Enslaved to a Demon Lord (Zaki and Ironic)

Mountain Zaki

Aug 26, 2016
Satoshi was no ordinary man and indeed, not even an ordinary demon. He was a powerful being, a demi-fiend; a fusion of human and demon. It granted him power that far surpassed even the strongest of normal demons and he had turned himself into a Demon Lord, killing and enslaving those as he pleased. He ruled from his home realm, now a barren and bleak landscape, save for his opulent and majestic tower where he lived. Its spires grew into the sky and it's walls were massive and impregnable.

Satoshi sat in his throne room on his lush and comfortable throne, surrounded by all the luxuries in life one could ask for. He had many slaves, all of them beautiful females he had captured in his conquest of various different realms. They served his every need, from making him food and cleaning the castle, to pleasuring him sexually. They were all in various different outfits, but they were all either in very skimpy clothes that showed off their curves and bodies, or they were entirely in the nude, depending on Satoshi's preference.

He was sipping on his cup of coffee as he looked down towards the foot of his throne. Chained to it was one of his newest slaves, a girl named Asuna he had acquired from a planet that had been much like his own before he conquered it. She was a famous and well know player of a certain game, but in real life, she was easily subdued. Now, she was chained to his throne, a collar attached to her neck that was attached to a chain leash that he had attached to his throne, currently. He had the girl drugged quite intensively. He had done it to subdue her without killing her, but he also had drugged her with many aphrodisaics to help her grow accustom to the life of a pleasure slave and to make her crave the pleasure that would soon become a daily part of her life.
Asuna wanted to open her eyes but she couldn't no matter how hard she attempted. It felt as if rocks were resting on her eyelids. When she did get a chance to open her eyes slightly everything was blurry and spinning. Her eyes tried to follow the motion of the spinning but it only made her head spin more than it was. Her head was also hard to hold up, feeling her head slump down as she laid on the floor of the throne. She couldn't win the fight and her head slammed back down on the floor.

45 minutes passed before her eyes were stable enough to open but the spinning and blurriness didn't subside. It felt as if she were drunk but a stronger sensation. Was she drugged? She looked around and found that she was chained, wearing only panties and a piece of clothing that barely covered her breasts. Her hardened nipples stuck out and could be noticed through her clothing.

Her head was hard to move as she tried to look at her surroundings to see where she was at. She noticed a male sitting down whilst sipping on something hot, seeing steam spiral up in the air. She squinted her eyes to see if it helped to depict the males features and it helped to some extent. He looked human but a hybrid. What he was mixed with she couldn't tell but she didn't want to know. He did chain her up.

"Let. Me. Go." She sounded exhausted as she demanded for her freedom, her eyes half-opened and glazed over.
Satoshi looked down at Asuna and chuckled slightly as he took another sip of his coffee. "Finally awake, are we...and still defiant...you are a strong one indeed..." His yellow eyes seemed to shimmer as he grabbed a hold of the leash attached to her collar. Another one of his slaves came up and took his coffee from his as he gave the leash a tug, forcing Asuna up to her feet and towards him.

Another, strong tug, one of inhuman strength and she was pulled all the way to him. His eyes admired her body as she forced her to sit down on his lap, her body easily manipulated due to her weakness. His hands roamed her body...they were strong, full of power. One graced her cheek and slowly moved down her side towards her barely covered beasts, his hand giving her mound a squeeze through the fabric as his other hand slithered down her side and squeezed her round and firm ass.

"Tell me your name, girl." His voice was strong and commanding, his eyes seemed to glow slightly as if he were putting her under a kind of spell that seemed to make her body even hotter with desire and need.
Asuna lazily grabbed at her collar to try and pry it off but the drugs were too much for her to handle. It distorted her movements and she could barely take control of herself. She coughed as the collar tightened as he made her jump to her feet. Her legs wobbled and wanted to buckle inwards but she managed to stay on her feet. Just as she managed to stabilize herself she was violently tugged and placed on his lap. Her head slumped over his shoulder as her rear sat on his lap. She tried to straighten her posture and sit upright, her eyes still glazed.

The head between her thighs began to grow as his hands explored her barley nude body. She wanted to take his hands and tear them off from her body but she was weakened and couldn't. A small whimper escaped from her slightly parted lips. How did she end up like this?

Silence was all that came from her, not even budging to answer his question. Her thighs shook as her clitoris tingled with want, her teeth biting down on her lower lip to try and subside the feelings. She didn't want this, why was she feeling this way?
Satoshi chuckled as he felt Asuna quiver under his touch. "Come, girl...there is no reason to be afraid....this is your new life...and I am your new master..." His hand slithered from her breast, down her smooth stomach and slowly entered her panties. His fingers sought out her perky clitoris and began to rub and tug on her sensitive nub quite skillfully. His lips began to plant hot kisses up and down her neck, his mouth reach her ear as he nibbled and sucked on her earlobe.

"I will give you the greatest pleasure you have ever felt, and you will come to love me..." His voice, so deep and hot in her ears. His eyes glowed slightly as he started into her eyes before moving forward, his lips nearing her own. Soon, they were pressed against her own as he kissed her passionately, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain access to her mouth, his fingers curled slightly as they began to push their way into her wet and tight cunt as he groped her rear with his other hand, digging his fingers into the flesh of her ass as he assailed her with pleasure from all directions, feeding the desire and want of the young woman.
Asuna flinched when Satoshi's hands started to trail down to her panties. Her hands quickly moved to his wrist to try and stop his actions but she had no strength compared to his. She wiggled around as her clitoris was being stimulated more than it was, her lips opened as she panted from the pleasure that was beginning to build and grow on her. "Please.... s-stop...." She managed to get the words out as her head started to tilt backwards, his invading lips trailing down her exposed flesh.

His words meant nothing to her at the moment, wanting nothing to do with this new life that he claimed was hers now. She wanted to go back to where she was, away from this rotten monster of a man. How was he okay with abducting females to make them his own? They weren't a form of property. His lips attempted to go to her own and she refused, trying to move away but he won with little attempt. His tongue slithered inside of her mouth since her lips were parted from breathing harshly, her legs stiffening as his touch grew more severe and more invading. Once his digits slid inside of her sopping wet cunt she moaned in ecstasy. She didn't mean to moan, it just happened to slid out of her throat.

"I don't commend this...." She spoke through the kissing and tongue-wrestling. Her frail hands tried their best to continue to get his own off from her but she couldn't succeed.
To Satoshi, all women were his property, all living things were his property to do with as he pleased because of his strength and power and he would make Asuna see the wisdom of that. His mouth began to suck on Asuna's tongue before forcing both of their appendages into her mouth. He then began to pour his saliva into her mouth, making her drink his saliva or risk choking as he grinned, his lips still pressed against her own roughly.

His fingers began to pump into her quite wet cunt very rapidly now, pushing deeper and faster into her pussy with every thrust. As his fingers did this, his thumb managed to work her clitoris still, rubbing and pushing against her nub with every thrust of his fingers. His other hand have her rear a nice and hard spank as his fingers felt her rear jiggle for a moment before he tenderly rubbed her now slightly red flesh.

Asuna would be able to feel a growing bulge rubbing against her ass now too...it was quite large and long, and based on its position it could only really be one thing...it was certainly larger than Kazuto's, that was for sure. His lips left her own and he tugged the fabric off her chest to expose her bare breasts to him now. His lips latched onto her one her mounds as he began to suck, like a babe trying to draw milk from its mother. His tongue swirled around her perky and rosy nipple as his teeth nibbled on the bud as well.
Asuna's topless torso was now bare and shown to him. She shook her head back and forth in denial but it didn't matter what she thought or wanted. It was his world and she had no say in anything. Her cries for freedom were denied. Her body attempted to wiggle around as much as it could in this drunken-like state of mind but she was more limp than anything. Asuna tried to turn her head away from Satoshi spitting in her mouth but he managed to let the saliva dart into her mouth, forcing her to swallow the disgusting fluids.

Her growing desire continued to spread across her body and she unfortunately had no control over what her body wanted anymore. Sexual desire coated her thoughts and it was becoming harder to push the linger thoughts away. Her hands wrapped around the nape of his neck as his movements grew quicker and rougher inside of her tight pussy. She held on tightly to him as her body shook from his movements, her breasts bouncing with life as her panting intensified. She gritted her teeth back and forth as her erect nipple was being played with by a wet muscle that was his tongue.

"S-stop..." She whispered hotly in his ear as her body couldn't bare to take anymore of this playing around. "Stop, I don't want to cum by you!"
"That's too bad, my pretty little slut.....because I'm going to make you come, over and over until pleasure is all you desire..." He paused in sucking her breast to whisper that do her as he nibbled on her neck and sucked, marking her with a hickey...marking her as his property. He then redoubled his efforts to overwhelm the girl with pleasure and to get her to submit to him as he wished.

His mouth latched onto her breast once more as he sucked, his tongue swirling once more around her now rock hard bud. He then stopped and his teeth began to work, they began to gently grind her nipple between them as he nibbled on her nub. His hand gave her ass another spank before this time, his finger sought out her perky little asshole. His finger began to prod at the entrance to her rear, gently beginning to slide its way into her.

His other hand continued to assail her pussy; his fingers seemed to curl just right inside her to hit all of her wonderful pleasure spots as his two fingers were now past kunckle deep inside her and pounding into her like pistons. His thumb continued to rub against her clitoris with each thrust as he aimed to make her climax. All the while, his massive bulge was pressing against her thigh and ass and without a doubt, she would begin to wonder in her lust ridden mind...what could that bulge that was so much larger than Kazuto's do to her?
"Stop saying things like that because it's not true!" Asuna gritted her teeth as she spoke to him, wanting him to know how serious she was about the ordeal. He seemed not to care and continued to work on her body. She moaned in pain yet with pleasure as the striations of his teeth left indentations in her buds. She wiggled some more, trying to get his mouth off from her breast. His growing heat could be felt underneath her ass, the pulsating thick piece of flesh growing more as she wrestled around with him.

"Please, I don't want this!" She begged as her climax was soon coming, her pussy throbbing and begging her to allow it to release its built up load. With determination she tried her hardest to subdue this erotic feeling she was having but it continued to win. She didn't want it to take over her but she was losing this battle. She was going to give give him what he wanted.

Her body began to tremble on top of him, her hands clenching tightly in retaliation to her own body as her pussy pounded and couldn't wait anymore to subside the orgasm. "Mppphh!!!" She moaned out through sealed lips as her body erupted in overflowing cum, her petite frame trembling through the sheer force of her orgasm.
Satoshi simply chuckled as Asuna's resistance. He had already broken much stronger and willful girls than her, so he found her resistance almost cute and adorable. When she came, he grinned as he continued to pound his fingers roughly and quickly into her, curly them expertly to try and extend her orgasm for as long as possible or even possibly trigger a quick second one to overwhelm her with even more pleasure.

Once it was clear her climax(s) were over, he slowly withdrew his fingers from her dripping and quivering cunt. He brought his dripping fingers up to his lips and smiled as he made Asuna watch him lick them clean. His hand then moved up to her chin and tilted it so he was looking into her eyes once more, his own filled with hunger and desire.

His lips latched onto her own as his tongue was in her mouth once more, pressing up against her own appendage and letting her tongue get a taste of her own juices from her nether lips. The kiss only lasted for a few moments though as he slowly withdrew his mouth from her own, licking her lips as he did so.

His massive bulge was still pressed against her ass, contained by his trousers as he licked his lips. "Pull my cock out..." He commanded her in his cold and gruff voice. His command was both alluring and dominating to her. He was eager to see if she would still try to resist.
His finger curled up into her G-Spot as her climax was going on, intensifying the orgasm and causing her body to stutter and her muscles to tense like a brick. She orgasmed again, this time harder than the first. Her heart raced inside of her small chest and she was growing more exhausted than when she was drugged. Once he finally withdrew his fingers from her sopping wet cunt she laid limp against him. Sweat coated her body as it dripped downwards. Her inner thighs were coated with pussy juice and as it started to dry it caked on like icing.

She watched him eat her juiced before sticking his tongue back inside of her mouth, her own tongue tasting her sweetened cunt. If she wasn't drugged she could fight more but obviously he knew what she was capable of if he had to drug her the way he did.

As he commanded her to pull out his cock she continued to lay limp against his body, her breathing starting to slow down but the pace was still rushed and gasping. "Are you... stupid?" She panted out as she tried to talk to him.

"You drug me and expect me to know how to be okay in this state. I can barley stay awake let alone have enough strength to do anything..." She was surprised that she could manage to say a full on sentence without needing to rest after each word. She had a bad feeling overcome her, knowing he wasn't going to be pleased with her answer.
Satoshi had felt his finger hit her g-spot when he was fingering her and noticed it triggered her second orgasm. He made a mental note of the spot and then looked at Asuna's panting form. The sight of her love juices soaking her thighs was quite erotic and the sight and sound of her panting and her red face also served to arouse him and make him want to ravish her more. Still, fucking her now would be like doing a rag doll.

Thus, with a wave of his hand, Asuna would feel a warm glow engulf her body. She would feel rejuvenated and full of energy and life...but that did not mean the drugging was gone, however. If anything, the healing seemed to enhance that effect and making her body flare up in even more heat with desire, despite her recent orgasms or prehaps maybe even because of them.

He reached over and gently stroked her cheek, giving her a grin as he kissed her cheek. "Now then....pull my cock out and suck on it....you should have enough energy. If you do...I promise you a nice reward I know you'll enjoy." He chuckled as he waited to see if she would still be rebellious. Little did she know, but her reward if she obeyed would be him eating her out.
With a flick of his wrist her body started to regain its strength. Her head was still fuzzy and drugged but her body played a different tune. Her eyes widened instead of sulked and she could sit upright without wanting to fall over and lay limp against Satoshi.

"I guess my words got to you then huh?" Asuna teased him before getting off of his thighs. She still was close by him due to him gripping on the collar, her thigh touching the side of his own thigh due to how close she had to be beside him.

Her lower torso was littered with cum as sweat dripped from her cleavage down to her navel. She crossed her arms before looking at the male, smirking in retaliation.

"No. I won't do that. You think you can place a petty reward to get me to do whatever you please?" Asuna laughed sarcastically before giving him a glare. "I will not submit to you."
Satoshi just smirked at how Asuna acted. Still, her standing up now managed to give him his first good look at her whole body. Her lower torso covered in her own cum sweat as well as her glistening cleavage made for quite the sexy and arousing sight. Still, at her words, Satoshi could only laugh. It started soft, but it morphed into a side-splitting, loud one. Her actions seemed to completely amuse him.

He finally managed to settle down and rubbed his eyes free of the tears that had formed from his laughing. "You seriously think you can resist...I've already broken girls much tougher than you...and in fact....I have someone special for girls like you." He let out a sharp whistle, one that his girls knew well. It was the whistle that summoned one of his favorite and first slaves...and a slave he often used to help him break in troublesome slaves like Asuna...
Erza Scarlet immediately entered the throne as soon as she was called into action. She was tall, long in length and was built well with strength and determination to please. Satoshi didn't have to say anything else for her to know what to do. Asuna stared at the woman as she stepped closer to her, only a foot in between the two as Erza approached her.

"You do realize it wasn't wise to disobey master." Erza spoke with a fiery tint to it, just as hot as her scarlet hair. Asuna rolled her eyes and kept them locked in her brown hues.

"It's fucked up to take someone from their realm to be a slave when you didn't ask for this life." Asuna fought back, and though she was smaller than Erza she wouldn't back down.

Erza turned her head around to Satoshi, wanting the okay to retrain her and make her do as he pleased before she did it herself.
Satoshi could seen the confrontation between the two brewing just as soon as Erza walked into the room. He gave the red head a strong spank on the ass, something she rather enjoyed and he often gave to her as a reward or incentive. Asuna was full of determination...but she didn't know what Erza could do to her, what she had done to countless women for him already. She was one of his favored slaves, and for good reason.

He leaned back in his throne as another slave stepped forward, completely nude and handed him another cup of coffee. His eyes seemed to sparkle in anticipation, a slightly sadistic grin on his face.

"Do what you must, Erza....you know how much I love to watch you work." He gave his slave a playful wink, a promise of a lovely reward for her if she did her job well with Asuna.
Erza grinned back at her beloved master before reacting quickly on the dainty girl. She was nothing without her online game. On there she was a worthy opponent, but in real life? Just a measly little girl who could be easily manipulated. Erza though was a true warrior in real life. She was categorized as S class on her realm which was weighted heavily and showed great respect from all of those around her. Dealing with her would be easy.

Without giving her a warning over her impending movements she would quickly grip at on of her wrists before twirling her around so her front was faced towards Satoshi and her back was pressed against her chest. Both of her arms were placed behind her back as if she were getting arrested, the poor girl flailing her feet around and contorting her body to be freed. "This isn't fair, let me go!" Asuna screamed as her body wouldn't stop spinning. Erza painfully tightened her grip which caused the poor girl to whimper out in pain, ceasing her harsh twirls to dangle above the ground.

The same slave that brought Satoshi his coffee placed her two index fingers inside of her panties and tore them off of her to present her exposed and shaven cunt to her new master. She held her eyes closed tightly, not wanting any of this to be true. Why wasn't this a nightmare? The slave graciously took out his swollen prick before giving his glistening tip a quick kiss, retreating so Erza could finish her job.

Asuna knew what was going to happen next and she shrieked in painful anticipation. "No! Please, I can't do this! I don't believe in it!" She screamed as she sealed her thighs together tightly, not wanting them to be spread. Erza hovered the girl over Satoshi, awaiting for him to tell her of her next commands.
Satoshi watched as Erza easily subdued Asuna. Indeed, Erza had been one of the most powerful warriors in her realm, and Satoshi had tasked her with stay in combat ready shape just in case someone tried to attack him. Asuna had no such combat prowess without being in the game, and in fact, Satoshi felt almost sad for the girl as he watched her flail about, truly a pathetic sight.

Satoshi eyed Asuna now expose and wet cunt as his other slave, Kaname, began to undo his trousers to expose his throbbing and massive cock to all of them. However, Satoshi held up his hand to stop Erza from what she was doing. "No.....not yet, Erza....I want you to loosen her up even more....make her submit to the pleasure before you give her to me...I know you are capable of that." He gave Erza a smile as he turned to Kaname and licked his lips.

"You...pleasure me and suck me off until the new slave is ready." He commanded his other slave as he turned his head back to watch the show he knew was about to unfold.
Erza nodded her head without words and sat her down on the floor without letting her wrists go. She took a thick strand of rope and bounded her wrists together, spreading her legs apart before binding them to metal poles inserted into the ground. She was dangled upward as her knees touched the hard floor. Her head bowed down in same as she wanted to weep at her dismay. Erza walked around her before kneeling down in front of her, taking one of her breasts in her hand while her mouth latched onto the other breast, suckling it and lapping around the areola. Asuna gritted her teeth and tried not to let out a moan but her body wanted this so bad. Soon her mind would be consumed in the sex-ridden thoughts as the drugs took course throughout her body.

"I know you enjoy this, stop fighting it." Erza spoke as Asuna's nipple was in between her teeth. "Master is good and will make all of your sexual desires come true. He hasn't hurt you yet, right?" Erza made her statements to show how he was good towards his slaves, hoping to coax her into obeying him. Asuna shook her head, not wanting to hear what she had to say as she fought back a moan that tried to erupt from her throat. Erza knew what girls wanted because she herself was a woman. All she had to do was touch her in all of the right places and she would be forced to take it all in.

Her long tongue moved around towards the shape of her breast and down towards her navel. Goosebumps coated her body as she shuttered in ecstasy. She didn't know how to control what was going on in her body. She wanted to scream. "Stop..." Was all Asuna could mutter out, Erza's tongue feeling like butter melting on her hot skin. Her tongue swirled around the loop of her navel before moving down towards her pelvis, kissing and biting at her hip bones. Her hot breath lingered against her skin to cool the area of her saliva.

Erza's lips kissed the inside of her inner thighs, her breath also lingering against her swollen pink folds. "Erza, please..." Asuna begged once more, one eye closed shut as the other looked down to watch what she was doing. A small and gentile lap of her tongue stroked towards the bottom of her pussy all the way towards the top on her clitoris. This made her moan that was stuck in her throat to seep out, erupting the whole room in cries of pleasure.
Satoshi grinned as Kaname sucked off his rock hard cock, taking it into her throat and mouth and sucking him off expertly. His attention was completely on the sight of Erza taking care of Asuna though. Erza was a true master of her craft...she knew exactly how to touch and play with a woman to make them cave completely and submit to the pleasure they all really desired on the inside.

He gently stroked Kaname's head as he let out a small chuckle as Asuna let out a moan and began to slowly beg Erza for more. "Now, Erza...I want her to submit completely...you know what that means...make her beg like the true slut she is for it...." He laughed as he issued his command to the red head. This would mean that Erza would tease Asuna...tease her and keep her constantly on the verge of orgasm...a true form of pleasure torture that Erza was a master and pro at.
Erza didn't respond to Satoshi but she understood her orders properly. Her tongue continued to circle over her pulsating clitoris, Asuna panting and biting harshly at her lower lip; enough to draw blood. Asuna wanted to take her thighs and closed them tightly together but she couldn't even move them due to the restraints Erza had placed on her to keep her legs apart. She was close to cumming again, not use to so much stimulation at once. Sweat beaded at the top of her forehead, trailing down against her body as it shimmered in the dim lighting the room had to offer.

Once Erza felt Asuna's body tense in a way that would signal an upcoming orgasm she would stop her tongue from lapping at the sensitive bulb of flesh. Asuna grumbled slightly as she was denied her orgasm but sighed in relief that her torture ended. Just when she cooled down enough Erza was back at her games, sucking on her clitoris as her index and middle finger gently rubbed across her pink folds to coat them in her juices. Asuna rolled her head backwards as the stimulation was too much. Her body quivered and shook, wanting to collapse but couldn't as the ropes held her in place.

Without warning Erza violently shoved both of those fingers deep inside of Asuna's cunt, causing the poor girl to scream in pleasure yet somewhat agony. Her breasts jiggled as her body moved around, Erza knuckle deep in her swollen cunt. Her thumb massaged her puckered hole that was on the other side, slightly sticking the tip in her ass but not fully all the way in. This caused Asuna great pleasure and she wanted to orgasm then and there, but Erza stopped her action again.
Satoshi enjoyed the show Erza was putting on for him with Asuna; the sight of the defiant girl getting her body toyed and played with by the red head was quite arousing as his cock throbbed in Kaname's mouth. Satoshi could tell when Asuna would be close to climax and like a pro, Erza would stop right on time. She was truly an expect at her craft.

The sigh of Asuna's body, covered in sweat and drawing in deep and ragged breaths from the pleasure she was getting made him want to ravish her even more. He grinned at Asuna as his eyes seemed to glow slightly as he enjoyed the sensation of a mouth wrapped around his massive and throbbing cock.

"Erza can go on forever....she can keep you in the torturous pleasure forever without ever letting you come...but if you just submit to her and me, like a good little slut....then you can finally climax...and I can see just how much you want that now." Satoshi licked his lips as the thought of him plowing that quivering pussy filled his mind.
Asuna tried to mute out everything that Satoshi was telling her, the pleasure captivating her and sending her in a lust-filled trance. She couldn't fight this anymore. She was powerless here and had no say. Even if she did fight it would be a wasted effort, wasting all of her power trying to fight the urge that she wanted. If it wasn't for the drugs he had give her she could fight better but she was at a loss right now. She wanted to cry as the thought of defeat became more of a reality, her battle almost finished.

"I can't give in... I...." Asuna whimpered to herself but Erza could hear what she was saying. Sadistically she smiled, slamming three digits into her wet cunt to see her scream in delight once again.

"Is that a sign of defeat I think I'm beginning to hear?" Erza bit at her nipple harshly, almost drawing blood as the helpless female cried in pain as tears streamed down her face. She bit her quivering lower lip, not wanting to say the words that would cause them victory but she couldn't stay this way forever. Maybe if she played it off as though they won she would escape?

"I can't take it anymore, please, just let me cum!" Asuna begged, her clitoris feeling as if it were on fire from the constant denials.
Satoshi couldn't help but laugh as Asuna slowly began to break down. She was seeing just how pointless and pathetic her resistance truly was...but he could tell by looking in her eyes that she wasn't really quite broken yet, no....he still saw some of the light of defiance left in there, a flicker of hope as she tried to get away from it all by pretending.

"That's not he proper begging of a slut, now is it...Erza? Keep going...she's hasn't earned the reward of release yet until she begs properly, like a slut." He laughed as he pushed Kaname's head off his cock, his massive member now throbbing and in the open for both Erza and Asuna to see....all she had to do was submit and she would be able to be pleasured by his massive and glorious cock as well....she could have all the pleasure she ever wanted.
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