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Random Info About You

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Info: Due to stupid drivers that are foreign to Salem, I was twenty minutes late to work and then some person tried to ask me where a certain building was and I told her in so many words where it was and she still didn't get it and all I could respond with was, "I have to go to work." And kept on walking.​
Fact: I am currently watching Hocus Pocus on youtube. A great movie, even if it is supposed to be directed at children.
Info: I'm at work and someone tried to start a fight with me in chat of all places. I'm ignoring it for now since it's not worth my time. I AM ALMOST DONE WITH WORK. WOOOOOOOOO​
FACT: Akuma has been asked "who the hell she was" earlier today when she admitted she turned down the topless chick molesting her yesterday and the offer of an orgy with attractive people....
Wow I thought those types offers came in movies >_<

Fact: Found out I have no brandy left D:
Info: I have a high tolerance for PDA in a variety of formats, from RL all the way to text.

Info: There's such a thing as too much of a good thing, however.

Info: There's the phenomenon where a couple tunes out everybody else and just gets all shnooky-wookums wuvvy-dovey with each other, and damn whoever is made uncomfy or bored by the process. When Deep Space Nine was being broadcast, we used to call that the Delta Quadrant Phenomenon.

Info: It's perfectly acceptable, when a couple is in the Delta Quadrant, to pretty much ignore them for your own sanity. In a text format, this can be accomplished by the actual ignore function.

Info: If they don't want to be ignored, maybe the couple ought to privatize their public displays, whether by getting a room or trading IM addresses, depending on context.
  • Fact: Doesn't know what he want to eat, but is considering two, foot long hoagies from the Wawa. [/list:u]
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