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Fact: Is currently watching Brick. Why the hell haven't I seen the noir possibilities of high school played straight (rather than spoofing it up with trenchcoats and fedoras and the like)? So far, it's fairly brilliant, actually. Rapid-fire, and you totally get the traditional roles of both genres transcribed into each other. Less than half an hour in, and it's turned into a murder mystery.
Just finished Brick.

Holy cats, is that a good movie. I know quality, and I know crap, and I enjoy both, and this... this was well done, in all sorts of ways. Some might be thrown by the high-schoolers using '40s noir slang, but they ease you into it, I think, and man, I love snappy dialogue like that. It's one of the joys of old movies like that, of the Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade films, Dashiell Hammet writing. The flow of the words, and wow, this one has it in spades, sweetheart. You like dialogue, you'll like this film.

Fact: I saw Brick a couple years ago, it is indeed an excellent movie, I highly recommend it.
Fact: Despite the 7-11 being literally two minutes away, is having a difficult time motivating herself to go place the money order so she can pay rent u_u Damn my laziness!
Fact: Despite the 7-11 being literally two minutes away, is having a difficult time motivating herself to go place the money order so she can pay rent u_u Damn my laziness!

Fact: If threat of homelessness is not sufficient motivation, I don't know what is....
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