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Super Smash Booty! (Koibito & Azecreth)


Jan 7, 2017
The stands in the large arena were alive with the celebration and excitement for the event. The Super Smash Booty tournament, or simply the S.S.B. as it was often referred to, was a test of skill, strength, stamina, and the highest celebrated and viewed sporting event in all the lands. It was a time when warriors got together to put it all on the line and bare all as they all competed for the number one spot which meant a hefty reward of cash, a request within possibility to be granted, and the... 'Respect' of the losers so to speak. As well as one secret prize to be gifted upon the winner.

In all honesty the S.S.B was a game of all of those things, but for those who would see it for the first time, it was quite a shock to find out that the Super Smash Booty tournament was one that pitted the sexual abilities of the contenders against one another. The two, or even more for certain half-time and other break events, would be expected to chase down, subdue, and fuck the opponent into submission. The event was timed, and each orgasm was announced thoroughly by an explosive sound and a flashing aura that would escape certain areas of the body if not cover them entirely, and each orgasm was considered a knock out. There was a meter below that showed a percentage of sensitivity, a sort of clue for the audience to see just how close the games were, starting at 0% and maxing out at 300% where mere touches might set off the fighter. Items of all kinds were dropped here and there, some less subtle sex toys and some objects of enhancement or hindering, some even powerful items were spawned to help the fighters in their quest to become the best and dominate all others.

"Welcome one and all!" the deep and dramatically voiced announcer spoke over the entire arena and area surrounding it through speakers all over the stadium, "to the Super Smaaaaaaaaash Booty tournament!!!" he called out throughout the stadium. "This year has all sorts of new fighters entering this time around and so there are bound to be many surprises for new and old spectators alike!" he shouted climactically.


Deep within the stadium that held the various arenas featured in the tournament was a large and extravagant locker room. It was in pristine condition with many amenities to the point it was as much a green room as it was a locker room, with plenty of showers, a lounging area, and anything they could ask for. It was a relaxation and preparation room, one all of the fighters came back to to gather themselves up for the next match, and to play around if they so wished. At the same time it came with enough space that each fighter coul

Inside, most of the combatants gathered, prepping themselves and just relaxing before the beginning of the tournament.

"Alright!" Shouted Tifa Lockhart, punching a red gloved fist into her other hand in a show of confidence, "you ready to get fucked stupid Samus?" Tifa grinned at her own crude comment.

The first match of the tournament was always played up for the day though the rest of the fights were kept a secret until they actually were about to start. As such, though none of the other fighters knew who would be fighting who, the headline match of veteran Samus VS. the newcomer Tifa was widely advertised and known to the public.

It was moments later that the announcer blared over the speakers, the large screens in the room displaying the live footage of the arena. It would be time for the two combatants to head out soon. A different announcer came on through every room to notify everyone there was about ten minutes to start, and for the participants to find their waiting room. On cue, a panel appeared from the floor, raising up from a circle in the bare corner with a light coming up from it.

The dark haired girl turned to her opponent and offered her hand to shake, "lets have a good match" she said in an honest display of sportsmanship.

Tifa turned to the circle of light and walked into it and suddenly she watched the world around her stretch into another scenery instantly. Suddenly, Tifa was in her own private room which had cool air and a nice area to sit with screens flooding the room, showing the stadium, the crowds, and most importantly the arena -- it was a simple arena with three platforms inside the stadium, but one that could morph into a replica of any landscape. The room was a little waiting room, and her opponent, Samus would get her own on the other side of the stadium. It was a room meant for fighters to have some time to themselves, to prepare be it a drink of water to getting out an easy orgasm or two if desired, anything to ready the combatants.

"Welcome to the first round of the Super Smash Booty Tournament!" The announcer boomed, "This year's first round is a classic here to show one of our newest fighters!"

"She joined us for the first time only last year" the announcer started, "an underdog who climbed her way high up the ladder before just barely taking a stunning defeat!" he spoke as images of Tifa's loss forebodingly flashed over the big screens, showing the dark haired brunette taking a pounding just last year. "She's back again this year and you all know she'll be taking the title this time around!" he hyped, "but first thing's first... She'll have to prove her claim to fame starting here!" a loud, long cheer erupted through the massive audience before the announcer roared again.

"It's Tifa Lockhart!!!"

The panel at the front of the room activated and glowed just like in the community locker room for all combatants did. Standing up, determination in her eyes, Tifa strode through the room and stepped upon the panel. Once again she could see the very space around her distort and warp as she found herself instantly in another space that formed from the warped vision. The panel disappeared completely and Tifa was revealed.

A tall woman, though nothing compared to her towering opponent. Her body was tight and toned with a thin, flat waist yet a curved form that lead down to generous hips and up to her most prominent feature - her incredible chest that strained the white fabric of her top that exposed her fit midriff. She wore a black leather skirt held up by suspenders, the straps pushed aside by her ample breasts. Tifa's hands were covered in thick, red, fingerless gloves that matched her boots, with black arm warmers worn up passed her elbows with a plate of armor covering the right one. Her long brown hair swayed in the wind as she pumped her fist, striking a pose for the stadium of patrons cheering her on as she awaited her opponent to spawn in as well.
While Tifa prepared in one corner of the locker room, another figure did the same. Samus Aran was a veteran of the tournaments, feared by some and loved by others. She did not share the boasts and bravado of Tifa in getting ready for the match, since she did not see a need to do so. She knew her skills, knew her talents, her preparations, and she felt no need to emphasize or pretend that she was more than she actually was. She would let her actions back up hr words.

Glancing at the brawler from behind the helmet of her Power Suit, Samus assessed what she knew about her opponent. She was strong and relied primarily on martial arts for her fighting technique. In that regard it seemed like the most effective strategy would be to remain at range and wear her down with her Cannon and missiles before delivering the final blow. Easier said than done of course, but she was confident that she could accomplish it.

Samus was no stranger to conflict, nor was she one to fighting. This style of tournament had taken some getting used to at first, but now she could throw down with the best of them. It would be for the best, however, if the Chozo did not see what she had done to the suit in order to actually compete here. They probably would not have appreciated it to say the least. But that was the furthest thing from her mind as she prepared for the battle.

Rising to her feet, she made quite the intimidating figure as she moved to the other panel of light that appeared with the time for initial preparation having arrived. Turning to look at Tifa she nodded in agreement before stepping onto the panel. In a flash she was in her private room overlooking the stadium where she could get any last minute preparations done before the match. It wasn't time that she strictly needed, but Samus would use it nonetheless.

Staying near the middle of the room, Samus went through her preparations. Her Cannon opened and closed, her visor cycling through various diagnostics. She flexed to get herself ready for Morph Ball mode, and made sure that all her weapons were functioning to optimum capacity. It did not take long for everything to come out green, earning a slow look as she settled in to wait for the match to begin for real.

Of course, she could hear the announcer just as well. "Now then for our other contestant. You know her, you love her, she's an old hand at the contests but has not lost her edge. Whether it be fighting giant dragons or elegant Princesses, you can be sure that she'll do whatever it takes to secure a win!: Images of her fights lit up the big screen, a variety of matches on a variety of battlefields. Samus had a bit more to draw on than Tifa did after all. "It's time to see if she'll start out this year strong, or if the newcomer will be too much for her!" The crowd roared, as pumped for her as they had been for Tifa.

"It's Samus Aran!!!"

Samus wasted no time or effort in stepping upon the panel and letting herself be teleported onto the battlefield proper. Of course her introduction was a bit more flashy, riding in and being dropped off by her ship as she stepped onto the battlefield. But it was convenient and it was iconic for her, so she did not complain about it. Everyone in this sort of tournament needed a gimmick somewhere along the line. It was just to be expected once you got popular.

Striking a pose, Samus made for quite the striking figure in her red and orange Power Armor. It covered her entire form, and you might be mistaken for thinking that she was actually a guy beneath all that steel and metal. One arm was free to move while the other was a green cannon, one pointed towards Tifa as Samus readied herself for the match to begin. The timer began to count down as Samus took some deep breaths to ready herself. Time to let the game commence.
Tifa wore a kind smile as she lifted her hand to her brow to shield her eyes as the air started to kick up from the sudden entrance of that ship, her other hand on a fist, confidently rested on her ship. She recognized it of course as Samus' - who wouldn't know the ship of the famed veteran of the SSB in one glance? It hovered above the arena before the warrior herself clad in her power suit dropped and landed with a heavy thud, the ship speeding off as the crowds cheered for her entrance.

The brawler would have to be careful here, she was put up against a real tough customer right off the bat. The goal of the SSB was to fuck your opponent into submission, but with armor like that it would be hard to get through. Tifa needed to tear that armor off her but she also needed to keep Samus aroused, keep her going so the right strokes could get her points. Not to mention there was no doubt many modifications to get by. What would that canon of hers do if Tifa let it get to close to her, or if she got... Anything... Stuck in it? And that was just the most obvious enhancement.

She had to take this slow, but she needed to start dismantling that armor and getting Samus going. She had just the move.

"Alllllllllright everyone! The fighters are gathered, arousal is in the air.... It's time, for the first match, of the SSB!!!!" The announcer called.




.... GOOOOOO!"

The fight had begun. Tifa gave a cheeky grin as she grabbed her skirt and pulled a bold move. Lifting the thick leather, Tifa revealed not only that she wasn't wearing panties, but also her main 'weapon' as was the case with all fighters in the SSB. Tifa's pussy was neatly groomed, trimmed evenly with beautiful, inviting lower lips that glistened already with arousal. Above her pussy, below her trimmed, dark haired pubis, a powerful cock protruded, curving up and standing stiffly, throbbing with anticipation - no testicles to hide the view of her delicious looking cunt.

Tifa let her hard 7 inches of girl-dick hold up her skirt behind it as she charged. "And Tifa goes in first!" The announcer called. Tifa's breasts bounced vigorously underneath the stretched white top in her sprint before she crouched down, leaping high into the air towards Samus.

"Hyyyaaaaaa!" Tifa shouted as she dove for Samus, landing sitting on the towering suit's shoulders so that her crotch was pressed right up against Samus' visor. The warrior would get a full view through her visor of Tifa's perfect pussy lips pressing right up against the visor, her shaft pressed up against the rest of the helmet. And if her ventilation systems worked properly, the sweet arousing scent of Tifa's desire would easily be detected, hopefully arousing her further.

Her thighs gripped dangerously tight around the helmet as she grabbed onto Samus, her hope was that once Samus was able to get her off of her - IF she was able to get her off her shoulders, that she would be able to take the helmet with her.
Free hand curled into a fist, Samus readied herself as the countdown began. She had no doubt that Tifa was going to make this tough for her, especially when she had something to prove. But at the very least it would put on a good show for the people and that was what really mattered. It would not stop her from doing her utmost to win however, so they would just have to see how it went. This was going to be a big fight, understandably given that it was the first fight of the tournament. They had to make it a good show.

"Alllllllllright everyone! The fighters are gathered, arousal is in the air.... It's time, for the first match, of the SSB!!!!" The announcer called.




.... GOOOOOO!"

While Samus prepared to strike, Tifa's sudden act earned a pause and a raised eyebrow from inside the suit. Not that she didn't mind showing something like that off, of course, but it was an unconventional tactic to say the least. It left her off guard for the sudden leap, one that was fairly high all things considered. High enough that the brawler could land atop her suit, right up against the visor and leaving her to stumble and try to support all that weight. Well then this was a wonderful way to start off wasn't it?

The sight was fairly easy to ignore in her laser focused mind, but the smell was less so. Unfortunately for Samus the rules did not allow her to have the sort of filtration system that she regularly used, one that would have ensured she had pure air to breath at all times. Not surprisingly that was seen as an unfair advantage in this tournament, and so it had been removed. That left her wide open to the musky scent that filtered into her helmet, distracting and arousing at the same time.

After a moment she recovered, shaking her head as best she could before moving to try and remove the brawler from atop her shoulders. Her cannon rose to discharge a shot into Tifa's back (which would feel like an electric shock more than a painful blast of energy), before her other hand rose to grab at the brawler's leg and pry her free before tossing her away. Success in doing so, regardless of the status of her helmet, would be followed by her launching a Homing Missile that would scatter aphrodisiacs into the air upon detonation. It looked like the fight had begun in earnest.
Tifa successfully latched onto Samus' helmet as she pressed up against the visor, using everything she had to the best of her ability. Suddenly however, a powerful jolt coursed through her body; starting at her back, shocking through her limbs and over her front, causing the busty brawler to tense up and arch her back hard. "Unghh!!!" She grunted out as sweat beaded from her forehead, red tinted eyes rolling back a bit as a Lakitu carrying a camera got a closeup for the big screen of Tifa's lewd expression, urging a roar from the crowds.

Next thing she knew, a strong, metallic covered hand gripped at her thigh and with incredible strength she was shoved off and thrown from Samus' shoulders. Her plan worked however, as the grip of her powerful thighs didn't let her down as it yanked her helmet right off as she was flung back.

Tifa flew across the arena, grabbing Samus' helmet in her hand before she kicked upward with enough leg strength to flip and land on her feet, skidding back on them from the momentum of Samus' throw at the same time as a homing missile was speeding right for her.

As she skidded, Tifa jumped into a flip right toward the raised, hovering platform behind her in hopes that the explosive would hit the bottom of it and be stopped. Either way, as it went off, a cloud of powerful aphrodisiacs was spreading over the arena. Tifa landed on the platform, jumping up to the higher, center platform to try and avoid it.

Though her movements would for now get her away from the spreading mist of aphrodisiacs, it was still in the air and Tifa still caught scent of it. Her knees wobbled slightly before she focused herself to stand straight, her cock swelling with a sudden arousal.

"Tch... Good shot~" said Tifa, trying to keep her composure before she leapt down, standing high to watch her next move as she waved her own helmet at her teasingly, before cheekily tossing it off the edge of the arena with a grin and a soft, husky voiced giggle. For now it was best not to charge in after getting that lucky move in, she needed to analyze Samus' moves, what she could all fire at her.

Though... She did wonder if Samus to could be effected by these aphrodisiacs now that her helmet was off. Tifa would have to wait and see.
A gasp escaped as Samus suddenly found her helmet ripped away along with the brawler on top of her, in spite of her attacks. It left her to wonder just how strong Tifa actually was, if she could manage something like that. Nonetheless her following attack saw some success, just as she had expected that it would. Now they both had a bit of first blood, and her blond hair flowed in the wind as she faced down her opponent undaunted. So she had lost hr helmet. It was clearly not the battle. Of that everyone in the audience could be sure.

She maintained a taciturn expression as her helmet vanished, not letting anything slip behind her determined facade. The aphrodisiacs were proving somewhat problematic but for now it was something that she could handle. It wasn't anything that she hadn't experienced before after all, and right now it was not prevalent enough that she couldn't handle it. There was no taunting, no boasts, just action as she hammered away at her enemy from the other side of the arena.

For the moment she hung back from her opponent, not giving Tifa the opportunity to get in close and use her own specialty in fighting. Instead she charged up her cannon before firing at her opponent, a blast might like the one that had been used previously only more powerful. With growing arousal it would be that much more effective, and she would follow that up with more missiles as she tried to take her out from long range.
Easily Tifa ducked the more powerful shock from Samus' cannon. The hard part was the aphrodisiac stuffed missiles that were fired in rapid succession after. They arced and ducked, more accurately tracking Tifa down at rapid speed.

The first missile Tifa guided into the platform like the last, letting it go off and for the moment containing it under her. She jumped away as the rest followed her, landing on the last side of the arena that wasn't clouded with aphrodisiacs as she prepared for the next incoming missiles.

Rearing back, Tifa carefully waited for what she thought was just the right moment. The next missile sped towards her and at the last second, Tifa struck with her palm, striking in from the right towards the projectile. It landed right against the side of the front of it, but the dark haired busty brawler was off...

The missile exploded right in her face. Tifa was overcome with a thick cloud of aphrodisiacs that she breathed right into her lungs. The woman's long legs wobbled weakly as she panted yet still Tifa held her ground as the next missile cut through the clouds and darted for her.

"Damn... Hyaaaa!!" Tifa reacted as fast as she could register. Almost entirely on instinct she leapt up into a spin, using the momentum along with her incredible leg strength to kick the missile, ramming the tip of her red boot into just the right spot alongside the object, kicking it off course and spinning it around right back at Samus.

However... the last few missiles hit her directly, knocking her to the ground in an explosion of aphrodisiacs coating the whole half of the ring.

Tifa arched her back as she grunted out crudely, "aaaahhhhh shiiiiiit you cheap... Ngh..." her lungs were full of the stuff, her red eyes hazed over as her cock twitched, swollen and red with need to release.

Tifa was vulnerable.
The slightest smirk of satisfaction appeared on Samus' visage as the missiles went screaming towards Tifa, interspersed with additional shots from her cannon. The first one didn't work out but the ones following had a lot more success, hitting her directly and forcing her to take in big lungfuls of the drug. The ones after that did a number too, leaving her body weak and her cock aching in need. Just the sort of thing that Samus liked to see.

She did the best she could to control her breathing, so as to limit the intake of the drugs filling the air. Her eyes widened at the missile coming back towards her, and quickly she leapt back into the air with a spin jump to add to it, to leap over the missile. It wasn't like the thing was aiming for her after all, but she did get caught in the backwash of the drug.

"Guh..." she grunted aloud, a light grimace escaping as her cock began to press against the inside of her armor. It was a frustrating sensation, but the pain gave her something to focus on. Like Tifa's current state as she was knocked to the ground by her missiles. Now was the time to strike, before her opponent could recover. She took in a deep breath before rushing forward into the thick of the gas, to press the offensive.

Her cannon would lash out with an energy whip, and with hr strength she would be able to elevate Tifa off of her feet (Not that that was hard). That opened things up so she could grab at Tifa's cock with her free hand, roughly pumping along the throbbing shaft in an effort to try and get her off that way. She might not have a lot of time, so she had to do what she could until Tifa managed to break free.
The clouds were thick but that didn't mean the audience didn't get a view as the Lakitu camera never failed!

Lakitu swept it, both staying out of the fight and getting a good closeup of the action. The camera veered over Tifa's heaving, bouncing tits under her white top, gliding down for a closeup of her girlcock. It was impossibly stiff, throbbing visibly hard and swollen with lust, pre-cum leaking from her tip.

"Ooooh that was a direct hit!" The announcer called, "and it looks like those drug missiles are doing their job..." He said forebodingly.

Tifa had to resist the urge to jerk her own dick as the feeling overtook her that much before the energy whip wrapped around her and pulled her clean into the air towards Samus. Tifa landed on Samus, heels on the armored edges of her thighs and hands gripping the neck opening of her armor, as Samus' hand furiously beat her off.

"Agghh!!" Tifa grunted out, her cock quivering in the gloved and armored hand that so perfectly glided over her shaft. It made the busty girl wonder if even this part of her armor was customized just for it.

She could have broken free, but the pleasure was too much. Or that was what it seemed.

"N-no, fuck!" Tifa desperately grunted out as her dick swelled in Samus' hand, "Shit no I'm gonna..." Tifa gritted her teeth as she humped into her opponent's impossible grip. Holding on for dear life, Tifa's eyes snapped open and rolled back into her head as her mouth twisted into a wide grit of her teeth as she growled. Suddenly, a flash of rainbow colored light erupted from her cock accompanied by an iconic explosive noise, her irises overcome with the same light as her closeup showed. Her body tensed and she grunted out lewdly as the light gave way to buckets of cum raining onto Samus' face, splashing into her hair, and streaking over her armor. Tifa tensed and twitched but held onto Samus as she came hard, giving the first point to her opponent.

However, as Tifa finished, she panted hard and grinned down at the cum splashed Samus, her cock of course still hard. "Ahh... Fuck... Thanks, now I can focus..." Tifa panted as she suddenly yanked on the neck hole she held onto, pulling the torso of Samus' armor clean off and tossing it off the side quickly.

"Hah... H-how's that?" She panted, very much still high off of Samus' drug.
Samus' smirk widened as she quickly got the success she had worked for, with visual indicator and the practical rain of cum indicating that she had gotten the first point. She didn't even seem to mind what she was being covered in, if only because she guessed that she would be doing the same thing to Tifa later. She wasn't the only one who could do that sort of trick.

More surprising was what came after that, her eyes widening as the torso of her armor was removed with a screech of shattering metal. She had expected a lot, but such a display of brute force was shocking. She had definitely underestimated how strong Tifa was if she could do something like that. Not that it would win her the battle, but it would definitely make things more complicated. She still had her own second wind somewhere after all.

"Noteworthy," she replied tersely as she settled herself back into a combat position. Her breath huffed out as she stopped trying to keep from taking in the aphrodisiac. It was starting to disperse at least, which meant that the effect on her was lesser than it had been on Tifa before. Not that it entirely stopped her cock from beginning to throb, but she kept focused on the fight with her cannon raised and ready to fire.

Of course she made quite the sight herself. The armor had been pulled away to reveal a blue suit of sorts, only a bit torn from the method that Tifa had used to reveal it. It was not scandalous, but it definitely did not shy from showing off her own assets. Combined with the cum that was now on her head it made for quire the erotic sight. It was another taste of what Tifa could look forward to, not that Samus planned on ever letting her sample it. She had her own reputation to uphold, and would not let the crowd down.

She would quickly resume firing with her Cannon, tracking shots that were not charged to the maximum so she could fire quicker. With her torso armor gone it was only a matter of time until she ran out of power. She would have to take advantage of it while it lasted.
Tifa cheekily grinned to Samus' response as she tossed Samus' armor off the edge.

She grinned noticing the lovely torso that was revealed to her, a tight, tall frame who's undersuit outlined quite the bust it seemed. Now only left in the arms and legs of the suit that were rather bulky in comparison. The camera of course displayed a shot of Samus, half her armor gone and sprayed with Tifa's thick spunk. It was a sight that not only aroused the cheering crowds but Tifa as well, her still hard cock tensing with anticipation.

Samus then began firing her cannon again. Tifa smirked, now that she was able to focus she was once again easier able to dodge the shots. "Shocks and missiles, you gotta have some more tricks than that!" Tifa taunted as she ducked and dodged each incoming shot. She wasn't aware of the inner workings of Samus' suit so she had no real intent on draining out her power, but it did help. Tifa kept her distance for the most part but with each dodge she strived to get closer.

Inch by inch she got within better range, if she was going to attack she needed to be in close which was hard with Samus' ranged abilities, but if she could get just close enough...

"Blizzard!" Tifa shouted, her hand starting to glow with a light blue light as she charged in with great speed. Her target? Either of Samus' arms. Her fist was now coated in light Blizzard magic, her hand chilled and containing the power to frost over whatever she touched. If it hit Samus' armor it would freeze over the metal and hopefully make the piece useless along with the strength she intended to strike the armor with.

It was up to Samus, it was a dangerous attack to block and it was really fast to dodge, but either option existed unless Tifa could hit her mark.
Tifa truly had gotten her second wind, as evidenced by the way she dodged what Samus was now throwing at her. Annoying, though this was hardly the first time that something like that had occurred in a fight. Just because it was going on now did not mean that the warrior was going to let her get away with whatever she wanted to do. Besides, though it might not have been intentional it also helped to make Tifa a bit more cocky, confident, and thus ope to the surprises that she did have waiting.

To the barbs she did not answer, instead wearing a cold facade as she fired and backed up to keep her distance, away from the brawler. She was not one to go making snarky comments, instead giving her full focus to the battle itself. That was part of her appeal, at least as far as the crowd was concerned.

Then the sudden attack, the spring forward with some sort of glowing energy at the palm of her hand. Judging from the shout that accompanied it Samus could expect to be frozen in place if she were caught, which was not really the sort of position that she would want to be when up close with someone who excelled at punching things. It was just too bad about her power situation, since that would have given her the perfect counter to this sort of thing.

Quickly she moved to block, foot lashing upwards to try and deflect Tifa's arm before it could reach her. If it succeeded then she could fairly easily shift into the attack, but if it failed then something would be getting frozen. Still, having a frozen leg would be a lot easier to handle than having something else frozen like her arm. Either way she would strike with her cannon, going for Tifa's cock while she had the chance to. One had to wonder just what would be in store, should it be firmly secured in there.
Samus' attacks continued and Tifa got closer and closer, in moments she was at Samus throwing a glowing, frost covered fist for the stoic space warrior.

Samus tried to counter, throwing a flexible leg up to try and deflect the attack. She was skilled, if Tifa didn't reply in kind she would be out an attack. No, she had to land this, the clock was running and she was a point down from Samus. They had time but to let a lead go on so long was bad form, Tifa was intent on landing this strike and so she followed through. As Samus' armored foot came for Tifa, the busty brawler aimed right for it.

Tifa's fist landed with a thunderous clash of force hitting metal that rung through the arena, gaining sounds of awe from the audience as these two titanic women clashed. As soon as her fist landed against Samus' foot, frost visibly washed over it, exploding from Tifa's fist down the leg that clashed with her. In an instant Samus' armor was frozen over obviously on the outside, but more subtly through it's insides too.

As Tifa had Samus' leg up, she reached out towards her crotch and Tifa began rubbing Samus' crotch from outside her bodysuit. Her fingers worked over her pussy as her palm teased against the base of her shaft above. However, Samus was not so easily taken as her canon arm dove for Tifa's hard dick. In such a position, it was too hard to dodge and Samus' canon captured Tifa's cock right in the barrel. Tifa's red eyes went wide as she looked to Samus, her cock disappearing into the canon for who knows what now that it was secured firmly inside of it.
Samus winced a bit as she felt the magic affecting her leg, internal servomotors locking up and no longer functioned from the ice. That was unfortunate, as it rendered her leg nothing more than a long bludgeon. She probably was not going to have time to unfreeze it, so she would just have to make do and deal with it while keeping up the fight. With Tifa this close she didn't have many other choices in that regard.

She was aware of how it left her open as well, with a hiss escaping at the touch against her sensitive cock. Her own climax was drawing closer, and she could only hope to stave it off by hitting Tifa harder than she was getting hit in turn. A good defense was a strong offense as far as she was concerned. Not that it stopped her cock from pulsing with increased agitation and need.

But her grunt vanished with a grin as Tifa found her cock stuck in the waiting cannon. It wouldn't last long with hr power reserves, so Samus would have to take advantage of it while it lasted. Automatic functions kicked in with a quick button press. First heat would be generated from the bottom of the barrel, engulfing the tip of her shaft. At the same time the barrel would seem to squeeze down upon her before the insides began to rotate with ridges brushing all along her cock. It wouldn't be able to spin for long, but She would get the best out of it that she could. "Enjoy," she replied mockingly. Bet she hadn't seen that coming
Tifa grinned at the feeling of Samus' cock underneath her suit, she could feel it throbbing and twitching angrily with the need to release as with one strong hand she firmly rubbed her opponent's soaking pussy and throbbing cock at the same time, her hand as skilled as it was strong. Her other hand held up Samus' leg, keeping her in this awkward position as she had her by the cock. This however left Tifa open for Samus' cannon to slip right over her exposed, hard cock.

The brawler gasped, dropping Samus' frozen leg to grab at the canon as it trapped her dick inside. As systems could be heard starting up, a heat started to engulf the member, "shit..." Tifa gasped at the suddenly warm, and then suddenly tight feeling as the insides of the canon started squeezing around her, "no..." She panted as she realized what was about to happen to her. "N-no... No... No, no, no, no-aaaahhhhh!!!" Tifa let out a lewd, lust filled scream as many layers of ridges started whirling and rotating, spinning around her cock at intense speeds. Grabbing onto the cannon, her hips bucked as she humped into it - not that she was able to pull away, so Tifa roughly grinded against the barrel, panting as her cock was tormented.

The crowd roared as the camera closed up on Tifa's face, her red eyes rolling back in her head as her mouth hung agape, lewd grunts escaping her as the cannon attacked her throbbing member, now close to another release already.

"Is Tifa bound for another orgasm?! Will Samus get yet another point ahead?!" The announcer hyped.

It very much seemed that way, but as Tifa caught sight of a twinkle in the sky, hope returned as an object dropped towards them. "FuuuuuUUUUUUCK!!" Tifa growled out her frustration in a moan, holding back as her hand left the cannon barrel to reach up as she caught a small object in it. It was gold in color and long, with a suddenly wide barrel-like piece at the front.

"OOOOOH And it seems Tifa has caught the first item of the match!" the announcer called.

Tifa was shaking as Samus' cannon assaulted her cock that was ready to blow any moment, but gritting her teeth in frustration, Tifa gripped at the cock still against her other hand, jerking Samus' dick through her smooth elastic-like suit before she began to pull on it. "F-F-Fuck!.. F-Fire!" Tifa called, her hand starting to glow with a red hot power. As she pulled on the suit, she used all of her strength, fueled by the stress of her pleasure, and ripped a hole in Samus' suit just big enough to reveal her cock. Instantly Tifa aimed the device for that thick member and hit the button, a visible whirlwind emerged from the tip and stretched across to Samus' cock, swirling around it with a suddenly intense pressure, pretty much attacking Samus the same way she was attacking her...

The two were in a clash.
Samus couldn't help but let herself bask a bit in Tifa's horror as the brawler realized what exactly she had walked herself into. It was a bit humiliating back then to modify her cannon to work like this, but she had quickly gotten over it when she realized how effective it was. Now she just had to make sure the thing kept working as it applied the pressure to Tifa.

It was easy to tell that her opponent was growing close, if the way that Tifa was humping the cannon was any indication. There was no shame in it, since stronger fighters than hr had done exactly the same thing in the past. Even the announcer seemed to agree with her, and Samus doubled down as she poured what energy was left in the suit into finishing this off before it went on any longer and made her position that much less advantageous.

So confident was she, she was not expecting it when an item came dropping in literally on top of them and perfectly placed for Tifa to grab. In a flash her suit was torn so her cock sprang free without restraint, and a whirlwind suction was focused on the fighter, doing unto her what she had been doing unto Tifa to some extent. Now it was a battle of wills to see who would give up first.

Unfortunately with everything else Samus could not last. A white light flashed and a loud sound rang out as she came. Her cannon tore away from Tifa's cock as her own member pulsed and sprayed her cum over the both of them, leaving Samus a panting mess as she struggled to get her second wind. Her climax was not over particularly fast, but the crowd loved every moment of it as the camera focused on her broken cool girl facade.

Eventually she brought herself down, and as she did so she let the rest of her suit fall away. That left her in her blue Zero Suit, and to continue the fight she produced a gun and a whip, which she cracked with a hum of energy. "Is that all you have Lockheart," she asked, ready to go again.
The two clashed with their wills as they each barraged the other's cock, Samus with her modified canon that absolutely tortured Tifa's cock with every little motion and whirl it could muster as she humped into the canon while her free hand firmly held the whirlwind item to Samus' dick, the full force of a tornado concentrated on Samus' length and sucking her off as the two watched each other carefully, both approaching orgasm quickly.

Samus would break first this time though, her canon pulled away and ran out of power - partially to Tifa's disappointment, and her cock twitched as she began to cum. The victorious crashing sound of an SSB orgasm rang out, the white flash of light signaling the orgasm as Samus came hard. Just as she did, Tifa's item ran out of juice, the busty brawler tossing it aside as Samus burst her load all over. Tifa let out a grunt as streaks of Samus' jizz splashed up her white top, over her massive breasts and a streak or two even spurting across her face.

The cameras took full view of Samus' stoic manner breaking as she had the longest orgasm. It zoomed up on her twitching cock, glanced over where it would land showing both girls splattered with the cum she spewed, it got a close up of her 'O Face' for all the crowd to see until Samus finally came down from orgasm.

When she did, the tall woman let her suit fall away, now she was in her tight, blue Zero Suit with a hole burned away at the cock so it protruded out gloriously, still hard of course no matter how much cum she just dumped over the both of them.

"Heh not a chance" Tifa said, not even bothering to wipe away the cum, letting the streaks serve as her battle damage as she punched her fist into her hand, "I have GOT to get me one of those cannons though... Fuck" she commented, her cock twitching achingly hard. As Samus flashed her weapons however, Tifa dove in.

"Thunder!" She called. The fighter used Blizzard to punch at her suit and Fire to burn away the Zero Suit, but now sparks covered her hand as she reached out to quickly grab Samus by the dick. "Take this!" Tifa grinned as she started beating off Samus at incredible speeds. Her hand was literally a blur over her length as the thunder not only helped her jerk off at inhuman speeds, but the lightning brightly shocked against it, stimulating her nerves even more as Tifa jerked off her opponent with all she had.
Samus could appreciate Tifa's willingness to continue the battle, if only because she was that kind of fighter as well. She just approached it from a different angle than her companion did. Besides, they were both far from finished and they still had to put on a show for the crowd. That was what mattered in the end, here at the Brawl.

She was ready as Tifa came in to attack, but without the power of the suit it took a moment to adjust to the changed reflexes and abilities that she had. Which would explain why Tifa had been able to grab on to her cock, using some kind of magic again to get her off with rapid motion and the occasional electric jolt to her system. Unexpected, and it frankly did not help things as her sensitive shaft jumped and pulsed against each quick jolt. At this rate she would not last long.

"Nnngh," she grunted, quickly reacting to salvage her situation. Her whip cracked, delivering a burst to Tifa's cock as well as her lower lips at the same time, before Samus herself backed off in lithe movements. She was a lot faster without the suit, that was for sure. And she would be a lot more difficult to hold on to. She then struck back, spinning and doing an overhead leap to hit Tifa in the same area that had been used against her previously. She kicked at her legs before spinning behind her, moving to pin her arm behind her back and striking to wrap Tifa's shaft in her whip. If successful she could tug away at will while the current ran through it. So far so good, as far as she was concerned.
"Yeah, take that!" Tifa grinned cheekily as she beat off Samus with incredibly rapid motions before suddenly a loud crack rang out. As Samus' dick twitched in her hand, her whip cracked against Tifa's cock, it scared her at first but the loud crack didn't hurt, in fact it burst a powerful pleasure through her that made her gasp in shock of the intense feeling, giving Samus the perfect chance to escape. Quite the crafty thing Samus was.

She was able to pull away leaving Tifa to grab the base of her cock and tense up, trying not to spill right then and there. This gave her opponent perfect opportunity to get behind her, to pull her arm behind her back, and strike again with that whip as the warm energy wrapped around it, surging pleasure into her. "Sh-shit!" Tifa grunted out, tensing up as she tried to hold back with everything she had as her cock spasmed and twitched violently, the camera getting a closeup of the troubled length.

"H-hold... Hold it... C'mon..." Tifa mumbled to herself, "hooooold... AUGHH!!!" she tried to talk herself down but suddenly the loud crashing sound accompanied by a flashing bright light exploding from her cock and pussy. As her pussy squirted her juices against the arena floor with a loud splash, her cock burst again with thick shots of incredible blasts of cum. They rocketed out, splashing the camera which got a huge reaction from the crowds, before she came down a panting and grunting mess, red eyes rolled back in her head in a slutty look.

This wasn't over yet though, the clock was ticking and Samus was now one 'kill' ahead so to speak, it was time to get serious. Tifa, still on her knees in front of Samus, spun around to face her. Quickly she grabbed her hips tightly and pulled, shoving her head forward to force Samus' dick right down her throat where Tifa started blowing her vigorously, head bobbing crazily as she deepthroated Samus.
Another smirk slipped out as Samus quickly turned the tables on her opponent, not only dodging her hold but also using the opportunity to wring another life out of her opponent. She might have lost some capabilities with the destruction of her suit, but she had more than made up for it with sheer agility and tactics. No one could ever claim that she was a one trick pony, and that was why she had been so successful in Smash in the past.

"You're slipping," Samus whispered in Tifa's ear as the brawler came for the crowd, as large a climax as the previous one had been, if not moreso. Not that that would be a shock to anyone, including Samus. After all she was in the same boat, as previous matches had shown. She just had the advantage right now so she didn't need to worry about it.

And then suddenly she did as Tifa used an unorthodox tactic, spinning around and practically shoving herself onto the waiting erect shaft, hr head bobbing rapidly to try and get the blond off. There was a look of sheer surprise for a moment before the sensations struck, with Samus reaching down to try and force Tifa off of her as groans of pleasure escaped. Though one might be forgiven for thinking that it looked like she was helping her opponent, rather than fighting her.

This assault following on the heels of the other was pushing Samus to the edge, and she knew that she would have to act quickly as her shaft throbbed in her nearing release. It was by luck though that something caught her eye, and her whip lashed out to grab it and pull it to her from where she was standing. "N-Not yet," she huffed as she took hold of the canister, priming it and then swinging low to bring it into contact with Tifa's lower half. Which would probably be interesting when the area surrounding the point of contact was frozen solid in a block of ice, including her own erection! Samus would then try to pull back and get her resistance back up before Tifa could break free. She had the lead, now she had to hold it.
Tifa slurped and gagged lewdly on the long, foreign object in her throat that twitched in response to her rather skilled blowjob. Tifa really was no slouch, she gazed up at Samus with a smug look as she blew Samus with all her vigor. The grip on her hips was like a vice, fingers digging into the soft flesh of Samus' toned ass as Tifa pulled her into her face, forcing that throbbing member down her throat.

Faster Samus' shaft throbbed, this was it, Tifa would get another life off of her opponent and turn it around to take one more before time ran out, which was fast approaching. That was however, until Samus got ahold of an item...

In a flash the whole arena was frozen over, Tifa's cock was encased in a block of ice, the woman screaming out almost cutely - something the cameras got a closeup of as she shrieked out at the sudden cold against her dick. She grabbed it and looked around in a panic before she got an idea. "F-f-f-f-Fire!" She shouted as she shivered violently, her hand heating up before she grabbed the ice around her cock, and started frantically jerking it as if she were jerking off, trying to melt the ice as Samus regained herself.

Melting the ice, Tifa stood, shaking still from the cold as she ran in and tackled at Samus, attempting to take her down and take her right there.
Samus had to imagine that it had been quite the surprise when the item activated. Most people weren't used t having their cock suddenly encased in ice, even if there would be no permanent damage done to it because of how robust Smash fighters were in addition to the properties of the item itself. It wouldn't do to go suddenly making this a competition where things were legitimately dangerous, now would it? That sort of thing would ruin their ratings, as far as she knew anyways.

Still it gave her time, and she used it to get some distance before recovering. The chill was good, halting the heat that raged inside her and taking the edge off as the throbbing of her shaft began to slow down. She would take a lot longer to return to normal, but even a bit off the edge could give her an advantage against Tifa at this point.

She didn't have long though as the brawler recovered quickly and charged at her for a full body tackle, one that Samus could not dodge. A grunt escaped as she hit the floor but she was quick to react. Tifa would feel something poking her, and it would not be her cock. Instead it was a gun, Samus' in fact, and she opened fire before trying to toss the other girl off in a flip. She was not going to lose to a move with all the tact of a bull in a china shop, if nothing else.
The tackle was a success as Tifa barged into Samus and took her to the ground. Samus grunted out but Tifa's breath hitched as she felt the barrel of Samus' gun press against her tight abdomen. The weapons indeed were not dangerous, but the distraction and possible modifications to the gun that might make it more useful here served their purpose as Samus was able to successfully push Tifa off in a flip. However, Tifa wouldn't be toppled that easily, she held onto Samus to ensure that though Samus was able to flip her over, she would come with and be stuck atop Tifa just long enough.

Tifa grinned as she quickly positioned her cock against Samus' opening and gripping her hips, Tifa slammed her chilled cock all the way up into Samus' tight, hot pussy. It was a risky move, Tifa was vulnerable here, but so was Samus if the busty brawler played her cards right.

"OOOOHHHHHHH" The announcer called out as Lakitus swarmed the area with their cameras getting every angle, "we have first penetration folks!!!" he shouted excitedly, "Tifa has taken first fuck even though she's down a point! Will she be able to hold out? Will Samus?!" he hyped up the cheering crowds as they watched Tifa start pumping up into Samus roughly with her freakish strength, pounding up into her opponent's tight cunt.
Success was quickly replaced with disbelief and failure as Samus' effort to dislodge Tifa was instead used against her. Had she gotten (pardon the pun) cocky, or was she just lucky? Either way it did not change the lust filled gasp that escaped as she felt that thick cock fill her pussy, which clamped down on it as all the repressed need and desire came flooding right back out once again. She had slipped up, and now sh was paying the price for it.

Even as the Lakitu swarmed down to watch the scene, Samus was doing her best to hold on as her body bounced against its will on Tifa's cock. Her own muscular strength was used against her, and her head tilted back as ragged gasps escaped. With her shell broken she was slipping, as anyone could see from the scene in front of them. Not her fault in that regard, that was just how it went. Her body rocked and bounced in place, taking in as much of that hard shaft as she could, natural desire impossible to stop.

Then that breaking point was hit, a cry tearing out with that familiar sound as she came. Her body convulsed, pussy walls clamping down on Tifa's shaft to hold it tight and milk her for all she was worth. It was only when it cam close to ending that Samus could force effort into her muscles, trying to tear free in a last ditch effort. If she couldn't escape now then she was finished for sure.
"Ack!~ You're tight Samus~" Tifa grunted complimenting her as she pounded up the woman's pussy, her cock still cold from the item that froze it. It gave Tifa the edge as the cold no doubt shocked Samus' pussy but at the same time that tight, hot fuck hole more than shocked Tifa's chilled dick.

Still at least for now it worked in Tifa's favor as Samus came, giving her another point. But as she finished, Samus struggled hard, using her strength to tear away from Tifa. The busty brawler grinned watching Samus, as she pulled, Tifa pulled right back, she couldn't lose this now and the focus on holding Samus down let her focus elsewhere than her cock, staving off orgasm for now. Instead, she ground up into the woman, trying to distract her, she needed to run the clock down and keep Samus from regaining herself.

With a loud grunt Tifa thrusted up hard, pounding Samus' pussy to try and distract her with her warming up cock.

"Only thirty seconds left folks! If Samus can't break free and figure out something now she'll be done for!" The announcer called out, time was almost up!
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