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Enter the Badlands (messeduprp x Skeith Takahata II)

Sybil paused to look up at Rosaline as she mentioned her prices again. She crooked an eyebrow, thinking for a moment that Rosaline was talking about trying to protect her again. Then she continued. It was a little heart wrenching that she seemed to be approaching the prospect of sex with her as a client rather than as a friend. She supposed she shouldn't have been surprised. The alternative might have looked like trying to stiff her for her services. In her momentary heartache and conflict, she was silent for a few moments as she looked down at the ground.

"Well, a half hour is two dollars. An hour is five. Two is twenty." She paused for a moment. "My prices go up as a single client's time with me drags on because its physically exhausting and sometimes painful. I prefer shorter client visits so that I have time to rest between partners. One person for so long can take me out of play for a while. Which costs me even more money." S-so, I guess I don't really have an hourly rate, per se." She looked up at her finally, smiling softly. "Besides, I already offered my company to you for free. Unless you're specifically looking for a prostitute." The last half of that sentence was left unspoken. Instead of a friend.
It didn't need to be spoken, Rosaline knew immediately what she meant. Her heart sank, blood ran fromnher dace and her smile fell. "No no no Sybil I didn't mean like- dammit I..." She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sybil I..." She sighed again and took both Sybil's hands in her own. "I'm sorry Sybil... I didn't mean it like that. You're more to me than just a prostitute, you're my friend and I don't just want to be your client." She sighed again, "look I... I didn't want to keep you from working, but I wanted to be with you. I wanted to have a night with you Sybil, just you and I. No clients, no... Strange occurrences... Just Sybil and Rosaline. Us two, making love, not sex."
Sybil looked up at Rosaline as she spoke. She watched as she tried to explain what she meant. Sighing softly. She appreciated Rosaline apologizing, her reasoning made sense, but even still, it had still stung to be approached by a friend like she was just a client. She smiled softly, as she took her hands. She nodded softly. "I think I'll be okay if I take another night off. Just the two of us then." She smiled a little wider. She stepped up on her toes to press a kiss to Rosaline's lips. Not caring that they were presently in the middle of town at midday.
Rosaline was shocked, not because they were standing in the middle of the town. But because Sybil had never kissed her like this, outside of their first night together when Rosaline had been no more than a client, she hadn't gotten this kind of atention from her. But Rosaline kissed her back, pulled her in closer and held it for several seconds. She still felt awful about the way she had spoken and wanted to make a mm ends in any way she could.
Sybil wrapped her arms around her waist, holding her close as they kissed. It was a special contact now that it had deepened. Not the lustful ones shared when Rosaline was just a potential client, nor the flirty ones they had exchanged. This one meant something, and Sybil loved it. As she pulled away, she was slightly out of breath. She closed her eyes as she rested against her. "I suppose this means we have our plans in line for tonight. How shall we spend the afternoon?" She asked, gently brushing her fingers along her friend's cheek.
Rosaline motioned to the horse she had ridden into town on, "might I interest you in a ride? Take your mind off things and have a nice time on horseback?"
Sybil looked at the horse when Rosaline mentioned it. Immediately she lit up, growing excited. "Do you mean it!? I haven't ridden a horse since I was a kid!" She couldn't contain her giddiness at the idea. "I would love to go for a ride with you." She simply beamed as she looked up at Rosaline. "Maybe we can take your horse to a stream I know of near by. It's awfully pretty."
Rosaline grinned, swinging easily into the saddle and offering a hand to help up Sybil, she had to ride side-saddle due to her dress, so Rosaline rode a bit slower. "Tell me where to go Sybil, I don't really know my way around."
Sybil smiled as she rode through the city roads with Rosaline. She waved at some of the other citizens, blowing kisses to recognizable clients. "We're going to ride out the north side of town. It's only a short ways out of town." She wrapped her arms around Rosaline's waist gently, enjoying the ride and the closeness to her friend.
Rosaline followed the directions Sybil gave, her smile only widening as they left the small town to the emptier plain, even if it was only a few yards behind them. She felt freed from all that constraint. "So Sybil... How are... How are you?"
At Rosaline's question, Sybil's smile fell away. "I... I don't really know. Everything has been flipped upside down this week. My life was normal a week ago. Now there's monsters and what not." She sighed softly. "But it's not all bad. I figure if the world is gonna send monsters after me for selling my flesh than I'd rather Dave them with a new friend like you than alone."

Before long the beautiful creek came into view, bringing a smile to Sybil's lips again. "I like to come here to think. It's secluded enough that most people don't come out here. Before bandits started coming around again, I used to walk out here to bathe at night."
Rosaline looked around and swung off the horse, helping Sybil down with her. "I'm not letting you handle any of this by yourself Sybil. I'm not going to make you go through this." She kissed Sybil on the cheek and smiled at her. "You shouldn't feel afraid like this, you don't deserve that."
Sybil gave a small "hup" as she was helped down from the horse. She smiled warmly at Rosaline. "Thank you, Rosaline. I'm truly lucky to have a friend like you to look after me." She slipped out of her shoes, walking over to the creek. She sat down on a rock, dipping her feet in the cool water. She sighed softly. With her wounded leg, and it being broad day light, it would do well to bathe in the creek right now. But she could still enjoy it. "It's nice out here, don't ya think? So far from the rest of the world. No worries. No fears. Just peace and quiet."
Rosaline smiled softly and sat down beside Sybil. She slid her boots off and dipped her own feet into the water. "Yeah, it's lovely here..." She looked at Sybil again, her hand moving to rest atop Sybil's. "I've been thinking lately... About us..." She trailed off and looked away at the river.
At Rosaline's words, Sybil looked over at her. She couldn't imagine what Rosalind had been thinking about. They'd only known each other for a couple of days. How well did they really no each other? Still, her fingers curled around Rosaline's hand. "About us? I'm listening."
Rosaline shook her head again, "it's.... It's nothing. Just um... Tell me about yourself Sybil. I've already seen you naoed yet I hardly know anything about you. I want to know you better. Especially if we have a romantic night planned ahead of us."
"Well, that's not unusual." Sybil said with a small giggle. "Most people see me naked without knowing much about me." She looked down at the water, thinking for a long moment. "I'm not sure what to tell. I told you about my family being killed on the way here. I told you about the church turning me away. I told you about how Harper took me in, but couldn't afford to get me a proper schoolin' so I started selling myself for money instead. I'm not sure what to tell you." She looked back over at Rosaline. "Unless you had a questions for me."
Rosaline smiled and squeezed Sybil's hand and smiles at her. "I just want to know you better, that's all. You're the only person I've bothered to meet so far in this town and I've already had... Quite a few experiences with you."

She looked back toward the river, watching it floe and timing about the past.
Sybil reached for Rosaline's hand, returning her gaze to the water. "It feels like a lifetime has passed since we met and it's only been a couple of days." She sighed softly. "I guess having run-ins with monsters will do that." She was quiet for a couple more moments before standing up. Without a word, she hiked her dress over her head and sucked her undergarments.

She climbed down into the water, gasping softly as her body met the cool water. She turned to face Rosaline, smiling brightly up at her.
Rosaline smiled and undressed with Sybil. Wading unto the water, "I didn't mean the monsters... I mewnt the nights we spent alone. The nights in bed with you, in the bathtub all those moments."
Sybil looked over at her for only a moment as she undressed and followed her into the water. "Oh, right. There is that." She closed her eyes, running her hands through her hair. She turned to face her more fully. "I'm flattered that those moments are the ones that stick with you. Guess I'm naked with people so often that it never feels special anymore." She looked up at her with a warm smile. "Most people don't think of the moments as special either. It's nice."
Rosaline smiled, "of course they're important to me. Why wouldn't they be?" She glanced at Sybil and looked around. "This is a lovely creek, I like this spot a lot." She blushed a bit as another thought came to her, "Sybil, has Jasper ever offered you another job? Working the bar or something?"
Sybil turned to face Rosaline at her question. "Hmm? Oh, you misunderstood. I don't work for Harper. I work for me. I give Jasper a little money to pay for the room I use and for food and drink. I don't have any schooling. I can barely read or write. I never learned a trade or nothing. My body's all I got. You know?"
"I understand that, but... He's been letting you stay there for years. Hasn't he ever offered to give you a job working for him? He'd probably offer you the exact same thing, room and board, meals and you'd still get payed."

She frowned a bit as something Sybil said came back to her. "Sybil... Were those moments special to you? The ones when we were alone?"
Sybil shrugged at Rosaline's question. She seemed to be trying very hard to talk her out of prostitution. It wasn't as if Sybil liked what she did for a living, but what choice did she have? "We talked about it once or twice, but I told you, I don't know how to do anything else." She looked over at her at her final question, unsure of how to answer it. "Well, of course they were special. When I first met you, you were just a potential client, but... You didn't just have your way with me and leave. In fact, you didn't have your way with me at all, and you stayed. Even when actual demons or whatever they were came, you stayed. Every moment since you stayed has been special to me."