..::Mᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs ɪɴ ᴛɪᴍᴇ::.. [Mᴏᴜɴᴛᴀɪɴ Zᴀᴋɪ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

Asuna wanted to stop as soon as she noticed men jerking off to her body, unaware that they were so open to doing something so private. But then again she did catch Aris last night in the bathroom. A faint blush coated her cheeks as she thought about that night, but for some off reason her clitoris began to yearn for it to be teased. She shook her head to get the thought to vanish, but images of his rock-hard body and his large cock made her want to see what it was capable of. Her and Kirito had been apart for almost a year and she hasn't done anything with another man since then. His touch would be nice and she needed something passionate for once.

Her knees hit the floor as her palms laid against it as well. She crawled around the pole and rubbed up against it like a house cat. She bent down so her ass was sticking up in front of the men surrounding her, her fingers finding their way into her bikini bottoms as her digits started to rub her aching clitoris. They would see her fingers moving around inside the fabric, leaving it to their imagination's to fill in the blanks. Her eyes closed and she thought about Aris's hard cock. She envisioned the two kissing and gently touching each other passionately, his cock finally entering inside of her. As she got to this part her middle finger slammed into her wet cunt, eliciting a cry of pleasure. She had to hold onto the pole with her free hand as her other hand was getting into a steady rhythm of thrusting.
The gold really began to rain as Asuna began to touch and finger herself. Many men were begging and pleading with her to take her panties off so they could see more. Other had gone to talk to the brothel owner, offering insane amounts of money to allow them to take Asuna back to a pleasure room, but the brothel owner was a man of his word...no temporary dancers could be taken to the pleasure rooms...but he was already drawing up a contract to offer her to be a full on part timer if she wished... Most of the men were continuing to jack themselves off, their cocks throbbing in their pants and their bulges visible through their trousers for Asuna to see. Some, the faster ones, had already came, a look of bliss on their faces and sticky hands to show for it.

Aris was no different...the sight of Asuna touching herself, pleasuring herself, as he pleasured himself last night, aroused him immensely. He was thinking very similar thoughts to what Asuna was thinking right now...of them lying on his bed or in the hot spring...touching one another and kissing, and eventually, his cock entering her. His hand was down his robes now, stroking off his massive cock as he moaned softly, his breath ragged as he continued to watch Asuna pleasure herself.
It was starting to sink in just how much money she could really get as she teased them so badly. She sat on her knees upright and took her hand out of her bikini bottoms, licking away the juices that coated her fingertips clean. Some men begged to suck on her fingers just to get a sweet taste of her outpouring nectar but she wouldn't allow that.

She took the right side of her bikini bottom and untied it, giving the men some eye candy as that side laid limp, showing the curves of her pelvis but not revealing her shaven cunt just yet. Their eyes stayed focused on her crotch, waiting for her to finally untie the last knot of the left side until she was exposed. She wrestled with the knot, finding it difficult to remove it until it caved in and fell to her knees. She was bare and in the flesh, her clitoris and thighs wet and glistening in the dim lighting.

Her fingertips rubbed her clitoris as her legs spread for the guys to see, their heads leaning inwards to see the details of her cunt. It looked so tight and ready to be claimed, many men shouting out for her to pleasure them.
Many of the men began to climax in their pants now at the sight of Asuna's bare and dripping pussy. It was just such an amazing sight to them, many of them couldn't help but blow their loads. Still, many had quite a good deal of endurance and continued to stroke their throbbing and veiny cocks with their by now quite sticky hands. One man, younger, and clearly rich by his clothes had ragged breath and was eyeing Asuna's dripping cunt. He stood up and pulled out a massive coin purse and slammed it on the stage.

"Please....just for a bit..." While Asuna couldn't tell how much was in the purse, it was likely just as much, if not more than, all the coins she had gathered on her stage so far. The man gripped her ass and pressed his face against her exposed cunt, his tongue began to lick at her juices, tasting her sweet nectar as he let out a moan against her labia as his tongue focused on her clitoris, pressing up and swirling around her throbbing nub.

Aris saw this and stood up, his hand removing itself from his robes as he balled his fist. While it was clear this wasn't what was suppose to be going on...the owner was distracted at the moment and Aris was all about free will....if Asuna decided she would accept his fee and allow him to taste of her, he would let events proceed. However, if it became clear this wasn't what she wanted, he would take actions. His eyes were locked onto Asuna and the man licking her dripping cunt, waiting to see both of their reactions.
Asuna watched the man pull out his heavy coin bag as he set it on the table. She almost felt ashamed that he would waste all that money just for a quick buzz. Without giving her consent he gripped her ass cheeks tightly enough to leave bruising hand marks and pulled her almost off the stage. He made her legs dangle over his shoulders as his hands played and groped her fleshy orbs as his mouth completely latched onto her entire pussy. She hollered out as her head leaned backwards. It felt so good but she knew it was wrong and she didn't know who this guy was or if he had anything she could catch.

"Please... Let me go..." She muffled as she bit her quivering lower lip. The man didn't seem to get it and continued with his dirty work, her pussy juices all over his chin and cheeks as he was going to town. Many of the other guys got rather pissed as they tried to have their way with her.

"Hey, that's not fair!" One man shouted as he got on stage and hovered over her with his cock out. "I want you to pleasure me while he pleasures you." She said with a wicked sadistic grin on his face, his long cock throbbing in her eyes. He violently took her hair and gripped a handful of it and made her face press up against his balls, her hands pushing back to try and get him to stop.

"Stop it, get your hands off of me!" She shouted as she groaned in pain as he pulled her hair harshly and unforgivably.
As chaos began to unfold around Asuna's stage, a booming voice echoed out loudly and strongly over the crowd.

"That's enough!" In an instant, using his time manipulation, Aris was on the stage with Asuna. With one thrust of his staff, he knocked down the man in front of Asuna with his cock out and with another thrust, he shoved the man who was eating Asuna back down into his chair. He could forgive that man, the other one however. He used his staff to pick up the coin purse the second man had dropped and tossed it back to him. Then, he turned his attention to the first man and he quickly lashed at his body in multiple spots with his staff, punishment for trying to force himself onto Asuna.

Once that was done he turned to look at Asuna, letting out a small sigh before his trademarked, carefree smile was back on his face. "Hey there, Asuna...are you alright?" He managed to ask her, his face tinted a dark shade red, as his eyes couldn't help but roam around and take int he sight of her completely nude body up close.
Asuna watched the madness unfold as Aris popped out of nowhere to come to her aid. Her pupils dilated in shock as she watched his magic play into work for the first time since she met him and with his fire guard. Her heart fluttered in her chest as butterflies consumed her stomach. It felt good to have someone there to rescue her like a cliche movie.

She tightened her thighs together so no one could get a peek of her cunt at this time. Once the chaos had simmered down and the men looked up at Aris in shock that he would do such a thing Asuna realized what she was doing and that he was watching her the entire time. She didn't know if she should be pissed or embarrassed.

"Thanks for helping..." She whispered as she looked down at the stage, ashamed of what she was doing. There were better ways to make cash but she shouldn't feel as badly as she did since in this realm it's okay. She still had to adjust to this major change. She could tell that he was still eyeing her up but she could do nothing about it. He was use to these kinds of things where she wasn't.

The owner came up as he ran their way, panting as if that's the first time he ran in his entire life.

"I am so sorry this happened to you sweetie!" He began to apologize before adding on, "The men obviously have taken a liking to you and I want to hire you in. You don't have to do the private rooms just yet because of what just happened but after a week of working you have to do it. Is that okay?" He asked as he raised a brow. She looked up at Aris for permission almost, seeing if he was okay with it.

She was going to have a deep talk with him later in the evening.
"Don't mention it, Asuna....I just want to tell you; don't feel ashamed about what you were doing. Those men were out of line was all, but you made all these people here happy, didn't you?" He turned to the crowd who had been watching and they let out a loud cheer as many of them threw what was left of their coin purses at Asuna. Even the man who had licked her cunt and started the chaos took a good chunk of what had been in that coin purse and gave it to Asuna with a smile. Aris used his magic to gather all the coins Asuna had earned and put them in a bag, which ended up feeling quite heavy. He handed the back to Asuna with a smile.

"This is yours....I know your realm...things are different..but you seemed to enjoy yourself on that stage, and you were a beauty to watch...." Aris admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck meekly, his cheeks tinted red. When the owner offered Asuna the job, Aris simply smiled as Asuna looked at her. "It's your decision, Asuna...I'll support you either way. Also....if it makes you feel any better...I'm sure a number of the workers here, both male and female have lovers or are married....pleasure, sex and desire can be given to more than one person...that's just how we see it. So...even if...we did..become lovers..." He blushed very brightly now as he looked down at the ground. "I still think it would be fine either way, if you wanted my opinion on that..."
Aris had managed to make her feel better about this situation, especially when he said many of these people have families back at home. She swallowed harshly and nodded to the owner, accepting her position to be a worker here. The men hollered and clapped in approval, happy to see on of their favorites going to stay after the fiasco. That could of made her not want to join at all but it all managed to work out. Plus Aris's speech that hyped them up about her made her feel good about herself too.

"Thanks for everything, Aris..." She smiled warmly as she got up to stand, quick to put back on her clothing.

"You're good for the night Asuna. We will see you tomorrow in the evening. Make sure to buy some outfits with that money!" He encouraged her before departing. Asuna nodded and grabbed her bag full of coins. She got off the stage and waited for Aris.

"I'm going to go and shop for some new clothes. I need them badly." She spoke to Aris, waiting for him to depart with her.
"Of course, Asuna...anything for you." He smiled as he gave her a quick hug, wrapping his strong arms around her waist and allowing her to feel his strong and toned chest as well. He then realized she was still naked and quickly pulled away with a blush.

Aris was happy to see that Asuna had found a place where she could work and feel good about herself. Also, working at a brothel would help adjust her to some of the customs and ways of thinking of the realm more quickly, he thought. Aris was quick to follow Asuna off the stage as he offered her his hand.

"Of course...I'd be happy to accompany you, if you'd allow me to." He held the door open for Asuna and held her hand as well, not wanting to let go this time as he gave it a gentle squeeze and gave her a smile. "So....other than what happened at the end, did you have fun?" He asked, his tone of voice almost teasing in a manner as his grinned seemed to widen.
Willingly she took his hand and held onto it tightly, the spaces in between his fingers fitting perfectly in her small hand compared to his own. She blushed a rosy red color on her cheeks, feeling them heat up as her blood pressure began to rise with her heart rate.

"I do not mind you coming along. It's not like you just bared witness to everything I had to offer or anything." She teased him as she nudged him in his side. It was hard to not laugh at his question, giggling a bit before finding a good response. "I did have fun believe it or not. I felt... free in a sense? Like I had a lot of power. Well, I didn't really towards the end but you get what I mean, right?" She shook her head as she laughed some more.

"Hey, Aris. Since we'r'e alone, I hope you don't mind if we talk about some personal stuff?" She questioned him before heeding onward to her confessions. "I know we haven't really spent a lot of time together, almost two days now to be exact, and I have to say I am really taking a liking to you." Her smile was spread from ear-to-ear, showing off her pearly whites as her hand tightened in his grip.

"If you want me to be honest, though... Please don't laugh, it's hard for me to admit but I have to get use to it here." She cleared her throat before telling him a secret she would never do on Earth. "When I was up on that stage, I thought about you and last night..." She swallowed down hard on the frog that was in her throat, feeling the courage build up inside of her soul. "I haven't been with anyone in some times and after last night you made me realize how badly I crave someone as caring and loving as you."
"True enough, but some outfits can be even more embarrassing than being naked, they say." He teased Asuna back as they walked down the road back towards town where all the markets and clothing stores could be found. When she talked about her experience, he let out a fairly loud chuckle as he squeezed her hand gently.

"You certainly had us eating out of the palm of your hand...myself totally included. If you weren't my housemate I would have thrown my whole coin purse at you, you were that good." He gave Asuna a playful wink. He was happy she had such a good time and could feel good about herself. It would make it easier for her to work pleasure rooms later, to be sure. When she mentioned needing to talk about personal, he could tell the conversation as taking a serious turn. He gave her a slow nod and a small smile to encourage her to continue. He listened to her confession in silence, but his expression said it all; his own smile grew much wider, a red tint entered his cheek and he returned the squeeze Asuna was giving his hand...indeed, their hands felt perfect together.

At the second part of her confession though, he went totally red in the face. He had no idea Asuna was thinking about him and what happened last night when she started to touch herself onstage. Those words were all he needed, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his chest. His lips were on her own in an instant, a passionate and eletrifying kissing as his tongue lashed at her lips to get to her own tongue. His hand squeezed her own as his other was wrapped firmly around her waist to keep her pinned to his chest. After kissing for a few moments, he pulled away and looked Asuna in the eyes with his own, his smile wide and large.

"Asuna...I've never met a girl more beautiful, caring ,kind, wonderful...amazing and graceful as you...even though I've only known you for a short time..I know I want you in my life....and I want you in it for as long as you'll gave me." Aris confessed as he drew away from Asuna and squeezed her hand again. "I love you...Asuna. Now, until the end of my days....so how about we by you some nice clothes and some naughty clothes...go home and eat dinner and then...take a bath together?" He asked her playfully as he gave her a wink, sticking out his tongue in a playful manner as well.
Asuna had no idea that Aris would act on his emotions so quickly as he thrown himself onto her, holding her waist securely to lock her in his passionate and inviting kisses. She was shocked at first but gradually closed her eyes as her hands coiled around the nape of his neck. Sounds of lip smacking reverberated in her ears as her breasts pressed up against his chest, smooshing them harshly. Willingly her mouth unsealed to allow his tongue access, their wet muscles intertwining and mingling together before the kiss broke and a small strand of saliva kept their lips together before breaking off.

His small speech in regards to her caused her cheeks to flare up once more, the tips of her shoe digging into the ground beneath her coyly in response. She gave his jawline a kiss before responding. "It's been a while since I met someone who had such compassion and courage such as you. You're charming and handsome with a heart made of gold. You're an incredible person and mage who will go far in life. I love you too, Aris, and I want to remain by your side however long I can." Her heart wanted to jump out of her chest right at him, pulsating rapidly and those butterflies never leaving since they first started back at the brothel.

"I wouldn't mind doing all of that." She nudged him before they walked into a few clothing stores. Asuna had enough money to buy a lot of outfits, thankfully. First she chose some work outfits and costumes. She chose a nurse, sexy kitten, cheerleader, and a belly dancer. She also bought some lingerie] not only for work but for Aris too. She got a few sleepwear and undergarments as well as some every day outfits, even a cooking outfit that was a replica of hers back on SAO. She had more than a few outfits to wear and wouldn't be complaining for a while, even a bathing suit. She wanted to become a healing mage in this realm and bought the necessary uniform to perform those tasks.

"I would say that this was a successful trip!" She happily chirped, having more than enough gold leftover too.
As Asuna continued her confession after they broke off the kiss he couldn't help but blush more. No one had ever said such wonderful and great things about him. He couldn't help but kiss her again, but this kiss was more tender, full of affection and love rather than passion. It latest for a few brief moments before he pulled back again, a large smile on his face as he squeezed her hand. "Right then, lets find you some clothes...I'm really looking forward to my bath tonight, for some reason." He teased his lover back, nudging her coyly as they entered the first shop.

He considered himself very lucky as he got to watch Asuna try on all the outfits she was considering, as well as her lingerie. He gave her his opinion on the outfits and helped her whittle down the outfits to the handful that she bought. All of the outfits she picked were outstanding. The ones for work were sexy and showed off her figure well...but her lingerie and some other sexy outfits, he wanted to reserve for himself. Being a good lover, he was hauling all the clothes for her now as they walked out of ths final store. They were quite heavy when all combined together, but he didn't mind carrying them at all for her as they walked down the street towards the house.

"I agree...you picked out a number of amazing outfits. You look amazing in anything you wear, Asuna." He gave her a smile as they reached the house. His hands were full, thus he looked to Asuna and gave her a chuckle. "Could you let us in, please? My hands are a bit full. Also...would you want me to make dinner, you did make breakfast this morning, after all!" He offered to cook, even though he was dying to see her in action in her new cooking outfit.
Asuna felt guilty about him carrying her baggage but he insisted. She smiled quietly to herself as they strolled down towards his home. Thought it wasn't spoken of she knew that they had a new title together and it was nice. She needed someone here in this realm to bring her comfort and he was the one to do that for her. "Sure!" She responded as her hands searched for his house keys before sliding it into the lock and hearing a click of approval, the pair entering inside of his home.

"You can set the baggage in the room I sleep in and I will put it up. I appreciate you helping, and in reward I will cook for you. I don't mind cooking twice in a row. As long as you do the dishes." She teased as she elbowed him. After he set the clothes into her bedroom she searched into the bags to find her cooking outfit. "I'm going to get changed and you can wait in the kitchen for me. You can get the pots and pans ready if you want to find something to do in the meantime." She said as she slid out of her brothel clothing into the more comfortable apparel.

"I'll be making a beef stew and a strawberry cake for dessert." She spoke as she walked into the room, cracking her knuckles before getting to work. Delicately she sliced the vegetables and beef, dicing them up before putting them into a simmering broth before closing the lid. She was off to work preparing the dessert now, making homemade batter and icing and cutting up the strawberries in perfect triangles. "I hope you will enjoy tonight's dinner..."
Aris did as he was told, setting all of her outfits carefully down onto her bed so as to not wrinkle them. As she got changed, he went about getting preparations ready, pulling out pots and pans and all the tools she would need to cook. As she walked into the room with her kitchen outfit on, he gave her a thumbs up and a small chuckle.

"I don't know how you can look so sexy in a cooking outfit like that." He teased her playfully as he moved to begin brewing some coffee and tea for the both of them, the perfect drinks to eat with some cake. When she mentioned him enjoying dinner, he approached her from behind and gently wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"Of course I'll enjoy it, silly You made it after all, I'll love it." He whispered affectionately into her ear, gently kissing her cheek before letting her go with a grin as he moved to pour him a cup of coffee, his eyes never leaving her beautiful form as she cook. She looked angelic, perfect.
"Lets face it though..." She muttered as she cut the last strawberry, setting it into a bowl with the others. "I know this isn't the dessert you're excited for." Her hands gripped at the circular cake pan and popped it into the oven, clapping her hands together in a job well done. That brothel must've taken away her coyness because her demeanor certainly did change. She was much more open about her sexuality than before, or maybe she was getting use to how things were an here. Either way, Aris probably enjoyed seeing her this way.

Her fingertips grabbed the coffee cup he had just poured and set it on the counter, those fingers skating up his arms to grip at the strings of his robe to draw him in close to her. Her breath was hot and fueled with an unsought passion she never experienced with Kirito. Her lips were quick to do their job, embracing him in a warm and stormy kiss that shot fireworks into her soul. She felt more alive as they continued to kiss, feeling his air enter into her lungs as if she were being reborn relentlessly.

"I can't get those images out of my head, Aris. Of last night." She breathed harshly into his ear as she mentioned her lewd thoughts. She wanted to be bent over the kitchen table right there and now but she quickly composed her neutral behavior after a passionate kiss. "Sorry, I got out of hand for a moment... We should eat first before anything."
"You would be correct in that assumption." Aris chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, a blush on his cheeks. It seemed her experience at the brothel had changed her, or was beginning to change her. He enjoyed seeing this new side of her...he absolutely loved this side of her. He wanted to help her explore this side of her.

He allowed his coffee cup to be set down; he let himself be drawn to her as he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her to his chest and keep her there. His lips were quick to return the passion of her own, his tongue lashing at her own and dancing and swirling around her appendage. His hands wandered her body, one moving down to squeeze her tight and cute rear through her bottoms while another groped at one of her breasts through her apron and top.

"I can't those pictures of you on the stage out of my mind either, Asuna...I want...nothing more than to bend you over and take you now..." He whispered hotly in her ear, his teeth nibbling and sucking on her earlobe as he peppered her lips and cheeks with hot, feather kisses. He rubbed his growing bulge up against her rear, letting her feel just how large he was..but as Asuna calmed down, he did his best to get composed as well. "Right...we should...but can I ask a favor, Asuna?" He pulled away from his lover with ragged breath and tinted cheeks.

"It's everyman's dream....to see his lover cook in a naked apron....can...you?" He asked, his voice somewhat meek as he looked her in the eyes, giving her a cheeky grin with tinted red cheeks.
Asuna swallowed hard on his request, her cheeks growing in brightness until she shook her head from the embarrassing feeling. "Oh? Your requests are very blunt to say the least." She admitted but it didn't mean she didn't like or didn't approve of them. "Hold on." She simply said before disappearing for a brief moment, coming back in what he has requested.

She looked down at the floor shyly as she dug her toe into the floor, her fingers twiddling together. "Is this how you like it?" She asked as she wore nothing but a apron over her body, the sides of her breasts sticking out from the straps of the apron to give him a visual.

"I love making you happy, it makes me happy too." She grinned before coming up to him to give him a tender kiss on his lips, her arms holding him into her grip as he could feel the curves of her body being pressed against him.
Aris rubbed the back of his head meekly. "Well, I've always been told I'm a rather straight forward guy...honesty is a good trait, right?" He gave Asuna a playful wink. When she told him to hold on though and she walked off, he began to fidget in eager anticipation. Her mentality truly had shifted quite a bit since the brothel. He was happy to see her adjusting to the more open ways of the realm.

When she came out, his jaw hit the floor as they say as he stared, mouth agape, at his beautiful lover, wearing nothing but an apron...no bra or panties at all. Her breasts were just visible from the side, giving an arousing and teasing sight, and her rounded and lovely rear was completely visible, while the front of the apron teasingly hid her crotch. He nodded his head silently as she came up and gave him a small tender kiss.

He was quick to return it, turning it into a slightly more passionate one, his hunger and want for her clear in the kiss. His hand slithered down her bare back and gave her ass a nice spank before groping her rear for a few moment. He pulled away with a grin as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"I think I'm the happiest I've ever been right now...and I'm not kidding. You are...the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and you wearing that apron is the sexiest image...." He confessed to his lover with a grin as he kissed her forehead. He now had a rather large bulge in his trousers, as Asuna could tell. It had rubbed up against her briefly while they kissed and now, she could clearly see it with her own eyes as he pulled away.
Asuna wasn't use to all of this attention that he was giving her, her cheeks never ending in red tint and her lips aching from smiling too much. "Aris, stop it." She giggled as she swatted a hand in his direction. "I don't know how to react to all of those compliments." Her lips found their way onto his cheek before pulling away. Her ass stung from his harsh slap and she knew she was going to have a bruised mark on her... but it turned her on even more to know that if others saw it they would know she was taken.

As she pulled away from him a mass in his pants caused her to look down in general curiosity until she realized what the bulge truly was. She swallowed a harsh knot in her throat down into her esophagus. "Hey, Aris..." Coyly she started off her request, trying to look into his eyes despite her nervousness. "I'm noticing someone wants to come out and say hi." She wiggled over towards his body closely before her right hand graved the flesh that was nestling underneath his pants. "I think it's mean how you're keeping him locked up when he was so free last night, don't you think?" She winked at the end of her comment, almost purring in seductiveness.

The alarm rang to let her know that the foot had been finished, Asuna turning around for a second to get the stew out as well as the strawberry cake. "It's going to be hot for a minute so we should let it cool." She spoke to Aris as she made their plates of food before icing the cake and decorating it, setting the dessert in the middle for them to eat after their meal. "I know this dessert looks good but I can't wait for the next dessert."
"Just smile, look pretty and say I love you, Aris." He teased Asuna more when she said she didn't know how to react to all the compliments. He groped her rear tenderly to help ease the sting some, but he knew he likely left a small mark....a good indication to people at the brothel that while she might have sex with them....she was another man's true lover. He chuckled and blushed as he felt her kiss his cheek and he thought that was the end of it for now....

That was, until Asuna mentioned his bulge. Her tone of voice and the way she looked at him; it was completely different from any way she had looked at him before. Her voice...so teasing and full of want, and her eyes were full of lust. He moaned softly as he felt her hand brush against the bulge. He chuckled when she mentioned last night and rubbed his cheek. "Well...I was going to save him until second desert...you know." He gave Asuna a playful wink as she went to get the food.

"You might want to save some of those strawberries and some frosting..." He mentioned, almost as a side thought as he had a big grin on his face...it seemed he had some ideas. When she mentioned the food needing to cool down, his eyes wandered do to his bulge. "Well...if you want...you can pull him out if you want to say hi to him that badly?" He chuckled as he wondered if Asuna would actually pull his cock out and if so, what she would do with it.
"I love you Aris." She mocked back as he told her to say those words, her eyelashes bashing as she attempted to look as cute as possible before laughing at her failed attempt. "Hey, that's a pretty good idea, about the strawberries and frosting." She winked at him before licking the spoon that was coated in frosting.

"So you think I will cave in that easily, aye?" She questioned him as she stared down at his bulge as he tormented her. "I'll let you know I have some decent patience and I can wait until after dinner. Plus, where would the fun go if I just let you get what you want?" Her smile was growing more sadistic. "I want to see you tease until we get through with our dinner."

She sat down as her eyes would drift towards Aris, her brows raising to see if he was holding up well as she took a bite of her food, chewing it slowly before swallowing. "How are you doing over there? Managing?" She would chuckle before taking another bite. Little did he know she was dying from waiting. Her cunt was so wet between her thighs and she held her thighs tightly together to try and subside the throbbing in her clitoris.
Aris just chuckled as Asuna said she had patience. Little did Asuna know, but he could be quite patient as well. He used some of the mental training he knew to do his best to clear his mind of erotic thoughts as he sat down to eat dinner. He enjoyed the food, giving his approval with every bite.

"This is quite amazing, Asuna...you really are a great cook!" He praised his lover for her amusing meal as he ate with delight, seemingly without lust or desire as he grinned at Asuna. "I'm doing perfectly fine...what about you?" He teased, seeing her thighs tightly squeezed together.

He decided to tease her more, his foot quickly shot between her thighs, his toes rubbing up against her dripping cunt as he chuckled gently. "Oh my...you appear to be pretty wet down there, my love." He gave her a playful wink as he took a piece of cake and took a sizeable bite out of it with a large grin.
Asuna managed to finish her meal but with difficulty. She was becoming contradicting. She listened to him tease at her, raising her brow in response to play it off cool until his foot came up and touched her cunt. She writhed in joy as his toes seemed to stroke her wet cunt.

"Knock it off." She fumed off as she pushed his foot off from her as a smile placed over her lips, all in the name of teasing. She grabbed her own plate of cake and took a hearty bite before savoring the taste. She outdid herself this time and she was proud to share this moment with him with her cooking.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, get use to it." She replied before trying her best to finished her dessert quickly to get back to business, the one she caused to happen. "Now, how about that other dessert?"
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