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I wish I had a microbrewery. No, I have a personal use set up. I make five gallons at a time. You, too, can make 5 gallons of delicious beer at a time for approximately $30 USD in materials with only a small $100 USD investment in supplies. However, there are ancillary costs*.

[rant]* you realize it's a bitch to actually scrub the bottles with brushes so you buy a $12 doohickey that turns your faucet into a high power, steaming hot pressure hose this is of course after you've already started blanching at just how expensive reusable glass bottles are so you figure fuck it I'll just buy more pop top beers I'll only have buy five half racks of beer and well at this point you're looking at your wallet going I just spent seventy fucking dollars on commercial beer so that I could get bottles for my homebrew oh my god what the fuck is the point of this then your first batch comes out and you know and after that you're like oh shit this is reusable but now I have to buy the caps and the doohickey to actually cap the beer** so it remains sanitary so I don't get sick RAGERAGERAGE but then you drink some beer and it's suddenly better because you're probably brewing something that tastes better than guinness and is at about 9% alcohol by volume and you have five fucking gallons of it
** this is after you've figured out that you can't use your rubber carpentry hammer to whack the caps back on the bottles because as it turns rubber really does beat glass in any way period and now there's glass and lagunitas everywhere [/rant]
Yeah, it sucks that they'll let you brew your own beer, but will bust your ass if you try to do anything with it other then drink it in your house.

I remember one time Willy Nelson made moon shine and brought it to a party in a mason jar and had everyone drink out of it. It was kind of gross. I imagine there was enough celebrity back wash in there to be worth a fortune on e-bay, even though nothing could live in that much straight alcohol.
Fact: We're finally getting some rain~
Fact: Thinking about taking a nap.
Fact: I hope things get better.
Fact: People that need to drink a lot more to get drunk are more likely to get alcohol poisoning.

So technically you guys are less likely to die while drinking!
H a r r i e t said:
Yay for breathing!

Fact; I'm still not awake. Totally walking zombie right now. -.-
nuuu, you can't be a zombie, I have a strict no doing it with zombies policy
plz dun turn me into a necrophiliac T_T
Fact: I have an High alcohol tolerance. >.>; My friend even noticed that I get a higher proof Vodka than most and I still don't get drunk xD; even after about 7 or 8 drinks. Lulz. I'm the one who drinks mixed drinks when we go to ze bar xD
Fact: I have blue hazel eyes.
Fact: I HAVE A TV. SO I put on my favorite Movie/musical of all time~
Fact: Sweeney Todd is EPICNESS. However the movie doesn't do my favorite song JUSTICE.

How about General?
With or Without his Privates?...With is Extra~
H a r r i e t said:
My eyes are blue. Or gray? I... don't even really know anymore .__.

Fact; I think I'm in love with my room mate's Brother. He just delivered a Tim Horton's Ice Cap to my bedroom door.

They still owe you bacon!
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