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RP: CM: You Bring Out The Best In Me (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Approaching the closet, Will grabbed the red bikini set. It was not see through and that was okay. However, they were arguably the most revealing and smallest set she had. Plus, he just thought the color red looked sexy on JJ regardless of what he was. He smiled when she had brought out some flip flops. Of course, that would be all too pleasing to Will as well because of his little foot fetish he had. After that was chosen, he placed the bikini beside JJ and winked. “I think this will work perfectly.” Of course, all eyes would be on her so he would stay extra close with the blonde just to make sure everyone stayed away.

After picking out that, Will grabbed his swimming trunks and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top with sandals so it would be easier to change out of. The male also brought a change of clothes for after their time in the beach and since JJ had brought the towels and other essentials, Will filled his bags with a few other things that they might find useful in the bedroom or even out of the bedroom. Today was going to be a fun day and Will knew it. When they were both ready, he grabbed JJ’s hand and pulled her out towards the car.

Like a gentleman, he held the door open for her, placed both bags into the back, and even buckled her in before kissing her and traveling around the front of the car to jump into the driver’s seat. Once he was ready, the engine was revving and they were pulling out of the driveway. Will reached over to grab her hand and hold it while they drove towards the beach. He was not in a hurry, just taking his time as they enjoyed the sights of the city.
"I'm glad that we decided to do this. The beach has been here this whole time and we never make use of it and enjoy it. That is, until today." JJ said softly and then she smiled. They
held hands and listened to the radio on low as Will drove them to the beach. When they arrived, the blonde unbuckled her seat belt, leaned over the console and kissed her boyfriend's lips. Once that was done, she smiled, pulled back and moved to get out of the car. A few minutes later, they were both unpacking the bags of supplies they had brought with them.

"I'll see you in a few minutes?" She asked and winked at him. Holding up the bikini she was about to change into. After getting an agreement from Will, JJ went to go get changed in
the change rooms that were on the edge of the beach, separated just like men and women's bathrooms. Even though there were at the beach, it was a practical beach. There were
not only lifeguards, but showers, changing rooms, bathrooms and a few food stands all along the edge of the beach. She went into women's changing room and changed into her
bikini and then carried her clothes and then her half of the supplies, to the spot that Will had claimed for them.

The blonde reached for the bottle of suntan lotion and began to rub it on his arms, legs, chest, face, back, and neck. Once that was done, JJ wiped the little bit of lotion that remained
on her hands, onto her arms. Then she handed the bottle of lotion to Will, and with a smile said, "You up for a chance to get your hands all over me?" Her words were said teasingly,
as she knew that Will would love it, even if they couldn't do more than put lotion on each other since they were in public. "And then a nice swim, where I dunk you under the water.."
She said and laughed, her playful side coming out. This was just what they needed to get things back on track for them.
After changing into his gear, Will watched JJ return to his side after changing into her bikini. Hot damn. This was one sexy woman. When she approached, he could see all the other men staring at her, whispering to themselves about this sexy blonde they just saw. Just so they knew she was taken, when she arrived to him before she applied the lotion, he grabbed JJ by the face and pressed a passionate kiss to her lips. God, he loved her so much and he could not live without her. The male felt super thankful that she had finally gotten back on track and was doing better than she had been the past few weeks. This was exactly what they needed.

“Of course. I think you already know just how much I enjoy touching your body.” The dark-haired male teased softly, reaching down for her hands before making another move. “I think I have to stay by your side at all times, though. If I leave for a few seconds, I might turn back and find you surrounded by two or three dozen men.” Chuckling, his arms pulled her in for a quick hug and he just stood there, loving how she felt in his arms. “I love you, JJ.” He reminded her before pulling back and grabbing the lotion, starting at her neck and shoulders before moving down to her arms.

Of course, Will took every advantage of this chance he could and made sure to touch all over her skin, spending extra time with her chest as he massaged her breasts through her bikini when no authorities were watching. After that, he figured it was time for the water. “Okay, babe. How about you hop onto my back and I’ll carry you towards the water?” He asked with a grin, bending downwards slightly so she could hop onto his back for a ride if she wanted.
"I love you, too.." She said softly, a smile on her lips. As they headed for the water, the sound of a loud, familiar laugh caught JJ's attention, and her head turned in the direction of the laugh. A smile curving her lips, as she nudged Will and motioned to another couple on the other side of the beach, joking around in the water, before kissing. "I had no idea that Emily and Derek were that close. How about you?" The blonde said as she reached for her boyfriend's hand and they went into the water themselves. She was a little self conscious about her stab wounds being on display, but was trying not to think about it.

Today was a day for fun, and that's what she was focused on. "Now the question remains, do we interrupt them and let them know that we're here too, or just tease them at work that
we know their secret without actually coming out and saying what it is? What do you think?" She asked once they were in the water and enjoying how cool it was. Without waiting for
Will to actually reply, JJ splashed water in his face and then laughed as she quickly swam away from him. A genuine smile was on her lips and for the first time in months, she felt
better than she had in months.

Emily squealed and then laughed loudly as Derek dunked her under the water. They had gotten to the beach an hour ago, having decided that since they had the day free, a swim would do them both some good. It also gave them a chance to spend time together since that first drunken kiss a few months ago. They had slept together once, and then backed off of each other, playing it cool. But she had decided to stop playing games, and planned to talk to Derek about the possibility of them becoming more than friends. They had fun together, sure.

But it was more than that, for her. The two of them had been swimming for a while, before she finally called for a time out from them dunking each other, and from the tickle wars she had started, but lost to Derek, since he didn't play fair. The two of them walked out of the water and dropped down onto their towels. "Today's been a good day. After all of the stress of the last few months, I'm glad we decided to do this." She leaned over towards him and kissed his lips for several moments. When Emily pulled back, they locked eyes and stared at each other in silence for a moment.

"I don't regret what happened," She said finally, after several more minutes of silence had passed between them. They had never talked about the drunken kiss, or the one time they had slept together a few days after the kiss. "I also wouldn't be opposed to either of those things happening again," The woman said slowly and clearly, to make sure that Derek understood what she was saying. After she had spoken, Emily fell silent to let him take in what had been said, and to think about what he wanted to say to her. There was no rush. They had plenty of time to decide if they wanted this to go somewhere or not.
Eventually, Will caught JJ in the water. He dunked underneath the water and jumping out behind JJ. Behind her, his arms wrapped around the blonde. One arm was underneath her breasts and the other was just underneath her belly button. Looking into the gorgeous blue eyes of JJ, he thought about the other couple. “I think we should let them enjoy their time. If they approach us, we can talk. If not, we’ll just leave them be.” Will whispered into her ear before trailing kisses down her neck. The smile grew wider on his face as he thought about this sexy woman in his arms and just enjoyed their time together.

“Now, the only thing we have to ask ourselves is how you’re going to get out my arms. I’ve got you now, baby. I’m not letting you go again.” He chuckled softly, attacking her lips again before sliding his fingers through her hair a few times. The male finally released her from his arms and started swimming out further, pulling JJ with him and urging her on. He thought about them being in a public place and wondered what they could get away with underneath the cover of the water.

Before, Derek never thought workplace relationships was something that could be handled. Yeah, they had a drunken kiss one night at a bar and then slept with one another. Derek thought it was over after that. However, he was wrong. Their attraction was too strong and after seeing how well Will and JJ’s relationship worked, the male gave it another thought because he wondered how life would be for him to find love or a relationship with Emily. They had been swimming together, playing in the water and forgetting about all the horrible things they dealt with at work. It could take a toll and he did yearn for someone to lean on at times. He was getting out of breath from their fun! FBI training did not prepare him for this.

He followed Emily onto the beach and dropped down beside of her, a smile on his face as he wrapped an arm around her neck casually. He figured they would have to talk about a few things soon enough but he was not worried about that yet. Instead, Derek wanted to spend this time with Emily without thinking about anything else. She talked about not regretting something and that made him smile widely. He thought about the things she was talking about and Derek smiled, looking at Emily. He thought the brunette looked nervous, not like her.

“You know what? I don’t regret it either. I wouldn’t mind those things happening again. What do you want, though? We should talk about it. Do you want just another night of fun or do you want something more permanent?” Derek questioned, just wanting some insight into her mind.
JJ laughed and followed Will out further in the water. "I know that look in your eyes, William LaMontagne, Jr. You have something up your sleeve, and I want to know what it is," She told her boyfriend, as she swam over to him and pointed a finger against his chest. The blonde wasn't angry at him, and even if she was, she was only slightly a threat to him with her police training from the BAU. He outweighed her by a good bit, and could snap her like a twig if he really wanted to. "Spill the beans, Mister." She said and poked him once more.

The blonde remained standing in the water and waited to see what Will was going to say. Knowing him as well as she did, she had a few ideas of what he had up his sleeve. But there was no harm in letting them play out, just as long as they didn't get arrested on the beach. They'd have a pretty tough time trying to explain to Hotch that they'd gotten arrested on a public beach for nudity and fooling around. Though she knew that it was something that would definitely give the rest of the team a good laugh. JJ shook her head and stood on her tip toes, pressing a kiss to her boyfriend's lips.

"It's not about what I want," Emily reminded him. "It's about what we both want. We both have to decide if we want to just keep sleeping together, or if we want something more. I know that you like to go out and have fun, and meet women. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's healthy, in fact. You're young and single and can have your choice of women. So, what do you want to happen next? If you don't know, that's okay. It doesn't have to be decided today, right now. I know that being single for years and then considering being in a relationship is a lot to take in, so, there's no pressure."

She kissed him once more, and then laid down on her towel right beside him on his. "Think about it, while I get some sun.." The dark haired woman trailed off as something caught her eye. She laughed and pointed towards the water. "Looks like we weren't the only one's with the idea to spend the day relaxing on the beach." Emily shook her head and laughed again. "We might have to make an arrest if they keep this up," She said and then motioned to Will and JJ who were making out and groping each other in the water. "I'm kidding. I'm just glad that JJ's doing better. She had us worried for a while there."
“Oh, nothing, really. I’m just thinking.” Will admitted with a teasing tone in his voice before he pressed another sweet kiss to her lips. “You know how hot I get for you whenever you’re not wearing clothes. Well, now you’re wearing my favorite bikini to see on you and you’re close to me and touching me… a man can’t help but think such nasty thoughts.” He teased again, stroking his fingers through her hair. They did not have to do anything right now but when they reached some privacy, Will was going to go all out on his girlfriend. After spending more time in the water, the couple continued to have a fun conversation, touching when they could and having an amazing time.

Finally, Will pulled back and led JJ to the beach where they sat their towel down near the edge of where the water would rise. After they sat down, Will decided to go a little further than that, pulling the woman into his lap. He sat her so that her ass was on his crotch and her legs sprawled out over his, her back against his chest. “I love you, JJ. Today has already been amazing and I know it will only get better from here.”


Derek chuckled when he looked over and saw Will and JJ. Again, the thought of a workplace relationship popped in his mind. Look at them! Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they tied the knot. If Derek and Emily did pursue a relationship, Derek figured they might get some advice from Will and JJ. They did it so seamlessly and they looked so in love. Would he actually like being tied down to one woman? Derek did not think so at first, but the more time he spent with Emily, the more likely the chance that he feels he would. While she was getting some sun, he thought deep about that.

No more meeting women and just having fun. It would be serious, a real relationship with Prentiss as they had to make sure their relationship did not interfere with work. He wondered how will and JJ did it. They never seemed to be upset with one another. It was amazing. In fact, they worked so well together and Derek would want them leading each case if they could because the work they did together was phenomenal. Derek thought he and Emily could have the same dynamic so he made the choice to tell Emily that’s what he wanted. Now, he just had to wait for her to return from getting some sun so they could talk again.
"I love you, too." JJ said and then smiled at Will. She laughed when they went to sit down and he pulled her onto his lap and over his crotch. "Are you trying to tell me that you wanna get me alone so you can have your wicked way with me?" The blonde asked her boyfriend and smirked. "Cause if so, then you'll have to catch me." She pressed a sweet kiss to Will's lips and then jumped up and a few moments later, ran off down the beach. JJ could hear Will laughing from where he sat and she knew that it wouldn't be long before he chased her and caught her.

She was right, as Will suddenly appeared behind her out of nowhere, and grabbed her. The blonde let out a small scream and then laughed when she realized that he had caught up to her. "There's a food booth on the edge of the beach, and it sells your favorite dessert," JJ told him. "I think that in a little while after we have lunch, I'll treat you to your favorite, and then if I'm feeling nice, maybe I'll let you dunk me in the water." The young woman relaxed once his arm went around her waist, enjoying the close contact with her boyfriend. "Once
we finish up here in a few hours, we're gonna go home and shower, get the sand out of unwanted places, and then we're gonna go look for your new car."

A few minutes later, Emily opened her eyes and looked over at Derek. "You doing okay? You look like you have a lot on your mind," She told him "Anything that I can help with?" She rolled off of her back and onto her stomach, so that she could give him her full attention. This attraction between them had started as one thing and before either of them had known
it, things between them had quickly become something more. At least, that was how Emily felt. "You're thinking too hard," She said a few moments later. "Why don't you just enjoy this amazing day at the beach and save the hard thinking for later?" She suggested and smiled.

A smirk came over her lips, and deciding to be sneaky, the dark haired woman reached into Derek's ice chest and pulled out a bottle of water. That wasn't the sneaky part. The sneaky part was what she did next. Emily took off the cap and dropped it back into the ice chest, and then dumped the ice cold water over his head, to distract him. A loud laugh burst from
her, and then she got up and took off running. Payback was coming, she knew that, but didn't know what it would be. As he chased her down the beach, the dark haired woman sped
up and tried to get away before he could grab her. But given his long legs, she knew it was useless.
“That sounds like a plan. Except, you forgot something. Tonight when we finish and are alone, you’re going to wear that bikini for me again in our bedroom and we’re going to have some fun together.” Will whispered into her ear, obviously alluding to them having sex. He could imagine some fun, arousing foreplay with JJ wearing this sexy bikini for him. Besides, it was his day right? He would use that to his advantage to get what he was craving to do the most with her. After it was settled, Will pulled back only a bit from JJ and just grabbed her hand.

“Let’s go for a walk down the beach before we leave, though.” Will added, wanting some more romantic time with his girlfriend. As he linked their hands together, the male looked down towards JJ and offered her a smile. Gosh, he was so happy that JJ felt better. She was acting like her old self again. “I’m also thinking that when I get my new ride, you might have to help me christen the back seat before we take it out of our driveway.” Will added, shooting another smirk towards the woman he loved.


When Derek finally caught Emily, he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. “Did you think you were getting away? You should have known better!” The male beamed and suddenly tripped over his own feet, sending both himself and Emily onto the ground. While they were on the ground, he was on top of her and found himself staring deep into her gorgeous eyes. Then, he suddenly kissed her on the lips and used his tongue to penetrate her mouth, massaging the inside of her cheek as he moaned out quietly against her lips. This moment had brought them close together and despite him still shivering from the ice cold water, he felt his body heating up.

“I was thinking too hard. I shouldn’t have thought so hard and I should say what I want. So I will. Emily, I want to be with you in every way. I want to be your co-worker, I want to be your friend, I want to be your boyfriend. If that’s what you want, too, then we can make this work. If not, I understand and we’ll still be friends and we can have flings if you like. I’m okay with that, but it is about what we want. That’s what I want. Now, the question is do you want the same thing?”
JJ laughed when Will said that when they got is new car, he'd need her to help christen the backseat. "You're such a guy, always thinking with the wrong head," She teased her boyfriend, though the blonde was only joking. "I want to do anything and everything that you want to do today. Like I said, it's my turn to spoil you. And I promise, I'm going to spoil you like this more often from now on. Maybe we pick out a day each week and the day's we're in town and home, we'll do something special together that you really want to do. I just never want
you to feel like I take advantage of you or don't appreciate you."

"I love and appreciate you so much. I hope you know that." She said and then squeezed Will's hand as they continued to walk around the beach. There was a nice breeze that ruffled her long hair, and the blonde gave them half an hour more of walking around and then she said, "Let's return to our towels and have lunch, what do you say?" JJ stopped walking, turned him to face her, slipped one of her arms around Will's neck, and pulled him down to her level to kiss his lips. "We'll have lunch, do some more swimming, maybe some more fooling around, and then we'll head home to shower."

Emily laughed when Derek caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "You really can't blame a girl for trying to get a head start.." She teased back at him. A few moments later, they tripped and fell to the ground, with Derek on top of her. Her breath sped up, along with her pulse, as they stared into each other's eyes. When he dipped his head
and kissed her lips, she eagerly replied in kind and wrapped her own arms around his waist. She heard the quiet moan that Derek let out against her lips, and fought a smile.

Once Derek had finished speaking, she smiled at him. "I want all of that," She said softly, seriously. "I want us to keep getting to know each other outside of work and outside of being just friends. I want to see where this takes us. I'm willing to take the risk." After she spoke, Emily kissed Derek, and didn't bother trying to get him off of her, instead, she slipped her arms around his waist, to keep him on top of her, pinning her down in the sand.
The couple returned to the beach. On the boardwalk, there were various food stands they could find. Will ended up stopping to grab a couple hot dogs for himself, fries, and a flavored ice drink. Once the couple had food, Will brought JJ back onto the beach and sat on the towel. Wanting her as close as possible, he pulled her legs over his lap and kept one arm around her neck, hoping she felt comfortable while he held her. As they ate, Will kept quiet and just enjoyed the peaceful feeling. There was no other place he would rather be right now than right here with the love of his life.

When they finished eating, Will decided they should go ahead and get that shower. They pulled on their outer clothing after drying off and approached the car. Will drove again, holding JJ’s hand the entire time. “I know you appreciate me and love me. I never doubted that, baby. You never have to prove anything to me because I already know.” Will assured her, giving her a kiss on the hand. “But I like this idea. One day it can be my day, and another day it can be your day. I think we’re just so busy that we often forget to just step back and relax sometimes. I think that’ll make us both happier.”


Derek was relieved to hear this. “I know this will be different for us. Neither of us seem to be the long-term relationship type of person nor have we ever done something like this with a co-worker. But you know it won’t bother anybody and you see how well Will and JJ make it work. I’m sure we could ask them for advice if we need it but I feel confident in myself and in you.” Derek smiled, kissing her again as their bodies touched. It felt like this had been building for a long time and Derek was more than happy it finally started.

“I can’t lie. I’ve had my eyes on you ever since the day you joined the team. The more time we spent together, the more that I started thinking about you in different ways. I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone else right now. I am so happy that we’re doing this and that we can officially be together now. I should take you on a real date later tonight if you’re interested.” Derek offered with a smile, figuring they might as well go to dinner or maybe catch a movie, too.
JJ got a hamburger and a chocolate shake for herself, and once they had their food, they returned to their towels and sat down to eat. She was happy to let Will pull her legs over his
lap, and smiled as one of his arms went around her neck, holding her close. Silence fell between them as they ate, and the blonde just enjoyed this time together, wiggling her toes in
the sand and grinning. Once they finished eating, they decided to leave, and dried off, and pulled their regular clothes back on over their swimsuits. They got back in the car and Will drove once more, but JJ didn't mind.

They held hand's again as he drove. "Good. I just don't want there to ever be any doubt about how I feel about you." Will kissed her hand, and the action made her smile, even though in the long run it was just a simple thing. "You're right, we're always so busy that when we do finally get a day off or two from the BAU, we usually just spend it in bed..." JJ said and then she chuckled softly. "Not that that's a bad thing, 'cause trust me, it's not. But, we should make an effort to do more with each other." After speaking, she fell silent once more and just relaxed as Will continued to drive.

"What we have, will be our own thing.." Emily said softly. "JJ and Will are two of our best friend's, and I'm glad things are going so well for them. But we have to remember that we're not them. We need something of our own, that suits us and want we want out of the relationship. Like for example, I'd never say this to JJ and Will, but when they first got together, I
felt like they moved in together too fast. I'm happy that they're happy, and I'm glad that it's worked out, but if Reid were around we know he'd have some statistic on how most couples who move in together right away after becoming a couple, don't always work out."

"I just think we should take our time with this. We'll keep spending time together, doing things we like to do with each other. And maybe just see where it goes from there? I do want to be in a relationship with you. With that said, I just don't want you to feel pressured into anything. And I don't want to feel pressured into anything. Does that make sense? We've known each other for a long time, and we both care about each other. It just might take some time for us to get used to being in each other's space more often, especially when we're not on a case."

Once all of that was said, Emily wrapped her arms around Derek's neck and pulled him close to her, kissing him.
Minutes later, Will and JJ returned home. After parking the car in the driveway, Will exited first and walked inside the house. The wheels inside his brain were spinning, wondering how to make this day even better. It was his day after all, right? Smirking, he turned to his girlfriend when she entered. “Get the water started for us in the shower. I’ll join in a second. I’m going to pick out what I want you to wear. I hope you don’t mind. It is my day, right? I think I know what you should wear for me when we go out.”

Into the bedroom and looking inside the closet, he found a dark pink tank top for JJ, a pair of her tight leggings, and flip flops. For the undergarments, Will decided on a matching pair of black bra and underwear. If she disagreed with anything, they could talk it out but he hoped she was giving him what he wanted. After stripping nude, Will made the short walk into the bathroom, finding JJ and immediately attacking her lips. In between kisses, he started talking. “I have your outfit sitting in the bedroom… but I haven’t chosen anything for myself. You can choose mine, too. Whatever you want.” Just because it was his day did not mean she couldn’t have some fun of her own.


Derek patiently listened to Emily and nodded his head along with everything she said. After she finished, he chuckled quietly and stroked his fingers through her hair. “I didn’t mean that I wanted to copy everything that Will and JJ did. That’s not it at all. I’m just saying that they are living proof that relationships in the workplace do not always end poorly. I just meant to use them as an example because they probably can offer generalized advice.” Derek explained with a shrug of his shoulders though maybe he should not have said anything at all.

“But you’re right. We’ll take it slow and at our own pace. I just want to make sure that we’re both on the same page that we’re going to be in a relationship together. I know everyone thinks I’m a big flirt but when I’m in a relationship, that changes. I promise to stay faithful to you from this day forward. I just can hope for the same since we’re not just fuck buddies or friends with benefits or anything like that. If we’re doing this, I want you all to myself.” He said with a soft smile, hoping that was okay with Emily.
They got home and entered the house. JJ nodded at Will's words, and after putting her stuff down on the bed, headed for the bathroom to get their shared shower started. "Okay, babe." The blonde said softly, when Will said that he wanted to pick out the clothes she would wear for after their shared shower. She made her way to the bathroom and stripped out of her clothes, a few moments later, the young woman stepped into the shower, turned the warm water on and waited for Will to join her. She hummed softly as she waited, relaxed and happy to do whatever her boyfriend wanted that day.

The blonde smiled when he joined her in the shower several minutes later. The moment his lips touched hers, she kissed him back eagerly. Will started to talk between kisses, so instead of saying anything, she just remained silent and listened at first. Only speaking once she was sure he had finished speaking. "I'd love to choose what you wear," JJ whispered against his lips. "Does you birthday suit count?" She asked seriously, whispering the words lovingly, though there was a smirk on her own lips. The blonde had never before realized how obsessed with sex and nudity she was until she met Will.

Now, she would have him naked all the time if she could. JJ loved to stare at and touch her boyfriend's body. Maybe a little too much. She thought with a chuckle.

Emily leaned into Derek's touch when he ran his fingers through her hair. "I know what you meant," She said softly. "I just wanted to make sure there were no misunderstandings, is all.
I don't have a problem with asking them for advice on how they make their work and home relationship work. I just wanted to make sure you didn't expect everything to be perfect, because that's not going to happen. We're both very independent people and we've been used to relying on just ourselves for so long, that it might take time to get used to leaning on another person."

They spent a while longer at the beach, swam some more and had lunch together. Once they had gotten their fill, they grabbed their things and headed to the showers to get cleaned up and changed. When that was done, Emily waited outside the men's room for Derek to finish. Once he was done and walked out she said, "I'm not ready for us to go our separate ways," She admitted. "Is there anything you wanna do or anywhere that you'd like to go?" As she spoke, the dark haired woman reached for one of Derek's hands and took it into her own.
Of course, it does. I’ll be nude if you want.” Will smirked as he stepped into the shower with JJ. Suddenly, he crouched in front of the blonde and wrapped his arms around her back. His hands gripped her ass tightly as the water began falling. Will pushed JJ against the shower all and smirked, his eyed glinting look of mischief in his eyes. He pressed a kiss onto her clitoris and moaned softly, his teeth grazing her sensitive mound of nerves. His breathing was heavy and the male smirked against her crotch, his tongue rubbing against her clit now.

Sure, it was his day but it was a reward to make her cum, to taste her juices and to eat her out. The male loved this and he kissed down lower until he reached her vagina. Will kissed her outer folds first and slipped his tongue inside of her, moaning into her tight lips as he squeezed her ass again, even spanking her a couple times. His face was buried in JJ’s crotch, his tongue buried in her pussy as he massaged her vaginal walls. He moaned against her, hoping that the vibration made her feel hot and aroused as the water toppled from the shower head above them.


After getting dressed and exiting to find Emily, he realized that he did not want to part yet, either. He thought about what they could do and he nodded his head. “Yeah, I think there is. We could catch a movie then eat dinner afterwards. After that, we might just head back to my place or your place if it leads there.” Derek said with a shrug, looking deep into Emily’s eyes. He smiled softly at her, hoping that this was going to be an amazing night. Of course, it would be difficult for them both to have a relationship like this, but it would work. Derek was confident.

Smiling, he held her hand, pulling her with him as they walked towards his car. Once they reached the car, he helped Emily into the passenger seat while moving himself into the driver’s seat. He started driving forward and even held Emily’s hand. “Well, we have never talked about movies before. We’ve never watched a movie together before. What do you like? Is there something in theaters you want to see? We can do this. Just tell me what you want.” He whispered, giving her hand a kiss.
JJ was both surprised and turned on when Will moved to crouch down in front of her while they were in the shower. She grinned when his hands went to her ass and gripped it tightly. He pushed her against the wall and the blonde smiled as she saw the look in his eyes, knowing what her boyfriend had in mind. She dropped her head back against the wall of the shower as he kissed her clit. A moan left her lips when he used his teeth against her. "Oh God, I love you. Your tongue..." The words trailed off, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that Will kept using his mouth to both tease and please her.

A little while later, JJ tried fruitlessly to grab onto the shower wall as he slipped his tongue inside of her. His moans had her bucking against his face and mouth as she enjoyed the sensations her boyfriend made her feel. "Y-you're fixated on my a-ass..." The blonde managed to get out when he squeezed it once more. He started to spank her ass and in turn,
JJ started to hump Will's face. The vibrations he made her feel a few moments later, had her crying out in pleasure. The blonde reached for one of Will's hands and moved it to her breast, encouraging him to squeeze and pinch her nipple as he ate her out.

She felt herself start to get impatient, and finally moved her hands down her body to interrupt her boyfriend from eating her out. It wasn't that she wasn't loving the feeling of his
mouth on her, because she was. It was just that JJ really wanted Will to ram his hard cock deep inside of her and fuck her against the shower wall. "Babe?" The blonde said softly,
once she had his attention. "Fuck me.."

"Why don't we just skip the movie and go to your place?" Emily suggested a few moments later. "We can pick up dinner on the way there. I'm thinking something simple, like maybe
chicken, taco's or burger's. You can pick what we get, I'm not picky." The young woman relaxed back into the seat as Derek drove through town. "I have to admit that I'm surprised
we weren't called in today. I know that we have the day off, but we also both know that that can change at any moment." She closed her eyes for a few moments, but not to sleep.
Just to rest.

"Let me know when you decide whose place we should go to. I finally moved out of my apartment last week, and bought a house. I decided it was time to bite the bullet and see what happened when I got a new place. And now I have a good idea," She said softly, a smile on her lips. Emily chuckled a few moments later. "I had my badge and gun packed in my bag while we were at the beach. I don't go anywhere without either of them. When I was pulling out some lotion earlier, the barrel of my gun poked out of the bag and I swear the woman next to me almost had a heart attack. I thought she was going to start screaming for her husband. I'm just glad that I bring my badge with me all the time, and was able to show it to her, and calm her fears."

"Between Will and JJ's near public nudity show in the water, and my gun in my bag, I'm sure Hotch would've had a field day if the local police had been called in and gotten involved. Thankfully none of that happened, though." She pulled her cell phone out and sent JJ a text, telling her that next time they should save the sex show for when they were home alone. Once that was done, Emily put her cell phone back into her bag and just continued to relax with Derek.
While eating her out, Will continued to fondle her ass, using one hand to play with her breasts just like she wanted. He could already collect so much of her sweet nectar on his tongue and it felt amazing. The smile was growing wider on his face as he ate her out. He kept moaning, feeling his own arousal growing. Just hearing JJ’s moans and knowing how turned on he made his girlfriend was enough to drive him wild. Finally, she stopped him and pulled him up into a standing position. Will swallowed her juies and licked his lips, listening to what she wanted.

“I’d be more than happy to fuck you, babe.” He whispered seductively, suddenly grabbing both of her wrists and using his force to pin her arms above her head and against the wall. With a smile, he started kissing down her neck, lightly sucking onto the skin where her neck and shoulder met. He moaned again, and rubbed the tip of his cock right up against her entrance, teasing her once more. Finally, he pulled back enough to look JJ in the eyes and wink at her before he began.

Suddenly, Will thrust forward, sending that long, thick cock of his inside the blonde. With a loud moan, his head was tilted backwards as he started the quick pace, slamming deep inside of her and pulling almost completely out of her on the back thrust as he let his hips slam wildly against JJ’s, slamming her back into the wall with each thrust as it became more powerful with each passing second.

Derek smiled at Emily and nodded his head, deciding they could just skip the movie. Well, Derek was in the mood for some tacos tonight so that could work. He could stop by Taco Bell or some other taco joint. “Alright. Let’s get some tacos then. You can never go wrong with that and I’ve been having a craving for them lately.” He said with a smile, glancing towards the brunette as he drove. She did have a point about having the day off. They were lucky and he was not complaining. “You’re right. But I guess even we do get one day off now and again. I was happy to spend it with you. It’s not even over yet so don’t wish away the night.” He teased playfully as he pulled into the line to pick up their food.

“I think we should go to your place, then. I’d love to check it out.” Derek added as they waited. He had heard Emily talking about getting her own place but he did not know if she went through with it or not. Besides, they could have some fun in her place since it was new and she was still breaking it in. He chuckled at her comment about Will and JJ and the gun fiasco. “Well, I don’t think they’ll ever keep it for when their home alone. You know how they are. I’m not all that surprised.” He admitted.

After grabbing their food and paying for it, the male started driving forward again. “Okay, just tell me how I can get to your place.” Derek asked, not knowing where in the hell it was. Thankfully, it was easy to find and not that far away. The couple arrived to her place not long after getting the food. “Wow. It’s impressive. I say that’s a nice house for you to have bought. Do you like it so far?” He asked as they got out of his vehicle. Since it was her place, he would follow her inside and let her lead.
JJ scrambled to find purchase on the shower wall, as Will started fucking her hard and fast. Her body slid up and down the wall as he pounded away against her, making her moan. Their hips slammed against each other's, and the blonde cried out in pleasure. Her hands gripped Will's shoulders in a tight grip, as they were the only thing keeping her upright, as he fucked her. Her back slammed into the wall each time he thrust inside of her, and she just kept encouraging her boyfriend to go harder and faster. She was better now from her stabbing injuries, and wanted things to go back to normal between them.

This was uncontrolled passion between them got hotter and hotter, as they went harder and harder against each other. The blonde moved one hand and pulled Will's hair with it, as her other hand moved between their bodies as she reached for his balls and stroked and squeezed them tightly, as he kept ramming into her. A loud scream of pleasure left her lips at one particularly brutal thrust. The harder he fucked her, the harder JJ squeezed Will's balls and pulled his hair. They didn't often do anything with pleasure/pain, and she decided to take this time to make her feelings known that she loved it.

Emily gave Derek the directions to her new place, and 20 minutes later they pulled up in front of her house. She grabbed their bag of supplies from the beach, and helped carry some of the food. A few moments later, she go out of the car and walked up the driveway, pulling out her keys. It took a few seconds before she found the right one, then shoved it in the lock one handed, and used that hand to twist the handle and open the door. The young woman pulled her key out of the door, clicked on the hall light and then motioned Derek inside. "It's not fully functional, but the master bedroom is fixed up, and so is the furniture for the living room."

"Just be careful not to trip over any boxes. They're all over the place." They were both inside a few minutes later, and she led Derek into the kitchen, where they set everything down. Emily walked over to the wall and turned the lights on. She walked into the living room and pushed boxes out of the way so that they could sit down on the couch, to eat dinner, and
then for any other plans that might come up once they were done. She walked back into the kitchen and made both of them something to drink, they separated the food, and the young woman led Derek to sit down on the couch.

They sat down on the couch together, talking and eating their dinner as a commercial played on the TV in the background. When they finished, they cleaned up everything together and moved back to the couch. "I don't see a reason to beat around the bush," Emily said once they had both sat down once more. "I care about you, and I'm attracted to you. We've known each other for a long time. So, I don't see a reason to put this off." She moved closer on the couch to Derek and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaned in and kissed him.
Will was only influenced by JJ’s actions to thrust harder with more vigor. The male tilted his head backwards and continued moaning out the blonde’s name. He could not get enough of her. With each powerful thrust, his thick cock was rammed deep inside of her again. This made him smile, just getting lost in the present moment with the woman he loved. The attention she gave his balls turned him on except when she was rough with him. Will found nothing arousing about JJ being rough with him. It was actually the opposite of arousing for him. It was a buzz kill so he hoped JJ would stop trying to use pain with him.

Meanwhile, his own hand tangled in JJ’s hair, pulling and yanking swiftly as he forced their lips together. He was also grasping for anywhere on her body that he could hold as he sent a few more firm thrusts. Finally, his orgasm reached and he toppled over the edge with his hot and sticky semen spurting from the tip and filling JJ up to the very brim. During his orgasm, Will moaned her name lustfully, getting lost in the feelings of her body.

Derek happily drove to Emily’s place. When they arrived, he also helped take supplies inside. She was not kidding about the boxes being everywhere. It looked like a shipwreck to Derek but he figured it was organized for Emily. “You weren’t kidding. Wow. This is a danger zone.” The male teased while looking at the dark-haired woman. From there, he helped separate the food and was eager to get on with dinner and everything else that their night entailed. After the meal, Derek enjoyed just sitting with Emily and watching TV. He was slightly nervous about how she might react if he tried to make a move so he was just feeling it out.

It turned out that it did not matter at all. The male looked deep into Emily’s eyes when she crawled on top of him and kissed him. His lips slid into her mouth and he gripped her ass firmly as he returned the kiss. “Should we take this to your Master bedroom?” He asked with a grin, figuring they would have more room there than in a living room on a couch beside a ton of boxes.
JJ cried out in pleasure one final time and came, right as Will did. She remained pinned to the shower wall by Will's body, and her arms hung loosely at her sides as she tried to catch her breath. Their eyes were locked, and the blonde had a silly grin on her lips. After staying in that position for several minutes, the blonde finally gently pushed Will back a little, so that she could now stand up. "I love you," JJ said softly, and once their bodies had separated, she grabbed a washcloth and some soap, and a few moments later, just started to wash his body.

The blonde started by washing his chest, and down to his stomach, followed by washing his arms, and moving down to wash his crotch and then his legs. Then JJ slowly moved to stand back up. She pressed a happy kiss to Will's lips, and then angled the shower head to rinsing the soap off of his body. Once that was done a few minutes later, she grabbed his shampoo and asked him to lean down to her level. Once he had, the blonde kissed his lips sweetly, and then started to wash his hair. Running her fingers through it, and massaging his head gently.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Emily said in agreement and then she smiled at him. She took one of Derek's hands into hers and led him down the hall, and to her bedroom. The dark-haired woman pushed open the door and turned on the light as they walked inside a few minutes later. "The bathroom's the second biggest room in the house," She said and then laughed and blushed. "There's both a shower and a tub, along with a toilet and set of sinks. I didn't just want a combined one, so it took me a little while to find this place that had both a shower
and tub."

"Anyway, that's not important." After she spoke, the young woman wasted no time, and lifted her arms up over her head, took her shirt off, and dropped it on the floor beside the bed. Then, she moved closer to Derek and took his off, too. Emily kissed his lips and then said, "Are you sure that you still want to do this?" Nothing was going to happen between the two
of them unless it was something that they both really wanted. There was no pressure. She wanted to make him happy, hopefully, them taking that next step together would do that.
Standing idly while JJ washed his body, the male smiled while feeling the lovely blonde touch all over his body. It created these tingles of warmth wherever her hands touched and the warmth remained minutes after her hands moved. When she finished washing his body, it was not Will’s turn to return the favor. Grabbing a different cloth, he looked at JJ with this bright smile on his face and took liberty of washing off her body next. Every inch was scrubbed and touched by the male. Showering with JJ could never get old. They did it often and he enjoyed every moment they shared together in this stall.

After washing off, Will turned the water off and began drying down JJ’s body. After they were both dried, the couple stepped out of the shower and moved into the bedroom. JJ’s wardrobe was already selected for her earlier. Then, Will turned to grab whatever clothing she had pointed out for him and got dressed. After they were ready, Will was happy to take JJ’s hand and walk back out to her car. This time, he got into the passenger seat, allowing her to drive as he thought about the type of vehicle he wanted.


Derek followed Emily into the bedroom. When he entered, the male gawked at the setting. It looked like a bedroom fit for royalty. Damn, this was a nice place. Once they approached the bed, he happily removed his shirt and went to touch Emily until she started talking again. The best way he knew to answer was like this: he leaned down and kissed her, using his tongue to peek inside her mouth immediately. “Of course, I want this Emily. I will always want this.” He whispered against her mouth, hoping to quell her doubts immediately. There was nothing to worry about between them. This was meant to happen.

Suddenly, he pushed Emily onto the bed, on her back. Kicking off his shoes and socks, he reached into his wallet and grabbed a condom. Just like most men, he kept a condom readily available in case the need should arise. It had nothing to do with any underlying plan he had about tonight. The male pulled off his pants and crawled on top of Emily, ridding her of those, too. “Do you want this?” He asked, figuring he would offer her an out if she wanted it. Of course Derek wanted this. He just needed the go-ahead from his woman and they would have a memorable night together.
Before long, they had finished their shower and dressed. JJ was happy to drive, once they had gotten into her car. She had a feeling that Will was more than eager to get his own car,
and start driving around in it, instead of her yellow Mazda. "Do you have any specific brands in mind that you wanna look at?" The blonde asked, once they were both strapped in with their seat belts and she pulled out of the driveway after checking for and finding no cars behind them. Thankfully there was only a medium amount of traffic on the road, which was

They drove through town at a decent speed, not in any rush to get to the car dealership. Just enjoying this time together. She reached out and turned the radio on, turning the volume down to a low level so that they could hear the radio, but also talk if they wanted to. JJ reached out with one hand and took one of Will's hands into her free one. "It's nice to have a
day where we don't have to deal with anything. And by anything, I just mean it's nice to have a break from our cases. Sometimes the mind and body needs a break from the horrible things we see every day."

Emily was happy when Derek kissed her, rubbing her own tongue against his, as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. His words had her smiling as they continued to make out. His whispered words had her smiling. She laughed softly when he pushed her down onto her bed, on her back. Her eyes were locked on his, as she watched him start to undress. There
was no shame or shyness about her, as Emily happily trailed her eyes over his body as Derek undressed. He was a handsome, hot, sexy man, and she was a very lucky woman indeed.

She watched as he grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom, happy that he had one. And even if he hadn't had one, she had some stashed in a box in her closet. He pulled his pants off, and the woman's eyes drank in every inch of his exposed skin. When Derek climbed on top of her and pulled off her pants a few moments later, their eyes locked, and she smiled
at him when he spoke. "I want you, and I definitely want this.." Emily said, and slipped an arm around his neck, bringing their lips together once more, before she released his neck so that he could pull back and slip the condom on.
“You’re right. I enjoyed our day so far. I know I will enjoy the rest of our day as well. I love you. For a vehicle, I want to get something stylish. I’m thinking about a Ford Mustang or a Chevrolet Corvette. I have saved up enough to afford a higher priced car.” They could probably find a recent model between $20,000 - $30,000. Will gave directions to a certain car dealership. He knew the owner. Other than being a federal agent, Will was a handyman. From plumbing to small home improvement projects, Will did it all. This owner had called on Will many times in the past for work and promised Will a discount.

They pulled into parking lot and the owner greeted Will immediately when he stepped out of JJ’s car. Will told the male exactly what he was looking for. It just happened that there was a 2014 jet black Ford Mustang. It looked sleek, stylish, and Will fell in love with the car. The asking price was significantly lowered and the purchase was agreed upon for just $21,000. Of course, before buying a vehicle, they went for a test drive. Will sat in the driver’s seat and he pulled JJ into the passenger’s seat while the owner sat in the back seat, explaining everything a consumer should need to know about the car. The excitement was obvious.


Both Derek and Emily were both consenting. There was no reason to hold back anymore. The male worked Emily’s body, touching all over the woman’s bare skin while they kissed. His fingers worked her bra loose, undoing the straps and allowing the material to fall onto the ground. When the brunette’s bust was free, he leaned down to kiss her perky breasts, sucking her nipple into his mouth. Moaning, Derek slipped one hand inside of her underwear as he attacked her clitoris. While massaging her nerves, Derek added just enough pressure to cause a blend of pleasure and pain. “I cannot get enough of you.” These words were accompanied by a moan. It had been too long since their last time in bed together.

The only remaining materials preventing their bodies from reaching the true prize were his boxers and her panties. Quickly, the woman’s underwear was pulled down right before his own boxers were disposed. With clothing spread all around the carpeted floor, Derek found himself hovering over Emily while rolling the condom onto his semi-erect cock. The head was already swollen, though. Since their last time having sex, the only woman he could think about was Emily. With the plan of teasing her, Derek rubbed the tip against her entrance and reattached their lips, sliding one hand into her hair.
"A boy and his car," JJ mumbled teasingly, but other than that, she decided to stay quiet for the rest of the time while Will tried out the car. She knew a good bit about cars, having
grown up with her brother being obsessed with them during his teenage years. So she had a good idea about what a beauty the kind of car was, that her boyfriend was considering.
When it was time for Will to test drive the car, JJ went willingly into the passenger seat, and remained silent as the owner started to rattle out the relevant information on the car.

A smile was on the blonde's lips the whole time as she watched her boyfriend. Will's excitement was written clear on his face, and the smile on his lips, made the one on hers widen.
JJ was glad they had decided to do this. The simplest things made them happy, and she regretted not doing this with him sooner. Her cell phone buzzed with a text, and she scrolled through Garcia's message, quickly typed one back and then put her phone into her pocket. She turned her attention back to Will, who was still excited like a kid in a candy store.

Emily couldn't hold back a moan each time Derek touched her body. When he kissed her breasts and then took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked on it, she dropped her
head back, and clasped one of their hands together. When his other hand slipped into her underwear, the dark-haired woman was unable to keep from bucking her hips against his
touch, loving how good he made her feel. His hand that was in her panties, caused her to gasp and moan loudly at the mix of pleasure and pain that Derek made her feel from
his actions.

His words had her kissing his lips, and she nodded. "I'm glad that we didn't chicken out, and decided to do this.." She whispered against his lips. A few moments later, Emily felt
herself relax as he removed his boxers and her panties, so that they were both finally fully naked together. She watched him slip the condom on his cock, and when he rubbed it
against her and kissed her, the dark haired woman found herself pulling him closer for more. "You make me feel things that I've never felt before," Emily admitted softly to Derek.
The test drive lasted fifteen minutes. Will drove on the highway and on backroads. The new car did wonderful everywhere. Parking back in the parking lot, Will decided this was exactly what he wanted. The contract was signed, the deal was struck, and the car was now his. Shaking his hands after business was made, he greeted JJ with a huge smile on his face, giving her a kiss on the lips. It was exciting for him. “Well, let’s head back home now. When we get there, we’ll decide what to do.” Since JJ drove them here, her car was still in the lot.

They would drive separately to get home, obviously. The ride home was short and sweet. There was no point in joyriding without JJ by his side. He did have something in mind to settle in with his new car, however. Once they both parked, Will waited until JJ exited her vehicle. Without saying a single word, he grabbed both of her hands and started pulling her towards the Mustang. “Let’s test out the back seat.” He purred lowly, his lips peppering kisses along her neck as they reached the vehicle. When the door was opened, he laughed while pushing JJ inside, crawling behind her closely.


“I’m so glad we went through with this, too. I’ve never felt this way before. This is going to be amazing.” Derek knew it was different than the other times. This time, they had this emotional connection they did not accept before. With that in mind, he leaned down for a kiss and while they kissed, he slowly slipped his thick, hard cock inside of the brunette and moaned out her name. His hands wrapped around her breasts, squeezing them with a firm grip as he began thrusting, soft moans leaving his mouth with each movement of his hips.

With the first thrust, he went as deep inside Emily as he could. The last couple times they had sex, he noticed that Emily liked it rougher from the way she gripped him to the way she bucked her hips against hips, wanting more and wanting him to go faster. So, he gave her what she wanted. With a smile on his face, he moved his lips onto her neck and started adding more power into each thrust. “Oh, is this what you like, baby?” He whispered into her ear, taking one hand to pull on her hair, his breathing picking up and his body heating up.
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