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Random Info About You

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Fact: The conversation I had with my best friend ended today with me saying "Cut my wrists and watch my soul seep into the carpet"... dun worry anyone, it was a fun time and that line in particular was supposed to be a joke. Thought it was just worth repeating.
FACT: Akuma's 15 year old brother ust got released from the hospital this evening and now wants to have an IV in his penis.

FACT: Akuma is seriously getting sick of certain people's drama.
AkumaTsuki said:
FACT: Akuma's 15 year old brother ust got released from the hospital this evening and now wants to have an IV in his penis.

FACT: Akuma is seriously getting sick of certain people's drama.

hope your brother is ok
Info: I hate how people assume my weight issue is from me sitting around (which prolly doesn't help).
I've got damn diseases you douche-whores!
If the people I'm talking about weren't so fucking retarded, maybe I'd explain it to them.. but just looking at the black stares and drooling faces just make me want to blow my brains out.

This is what happens when dumb people reproduce.
Fact: I wonder why he wants an IV in his penis. Regardless, I hope that he is alright.

Fact: I finished an awesome picture of one of my RP characters. I love me sometimes.
Thanks Guys. As long as he drinks shit tons of fluids he should be ok.
FACT: Aku's brother was so dehydrated it was mimicing a heart condition. He was hospitalized for his BP and pulse ox dropping quickly and sever chest pains/erratic heart rates.

FACT: Dehydration is a bitch.
FACT: Aku and Pretty are doing a Miskatonic Uni RPG.
FACT: It is kinda funny.

DrArtemis: That fellow West has been in here a few times...
prettylykSIN: Has he? Now there's a man I'd like to get to know.
Akumatsuki: I haven't met a man you wouldn't like to know...
Akumatsuki: *snickers*
prettylykSIN: [snickers and eyes Aku] I'm not sure whether I should say thank you, or slap you.
Fact: I am having a nasty, nasty breakout. My zits are actually purple. FUCKING PURPLE. Adult acne... ew.

I hate, hate, HATE the fact that every time I return home to my apartment, I have to park so goddamn far from where I live. It's getting cold, you know? D:<
  • It's five in the morning and I find myself suddenly watching a Pediatric Nasal Saline Flush/Rinse; how the hell did I end up on that corner of Youtube? [/list:u]
Fact: Has had two hours sleep.
Fact: Used to crochet and knit.
Fact: Has not done either in years and frankly misses doing it now and then.
Fact: Dislocated left shoulder this morning.
Fact: Had to put it back by herself.
Fact: Felt like cussing like a sailor about to hit up a storm in supposedly calm waters.
Fact: Has finally figured out how to make images links, and his siggy goes to his RH now. : D
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