Someone Else, Something Else [RoleplayMaster and Sigr]

Eyeing the slightly ajar door, Oliver noticed it before Diggle, it seemed. Entering the manor, he was instantly becoming aware of his surroundings, looking for potential attackers. But then his mind went to his sister. "Thea." Oliver said quietly, but loud enough for Diggle to hear. Then, despite Diggle's wishes, the man began searching the house for either Thea or whoever created the mess. He could take care of himself a lot better than Diggle could
"Oliver, wait!" Diggle tried to keep him from wandering around, but there was no restraining Oliver when it came to such a thing. The trail of broken things seem to begin, or maybe end, on the living room, and from there it headed upstairs in a most erratic path that included the entrance. Things were scattered by, paintings on the floor, even one of the medieval armors was spread into pieces around.

It was clear that the mess pointed towards Oliver's own room, the door open wide. The room was a strange mixture between being as he had left it five years ago and the few things he changed once he returned, but now only one thing mattered in that room. Thea was shaking, sitting on a corner with a sword in her hands, one that once adorned the armor that they had seem scattered in the corridor.

"Oliver?" she asked, unsure. Her eyes were wild, briefly glancing around. Sweat shined on her forehead, and she looked febrile. "It's you..." she mumbled, letting the sword fall to the ground. "He was here... the man that killed mom was here..." she sobbed, hiding her face on her hands. Oliver's keen eyes could see the drawer where he had left the vertigo vials, open and empty.
Oliver's eyes widened as he found Thea, taking the sword from her hands and throwing it to the side. Pulling Thea in close, he let her sob into his chest as she explained what had happened. Shocked at the revelation, Oliver silently began to think about what had happened. The vials in his drawer were hidden, and the only people that knew were Quentin Lance and Thea. Some members of the police force could have known too, but unlikely, since the house was searched earlier and had no luck finding anything. Due to the wreckage all over the house, it could be assumed that the intruder did not know where he was looking, or he did know, and used it to cover his tracks. Was this someone he knew? Was he close to knowing who his mother's murderer was? And why was these extra vials of Vertigo so important? And... did this mean someone knew that he was the Hood?

Looking back down at Thea, he hugged her a little tighter. "It's alright.. I'm here." the brother said quietly. "Did you see him? The person who came in? A face? A detail of some sort?" Oliver asked, reaching for details.
Thea grabbed at Oliver like dear life, sobbing on his chest. "No..." she mumbled. "The hood was empty..." she said, looking at Oliver's face. Her pupils were dilated, and it wasn't just out of fear. "It's not a person, he's a demon, appearing out of nowhere..." she mumbled. Diggle appeared on the door, seemingly having checked the rest of the floor and shaking his head before getting out again.

It was clear now that she was on Vertigo, as some of the symptoms were noticeable on some of the users he stumbled upon last night. "He wanted to take me with him..." Thea kept mumbling. "He wanted to take me with him..." she repeated, over and over. He didn't know enough about the substance, without time nor an expert to take a look at it, and now Thea was suffering it's effects. She looked so scared, so fragile.
Oliver sighed softly, hearing her words and recognising the symptoms. Rubbing her back, his eyes went from the girl to Diggle. "We need to take her somewhere to keep her safe. She's on Vertigo." Oliver told Diggle, trusting that Thea was out of it enough to not realise this conversation was taking place. "I don't trust a hospital because the Queen name will get media attention. Do you know anywhere we can take her?" He asked. Oliver was comfortable when he had a plan. When he knew that the outcome would be either him or his opponent. Now, with Thea involved, the man was lost. And he had no clue if Thea self-dosed or if the intruder had, in fact, forced the dosage onto his sister to get her in this state.
"But..." Diggle was seemingly going to protest the idea of not taking her to a hospital, but he knew that Oliver wouldn't listen. "It doesn't seem like an overdose, I know someone" he added, putting the pistol away and taking out the phone. Thea was shaking on Oliver's arms, still mumbling. "He wants to take me... he wants to take me..." she kept repeating, trembling, her eyes out of focus.

"Felicity? We have another one. Queen manor, now" he just said before hanging the phone. "There will be time for explanations later, you need to get her on a warm bath now, almost scalding or she's going to go into shock" he instructed. "I'll make sure that the house is truly empty just in case and will get Felicity here to help" Oliver was seeing another side of Diggle, one that looked in control of the situation, focused, not just a disgruntled employee on Steele's hand.
"Thank you Diggle." Oliver said, speaking and looking at Diggle with respect for the first time. Sure, he respected the man before now, but previously he had only thought of the man as an obstacle, not someone that could truly help him. Picking up Thea, Oliver carried her to the bathroom. She seemed so fragile, and his mind just went back to Walter Steele, saying how he could use Thea's delicate, fragile nature for the business' benefit. Shaking his head, Oliver began running a bath.

Standing Thea up in front of him, his hands began to pull down her clothes. It felt somewhat awkward, but the brother cared more about his sister's wellbeing than his embarrassment. Thea's clothes were soon bundled in the corner, and Oliver could fully appreciate his sister's beauty. Lifting her into the bath, he could feel the hot bath and hoped it did not hurt his sister too much. "It'll be okay." he said softly, waiting impatiently for Diggle or this Felicity person to get here.
Thea's lean body was cold to the touch, and even if forbiddingly attractive with her small breasts and shaved pubic hair, she could afford to gain a bit of weight, her lifestyle was starting to take a toll in her. "Too hot... it burns me... it burns..." Thea weakly protested, dimly aware of what was going on, but she had no fight left in her, and Oliver knew that the water temperature was nothing she couldn't handle.

"He's going to take me, don't let me go, don't... brother..." Thea grasped at Oliver's arm, slightly wetting and splashing, still not calming. "His face..." she caressed Oliver's. "He doesn't... he's not..." she shook. "Taking me... my family... not my family..." her ramblings continued for what seemed an eternity.

"Felicity is stuck in traffic, got her on the phone" Diggle said from outside the bathroom. "It seems that it will get a bit worse before getting better, you must keep her warm for her body to burn the drug as fast as possible" he informed. "The house is empty, there is no one else here" he added, I'll be outside, making sure nothing else happens.

"Oliver... don't leave me... don't leave me... not again..." Thea muttered, slowly getting calmer.
Sighing angrily as he heard Diggle mention Felicity would be late, he was angry out of frustration, and not actual anger. "Thanks Diggle." Oliver said quietly, holding Thea's hand. "I'm not going to leave you, Thea. I'm here. Ollie's here." He said gently, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. "Deep breaths. It's just you and me. Thea and Oliver. I won't leave you." Oliver repeated his promise, pushing her body down so just her neck and head were above water.

"Anything else I can do?" Oliver called to Diggle, finding himself helpless. "How long will she be?" He added, referring to the doctor or whoever this woman was that would hopefully cure his sister.
Thea slowly but surely calmed down, not minding her brother's gentle touch keeping her underwater, while Diggle tried to explain that he didn't know how long would it take, but it couldn't be more than fifteen or twenty minutes. "If the shaking stops we got her in time, just get her out a bit after that" he said. "Going to call again, see where she's" he said, going out of the room again.

Thea's body warmed and calmed, the shakes slowly fading off, her naked self stopping beyond the hot water, the waves receding. She was still conscious, even if barely, and her eyes looked a bit better, a bit brighter. "Oliver... you are here... you are alive..." she mumbled, caressing his face with a wet hand. Fear no longer plagued her face, as her expression was one of comfort, even if she was still affected. "Mom will be so happy..." she mumbled, showing that she wasn't herself yet.
"Yes Thea, I'm here." Oliver said softly, a hand on top of the one on his cheek. Just as he began to hope she was cured, she mentioned their mother. It took every ounce of will for the man not to frown or sigh, keeping up the facade. "Yes, she will be. All of us will be a family again. A strong, close family." Oliver said, stroking her hair.
After a few minutes that seemed to last forever, voices could be heard outside, including Diggle's familiar one. The blonde woman of outside Walter's Steele's office barged in the bathroom, trying and failing at not having a surprised face. "A pleasure to meet you, mister Queen. Well, not a pleasure, given the circumstances, but I... yeah" she stammered, crouching next to the bathtub, adjusting her glasses and examining Thea. "She looks fine, I mean, healthy. Can you bring her to the bed with me?" she pointed out of the bathroom. "Get you shit together" she mumbled on the way out.

The nervous looking woman seemed capable, even if a bit over her head. "Vertigo is rarely lethal, unless it makes you flee from something that's in your head out of a seven story floor window" she commented. "The heat helped her burn it faster, that will make the recovery time shorter, but there isn't too much we can do but offer her rest and make sure she's fine" she continued. Diggle just stood there, watching her talk, seemingly sizing Oliver up. "I guess that an explanation is in order? Yes? No?" she shifted her attention between Diggle and Oliver, once Thea was resting on the bed.
Surprised that Diggle's mystery contact was the secretary from his own business, Oliver nodded at Felicity's instructions. Leaning down, the man hooked his arms under Thea's shoulders and knees, carrying her to her bed. It was slightly odd, being in the presence of his sister while she was naked, but he put those thoughts out of his mind.

Listening to Felicity's comments, he was happy to hear she knew so much about the product. But then, she asked for an explanation. Tucking Thea tightly into the bed, so she'd continue to stay warm, Oliver sat down and looked up at Thea. "We had an intruder, as you may have gathered from the mess around the house. We're unsure if they took anything, but they seemed to dose Thea with Vertigo as a precaution against witnesses." He explained, leaving out the part where the Vertigo was in his possession.
"I... ah, I didn't mean you Mr. Queen, I meant... this is awkward-" she said, confused. "John already told me on the phone what happened" added, while Diggle nodded. "I meant..." she seemed unsure. "John?" asked for a rescue.

Diggle sighed, taking point addressing the odd situation. "Since I came back from the army, I've been wanting to do some... good, I guess, but with the city in such state and that mysterious hooded figure it hasn't been easy" he explained. "Then one day Felicity came to me" he added, as she noticed she hadn't introduced herself yet and offered a nervous handshake. "She has found some odd numbers in Queen's Consolidated accounting, but it's still too soon to know more" he said. "In our investigations of several buildings tied to the company, we found that a couple of abandoned ones weren't so, as we are detecting energy consumption" Diggle continued. "We haven't checked them all yet, but found some traces of a small Vertigo lab in one of them" he finished.

"Yeah, but the samples weren't big enough to do a proper test, so we are playing it a little bit by ear" Felicity completed.
A little surprised at the reply, Oliver listened in silence at what Diggle had to say. It was good intel for the Hood, but troubling for Oliver Queen too. "Uh... Don't you think this would be information I would need to know? As they're my business' buildings?" he asked them. He did not sound upset, just slightly annoyed. "I know I haven't been back long, but with me taking the leading role in the company, I should be told about suspicious activity from my employees." He finished, standing up.

"Thanks for telling me. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know." Oliver offered, planning on tracking down this building tonight.
"Honestly, we didn't know if you could be trusted" Diggle said. "If Steele, our boss, is into something, who knows who else is in it? Until we saw you arguing with him and listened through the phone, we didn't know what kind of man you are, besides one with a knack for disappearing" he added, admitting that what they were doing outside Steele's office was spying.

"That lab had no traces, but there are other two buildings that should be abandoned yet they are not" Felicity added. "These two Queen Consolidated buildings show energy consumption when they shouldn't" she said, showing a map on her phone. One of them was an unknown place by the docks, the other was the industrial building in the glades where Oliver was hiding his lair.

"Thea seems to be fine, and I'm of little help here" Diggle said. "If you want to help, stop disappearing and take care of your family and your business" he added, stern. "I'll take a look at the place by the docks" announced before leaving.

"Then I'll take care of her" Felicity mused, looking at Thea. "As long as Oliv- Mister Queen doesn't mind" she added.
Annoyed once again, Oliver mentally told himself to calm down, as he knew even he had trust issues. Staring at the map Felicity showed him, he recognised one being where his makeshift lair currently resided. Hoping that was not a potential target for the two people with him, Oliver locked in the memory of where the second location was, planning on hitting it tonight.

At the stern reminder to look after his family and business, Oliver nodded. "Trust me, what I disappear to do is worth it." He said. While he obviously meant saving the city, the context of who he was likely would lead them to believe he was a woman/several women.

"Yes, thank you Felicity. I would greatly appreciate if you could watch Thea and make sure she doesn't get any worse. And please, call me Oliver." He smiled slightly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom..." Oliver said, walking off. When he got to the bathroom, Oliver jumped out of the window, running off to his hideout in order to find the Vertigo lab.
As Felicity was more than fine with calling him Oliver and taking care of Thea, Oliver got away, getting ready to follow through with the Vertigo case. The place in the map was indeed more crowded than the one before, with machinery being used to produce Vertigo at a large scale and a sizeable amount of thugs. Sadly, with the delay in his change of attire, Diggle had managed to arrive earlier than him, and was involved in the middle of a firefight after getting caught.

Oliver could see that he was indeed a professional, how he got cover, how he picked his targets, but the thugs were too many and things started to get dire as Diggle got shot in the stomach. Going in and dispatching the thugs would be easy enough, specially distracted as they were, but what was he going to do with an injured Diggle?
Watching the firefight below him, Oliver sighed. Of course Diggle chose to take care of himself. Apparently he had been in the military, but the archer doubted it, considering his lack of foresight and backup. Shooting an arrow with a grapple line behind enemy lines, the Hood swung in, taking out the thugs with relative ease. When everything was rigged to be destroyed, Oliver approached Diggle, who seemed to want to shoot him. Firing an arrow, it was sent into the barrel of the gun, preventing it from shooting. The dark skinned man was injured, and Oliver knew he wouldn't make it out of here by himself. A bullet wound in the side of his stomach, he'd be lucky to get out of here without the cops finding him. Knocking him out with a quick whack from his bow, Oliver carried the man out of the building, pressing a button to ensure the lab equipment would soon explode. Placing him on the bike, the masked vigilante rode off to his hideout, wondering how he would save this situation.

When Diggle finally began to awake, he'd find himself in pain. A major headache and a stitched up bullet wound, the bodyguard would soon realise he was defenceless in an unfamiliar location. His eyes would find the green archer, marking off something on a board full of potential targets, along with intel and photos. Strangely though, the man known as the Hood, wore no hood. The man had revealed his identity, and it was none other than Oliver Queen.
"Wha- ughhh" Diggle was confused, having trouble sitting up, and seeing the identity of the Hood didn't help. "At least it explains the disappearing acts, but opens a lot of questions" he said. "I'm not so dumb as to not know that you saved my life, thank you" he nodded. "But I still have trouble wrapping my mind around it. What the hell?" Diggle said, taking a look at his wound. It wasn't a bad job, now he knew that there was more to the millionaire than it looked like.

"So you picked a skill or two on that island, that much I can understand. But the killing spree?" Diggle realized something. "Your own mother?" he asked, doubt on his voice, there was a lot he didn't knew. "Does your sister know?" he added.
Turning as Diggle began to speak, it was good to see he did not try and rush him, or attack him in any way. His knuckles visibly whitened as his fist clenched, trying to ignore the mention of him killing his mother, but Oliver could tell Diggle did not actually believe that.

"My mother was killed by someone pretending to be the Hood." Oliver answered. "A copycat, hoping to disguise his murder in with the others." He said, breathing in and out to calm himself. "I lied to my family when I came back. My father didn't go down with the ship. He, the captain, and myself all made it to a lifeboat. He... sacrificed himself and the captain so I could live..." Oliver explained. "But before he died, I was given a book." Oliver picked up the book, displaying it to the man across from him. "This book holds the names of every business-person in Starling City with shady dealings. Everything from trafficking women to child pedophilia, from selling drugs to ties with the criminal bosses. I am doing this city a favour, whether everyone knows it or not..."

"And no, Thea doesn't know. No one knows, except you now."
Diggle listened carefully, taking a moment to let things sink it when Oliver finished. It was a lot to take in, but after a bit, he nodded. "I come from a war, I can understand that you are fighting your own war here" Diggle said. "So I won't tell you that what you are doing is wrong, since it's... quite close to what I wanted to do" he admitted. "But... and don't take me wrong, how sure are you that the people on that list deserve to die? Do you have proof? Can't you take them to the police?" asked, realizing something.

"How long was I out?" Diggle changed topics. "I mean, we don't want Felicity to worry. She can get... hectic when worried, not to mention that you should check on your sister" he got up with a frown, the wound was hurting, but Diggle's body showed a wide array of scars from older injuries, so it seemed that getting shot wasn't something new.
"The justice system never works. Criminals escape, get light sentences, or possibly just buy their way out before even seeing the inside of a jail cell. It will be a long time until I hand people over to the authorities. And as for proof, I always monitor my targets before I do anything, but the book has been accurate so far."

"You've been out for about two hours." Oliver answered, undressing and putting on some civilian clothing. Handing some larger stuff to Diggle, since his body was a lot larger than his own, the man figured Diggle would need a new change of clothes. "Let's head back to the mansion, see how the girls are going." Oliver suggested.
"Fine, fine" Diggle accepted. "I wanted to make sure, that's all. Even with all my bravado... I think I'll be going home to rest" he admitted. "I should be better in a day, maybe two. Please, don't do anything too crazy. I can see that whatever happened on that island got you prepared for the worse, but having backup can save your life, I learned that before and learned it again tonight" he confessed his worries for him. Going outside, Diggle noticed where they were. "I'll tell Felicity that I checked this place and there was nothing on it, so she doesn't keep asking for the energy consumption here. I won't tell you how to handle your secret, but she's smart and will end up discovering it" Diggle said before heading to his home.

When Oliver arrived at the manor, he found Felicity sleeping on a chair outside the room. Of course, neither of them had a chance to sleep and she wasn't as accustomed as him to that kind of work. Scattered all around her were a pile of scribbled notes, some of them pointing to the possibilities of being more than one hooded figures in town, since there was no way to know if it was the same person. One of the notebooks had some notes about Vertigo, wondering about the chemical composition, citing observed symptoms... but most interesting was the treatment part on the other page. There was noted a high metabolic rate to burn the effects, enumerating things like hot baths and physical exercise, but a few notes at the bottom noted another method: sexual stimulation.

It was weird picturing the nerdy woman writing that, but there it was, accompanied by how the higher production of Oxytocin during it helped to counter most of the effects, not to mention the effect of heat that also helped. When Oliver headed into the room, he saw that Thea was getting worse, whatever dosage she had took it had to be a big one. She trembled and moved on the bed, but she was still unconscious. The hot bath had seemed to help, but it wasn't near enough.
As Oliver got home, he found Felicity asleep on a chair. Sighing softly, the man skirted around the notes, gently picking up the blonde woman and carrying her to one of the many guest bedrooms. The least he could do for her was make sure she was sleeping comfortably after she helped save his sister.

Upon his return, the mention of Vertigo treatment on the notes caught his eye. Running his eyes down the list, the sexual stimulation was the last thing they had yet to try, and by this stage, Oliver was willing to do anything to help save his sister. Entering the bedroom and noticing Thea's state, Oliver approached quickly. Gently, the sheets were removed from her naked body, right up until he could see her shaven pussy. It felt wrong, even thinking of doing this, but it was to save his sister.

A deep breath in, his tongue ran along his fingers, wetting them before making contact with her pussy. Slow, meaningful circles were made along the area, until finally, two thick fingers slid inside of her. He did not wake her, hoping she'd stay that way so this would be easier, but knew that the penetration would be enough to wake the suffering girl, if the gentle rubbing had not been enough. He hoped this would not last long, especially as he felt his cock tighten in his pants.
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