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I saw Vivid's Gaia account on... Gaia. xD

I also have a new avatar and siggy, woot!
Fact: Vivid's Gaia account on Gaia is super sexy. She is currently working on an avatar right now. Not turning out that well.
My boob popped out in a book store today. I put it back in place and said "you're welcome." :cool:

ok not rly, but I did have an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction in Barnes & Noble. No nip though, just bra.

yeah, that's all. what an interesting anecdote, I KNOW.
Here's a neat little exercise that bore unexpected benefit for me today.

So, in William Gibson's "Neuromancer" (probably -the- genre-defining cyberpunk novel), there was a sequence where Miss Molly is wearing this rig that transmits her sensory data to her netrunner guy. It's a similar idea as was explored in the Kathryn Bigelow film "Strange Days" (with Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett).

So occasionally, I find myself imagining what it would be like if my sensory data were being transmitted/recorded for someone else, and I was aware of it. What would I show them? What do I do, what do I notice?

On my trip home from work, biking my nearly 7 mile short route (still working up to my long route on this heavier bike I now have), I fell into that kind of active participatory daydream, and with my music rolling, I thought about what I was doing, what I was seeing, how another person might view it. Thoughts aren't translated, just senses, but you could mouth words and communicate to your "observer." And I realized how my eyes wandered around, how it was kind of cool how I kept an awareness of my environment with peripheral vision, how I looked at the people on the street that I passed. And I thought about doing a kind of "tour" of my route, intentionally gazing at little moments of beauty I encountered.

I found myself looking at it with new eyes. It was a mental shift; when imagining that someone else would be sharing my viewpoint, I paid more attention to that viewpoint, noticing the same things with new eyes, and noticing even the way I noticed things!

I recommend the experiment. It's fun, harmless, imaginative, and you might notice things about your everyday routine that you would otherwise overlook.

Random enough for you?
Tonight was fan-fucking-tastic.
Oh, I'll tell you why!

Wait, no I won't
When I'm scruffy..women chat me up like mad, when I'm clean shaven not a peep...I wonder why?
FACT: Today is new comic book day.
FACT: Akuma is chomping at the bit for this Saturday...It's rape...err Ren Fair and she's going in a new sex-tacular costume.
FACT: Yes sex-tacular is a real word....
FACT: Akuma will totally take pics tonight and this weekend.
FACT: Aku got a new expansion for her SD micro to start uploading pics again.
Fact: I wish greatly to bludgeon someone in the face...a particular someone. Damn him.
FACT: If Akuma wasnn't currently moving and needed the money she would be so quitting her job after today.
FACT: Aku got her ass handed to her at least 8 different ways by as many people inless than two hours.
FACT: Aku has been at the office just under 10 hours and worked all the way trhough those 10 hours, but will only be paid for 8 of them.
FACT: Aku has no idea when she will be able to leave this fucking hell hole.
FACT: Aku is stressed and venting because she was supposed to be at comics and dinner with her SO right now.
*gives Aku nummy cookies* I am sorry that things aren't going well. Hopefully a better job will turn up.

Fact: I am so angry that I found out about Dracula's Ball in Philadelphia on Halloween too late to actually make plans to head up there. Damn. Not that big of a problem but it annoys the living donkey nuts out of me.
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