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Star Wars: A New Dawn (TheCorsair, Xanaphia)

Mara’s struggles to fuck up into him combined with the way she begged for him with lips and mind to arouse him still further, and it took all his discipline not to climax. “That’s it,” he growled, biting her lower lip as he stroked deep into her. Her legs shifted, boot heels stabbing into his thighs. “I’m going to fuck you raw,” he gasped, nails digging harder into her hips as he drove into her again. “Fuck my cum into you, deep and hard.”

His teeth found her throat as she cried out, leaving stinging red marks on fair skin in time with his thrusts. Her nails raked his back, sharp, thin trails of fire that accented the glorious feel of her yielding body pinned beneath him. “Fucking good,” he gasped, forcing his tongue between her lips as he drank down her moans. “I... I need... more...”

Rising up, he lifted her legs and hooked her booted calves over his shoulders. The angle gave him an incredible view of her tight body and her leather dress bunched around her waist, and he licked his lips in anticipation. “So... good,” he moaned, filling his hands with her firm ass, using the angle to fuck even deeper into her. Her breasts bounced with each stroke, her back sliding over the thin mattress.

“Fuck,” he moaned. “Fuck... I... I’m close.” He rocked his hips back, nearly pulling out, then slid back in. “Cum... on... me...”
In this new position, with her knees hooked onto Luke’s shoulders, Mara could no longer dig nails into his back and hold him close. Instead, she gripped the sheet, trying to remember not to scream out his name with each deep stroke of his cock. “I… yes, yes!” She was powerless in this position, powerless to resisting the growing bliss that consumed her mind. Her world dissolved into pleasure, euphoria leaving her delirious and his every movement drove her mad.

Mara’s only recourse was to open her mind to his, and share the dizzying ecstasy, but there was no relief. Not as she experienced the rippling of her silken muscles through him, of her entire body clinging to his in desperate need. Deep, shuddered gasps burst from her, animal noises of rapture to match the way her eyes rolled back into her head.

Luke, Luke. Still, she reached for him, that connection between them. His impending climax, building in his body and mind as hers peaked. She reached for his pleasure and his passion the tender feelings of never wanting to leave this moment between them. Of wishing it could always be like this, with nothing separating them but flesh. Oh fuck, Luke!
Luke felt Mara’s mind open to his, taking and accepting his thoughts and sensations as she’d taken his thick cock, filling his mind with her thoughts and sensations the way she filled his senses with her body. Mara, he gasped, feeling himself (her) stretching and opening as her (his) cock drove deep into him (her). Mara.

Luke, she responded, letting him feel the building pressure of her pleasure. Luke. His name in her mind was an accent to the animal cries of pleasure he drove from her helpless body. To the animal cries of pleasure she wrung from him as she tightened on his length and gripped his shoulders with her calves. Mara.

Ecstasy burst like an exploding star as he sank into her, uncertain at that moment where he ended and she began. Frenzied animal sounds of release filled the air as bodies rice together, frantically seeking to emulate the minds that animated them. Words were lost from their thoughts as communication flowed in a deeper, more primal fashion.

Luke collapsed onto Mara, gasping and dripping with sweat, terrified and exhilarated by what he’d just experienced. His cock pulsed, spilling the last of his seed into her hungry sex. “That...” he gasped, “what... what... happened?”
“That why I charge a half a week’s wages,” she teased aloud, for the sake of the bugs in his apartment. It’s a force bond. Or, at least I think it is. It’s something my mother was studying before she… while she was a Jedi. They disentangled, and Mara cuddled up to Luke, strands of hair sticking to his sweat slick skin. Prostitutes could get a little cuddly, couldn’t they?

It doesn’t just make the sex hotter, she murmured through their connection, caressing his arms as contentment washed over her, though that’s clearly another benefit. It’s a way to pool our experience, our strengths, our knowledge. We’d both be stronger by using it but… We’d both be vulnerable. To each other.

Which was a terrifying acknowledgement, the one thing still holding her back. They were still enemies, after all. Even if their goals aligned, and she loved sleeping with him and missed him terrible these past few months. The force bond required trust, and it was difficult to believe she could trust him that much. That she could trust anyone that much. She’d been raised by lies, and even her real father had hidden the truth form her, and taken that secret to his grave.

She blew out a long breath, tired of the lies and half truths. If she wanted to be able to trust Luke, she was going to half to start with some honesty. My mother shared such a bond with my father. Not the emperor, but my biological father. The... the man your father killed on Death Star. Quentin Hall.
Luke rolled onto his side, arm and leg still wrapped around Mara. “Andwell-worth every centicredit, he chuckled.” But the chuckle died as she explained what had happened. A Force Bond. He’d read of such things, of course, although the teachings of the Sith considered them a fatal flaw. They left you dependent on another, vulnerable. Something Mara understood, it seemed. Apparently, her studies of the Jedi disciplines hadn’t softened her completely.

The vulnerability I understand, he remarked, running his hand over her stomach and helping her peel off her dress. But how would it make us stronger? I see how it makes sex better, but... well, there are arts that permit pooling of knowledge without risking complete vulnerability.

Mara went silent for several long minutes. Had he offended her? Had she seen this Force Bond that would somehow grant them an edge against the Emperor? He didn’t see how, but she might have ideas. Then she sighed. My mother shared such a bond with my father. Not the emperor, but my biological father. The... the man your father killed on Death Star. Quentin Hall.

Luke considered that. Your father was that old man? He tried the thought in, wrapping his mind about it. Then... Emperor Palestine was cuckolded? Is that why he was blinded? Because... no, that makes no sense.

Licking his lips, he focused on the facts. My father told me what he had been. A Shadow, a Jedi Assassin, crippled and severed from the Force by a rival Sith Lord. But why would Darth Mapula, bloody-handed Hand of the Emperor, join with a Jedi in such fashion? A thought struck him. Is that why my father slew her? At the Emperor’s command, for her treachery?
I don’t really understand the full story, but apparently, I was used by the emperor as a hostage, to compel my mother to serve as the emperor’s bloody hand. That my father tried to rescue me, but was told that Darth Tyrannus and Darth Shalko that I’d been killed, before they severed his force connection and burned out his eyes. Mara shifted at that, more rage building within her. Rage, and deep sense of loss. She squeezed Luke closer, but his hesitancy reminded her that they weren’t together, they were just co-conspirators.

Instead of over-analyzing that, she turned her contemplations towards her mother’s death. Another sore spot, but… Perhaps the emperor felt he only had need of one killer by his side, and set my mother against your father so that the strongest would triumph. Perhaps he feared what would happen if they worked together, the way we are.

The only thing that doesn’t make sense is why I am still alive. Was it just so I could be molded into an assassin, like my parents were? But why take me as his heir? The questions chased themselves in her mind, leading to more doubt and uncertainty. Reaching for Luke, she pushed those thoughts aside, and filled her mind with the feel of his body against hers, and the taste of his lips. Maybe there wasn’t anything more between them. Maybe there would never be. But she could still enjoy him, and seek distraction in his arms.

So, she pushed him onto his back, and climbed atop his hips. “Are you ready for round two yet?” Her voice seemed loud compared to the silence of their telepathic communication. “Or do you need some persuading?”
Why would Darth Skalho tell you that? Luke wondered. I could understand him torturing a Jedi assassin, but why claim he’d killed you? It was a baffling thought. Why would a Sith Lord lie about something like that? Or... did his Master truly believe he’d killed Mara? But, if so, why?

But Mara continued, musing about why Sidious would have pitted their parents against one another. That makes sense, he agreed. Put them against one another, as a way of controlling ambitious apprentices. The strongest survived, unless they make common cause against their Master. Either way, the Sith legacy grows more powerful.

Mara frowned in thought. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is why I am still alive. Was it just so I could be molded into an assassin, like my parents were? But why take me as his heir?

He must have sensed something in you, Luke replied. Some potential, perhaps. Or maybe he just saw it as a final revenge against the Jedi? Raising a child of a Jedi to be a Sith Lord? It made him wonder, though.

Well, wonder until Mara distracted him by slithering into his arms, pressing him onto his back and bringing his attention back to the present with a kiss that would have gotten a rise out of a statue. “Are you ready for round two yet?” She asked, straddling his hips. “Or do you need some persuading?”

I’m response he ran his hands over her curves, revealing in the feel of sleek muscle beneath soft skin. “I paid a week’s wages for this, remember?” he leered. “I’m curious to see just how persuasive you can be.”
Mara met Luke's glance, one eyebrow raised at his demand, "Oh, I think you will find I can be quite persuasive."

Her naked body slunk against his, still warm and damp with sweat, until she got to her knees before his throbbing manhood. Mara breathed deep, relishing her musky scent lingering on his cock, and marveling at how her cum glinted in the subdued lighting. "

“You smell so good with me on you. How do you taste, I wonder?" Her hands glided up his muscular thighs, prolonging the moment, teasing out his anticipation until it was painful. Her breath ghosted over his hard shaft. With one more seductive leer, boring into his icy blue eyes and beyond, she licked her lips and opened wide.

With a long, low moan, she licked up the length of his erection, tracing a dense blue vein, dripping saliva from her chin. "So fucking good. I taste our cum on you." One hand tightened around the base of his cock, holding him firm, making it throb with each beat of his heart. Her tongue teased his head, ringing the ridges of his head, until she opened wide to swallow his engorged cock.

Her other hand, the one not stroking him, slid down her own body, fondling her own aching nipples as his pleasure grew in her mind. But it wasn’t enough, and her hand traveled lower, seeking out her hungry sex. His cum seeped from her, leaving her slick to her own fingers. Soon, she fucked herself with the same rhythm as she bobbed down his cock, his ecstasy feeding her desire. She swallowed him to the base, fitting his bulbous head in her throat and fingering herself even hard, chasing their mutual pleasure.

Fuck me Luke, I’m close. Want to cum in my throat, or feel me milking your dick as I cum?
Luke gripped Mara’s hair and shoulder, dragging her the length of his boy with relentless force. I want you milking me, he told her, devouring their mingled tastes as he kissed her. I want to watch you enjoy every inch of this thick dick as you fuck my cum right out of me.

His hands dragged down her body and gripped her hips, lifting and positioning her. Then he pulled her down him, crying out on pleasure as her slick heat engulfed him. “That’s it,” he growled, seeing her expression mirror his hunger for her. He cupped her breasts, filling her nipples between his fingers. “Show me just how damn good a fuck a weeks wages buys me, whore!”

She clenched around him at the words, and then again as he brought her breasts to his mouth, alternating between them as he sucked the perspiration from her skin. Then he grabbed a fistful of her hair, jerking her head back so he could bite at her throat. “You can do better than that!” he snapped, slapping her ass as he drove up into her. “I thought you were worth a week’s wages?”

He slapped her ass again, then dug his fingers in and fucked her up and down his stiff, aching shaft. “Seems like I’m doing all the work here,” he growled, biting a nipple as her breasts swayed before him. “Maybe I should have given you to that bar? Watched while a room full of strangers fucked you? Maybe that would have gotten me my money’s worth?”
Even on top, it was difficult to retake control of the situation. Even more, Mara wasn’t sure she wanted to take control, enjoying the aggressive way Luke used her from beneath. His grip was like steel on her ass, muscles in his arms cording and flexing with each demanding thrust. Already, she’d been close to her orgasm, and it would have been easy to just let him take what he wanted out of her.

But there was a challenge in his words, dripping with a consuming hunger. A contagious hunger, infecting her mind as well. So she shoved him down, onto his back, hard enough the mattress beneath whined with the impact and his body bounced back up a touch. Before he could recover completely, her hands pressed his shoulders deeper into the bed, her nails digging into his firm muscles as she retook control.

Luke made her work for it, however, still stroking up into her with the iron bar of his cock. He was like riding a bucking bantha, insistent that she take him, take all he offered. She would, she knew, but first she would take back control, locking his strong thighs over his hips and gripping his length in a sultry vice. Then she moved her hips to meet his movements, rising to his challenge again and again, never letting his gaze stray from his icy blue leer.

Fuck, but it was hard –he was hard– and so fucking good inside her. The more she dominated the situation, the closer she got to orgasm, to surrendering to that rapturous pleasure. Each clench of his cock threatened to turn into a rippling ecstasy, constricting her mind and body the same way she held his. Pushing herself erect, she tried to get a grip on it, tried to get a hold on herself, but he hit even deeper inside her now, and that control she fought so fought to gain slipped through her fingers. Her back arched, her eyes rolled back into her head, and her bliss pulsed on waves through her core and depths.
Luke climaxed with a roar, arching his back as he felt Mara’s his net walls clench tight around him. Fingers digging into her hips he bucked beneath her, gasping as she milked him and moaning as he reveled in her. Finally, gasping for breath, he sank back into the thin mattress. Mara collapsed atop him, her body warm against his. “Guess... guess you were worth it... at that...” he managed with a weak grin. Stay with me, he added. We’ll be stronger together. We’re better together.

Even as he asked it, though, he sensed her answer. Foolish as it was, she was committed to her quest to revive the Jedi. So he contented himself with kissing her hair and exploring her back and rear with his fingers. Stolen moments would have to be enough. For now.


“What happened?”

Han stared at the assortment of gunmetal parts of a wrecked protocol droid. Or, more specifically, of a wrecked assassin droid, because that was clearly BT-1 there. Chewbacca’s hooted answer didn’t clarify things, not really. “In a junk pile?”

Chewbacca nodded and hooted again. “About to be recycled? Did you get all of him?”

“What happened to him, though?” Bail asked. “How did he end up..?”

Han pawed through the parts, and tapped the droid’s chest. “Blaster fire,” he commented, examining the carbon-scored damage.

“Who... no, why would he have been shot?” Bail asked, before chuckling grimly at Han’s expression. “No, I mean it. He’s abrasive, but I have his security settings on. He can’t initiate violence without my orders.”

“Be that as it may,” Han remarked, examining the droid’s head, “we can just fix him up and ask. Lando’s got people who can take care of it.”
Leia had just thrown her clothes back on, and knew she still smelled of Han. Probably looked as if she’d let him fuck her good and hard, what with hair loosened from her braids, and stray strands tickling her face and neck.

Or, perhaps, they were all more interested in the mystery of BT 1’s dismemberment. The droid probably had it coming, even if Bail hadn’t permitted any violence on its part, just from the dialogue the assassin droid was fond of spouting. All he needed to do was say the wrong thing to the wrong people, and earn himself a fried circuit board and a physical reboot of his personality.

All of it had a perfectly good explanation, so why did she still feel so uneasy?

Lando’s got people who can take care of it.”

“No thanks,” Leia snapped, not hiding her irritation in the entire situation.

“Am I interrupting something?” Lando called into the room before entering, his expression carrying concern that rung false to Leia.

“Not really,” Leia said. Lando’s eyes traced her figure, and she wrapped her long vest tighter over her, as if she could hide the signs of her and Han’s affair.

“You look absolutely beautiful,” Lando cooed. “You truly belong among us here in the clouds.”

It reminded her of what Han had said, in the passion of the moment. Was the discord she sensed just a product of Lando’s desire for her, competing with Han’s? Or was it something else, something he didn’t lay bare before everyone. Guardedly, she nodded, “Thank you.”

He stepped forward and offered a hand, “Would you join me for a little refreshment?” She was about ready to decline out of hand before he added, “Everyone’s invited, of course.” She took his hand, but Han stood beside her, and offered his arm instead. However she might have felt about Lando, she did like the possessiveness it inspired in Han, and looped her arm in with his.

“Problem with your droid?” Lando asked, glancing over the remains of BT-1.

“No trouble,” Han insisted, and lead her away.

“You see, since we are a small operation,” Lando began explaining, as they moved through the halls, “We don’t fall under the jurisdiction of the Empire.”

“So you’re part of the mining guild, then?” Leia asked, drawing out answer from him.

“No, not actually. Our operation is small enough not to be noticed. Which is advantageous to everybody, since our clients are anxious to avoid attracting attention to themselves.”

The truth was just beneath the surface, so close she could just grab it. “But aren’t you afraid the Empire is going to find out about this little operation, and shut you down?”

“It’s always a danger that looms like a shadow over everything we’ve built. But things have developed that’ll ensure security. I’ve just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever.”

The tension in her mind built as the word left his lips, his meaning just beyond her reach. And then they stood before the closed door of the banquet hall, and the force warned her of great danger, great power that lay just beyond. The last thing in the galaxy she wanted to do was open those doors, but a sort of paralysis came over her as Lando pressed the button.

Darth Vader, her father, stood at the far end of the table. Leia pushed Han behind her and pulled her saber, knowing she was no match for her father in the force, but hoping she could buy the rest just a little bit of time to flee. Her father might not kill her, but her punishment wouldn’t be pleasant, in any case. But before she could even flick the ignition switch, her hilt flew through the air and into her father’s hands.

“We would be honored if you would join us,” he rasped, the rhythmic breathing filtered through his mask setting the pounding rhythm of her heart. A bounty hunter, Mandalorian by the make of his armor, stepped out from behind the corridor, and she felt Han tense. From behind, a dozen more storm troopers enclosed them.

“I had no choice,” Lando said, trying to explain. Trying to defend himself, but Leia refused to hear any of it. “They arrived just before you did. I’m sorry.”

Han glanced at her, an instant of regret between them, before turning his gaze back to Lando, “I’m sorry too.”

With a mournful howl from Chewie, they entered the banquet hall together.
“Control,” Valis said, watching his apprentice balance on one hand. “Control of yourself. Control of your surroundings.”

Mara wavered a little, strain showing on her face. She should be straining, he reflected. He’d had her in this pose - standing balanced on one hand, her other arm held out at shoulder height - for nearly fifteen minutes now. It was a grueling exercise, even with the Force as an ally.

“These are Sith concepts,” he continued, watching her expression. “The modern Sith seek to control the Force, to make a tool of it. They would dominate it, as they would all things.”

Silver glittered in his hand and streaked across the dim expanse of the abandoned building they were training in. He rippled his gills in approval as she reached out with the Force and caught the blade. “This is not the Jedi way. For a Jedi, the Force is an ally. It flows through us, connects us to the universe. It guides us, directing our movements even as we direct it.”

To one side BT-1 hooted and whirled, head spinning wildly. Valis had no idea what it was saying, but the bleeping had a skeptical tone to it. “Enough,” he said. “Rest for a few minutes. There is one more test for you today, once you have eaten.”
Mara shook out aching limbs and rolled her shoulders to relieve the tension clenching her muscles. She was no stranger to grueling training, after the years of instruction from the Emperor. But that was usually pain for the sake of pain, learning how to channel her emotions into the force and control it. Letting go of that control was alien, at odds with everything she’d internalized her entire life. But trusting in the force, letting it flow through her, was freeing, as if she’d relaxed all her muscles at once after straining for years.

“Thanks, she murmured, accepting a bowl of soup. An unfamiliar scent wafted from the dish, one she wasn’t sure she found appetizing, but she was too tired and too hungry to complain. Taking a moment to blow on a steaming spoonful, she eyed Valis, “What’s this last test?”

“The trial of the mind,” Valis stated, taking a place across form her. “You must confront your inner darkness.

She couldn’t identify the vegetable she swallowed, bitter, but softened by the broth. Swallowing down another mouthful, she pointed with her spoon, “Defeat it, you mean?”

“No.” Valis shook his head but once. ”You cannot defeat it. But you can overcome it.”

Mara frowned. How else could she overcome it without defeating it?

Valis must have sense her confusion. “Fighting your darkness is futile.” It sounded like something the emperor had told her. It was the last thing she’d expected to hear from a Jedi.

“But, it’s that the point of all this? That’s the reason I’m here. To put aside the Sith teaching of my youth, and become a Jedi.”

“The darkness in you doesn’t go away. Your emotions, your passion, none of it goes away. It flows through you, but it does not control you.”

“So, I have to ignore it?”

“No.” The simple word came out like a barked syllable. Valis motioned with his hand, a sweeping the space before her. “To ignore it is as bad as to embrace it. You must acknowledge it, and then it will lose its power over you. It is a part of you, but you are so much greater than it.”

Mara sighed, absently tossing aside the empty bowl of soup. “And if I fail?”

Valis offered a wry little smile. “Then we try again.”


The ventured through the underbelly of Coruscant, secrets paths she’d never imagined in her time growing up here. Twisting tunnel as complex as the most devious labyrinth dreamt up. Twice, Mara was certain they’d gone in a circle. Until it opened to a large space. And beyond that, a darkened corridor.

The air was electric here. Alive. All of her senses were buzzing with stimulation. It flowed through her, around her, gentle as a running stream. “What is this place?”

“We are beneath the Jedi Temple, here.”

This explanation filled her with a deep sadness, a sense of loss. “All that tradition, all that knowledge, lost to history.”

Valis snickered. “Have you learned nothing? The knowledge can’t be destroyed. It lives in all of us, in the force. Building can crumble, and books can burn, but the knowledge yet lives.”

She walked the room, but it seemed to pull her towards the corridor, an unseen current guiding her movement. She glanced inside, but her vision couldn’t penetrate the heavy veil of shadow. “What’s in there?”

“Whatever you take with you.”

At first, there was nothing. Just more darkness she couldn’t see beyond. Just a cool breeze that grew colder as she ventured forth. But the cold became familiar, like the hull of a ship, and her boots pounded the metal grates beneath her. Faint light became visible, red that sent out shadows are far as she could see. As she drew closer, the red light sharpened, forming the thin line of a saber. Then she could see the dark figure wielding the weapon.

Darth Vader. The monster who’d stolen her mother. Who’d slain her father before her very eyes. Her grip tightened over her saber, and it buzzed to life. Killing him was beyond vengeance. It would be justice, righteous triumph over the Imperial war machine and the emperor’s lap dog.

Mara struck, hammering his defenses with powerful, rage fuels blows. She would defeat him. For her mother. For her father. Once he was dead, they’d….

They’d still be dead.

The realization stopped her heart. They were gone, and no amount of killing could return them. They were part of the force now.

Loss ruled her, directing rage filled strokes at the Sith lord. Mournful grunts echoed the drone of sabers clashing. She managed to duck under a slash, and found her opening, severing the glossy black helm from his body. He fell, to his knees at first, and then on his chest, and the helmet rolled unceremoniously on the ground. With a hiss, the face plate opened, and her own scared face stared back at her. Red light bathed the scene, and it took three heartbeats before she realized that the saber she held was the source.
Luke tried to ignore the feel of muck and slime inside his boots, and focused on following his Master through the trails of the swamp. “I’ve never heard of this world before.”

“No reason you would have,” Skalho replied. “Master Yoda brought me here, well before I embraced the Sith.” He gestured around with a gauntlet hand. “He used it as a place of meditation, putting himself against the might of the Dark Side.”

“Here?” Luke couldn’t keep the skepticism from his voice. “What would a Jedi Master find in this place...”

He felt it. Cold and ancient and powerful. And then he saw it. A huge tree, gnarled and crooked, with massive roots that clawed into the swampy soil. “What is that?”

Skalho turned to him, his visor impassive. “A nexus. Within it, you will learn truths.”

“What truths?”

Skalho looked back at the tree. “About yourself. About the Force.”

Luke stared at the tree as well. “And what benefit is that to me?”

“Deception is a tool if the Dark Side,” Skalho answered. “But you must control it, or you will be controlled. Truth will free you from the chains that limit you.”

Luke nodded. “Very well.”


This, Han decided, is not my day.

He hung above a body-shaped collection of spikes and pointy things, strapped to a rack that held him spread-eagled. Impassive Stormtroopers watched from either side of the room, as two more of them made some final adjustments. And supervising it all was the black-armored figure of Darth Vader. “Hey, uhm...”. He swallowed, and tried to decide if it was worse to stare at Vader or the torture device. “I, uhm, maybe... we can work something out?”

Vader’s only reply was a small gesture. Slowly, deliberately, the rack began lowering him. Han desperately tried to control his breathing. “Seriously,” he said desperately, watching the spikes draw nearer. “I... I mean... what...”. Closer. “What do you want to know?”

No answer. And then the spikes touched his skin, and he wouldn’t have been able to hear a reply anyway. Not over the sound of his own screaming.


The cave was lit only by the crimson glow of his lightsaber, stroking bloody highlights off the slick walls and moist soil underfoot. All around him he could feel the sticky humid heat of Dagobah and the chill of the Dark Side trying to worm into his very soul. Control it, or be controlled.

A sound. Footsteps. Footsteps and a raspy, mechanical breathing. Ahead of him, barely visible in the darkness, he saw the cloaked figure of... “Father?”

Dark Vader stepped forward, igniting his own lightsaber. No, Luke realized. Not his father. A test. The cave, using both love and fear against him. But the realization didn’t stop the gargoyle-armored eidolon of his father from closing the gap between them as he strode to the attack.

Crimson light strived and flashed as Luke partied and riposted, then barely recovered in time to counter a grunt that would have disembowled him. Image though it was, it had all of his father’s skill with a lightsaber. And his strength in the Force - as he defended himself he struggled to ward off the terror and despair that radiated from him.

Giving ground, Luke searched for an opening. Darth Vader gave none,relentlessly driving the attack. He felt the cavern wall against his back suddenly, and threw himself to the side as Vader struck. The lightsaber sheared through dirt and stone and roots in a shower of steam and lava.

This would require a gamble, or h’d die.

As Luke rolled to his feet, he lashed out. Stone and mud exploded outwards in a wave. Vader lashed out as well, deflecting the largest of them. And then he staggered as Luke’s lightsaber ignited in midair and drive through his chest plate. “Never,” Luke gasped, tearing Vader’s lightsaber from his hand with the Force, “lose track of your opponent.”

The black eyes of Vader’s mask regarded him without response. And then Luke stepped forward, severing his head with a single strike. The helmet bounced and cracked in half, revealing... nothing.

It was empty.

The armor collapsed, splitting and breaking. It was equally empty.

Luke stood, staring, long after the vision faded.
Valis hadn’t said he was disappointed, but it radiated off him. “We will try again another day.”

“Why,” she shot back defiantly. There was a pressure on her, weighing heavily upon her every motion. She was failing her father’s memory, she knew. Failure did not suit her well. She was good at killing; perhaps that was all she was good at. “What will be different tomorrow?

“Sidious had two decades to mold your mind; it will take more than two weeks to undo it. You must unlearn what you have learned.”

“And how do I do that?” She shot up then, frustration igniting her muscles with restless energy. Pacing back and forth, she tried to reason out his lessons. “You want me to acknowledge my darkness, but not let it control me. I can’t defeat it, yet somehow I must overcome it?”


Mara threw her hand up and turned away, “You want the impossible.

“I thought you were stubborn? Quentin wouldn’t give up like this.”

“Yeah, well, maybe if he hadn’t given up on finding me, I wouldn’t have to unlearn decades of the Emperor’s doctrine.”

Valis didn’t respond, just blinked his glossy black eyes once. There was silence for a time, long enough for her to regret what she’d said.

“There is emotion,” he reminded her, “and yet there is peace. Let your anger flow through you, not control you. Meditate upon this, and we will try again.”

It took several long, deep breaths before she could calm herself enough to feel the flow of the force. Once she had, her breathing matched the rhythm of the life around her, heartbeats thrumming in unison. It went against her every instinct not to grab at it, to make it move at her pace, but she breathed in the flow of life, and let it flow from her. Her conscious sunk from her mind into a vast expanse, touching every living being. In the city, on the planet, in this system, and even beyond the outer rim. There was, for a moment, peace.

And then the moment passed, and there was pain. Faces accompanied the pain, first Han’s, then Leia’s, senseless agony that lashed her perceptions. Despite the urge to recoil from the torment, she leaned ito it, and saw a city among the clouds.”

“What do you see?” Valis asked, his voice cutting through the vision.

“My friends, they’re…” She winced, and released a groan, “They’re in pain.”

“That is the future you see.”

She opened her eyes, releasing the flow of sensations. “Will they die?”

“Difficult to see. The future is not set in stone, but fluid like the flow of water.

“I have to go.” She stood, gathering together her supplies. “They need me.”

“You’re not ready. If you leave now, you may save them, but at the cost of all they’ve worked and suffered for.”

“Perhaps,” she conceded, “but we’ve run out of time.”


Leia curled into herself. It had been many years since she’d been gripped by agony, incapacitated by suffering that wracked her body. Pain, pain was a thing of the body, a thing she could control and use. It empowered her, fueled her, drove her. But Han’s pain… it was more than she could bear. In a second, she’d take his place, submit to far greater anguish, anything, anything at all to spare him. But it wasn’t her choice. She’d forgone that when she took in with the rebels.

After an eternity, Han’s screaming stopped, and she found a little respite from his ongoing torture. Chewy relented from his own rage-filled wails, and set about piecing Triple 0 back together. Leia ignored their bickering, grateful when Chewie turned it off to continue fiddling with it.

Two stormtroopers dragged Han in, and dropped him unceremoniously upon the floor. She and Chewie rushed to his side, helping him to the stiff bed in their cell. Han’s features were drawn, pale, and a desire to protect him flared up ins her. “What did they do?”

Han shook his head, “They didn’t even ask me anything…”

Of course not. Her father wasn’t after answers, but pain. “He’s using your torment as a signal, to lure someone here. Someone who might care about you.”

Han groaned, and tried to shift into a more comfortable position. “Who cares about me?”


Master Valis stepped aside a little, making way for the new speaker. A man - a Force ghost, really - with sandy hair and a soft, sad smile. “You don’t know that they’ve run out of time,” Quentin said. “You don’t know that you’ve run out of time, either.”

“What is your plan?” Valis asked. “What will you do? Shoot your way in? Ignite your lightsaber and kill all who oppose you?” He stalked forward, his liquid black eyes locked on hers. “Rush in without thought, like you did below the Temple.” His eyes bored into hers. “How did that work, Mara Jade Voss-Hall?”

Quentin seemed to start at her name, then looked at her as if really seeing her. “We are led by the Force,” he murmured. “It flows through us, guiding our actions.”

Valis wheeled on him. “What are you saying?”

Quentin walked towards his daughter, extending a luminous hand. “I failed your mother, Mara. I failed you. Because I planned and schemed, instead of allowing myself to be led by the Force.” His gaze went distant for a moment, lost in memory. “I wasn’t there when she, or when you, needed me. Because I didn’t trust in the Force.”

“My son,” Valis said slowly, “the Force does not offer infallible insight into...”

“You’re right, Master,” Quentin agreed. “But we - the Jedi - failed the Republic by trusting our own wisdom over the Force. Perhaps it is time to change that.”

“And the catacombs?” Valis asked. “What of that?”

Quentin nodded, then took Mara’s hands. “This is a dangerous time for you, Mara,” he said. “You feel the Force, feel it flowing through you. But the Dark Side is still strong in you, and the temptation to call upon it will be great.”

“Too great, perhaps,” Valis remarked.

“Perhaps,” Quentin said, before turning back to Mara. “If you do this, if you go, you will face Darth Vader - and that will be the gravest Trial you have faced in your life.” He looked at Valis, and then back to her. “If you stay, our Master will complete your training. If you go...” he sighed. “We will not be able to help you. You will have to face Darth Vader alone.”
Her father’s touch was nearly enough to dissuade Mara from leaving. The warmth of the light side –and his love– enveloped her, and for a moment, she had exactly what she’d wanted for so long. “I have to go, because I can’t fail them now. Not when they need me.”

She climbed into the cockpit of her ship, and met Master Valis’ eyes once more. “I’ll be back, I promise.” Glancing to the apparition of her father, she smiled to hold back her tears. “I’ll finish my training, and become a Jedi. And I’ll make you proud of me yet.”


Heavy black boots thudded on the metal grates, as Darth Vader inspected the freezing chamber. “This facility is crude, but it should be adequate to freeze Leia for her journey to the Emperor.”

“Lord Vader,” an imperial agent spoke up, “a ship has been spotted approaching the city. X-wing class.”

“Good, monitor the imperial princess and allow her to land.”

“Lord Vader, we only use this facility for carbon freezing.” Lando argued. “You put her in there, and she might die.”

Vader turned his glossy black visor upon Lando. “Traitor or not, I don’t want Lady Vader damaged. We will test it on Captain Solo.”
Valis’ gaze tracked the until it was lost in the glare of the Coruscant night sky. “I said she was reckless, didn’t I?”

Quentin stood beside him, watching as well. “I became your apprentice by stowing away in your ship.” He shrugged. “It runs in the family.”

Valis turned and made his way into the shadows of the abandoned docking platform. “She’s our only hope, you know.”

“No, Master,” Quentin replied. “But she’s Vader’s only hope.”


Han slumped against the wall of the cell, watching Chewbacca bust himself with trying to reassemble the destroyed assassin droid. It was, his friend had told him, a way to stay sane. And Chewie, he knew, had a lot of experience dealing with captivity. POW after the Clone Wars, tossed in a slave pit on Mimban, solitary in Stars End.

Chewie was optimistic they’d escape. Han wasn’t so sure.

There was a muffled sound, and Han looked up. The droid was babbling, and then it’s final words came through clearly. “Stormtroopers? Oh, my. No, I assure you I am a harmless protocol droid. Utterly harmless. Why, simply the most innocent of... no need to shoot...”

“Well,” Bail said wearily. “It’s nice to have a warning, isn’t it?”

The cell door slid open, revealing Lando and several guards. “Administrator Calrissian!” 000 called. “Has there been some mis...”. He fell silent as Chewie flipped a switch.

“Fuck off, Lando,” Han muttered, dragging himself to his feet. Chewie growled in agreement, and the guards raised blasters as he rose.

“Shut up and listen!” Lando shot back. “Vader has agreed to turn Kalin, Bail, and Chewie over to me.”

“Over to you?” Bail asked.

“I can think of worse things,” Kalin added, eying their captor speculatively. “But what about Captain Solo and Lady Skywalker?”

“You three will have to remain here,” Lando replied. “But Vader’s taking Leia with him.”

“And what about me?” Han demanded.

“Vader’s giving you to a bounty hunter.”

“Fucking great,” Han snapped. “Good job, buddy.”

“Vader wants us all dead,” Bail stated, voice flat.

“Vader doesn’t care about any of you, except Leia,” Lando shot back. “And somebody named Mara. He’s set a trap for...”

Han lunged forward, throwing a fist driven by a lifetime of dirty fighting. Lando rocked backwards, blood flying from a split lip, then caught Han’s wrists as the smuggler tried to grab his throat. “Fixed us all pretty good,” Han spat. “Didn’t you?”

A guard slammed the butt of his blaster into Han’s skull, dropping him to his knees. Chewie started forward with an angry roar, but stopped when blasters covered him. “I’ve done all I could,” Lando croaked, rubbing his throat.

“Yeah?” Han muttered back. “I’ve got a medal in the Falcon. Maybe I’ll give it to you.”
Leia walked beside Han as storm troopers led them through the mining facilty. Steam and exhaust made visibility poor, and blurry electronic gauges and indicates blinked in the distance. They were brought to a pit, three meters deep and one meter across, beset with maintenance crews who didn’t speak to them. Across the walkway, her Father descended with heavy steps.

Han drew closer to Lando, “What’s going on, buddy?”

“Your being put in carbonite freeze”

The Mandalorian bounty hunter approached Vader, “What if he doesn’t survive? He’s worth a lot to me.”

“The Empire will compensate you if he dies.” Leia’s heart dropped out at those words. She could lose Han, she couldn’t! “Put him in!”

Chewie erupted into the rage that seared in her, throwing the closest troopers over the edge of the platform. Three more descended upon him, trying and failing to restrain him. It was Han that able to get him under control.

Hey! Hey, listen to me Chewie. This won’t help me. Save your strength.” Chewie calmed, just a little, and Han lowered his voice. “There will be another time. Bail, Kalin, you have to take care of them. You hear me?”

Chewie released a desponded growl, and Leia pressed herself against Han. Their eyes met, and their lips followed, consumed in a mournful, needy kiss, until troopers pulled Han away from her. In that instant, she wanted to lash out, to rescue Han, or die trying unwilling to lose him. But her father wouldn’t allow her to die, but would ensure Han did.

“I love you.”

“I know.”

Their eyes didn’t leave each other’s as the freeze was prepared, Leia refusing to succumb to the anguish that gripped her lungs. Reaching for the strength of her love to be strong for Han. He sunk down into the pit, and it filled with gas, cooling until it solidified in an instant. Now, she couldn’t bear to look, the sensation of Han’s last moments burned into her mind. He was distant, numb, and yet… alive. Turning, she watched the carbon sheet rise, fixing Han in terror. It landed on the ground with the loudest thud she’d ever felt.

“Well, did he survive the freezing process?”

“He’s alive. And in perfect hibernation.”

He’s all yours bounty hunter. Turning back to the group, his gaze bored into Leia’s.” “Prepare the chamber for Lady Vader.”

“Vader, the ship carrying the Imperial Princess has touched down.”

Vader’s gaze did not waver from her. “Make sure she finds her way in here. Calrissian, take Leia and the rest to my ship.”

Lando shot Vader a hardened look. “You said the others would be left under my supervision.”

“I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further.”


Mara walked the pristine wall corridors, seeking signs of life in the force. There were here, but drowned under the choking miasma of the dark side. Vader was here, just as her father had promised. She’d come all this way, there was nothing left to do but follow the pull of his presence.

She found herself in a mechanical chamber, hazy steam and exhaust distorting her vision. Vader’s presence was strong here, nearly overwhelming. He was close.

Illumination casted long shadows across the room, revealing the black clad form of Darth Vader.

“The force is with you, Mara. But you are not a Jedi yet.”

Climbing the stairs to reach Vader, she held her father’s saber in one hand, igniting it and filling the room with white light. Vader responded with his red blade, held out before him. For several heartbeats, there was only the rhythmic sound of Vader’s ventilated breathing, and the dull thrum of the sabers.

Red and white light strobed against the control panels and metal grates and high ceilings. They fought through the mining facility, empty hallways and outcropping maintenance pathways. At one point, Vader demonstrated his mastery over the force, tearing exhaust pipes off the walls to strike her, and following it up with a barrage of supply containers, overwhelming her ability to protect herself. By luck, she managed to duck one, only for it to smash through a pressurized window, and the vacuum of space to suck the air out of the room.

Mara struggled against the pull of gravity, and then succumbed, following the rest of the debris through the gaping hole. Only her most basic survival instincts saver her, clinging with two desperate hands to the edge of a walkway. Gravity pulled her down, stronger then she could resist, and it was only by calling upon the force as an ally that she managed to pull herself up. He allowed herself just heartbeat to breath, to refill the air that had exploded from her lungs from the fall.

She could not see Vader, but she could feel him in the force. The hallway held many hiding spots, and Vader’s darkness reflected a hundred-fold within the path, but she could not stop not. She could not resist, pursuing the darkness that would snuff out the light in her.

Vader emerged from the shadows, and struck with his saber in strong, wide swings. Mara could not even defend against this onslaught, ducking and twisting away by more luck than skill. Vader continued to keep her off balance, continued to push her back, until she was trapped upon a maintanence a dead end walkway, with a drop that extended deep into the darkness. Soon, ducking and dodging were not enough, and she stumbled back, landing prone before her parents’ killer.

“You are beaten. Defeated. It is useless to resist.” Vader descended upon her, forcing her further back towards the dropoff. “Do not let yourself be destroyed like Quentin did.”

Her father’s name brought up renewed rage in Mara, strength to parry the burning red saber before her, and space to get to her feet. Vader retaliated with power strikes, but she met his blows, drawing on that vast well of loss within her. She landed a blow on Vader’s shoulder, buy her time to further retreat from the Sith Lord’s fury. Vaulting over the railing, she put space between her and Vader, but he pursued her. Their sabers locked, but Vader was stronger, and pushed against the blades until he overcame, and sliced through her hand. Her father’s saber descended into the darkness, its white light completely extinguished.

A heartbeat later, the pain of her severed hand reached her mind, incapacitating her.

“There is no escape. Don’t make me destroy you.”

Mara backed away, crawling on her knees while her remaining haid gripped the walkway beneath her.

“Mara, you do not yet understand your importance. You have only begun to realize your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our joint strength, we can end this conflict, and bring order to the galaxy.”

She managed to stand, clinging to a pillar with her good arm. “I’ll never join you.”

“The Emperor lied to you about your mother.”

“I know, but he didn’t lie about you killing her.”

“No, Mara.” The glossy black helm reflected her face in each eyepiece, and hissed. A single gloved hand reached under the throat and pulled it free. Red hair just like her own tumbled down in chaotic waves, streaked white in thick sections. Verdant eye greens bored into hers, eyes that haunted her dreams “I am your mother.”

“My… mother?” Mara whispered, long held fantasies materializing in the moment of the woman and connection she’d long yearned for. But those hopes turned bitter in her stomach, realization crashing upon her like punch to the gut.

“You kill my father!”

"–That was unfortunate, I–

“Your husband!”

“–it wasn’t what I wanted–

“He… he loved you!”

“–I wanted his help–

“How could you?”

Kaydia stopped for a moment, “This was all for you, Mara.”

“How could any of this be for me?”

“It’s all been for you. It’s always been for you.” Agony tightened her features for a brief moment, before she regained composure. “This was the only way I could get close to you, the only way I could protect you.”

Only now, she hated her, hated her more than she’d ever hated Darth Vader. Because, once again, Darth Vader had killed her mother, had killed whatever dreams or fantasies she might have held onto when things got tough. That inner sanctuary, defiled, desecrated, despoiled. “You cut off my hand! How does that protect me?”

“I am not going to lose you like I lost Quentin.” There was an icy chill in her voice, as dark and cold as deep space. As dark and cold as the Emperor. “The Emperor stole you form me, from Quentin. The Emperor twisted you into a tool of his will. Together, however, we can have our vengeance against him. We can destroy him, and rule the galaxy as a family. As mother and daughter.”

“My mother is dead.” She let go of the pillar, letting gravity take hold of her. Her name echoed off the walls, carrying a profound anguish, an anguish that reverberated to the very core of her being. Eyes closed, she sought peace in the descent into the abyss.

There is death, and yet there is the force.
Elsewhere, a few days previously...

Luke’s eyes snapped open, crimson fired burning in them as he dragged his focus from the deep mining of the Force into the present. His body felt sluggish as the weight of material reality settled over him once more.

“What did you see?”

He couldn’t see Darth Skalho’s eyes behind the armored helmet, but he could feel the Suth Lord’s attention nonetheless. “The future. Mara needs me.” His legs felt shaky as he rose. “I need to go.”

“Mara.” Icy contempt filled Skalho’s voice. “The traitor daughter. Let her prove her worthiness by escaping her fate, if she can.” He rose as well. “Your training is not complete, Luke. And you will find Vader waiting for you.”

“My father is conspiring with me,” Luke replied. “I...”

“Your father?” Laughter dragged itself from Skalho’s throat. “Oh, Luke, no. Your father does not await you with your Princess.”

Luke stopped and half turned, looking at his master. “You said I would find him there.”

More laughter. “I said you would find Vader there, Luke. But your mother lied to you.”



The present...

Kalin walked, watching for opportunities and idly wishing that faylen Quentin had trained him as a Jedi. Not that he didn’t want to be a Zedanadal. But Force-driven lightsaber mayhem seemed useful right now.

No, he decided. Violence wasn’t the way. He opened his senses, feeling the emotions of the men around him. One seemed slightly different. Less hardened, more uncertain. “So,” he asked. “What led you into Imperial service?”

“Shut up,” barked the squad leader.

They entered an intersection, and suddenly there were guards everywhere. They held the Stormtroopers at gunpoint, collecting their weapons as Lando undid the binders. “We’re getting...”

Chewbacca’s hands clamped on his throat like a vise, drawing a strangled squawk from the Administratir. “Excellent technique!” 000 observed, peering over the Wookie’s Shoulder. “But get your thumbs into his larynx. It will hurt more.”

“Trying... to... help..” Lando croaked our, straining at the Wookie’s iron wrists.

“I think he’s trying to tell us something,” Bail observed, collecting a captured blaster.

“H... ha... haaa... nnn...” Lando gasped.

“He’s trying to tell us about Captain Solo!” Kalin declared, resting his hand in Chewie’s forearm. “Please, let him speak.”

Chewie threw Lando to the ground, looming over him as he gasped for breath. “Still a chance... east platform... Han...”

“Delightful!” 000 declared. “May we kill him now?”


Luke’s experimental TIE dropped out of hyperspace and accelerated, driving towards the gas giant beneath him. He brushed aside demands for recognition, allowing his ship’s automated IFF signals to speak for him. He was in no mood to speak to anyone right now. The revelations were too fresh.

“Rogue One?” a voice declared. “This is Rogue Squadron, reporting.”

“Tenal?” Luke checked the com screen.

“All of us, sir,” Captain Horn replied. “We scrambled as soon as you were identified.”

“You should turn around,” Luke told him. “I’m about to defy Lord Vader, I think.”

“Well, sir,” Lieutenant Longstar laughed, “You might just need the backup, in that case.”

“Right, then,” Luke said. “Form on me.”


Leia screamed in frustration as the bounty hunter’s ship hurtled into the air. Chewbacca’s roar was a basso echo of her pain, and he began firing wildly at the escaping starship. Then new blaster fire joined the cacophony as Stormtroopers raced towards them. The two returned fire, picking off three targets in four heartbeats.

“You can’t help him like this,” Kalin said, resting a hand on Leia’s arm. “Either if you. We have to get to the ship.”


Elsewhere, a few days previously...

Darth Skalho smiled. It was an oddly warm expression, one Luke wasn’t accustomed to seeing on his Master’s face. One that reminded him that the Sith Lord had once been a Jedi Master named Obi-Wan Kenobi.

“What do you mean, she lied?” Luke demanded. “Darth Vader is...”

“No,” Skalho interrupted, voice almost gentle. “I am your father.”
A chute opened and pulled her in, away from her descent into the abyss. Mara didn’t resist as she slid down, hugging her wounded arm close to her body.

Her first instinct was to reach for her father in the force, but her mind recoiled at the idea. He lied to her to too, lied about her mother. No, she couldn’t face him now, couldn’t handle the the maelstrom of emotions that bubbled up after her mother’s – Vader confession. Besides, he couldn’t help her now, no more than he could help her on Hoth.

But she would die if she didn’t find some help, and despite her earlier peace with the idea, she very much wanted to live. Was there anyone close enough? Anyone who gave a damn about her, who wouldn’t immediately turn her over to Vader, or worse, the Emperor? Trusting in the force, she sinking into her perceptions.

Luke was nearby! Relief coursed through her, pushing back against the anguish that had built and boiled over since her confrontation with Vader, and for a moment, she thought everything might be okay. She could trust Luke, despite everything. He was the only one she could trust. Reaching into the force, she called to him, Luke… Luke I need you.


They had to fight their way through the facility, but Lando lead the way to the Millennium Falcon. Leia and Lando provided covering fire for everyone else, as they hurried aboard. She might have reveled a bit too deeply in the suffering and deaths of each trooper she killed, turning her rage and loss outward.

“Leia, get on!” Lando barked.

Right. She couldn’t save Han if she died. Ducking underneath, she ran up the boarding ramp.


Luke brought his ship in close, close enough she could let go of the pole she’d been clinging to, and fall into the cockpit, and his lap. Leaning into the safety of his warmth, Mara closed her eyes. Just for a moment. “Thank you.”

“We’re not safe yet.”


Lando steered away from the Star Destroyer. “Prepare for lightspeed, Chewy.”

“If your people fixed it,” Leia accused. Leaning in towards Chewbacca, she nodded, “All the coordinates are set. It’s now or never.”

“Punch it!”

Instead of jumping into lightspeed, however, the engine sputtered, and slowed down, the request taxing the ship‘s systems. Leia and Chewy turned hard gazes upon Lando.

“They told me they fixed it!” he exclaimed defensively. Leia sunk down into a seat in the cockpit, defeated. All this, and she still couldn’t outrun her father. “I trusted them!”

On their sides, they were surrounded by TIE fighters. “Millennium Falcon, this is Rogue Squadron. Your hyperdrive has been disabled, but we can provide you covering fire until you can get it working again.”

“Rogue Squadron?” Lando asked, turning towards Leia, “Isn’t that the Empire? Why are they helping us?”

“No, it’s Luke.” A smile finally cracked Leia’s forlorn features. “It’s my brother.”


Good, Luke had Mara. He was still loyal to her cause. Though, if Mara told him the truth, that could change.

Luke, bring the Imperial Princess to me. We will need her to oppose the Emperor. But there was a rebuff in his mind, a defiance she’d never before felt. A betrayal. Not a betrayal of her, but feeling of betrayal. The same feeling of betrayal that manifested in Mara eyes, as she removed her helmet.

Luke wouldn’t listen to her, and Mara wouldn’t hear her out. In the hopes of finally reclaiming her lost daughter, she had lost her gained son as well.

The ships disappeared into lightspeed, but she knew where they were headed. And, if the emperor weren’t expecting Darth Vader, she would have followed them.

In Naboo’s Orbit

Leia hugged Luke tight, clinging to him like a life line. Once, such an embrace would have been dangerous. Would have led to something more, would have led them to a place they’d dare not go. And while those urges were still there, they were buried deep under new found affection and self-esteem. For the first time in many years, Luke could finally be just her brother.

“I can’t stay long,” Luke confessed, “We need to get Mara medical attention

“I know. I need to go after that bounty hunter, so I can rescue Han.”

“Darth Vader isn’t our father.”

“What? How is that possible?”

“All this time, Darth Mapula –Scarlet, the Emperor’s hand– has been masquerading as him. Mara’s mother. I suspect our mother played a part in this, and intend on getting some answers.”

Leia was quiet for a long while, brow furrows and lips pursed. “So, Scarlet killed our father?”

“No. Our father is Darth Skalho, once known as Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
A month later...

Padme Amidala-Skywalker rested a hand on cool glass, watching the medical droid test the responses of Mara Palpatine’s new hand. Tiny sparks flew as automatic reflexes and pain sensors were checked. She didn’t envy her the experience. The woman that had turned out to be her mother had talked, a few times, of how much it hurt getting used to a prosthetic.

A shadow fell across her.

“Hello, Luke,” she said, watching his reflection in the glass. “It’s... good to see you, again.”

He stared at her, and it took an effort of will not to flinch. Darth Vader has taught him well. “When were you going to tell me?”

She sighed. “About who your father was? Or who Darth Vader is?”

“Both,” Luke replied.

Mara lifted her hand, flexing the skeletal metal fingers. Then the medical droid began fitting the artificial skin. “I don’t know,” she confessed. “Secrets are so easy to keep, after all.”

“You’ve kept a lot of them,” Luke accused.

She smiled at that. “A Sith Lord is complaining that I’m keeping secrets?” She looked over her shoulder at her son. “A Sith Lord, in a relationship with the Emperor’s rebellious daughter who is trying to revive the Jedi, is appalled that someone else might be keeping secrets?”

“She’s not the Emperor’s daughter,” Luke stayed.

“Really? Whose daughter is...?”

“She’s the daughter of some crazy old hermit-assassin from Tatooine,” Luke stated. “And of Kaydia Hall-Voss.”

Amazement, and a touch of fear, cracked Padme’s controlled expression. “I see.” A pause. “Perhaps we should talk more.” She glanced through the window. “All three of us.”


Darth Vader stared through the porthole of her private shuttle, watching the tiny, irregular disk of the second Death Star growing larger. She’d banished the Stormtroopers, seeking quiet to meditate. Events were in motion, and she needed clarity to direct them in the required paths.

“You don’t have to do this.”

She needed clarity. But the past kept intruding when she needed to grasp the future.

“It’s not too late. You can still turn back.”

“What do you know...?” Her words stopped as she turned. The speaker wasn’t Quentin.

“Quite a bit, actually,” Linora Sunfell replied, giving her a small wave.

“I cannot turn back,” Vader replied, turning her back on the dead woman. “The only way now is through.”

“I thought the same thing,” Linora replied. “And you showed me different.”

“Lord Vader?” The pilot’s voice broke in through the intercom. “You asked to be informed when we were five minutes out.”

“It doesn’t have to be this way,” Linora said.

Vader didn’t look back. “Yes,” she said, stepping through the door. “It does.”
Mara flexed her prosthetic hand, opening and closing her fist in measured movements. There was a jolt of electricity each time her fist tightened, and she wanted to used used to the sensation so she wouldn’t flinch each time it happened from now on, but the sensation was still jarring and uncomfortable.

The door whooshed, and Luke stepped. She greeted her lover with a smile, but her smile faded as his mother stepped in after him. The Queen of Naboo had given her space since she arrived injured and shell-shock by Vader’s confession, but she still wasn’t sure she was ready to speak to her. Not ready to hear more excuses about why she and Vader had lied to not only her, and Luke and Leia this entire time.

Luke sat beside her and gripped her flesh hand. His presence tempered the roiling emotion within her, but could not calm it. Too much had come out, too many secrets and lies laid bare. Only the truth could bring her peace.

“How are you feeling?” Padme offered a smile, a smile she didn’t return.


Padme nodded, “Your mother said the pains never fully go away after losing a limb, they just get easier to manage in time.”

“Didn’t stop her from inflicting that same pain upon me.” She closed her fist again, and her face twisted into mask of pain, beyond the twinge of raw nerves. “But I guess that too was for my benefit somehow, right?”

“You’re not the only one who’s suffered, Mara.” Padme’s voice was infuriating calm, with a hint of lecture in her tone. That timeless mother tone. “She’s felt you reaching for her, Mara. She’s felt it every single time, and it breaks her heart to push it away. But she had to, to keep you safe.”

Mara scoffed, “To keep me safe, or to keep her secrets?”

“There isn’t much distinction there. The emperor used you as hostage before, there is no reason to believe he wouldn’t use you as a hostage again.”

“If I was just a hostage, then why am I still alive? Why take me in as his heir, after he believed my mother was already dead?”

“Because your more powerful in the force than your mother or father were. Just like Luke and Leia are more gifted in the force than their father.”
“And the Emperor has plans around that,” Luke said slowly.

Padme nodded. “Powerful Force sensitives are a tool of his,” she agreed. “He sent a Dith Lord to help ensure the Trade Federstion held...”

“No,” Luke said. “I think there’s more to it.”

Padme’s expression was quizzical. “Go on.”

“He... well, looking back on it, he was trying to, uhm,” now Luke just looked uncomfortable. “To, uhm, get Leia and I, uh...”. When Padme gasped in horrified realization, he looked gratified. “And then he, uhm, offered me Mara. If I brought her back. He wants us, well, breeding.”

“Why?” Padme asked.

“I... don’t know.” He looked at Mara. “Maybe your Master could explain? I’ve heard that Shadows knew more Sith lore than many Sith, after all.”

“I believe Darth Sideous seeks immortality.”

Luke flinched at the words, and Padme gasped. Standing in the corner of the room was a sandy-haired man in a black uniform. “The old assassin,” Luke murmured. “The reporter!” Padme said in tones of realization.

“The children of two Force sensitives are often more powerful than their parents,” Quentin said, bowing a little. “That’s where your strength comes from, Mara. And yours, Luke Amidala.”

“But I’m not...” Padme began.

“Your children,” Quentin continued, “would be stronger still. Not as strong as your child with your sister,” he added with a gesture at Luke, “particularly if you had completed the Req’yat’vadhar. But strong enough for his purposes.”

“What... what purpose?” Luke’s hands clenched, bracing for the answer.

Kalavakar,” Quentin said flatly. “The art of soul transferrance.”
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