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Random Info About You

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FACT: Pony is not a whore. SHE IS WONDERFUL!
FACT: Vampy is just trying to misplace his whorishness again.
FACT: Aku loves them both and needs some major love today.
FACT: This morning Mr.1 from company C called to yell at Aku about two of fer appraisers. We resolved the issue and all was well. Well this afternoon Mr. 2 called to scream at Aku concerning the resolution of Mr. 1’s call earlier. Well needless to say Mr. 1 told Mr. 2 go fuck yourself and to quit the shit and now Mr. 2 is back to being nice to Aku….She no longer feel as bad about Mr. 1 chewing her a new one.
Fact: I just had coffee with my recently ex fiance. Gods, I thought I was over him but it seems that those type of wounds don't heal that fast.

            • Fact.

              I'd really like to do some naughty things
              to that hot Latino guy that just moved
              in down the street.

Just wait until I can plant my money tree seeds. You all will see, and you'll all be sorry! AHAHA! *Cackles manically.*

Back to The Sims 3.
Fact: MOTHERCOCKSUCKINGSONOFABITCH!!!! My mouth. Fucking tooth, just fall out already. I cracked you against dental floss last year and you have been bothering me ever since. If I had the money, I would have taken care of you by now. But stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Fact: my latent Velociraptor genes result, not in the cunning of a prehistoric hunter, but in long, bloody self-inflicted toenail scars. HSSSST.
Fact: I do annoying things without meaning to. Like, when I go to click on different tabs I'll accidentally hit the stuff on the toolbar and thus open up shit that I totally didn't want/intend/need open. And sometimes when typing up posts, I'll hit the "Enter" key because I'm use to that being the "submit" button on chat. =/
Fact: I am drawing my landlord a picture of his daughter for Christmas ^.^
She is a sweetheart and the two barely get to see one another because of her schedule at college and his work schedule. I decided to flex my skills (eh, not really skills but whatever) and make something instead of buying it. I is po (poor).

Fact: My mother is getting me a job application where she works. Yay! I can hardly wait to be able to to something.
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