..::Mᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs ɪɴ ᴛɪᴍᴇ::.. [Mᴏᴜɴᴛᴀɪɴ Zᴀᴋɪ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]

Aris seemed to contemplate what she said and nodded his head slowly in understand. "I see. It sounds strange to me, but every realm develops its own norms, who am I to judge." He bowed slightly as he began to leave the area of the springs. As he slid open the door, he turned to give Asuna a small smile.

"I'll set your clothes and towel on the patio here for you, for whenever you are finished." With that, he vanished back into his house. He quickly finished up the dishes and set them away before moving to fetch Asuna's clothes and towel. It a had been awhile since he left her, since he had to clean as well, so as he left her clothes on the patio...he decided to take a peek, both out of concern to make sure she was okay of course...and to satisfy his own, baser male desires of wanting to see the beautiful woman in the nude.
Asuna nodded her head at Aris as he walked away. She was grateful that he was treating her with kindness. Her muscles ached and the spring looked as if it would loosen up her muscles comfortably. Her irises looked around, making sure no one was around and that no one was peeping through the window before she started to undress herself.

She tipped her toe into the waters to see how warm it truly was. It caused her to elicit a sigh of satisfaction. Both of her feet planted in the spring, her nude body soon being submerged in the hot bath. The warmth tingled all over her body, the water caressing her skin and stripping away all of her stresses. Her breasts tingled from the heat and caused her nipples to harden, turning rosy in color. Her lower pelvis was shaven and her pink folds also tingled from the warmth of the waters. Steam rose up from her body, hear head singing into it momentarily so her hair would soak up the heat as well.

Her hands reached out for the shampoo and conditioner, washing her hair as her fingers massaged her scalp before rinsing away the frothy bubbles into the spring. A bar of purple soap laid by the rocks with a wash rag nearby. She lathered the soap graciously on the rag before rubbing it all over her body, her nipples becoming harder as the rough texture of the rag rubbed against her breasts. The rag moved all over her body until it reached the organ between her legs. Gently she massaged the area to clean it thoroughly, moaning slightly inside of her mouth as it touched her clitoris. It wasn't the time or place to caress herself but it did bring a sense of pleasure to her for a brief moment.

Asuna stayed in the bath for almost thirty minutes, taking her time and enjoying this special moment to herself since she arrived to this new realm. Unfortunately Aris placed his clothing and towel too far away from where she was at and she groaned at this. Looking around quickly she placed an arm over her breasts and a hand over her pelvis before quickly running to where the towel was. She wrapped the towel around her body to dry up before picking up the long white button-up sweater. It looked nice and she was surprised he would let her wear something that looked fancy. Before she put it on a thought ran across her mind that made her embarrassed...

...She didn't have any clean underwear or bra with her.

How could she not ask for something like that? She had no choice but to not wear those undergarments. "Hopefully he won't notice..." She thought to herself as she slipped on the clothing. It fit her well and hugged her tightly. Her hardened nipples could be noticed through the thin fabric and she gasped before crossing her hands over her bosoms. Oh great, how was he going to react?

Putting on her best game face she knocked on the door before entering inside. "I'm finished."
Aris had watched her from a distance, observing her as she washed and bathed. He couldn't help himself...it had been years since he had lived with a woman...and Asuna was extremely beautiful. His eyes wandered to her round and perfectly shaped breasts and lingers on her shaven fold. He could feel himself growing hard inside his trousers. He had to try to calm himself, to keep control.

He sat in the living room and drank some tea, trying to calm himself. He had left after Asuna had begun to get out. He have to leave before he was noticed, after all. He tried to calm himself with the tea, and as Asuna walked in he gave her a smile. "Ah, I hope you enjoyed it....." His words began to trail off his eyes caught sight of her body, covered only by his shirt. He could...her nipples were visible through his shirt and there was no sign of her wearing any panties either...

"I....hope you don't mind my saying...but you look quite beautiful in that, Asuna..." Aris managed to say, his voice low and full of...desire, longing. His face was tinted red as he stood up. "Umm....there is some tea....feel free to have some...I should go bathe myself now, most likely..." He tried to hide the bulge that was growing in his trousers from her as he prayed she wouldn't notice as he stood and left. He didn't think he could stay in that room for much longer without submitting to his want and desire to ravish her and make her his.
Once Aris mentioned something about her apparel she instantly turned bright red before shielding her breasts and turning away. "Uh... Thanks." She muttered loud enough for him to hear, her head sinking into her shoulders in awkwardness. She couldn't tell that he had a raging hard on since her eyes were trying their hardest to look away from him. She was so embarrassed she couldn't look at him directly into his hues.

"I'll grab me a cup, thanks for letting me know. Enjoy your bath." She responded with her back still facing him. She waited until he departed before she heaved a breath of relief before sitting down in the living room with a piping hot cup of tea. The sweet aroma infiltrated her flared nostrils as she inhaled the sweet scent. She blew on the liquid lightly before sipping on it graciously, savoring the flavor it left on her palate and taste buds.

The tea made her feel as if she were home, her right leg crossing over her left as she stared off into the distance with the cup secured firmly with both hands. Unlike Aris she had no need to peep out of the window to catch a glance at him. She was respectful and was simply accustomed to the way things were on Earth. She waited for him to finish cleaning up before she went to bed, or perhaps it would be best of she did to save her the embarrassment.
Aris took a quick bath. He knew if he stayed for too long his mind would wander to things it shouldn't. He used the time of cleaning to do his best to clear his mind and it worked mainly. By the time he was finished, he felt refreshed and while he still thought of Asuna, he no long had a raging hard on and his desires were much more under control and in check. Aris walked back into the living room, his hair still slightly wet as he only wore a robe now, his chest partially revealed to allow Asuna to see he was quite toned and in shape for being a mage.

"I hope you enjoyed the tea, Asuna. Allow me to show you to your room." He smiled, his demeanor and mannerisms seemingly back to normal from before. He led Asuna down the hallway to a room across from the one she had woken up in. "It's not much, but I hope you'll come to like it." He opened the door to reveal the guest bedroom. It was small, with a bed, a desk and chair and a bookshelf and closet, but it was a nice, cozy looking space as well.

"Do you need anything else before you retire for the evening, Asuna?" He asked her, his smile still in place as he wanted to make sure his guest had everything she needed before they turned it in for the night.
Asuna followed behind him with her hands folded in front of her thighs. She looked around the place as they paced towards the room, thinking to herself that he had a very nice place. Maybe when she gets the hang of things here she could have something like this herself. Her room was perfect for her. All she needed to do was sleep in the room, nothing more nothing less.

She bent over to run her hand over the bedsheets and she unknowingly showed the cheeks of her rare end to Aris. She didn't think twice about it and if he were to look he would see two perfectly rounded cups of flesh. The size fit her body type perfectly and made her waist and thighs big and juicy. She stood upright and turned to him, still unaware of what had just happened.

"Thanks so much. I'm probably going to sleep. I'm pretty exhausted after what happened today." She yawned before stretching her arms.
Aris got a perfect view of Asuna's rear, her two fleshy cheeks staring back up at him and showing of her lovely thighs and waist. It was enough to cause his hard on to instantly come back, a large bulge beginning to grow in his trousers. He gave Asuna a quick smile and a bow to hide his arousal from her. "Alright then, good night, Asuna. I'll see you in the morning...if you need me for anything, I'll be in my room. It's no trouble if you have to wake me. So, good night."

He gave her another quick smile, his cheeks tinted red as he quickly left the room, trying to catch his breath, as he made his way down to the rest room. It was all too much for the young man to bare, all theses hormones rushing through him...he simply had to relive himself.

Thus, he entered the restroom, only shutting the door partially because he believed Asuna to be in bed for the night. He stripped off his robe to reveal his nude body. He was very lean, and in shape, his muscles finely toned. His cock was by now, rock hard and fully erect, throbbing in want and need. He sat down on his toilet and let out a sigh as one of his hands grasped his cock and he started to jerk it, moving his hand up and down as he let out a soft moan as his other hand moved to rub and squeeze his balls.

"Ahhh....Asuna....you are so sexy...." He moaned softly as he stroked himself off faster, believing himself to be totally alone at the moment.
Asuna laid on her back in her bed as she stared at the ceiling. Her thoughts went towards the day she had and back on Aris. Despite what he had done to her he wasn't that bad of a guy at all. She hated to admit it but she caught a glimps of his bare chest in his robe and he was extremely attractive. She found herself fanning her face to try and dim down the hotness.

It always seemed like when she got comfortable enough to sleep she had to use the restroom. She really didn't want to get up but she found herself heaving her body up, twisting around so she would be sitting on the edge of the bed. Standing up she walked out the her bedroom towards the bathroom.. the house was dark and the small crack in the restroom was the only thing to guide her along the hallway. She thought it was a nightlight and not Aris occupying it.

Her feet landed softly on the carpeted floor as she walked towards it, not making a sound so Aris would be unaware that she was up. She approached the door and peeped into the door only to find a sight she had not expected.

Aris was in the flesh, his biceps enlarged as his wrist was at work on his... longer than average thickened cock. His abs tightened as he strained everything he had to jack himself off. She stood like a deer in the headlights, her eyes not seeming to want to look away. The heat between her legs intensified, her body quivering in shock as she didn't know what she should do next. She backed up, accidentally hitting slamming against the wall before she quickly darted back to her room, her heart racing violently in her chest.
Aris was so busy, focused on jacking himself off, stroking his large and throbbing cock and picturing all the things he wished to do to Asuna, that he didn't notice her watching him through the crack in the door. He could feel himself nearing his climax as the pressure in his cock began to grow and accumulate. His moans got louder as he called out Asuna's name more, perfectly audible to her. He did, however, he the bump when she left. His eyes darted to the source of the sound at once and he spotted the tail end of Asuna's hair vanish down the hall.

"Asuna...she was...watching me..." He muttered aloud, and the thoughts and ramifications of that seemed to be enough to send him over the edge. He let out a loud moan as he came, splattering his load of hot and sticky seed all over his hand and stomach, his cock still twitching and covered in his cum. He let out a sigh as he started to clean himself up, his cheeks a deep shade of red as he washed up.

"How am I ever going to explain that to her...." He muttered softly to himself.
Asuna slammed her door shut, her back laid against it as her hands placed themselves on it aswell. Her breathing was rapid and her heart couldn't stop racing. How was she going to look at him he same again. If she wouldn't of made a sound everything would've been okay. Now everything would be awkward.

"Maybe if I lie and say I never left my room he would believe me." She pondered to herself before walking over to her bed, quickly laying down and covering herself up. What was more weird about the encounter was he was meaning her name... why her name? Was this realm really that different from her own?

"Stop thinking about it!l she told herself as she hit herself on her head, trying to run the thoughts out of her head.
Aris finished cleaning himself up and he put his robes back on. He made sure to wash his hands well and he stared at himself in the mirror for a few moments before letting out a deep sigh. This was going to be weird in the morning for sure. He walked to his room, looking at the door to Asuna's room for a moment. Part of him just wanted to burst in and apologize, and to get the confrontation out of the way...but he was scared of what she might say right now.

Thus, he let out a small sigh and entered his room, closing the door and dropping down to his bed as he settled in for his slumber, as he tried to sleep away the thoughts of the beautiful woman who was in the bed in the room across the hall from him.
She laid motionless in her bed as she waited to see if Aris would come into her bedroom door. Thankfully he didn't because she heard his own bedroom door close. "Phew, what a relief." She breathed out as she sunk deeper into the covers, her entire body covered in the comfortable fabric.

It was hard to fall asleep, her thoughts running back to everything that had just happened. She played different scenarios inside of her head on how she would talk to him. She wasn't going to bring anything up and thought of ways to respond if he did mention anything to her. She had a feeling that he would apologize but it was still uncertain if he would or not.

The thoughts caused her mind to run in overdrive and before she knew it she passed out from exhaustion, sleeping soundly until the morning light broke through the blinds in her bedroom. She gradually opened her eyes before squinting as the runs rays emitted its light into her eyes. Yawning and stretching her stiffened muscles she got out of bed and sat up by the edge of it.

Asuna was unsure if she should go out there by herself or wait to hear if Aris was up. She sat there thinking about it for a minute until she got up and decided to go and sit in the living room. Indeed she woke up before him but she didn't mind. "Maybe if I cook some breakfast maybe it'll relieve the tension in the air." She hummed to herself as her feet pivoted around to move towards the kitchen. She would cook bacon, eggs, toast, and had a fruit cup with orange juice waiting on the kitchen table. She fixed him a plate and sat it where he sat last time, eating silently to herself as she waited for him to come and join her.
Aris awoke from a dreamless slumber, feeling relaxed and at ease. The memories of last night still ran through his mind quite vividly, but he was at peace with them. He would just admit to Asuna what he was doing and apologize for allowing her to see such a thing is all. He stood from his bed and stretched, the smell of breakfast making his mouth water as he walked out of his room and into the living room, clad in his robe.

He saw Asuna eatting and gave her a small smile. "Good morning, Asuna. I hope you slept well...breakfast smells amazing this morning, I'm grateful." He bowed to her as he moved to begin to brew himself some coffee. Once he had his beverage of choice, he sat down and began to eat, letting out a blissful sigh from the amazing flavor of the food as he drank his coffee. "This is quite good....you are an amazing cook." He paid compliments to the chief. Once he had eatten a bit however, he paused for a moment.

"You....saw what happened last night, didn't you? I apologize for not shutting the door fully and allowing you to witness such a thing..." Aris blushed as he couldn't look Asuna in the eye as he apologized for the fiasco last night.
Asuna was in mid bite as he decided to bring up the damned topic of discussion. She held the food in her mouth, speechless, but tried to play it off cool and swallowed her meal before responding back. She inhaled deeply, preparing.

"Hmm? I have no idea what you're talking about?" She played it off dumb, cocking her head to the side like a confused puppy. "I was in bed the entire night after you departed. You sure you weren't seeing things? I thought I heard something bang last night, maybe someone tried to get in. Like those demons when we first met?"

Hopefully he would buy into it but she wasn't too certain. Her poker face was pretty good.
"Now Asuna...there is no need to lie. I can control time, remember. I was able to clearly see it was you after I manipulated time abit..." Aris blushed as he rubbed the back of his head, calling her out on her lie.

"I'm not sure how it is in your realm, but here, I shouldn't have allow you to see me doing that....it was very rude of me as a host and I apologize." He bowed deeply, hoping she could understand and forgive him.
Fuck. She forgot all about that. Damn it. What to do... what to do... she was at a dead end now. She sighed before shaking her head. "You caught me." Was all she could manage to say for the moment before she continued onward.

"It was my fault. I saw the light on and I should've known it was someone in there but I also assumed it was a nightlight. I shouldn't of have watched as long as I did but I was so nervous that I couldn't move." She scratched the back of her head lightly before clearing her theist.

"I don't know if you guys are okay with that here or not but on Earth that's a big no!" She took another bite of her food, finishing it off before getting up and grabbing the plates to begin washing them. "I have to be honest, though. Why were you moaning my name? It made it very awkward..."
Aris just blushed more as he looked away from Asuna with his tinted cheeks. "Well....self pleasure here is openly accepted, you just aren't suppose to let people see you doing it, it's rather embarrassing for both parties...as we both now know...." Aris continued to drink his coffee as he watched Asuna beginning to clean up the dishes. It was an alluring sight...the way she moved, she had such grace. At her question, he just blushed even more, his face as red as a ripe tomato.

"Well...when one indulges in such things...one often likes to envision being with a person whom they find very beautiful or have affection for..." Aris muttered slightly, unable to say it straight and out loud. I mean, they had just met yesterday, but his raging hormones from not having been with a girl for so long had made him find Asuna attractive to the point of self-pleasure...especially when the only thing she was wearing was his shirt.
Asuna's cheeks grew hot as he described why he was calling her name. So, he had an attraction for her? They just met! She placed her hand on her forehead and stared at the dishes in wondering. "Well, I'm flattered to hear that you are attracted to me but that's very quick!" She rubbed the back of her head shyly, not knowing how to end this awkward conversation. As she cleaned the dishes she dropped a fork on the ground. She knelt down and grabbed it, her ass showing again to him unknowingly until she felt a small breeze. Quickly she jumped up but didn't look behind her. She'd act as if she didn't notice what had happened.

"So, what are we going to do today Aris?" She asked as she began to dry the dishes off with a clean towel. Her hands began to grab the plates and put them where they belonged, closing the cabinet shut after she had finished putting them up. "I don't know what you had planned."
"Well....you are a very beautiful, intelligent and charming woman, Asuna. I don't see how I couldn't be attracted to you." He smiled meekly as he rubbed the back of his head. He saw Asuna flashing him her ass once again and his face was red once more, his hormones running wild as he felt himself starting to become hard underneath his robes once more.

When asked what he was doing today, Aris shrugged and drank his coffee. "I have some stuff with the Mage Association I need to get taken care of...after that, I figured I could help you shop and show you how to accept quests, if you'd like?" He asked her with a small smile as he stood up and helped her prepare to clean off the dishes as well, not wanting her to do all the work by herself. He was the host, after all.
"How long is it going to take you at the Mage Association?" Asuna asked as her head turned around to look at Aris. "Thanks for helping, by the way. I don't mind doing it alone. I enjoy cooking and cleaning. I did it a lot on my home realm." She frowned slightly as thoughts of her home and past life flooded her with emotions. She wished she could go back but right now she had a duty here. Another thought ran through about how her family and friends reacted to her disappearance.

"I really need some clothes." She groaned as she pinched the fabric of his shirt on her body, wanting to wear something more fitting for her and get some new undergarments. She didn't want to flash him again. That was so embarrassing.
"It shouldn't take too terribly long. Barring anything major, I should be back by early this evening, leaving us with plenty of time to shop and what not." Aris smiled as he finished cleaning up the dishes and putting them away. "I don't mind helping either, Asuna. I am the host after all..." He tried to make Asuna stop thinking about her home realm and gave her a smile as he moved towards his room.

"We should have plenty of time by the time I get home, so just relax for the day, okay?" He called out from his room as he got changed into a set of his everyday robes like he had worn yesterday. He grabbed his staff from the corner of the room, it was finely polished and very ornate. "If you do need anything while I'm gone though, Asuna. Just go to the Guild Hall. I'm sure they can help you out, and of course, feel free to anything in the house. Have a good day, Asuna." With a large smile, he tossed her a key to the house and then left, closing the door behind him.
She nodded at Aris as he handed her the keys to his home, waving him farewell. "Take care and safe travels. I'll see you when you get back." And before she knew it she found herself alone. "First off I need to get my rapier and to finally get some quick cash." She sighed out as she placed her hands on her hips as the key dangled from her index finger. She couldn't go outside in the outfit she wore now so she had no choice but to slip on her uniform. It felt uncomfortable wearing it without undergarments but she had no room to complain.

Asuna's first stop was heading towards the blacksmith to pick up her weapon of choice. She explained how Aris made the order for her and that she was here to pick it up and they willingly gave it to her before bidding her farewell. Her hands held the piece of metal as her own reflection could be spotted on the slicked piece of violence. It was an exact replica of her own sword and it had a bittersweet feeling linger inside of her chest.

As she strolled around town she tried to find quick business. There wasn't anything quick and if there was the cash was in very small amounts. The day already wasn't looking to slim for her and she continued to walk from town to town. Asuna found herself thirty minutes away from Aris's home in a nearby town called Kyto. The architecture looked different and you could tell you were in a different village.

A small sign with bold black font was posted besides the entrance of a building. There was a small sign dangling from the entrance in a unique language she had never saw before. She assumed it was a restaurant or some sort. The sign posted in the small patch of grass said "Work today and make over 1,000 Gold!" Well, it seemed sketchy but she had nowhere else to look for work. She opened the entrance and was surrounded in pure darkness and dim lighting. The more she walked inside the more she could see as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting.

There were poles and cages spread everywhere, girls twirling and dancing and comforting men. Did she happen to walk into a... Brothel?! Before she had time to exit an older man wrapped his hand around her shoulder and pulled her close.

"Hey sweetie, I take it you read the sign?" He ask as he held a big cigar in between his teeth, blowing a puff of smoke in the opposite direction. "No paperwork necessary. We have a huge amount of travelers coming here today and we are low on girls. Mind helping us out? They pay well." She gritted her teeth back and forth as she thought of what she should do. Aris wouldn't know anything about this since she was far away from his house and he wouldn't come this far. Perhaps she could do this unscathed. Besides, she didn't know anyone here. What did she have to lose?

"Okay, I suppose..." She shyly said until the older man gripped her tightly and laughed boisterously.

"Great!!! Come with me and I will lead you to the back. There's outfits for you and all you have to do is dance and favor men. Don't worry, they aren't allowed to do anything to you. You're just eye candy. The dirty work goes to the experienced girls who actually work here." He calmed her of her worries. They stopped at the back entrance that read 'Employees Only' and he waved her farewell. "You'll do great honey, I'll see you soon!" He winked before walking away and greeted some fellas who walked into the door.

She went into the back and started to browse through the clothing, finding a swimsuit that looked modest yet attractive at the same time. She slipped into the piece, thankfully her being the first one to wear it. She tied her hair in a braid with a pink bow at the top before heading out the door, finding guys already having their eyes glued on her frame. She was scared and didn't feel confident in her moves but she attempted anyways. Her palms gripped at the pole at the spotlight shined down on her frame, the shadows and lighting showing her curves in all of the right places. It seemed like all of the guys crowded around her area as her hips began to swing and her back rubbing up and down the slick pole.

Gold was being tossed on her station left and right, the coins jingling as they clanked on the post of her pole. Her hair whipped around, her hands exploring her body as she got the hang of how to perform in front of the guys. It was easier to tell what they liked and what they didn't, depending on the way they stared at her and the loads of money they gave her.
While the men were indeed tossing money at a good rate at Asuna due to her naturally beauty and looks, she could tell by observing other dancers nearby that the rate picked up quite a bit if they were naked, stripping or touching themselves in intimate spots. Indeed, men were giving her more money whenever her hands slithered near her breasts or crotch...or whenever she made a more erotic or exotic move with the pole.

Aris walked into the brothel with a heavy sigh. Between the crap he had put up with with the Mage Association and having been around Asuna and having his pent up desires and lust bottled up, he needed to come here and unwind for awhile. Still, as he walked in, his eyes were naturally drawn towards one platform...where none other than his housemate and objects of desires was currently dancing and showing herself off to all the men. Aris didn't actually get jealous; after all, in this realm, open relationships and expression were common place. Still, he felt envious of the people who had been here for her whole show. He sat in a corner, close enough to see but far enough away so he wasn't easily noticeable. His eyes were glued onto her perfect curves, following her breasts and ass as he was eager to see what she would do next.
Since Asuna was new at this task she had to look around to see what the other girls around her were doing to get all of the money. One girl was topless while another was topless yet had a thong on. The girls that did get fully undressed went into pleasure rooms located towards the back. The last one she definitely didn't want to do. She already felt uncomfortable about doing this, but it was kind of fun and an easy way to make some quick cash.

She reached behind her to unfasten the ties on her bikini fabric that hung behind her. It was an accessory that was just for looks, and now all she wore was her top and bottom. The perfect curves of her ass were now noticeable, the guys whistling and tossing some extra cash her way. Alright, this was working out pretty swell, Asuna thought to herself.

Her hands wrapped behind her as she started to untie the knot that held her bathing suit top in place, her hips swaying to the music as the arch in her back rubbed up against the pole. Before the crowd knew it the bikini top was off and pooled by her feet. They shouted as her nice and perfectly rounded breasts were finally displayed, her hands outlining the shape before giving them a tight and teasing squeeze.
The crowd let out a loud cheer as Asuna's top fell her to expose her round and perky breasts to the room of lustful and wanting men. Their cocks grew hard in their trousers; all Asuna would have to do would be to look do to see that would be the case. Some even had their hands down their trousers and were jerking themselves off. It wasn't an uncommon sight if Asuna looked around, many other men were doing that to the sight of the other dancers.

More and more money came Asuna's way, but it seemed some of them were still holding back just a bit....some of them wanted to see her touch herself more...some wanted to see the bottom vanish as well. Indeed, if Asuna looked, there were a number of girls who were completely nude who were not getting taken back to the pleasure room. No doubt other temporary dances like her who had been promised just dancing and nothing else.

Aris continued to watch, licking his lips from his corner, taking in the sight of Asuna's breasts as she swayed and danced around the pole...searing the erotic sight into his memories for eternity.
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