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Fact: Battleship: Awww...

Fact: I need to role play now. Hmmn. Maybe I should actually finish my request thread instead of responding to this.
Fact: Now has Hahvy's ass permanently branded into his mind, thanks guys

Fact: I forgot what i was going to post -shrugs-
Private Disturbing, First Class Soldier of the 102nd Cannon Fodder, reporting for duty!

Fact: Tee-Hee, The Office <3
I second that motion, Mr. Master.

And yeah....I was working about 5 minutes from a very southern tip of the Lake all day. I'm so cold. T__T
Info: My roommate was snoring then just turned over, wiped the drool from his mouth, muttered something inaudible and rolled over before burping.

Info: This is my best friend.​
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: My roommate was snoring then just turned over, wiped the drool from his mouth, muttered something inaudible and rolled over before burping.

Info: This is my best friend.​
Fact: Could see that happening if he moves in with his best friend
Yeah. I'm currently a professional parasite, but I was up near Stony Island because my nephew goes to a private high school there. Sister was making me pick him up.

Was watching him practice, it was freezing. School is a 10 minute walk from the lake.
Fact: May be seeing a Friend of hers tomorrow!
Fact: Said friend was an old rp buddy who has known of her since she was 14. .__________.
Fact: THE VEGA mights have found an apartment!
Info: Has never traveled farther out west than...Ohio. Which sucked, by the way.
Info: Doing some work for school which feels horribly tedious.
Info: Wants to sleeeeeeeep.​
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