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Random Info About You

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Fact:I think youre awesome

I am at work 19/hr to play games and listen
FACT: Akuma never dates guys her own age or within a few years of her own age. She likes them older and always has.

FACT: Akuma plans to have steampunk themed wedding.

FACT: Akuma plans to switch to being a cougar as soon as she's old enough just to torment and make barely legal boys cry.
*Is blond and has big boobs.* o wo; I don't get many guys who fall head over heels for me or try to get my attention. At least, I don't think so. But then again, I really don't try to put myself out there for that purpose. xD; After a few bad relationships, I've realized that it's better to go with the flow then try to stress or rush a relationship. I like being under the radar when it comes to that stuff.

I think that Panda is pretty much the most awesomest cat ever. x3
AkumaTsuki said:
Mr Master said:
Well, yeah, if you want to attract a bunch of idiots, get yourself those two things.
Are you saying only Idiots are attracted to me and my huge boobs MM?
Absolutely not. However, I -AM- saying that you're going to get a percentage that's attracted -JUST- because of the boobs, and that percentage is comprised of idiots.

Same thing with the lustrous blonde hair.

Basically, people who are attracted to other people solely on the basis of physical characteristics? Are not smart.
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