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Random Info About You

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Fact: Manual Shift > Automatic.
Fact: My mom's results came out Negative. I'm ecstatic <3
Fact: I still can't believe you take his word over mine.~
Fact: I want to actually have lunch/dinner whatever with somebody and not be told at the last minute they're not coming afterall even though they asked you to go to begin with.
Fact: The fact this is a GAY MAN who told me this makes it that much worse.
Fact: Putting together gifts for my guildmates. I'm gonna mail them out later.
Fact: Nobody's perfect. ~_~
Fact: this puppet believes than his life is slowly going down, but hopefully will it all be better soon
Fact: i dont have the heart to tell him i fake half ot it...
Fact: dances when no one is watchin
Fact: should REALLY pay more attention to this school crap.. x_x
Fact: I might have contemplated 7 different ways of how to kill someone in the past hour.
Fact: this said person took an hour and a half lunch - therefore the person who was supposed to cover my lunch, and another girl's lunch had to cover HER entire lunch.
Fact: I really want to shread her to pieces over this considering I had been on my feet nonstop for over 6 hours.
Fact: My lower back feels like its wound up on a spring, and almost is as bad as New Year's where I couldn't even sit up without crying in sheer agony.
Fact: I need a backrub. Like mad soon. :/
Fact: I know the difference between 'don't think' and 'don't' thank you. You should learn the difference between tactfull customer service -where I helped you look for something I know we didn't have- and a blatent 'no we don't gots it kthxbye.' Also learn not to try arguing with me in font of your fake ass Valley Girl girlfriend least you want to get owned again.
Fact: Patrons hate when you patronize them apparently.

Random Facts!
Fact: I hate limping everywhere. Just want my foot to get better.
Fact: After not knowing them for all of my life, I met my Father's side of the family. Happy 19th birthday to me~
Fact: I still can't believe I have 3 sisters.
Fact: I will never find someone that made me as happy as you did.
Fact: Not being able to see the future is extremely inconvenient for me.

-the end-
Fact: Driving Sparky in this kind of weather was pseudo-hazardous to my health.
Fact: Saw way too many accidents on the way to mom's house
Fact: I'm spending the next few days here <3 FREE INTERWEBS
Fact: I had a severe bout of Nostalgia from late 90s/early 00s when I heard a song I haven't heard in years played on the radio at work.
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