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Fact: I wish that the one fan based roleplay I am reading (yes, I lurk) will get a new post soon. The two RPers are quite good and it is a pairing that I have always fancied despite how impossible it would be.
Who are you lurking? I am curious!

Fact: I no longer see days of the week as days of the week; Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, etcetera. I have come to see them as either New FMA Day(Friday!) or Days of Sadness.
Vivid Fizz said:
Fact: I wish that the one fan based roleplay I am reading (yes, I lurk) will get a new post soon. The two RPers are quite good and it is a pairing that I have always fancied despite how impossible it would be.

Oooooh, I love lurking!
Which one are you following?
I think everybody lurks a little, even if only when checking out potential partners. Sometimes it's quite worthwhile on its own merits.

I've received some compliments here and there, and at least one friend casually mentioned she was using one of my RPs for masturbatory purposes. I felt odd with that one.
Mr Master said:
I think everybody lurks a little, even if only when checking out potential partners. Sometimes it's quite worthwhile on its own merits.

I've received some compliments here and there, and at least one friend casually mentioned she was using one of my RPs for masturbatory purposes. I felt odd with that one.

Fact: this is a little awkward.

Also, I lurk most my partners. I find a request thread that I like, then lurk some of their roleplays to see what them posting is actually like. Or, in one or two cases, I lurked an rp and like it so much that I search out the request thread myself to see about starting a roleplay.
Fact: I like to tell people that, even though I'm from the south, I don't have an accent.
Even truer fact: But I kind of do.
:eek: -egads!-
Anjeru said:
Mr Master said:
I've received some compliments here and there, and at least one friend casually mentioned she was using one of my RPs for masturbatory purposes. I felt odd with that one.
Fact: this is a little awkward.

I didn't say it was bad. Just odd. The idea that my prose can be enjoyed like that without my knowledge... I suppose it's a little like the cyber equivalent of having sex in public.

Which... hmm, now there's something I've never actually tried...
Mr Master said:
Anjeru said:
Mr Master said:
I've received some compliments here and there, and at least one friend casually mentioned she was using one of my RPs for masturbatory purposes. I felt odd with that one.
Fact: this is a little awkward.

I didn't say it was bad. Just odd. The idea that my prose can be enjoyed like that without my knowledge... I suppose it's a little like the cyber equivalent of having sex in public.

Which... hmm, now there's something I've never actually tried...
Me either xD
Fact: Nostalgia seems to be hitting a lot of people of late.
Fact: Wants to meet someone in person who has really, REALLY sharp canine teeth, and knows how to actually USE them.
Fact: Apparently I make my mom look ten years younger and is apparently her sister. I wonder if that means I look 10 years older x-X
Fact: Is recovering from cold
Fact: Is pissed off that the day he missed swing dance( which said to have a number of many many beautiful girls since midterms were out) while recovering from said cold
Fact: is suspicious of that fact that he's missing one hour in his pay check
Fact: is going to work tonight...
Info: I'm sick.
Oh-so very sick.
I will never again eat Sushi.
Ever. Ever. Again.

Sadly, I can't even vomit to stop feeling shitty.
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