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Random Info About You

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FACT: Akuma just had a wardrobe malfunction in front of her boss/company’s owner. Her chest was the topic of conversation for several minuets.

FACT: Aku had to face palm when he started comparing them to his wife’s.
fact: Aries feels bad for Akuma.
fact: Aries loves Akuma's avatar. :3

last fact: Aries is a complete pokenerd and she is proud of this fact...
FACT: Aku finds Aries Avi adorable.
FACT: Aku wants to cut off Aries' horns since she can be the only horned BMRer....just ask MM.

FACT: Akuma finds it absolutely fucking hillarious that some of the people speaking out again the term "RAPE" used in chat not only have it listed in thier wants for RPing, but RP it on BMR.
Fact: I would join an NARC squad to confiscate every single pund of Weed in Indiana... and then smoke it all... damn just that though gives me the munchies.

            • Fact.

              It's Friday night and there are no horror flicks on.
              I'm angry. No. Disgruntled.

I do NOT wear thongs. Any guy I date better like cotton panties, cause that's what hes getting.
Fact: Has had a busy day today. It was a blast though.
Fact: Can now sew something! Yay!
Fact: Cleaning for three hours strait makes my head spin. Not used to so many chemicals!
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