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What's Your Username Mean?

In Arabic and Farsi the word for jasmine is pronounced yas-meen, so I just kept the "j" in that.
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Snapped Fingers is derived both from the user 'SnappedFingers' on Reddit, and their story, along with my former username of "Snapped_Senses". I also just like fingers and hands as a strong aesthetic tool for stuff.
It's uh... just sort of my name with a MBra at the end of it! Not sure where it came from tbh, but I like it! Rolls off the tongue really well!
"Carpe Diem" means "seize the day" in Latin. It is a philosophical approach to live each day as if it was your last and to always live doing what you're passionate for. It's more or less my handle wherever I can snatch it, which isn't always easy because it's, apparently, a pretty popular handle online.
The username I've chosen was a Deadpool 2 reference - involving a scene with the Zoo and Polar bears. That and it was randomly chosen, knowing it would get the occasional giggle from people.
I have a habit to just randomly hit my keyboard then add some vowels to make the end result look like a name of some kind. Someone once guessed that it was short for "Charm Alarm" so I'm sticking with that.
My internet persona is “Kit E”, it was past midnight and I had “Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height” stuck in my head… So, here we are.
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