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Super Smash Booty! (Koibito & Azecreth)

Samus grit hr teeth, fighting the return effort as Tifa attempted to hold her in place. She could not go down like this, would not. Her pride as a warrior would not allow it. Especially consider that she would be a veteran losing to a rookie? Had she gotten too overconfident? Maybe, but even so she would make Tifa fight for this win if nothing else. She could do no less.

Yet the clock was ticking down, and a groan slipped out as her strength slipped away with the renewed and vigorous fucking that Tifa was giving. Her efforts slowed as that cold ground against hr heated folds without pause. her head tossed and turned as she tried to resist, tried to fight back, but there was nothing that she could do. Her body didn't have any reserves left in the tank as she bounced on that thick shaft without pause.

In the end, she managed to keep herself from cumming one last time as time ran out. The great Samus Aran had fallen.


1!!!" The announcer counted down.

In the last second Samus came again, the loud crash and bright light of the effect exploding from her as Tifa fucked her with all she had. As the time ran out, Tifa grunted hard, unable to hold back and she came hard, spurting thick shots right in her.

"The winner is!...

Tifa!!!!" The announcer called as the crowds went wild. "Now, it's time for a show folks as we get ready for the next match!" he told them all.

What he meant by this was now that Tifa had won, she was now free to violate the loser, Samus all she wanted for at least a little while.

Tifa pulled out, her cock was aching hard holding back all that time, she needed to let it all out. "How do ya like it?" Tifa smirked, showing Samus they weren't fighting anymore, the SSB equivalent of a handshake. And over the next while Tifa took out her frustrations; she nailed her on each platform on the stage, making sure to really mess her up with cum - both her own and Samus' by jerking her onto herself - for the crowds and camera. When she was finished, Tifa helped up Samus and lead her to the locker room warp pad.

"That was a fantastic first match wouldn't you agree?!" Asked the announcer to which the crowds cheered. Now that we've readied the stage, lets get ready for the next match!" he explained.

"Our next battle is about to be under way!

Lucina!!!" The announcer called.


Kairi!!!!!" he announced.
The sound of the buzzer going off heralded the end of the battle, and Samus slumped down to the ground in defeat. She barely reacted to the cum that was filling her pussy, as if the sex was nothing more than just an afterthought to the fact that sh had lost the fight. She had done her best, but it had not been enough to pull it out in the end, and now even though she was a fan favorite she was already basically out of the tournament.

Looking up at the victorious Tifa, Samus was nonetheless an elegant loser. "Not bad, though don't get too ahead of yourself," Samus replied calmly. There were plenty of tough fighters here, and this battle had been close enough that it could have easily gone the other way. Tifa would be wise to remember that moving on.

But there was no more time to say anything as the post victory celebration began. Samus panted and groaned and cried as she was taken again and again, her body growing more sensitive each time as they moved about the stage. She provided no resistance to the fucking that she was currently getting as her athletic body was used and put on display for the crowd. By the time it was over she was very disheveled as the duo returned to the locker room, where doubtlessly more fun awaited.

But it was time for the next mach to begin, with the backdrop changing into an idyllic beach on the seashore, a wooden cottage nearby. Home field advantage as it were for the smiling girl as she was teleported in. Kairi had never expected that she would be in this sort of thing, but she at least had the determination to do the best she could.

Kairi was on the younger side, and she wore her trademark dress as she stepped onto the field. She had some muscle to hr but could hardly be called buff by any stretch of the turn. Her dress was strapless had the zipper in the middle was lowered enough that one could see the white halter top beneath it. She also had three bracelets on her left arm, and wore a black belt-esque clothing around her waist, with a book bag shaped attachment on her left side. After a moment she summoned her Keyblade with a flash of light, summoning Destiny's Embrace with a firm grip.

"I'll do my best," she said with a nod to the crowd as she prepared to face her opponent.
Tifa and Samus put on quite the show for the stadium before heading back to the locker room to no doubt finish each other off fully - it was only good sportsmanship.

As they left the arena changed, sand pooled over the arena as an ocean appeared, recreating a specific beach of some sort, the platforms rearranging and combining to form a small hut before palm trees grew from the stage.

"Next up!" The announcer started, "we have many a newcomer this year, but this youngster wont be beat here! Or will she..." he hyped. "Welcome to the ring.... Kairi!!!" He called before the younger girl with reddish brown hair and a pink outfit appeared.

"VS!" The announcer went on.

"A rookie from last year is back again with something to prove! The tomboyish warrior might just claim her title this year, or fall to this new underdog's path! It's a battle between the flat stages folks!" He spoke of both combatants being rather flat chested, hyping it as a positive for those into that sort of thing, which a large number of the audience at least appreciated.

"Lucina!!!!" He called out.

From the other side teleported in Kairi's opponent. Lucina was a young warrior of sorts with long, dark blue hair. She wore a complex outfit with a decorated tunic, a cape wrapped around her shoulders with pauldrons worn on them, fingerless gloves that extended up her arm, pantyhose, and knee high boots. She was well covered, hiding her thin body and cutely flat features.

"You'll try" Lucina gave a soft, serious expression as she held out her blade towards the girl.





The battle began.
Kairi was not worried by Lucina's calm response, and she was ready to give this fight her all. She wasn't much of a brawler, but in a tournament like this she could not let Sora and the others down. They would have done their best and so would she. Even if some parts of the fight made her blush when she thought about them. Fighting was one thing, but perhaps understandably she didn't have much experience when it came to lewder forms of combat.

Even though that put Kairi at a disadvantage, she was not going to let it dissuade her from trying to claim victory. When the referee began the battle she took a few steps forward, but did not close to melee range. She had had some training there but it was not a method of combat that she was particularly proficient in. Best to stick with what she was good at for as long as possible.

So she spun her keyblade before pointing it directly at Lucina. "Fire!" A ball of fire shot from the tip of the key, zooming across the stage and towards Lucina. With the attack launched Kairi shifted with her blade raised, not sure what her opponent would pull and ready to feel her out until she had a better idea. Let the fight begin
Lucina too was a more bashful fighter in this sort of battle and it showed with her modest choice in clothing, though the imagination it left was what made her a fan favorite last year. Lucina was a rookie but she had a year under her belt, and the desire to see all of those clothes torn away to view her tight body under her tomboyish cloth, coupled with her almost awkward attitude and expressions during, made the fans crazy on her debut.

This Kairi though, she was young, rather young, and by the looks of it a close quarters fighter too. It could be a tough fight, and the audience would be rooting just as much for her as the young rookie to be taken down.

The younger fighter spawned her weapon, and odd looking blade... And called out a move, it was magic...

Lucina grimaced a serious expression, something the audience cheered for but no doubt due to the desire to see those expressions broken, or they were sexualizing her serious expressions, such was the nature of the SSB.

As the bolt of fire blasted towards her, Lucina struck a defensive pose. The fireball was deflected off of her blade before the warrior ran in with a swing. The way this Kairi looked and the way she started with magic, Lucina figured if she could get a good strike in she could knock the weapon from her hand or knock her down. She could then show Kairi how she wielded her true sword...
Kairi was not taken aback by the deflection but was also not pleased to see her opponent simply swat her Fireball away off of hr blade. So she could do that with her sword? Was it because the attack had been a projectile or because it was magic? The former would be easier to handle than the latter, but there was really only one way to find out.

Suddenly there were more important things to worry about as Lucina ran in, leaving Kairi to quickly block as best she could. The sound of metal filled the arena as their blades collided, but there was no doubt that Lucina had the better swordsmanship. Kairi stumbled back, doing her best but just clearly outclassed. Lucina had probably been doing this sort of thing a lot longer than she had.

She would not let herself be deterred though. She disengaged and pulled back, only to lash out with magic once again. "Blizzard!" A wave of ice crystals filled the air in front of her as hr magic took affect, and she prepared herself for Lucina's next assault. She was just going to have to rely on her magic then.
As Kairi stumbled, Lucina went out for the real strike. She reached out, grabbing at Kairi's front and just barely being able to grab her zipper. The younger girl pulled back though, and Lucina was only barely able to rip off her zipper leaving it broken, it didn't disrobe anything yet, but this would make it easier to reveal the young warrior to the crowd and get into her panties. Lucina gulped at the thought, a sweat bead forming at her forehead, but she was used to it and still fought on.

Suddenly the sound of the command 'Blizzard' rang out over the arena as ice crystals began to form around Kairi, she couldn't just let it happen, whatever it was, and so Lucina reared back, a glow of power surrounding her as she clearly charged an attack. In an instant it was released and Lucina shot forward, her blade pointed out aiming to withstand and or break through anything Kairi was ready to set up with that 'Blizzard' magic.
Though she was aware of the zipper breaking Kairi had to ignore it. She had been warned that this sort of thing could happen and really it was the least bothersome thing that could happen to her clothes or her person. The fight was still going on and she could not let herself get distracted from that. She was not going to lose in her first ever match!

Breaking through the cloud of ice crystals wasn't that difficult, though they likely still had some kind of chilling effect for the brief time that Lucina was in the cloud. Even though it was unexpected the attack pattern was clear though, and Kairi was quick to react as she dropped low and kicked her foot out at the nearby opponent before striking with her Keyblade in a wide slash. Melee wasn't really her thing but if she got an opening then she was going to take as much advantage as she could. It was the only way she was going to win this.
It was a tease to the crowd at this point and they loved it, the arena was more riled up than ever for the fighters to take their clothes off and it was going slow while being treated to an epic battle between two lovely little young things. This was the angle of some fighters in the tournament too!

Lucina shivered upon hitting the cloud of ice crystals as she got at least her zipper off, and it didn't seem like she succeeded in her venture to strip Kairi as her pink top stayed in tact for now. It was then that Kairi attacked, kicking out at Lucina's legs to which the warrior stepped back, giving Kairi the opportunity to strike back. The younger teen swung out at Lucina wide, the fighter had her own idea though. Blade in one hand, the other arm went up and with a sharp growl, Lucina took the strike right to her arm, the blunt Key smashing into it painfully - that would leave a bruise. Lucina grunted as she stabbed her sword to the ground and grabbed the blade of the Key, her other hand now free to reach out.

This time the dark haired warrior aimed to grab for her top, hopefully she could at least rip that top off, if not the thin article underneath it too. If she was lucky she would be able to expose those young tits to the stadium.
Kairi was not expecting the counter that Lucina brought to bear, taking advantage of the blunt natur of her weapon to strike directly rather than simply blocking or anything like that. As such she was not prepared to block and Lucina would succeed in her plan. A wince escaped at the ripping sound of fabric as her top was pulled away, the clothe beneath it less so to offer the barest glimpse from hanging edges without revealing everything full on just yet. Luckily for her anyway.

"Tch," she grunted as she quickly reacted. She was not going to just let that go down unopposed. "Fire!" Magic was her forte and she would use it, as her spell sent fire bursting from the tip of her Keyblade. Considering where it currently was, that would probably be an unwelome experience for her opponent, at least where her hand was concerned and nothing else.

Regardless of how that went she then gave up the elegant solution for something more brute force. Specifically, punching Lucina in the face. Show her what happened to people who underestimated her!
Lucina smirked slightly through her stoic expression as the pink fabric was stripped away from Kairi leaving only the white top wrapped around her torso underneath. Still, it was not exactly what she aimed for hoping to tear the rest from her thin frame too.

Fire exploded from the tip of Kairi's Keyblade as she aimed right for the warrior. Lucina stepped back and held her blade flat towards the blasts, trying to block them. As the flames crashed against her she had braced herself against the brunt of the heat as the rest that passed by was hot enough that it singed the thick cape enough to set it aflame. Lucina quickly tossed it from her form before she ran back at Kairi.

The young teen knew the opponent was skilled in magic, she was mainly a fighter, a swordswoman, but she had her own tricks. Running back into close range, Lucina readied her sword, but instead of the magic she expected, Kairi punched her right in the face!

"Nnhph!" Lucina sounded out roughly as she was decked, her cheek already forming a bruise from the sudden punch. She took the hit though, and turning back she punched Kairi, harder, right in the abdomen. The two roughing each other up much to the crowd's delight, Lucina then grabbed her shirt before grabbing the top with her sword hand. She yanked with all her might and intended to toss Kairi over her to slam her into the ground on her back - either that or rip the rest of her top right off, unless Kairi could have bested the skilled fighter.
There was a surprising feeling of satisfaction as Kairi felt the solid impact of her fist against Lucina's face. The swordsman had not been expecting the blow, and it felt good to get in a hit for once even if it did not change the tide of battle. She just had to take these sorts of opportunities where she could, and make sure that she did not get overwhelmed. She still had a chance here!

That was what she thought up until Lucina turned around and slugged her right in the gut. "Ufff-" All her breath rushed out at once as she doubled over, gasping for breath. It offered Lucina the perfect opportunity to strike, and the rest of Kairi's top gave way beneath the sharp tug. She was pulled forward as wll, but mrely lurched rather than going into the full spin that was probably hoped for.

Summoning her Keyblade back to her hand, Kairi went for a quick jab to the torso before stumbling back as she got her breath back. Once she had recovered from that she assessed her situation, which did not look to be the best right now. She was going to need to do something drastic to win. And in that case....

"Fine then, I'm not going to back down," she challenged defiantly. At the same time she reached down, and with a sharp move she pulled off the rest of her clothes, revealing her nude form and flaccid shaft. They were going to end up like this anyway, so why not just cut to the chase? Tossing her clothes away, she set her keyblade up in a defensive position and waited to see what Lucina did next.
Lucina could feel the fabric ripping underneath her fingers as she threw Kairi across the ring, the girl landed roughly before she got herself up and thrust her key at Lucina. The warrior swatted aside the Key with her own sword before Kairi stumbled back, and it was then that she made a bold statement, stripping off the rest of her clothing.

The camera made sure to get all the closeups of this first timer in the SSB, her youthful body, and her fresh cock as flacid as it was.

Lucina's stone face watched, her eyes trailing down Kairi's body and getting her statement. Lucina thrust her blade into the ground before she grabbed at her collar. In a rather dramatic pose she threw her entire outfit from her body in one graceful throw, removing her tunic to reveal that underneath, she had no undergarments.

Lucina was now left exposed, only in dark blue leggings and knee high boots, as well as her fingerless gloves that stretched up her forearm, her body was shown to Kairi. She was a skinny warrior, lanky even in frame, her abdomen was tight yet thin with only a slight hint of muscle showing, her arms and shoulders small, and her chest nearly flat. Lucina's tits were small bumps that perked right up at the shape of her small, pink nipples. Her ass wasn't too much either but the look was one that fit many tastes, a cute small butt that the cameras made sure to show to the stadium of fans. Lucina's pussy was small as well, it looked tight and above it rested a decently sized cock.

Unlike Kairi, she was rock hard and her dick at about six inches pulsed with arousal as she eyed Kairi. "Let us fight with our true blades" Lucina declared, taking herself and the battle seriously even while nude, perhaps she took herself too seriously. She wiped her face where she was hit, a dark bruise formed upon her cheek.

"Looks like the clothes are cast now folks! Lets see these two young warriors go at it!" The announcer called, the crowds cheering.
Kairi took a step back in surprise as Lucina agreed with her decree, and stripped herself in a single move that bared her body for the whole arena. Her gaze roved down the swordswoman's form and hr cock began to perk up a bit because of it. They were both decently sized in that regard, but as anyone in the tournament would say size wasn't everything. A bunch of other factors would also influence who won this match.

It was a bit offputting to hear the serious declaration, leaving Kairi to wonder if she hadn't made a mistake. If she was this confident even now then she probably had the stuff to back it up. At least, they would have to see if that was indeed the case.

"Right," she agreed with a nod as she stepped forward. Like Lucina she was only her lower clothing and with her bracelet remaining for the moment. Her chest was more developed to b fairly average for her age, not sizable like Tifa. She had some muscle and fat to her, someone who was becoming a warrior yet did not live the same harsh lifestyle that Lucina might have been through.

A hand dropped as she began stroking her shaft, moving to bring herself to a more attentive state so as to provide even ground. She would just be disadvantaging herself otherwise. Her Keyblade was left off to the side as she then stepped forward and settled herself into a fighting stance. She would not lose!
As the two took a fighting stance the crowds watched in awe, hundreds of people watching on as the two nearly nude young girls stared each other down. Lucina's cock twitched as she watched Kairi jerk herself to erection and she had planned her own attack.

In the next moment, Lucina charged in, her boots patted and scraped the sand underneath as she ran at Kairi. She went right in, Lucina dove, arms out looking to tackle Kairi right to the ground.

Lucina landed her tackle and with arms around Kairi's thin body she tackled her into the sand and quickly struggled to straddle her body. Once on top, Lucina reached behind her and underneath to grab Kairi's cock. "Can you take this?" Lucina challenged stoically as she pushed the tip against her own tight pussy, grazing the tip between her lips and against her hole.

"En garde!" Lucina gasped out as she thrust her hips down, taking Kairi to the hilt of her cock and burying it inside of her. Lucina's cunt was as tight as it looked, her skinny body wrapped around it with walls gripping tightly. Lucina's eyes went wide and her mouth twisted in a bit of an awkward contorted line, the uncomfort clear in her face as she started humping hard, pounding down against Kairi in the sand, forcing herself on the girl's dick as her own swayed up and down with the motion. The look she gave hinted maybe she was a bit more sensitive than she let on, even when taking cock instead of giving it.
"Oof!" The bold tackle was not what Kairi had anticipated, and she hit the sand with all her weight. Were it not for everything else she might have imagined that she was back at home rather than in a contest, just enjoying the sun, sand, and waves of Destiny Isle. But she could not relax in that illusion for long, not when she had a fight on her hands.

She struggled to slip free but Lucina had her for the moment, and soon enough the other girl was straddling her as she went for her cock. Her shaft tingled in anticipation from the grazing contact, only to practically explode in tight heat as her opponent buried herself on her shaft in a single go. Kairi winced as a groan escaped, since it was almost painful for her with how tight it was. But soon enough it started to feel good as well, as Lucina bounced atop her body.

This, this was not good. Her cheeks were moving towards red, breathing deep as her shaft poked eagerly into the air to be engulfed by spread folds that enveloped her in a slick heat. She was not going to make it long, not with the heat and the pressure and everything else.

She was not going to give up this fight thought. Her thoughts raced before she grabbed at a solution, pointing at the other girl with her finger extended. "T-Thunder," she cried, timed to when Lucina was on an upswing as a bolt of lightning shot from her hand to ideally impact against Lucina's cock. She would take that opportunity to try and wriggle free before reversing the tackle on her opponent. She wanted to show just how well she could give it too
"Ungh! Umph! Nhh!" Lucina grunted out crudely with every thrust, her contorted lips opening as she gritted her teeth in effort, fucking down on the younger girl's cock ruthlessly. Her eyes stayed wide, looking down at Kairi, her brow tensed up in pleasure.

Lucina's small ass bounced as she crashed down against Kairi roughly. Each time she pounded her skinny hips downward, Lucina's pussy gripped tight before the slick heat pulled back up her cock with a tight grip and repeating the rapid motion. Kairi's cock fit snugly inside and admittedly the youth of her tense member felt good slamming into Lucina's smooth, tight folds.

Kairi was not going to go down so easily it seemed as she pointed a finger, and before Lucina could react she felt a sudden jolt strike her cock, jolting her nerves and nearly making her lose it right there as her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Oohf!" Lucina grunted as she was then tackled back, her skinny legs wrapping around Kairi as she was now in the position to fuck her tight pussy, her own cock stiff and laying up against Lucina's stomach.
Kairi felt a burst of satisfaction and a bit more from the successful attack, wincing a bit from it as she got a bit of what Lucina had gotten as well. They were still connected after all, even if it wasn't as powerful to her as it could have been. Probably a good thing, because she would have looked really dumb if she had just shocked herself into cumming for everyone to see.

With the opening she went for the tackle and in mere moments they had reversed positions. Now Lucina was on the ground, legs wrapped around Kairi's waist as the young girl held her down. She did not hesitate, her slick cock plunging right back into Lucina's body to begin fucking her. This time it was on her own terms, and she took things at a pace she was more comfortable with and at a different angle as she forced herself downwards into the thin girl. Pain faded for nothing but pure pleasure as she moved and hopefully Lucina felt the same.

She was not completely out of it though, and the hand not supporting herself shot out to gab at Lucina's abused shaft. Fingernails teased the tip before she began a tight pumping motion, getting her off even as she took hr hesitation. She was not going to let up until she got what she wanted, or until Lucina managed to turn the tables again.
As Lucina's cock tensed with pleasing electricity it conducted through her pussy, making her tighten up and even shocking Kairi's cock to a lesser degree. Lucina's body shook as she held back her own orgasm before Kairi had reversed the position on her.

"Agh!" Lucina curled upward as Kairi began pumping into her with vigor, forcing her cock into the warrior over and over again. "Oh god!" Lucina gasped, tensing as Kairi suddenly teased the shaft before gripping it and pumping hard. Lucina gritted her teeth again and arched her back hard, elbows and heels digging in the sand as she squirmed, trying to fuck back as hard as she could which showed her hips awkwardly bucking as she was plowed into the sand.

"N-no I-" Lucina was giving it her all to hold back, but her secret was revealed before Kairi... She was sensitive!

"UUGH!!!" Lucina's eyes rolled back as her teeth grit, drooling lightly as her eyes started to glow with a rainbow light. Her tits pointed straight upward at the angle she was arching her back and her legs outstretched straight as her cock began to tremble in Kairi's hand. Lucina's pussy spasmed and tightened up impossibly around Kairi's own dick before juices started spilling over it, accompanied by a bright light of the same color of her eyes that exploded around where the two were connected brilliantly. At the same time, the same light exploded from her tip as suddenly gallons of cum sprayed forth.

Lucina's body stiffened as she came, thick shots exploded upward in whatever direction Kairi aimed her, though doubtful that she would not get any mess on herself from it either way.

"F-fuck..." Lucina growled and panted as she finished for thousands to see both in stadium and at home. As she finished and her mind cleared a bit, her cock still hard and adrenaline pumping from arousal, Lucina reached up and roughly grabbed one of Kairi's young tits. Pushing against her, Lucina sat up, and shoved Kairi back against the structure behind them, a shack that Kairi would be familiar with.

Lucina shoved her against the wood and moved in, kissing Kairi roughly as some sort of intense distraction as she got into a better position. By pushing her back she forced Kairi into a sitting position back against the shack and Lucina between her legs in front of her.

"You're good..." Lucina complimented, "but take this!" she declared like it was still a real fight before she shoved her cock into Kairi's tight pussy, nearly going cross-eyed at the slick, tight heat that enveloped her cock.
Even though she had turned the tables, Kairi did not expect what sort of reaction she got from Lucina as she took control. It did earn a grin however, the corners of her mouth rising in a smirk as realization settled in. So, she was that kind of girl eh? The Keyblade warrior was certainly not going to look down on her fortune at finding out how sensitive Lucina was. "My turn," she said victoriously.

She quickly got what she wanted out of this as she scored the first point, Lucina quickly reaching her climax. It took all Kairi had to hold on past the vice grip hold upon her shaft, and she was forced to stop moving to do so. Not that it stopped Lucina's climax, and soon enough the two warriors were soaked in cum from the warrior. And Kairi would admit, it wasn't that bad of a situation to be in either, as she licked her lips to get a taste of Lucina's release. It was too bad they were fighting at the moment.

There wasn't much time to relish her victory though, as she found herself suddenly attacked. "Oof!" A grunt escaped as she collided against the wall of the shack, smacking her head against wood. It was enough to stun her until she felt the lips against her own, eyes widening in response as a surprised cry escaped. For how good she might be at this, she wasn't used to kissing. It was far too intimate for something like this, as far as she was concerned.

She couldn't resist as Lucina declared her intent, before plunging into her slick folds. Her cock bobbed in the air, throbbing painfully from how close she had been before whilst being subjected to Lucina's climax. And now she was on the receiving end, forced to fight against her instinct to wrap her legs around her opponent and hold her close rather than engage in the fight that they were supposed to be having. Heated breath rushed out in hot pants, in time with each thrust into her body. Her legs kicked weakly, likely ineffectual in dong any damage.

"S-Stop," she groaned, throwing a punch at Lucina's chest. She didn't know how effective it would be, but it was all she could think of at the moment. She..she wasn't going to last much longer at this rate!
Getting ahold of herself Lucina began thrusting, the skinny, flat chested warrior pumped her hips rapidly into Kairi as she kissed her deeply. The dark blue haired girl broke the kiss to look down at Kairi's cock as it twitched and throbbed, clearly eager to release. Lucina panted and grunted as she tried to hold back her own release that was quickly building already despite her just having cum.

Lucina's lips contorted into a sort of squiggle line as her eyes widened, watching where she entered the young teen, gazing at her twitching young dick, her expression awkward as she rammed herself deep inside Kairi.

As the brunette hit her chest she grabbed her wrist, slamming it to the wall and gritting her teeth as she reached down with her other hand to grab Kairi's cock tightly. Her fingerless gloves were as soft as her bare fingers were smooth, she pulled on Kairi's girl dick, pulling the foreskin over the tip and back down, the juices of her pussy making her hand slip easily over it as she started jerking off Kairi rapidly, beating her off in front of the crowds as she fucked her ruthlessly, her own cock twitching deep inside already!
"Ahh..ahh..ahh" Kairi's pants filled the air as her back arched slightly from the feeling of Lucina's cock moving inside her. It just felt so good to lay back and let herself be ravished by the other girl, even if it was nowhere near as rough as it might have been given the circumstances. The fact that Lucina had to divide her attention probably didn't help, but she was hardly the most muscular girl on the roster so she just might not have the strength in her. Not that Kairi would taunt her over it. She wasn't that kind of person and it probably wouldn't have any impact anyways.

Her eyes widened as Lucina grabbed her cock and began to get her off, earning a high pitched cry from the girl as her reward. "N-Noo! Stop!" There was no listening other, and her hips moved of their own accord to meet her assailant as pleasure flared and ran away in an unstoppable flood through her body. With all she had been through already her resistance broke down almost immediately, and she could only put up a token effort to stop herself.

Light flared as the sound of a crash filled the arena, as Kairi quickly reached her climax. Her cock throbbed as she came in an amount to stand near to what Lucina had given them before. Her head tilted back as she was left gasping for breath while her pussy tightened around the other warriors shaft in turn. That beautiful expression was held for the viewers for a good minute or so before she was able to recover and quickly lashed out to try and show at the very least that she was still in this fight.

Her legs wrapped themselves around Lucina while her free hand grabbed for her chest again, a direct shot aimed at taking hold of one of Lucina's lesser endowed breasts while her leg lock kept the warrior enveloped within her tightened pussy. "Your turn flat chest," she challenged with a weak grin, forcing her to cum if she wanted any kind of freedom.
Lucina's eyes awkwardly went crossed as she felt Kairi start to cum, watching the flash of rainbow tinted light exploding from her pussy around Lucina's cock and from her own dick as she felt the younger pussy clenching around her, dick throbbing in her hand as it spurted thick loads everywhere. Lucina kept Kairi's cock aimed upward as she jerked her through her orgasm, the crowds cheering for their lewd and awkward expressions respectively, so that her cum splashed her abdomen as well as spilled over Kairi herself.

It wouldn't take much however, Lucina was already on the edge and so as Kairi threw her legs around Lucina, the small bodied warrior slammed her hands on the wood behind either side of Kairi's head and she growled as she started pumping her hips hard against Kairi, fucking her into the side of the shack uncontrollably. "Fuck..." Hissed Lucina at the realization that she couldn't control herself as her dick trembled inside of Kairi.

"Ngh... Ngh!... NGH!!" Lucina grunted out her next few thrusts, slow, hard thrusts pounding into the younger girl as with the last she buried herself deep and with a loud, unladylike grunt, and dumped her load right inside of Kairi.

Spurts of thick, hot cum filled Kairi in only a couple shots, the rest exploding between them as the light from her pussy and cock, as the loud crash of a sound burst forth, and Lucina's eyes rolled back in her head, finishing inside and making the score 2-1 in Kairi's favor, and time was starting to run out.
A hitched sigh escaped as Kairi felt warmth explode inside her, the tenseness of her body fading away from the swelling inside her as a result of the cum filling her now. It took a tremendous force of will to keep from letting herself be subsumed in the haze of pleasure and the warm feeling, to instead keep going with the fight at hand. How did the other fighters do it?

Kairi didn't know, couldn't say, yet somehow she managed it as she shook her head to restore herself to wakefulness. Their mixed juices stained the sandy ground beneath them as they made quite the sight for the cameras, and she couldn't help but shoot the cameras a wave and a bright smile, as if unashamed of being caught in such a situation like this one. She was winning after all, so she had to keep it.

Then she caught sight of something in the corner of her eye. She did her best not to betray it for a moment longer before she struck, shoving back and trying to rise to her feet on shaky legs as cream dripped down her legs to the sand below. She moved into a run, charging across the short distance to the item that she had spotted and making a lunge for it. If she succeeded then she would take firm hold of the green cube, and in a flash find herself encased in firm metal, enough to finish this off in her favor if she played her cards right.
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