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Random Info About You

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A lot of people never realize the things that make a person really interesting and unique and worth knowing are usually the things that make them stand out in a crowd. The eccentricities, the quirks, the bizarre knowledge and odd skills. The stuff that makes you happy, even if nobody else gets it. Sometimes BECAUSE nobody else gets it.

You don't get to be a great storyteller at a party, for example, without experiencing things that make great stories, and the go-with-the-crowd, just-fit-in types rarely do that sort of thing. Their stories are about what everyone else does, except there was this really odd or unusual thing or person that happened. They don't get that they could be the odd or unusual person who has interesting stuff happen to them ALL THE TIME.

This is the problem with conformity: it's stifling. Creative, interesting people don't conform. They can, it's possible, but when they're doing the unusual thing they do, they choose not to. I think it's sad that your former friends chose group identity over individuality, Vespers. I bet they even think they're being individuals when they, I don't know, buy their "out there" clothes from the same store at the mall as everyone else in their crowd.

It would be useful if you learned how to work with different crowds so you could have the social interaction you crave, my dear, but you clearly don't want to sacrifice what makes you unique just to fit in. And you shouldn't. But just as I'm sure of that, I'm also reasonably sure you can't be the only person near you who's suffering from the same issues as you. Maybe you can figure out how to make your own crowd of similar interesting people? But that's entirely up to you and your motivations -- I'll just offer you a big e-hug and tell you I've been there, I understand, and reassure you that situations are not always as they seem when we're in the middle of them. That's supposed to give you hope that something unexpected could happen (because it always could, that's the point of 'unexpected').
Fact: I have friends
Fact: They are just amazingly pigheaded at times and for being such open minded people, can be close minded.
Fact: I am going through an emotional time right now.
Fact: I am mourning my father at the moment. Not expecting him to survive this latest development.
Fact: It's fine
Fact: I am just insanely upset with my 'friend' too
Fact: She just took her bad mood out on me.
Fact: Should be getting ready.
Fact: Needs to pull up her Drill schedule.
Fact: Needs to move out of this place
*cuddles battleship*
yours is for sickness stuff tho... so that's worse really. mine is for baby stuff. XD
it just sucks b/c i'll have to wake my son up early from his nap and that's never fun.
and since i couldn't get an earlier appt, the wait tends to be longer... which means an ornery 2 yr old. =/
-cuddles into-
Doesn't sound like a fun time at all D: poor baby has to wake up early :(
I went to get re-bandaged, actually XD Just started shooting pain again randomly this morning.
Fact: The college I contacted about game design contacted me back. Yay!
Fact: The college I contacted about fashion design contacted me back. Yay!
Fact: None of the places I applied at for a job contacted me. Boo urns.
Fact: This all has to happen on the day that I need to get ready for drill.
Fact: I have yet to do my local taxes. Just realized it was the fourteenth.
Fact: Well, fuck.
My nipples feel a little sore today, but not in a painful way. Its actually kind pleasant when I run my hand of my shirt. Oh good memories.
Fact: off to kickboxing to relieve some serious stress

Fact:I feel sorry for the punching bag that gets in my way today.
Fact: I woke up to a text that made me feel better.
Fact: Then the fracture sunk in again. ><
Fact: I'm about to do some light upper body yoga.
Fact: Laid down for a minute.
Fact: Ended up sleeping two hours.
Fact: Woke up to a text that made my whole day.
Fact: Yay waking up nicely!
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