little easier. You were told to do this before today's lesson. I've had one student come to me for help, so I know she's done it. For everyone that did not complete the homework, please come to the front of the class?" He requested. "If you have completed the homework, you should be sitting on your chairs properly." The Professor insisted, emphasising chairs as Luna sat down on Neville's lap. "Once you're all up the front, bend over my desk" He instructed, standing up and moving to the side of the desk.
"But Professor... You told us, and I quote, 'that I expect you all to sit down on these chairs properly by then'... Sorry, professor, about not reaching your expectations, but it never was a homework." Hermione replied, finally something she could rightfully stand up to.

The Patils was already halfway to the front, but stopped in line with Hermione, avidly watching what would happen.

Luna just giggled, and circled their put together desk, to eye her own chair, and biting her lower lip gingerly try to sit on it... It was going slow, and she was repeatedly lifting herself up without really sitting down on it all the way.
The teacher stared at her more, visibly annoyed, but happy to challenge her. "Okay, Miss Granger. Hypothetical situation for you: You're in transfiguration, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot turn the rat into a mug. The tail just keeps staying there, and it just won't work. The rest of the class is proceeding without you, getting further and further ahead of you. Finally, the bell rings, and Professor McGonagall says "I expect you all to be able to perform this transfiguration by the time I see you next lesson." Now, would you go into Transfiguration the following day, unprepared, and tell her that you are sorry you're not reaching expectations?" Curtis asked her, as if shocked she would do such a thing.

"The homework I set was not specified as homework, I'll give you that. But whenever a teacher sets an expectation, each and every student should work to meet their expectations. Therefore, I would class that as homework." He continued. "Now, stand up and come to the front of the class." He instructed her, although it was also directed to the Patil twins.

As he waited for them to move, he walked over to Ginny and Ron. Pulling the desk out, he did not see the dildo poking up, which meant that it had to be inside her. "Good job, Miss Weasley. Five points to Gryffindor." He smiled, walking over to Neville and Luna. Watching her struggle, he was uncertain that she had completed the homework, but at least she was trying. Taking out his wand, the teacher cast a numbing spell on her bits, and helped her ease onto the dildo, breaking her hymen with only the slightest bit of pain.

Returning to his desk, he watched the other three female students.
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