Someone Else, Something Else [RoleplayMaster and Sigr]

Thea slowly cooed when Oliver started to touch her, almost a catlike purr that turned into moan when his fingers pushed into her insides. Thea's lithe body started to quiver, twisting from the attentions given to her, small moans escaping her mouth. As Oliver continued with his attentions, Thea's eyes opened, but she still seemed to be far away, not being really aware of her surroundings, the drug still making a number on her.

Thea's hips started to sway against Oliver's hand, instinctively asking for a faster pace as his rough callous fingers worked her insides, tensing her like a bowstring. Be it part of Vertigo's effect or Oliver's skill as a playboy, it didn't take long for Thea to reach her orgasm, shaking and thrashing on the bed to slowly return to close her eyes, laying sideways on a fetal position. Her skin had a better flusher color, not as pale as usual, and once the orgasm passed, she seemed relaxed, warm and without a trace of any Vertigo induced shakes. She just looked exhausted and asleep.

She wasn't the only one tired, Oliver just had a long day and his newfound... allies? That was what they were? Were already asleep, Diggle nursing the bullet wound in his home and Felicity sleeping in the room Oliver had taken her.
The feeling Oliver had when Thea came was a confusing one to understand. Pride? Embarrassment? Arousal? Shaking his head, the playboy stood, kissing his sister on the forehead before leaving the room, satisfied that she won't have issues any time soon. Walking past Felicity's room and finding her asleep too, Oliver decided to finally get to bed, exhausted after the day's work. He closed his eyes, falling asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
Dreams of dark ocean waves plagued his dreams. "Oliver! Oliver!" Sara's voice echoed, getting lost in the water, her eyes fixed on his. The voice sounded, again and again, chasing him into the realm of the awake. "Oliver?" Thea called, finally awaking him, kneeling on his bed, seemingly clean of Vertigo aftereffects. She was covered with her bedsheets, dragged from her bed to there. "What happened last night? I can't remember... there is a blonde woman sleeping in the other room... and I woke like..." she looked down the bedsheets wrapped on her body, as she wasn't wearing anything else. "Did I get too drunk? Look, I'm sorry if I did something stupid or embarrassing but..." Thea said. Even if she was still angry at him, the shame over not knowing what went on the night before and the oddity of having a stranger sleeping in one room and not in Oliver's arms was occupying her mind.
Yawning and opening his eyes, Oliver had a light layer of sweat on his body. It would not be visible in the dark room, but he was wet to the touch. Silently thankful he was woken from that never-ending nightmare of Sara's fate, Oliver listened to Thea's soft voice, finding no sign of Vertigo in her tone.

"Last night, I believe we had an intruder. You found them and they shot you up with Vertigo, which you're lucky to have survived. Diggle, my bodyguard, and Felicity, the girl in the other room, helped you recover. I'm guessing the drug has some mild amnesia effects, which is why you don't remember much of anything." Oliver explained. "Are you alright?" He asked Thea, a hand going to hold her gently by the thigh, which was covered by the sheets. He wasn't really thinking of how she was naked underneath, not that his hand was up high enough to be considered cupping her ass. It was too dark to really notice where he had laid his hand.
"Last night... Vertigo... Quentin Lance..." Thea mumbled, blushing a bit in the dark. "I... ah... I can only remember pieces of it... but I can remember Quentin coming to arrest you" Thea said. "I was drunk and you said where the Vertigo was... I didn't want to believe it, so I went to check" she continued. "I hide it in a tree on the backyard, and once the cops were gone I..." she stopped. "I tried it" Thea confessed. If she minded her brother's touch, she didn't say a thing. "I don't remember much afterwards, maybe there was no one home and I just messed out" she added.
Oliver was quite obviously shocked at this revelation. "Thea... How could you?" He asked softly, internally swearing his ass off. He wanted to berate her. Hit her. Yell. But after being gone from her life for five years, he did not get that right. "Drugs are bad Thea, but Vertigo... it's the worst of them all. If we didn't find you when we did, you could have died." Oliver explained, not sugercoating it as she needed the full truth. "You seem like you drink too much, and have made lots of decision that are effecting you and your life negatively... I can get you into rehab if you need it. I just need you to talk to me."
"How could... me?" Thea pulled back from Oliver, swatting his hand away from her leg. She was clearly angry, and unlike Oliver she had no restrain.. "Fuck you Oliver, the playboy now wants to chastise me for indulging myself? After all that happened?" she got closer, almost on top of him. "Go on, tell me how to fix my life, tell me that I need help" she said, one hand resting on his chest, the other crossing his face with a slap. She didn't have the strength needed to make it really hurt, but she meant it. "Tell me to not use the fucking drugs you brought home yourself!" Thea rose her hand, trying to land a second slap, the bedsheets wrapping her about to come undone.
Listening in silence as Thea yelled and hit him in the face, Oliver tried to think of the best way to reply. As she raised her hand for a second slap, he was quick to catch her wrist, stopping her from hitting him. "Yes, Thea. I know I've made terrible decisions. But you can do better than me. You can make something of yourself." He said softly, ignoring the falling sheets. "I brought those drugs back, but I never used them. I never intended on using them." He sighed, releasing her wrist. "If you have to hit me to feel better, do it. I probably deserve it."
"You weren't going to use them? Bullshit!" Thea yelled. "I... I..." she felt trapped, wanting to hit Oliver, to push him away. And yet, he was the only family she had left, his brother returned from the dead... perhaps something more.

"I have missed you so much..." Thea started to cry. "Tommy is nice, but he can't replace you, I don't..." she interrupted herself, sobbing. "He's not my brother" she said. It was clear than even if sober, Thea was nowhere near fine, and had at least one troubled secret or two.

"Help me..." Thea said. "I feel sick, since..." her sobs slowly quieting. "Before you got in that ship..." added, unable to say more, taking her hands to her mouth, not finding the courage. "I can't... I must go..." Thea seemed about to get off the bed and go, the bedsheets still covering her, even if precariously now that she wasn't holding them on place.
Reaching for Thea's wrist once again, this time to stop her from leaving rather than stop her from hitting him, Oliver listened to her as she sobbed. "Thea, you know I'm here for you. Tell me what is wrong. How can I help you?" He asked. She sounded as if she was in trouble, or at the very least, had issues she was dealing with. He hated seeing Thea so helpless, and would do anything to make everything better for her.
Oliver talked to Thea, wanting her to open, and as he reached for her, his hand caught the bedsheets instead of her wrist, her cover coming undone. He had just saw her completely naked the night before, but the shadows that the dim light of his room created gave her lean body another quality and created an odd intimate atmosphere. Thea came closer to Oliver, retrieving the bedsheets and barely covering with her, saying nothing.

"I... Ah..." Thea mumbled, clearly embarrassed but looking off. "I want... I want..." she stammered, trembling visibly. "I spied on you. With Laurel. With Sara. With all of them" Thea confessed. "Did you really think I wouldn't hear, I wouldn't notice? I live across your room!" she added. "And I..." her hands lowered, taking the bedsheets with them, bunched between her legs, allowing Oliver to see almost everything once more. "I wanted... I want... to be them" Thea said, confessing her incestuous infatuation.
Listening to Thea's admission, while she sat there, naked on his bed, Oliver was unsure if he understood. "You wanted to be them? How do you mean? Did you want their looks? Their careers? Their family?" He asked, his mind not going to anything taboo. After all, who's first thought would be incest, after everything that happened to them.
One of Thea's fingers danced over Oliver's sweaty chest, tracing the contour of his tattoos. If she wondered about them, she wasn't asking anything now. Shaking her head, Thea tried to offer a stammered explanation. "Even if I was just th-thirteen... I felt... I wanted to r-replace them" she admitted. "Since you disappeared, you died, I thought I'd never had the chance, that I should have done something..." she continued. "And then you were back, I couldn't believe it..." her hand traveled along one of his arms, taking his hand back to her bare chest. "Oliver, please..." she gasped.
Oliver was still confused, thoughts of incest finally crossing his mind as to what she wanted, but 'knowing' that couldn't be what she wanted. Her soft touch along his skin brought the sexually repressed playboy a boner, which thankfully was hidden from the girl basically straddling him, due to the thick sheets separating them. "Thea... tell me what you want. Don't skirt around it. Tell me the exact thing you want." He requested softly, eyes running over her face as he attempted to ignore her nakedness.
"Tell you? I'll fucking show you" Thea grunted, throwing the bunched up bedsheets to Oliver's face, blinding him for a moment. "Oh fuck" Thea muttered, as Oliver could feel her fingers around her already hard member. As he got rid of the bedsheets, Oliver could see that Thea was struggling to put it in, her inexperience making his tip fumble all along her lower lips without finding an entrance, not getting into a proper position.
Frozen in shock at what he was witnessing his sister doing, Oliver wondered if this was the right thing to do. After internally debating though, he remembered how aroused he had been while touching Thea's naked body and bringing her to orgasm not too long ago. So seeing her failing attempts, Oliver stopped her.

"Stop, Thea." He said softly, gripping her hips gently and rolling them over so he was on top. "If this is what you want, we can do it." Oliver added, unsure if he wanted this or not. His cock was a fairly nice size, and a moment later, it was being pushed inside of her. Remembering that Felicity was only a few doors down, his hand came up, placed over Thea's mouth. "So you don't wake up the other person in the house." He explained, not wanting the Queen Scandal of incest all over the news.

This was his first fuck in five years, and Thea's very tight pussy felt amazing wrapped around his dick. His playboy past showed too, learning the perfect rhythm to drive Thea crazy, as well as the best spots to touch his sister's body to bring her to multiple orgasms.
"Ah!" Thea gasped surprised when Oliver took her and turned the tables, pushing her on bottom. "Oh fuck" she muttered, feeling the sizeable cock of her brother sliding inside, making her feel oh so full. "Mfff! Hmphhh!" any further attempts of voicing anything were promptly muffled by one of his strong hands, as Thea squirmed under his muscular body.

She had finally receiver what she desired, and yet it was too much for her inexperienced self to handle. Her legs opened wider, trying to better accommodate his manhood, as he pushed himself in, his girth churning her insides with a wet sound. Her hands traced the muscles of his chest, eyes wide open before how much her brother's physique had changed. From a fit, attractive playboy he had turned into a tattooed and scarred man, muscles made for survival accentuating his body.

Thea's legs wrapped around his back, not letting him go as her hips buckled wildly with her first orgasm. The muffled sounds came and went, and Oliver soon could feel his hand that covered her mouth slippery with drool.
Feeling his sister tighten around him was a strange feeling, both physically and mentally, but Oliver was in no condition to think on it. Instead, he focused only on pleasure, both receiving and giving, and planned on giving Thea a few more orgasms before he finally met his release. One good part of her orgasm was that it sufficiently lubed her up even more, which helped the playboy thrust faster. The bed rocked lightly from the strength at which he thrust, probably going a little too hard, but he knew that it would drive the girl crazy.

Unfortunately, he did not last the usual fifteen minutes plus that he used to, having so much pent up that he needed a quick release. So it was only about two minutes after Thea had her first orgasm, that Oliver had his own. Unsure if she was on the pill or anything, the man pulled out, spraying Thea with five years worth of pent up semen, coating her chest and stomach. Oliver's hand slipped off of her mouth, inadvertently wiping her drool all over the girl's face.

"Time for bed... we can talk about this tomorrow, when we're alone." Oliver suggested softly, saying she should return to her room without actually putting it into words.
Thea's orgasm earned her no truce, as Oliver wildly pounded on her, chasing his own pleasure after five years away from home. The size of his cock would threaten to split her in half if she hadn't creamed all over it, turning his manhood into a well oiled piston. The merciless and relentless pounding made Thea soon tremble of pleasure again, feeling sore and empty when Oliver pulled out, basking her on thick white seed. As Thea's muffled moans and screams stopped, Oliver removed his wet hand, smearing her face and allowing Thea to gasp and pant, too weak to say anything but with a dreamy smile in her face.

"Ah..." Thea seemed somewhat sad, as Oliver was basically kicking her out after fucking her, but even her knew that it was for the best. "Tomorrow" she echoed in a whisper, walking with her wobbly legs back to her room. Oliver could hear Thea gave herself a quick shower, before getting into her bed again, soon falling asleep with a smile.

. . .

Next morning Felicity awoke in a strange room, and soon remembered what happened the night before. Tip toeing in silence, she checked that Thea was fine, and peeked in, seeing the young girl sleep in peace. With a happy smile, she then went to Oliver's room to say that they would be in touch, that she had to go to work. Briefly peeking inside, what she glanced for a split second was Oliver's naked body half covered in his bed, and soon a flustered Felicity was skipping downstairs, going to work completely blushed.

Soon after, Oliver awoke after finally having some dreamless rest, even if last night's events could seem unreal. Felicity was no longer in the guest room, and Thea was still asleep, safe and sound, in her bed. The house was still disheveled after Thea's Vertigo binge, but Oliver noticed something strange, a scratch on a wall, like one made from a ricochet of an arrow, and not the sword Thea was brandishing yesterday.

She admitted to have used Vertigo on her own, but what if part of the nonsense she blurted really happened? It would be hard to find, since she didn't remember much in her own words.
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