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Random Info About You

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Rofl, never took it offensively to begin with.
I knew what was going on from the get go XD But people can vouch for my sense of humor, which makes me go along with these things just to get a laugh out of ppl ;3
Fact: I hide my mouth when I eat snake;
Fact: ... once told my father I had ... to piss him off, but never confessed I lied;
Fact: ... faked having an orgasm for the first eight months I was having sex, because I had no idea what one felt like or how to get my guy to make it happen;
Fact: ... had my first orgasm in the shower by myself;
Fact: ... can go without sex for months and not miss it;
Fact: ... think I probably should delete this list.
Jaijin said:
Fact: I hide my mouth when I eat snake;
Fact: ... once told my father I had ... to piss him off, but never confessed I lied;
Fact: ... faked having an orgasm for the first eight months I was having sex, because I had no idea what one felt like or how to get my guy to make it happen;
Fact: ... had my first orgasm in the shower by myself;
Fact: ... can go without sex for months and not miss it;
Fact: ... think I probably should delete this list.
Nah, it's a good list. And very to the point of this thread in the first place. So well done.

Also? I can be abstinent for months (and years, actually), and yet I always miss it. Hell, I miss it mere minutes after it's over, even when I'm spongy and tender.
Mr Master said:
Also? I can be abstinent for months (and years, actually), and yet I always miss it. Hell, I miss it mere minutes after it's over, even when I'm spongy and tender.

Fact: I read your stories.
Battleship44 said:
Rofl, never took it offensively to begin with.
I knew what was going on from the get go XD But people can vouch for my sense of humor, which makes me go along with these things just to get a laugh out of ppl ;3

Fact: I adore Battelships sense of humor, no matter how crude the joke. Baha.
Jaijin said:
Fact: ... faked having an orgasm for the first eight months I was having sex, because I had no idea what one felt like or how to get my guy to make it happen;
Fact: ... had my first orgasm in the shower by myself;
Fact: ... can go without sex for months and not miss it;
Fact: ... think I probably should delete this list.

This sounds familiar! But I didn't have my first orgasm in a shower nor did I fake orgasms. My boyfriend at the time didn't get that satisfaction. He sucked. 8D

And no one will judge you about that here.​
Seeing that it's past midnight to most of you all,

Battleship44 said:
Seeing that it's past midnight to most of you all,


goods for you =P

Fact: Vega is plotting to make her infamous Kahlua Espresso brownies
Fact: I have more fun with gay boys than straight people at this point
Fact: That makes me wonder.
Fact: I can't wait to see my girls this summer! <3
Fact: I felt great at the gym today, actually got sweaty;
Fact: ... have put on almost a pound a year since I turned 23;
Fact: ... desire to reverse that process before turning 30 next month;
Fact: ... slept with a friend Friday night and loved it;
Fact: ... was cranky the next day and don't know why.
Actually, a pound a year is just about exactly what the experts say our inconsistent metabolisms end up putting on as they lose synchronization as we age. So, you're on target, I suppose? For all the use that gives you.

Good on you for increasing your activity, though. Now if you can just keep your calorie intake the same, you'll be doing good!
Fact: Had an awesome week
Fact: Loves glowsticks and raving
Fact: Can now make bacon wrapped hamburgers
Fact: The one time I don't want the beach to be empty it is
Fact: Be pwning noobs on COD all day every day
Fact: would like to thank the person who suggested I take some time off
Fact: I could not have invented you, because i did not know I needed you in my arms until you were there.

Fact: I need to join a gym, since school basically places fat around my midsection.

Fact: This thread has become something short of facebook status updates. xD
Fact: Has to get into military e-mail to get some stuff done
Fact: Doesn't have the ability to access it at this time
Fact: Procrastination is a bitch
Interesting fact; I didn't know how to read until I was in second grade.
fact: baby's room is fully set and ready
fact: i have my plan and back up plan in place
fact: i have a small bag packed in case mother nature decides to be mean, lol
fact: i'm soooo ready to give birth already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want my body back, damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.
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