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Random Info About You

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Fact: I am pretty tired right now but I want to reply to all of my RPs before I hit the ol' fart sack.
Fact: The ideal 'full night' sleep for me lasts 10-12 hours. {I'm such a cat ;;}
Fact #2: Lately this 'ideal' sleep pattern has not been achieved in 3 weeks on my days off
Fact #3: I have sleep apnea on one hand :/
Fact #4: On the other people call me in the middle of the night {2, 3, 4 AM} and therfore pretty much wake me up the rest of the day.
Fact #5 this is the 8th day in a row that I have been up before the sun has V_V
Fact: just came from a Nickelback concert it was really awesome next up is green day concert then ACDC concert ^_^
Fact: I am very tired as well but have been for awhile. *kicks self* Stupid anxiety. Also going to have a pizza party with some close friends. Should be fun.
Fact: I dislike having to poke people about roleplays but I am finding that I might have to do so in a few days for certain partners. Nag. Nag. Nag. Nag.
Vivid Fizz said:
Fact: I dislike having to poke people about roleplays but I am finding that I might have to do so in a few days for certain partners. Nag. Nag. Nag. Nag.

-wonders if that is directed at him- >_>
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