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Random Info About You

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Fact: I've got two weeks left and nervous terror hasn't hit me. I think I'll be just fine.
Fact: I hate relational algebra and tuple/domain relational calculus. With a passion.

Fact: I will be battling it 'til far beyond midnight to make a deadline. x_X
King, it was really messed up. XD I was in chat with everyone but it was like realistic, like being in reception hall or something. And I think Trygon was trying to kill me and people were off in the corner having sex and MM was an actual narwhal and trying to spear someone. It was nuts. xD​
Info: I was just dumped.
May I say Ow?

Info: I am not crying. Not yet. That'll come soon enough though.
I think I'm going to test myself and see how long I can go without showing my pain physically.

Oh and to put this into perspective to the people like, "Well people get dumped all the time." He was the reason I got out of bed in the morning. Gave me something to look forwards too.
Well... we'll see what happens..
*hugs Nymph* I know how you're feeling right now, though I know that doesn't help the pain, but I will be here if you need to talk about it.
Nah. I'll survive.
It's what I do.
Perhaps this break up wont be for very long. Because the way he said it, he said "for a little while".
But hey, I'm just going to live day by day.
But I has boobs too.
It's... it's different.
It's not just "QQ I don't have a boyfriend."
It's "QQ, I just lost the only thing I cared about because it couldn't love me back."
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
King, it was really messed up. XD I was in chat with everyone but it was like realistic, like being in reception hall or something. And I think Trygon was trying to kill me and people were off in the corner having sex and MM was an actual narwhal and trying to spear someone. It was nuts. xD​
If I was trying to spear someone, it must have been Misha or Goaty. Or did you mean "spear" euphemistically?

No matter what, though, awesome dream.

Hero, excellent nerves, my man. You'll be fine. I'm proud of you.

Nymph: Oh, hon, I'm so sorry. Be strong. Honestly, it'll get better.

!@#$@!#$@#%#@@!!!!!! My fucking iPod just died on me.

I'm going to fucking bed before something worse happens. -_________-
FACT: Sadness now ensues: Fair season is over for the year.
FACT: Akuma has picked up more girlies...who want to rape her mercilessly. Oddly she is ok with this. XD
FACT: A war is about to break out between the Mongols, the Samurais, and the Pirates over the rights to Aku's boobs next year at fair. ((They all want her to work for them.))
I has interview in an hour for a position with a new computer store opening nearby.
The job would be a piece of cake, I just hope they hire me over other people -.-

Interview went good, just hoping I get picked. There were only four total people but, well, you know :/
I really am not fond of short hair ^^;; I hate it when Noct goes and gets his hair cut super short.... It feels awesome to run my fingers through, but looks better long.
Fact: I am actually considering growing out my hair a little. I want to do some funky stuff to it after I am out of the military and that will require some length.

Fact: I am still doing laundry today. Ugh. I really need to saw out my priorities.
Fact: My red hair is growing out for when I get home and my wife can play with it.
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