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Super Smash Booty! (Koibito & Azecreth)

As Lucina finished, she panted as she watched Kairi give a cheeky, rather cute smile and wave to the cameras, casual about the lewd things she was doing - a reaction that got a rise out of the crowd.

Suddenly, Kairi nearly leapt off of Lucina's cock and sprinted for something unexpected. Grabbing a green block, Kairi transformed herself into Metal Kairi, her body exposed and covered in a shiny metal. This item gave it's users an incredible weight for drilling power and holding an opponent down, as well as more stamina and resistance to cumming while not preventing any of the pleasure felt.

Lucina panted as she watched Kairi without time to react and backed up as she saw the metallic girl before her. "Crap..." Lucina grunted, her hard dick twitching even harder as she stood her ground and grabbed it, slowly jerking herself as to get as much control as she could. With a metal cock like that, Kairi could fuck Lucina's tight pussy with less worry of finishing first.
Kairi almost shimmered in the sunlight of the warm beach, her body encased in a metal shell from the green block. It was hard yet surprisingly flexible, Kairi noted as she turned to face Lucina. There was no hindrance of movement in the slightest, and indeed she felt like she weighed the same even if she was now solidly encased in steel. Smash could really be surprising sometimes.

Clearly Lucina recognized how bad the situation was, trying to recover as she faced down her opponent. Kairi moved then, racing forward with a spring in her step as iron propelled her without pause. The distance was rapidly closed and she launched a fist at Lucina's jaw, to daze her and otherwise take her down for the count. Close on the heels of that would be a grab, to roughly push her into the sand while she still had the advantage of strength and mass on her side. She knew the benefits she had now and was not about to waste it.

SHould she be successful Lucina would end facefirst in the sand, bent forward on her hands and knees with her cock free to brush against the heated surface beneath it. Kairi remained behind her, holding her in place without difficulty as she brought her iron encased cock to bear. For a moment her mind wavered, wondering just what she should try next before a smirk reached her lips. "Oooh, that's a good idea," she muttered to herself.

Without telling Lucina what she was doing, her foe would nonetheless rapidly find out as her cock soon found its target, and with the full weight of metal backing her up she forced her shaft into Lucina's presented rear. Her hand reached around, grasping almost like a vice on Lucina's swaying shaft to double the pleasure as she did so, waiting to see what the reaction would be before she began moving at a rapid pace born of her current in use item.
At this point in the battle, Lucina didn't expect such a move even if she should have given that it was still a fight. Lucina's vision went blurry as she took a punch of weighted metal to the jaw and spun around from the force of it. Her eyes swirled about in dizzy animation before she was shoved to the ground, bent over, cheek plunged into the sand. The camera made sure to get in close at Lucina from the side, her dazed look on the screen for the crowds to cheer for.

Lucina's hands braced herself as she was face first in the sand and she couldn't move. Kairi was heavy, really heavy, she had mass on her side as the metallic Kairi held her down with no effort at all, Lucina was stuck.

The flat chested, flat assed, toned warrior barely registered what Kairi had said before suddenly she felt a heavy, intense penetration. Not in her pussy, but Kairi had shoved her mirror sheened metal dick right up Lucina's ass!

"UNGH!" Lucina's lips curled in an awkward line again, her expressions at the forefront of the big screen with a view of Kairi's small metallic reflective tits bouncing in the backround as if they weren't made of metal. As Kairi reached around to grab her cock, jerking her with her smooth metal hand, Lucina's eyes rolled back as she retained her awkward expression, nearly screaming through her lips as she was pounded suddenly by the intense weight of Metal Kairi.
At that point it was hard to tell, but even if Lucina was not used to what Kairi put her through it didn't make a difference. Mass was on her side and nothing would stop her unyielding shaft from going where it wanted as she forced herself into Lucina's ass, up to the hilt. A low huff escaped but it would be clear from tone and expression that she was not breaking a sweat. The metal block made her able to put up with a lot, so even the sudden pressure did not push her to the edge of climax that easily.

"Take that," she grunted, an amusing reversal of their demeanors from before where Lucina had taken it so seriously, only to end up face down in the sand and at Kairi's mercy. needless to say the Keyblade warrior was enjoying it, for all the insults she had received before.

Her weight made it so easy to get Lucina off, hand with a secure and unshaking hold as fingers clung tight to her throbbing shaft. Up and down with a slight twist as she resumed the work her opponent had started, only this time very much intent on pushing her over the edge. With that pressure and that heat, she was sure there was no chance.

The same could be said for her cock, as sheer weight and unyielding metal allowed her to plunge deep even with the first stroke. Her weight meant that she could set up a rapid pace, pushing Lucina down into the sand with each powerful thrust as she took her rear. There was a light smacking sound as their bodies met, though it was mostly Lucina bouncing off her opponent at this point. She could see victory rising, she just had to get there. "Come on already," she panted, focused solely on this task.
Lucina's ass tightly gripped the base of Kairi's metal dick as it pounded deep inside, her ass hugging the tip warmly as Kairi violated it. "Mmph! Unph! Ngh!" Lucina crudely grunted with each thrust cramming Kairi's dick up her tight rear hole, the pressure of it actually feeling good through the slight pain of it. She was not used to this, Lucina just happened to prepare. Still it didn't help her now.

One eye closed as she was fucked into the sand, the other rolled back into her head as the girl had to pretty much just accept it. This was trouble, was she about to lose?

As Kairi's metallic hand beat off her dick rapidly and sturdily as if it were an industrial toy rather than a human hand, Lucina found herself going mindless with pleasure as her body started to shake, her toes curling in her boots as her ass clenched tighter and her cock started to throb.

Lucina's pussy flashed with the bright light as did her cock once again. Her pussy squirted out she began to cum so hard as her cock began blasting thick shots of cum into the sand, flooding the surface for it to be absorbed into a puddle under them. "UGHHHH!" Lucina grunted as she came once more, putting Kairi two points ahead now.

It was then that the announcer chimed in with a "Finish!" as the timer ran out. Lucina had lost.

"This game's winner is... Kairi!" the announcer declared. The crowd went wild for Kairi as the camera scanned her body and finally to her face as she was glorified as the victor.

Panting and shaking, Lucina pulled away from Kairi before she slowly got to her feet and picked up her sword. Moving to Kairi, Lucina glared her down before she stabbed her sword into the sand. Placing her hands on the end of the hilt, she continued to stare Kairi down seriously as her face reddened softly before rather suddenly, she turned away from Kairi, bending over her sword as she presented her flat ass to her.

"You beat me, take your prize" she declared stoically like a true warrior. It was expected now, the victor deserved to finish off after being the one who resisted cumming the most as it were, as well as the usual after-match show for the stadium and viewers at home.
It was a good thing that she won when she had, as the metal coating faded away in a flare of light just as time ran out. Kairi was left panting for breath but grinning happily as she pulled out of Lucina, looking around at the cheering crowd. She'd done it. Somehow she had won her first match and proved that she deserved to be in these games.

Her cock still bobbed eagerly as she rose back to her feet, slowly moving in a circle as she waved and smiled at everyone there. After such a hard battle and the pain she had received in her victory, she just wanted to enjoy it for a moment or two and relish the adoration of the crowd.

But there was the final thing that she had to do here, and she quickly turned to face Lucina as her foe presented herself as the prize of the victory. She was just as stoic as she had been when they had started this match, something which earned a sigh as the Keyblade Warrior strode up to her. It was nothing at all like the sounds that she had been making before during the battle, and she found herself filled with the rising desire to reduce Lucina to that state once again.

"Of course," she replied with a nod as she walked over to the waiting Lucina. There was no teasing, no showmanship for the crowds that would tip her opponent off. Only quick action as she grabbed waiting hips and slid her cock into slick folds on display. She as quickly set up a firm rhythm, rocking on her heels as her motion drove her shaft in deep each time. Not that the experience was not unique, as Kairi manifested the keychain for her blade, and slid the larger end into Lucina's relaxed ass, to take both holes at the same time.

Her grunts filled the air, the slapping of flesh anew as she vented pent up emotions on the other girl, speeding up with both assaults as she pushed her down against the sword she was using to support herself. Anything to earn those cries of pleasure, to have Lucina break down again. Her cock throbbed eagerly, drawing so close to her climax that she could almost taste it.

Faster, harder, beating against the warrior's behind with each harsh thrust until at last she couldn't hold back anymore. Her hand lashed out to grab blue hair, yanking Lucina's head back as she leaned forward at the same time. "Make sure to put those fighter genetics to good use," she huffed loud enough for the cameras to her opponent before she came with a cry, creamy strands of seed filling her for another time as she spent herself inside her vanquished opponent
Lucina's eyes looked straight forward and widened as Kairi unceremoniously crammed her cock into the warrior's tight pussy. "Hngh!" grunted the tomboyish girl as her walls clamped down tightly on the younger girl's dick.

Gritting her teeth, Lucina growled and grunted as she was pounded hard, the slapping of Kairi's hips against her flat ass filling the stage as Lucina's cock hardened at the sound and feeling of it. Lucina gripped her sword tightly around the base of the hilt as she steadied herself to be pounded, offering herself to Kairi's vented frustrations as she so rightly deserved after holding back so much.

"Ack! Ungh! Mmph! Gah!" Lucina grunted and growled as she was fucked deep and hard, Kairi speeding up as she got close to the edge.

When Kairi mentioned Lucina's fighter genetics the girl's face went bright red, the cameras making sure to get the comment and her reaction just before Kairi grabbed a fistful of long blue hair. When her hair was yanked, Lucina gasped out lewdly and tightened up, feeling the sudden flood of Kairi's cum invade her pussy. At the same time, Lucina's pussy squirted over Kairi's member and her own cock tensed as it shot thick ropes hot cum out onto the sand below.

The aftershow didn't last too long it seemed as Kairi had already spent herself into Lucina with that one shot, but the stadium was more than satisfied and ratings were higher than ever.

As the two left the arena through the platform teleporters the stage started to change, the sand spilling away and grass growing to create a field as trees sprouted around the area, two platforms to stand on floating overhead, also covered in grass.

"Next up we have a mysterious young, petite magician of sorts..." The announcer hyped up, "and a spunky little trainer hoping to become a champion" the crowd started to stir.

"It's a battle of youth! Robin! Versus.... Pokemon Trainer!" Called the announcer as the stadium erupted with cheers.
The duo vacated the field to enjoy the rest of their time together, allowing a new match to begin. The crowd was still eager for more, in spite of the two matches that had been held already. It was completely understandable of course. With such high intensity fights they had every reason to be excited as part of the audience. And in the meanwhile the organizers of the tournament certainly planned to give that to them.

As the stage changed into a forest, any trace of what had just happened was wiped away. Instead there were two floating platform with grass on them, to give a bit of height difference for the upcoming struggle as the announcements were made.

In the preparation room a warrior stood. She had long white hair, wore a blue and gold robe over a white shirt, a purplish skirt, leather pants and sturdy boots that were perfect for walking or riding. Robin had two weapons that she was ready to use, a sword and her magic tomes, and she was skilled in the use of both. Sure, her general area of expertise was commanding an army, but she knew enough to fight. And in this case she had no choice. It just came down to her and her determination.

Sighing, she glanced out the window to where the crowd waited. This form of combat....she understood it, but did it really have to be vulgar? Why couldn't they just fight like warriors? She didn't claim to understand it at all, but if this was how it was supposed to be fought then she could play along with that. Anything to win this tournament, and perhaps avert the fate that waited for her in the future.

Hearing the announcer, Robin picked up her trusty tome as she stepped into the teleporter, and was whisked away to the battlefield. It was a fairly idyllic place, and she quickly took in the terrain and her surroundings before facing whomever her opponent was supposed to be. "Knowledge is half the battle," she proclaimed, flourishing her sword whilst holding on to her book. Time to see what she was up against
In the next waiting room a young sporty girl awaited the announcer. She was on her knees, sucking intently against the femaie form standing above her. It seemed she was prepping her cock a bit before the fight. She held out a small sphere and the other figure was pulled into it before the girl stood on the platform that would warp her in.

"Versus!" The announcer called after hyping them up, "Pokémon Trainer White!" He called out.

White was a young teenager, fit body, wearing boots, a white top and a black vest, a trainers cap, and short shorts that showed off her tough and slender thighs and fully rounded tight ass.

As she appeared she reached into her pocket and pulled out a Pokeball. Tossing it aside a Pokémon appeared. It was a feminine shaped one with green shell-like hair and a skinny body. It floated in place and chirped sweetly as it stated down the young white haired girl.

"Fight!!!" The announcer called.

"Gardevoir!" White called out, "go in and Tackle!" She called out, the cute female Pokémon flying in at the girl in an attempt to charge her.
Given the opportunity, Robin quickly sized up her opponent. Yet she found that she would not be fighting the girl who appeared directly, but rather some sort of minion instead. Which seemed a bit unfair but she would cope with the situation nonetheless. She had faced worse odds in her time and there was no challlenge she could not overcome if she put her mind to it.

So she took in what she was facing. It was a, presumably 'Pokemon'. Feminine shaped, green hair, skinny form, presumably less physical strength but more agility to compensate for that. If it had any other abilities it had yet to show them as it went in for a tackle. An inelegant tactic, but if it got the job done then who would complain. Not that Robin would let it as she side stepped before skipping back to dodge. Chrom would have killed her if she'd let herself get hit by something so obvious.

In that case it was her turn. Flipping open her tome, she focused and let it charge for brief moments before launching it at her opponent. "Thunder!" Not as powerful as it could have been if she had more time to give it juice, but it would serve its purpose and let her get a bit of space so she could better size up her opponent and come up with an effective strategy to beat them. Assuming it all worked out as planned, anyway
"Dodge it!" The teen called from the side, Gardevoir ducking to the side to just barely dodge the bolt of lightning that whizzed by. It caused distance between the two only momentarily before Gardevoir swooped back in towards Robin.

"Draining Kiss!" She called, Gardevoir chirped and spun as she flew in to meet Robin. With only a second to spare, the Pokemon's big eyes gazing lovingly into the small girl's, the skinny creature placed it's flat, three digit, feather-like hands to either side of Robin's face and leaned in, kissing her deeply.

The thin lips of the Pokemon Gardevoir crashed against Robin's, her tongue slipping through the younger girl's lips to meet hers. The kiss was warm, inviting, Gardevoir started sucked on Robin's tongue and pressed deeply against her with it's light body.

The kiss would send a warm feeling into Robin that would surge pleasingly though her instead of damaging her, and Gardevoir seemed to be invigorated by it. The battle had truly begun with this, the most beautiful start of the SSB so far.
So, this Gardevioir was resistant to magic? Or at least that minor charge of Thunder. Robin could take in that much even as her oppnent charged in and went for an attack that was of a much more unusual variety compared to what she was used to dealing with. Not that it was hard to guess what she was planning to do with a name like that. The only question was what she would be draining.

Then their eyes met and her thoughts were wiped away momentarily by the sheer intelligence that seemed to be there. It shouldn't have been possible yet it was hard to deny that at the very least this Gardevoir looked to be as intelligent as a human itself in spite of its subordinate status. Which wasn't something entirely new, but it was nonetheless unexpected.

Lips met, and Robin let out a surprised hum as she felt something brushing against her tongue. It was warm, different yet pleasing in a way like if she had been kissing Chrom rather than someone else. Heat and pleasure began to surge through her, yet she knew that it had to be deceptive. Whether it was just draining her resistance to fight back or something else, she couldn't let herself go down so quickly.

She let herself enjoy it for a few moments, before her mind snapped on a solution and she acted. Of course this was a fairly inelegant solution as far as hers went, but it would be effective to be sure. It was simple enough, she just grabbed her sword and jabbed Gardevoir in the chest with it to send her stumbling back, before following up on the offensive with a flurry of blows just like Chrom had taught her. She knew what the point of thidd tournament was, but she wanted to get herself in a more advantageous position first, and this was the best way to do it
Gardevoir made it's own approving purrs into the deep, passionate kiss that the cameras made sure to get a close shot of and displayed it on the big screen. It sent a roar through the crowds applauding the landed move and the rather stunning effect it gave off. Coupled with the angle of the shot and the SSB basically had a poster image right there. The ratings would skyrocket!

Robin snapped out of it however and Gardevoir made a pained chirp of a noise as her thin chest structure was bopped with the end of Robin's sword. It successfully sent the Gardevoir dancing back on it's pinpoint legs, floating back through the air.

The warrior responded however with a fierce flurry of attacks too fast for even Gardevoir.

"Teleport!" White called from the side.

Gardevoir glowed a soft light and proceeded to warp out of the way of several strikes before it could dodge back far enough to not be in the line of fire from Robin's flurry. Out of the way, Gardevoir panted softly at the sudden intensity after the kiss attack, but quickly regained herself. As the Pokemon awaited it's command, it's Trainer, White, watched carefully for Robin's next move.

Whatever it was, White's plan was unchanged. She wanted to save it for later, but this wasn't a battle battle, it was a sexual battle and White realized she needed to get the upper hand fast. White would use Gardevoir's move Psychic to try and blow her away, but that would depend on what Robin was up to now...
Robin's face curled into a small smile as Gardevoir was forced to beat a retreat in the face of her blows. She also got another insight into her opponents capabilities, as the minion used some sort of teleport magic to dodge back and out of the way of her blows. That was something to watch out for in the future so she didn't get taken too unawares by it later on in the battle.

Now she had the opportunity to do some damage and she was going to take it. Quickly flipping through her tome, she settled on an attack as she eyed her opponent, who seemed to be waiting for her to make a move at the same time.

A recitation of the spell and she struck, launching a burning orb from her hand. "Arcfire!" It flew on a curved arc towards Gardevoir, and even if it did not hit her it nonetheless created a small pillar of fire that rose from the ground wherever it had impacted. Which wouldn't be enough to seriously injure due to the nature of the fight, but the sudden heat would surely have some sort of effect on anyone sensitive enough.

This would allow Robin to go at it again, darting forward to smack Gardevoir with the flat of her blade, targeting the chest and upper torso area. She wasn't completely oblivious to the game, she just wanted to play it in her own way. And hopefully that would be enough to bring her victory.
The crowd was as enthusiastic as ever for the most part, but Robin's methods weren't earning any uproars like Gardevoir's kiss or any of the previous shows. The crowds wanted violation, Robin wanted to win, White could see this and though she would agree on the side of the crowd - she absolutely loved a good romp rather often - the Pokemon Trainer did love a good challenge. She still wanted to get her Gardevoir laid, win the right way, and earn the prize of getting to try out this tight little thing that was the young fighter Robin, but earning it... The thought made White's short shorts tighter than they already were!

An intense flame came from her hand and with the arc it curved on it wouldn't be the hardest thing to dodge. "Dodge it quick Gardevoir!" White commanded as the Pokemon immediately followed suit and floated back swiftly. The ball of flame landed and surprisingly exploded into a tall pillar of flame radiating heat. Of course spells, moves, usually weapons, like this were altered for the sake of this sort of battle and so as the flames reached out they didn't burn Gardevoir much, but the sudden heat poured against her body, the cute, thin, wiry creature chirped loudly as she flew back from it, holding herself as her stark white face flushed slightly. Anyone as driven by arousal as a futa would have sensitivity issues with heat like this, especially the fighters that were mostly horny before the matches started anyway.

Suddenly Robin dashed in and Gardevoir cried out as the flat of her blade knocked her back even further through the forest arena. "Tch..." White gritted her teeth as she watched Gardevoir fly back, "do it! Psychic!" the Trainer called.

Gardevoir's large beautiful eyes started to glow as an ethereal energy seemed to waft around her. Exploding out in a sort of invisible, sonic wave, a nearly invisible force was blasted right at Robin. Whether it would hit or miss, White had a greater plan, "now use Confusion!" she called. It was her hope that despite how Psychic struck, it would distract her enough so that Confusion would strike. Gardevoir leaned forward with mental effort as a sharper more condensed shot of psychic energy went right for her head. If it struck, they would have the upper hand for sure.
Robin frowned, clearly picking up on the fact that she wasn't earning any favors with the crowd. She knew that she was part of a show and should be playing to the audience, but it was just so hard to not focus on winning the battle. Not to mention that she wasn't really an erotic sort of person, so figuring out how to alter her magic to do anything that really worked in that arena made it all the more challenging for her.

Still she was determined to soldier on and come out on top, in spite of the odds against her. It was all that she could do, and she wasn't one to give up and quit.

Close as she was, she didn't expect the sudden blow of psychic force that sent her tumbling head over heels. "Ugh!" Fortunately she didn't fall off the platform because of it, but the taste of dirt in her mouth didn't do her any favors. She was quick to try and get back on her feet, only to get hit by a sudden wave of dizziness that sent her stumbling and rubbing her head. Her thoughts....scattered. Enemy trick just so...hard thinking.

She would be unable to resist whatever Gardevoir did next
The attack hit as Gardevoir landed back from her opponent. It was panting as the moves it used so quickly took up stamina, it's chest sore from all the strikes to such a delicate frame, the Pokemon was clearly worn.

"Gardevoir, return!" White called out, holding out the small Pokeball as Gardevoir phased into the light and returned to the ball she threw it from. Picking another off her belt, the tomboy grinned and threw the new one.

"Go! Gothorita!" She shouted.

The so called Gothorita appeared from the ball before it bounced back to White's hand. It was short, maybe only up to Robin's chest. It's body was black, head round with a purple face, big yet dreary dull eyes and cutely puffy lips made up it's features. Extensions of it's head were similar to round ball shaped twin tails, and with a body shaped like a dress in bows, it truly looked like some sort of gothic teen of sorts, in it's own way.

"Play Nice!" she called out. The Pokemon responded with a soft chime of a sound as it raced in for the confused Robin. With little effort at all Gothorita ripped the robe from her youthful body and tore open the top she wore underneath to expose her breasts. Next, the Pokemon dove for her waist cloth to tear down the pants and panties underneath.

Finally a cheer from the crowds as the announcer described the scene riling up the stadium further. The camera lakitu zoomed in, making sure to get closeups of her cock and pussy, her tits as well.
Disoriented, Robin shook her head in a desperate attempt to clear it, even as she was aware that her opponent had chosen to change Pokemon, exchanging Gardevoir with something called 'Gothorita'. This meant nothing to her, though she was vaguely able to make out a black thing with a purple face. Odd, she wasn't certain how that could be an effective warrior but she supposed that she would find out soon.

She had just gotten her ground back under her and was looking for her blade when the misleading attack preceded a sudden attack. With a gasp and a bit of pain she found her top and pants tore away to reveal her most intimate areas for the crowd. The best word to describe her was modest, in that she was not oversized but she was clearly endowed enough to take part in this competition. But that was alright, since there were certainly some people who would find themselves enjoying that more than others.

Finally she managed to get her head back on straight, even with the assault as her body was revealed. A hand shot out, grabbing Gothorita before Robin's eyes flared an almost ghostly white. "Nosferatu," she intoned, and with the close range there was no way that the Pokemon could dodge. Still, the feeling of having ones life drained away, albeit temporarily, was certain to inspire some heady sensations before it came to an end and Robin shoved a now spent tome into the Pokemon's chest before going for a new one. She definitely didn't want to experience anything like that again soon. It had been terrible on her head
"Gothorita!" The Pokemon Trainer called out as the young gothic teen-looking Pokemon was grabbed and a weird spell was cast.

The Pokemon's large dull eyes went crossed as the life began to slip from her, but the feeling of it being pulled from her caused odd sensations. Gothorita was shoved back and fell to it's back before jumping back up, panting.

"Get in close! Psyshock!" White called out.

Gothorita nodded before shaking her head, and then flying in at a decent speed. As it got in close, it reared back and with a high pitched cry it unleashed a small wave of purple electricity at Robin.

Of course for the SSB such an attack was trained down. Gothorita learned to use this move at a much less deadly measure and if the attack connected it would strike the nerves with orgasmic bliss.
Having gotten some stamina back courtesy of her spell, Robin was left with brief moments to wonder if she had miscalculated the approach that she had taken. Maybe it would have made more sense, tactically, to go for a kiss or something like that. Combined with the spell, it might have done more than it would have done on its own.

There was no time to dwell on that possibility as Gothorita attacked again. She readied herself as the thing flew at her at a decent speed, before unleashing a wave of purple electricity of some kind. Judging by the name psychic powers were likely to be involved, and after the last psychic attack she wasn't particularly eager to be struck again. Who knew what this one would do.

So she braced herself for the defense, arms crossed protectively in front of her as she generated a magical shield to the best of her abilities. As such when it impacted she managed to avoid taking the full brunt of it, a grunt escaping as she trembled under the strange sensation in her arms. Not that it helped her erection either, but she managed to keep under control for the moment.

What she hadn't expected was that it would mess with her tome reading, but the way it had hit her arms interfered with her ability to read the book. Hissing through clenched teeth, she nonetheless did the best she could. After a few moments she retaliated, a bolt of lightning flying across the stage to strike Gothorita. This time it was a bit faster than before, a bit more potent as well, giving her exactly the same sort of treatment that Robin herself had been given. She'd follow that with fire, keeping up the magical assault for as long as she was able. She'd have to change tomes eventually and that would provide an opening, but until then she was not going to give them another opportunity to use those psychic powers on her. That much she swore
Gothorita was not fast enough to dodge the lightning and the potent bolt swiftly struck the Pokemon and jolted through it's body. It let out a soft chirp as it was blasted but all that did was get her going more, she was not resisting the nature of this fight like Robin.

The Pokemon Trainer was waiting for just the right moment and as she saw Robin reach for a new tome she knew she had it. "Go, Confusion!" she called again, the Pokemon firing another wave of mental energy meant to disrupt the younger girl. With her dick out, if she got confused this time, she would be open to really start this fight.

"Go! Use Lick immediately!" White called out, not waiting to see if Confusion hit. If it did then Gothorita would go right for licking Robin's cock with a tingling attack, but if not she may have the time to get out of the way.
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