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Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Though there was a war on, and it was dangerous to keep the young woman on board the ship. There was really no other place for her to go. Kyle had a hell of time finding a place for his niece, and she was a human still living on Earth. It would be very hard to find someone who could or even would take in a half Cardassian at the moment. Lieutenant Getal knew what being a Cardassian was like in Federation space during the war. Not only were people down right mean towards her. She found it very difficult to get assigned to a ship. It was only after she ran into Lenara, that Getal found a home. Lenara knew what being an outcast was like. She understood better then most how mean and nasty some people could be. Lenara suffered for years with those rumors of her being a slut, and spreading her legs to work her way through the ranks. Those rumors were never true, and though Lenara did spread her legs these days, it was because she wanted too, and because of what she could get in return. Kyle would see about finding a place for the young woman. But, he knew she might have to stay on the Protector, at least until the war was over.

Once Doctor Boyd contacted Lenara with the news of their guest. He returned to his office to make out his report on his patent. He listed her name as Niesha Drad. The name she spoke while on the table. Boyd listed her race as Cardassian/Bajoran. Even Edwin knew how unpopular she would be. Because the first war with the Cardassians, and the fact that they joined the Dominion. They weren't the most popular race within the Federation. Edwin felt she would be better off on Bajor, but getting her there wouldn't be easy. He noted in his report, Bajor was her best option. A nurse then brought Doctor Boyd a report on Niesha. He looked over the report before signing it. Boyd then finished his report and sent it to the captain. He wondered how much of her past did Niesha know? He wondered if her parents were still alive and if so, where they might be? Answers could be found on either Bajor or Cardassia Prime, but both places were impossible to get to at the moment. Answers would have to wait for now. Doctor Boyd rose from his chair. He walked out into sickbay, then made his way over to where Niesha was laying. He checked her vital signs, which looked good.
Lenara remained in her office completing her letter to Kira and she made out her reports before she took a quick sonic shower. As she was showering, Lenara thought of the girl and of how things would be very difficult for her. The young woman was considered an outcast just about everywhere because of her heritage. Much like Lenara was an outcast because of her having been fathered by an augmented human while Getal was an outcast because of her being a Cardassian. Lenara had suffered plenty as she grew up, from adults looking at her with suspicion and dislike when she was a child, whispering about how she would be just like her father, to her fellow classmates at the academy as well as her fellow crew members after graduating, who spread rumors and hurling verbal abuse at her because of her high marks and quick rise through the ranks in Starfleet. Lenara would have to have a talk with both this young woman and with Kyle to try and figure out what they were to do with her.

After her shower, Lenara got dressed again and head down to the sickbay. Entering the room, she glanced around the sickbay and it wasn't long before she found the young woman. When she found her, she found Doctor Boyd as well and she approached the young womans bedside. "How is she?" she softly asked him as she approached, smiling at the man as she moved to stand at the girls bedside. Looking down at the young woman, Lenara reached out and smoothed back some of her black hair before then looking at the doctor again.

Upon the bed, as Doctor Boyd checked her vital signs, Niesha laid peacefully upon the bed. Even though she had the typical Cardassian markings, Niesha's Bajoran heritage softened the appearance of them. She was very pretty as she laid there. As Lenara began to speak to Doctor Boyd, the young woman on the bed began to gradually waken up a little at a time.
Niesha's future was up in the air at the moment. Her future was also very limited. Kyle would do what he could for her, as would Lenara. Niesha would just have to wait for everything to unfold. Until then, she was at least among good people. People who wouldn't look down on her for being who and what she was. Doctor Boyd was happy with Niesha's vital signs. He expected her to make a full recovery. A far better fate then what she would have gotten on the Mizarian freighter. They were more worried about the other Cardassians. People they were being paid to relocate. Niesha slipped aboard their ship, going unnoticed until she was found by the Mizarian crew. From there, she was rejected by the other Cardassians and treated like a stowaway. The Mirarian captain was happy to be rid of her. Now she was the problem of Captain West & Commander Singh.

Doctor Boyd looked over as Lenara moved towards the bio-bed. He gave her a smile as she asked about their guest. " She is doing very well.......I repaired her internal injuries and she should be up and around in a few days......She's a little under fed.......I doubt she's had a good meal in a few weeks.......I have given her a vitamin booster to bring her back to health.......But she'll need to eat something. " Doctor Boyd spoke. He assumed Niesha's lack of food was due to being on the freighter. Doctor Boyd was then called away by one of the nurses. Niesha was just starting to wake from her deep sleep. She would certainly have an interesting story to share with Lenara. There would no doubt be a moment where she was disoriented. Waking up in unfamiliar surroundings.
Lenara looked at the doctor as she asked on their guest and he told her that she was doing very well, causing Lenara to nod slowly as he told her that he'd repaired her internal injuries and the girl should be up and around in a couple days. "This is good to hear." she told Doctor Boyd. "You did wonderful work once again." Lenara had an immense amount of respect and even admiration for Doctor Boyd and his work. Like she had told Lyr, if it hadn't been for him and his work, she would of died of the would that she'd taken for Kyle. Doctor Boyd told her that the Cardassian was a little under fed and he doubted if she'd had a good meal in a couple weeks, but he'd given her a vitamin booster to help bring her back to health, but she would need to eat something. "Thank you for letting me know. I think I'll stay with her a while. I'm off duty for the rest of the evening."

Doctor Boyd was soon called away by another nurse and Lenara watched him walk away, leaving her with the sleeping woman. For a time, Lenara just stood at her bedside, her arms casually crossed over her abdomen. It was a familiar stance to those who might watch the first officer. It was a stance she took when deep in thought. She remained this way for a while until the sound of Niesha stirring roused her from her thoughts. Blinking a couple times, Lenara looked at the patient and watched as the young woman stirred. Seeing this, Lenara stepped closer just as Niesha opened her eyes. The young woman gazed up at the ceiling of the sickbay, a confused look on her face before she turned her head and looked up at the figure standing at her side. For a long moment Niesha looked at her before she softly spoke. "I remember you." she murmured and Lenara nodded "Yes. I'm First Officer Lenara Singh. You are now on the Protector in the sickbay. We have much to speak about, but only once you are up for such a lengthy conversation."

Niesha nodded with a soft thanks before introducing herself, telling Lenara her name. "It's nice to meet you Niesha, though I do wish it'd been on slightly better terms." she told the woman and the Cardassian smiled gently and nodded, agreeing with the woman. They did indeed have a lot to speak about though and Lenara had a feeling it was a conversation that Kyle would want to take part in.
Edwin Boyd was proud of the work he'd done. He and his team of doctors & nurses had saved many lives during this war. Boyd was a great doctor, but no one was perfect. Expect for Lenara. She was the perfect human being, with perfect genes thanks to her father. Doctor's aren't Gods, and do lose people. Doctor Boyd had lost patents over his many years of service in Starfleet. Niesha wouldn't one of those. Her injuries were bad, but nothing that couldn't be repaired. Thankfully they got to her in time. Niesha wouldn't have lasted long with the types of internal injuries she had. Even her outer burns & cuts were healed. She looked beautiful & healthy again. Doctor Boyd gave his okay for Lenara to stay as long as she wanted. The ship was returning to Starbase 134, and would be there soon enough.

Doctor Boyd left before Niesha woke. Once she was awake, and looking around. She spotted Lenara standing there and remembered her before. It was the same woman who was in the transporter room when Niesha was beamed over from the freighter. Though they really didn't know each other. It was nice to see a familiar face. Lenara looked so beautiful. Her fair, flawless skin, dark hair and those lovely eyes. Lenara could have been a model or some other type of entertainer. She chose to follow in her mother's footsteps and joined Starfleet. Now she was first officer on one of Starfleet's finest ships. Lenara & Niesha would use this time to get to know each other better. Since Lenara was off duty. She could spend as much time with their guest as she wanted. Niesha had slept for a while, thanks to the drug she was given before surgery. She was awake now and would be for a while. So she would need some company. During their conversation. Several nurses came over and checked on Niesha's progress. Each checked her vital signs before saying how well she was doing. One nurse came over, and asked Niesha what she wanted for dinner? Starfleet food replicators were limited with their selection of Cardassian foods. The replicators on the Protector had a few more selections then normal. Thanks to having Lieutenant Getal on board. Niesha was handed a pad with a menu on it. There were selections from all 150 races within the Federation, and some from those who weren't in. There was a large selection of Bajoran food items, as well as Klingon foods.

Once Niesha made her selection, the nurse asked if Lenara wanted anything? After Lenara spoke, the nurse left to get the food. The two women shared time together, while Niesha got her first real meal in a long time. Niesha learned about Getal being on board. A Cardassian serving on a Federation Starship seemed odd, but Starfleet had others who were ahead of their time. Like Lieutenant Commander Worf. The first Klingon to join Starfleet. There was a lot Niesha didn't know about the Federation. She would find out, that most of what was told to her by other Cardassians, wasn't true. The Federation, and Starfleet weren't quite as bad as Cardassian propaganda made them out to be. In fact, she'd already seen how kind and caring they were towards her. They'd done more to help her, in a short time then most of her fellow Cardassians had during her life.
Lenara had been told a number of times by others that if she ever gave up on Starfleet, she could be a model. She wasn't ignorant of her beauty. Both of her parents had been good looking people in their own rights and she had inherited the best of both of their looks, though most of her looks came from her father. While she and Niesha spoke with each other, Lenara shared some of her background with the other woman and Niesha shared with her in return. Lenara learned that Niesha was of both Cardassian and Bajoran descent, something that Lenara had already figured out from looking at the woman, but she merely nodded when she was told. It turned out that Niesha was raised by Cardassians who didn't like her and didn't want her living with them. She knew that they weren't her family. They had made it clear when she was young that she wasn't wanted, but they had to keep her.

However, when she was old enough to fend for herself, she had been put out. She had to fight for a job just to provide for herself. Unfortunately those jobs didn't last long, often being given to someone 'better qualified', which meant someone who was a complete Cardassian. It was humiliating and embarrassing for her, but Niesha pushed on and did what she had to in order to survive. Niesha told Lenara that she didn't know who her parents were and no one seemed to have any answers for her. When the nurses came over to check on her vitals, Niesha trailed off and watched as the nurses did their jobs checking her vital signs and they all commented on how well she was doing.

When one approached and asked what she wanted for dinner, she was surprised but took the pad that was offered to her and she looked down at it before beginning to look at what was offered. Niesha was a little overwhelmed at what was offered, so Lenara suggested perhaps something light, but filling and Niesha nodded with a smile before ordering a Sem'hal stew with some rokassa juice. Lenara told the nurse just a Raktajino. She would have something to eat a later on when she retired to her quarters. After the nurse left, the two women picked up on their conversation and Lenara told her about Getal who was working on board the Protector. Hearing that a Cardassian was working on a Federation Starship was surprising, but Lenara explained that Starfleet had plenty of officers that seemed unusual, naming a couple. Niesha slowly nodded as she listened. The more time that she spent with Lenara and talking with the woman, helped her learn that much of what she'd heard from other Cardassians about the Federation and Starfleet wasn't true. So far, she'd been treated with kindness and she actually felt welcomed. Unlike with other Cardassians who made her feel unwanted and like she was nothing.
Lenara & Niesha spent their time learning about each other. Niesha also learned about the ship she was on and people who might be of interest. Besides having Getal, the only Cardassian serving in Starfleet. The Protector also had two Bajorans as members of it crew. Lieutenant Lon Antos, who worked in engineering and Ensign Tanal Rema, who was one of Lenara's security officers, came from Bajor. Rema had proven she was a fighter by helping to defend sickbay, along side Alexander during the time when the Jem'Hadar had boarded the Protector. The ship also had several crew members who were of mixed breeds. Like Ensign Zoe Voss, half human and half Bolian, there was also Ensign Neko LeBeau, who was half human and half Ktarian. The Protector had a diverse and accepting crew. Even Getal didn't have trouble with anyone, despite where she came from. This was an important lesson for Niesha. She found a ship where people didn't hate others for being different. The captain wouldn't accept anyone who couldn't work with others. He made that clear by transferring Lieutenant Commander Webb, when he couldn't get along with Lenara. There was no place for hatred or bigotry on the Protector.

The Protector soon reached Starbase 134. Captain West had submitted his report on what happened with Gul Ocett. Kyle also spoke with Admiral Price about taking on Niesha. There was no place for the girl to go. Not unless she wanted to go to Vulcan. That was the nearest place where she could go without fear of being rejected. Admiral Price said he could arrange transport to Earth for her, but that could take a few weeks. Bajor was out of the question at the moment. No one knew how long Damar and his rebels could keep the Dominion busy. The Klingon Fleet was also a cause of concern these days. Gowron, the leader of the Klingon High Council, had traveled to Deep Space Nine to honor General Martok. Gowron then relieved him of over all command of Klingon forces. This move was completely political. Martok's popularity had become a problem for Gowron. He saw Martok as a possible threat to his seat as chancellor. Gowron wanted to make Martok to suffer humiliating defeats, thus causing the general to lose his popularity among the Klingon people. Starfleet Command was worried that Gowron was wasting badly needed ships on a petty need for his ego. Gowron's actions became well known on the Protector. Kyle & Lenara spoke about how foolish Gowron was being during one of their meetings.

Niesha was given several choices. She could go to Vulcan, or wait at Starbase for a possible trip to Earth. She could also stay on the Protector. Kyle had given his permission if she wanted to stay. Though there was a risk involved if she stayed. The Protector was a front line combat ship. Once they found a way to defeat the Breen weapon. The Protector would be returning to the front lines. Her life would be in danger, but she was an adult and could make her own decisions. Doctor Boyd had even offered Niesha a job in sickbay. He spoke of always needing an extra pair of hands. She could learn a lot from Doctor Boyd, if she wanted to stay onboard.
Lenara spent a good bit of time with Niesha, getting to know her better. And not just that afternoon. The first officer would visit the young woman every day while Niesha was still on the mend and then after Niesha was released from care, she was told she was welcome to visit Lenara when she was off duty. Niesha also had other visitors as well. She was introduced to her fellow Cardassian, as well as several other crew members who came to get to know the young woman. One person she spoke with a lot was also Doctor Boyd. She was curious about things in the sickbay and she wanted to get to know him better since he had saved her life with his work.

After reaching Starbase 134, Niesha became a little worried about what was to happen with her. She knew that there was talk about where she was to go. After Kyle spoke with Admiral Price, both Kyle and Lenara sat down with her and went over the different options that she currently had. Currently she couldn't go to Bajor, but she could go to earth, though it could take a couple weeks to get transport there or she could go to Vulcan, which was the closest place that would welcome her without rejection. Other then that, her only other choice was to remain on board the Protector. She was told about how the Protector would be returning to the front lines once they found out a way to defeat the Breen weapon. Lenara told Niesha to think it over and let them know her answer to which she nodded and said she would.

Niesha took a day to really think about it before she approached the Captain and gave him her reply. She wanted to stay. Niesha told Kyle that she understood the risks in staying, but there was a risk being just about anywhere these days. Besides, she'd come to see a number of the crew as friends and she'd been offered a spot in the Sickbay to help out, something she was very interested in accepting. Doctor Boyd had offered to teach her if she stayed on.
Gowron's actions had become reckless. He was blinded by how popular Martok had become. Gowron saw the general as a real threat to his position of power over the empire. The actions taken by Gowron hadn't gone unnoticed. Starfleet Command was worried that Gowron would lose the war by trying to make Martok look weak in the eyes of the Klingon people. The Klingon High Council was no longer willing to sit back and do nothing while Gowron wasted their forces. Klang would stand against Gowron. He left Qo'noS for Deep Space Nine. Klang sent a message to his adopted son, Kyle West. The message spoke of a visit by Klang to the Protector. Klang wanted to tell his son of the actions which would be happening. He also had another reason for stopping to see Kyle. This reason would be revealed once Klang arrived on the starship.

After receiving the message from his father. Kyle called Lenara to his quarters. He told her of the planned visit. Kyle asked Lenara to have an honor guard made up of her MACO's in transporter room one. Klang would see this as a sign of great respect. Kyle didn't know how long his father would be staying, but he did ask Lenara to have a dinner planned for his father, just in case. The IKS Negh'Var arrived at Starbase 134. It was the flagship of the Klingon Fleet. A signal was sent to the Protector, saying that council member Klang was ready to beam a board the starship. Lenara got her MACO's ready in the transporter room. They formed two lines on either side of the transporter chamber. Kyle & Lenara stood side by side facing the chamber. The transporter was then activated on the captain's command. Two figures appeared on the pads. One was Klang, the other was B'Lor, Kyle's adoptive mother. Kyle's face was suddenly taken over by surprise at seeing his mother. She was the first to step down off the pads. Glaring at Kyle. B'Lor then moved towards him. Scolding him for not coming to see her more often. She then wrapped her arms around Kyle, hugging him. This was a little embarrassing for Kyle, and amusing for Lenara. Klang then stepped off the transporter pad. He approached where his son, Lenara & B'Lor now stood. B'lor released her son as her husband came forward. Klang then spoke of his reason for visiting. He planned on killing Gowron, but Klang had come to honor Lenara for saving his son. It was an honor which was long overdue. B'Lor looked Lenara over. She placed her hands onto Lenara's shoulders and turned her around. B'Lor then grabbed Lenara's ass. Giving it a good squeeze. " She is quite fine for a human female. " B'Lor spoke, then gave Lenara's ass a playful swat. " We've come to make you part of our house. " B'Lor added while grinning at the pretty commander.
Lenara sat with Kyle, talking about the issues with Gowron. She completely agreed that what he was doing was very foolish. What he was doing was wasting good ships on something so childish. Kyle had explained that Gowron had become jealous of Martok's popularity and he was now trying to change how the Klingon people saw him and thought of him. She understood the politics of the Klingon people since she'd been well taught by Worf, but she also understood Starfleets worry when it came to him. Lenara was informed that Kyles father was going to be arriving to the Protector. She was a little surprised when she was called to Kyles quarters and informed of this. He requested an honor guard made up of her MACO's to be in transporter room one and she told him it would be done and she would personally make sure that dinner would be taken care of.

When the IKS Negh'Var arrived at the Starbase, Lenara contacted her MACO's and told them to assemble in the transporter chamber. She showed up and ordered them to form two lines on either side of the chamber before she took her place at Kyles side. She stood with her arms folded behind her and her head held high. When the transporter was activated, two figures appeared on the pads. It was a male and female Klingon. She knew that the male was Klang as they were expecting him, but she was unsure of who the woman was at first. Lenara glanced over at Kyle from the corner of her eye and saw the surprise on his face before looking at the woman as she stepped down off the pads. She saw how the woman was glaring at kyle, but when she began scolding him, Lenara was reminded of when her own mother would scold her and she guessed this was Kyles mother.

Witnessing the scolding of her own Captain caused the corners of mouth to curve upwards a bit as she watched this, her eyes glimmering with amusement as she looked at her friend and lover. Her gaze then turned to Klang as he stepped down. The woman remained quiet as she watched the family reunite with each other, listening as Klang spoke of his reason for visiting. He announced that he was planning on killing Gowron, but he also had come to honor Lenara herself for saving Kyle. Lenara's eyebrows rose a bit at this, not having expected anything for saving Kyle. As B'Lor looked her over, Lenara gazed back at her, not sure what to expect. What Kyle's mother did next was certainly not something she was expecting. When she was turned around and her ass grabbed, Lenara was taken by surprise and it showed on a little her face as B'Lor spoke of her being quite fine for a human female. Lenara then felt her give her ass a playful sway. But it was B'Lors comment of making her part of their house that really shocked Lenara and she glanced at Kyle then at Klang and finally back at B'Lor. "I'm deeply honored." she told them. Lenara knew that it wasn't a common thing for Klingons to take others outside of their race into their houses.
It wasn't a common practice for Klingons to bring outsiders into their houses. However, when someone showed themselves to be a true warrior, even if that person wasn't a Klingon, exceptions were made. Klang had made Kyle part of his house. After Kyle had defended a Klingon colony from a Romulan attack. Though what Lenara did was more personal. It was no less as brave as Kyle's actions. Klang & B'Lor were grateful to Lenara for saving Kyle's life. Making her part of their house, was their way of tanking her. Plus, Lenara had proven herself to be a warrior. She was one of very few humans who commanded a Klingon ship during battle. There were Klingons who proudly told stories of having served under her during battle. Lenara Singh was a name which was an honored one within the House of Klang. She would now become a daughter of the House of Klang.

B'Lor gave Lenara a smile when the commander spoke of being deeply honored. Klang said they could start right away. There was one thing which got lost very quickly. The fact that Klang had spoken of killing Gowron. Kyle knew this could cause problems within the empire. He brought his concerns up to his father. Klang spoke of having all the support he needed. He had the support form most of the high council, plus Klang had the support of Emperor Kahless II. The transporter then activated again. Another figure appeared in the chamber. It was Emperor Kahless II standing there. " Gowron is a fool and he must die.......Your father has enough support to become the next chancellor. " Kahless spoke as he stepped out of the chamber. He looked at the MACO's standing at attention on either side. " Impressive. " Kahless spoke as he started walking forwards. " Emperor Kahless.......We are honored to have you a board the USS Protector......This is my first officer Commander Lenara Singh. " Kyle spoke as Kahless approached. The emperor then stopped. " It's an honor to meet you Captain West and Commander Singh. " Kahless spoke while bowing his head to both Kyle & Lenara. With the question of Klang's support now answered. Klang spoke of going to Lenara's quarters for the ceremony to make her a member of their house. B'Lor asked Lenara to lead the way.
Klangs comment of killing Gowron had quickly been forgotten in Lenara's moment of shock when she'd been grabbed by B'Lor and told that she was going to be brought into the House of Klang. However, Kyle was quick to bring things back to the matter at hand. Lenara looked over at Kyle when he brought up his concerns and Lenara listened to her Captain voice his worries about possible problems rising with the empire if Klang killed Gowron. However, it seems that Klang had that covered as he announced that he had support from most of the high council as well as the Emperor Kahless II. A moment later, the transporter activated again and a third person came through. This time it was Emperor Kahless II himself. He spoke of how Gowron was a fool and how he must die.

For the first time in quite a while, Lenara felt that she was kind of out of her depth as she was surrounded by a number of Klingons and her Captain who had been adopted into a Klingon family some time ago, the woman standing there and feeling like an on looker. Finally, Kahless looked upon her MACO's standing at attention on either side of the room and he said that it was impressive and she stood a bit taller while he walked towards them and Lenara stood at attention as Kyle introduced her to Emperor Kahless. After she was introduced, she bowed her head slightly while softly saying it was an honor to meet him. Now that they knew that Klang had the support of the high council, Klang spoke of going to Lenara's quarters for the ceremony to make her a member of the house of Klang.

After Lenara was asked to lead the way, she glanced at her Captain, not knowing what to expect with this ceremony. This was one thing Worf had never explained to her nor had she asked Kyle about. So she was heading into this completely blind. "Of course. Right this way." she told them before leading the way out of the transporter room. Lenara led them to the turbo lift which took them up to where her and Kyles quarters were located. It was a short time later that she was opening her quarters and inviting everyone inside.
The group followed Lenara to her quarters. Kyle of course knew what was coming. He'd been through this before. It was a ceremony to induct Lenara into the House of Klang. As the group walked along. Klang contacted his ship and had everything they would need transported over into Lenara's quarters. As they reached her quarters, a large chalice appeared on her table. There was also several bottles of blood wine to drink once the ceremony as over. Normally, all the members of Klang's house would take part in the ceremony. However, Klang's two other sons and his daughter were on the front lines. They wouldn't be able to celebrate with their new sister. Lenara welcomed everyone into her quarters. Kyle had the computer shut down the ship's fire suppression system for Lenara's quarters, or they would have one hell of a mess.

With the fire suppression system deactivated. Klang set up the chalice for the ceremony. He then lit a fire under the chalice. Klang stood before the chalice. He took a symbol from his left shoulder. It was like a badge worn by all who served this proud Klingon House. Klang then held this Symbol, in his hands, above his head. He spoke of symbol as being the banner of his house. Klang said the hold of this symbol was forever a member of his house, and she would be forever his daughter. He placed the badge into the chalice, the fire burning underneath. Klang then pulled his d'k tahg. He dragged the blade acrossed the palm of his right hand. His blood then dropped down onto the symbol. Klang then handed the knife to his wife. B'Lor then stepped up. She also spoke of welcoming her new daughter into their family. B'Lor then cut the palm of her right hand. Letting her blood join with her husband's. Kyle whispered to Lenara, they were next. She would follow him, since he was the only son of the House of Klang who was here. Kyle came forward, taking the knife from his mother. He held the blade with his left hand, keeping his right hand over the chalice. He welcomed Lenara into his house. Kyle then cut his palm. His blood dripped down onto the badge. Kyle then held out the knife for Lenara to take. All she needed to do was take the knife, accept the offer of joining the House of Klang, cut her palm and let her blood mix with the blood already there.
Upon entering her quarters, Lenara saw a large chalice appear on her table along with some bottles of blood wine. It had become known to those that she served with on the Klingon ship that she could hold her blood wine as well as a Klingon could. While it wasn't her favorite drink, it was one she did enjoy on occasion. After they entered, she glanced at Kyle as he had the fire suppression system in her quarters turned off. Things were just getting more interesting, but she didn't ask any questions. Instead, she stood and watched as Klang set up the chalice for the ceremony. It wasn't long before a fire had been started in her room and the ceremony started. Lenara watched and listened closely to everything Klang said and did, from removing the symbol from his shoulder to him and B'Lor both cutting their palms and letting their blood drip into the chalice.

Kyle whispered to her that it was then their turn and he took the blade from B'Lor and did as his parents had, cutting his hand and letting his blood drip onto the badge after welcoming her into his house. When the knife was held out for her to take, Lenara stepped forward and took it. Without even a moments hesitation, she held her hand out over the chalice and dragged the blade across her palm, doing as they had done before her and letting her blood mix with the blood already there. When she did this, she didn't even flinch. She had been sincere when she had said that she was honored that they were going to accept her into their house, so there was no moment of hesitation for her in doing this. Not even to think it over. After letting her blood drip onto the badge, she looked up at them to see what going to happen next.
Klang stepped forward, taking the blade from Lenara's hand. He placed the knife down onto the table. Klang then picked up a small bottle, opened it and poured the liquid into the chalice. The heated chalice set the liquid on fire. It burned for a moment, inside the chalice before it burned itself out, Klang then killed the fire below the chalice. He reached inside, picking the badge up. Klang then tuned towards Lenara. " Though you are human......You have proven your heart is Klingon......And nothing can stand against a Klingon heart. " Klang spoke before handing the badge over to Lenara. This was hers now. It said she was a member of the House of Klang, now and forever. Lenara Singh was now a daughter of Klang & B'Lor. Like Kyle, she had been adopted into his house. Lenara had a family again.

Everyone bound their hands. Then the blood wine was opened. Kyle was able to talk his father, his mother and Emperor Kahless into staying an extra day. Kyle spoke of having a dinner set for their visit. Kahless was honored to have dinner with Kyle and his valiant crew. Kyle then contacted the bridge and had them contact the senior staff. They were to meet in the Captain's mess in one hour for dinner. The only one who was excused was Commander Quinn. He and his engineering crew were busy working on a way to defeat the Breen weapon. Everyone else was expected to be at dinner. While Kyle was calling the bridge with his orders. Klang welcomed Lenara into his house. He spoke of being proud to have her as his daughter. B'Lor was also proud to have someone so brave as her daughter. She thanked Lenara for saving Kyle's life. They owed her a debt. By bringing Lenara into their house. Their debt was now paid in full. Kyle then spoke of taking this celebration to the Captain's mess. It was a private mess hall for the captain, off from the main mess hall. Kyle only used this room for special parties. He normally ate in his quarters, or with the crew in the main mess hall. Kyle felt a captain should never be cut off from those who served under them. Not even while eating. The group left Lenara's quarters, bringing the blood wine with them. By the time they reached the captain's mess. They found Lieutenant M'Ress waiting for them. Being Caitian, M'Ress found Klingon food very tasty. Others weren't so eager to move quickly. Few humans could stomach eating Klingon food. Mostly because Klingon food was often alive, or raw when eaten.
Letting Klang take the knife from her, Lenara stepped back a little as he poured the contents of a small bottle into the chalice which then lit on fire from the heat that had been caused by the fire beneath the chalice. The fire didn't last long as it burned itself out and then the fire below the chalice was then put out. Next Lenara was presented with the badge after Klang spoke of how she'd proven she had the heart of a Klingon and she was told that nothing could stand against a Klingon heart. Reaching out, she took the badge from him, gazing down at the symbol of it. While she saw Worf as a brother and she had plenty of people who she'd become very close to and considered like family. But now, she had an actual family again. And it was all thanks to her selfless act of being willing to sacrifice her own life to save her captain.

With the ceremony done, they all bound their hands and the blood wine was opened for them to enjoy. Finally Kyle was able to talk to his father and when he did, he talked them into staying an extra day. Lenara had already planned out a menu for dinner if they were going to be with them to eat. With it decided that Klang, B'Lor and Kahless would be joining them for dinner, the bridge was contacted and Kyle had the senior staff contacted and asked them to meet in the Captain's mess for dinner. While he was doing this, Lenara got the chance to speak with Klang and B'Lor a little. She was welcomed into the house of Klang and thanked for saving Kyle's life. Lenara glanced over at the man that B'Lor spoke of, a small smile on her lips as she watched him. "He is my captain and I wasn't about to see him brought down by such a cowardly attack from behind." she told B'Lor while looking at her again.

The group then moved from Lenara's quarters, grabbing the blood wine and heading for the Captain's mess. When they got there, they were met by Lieutenant M'Ress and Lenara grinned at the Caitian as they entered. She'd eaten a couple meals with M'Ress in the past, both females enjoying Klingon food. When she had first had it, Lenara hadn't been able to stomach it, but she came to really enjoy it. There were plenty of times when she had one of the Klingon dishes in the Protectors database for dinner instead of what other humans might consider 'normal' food. Lenara wasn't surprised that M'Ress was already there while the others weren't as quick to join.
Doctor Boyd, Lieutenant Commander Devlin, Lieutenant Simms, Lieutenant Wong, Lieutenant Tala and Lieutenant Vox were all lagging behind. None were in a real hurry to arrive at the captain's mess for this dinner. Klingon food wasn't as popular with them as it was with Lenara, M'Ress or even with Kyle. Lesley always became ill form watching the food moving around. She'd been with Lenara & M'Ress when they'd eaten Klingon food before. The pretty Asian always left the table without eating anything. Klingon food was an acquired taste for most. Lenara already had the standby cook ready to sever fresh Klingon dishes. The cook had fresh Gagh, Pipius claw, Krada legs, Heart of targ and Rokeg blood pie on the menu. Getting the fresh Klingon food wasn't hard. There was a supply left behind at Starbase 134 when General Karg's ships left for the front lines. Lenara simply put in a request form for the supplies. The personnel at the starbase were happy to send Lenara all the Klingon food she wanted. Hell, they would have given her the supplies even without a request form.

The stragglers all started to arrive. Each having an excuse for being so late. Their excuses were pretty poor, and amusing for Kyle & Lenara. Kyle gave his late coming officers the chance to eat something other then Klingon food. He said the replicator was still online. This was no comfort for poor Lesley. She became ghostly white not long after entering the room. The Klingon food was already on the table and being eaten. Lesley sat there watching as the food was moving on the plates and in the bowls. Kyle gave her permission to leave. Noticing how sickly she looked. Lenara had pointed this out to Kyle. He hadn't noticed before Lenara spoke. Lenara knew what a bad reaction to Klingon food Lesley had. She wouldn't let her lover sit there and suffer while everyone else ate. Everyone else got a selection from the replicator, then sat down at the table. The blood wine was passed around the table. It wasn't seen as bad as the food was. It was however stronger then the rest were ready for. Mr. Vox was the only one who declined to have any blood wine. During the dinner, it was announced that Lenara had become a member of the House of Klang. Many toasts were made in her honor. These toasts were where Jamal, Tala and Edwin became rather tipsy. None had ever drank much blood wine before. They were getting a lesson on how powerful the drink really was. By the end of dinner, Kyle, Lenara and the Klingons were all doing well. The senior staff had to be helped back to their quarters. All would be seeking help from sickbay in the morning.
Lenara knew how a good number of her shipmates were put off by Klingon food. It was something that one had to acquire a taste for and not many outside of certain races did. Before they had even decided to have dinner, Lenara had contacted the standby cook and had them ready to serve some fresh Klingon dishes. She wasn't going to have it made in the replicator. It just wasn't the same that way. Instead, it had been rather easy to get the fresh food from Starbase 134. It turns out that there had been a supply left behind from General Karg's before he had left for the front lines. So she sent in the request forms to have the food sent to the Protector so they could serve their Klingon visitors.

As the rest of the senior crew began to show up, Lenara and Kyle listened to their excuses, the woman looking at Kyle with an amused look in her eyes as the crew offered their poor excuses. However, Kyle told them that they were welcome to eat something other then the Klingon fair that was in the room. Of course, Lenara knew that this wouldn't help Lesley as the Asian always got ill while watching food move around. Almost right away after entering, Lenara saw how Lesley turned white and she leaned towards Kyle, softly mentioning this issue to Kyle. She'd seen some of the reactions that Lesley got while watching others eat the food in the past, usually this was when she joined Lenara and M'Ress who usually enjoyed eating it together. So Lesley was then given permission to leave and the pretty Asian left quickly.

They were soon joined by the others after they had gotten a selection from the replicator. Some blood wine was passed around, some of them getting some though Mr. Vox declined to have some. Knowing the strength of the blood wine, Lenara had a feeling that the others might need help getting back to their quarters later if they drank too much of it. While they ate, the announcement of Lenara having been made into a member of the House of Klang was made and many toasted her honor and this was where much of the blood wine was drunk. As the dinner went on, she could see how the blood wine was effecting Jamal, Tala and Edwin, chuckling softly as she finished another glass of her own. So far, the only effect that the blood wine had on Lenara was that it brought a bit of color to her cheeks. Other then that, she looked, acted and felt fine. By the end of dinner, the senior staff had to be helped back to their quarters and Lenara joked with Kyle on how she was sure all of them would be visiting the sickbay in the morning for some help for their hangovers.
The blood wine took it's tool on the senior staff of the Protector. As Lenara joked with Kyle the night before. Those who stayed and drank the wine with each toast made to Lenara. Were in need of medical attention the following morning. They all reported to sickbay to cure their hangovers. Only Doctor Boyd was able to cure himself of his morning troubles. That morning Klang was planning on leaving for Deep Space Nine. He received a message from his daughter La'Tor, who was serving under General Martok. She reported to her father that Gowron had been killed by Worf. La'Tor also said that Martok had become chancellor. The news was unexpected. Klang had planned on confronting Gowron himself. However, Worf had taken care of what needed done for the good of the empire. Klang shared this news with his wife and Emperor Kahless. It was decided they would return to Qo'noS. There were those on the council who might have problems with Martok being the new chancellor. Klang had decided to support Martok. He knew the general was a good leader. Klang sent a message to Kyle, explaining what happened. The Negh'Var then left Starbase 134 for home. Once Kyle got the message from his father. He called Lenara to his ready room and shared the news with her. Lenara was told that Worf had killed Gowron in a fight, and General Martok was now the chancellor.

With the Federation & Romulan fleets setting behind the front lines. There was only daily work to keep everyone busy. Lenara had the crew practicing battle drills to keep them sharp. She was sure they would be back in battle before the war was over, and she didn't want the crew to soft from all this down time. Lenara got time to catch up on her letters. She got one from Ezri, saying that Kira had returned from her mission to help Damar. Kira had brought Odo back to the station. He was suffering from a terrible disease which was killing the Founders. Ezri feared that Odo would also die, but she did say that Dr. Bashir was trying to find a cure to help Odo. As it turned out, Lenara also had a letter from Julian. He spoke of Odo's condition, but he also spoke of who was behind this disease. Most everyone knew the Founders were suffering from some unknown disease. However, Julian had found out who infected the Founders. Julian told Lenara that Section 31 had purposely infected Odo to use him as a weapon against his own people. He then asked Lenara for her help. Julian spoke of trying to lure someone from Section 31 to Deep Space Nine. He planned on capturing them, before finding out what the cure was, or where it could be found. This is where Julian needed Lenara's help and asked her or a favor. Julian asked Lenara if she could get two Romulan mind probes for him? He had no idea that she took a Romulan Officer as one of her lovers. Julian just thought if anyone could help him, it would be Lenara. Julian knew it was possible for Lenara to turn him down. But, he was hoping her hatred for Section 31 would put her on his side. The Federation was at war with the Founders, but Section 31 was trying to commit genocide by killing them all, even Odo.
The next morning Lenara heard that those that had gotten drunk the night before had reported to the sickbay and she got a couple chuckles from this, smiling to herself as she shook her head. A little later that day, Lenara was called to Kyles ready room and she was told that Gowron had been killed by Worf in a fight and now General Martok was the chancellor. Lenara was surprised by this bit of news. She hadn't been expecting to hear that Worf had killed Gowron himself, but at the same time she was proud that her friend had won the fight. She was also told that Klang had decided to support Martok as the general was a good leader.

While the Federation and Romulan fleets were waiting, Lenara kept her crew on their toes with practice drills. She would randomly choose a time when she would run a drill and it could happen at any hour of the day and only she would know exactly when. Between the practice drills and her everyday busy work, Lenara got caught up on her letters. One that she'd gotten was from Ezri who told her that Kira had returned from her mission to aid Damar. However, she had brought back Odo who was suffering from a terrible disease which was killing the Founders. This concerned Lenara for she knew that Odo was a good man who didn't want to be like his people. Lenara was upset to read that Odo would eventually die as well, but she had some hope after reading that Dr. Bashir was trying to find a cure to help the changeling. If there was anyone who could find a cure for this, Lenara had a feeling it would be Julian. It turns it she also had a letter from Julian as well and that was the next one that she read. He told her about the disease that Odo was suffering from and then he told her about who was behind it.

When she read that it had been Section 31 who purposely infected Odo, she frowned as she slowly read through Julian's letter, not wanting to misread anything. It turns out that Section 31 had infected Odo to use him against his own people and now Julian was now asking her for help. He wanted to know if she could get two Romulan mind probes for him. Lenara was torn between helping Julian and not helping. Part of her didn't want to help the Founders because they were a large reason for the current war that they were in the middle of, but at the same time, she wanted to help because she looked down on what Section 31 was doing. Mess genocide was something she didn't tolerate on any level and it was finally her hatred of Section 31 and wanting to save Odo that made her decide to help.

However, before she sent Julian a reply, Lenara went to Kyle about this. She approached Kyle in his ready room and brought the issue up to him. The woman explained what Section 31 had done and she told him that as much as she wanted this war done and over with as soon as possible, the genocide of a whole people was wrong, no matter why it was being done. She told him of Odo, the security officer on Deep Space Nine who was a changeling that was a part of Ben's crew and of how he could die if something wasn't wrong. Kyle was told everything and she kept nothing a secret about what Julian was asking and now she was asking Kyle what she should do.
Kyle wasn't sure how to take what Lenara told him. He knew the Founders were the reason why this war started. Kyle had planned, led and won the first victory against the Dominion. He wanted an end to this war, but Kyle certainly didn't want genocide to soil the final victory. That's not how to win a war. You didn't kill an entire race just to win. Kyle was aware of the troubles Lenara had with Section 31. This hidden group of Federation citizens were going beyond what the Federation stood for. At least in Kyle's eyes they were. Kyle didn't know Odo, but he knew Ben Sisko. If Sisko had Odo as part of his crew, then Odo must be a good person. Kyle knew there were rules, even in war. Killing for the sake of killing was just murder. This is what Section 31 was doing. Using Odo as a weapon against his own people, was wrong on so many levels. Kyle told Lenara, Section 31 was wrong and should be stopped. He couldn't give her permission to get the mind probes Doctor Bashir wanted. The mind probes were illegal in the Federation. However, Kyle made it clear that Lenara should do the right thing. The right thing was getting the mind probes and sending them to her friend. So there would be no official requests, nor would there be any record of this conversation between Kyle & Lenara. It would be logged in as ship's business.

Lenara was free to get the mind probes. She did have Kyle's blessing on this subject. Though his blessing was personal and not official. All Lenara needed to do was to contact Rotel on his ship. He'd become one of her lovers since they met on Romulus. Rotel could get the mind probes she wanted. Lenara would then have them packaged as medical supplies and shipped to Julian on Deep Space Nine. War was a very messy, very dirty business. But, they didn't need to make it worse by standing by and let genocide happen. That was something neither Lenara or Kyle could stomach. History was full of people who committed crimes during war. Believing they were doing the right thing. Section 31 was nothing more then a group of people who thought they knew better. They were criminals who should be locked away for what they'd done and what they continued to do. Sadly, section 31 was well hidden and had people who protected them. There were even Starfleet Officers who aided them. This was the reason why there would be no official record of this meeting between Lenara & Kyle. What had been said between them, would stay between them.
Lenara was disgusted by what Section 31 was doing. Even though they were at war with the Founders, to just kill an entire race just for the sake of it would spoil the victory of war if they won. And to kill indiscriminately was wrong. What they were doing was murder, plain and simple, and no excuse could be made for it. Kyle was in agreement with her that Section 31 was wrong and that they should be stopped. However, he couldn't give her permission to get the mind probes that Doctor Bashir wanted as they were illegal in the Federation. However, she was told that she should do the right thing and right now, getting those mind probes to Bashir was the right thing. Lenara thanked Kyle and left his ready room. There would be no record of what they had just spoken of and there would be no record of her requesting them.

Returning to her quarters, Lenara contacted Rotel. Rotel had become one of her many lovers and they had enjoyed spending time together. She told him of what she needed. The part of her that was a strict Federation Officer felt guilty asking for something that she knew was illegal, but she pushed aside those feelings because she knew what she was doing was right. This had the possibility of saving many lives, not just Odo's, though his was a major factor in this. She respected Odo despite they not knowing each other very well. Once the probes were secured for her, Lenara had them packaged as medical supplies and shipped out to Deep Space Nine for Julian and she sent a letter to him, letting him know that the medical supplies that he needed were on their way. They would arrive to him along with a note that merely said, 'For Odo'.
Lenara had done the right thing. She had Kyle's support on this subject. If what was done to help Doctor Bashir was every found out. Kyle & Lenara would stand together and go down together if need be. Since the Breen entered the war on the side of the Dominion. The war had shifted back in their favor. However, the war was about to swing back again. Commander Quinn and his engineering team had been working day and night on solving the riddle of the Breen weapon. It was a problem since the technology was unknown to Quinn. That was until he discovered that the weapon effected a ship's shields first. This is where the trouble started. The weapon not only drained a ship's shields, as well as all power from a ship. It also acted like a virus which effected all ship's systems. Quinn and his team redesigned the shield emitters for the Protector. They then ran simulation after simulation making sure their changes worked. Each simulation came out with the Breen weapon being useless. However, simulations weren't real life. Everything they did should work, but the only way to tell, was to test the changes in combat.

Quinn asked for and got a meeting with Kyle & Lenara. They gathered on holodeck one. The simulation started. It was a combat scene between the Protector and a Breen warship. The simulation went as everyone expected. The Protector came out on top. Quinn then said they needed to test the changes in real time. Kyle & Lenara talked it over. Both knew the risk if this didn't really work. They would be destroyed. Kyle & Lenara were tired of sitting back while the Klingons held the line. Kyle & Lenara decided the risk was worth taking. They would go out and find Breen ships to engage. Kyle cleared the mission with Starfleet Command. The Protector then left Starbase 134. They headed for the front lines. Once the ship reached the front, they crossed into Dominion held space. It didn't take long before several Breen ships were spotted approaching the Protector. Kyle ordered Battle stations as their enemy came closer. One Breen ship moved on the ship while the other two held back. Clearly they were expecting an easy victory. Both Kyle & Lenara hoped the changes made by Quinn and his team worked. Kyle told Lenara to hold her fire. He spoke of letting the Breen fire first. They needed to find out if Quinn was right. The Breen did fire their weapon. An energy ball stuck the Protector, then everyone held their breath. Normally a ship would start having problems right away. Systems would go down. The ship would lose power and be defenseless. This time, nothing happened. The Protector was still at full power. Kyle smiled while telling Lenara to fire at will. He then sat back as she unleashed the ship's weapons on their enemy.
Despite keeping busy with drills and other daily work, Lenara began to get stir crazy. She couldn't stand just sitting back and waiting while others were out on the front lines risking themselves. She wanted to be out there along side the Klingons fighting. It was part of who she was. If she could do anything to help and fight, she wanted to be there to do so. But she was forced to sit and wait. Then, one day she and Kyle were asked for a meeting by Quinn and they all gathered on holodeck one where the simulation that Quinn had been working on, started. It was a combat scene between the Protector and a Breen warship and Lenara watched as it ran as they expected with the Protector coming out on top, having bested the Breen. The Captain and his First Officer were then told that they needed to test the changes that Quinn and his team had done, in real time.

So Kyle and Lenara spoke of what they were going to do. They were both well aware of the risks that they were going to be taking if this didn't work. They would be destroyed. However, if this worked, it would be just what was needed to turn the tide once more in the Federations favor. So they decided it was a risk worth taking and they would go out and find some enemy ships to engage and test the changes. First Kyle had to contact Starfleet Command and get their okay before they then left Starbase 134 and head out for the front lines where the Klingons were fighting with the Breen.

Once there, they crossed over the boarder into Dominion space. They didn't have long to wait before they were set upon by several Breen ships. They approached the Protector and Kyle ordered Battle stations. Lenara was quickly at her tactical station, ready to act should Quinns changes be successful. One of the Breen ships moved forward. She was itching to attack, but Kyle told her to hold her fire as he wanted the Breen to fire first. This way they would know if Quinn was right and Lenara nodded. They were then fired upon and an energy ball hit the Protector. Everyone on the bridge held their breaths, everything still as they waited. However, nothing happened and Lenara told Kyle that they were still at full power and he then told her to fire at will. "Yes sir." she said before doing just that. While the Breen attack had no effect on them, Lenara's attack on the Breen had devastating effect as it left nothing behind but scraps from their ship. Lenara then went after the other Breen ships.
Lenara made short work of the Breen ships. They'd been overconfident of their new weapon. The Breen ships didn't even have their shields raised to protect themselves. They didn't think it was possible the Federation had developed a defense against their energy dampening weapon. The Breen soon realized their mistake when Lenara unleashed her brutal attack. Lenara had longed for combat, just as she would long for sex if she was forced to live with out it. She destroyed the first ship. Turning it into a floating scrap yard before the ship moved on. Lenara then targeted and destroyed the last two ship. The Protector then turned, leaving the wrecks behind. They returned to Federation space, but the Breen ships did get a warning message out before the last ship was blown into pieces. This was unimportant since the advantage of the Breen weapon was now gone. The Protector returned to Starbase 134. Much to the relief of Admiral Price. Kyle reported that the shield changes done by Lieutenant Commander Quinn and his team had worked. Admiral Price ordered all the starships to alter their shield emitters in the same way.

As the Starships were making the proper changes to their shield emitters. Commander Quinn and his team started working with a group of Romulan engineers to solve their problem with the Breen weapon. Now that Quinn understood how the weapon worked. It was easy to come up with a way to make the same changes to all Romulan warships. It would be a few days until both fleets were back in action. Having found out the Federation developed a way to defend against the Breen weapon. The female founder ordered all Dominion ships to abandon their current positions and pull back into Cardassian space. It was a strategic withdraw. A war planning meeting was held at Starbase 134, after the Dominion started to pull back. Kyle & Lenara were there, along with several admirals and a dozen or so starship captains. The subject of containment was brought up. It was said, they could just blockade the Cardassian frontier and keep the Dominion bottle up. This way the war would be over. Kyle & Lenara were against this idea. They knew the Dominion could just sit back and rebuild their fleets, then when they were ready to strike, it would be damn near impossible to stop them. Both Kyle & Lenara argued to keep fighting. They had the advantage now, and a major strike could end the war now and forever. At one point, Lenara took the floor. Moving around the table where the captains and admirals sat. She spoke of how impressive the Dominion ship building skills have been. She warned if they give the Dominion five years to rebuild their forces, all could be lost. Lenara spoke of five years of peace, followed by a lifetime of slavery under the Dominion. While she walked around the table. Several captains eyed her up. Watching as the sexy commander moved. Clearly they wanted her. No doubt that they were thinking of bending her over the table, or placing her on the table before fucking her.

Lenara's argument was full of passion. It was very persuasive, and she soon had everyone on board to keep the war going. Everyone wanted the war to end, but stopping short now before a real victory was won, was just madness. The Federation Alliance had the advantage now. In five years, after the Dominion had rebuilt their fleets. That advantage would be lost. Kyle then stood, and moved towards a large map of the Dominion withdraw. He spoke of a major attack on Dominion forces. Hitting them hard, breaking their lines and pushing deep into Cardassian space. Kyle spoke of using a combination fleet. Made up of Federation, Klingon and Romulan ships. He spoke of thousands of ships assaulting the enemy lines. " We don't stop until we reach Cardassia Prime and really end this war. " By the time Kyle finished speaking, the decision had been made to go ahead with a major attack. The word would be sent out, to gather forces for an all assault.
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