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Random Info About You

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Info: Have an off-and-on headache that keeps plaguing me and I can't find the headache meds.
Info: Got nicknamed Reptar last night at a party for wearing my reptar sweatshirt.
Info: Tired but feeling all right.​
Fact: I HAZ CAR.
Fact: Said car is in need of a battery - but otherwise functionable...with it's switches o_O
Fact: The Vega went out drinking last night for the first time since new years, only it was with a bunch of gay men xDDD
Fact: Probably had more fun than she has had in awhile.
Fact: The Vega found a new friend with Coconut Vodka~ which one of the boys is getting her for her birthday. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS :3
darkangel76 said:
i relate hahvy....

fact: has headache as well. wish i could take meds. tylenol just doesn't cut it. =(
Fact: Midol works for my headaches.
Fact: People think I'm crazy when I mention that I use Midol...
lol... midol is more or less ibuprofen. *giggles* tho people don't typically use it for typical pains like they do advil. heeee!
but alas, i can't take anything but tylenol at present.... being prego prevents that. *sigh* soon i shall be able to take normal meds once again! hooray!
or even my prescription migraine meds. those are even worse for me to take now than stuff like advil or excedrin. XD
darkangel76 said:
lol... midol is more or less ibuprofen. *giggles* tho people don't typically use it for typical pains like they do advil. heeee!
but alas, i can't take anything but tylenol at present.... being prego prevents that. *sigh* soon i shall be able to take normal meds once again! hooray!
or even my prescription migraine meds. those are even worse for me to take now than stuff like advil or excedrin. XD
Fact: My migraine pills make me feel like I'm having a heart attack, so I don't take them anymore.
i take imitrex. usually works pretty good. i just wish they made a freakin' generic of it.

fact: is interested in taking topamax for headache prevention. they have a generic and supposedly it works better than imitrex since it prevents the migraines from even happening.
Fact: Had one hell of a party last night.
Fact: Hung over, fuck. My head is avenging my body for poisoning it with beer.
Fact: Doesn't know why GOATY is now RED
Battleship44 said:
Raziel99 said:
Battleship44 said:
Next thing you know,
You'll be telling me your not Yellow.
No, no, I'm Yellow.

*Resists urges to say an Asian joke*

What has the world come to, if red is green and green is red?!

I know a guy in the army who is so color blind that most shades he cant tell the difference between, and he swears that the sky looks purple to him.


HOLD IT.... >_< *squints*....he IS red!!!!!!!!!
Info: Guess you really didn't care after all and it was just a game to you.
Info: Giving up on trying to talk to him as he doesn't give a shit.
Info: Work is LAME!!!​
Fact: wants to cheer Hahvy up, but dont know what to do
Fact: gives Hahvy a big hug
Fact: im going to draw a comic tomorrow
Fact: I figure Goaty doesn't have to sneak up and buttsex someone now. D= He can just use his powers as Supervillain to force you into it >.o
Fact: I bought a butt cover for said occasion. It's made with triple weave Kevlar and a two inch thick diamond steel plate.
Fact: I don't think my butt cover is going to be strong enough D=
Fact: Working on toning down my cruel sense of humor.

Fact: I'm sorry about that joke, BS. No harm done?
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