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Sales woman.
50% discount on all items in store...
I love leather. <3
It's a per hour job.
But yeah.
It'll be effin awesome. A bit of a commute, but it's worth it.
Haha, yup.
I just hope they don't ask me to wear heels...
I'd fall over and die..
Fact: Oopsie. That is what I get for reading only the last few posts! Anyway, I am sure that you'll get it!
I hope I get it too. :)
Thank you~!

Info: I dislike people who are disrespectful about Remembrance Day.
My mother is over seas so that those lazy fuckers can sit on their asses and play Modern War Fare 2, and they don't even have the respect to sit for an hour and listen?
Fact: I need to vent but don't know where...or to who...
Fact: Seriously I hate feeling fucking confused and mixed up....
Fact: I really just want to lay down and never wake the fuck up...Seems like sometimes I'm not even worth it..
Fact: I can't even fucking think straight and it pisses me off >_>
Fact: Oh yes, it is a holiday for veterans today. I completely forgot. Weird, seeing how I am in fact a soldier. How my memory does get the best of me.
Fact: Really hate how people judge for no damn reason
Fact: If you don't know a person don't judge them by their past mistakes or by what other people judge them by
Fact: Seriously I'm sick of people not believing me on shit I say..Really get to know a damn person before you judge them for god sakes
Fact: I'm irritated right now..
Fact: Wanting to make a PVP topic but not going to since I want to control myself.​
People judge past events because history has repeated itself many times over.

I called in to work today, again. Meh, I hate being sick.
Fact: I was offered a job as a "beer rep," meaning I would dress in a miniskirt and hang out at bars, harassing people into drinking my brand. At 20/hr, I'm considering it very seriously.
Fact #2: I am a wicked shot with a pistol, but useless with a rifle.
Fact #3: I need more friends.
Info: My job called and said I missed a shift... that I wasn't booked.
So I'm pissed.
I'm like.... THIS CLOSE >| |< to setting fire to McDonalds. Srsly.
You dumb mother fuckers. if you're going to NOT give me any shifts, you better fucking remember, that you gave me no FUCKING shifts.
My night has been ruined.
Fact: The above mention of McDonald's made me crave a five-piece Chicken Select meal, so I went to get one. And then they made me pull over and wait for ten minutes until I got my food. As a bonus, they added two selects, two McChickens, and two apple pies.

Info: I remembered seeing someone with the title "Additional Pylons" and I thought of them when I was in the mall today and saw a store called PYLONS...
Fact: Planning for next's years Ikasucon is already a pain. I'm thinking about booking the hotel in February since the con is in July....But I really don't know....Hnm...
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