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Fact: At this point, I would consider my acquiring a job/getting back to school a vacation. My brain feels stagnant.
Fact: Yay that Goatse is back.
Fact: I haven't slept without back pain in over a month.
Misha Hiroki said:
Fact: At this point, I would consider my acquiring a job/getting back to school a vacation. My brain feels stagnant.

That's why I went to the library and checked out, oh, ten or so randomish books. Though I did start classes back up this past week, too ^.^
And because I feel like it for some strange reason:
History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome by Susan Wise Bauer
Timelines of World History by Dorling Kindersley Publishing

The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World by Rupert Smith
The Immortal Game: A History of Chess, or How 32 Carved Pieces on a Board Illuminated Our Understanding of War, Art, Science and the Human Brain by Shenk, David

The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions by Armstrong, Karen
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson
Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt by John H. Taylor

The Architecture of Language by Noam Chomsky
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Russian by Christopher Froelich
Russian in 10 Minutes a Day by Kristine K. Kershul
Hebrew in 10 Minutes a Day by Kristine K. Kershul

So the History and War stuff is cause I've always enjoyed learning about history to a certain extent, and I'd like to learn more. Religion is basically the same, though more passionate I suppose. Especially the Egyptian religion and culture. That stuff is simply fascinating. And the Languages are more just cause. I was looking for a book on Gaelic, but they just had some stuff that didn't really help you learn it but instead were dictionaries and a phrasebook. Russian is one of the languages I want to learn and become fluent in, hopefully, and Hebrew was just cause really.
I will say I have glanced through the Chomsky book and it wasn't what I expected, but I had a feeling it might not be. The chess one, I think, will prove interesting as I do so love a good game of chess. As for now, I'm slowly reading History of the Ancient World. Good read, very nice book so far.
According to the Cyborg Name Decoder, I am:

Assembled for
Troubleshooting and

PS: I want to see the damage effect of a "jazz hands" attack...

Jazz Hands - Damage ---
Effect: Confuses the User but sharply increases the targets speed and attack.

Best used in doubles combat.
Fact: Mustache combs are of the Devil.

Fact: Corn on the cob is of the Devil.

Fact: Al Pacino IS the Devil(for realz, I saw it in a movie).

Fact: "...of the Devil" is fun to say and applies to just about everything.
N.Y.M.P.H.: Networked Ytterbium Machine Programmed for Harm

Fact: So yeah.
Fact: My cyborg name decoded is Synthetic Human Optimized for Violence and Efficient Learning
Okay so I tried it out and yeah don't know what it means lol

D.E.V.I.L.S.G.I.R.L.: Digital Electronic Variant Intended for Logical Sabotage, Galactic Infiltration and Rational Learning

Fact: I have a feeling that is very very right or very very wrong >_>
Fact: It's supposed to be thundering & lighting out with 25-40mph winds tonight
Fact: Fall is here in the state of Washington!! lol
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