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Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Lenara's pussy was beginning to touch Daniel's hardened cock as they kissed. He would be able to feel how hot and wet she was as her pussy touched him. Her breathing was beginning to pick up a little as she kissed and nibbled on the mans skin, listening to his sounds of lust as he moaned. As he spoke of needing to have her and needing to fuck her pussy, she nibbled on his earlobe with a soft moan, loving how he said he needed her. Reaching down between them, Lenara lifted herself and carefully positioned Daniels cock between her thighs. Then, with a single downwards motion, she lowered herself onto his cock and her lustful moan filled the air as his cock pushed into her pussy, parting her tight walls and filling her as the woman continued to lower herself until he was seated balls deep in her tight hole.

"Ohh, your cock feels so good." she moaned while letting her head tip back on her shoulders. The woman rocked her hips against his slowly, enjoying how his cock rubbed against her inner walls. Pulling back a little, Lenara gazed at Daniels before setting her hands upon his chest and she gently pushed him back so he was leaning back against the couch before she began to ride his cock. Starting out slowly at first, Lenara began to build her speed as her wanton moans filled Daniels room.
Lenara wasn't the first Starfleet Officer who enjoyed a sexually free lifestyle. And she certainly wasn't the only one. There were those who came before, and would be many after her. Not all were captains, but they did get more stories told of their sexual adventures. Captain James T. Kirk was perhaps the most famous of the promiscuous Starfleet Officers. His sexual prowess was the stuff of legend. It was said, there wasn't a spaceport which Kirk didn't have at least one woman at. Lenara's own Captain West, was quite the ladies man. It was said Kyle could get inside a woman's pants with just his charming smile. Lenara knew just how charming her captain could be. Since becoming sexually active. Lenara was building her own list of lovers. Some were on board the Protector. Others would be scattered around the galaxy. She was making a new lover out of Lieutenant Daniels. He would be the first of her lovers on another starships. There were those who talked about Lenara's sexual adventures. However, the stories being told weren't done by those who hated her. Like those who passed false rumors about her while she was a cadet. Back then, Lenara wasn't as secure in who she was. Things had changed for Lenara since then. She was more comfortable with herself and with her career. She had friends and lovers who truly cared for her. Lenara even made one of those old rumors come true. She fucked Admirals Price & Akaar. Not to further her career, but as a thank you for everything the two men had done for her. She took the two older men as lovers, but did so on her terms.

Daniels didn't know a lot about Lenara's past. He knew what she told him while they talked. He also knew her position and what she did on the Protector. Beyond that, Daniels really didn't care. He wanted to fuck her, and that was going to happen. Neither had thought sex would happen between them, but they weren't going to just walk away from the chance. Daniels never planned on getting hard, but it happened while he looked at Lenara. She was a very sexy woman, and any man would get turned on by being around her. Once Daniels spoke of needing her. Lenara went straight to work. She nibbled on his earlobe while softly moaning. This sent a chill down Daniels' spine. Lenara knew what she was doing when it came to making herself and her lovers feel good. She then reached down between them. Grasping his cock in her hand. Lenara began lowering her body. Slipping his shaft into her body. The head passed between her pussy lips, entering her hole. Filling and stretching Lenara. Her pussy was very tight. Daniels was moaning from the moment his cock head moved into her body. Lenara continued lowering herself until his cock was deep inside of her. She then settled down on his lap. Lenara then spoke of how good Daniels' cock felt. She started rocking her hips. Moving her body back and fourth.

Daniels lustfully moaned out loud. His cock was rubbing against the walls of her tight pussy. This brought them both pleasure. Daniels lowered his head, and began to lick and suck on Lenara's right nipple. He removed his right hand from her hip. Raised it and started playing with the nipple on her left breast. As Lenara was riding his cock. Daniels was giving her a reason to ride him even harder. He was playfully biting at one nipple, while pinching and twisting the other. " Fuck me Lenara!.....Ride my cock like some primal bitch! " Daniels spoke before he bit down hard on her nipple. He wanted to make this encounter something Lenara would remember. He also wanted to make her want more in the future. Daniels wanted more, as many as they could have. And who knows? It was possible that Daniels could find himself serving on the Protector one day. As part of Lenara's security force.
The many circulating rumors about promiscuous Starfleet Officers were well known to Lenara. Though she didn't actively take part in learning the rumors, she did hear enough from others around her both in the academy and outside of it, to eventually learn them. She had learned many of the stories about Captain Kirk, as well as Commander William Riker. The stories about her very own Captain Kyle West, were well known to her. And she could even attest to them. She personally knew just how charming the handsome captain could be. She entertained the idea about pursuing other Captains, but she already had a number of others she was after at the moment. So perhaps in the futures she might attempt it. For now, however, she was becoming much better acquainted with one of Captain Picards crew members.

As the sexy woman began moving her hips against his, Daniels moans began to fill the air and she smiled to herself. When he lowered his head and took her nipple into his mouth, Lenara moaned and closed her head, letting her head tip back on her shoulders. One of her hands moved from resting on his chest to running through Daniels hair, cupping the back of his head gently as he licked and sucked upon her hardened nipple. As the man teased her nipples, Lenara began riding his cock faster, her hips rising and lowering as she panted softly. A delighted gasp escaped her parted lips while he told her to fuck him and to ride his cock like some primal bitch. A moment later he bit down hard on her nipple. This caused her to cry out while arching her back, her hand buried in his hair fisting his hair firmly while her walls tightened around his cock. Making a sound that wasn't unlike a soft growl, Lenara pulled Daniels head back and kissed him hard, her teeth nipping at his bottom lip while her hips moved faster and harder against his.

Depending on her sexual partner, Lenara could be rough or she could be very gentle. Her rougher side had caused others to playfully say that she was a Vulcan on the streets, but a Klingon in the sheets. That one had been started by one of the men on the Protector. Lenara was pretty sure it had been one of her security officers who started it. When she had first heard about it from Lesley, Lenara had been a little surprised, but the woman had merely rolled her eyes and shaken her head before walking off, showing that she wasn't bothered by it.
Daniels was surprised by how aggressive, yet playful Lenara became. He quickly learned how much she loved having her nipples played with during sex. Her reaction to him biting her nipple, was followed by Lenara's body picking up speed. She was riding him much faster, but she also grabbed his head, pulled his head back and kissed him hard. Doing so, Lenara nipped at his lower lips. These acts taken by Lenara only made Daniels moan even more for her. The two going at it like a pair of wild targs. Daniels didn't know how someone on the Protector likened her to a Vulcan and a Klingon. The young officer could certainly believe that Lenara was Klingon like in the bedroom. She was fucking him with wild abandon. Showing just how much she loved having a cock between her legs.

The action between Lenara & Daniels continued. She showed the young officer, just what others had found out. Lenara was the type of woman every man or woman wanted in bed. Daniels was already looking forwards to more encounters with the sexy commander. They didn't have anyone like Lenara aboard the Enterprise. Though the starship did have some very attractive woman. Daniels felt many women could learn a lot from a woman like Lenara. The pleasure built within both bodies. Finally, Lenara & Daniels both reached their climaxes. Daniels filled Lenara's pussy with a loud of his cum. Pumping it deep into her body. This was made possible because Lenara was riding Daniels. Her ass was down onto his lap. Keeping his cock deep inside her inner walls. Both were breathless as they remained together, unmoving. It took a few moments before they enjoyed a kiss. The kiss held the rest of the passion they just shared with each other.
The two officers were fucking passionately and wildly, Lenara riding him wildly as if she'd not been fucked in a while. She was happily showing him just what others had happily learned about her and experienced with her. With the way she was riding him, her pussy gripping his cock tightly and her hips moving quickly, they were both feeling plenty of pleasure and it built quickly between them. When their climaxes both hit, Lenara lowered herself once more as Daniels began to pump her pussy full of his hot load. Lenara moaned as she felt his hot seed filling her pussy, coating her insides with it. She had lowered herself and kept her ass seated in his lap. Her walls were quivering around him while his cock twitched deep inside of her with every spurt of his cum.

They were both breathless as they remained locked together and after a bit, they caught their breaths enough to share a kiss with each other. Lenara softly caressed her hand over his jaw and along Daniels neck before they kissed each other. This one wasn't rough and hard like before. But it was still passionate and deep. Lenara wrapped her arms around Daniels neck, her body pressing against his while his cock remained buried deep inside of her for the moment, neither looking to part just yet.
Lenara & Daniels remained where they were for a while. But, their encounter was far from over. Daniels still had plenty of want for Lenara within him. He hoped for other encounters in the future with the sexy commander. The Enterprise and the Protector often crossed paths, at least as far as the war was going. They would see each other again, that much was for sure. Daniels wasn't ready to end things just yet. He wrapped his arms around Lenara as they kissed. She continued to draw lustful moans from her new lover. Daniels then twisted his body. Moving Lenara's back down onto the couch. He was now on top while they kissed. His cock never left her pussy and their kiss never broke. Daniels then slipped his arms from around Lenara. He hooked his arms under her legs and lifted them into the air. Daniels then started slowly fucking Lenara again. His thrusts grew faster until he was pounding her hard. Over the next 15 minutes or so. Daniels took Lenara. Drilling his hard rod into her cum hungry pussy. He drew Lenara to another wonderful orgasm, while she helped him shoot more of his seed into her body. Pumping another full load of his hot spunk between her legs.

Sadly, there was no time for a round three between them. Lenara needed to get back to the Protector. She needed to be there when Kyle returned. Her captain was facing some tough choices where his niece as concerned. Kyle was never a big believer in having families aboard starships. Though most ships were built with the thought that officers and crew members could have their families with them. Despite the dangers starships faced, even without a war going on. The Protector had been built to help the Federation fight any future wars it may find itself in. Yet, it was created with quarters for those who had families. These were the civilian quarters on decks six and seven. Kyle was torn with what he should do. There were no other relatives left on Earth. Kyle had a cousin who lived on Gamma Hydra IV. But his cousin wasn't the type who could look after a 17 year old girl. He was often involved with gambling and had some dealings with the Orion Syndicate. Kyle would need to find someone else to watch over his niece. Lenara & Daniels parted with a kiss and a promise of seeing each other again.
As her body shivered a little in Daniels arms, her orgasm slowly subsiding as she resting in his lap, Lenara relaxed against him while a gentle smile played across her lips. She was slowly running her fingers through the mans hair while pressing soft kisses against his lips, occasionally trailing kisses along his jaw a little. A pleased sound escaped her lips when he wrapped his arms around her and she gasped as he twisted his body, turning them and laying her down upon the couch all the while he kept his hips between her thighs. The man was now on top of her, his cock still buried deep inside of her body and their lips never parting. She soon found her legs being hooked over his arms and brought up before he began slowly fucking her. This drew lustful moans from her lips and she ran her hands over his chest and neck while continuing to kiss him. Daniels fucked her fast and hard, the both of them once again finding release in each other as she came around him which also drew him into a second orgasm of his own. He pumped her pussy full of a second load of his seed.

Lenara was left very pleased with her meeting with Daniels and they both looked forward to seeing each other again. Eventually they had to part, Lenara needing to return to the Protector to be there for Kyle when he returned. So after they recovered from their orgasms, Lenara got dressed and she gave him a soft but passionate kiss before she promised to see him again next time the Protector and the Enterprise were together. With a grin, Lenara left Daniels quarters and easily found her way back to the transporter room that Data had met her in earlier. Shortly after, she was beaming back aboard her ship, feeling good with two loads of cum deep inside of her. Lenara stopped by her quarters to clean up a bit before she head to the bridge to await Kyles return.
By the time Lenara reached the bridge. Lieutenant Wong had a message for her from Captain West. The message said they would be at Earth longer then Kyle had expected. Perhaps a day before they left for Vulcan. Kyle needed to make sure his niece was taken care of. He didn't think having her on the Protector was a good idea. Not with the Federation at war, and the Protector being on the front lines. Kyle couldn't put his niece's life in danger. He needed time to find a suitable place where she could stay on Earth until she turned 18. She could then decide what her own future would be. Lenara was once again in command of the Protector until Kyle's personal business was over. Kyle had planned on meeting with Captain Picard before their ships departed Earth. Lenara would have to take Kyle's place. The meeting wasn't formal. It was just so the two captains could talk over the current state of affairs since the Breen joined the war.

The following morning Lenara took care of her work. She did Kyle's normal shift on the bridge. Commander Robin Devlin took over Lenara's duty shift. This allowed Lenara to keep the casual meeting with Captain Picard on the Enterprise. The meeting was set for when both were off duty. Picard was waiting in his quarters for Lenara to arrive. Lenara needed no escort this time. Picard's quarters were on deck 2. Just like Kyle's quarters were on the Protector. The Enterprise and the Protector were cousin ships. The Legacy Class was an offshoot of the Sovereign Class Starship. Picard already knew Kyle wouldn't be joining him. He knew Lenara would be arriving in her captain's place. Picard was looking forward to talking with Lenara in a more causal setting. She was a very attractive woman. Something that Jean Luc had noticed during their past meetings.
Upon reaching the bridge, Lenara was given the message from Captain West, letting her know that they would be on Earth a little longer then they had expected. There would be another day, perhaps, before they left and Lenara nodded. She understood that Kyle needed to take care of his personal matters and figure out what to do with his niece before they could leave Earth. In the past, Lenara had spoken with Kyle about the whole issue of having family onboard a starship and they both were of like minds about the situation. She didn't think it was a good idea for civilians to be on board a Starship, an officers family or not. It could just cause problems. And it was even worse with the war on. Of course, with Captain West tied up on Earth, Lenara was left in charge even longer. She was aware that Captain Picard and Captain West were supposed to have a meeting together, but with Kyle busy seeing to his niece, she would have to go in his stead.

So the next morning once her work was all taken care of and she'd taken care of Kyles normal shift, Lenara gave Commander Robin Devlin command of the bridge before she got ready for the casual meeting with Captain Picard. Beaming over to the Enterprise, Lenara greeted the officer on duty in the transporter room before she left to find her way to Captain Picards quarters. Because the Enterprise and the Protector were so similar, it was easy for her to find her way around and Lenara was soon on deck 2 where she made her way down to Captain Picards rooms and she pressed the door buzzer, waiting patiently to be admitted to the Captains quarters. As she waited, Lenara thought about the man who was Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Though she'd only met him a handful of times, Jean-Luc was a kind and charming man. She had spoken with Kyle about the other Captain in the past, the woman having become curious and wanting to learn more about Jean-Luc after meeting him and his first officer, William Riker. Like Jean Luc was looking forward to talking with her in a more casual setting, Lenara was looking forward to talking with the man one on one in a casual setting as well.
During their past few meetings. Jean Luc found himself impressed with Lenara. She was a fine officer, despite all those old rumors once spoken about her. Jean Luc knew of Lenara's past, but he was never one who judged others by the actions of their family. Captain Picard felt a person should be judged by their own actions. From what Jean Luc had seen, and from what Kyle told him about Lenara. Picard felt she was misunderstood by a certain few. Jean Luc also noticed what a fine looking woman she was. Lenara was very sexy looking in her uniform. Jean Luc had taken a few chances to check Lenara out. He certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of her. Out of her uniform that is. Jean Luc didn't think Lenara would be interested in him. He was an older man, and she was a younger woman. Jean Luc was very fit for his age. He worked out almost everyday.

Jean Luc was relaxing when he heard the door buzzer go off. He smiled while standing. Lenara was right on time. Jean Luc was dressed in a pair of loose fitting pants and a grey t-shirt. Something he relaxed in and worked out in. Jean Luc approached the door, it opened revealing Lenara standing there. " I'm glad you could make it Lenara......I've been hoping we would get a chance to talk while off duty. " Jean Luc spoke while inviting Lenara into his quarters. His eyes moved over her body. Checking out her sexy body. He asked Lenara if she would like a drink? Jean Luc led Lenara over to his couch. Picard's drink of choice was Earl Grey tea, always hot. Lenara could have anything she wanted. Picard wanted her to be comfortable and feel at home.
As she waited for the doors to Jean Luc's quarters to open, Lenara waited patiently while thinking about the older Captain. Jean Luc was an amazing man that many looked up to and respected. He was a wonderful captain. When the door finally opened, Lenara looked at Jean Luc and smiled at the man. He was actually dressed in a similar outfit that she was. She was wearing a pair of casual black pants which were fitted around her upper legs, but became more loose at her knees. With those pants, she was wearing a simple dark blue long sweatshirt made of a very light material. It was a simple and casual outfit which was also flattering on her as it was loose enough to be comfortable but fitted enough to be flattering on her. Jean Luc spoke first and said that he was glad she could make it and he'd been hoping they could get a chance to talk while off duty. "I will admit that I've wished to have a chance to get to know you better as well." she told him as she entered his quarters.

The offer of a drink was accepted and she told him that she would have a raktajino, something she often drank. Sometimes multiple times a day. She had become hooked on the drink back in the academy thanks to Worf who had introduced her to it. After telling him what she would drink, Lenara sat down and got comfortable on his couch, watching the man as he moved around his quarters. While watching him, her gaze moved over him. She could see that he was fit and in great shape, clearly an active man.
Jean Luc got his Earl Grey and Lenara's raktajino, from his replicator. He then brought both drinks over to where Lenara sat on the couch. He give her the drink, then joined her on the couch. Jean Luc took a sip of his tea, then asked Lenara how she liked serving under Kyle West? Picard always had great respect for Kyle, both as a person and as a captain. There were those who thought Kyle was reckless and took unnecessary chances. His boldness made Kyle a success. He was famous for being an old school type of captain. Like Captain James T. Kirk before him. Kyle's bold actions during the war, made the 4th Fleet the only fleet in Starfleet which hadn't suffered a lose to the Dominion. Jean Luc spoke if having great respect for Kyle.

As they talked. Jean Luc told Lenara a bit about his life. Saying his family had been wine makers on Earth. He spoke of being the only member of his family to ever join Starfleet. This was something Jean Luc was quite proud of. Jean Luc & Lenara continued to talk. Sharing stories and laughing. Jean Luc looked Lenara over. His eyes moved over every inch of her body which could be seen. He was greatly attracted to her. Jean Luc wondered how sex would be with the hot woman sitting near him. This was something which many often wondered about. Jean Luc didn't think he would ever find out. He couldn't assume that Lenara was attracted to him. Not like he was to her. Jean Luc's eyes continued to wander over Lenara's fine figure. This was a sign for Lenara. One which she could act on if she wished. Jean Luc was smiling as he looked at her sexy body. " You are a very attractive woman Lenara.......You certainly keep yourself fit. " Jean Luc spoke. He wasn't sure how Lenara would react to how he looked her over. The older man did have want growing in his eyes.
Taking the raktajino from Jean Luc, Lenara thanked him while he moved to sit next to her on the couch and she took a sip of her drink while he asked her how she liked serving under Kyle West. This made her raise her eyebrows slightly before lowering her mug of raktajino and she answered. "Serving under Captain West is both an honor and a joy for me." she said honestly. "Though we had a slightly rough start, we have both gotten very close and he's offered me a chance to truly prove myself." She told Jean Luc about how she felt she'd grown into a better person working under Kyle. The way she spoke of her captain told of the respect and love she held for the man.

The two of them spoke at length about different things. Lenara actually leared a bit about Jean Luc's life. He told her about his family and about being the only member in his family to join Starfleet while the others in his family had been wine makers on Earth. In return, she told him a bit about her childhood with her mother. She even told him a couple stories about when she and Worf were in the Academy together. They shared plenty of good stories and laughs with each other. Lenara had shifted her position a little and had turned a little more to face him. She had a pleasant smile on her face and she was relaxed. This was something that many of her friends liked seeing because her smile always made her look younger and even more beautiful. As she spoke to Jean Luc, she saw how his eyes would wander over her figure and this made her smile a little wider. Finally the man spoke of her being a very attractive woman and she kept herself fit.

Lenara turned her head and glanced at him before taking a sip of her drink. "Thank you Jean Luc." she told him. "I've noticed that you keep yourself very fit as well. I've learned a wide number of different exercises that can be done solo.... and with others. Perhaps I can show you." As she said this, she slowly set her mug aside while looking at him, a grin upon her lips. "I've learned that exercising with others is more often more fun then when you do it alone." Everything that Lenara just said could be taken in two different ways depending on how a person chose to read her comments. She had spoken in a suggestive tone, but Lenara would begin to lay it on thicker if Jean Luc didn't quite catch on right away.
Jean Luc really enjoyed looking at Lenara's body. She was every inch, a fine looking woman. He did wonder what fucking her would be like? His mind did ponder on what Lenara looked like stripped naked. Jean Luc had no doubts, Lenara would look so amazing nude. However, not knowing the types of men she liked. Jean Luc didn't let his mind believe that she would be interested in him. Everyone had their own tastes. Though, Lenara was more adventurous then most with her choice of lovers. She knew you couldn't always tell the lover by how they looked. After all, she found quite a good lover in Quark. Lenara trusted her feelings where pleasure was concerned. Her feelings were always spot on and never once let her down. At the moment, Jean Luc's eyes were focused between Lenara's legs. Looking at her crotch and no doubt wondering what her pussy looked like.

The subject turned to keeping fit, or so it seemed. Lenara spoke of learning a wide number of different exercises. She spoke how they could be done alone or with someone. Lenara then offered to show Jean Luc. After setting her mug aside. She then spoke of how exercising with others is more fun then when done alone. Jean Luc wasn't sure where Lenara was going with this. The way she spoke was rather suggestive. However, this was their first causal meeting. Jena Luc didn't want to read to much into how she spoke her words. After all, she was speaking about exercising. Jean Luc would feel bad if he assumed one thing while she was talking of something more innocent. " I would love to see you exercise Lenara......Show me what you can do. " Jean Luc spoke while placing his cup of tea down on the table. He then leaned back into the couch. Smiling at the very sexy woman.
Once Lenara noticed Jean Luc had been checking her out, Lenara became much more interested and she watched him closer. She liked how the older man looked her over and she saw hos his gaze lingered on different parts of her. Such as right that moment, she noticed that his gaze was focused between her legs and she smiled a little wider as they spoke about keeping fit. The way that Lenara spoke could easily be taken different ways depending on the different people taking part in the conversation. Someone not interested in sex might take it innocently, but Jean Luc was getting the right idea as he listened.

He then spoke of how he would love to see her exercise and he asked her to show him what she could do. The man then set his cup aside and leaned back into the couch while smiling at her. After this, Lenara smiled back at him and then she moved. Lenara pushed herself forward and moved to the other end of the couch where Jean Luc was sitting, her body moving fluidly as she closed the distance between them. "I don't know how many women might of told you this, Jean Luc. But you're a sexy man." she softly told him as she placed a hand upon his shoulder, running it slowly up along his neck, her fingertips softly touching the bare skin there. "And I must admit that your accent is a bit of a turn on." Lenara leaned in and gave Jean Luc a soft and very brief kiss upon the lips before she pulled away once again. He had said that he wished to see what she could do. Then she would show him what she could do.

So Lenara sat back a bit and after grasping the hem of her top, she peeled it off and let it fall to the floor. If her kiss wasn't a clear indication of where their meeting was going to go, then the removal of her clothing should be. Lenara was already getting turned on and her hardened nipples could be seen through her bra. It was almost teasing the way she stripped out of her clothing, one piece at a time. All while she smiled at him. Her bra and panties eventually joined her pants and top upon the floor next to their feet and she leaned back against the arm of the couch opposite of Jean Luc. The way she laid there so calmly made it clear that she was completely confident and comfortable in her bare skin. Her long legs were parted just enough to offer him a glimpse of her pussy. "So, shall I just show you how I... exercise? Or would you like to join me?" she asked him with a playful grin, one of her hands touching her knee and slowly inching its way up.
Jean Luc was hoping he was right. Hoping that this was heading where he'd thought. It was possible that he could be reading Lenara wrong. So it was a bit of a gamble Jean Luc was playing. But, he'd never been one to shy away from taking a chance on a gut feeling. Once Lenara began to move and speak more. Jean Luc knew he was right. He enjoyed the short, playful kiss Lenara gave him. How she spoke, really turned him on. He enjoyed what she said and how she said it. Lenara was a very passionate person. That was easy to see. Jean Luc was very happy that Lenara was here. He felt they were about to become even closer then he ever could have imagined. Jean Luc watched as Lenara started to move. Peeling off her clothes, showing off her perfect body to his lustful eyes.

Jean Luc continued to smile as Lenara's top came off. He could clearly see her nipples growing hard, even through her bra. Lenara then slipped off her pants, bra and panties. Jean Luc was very impressed with how fit Lenara was. She had a truly magnificent body. It was easy for anyone to see how comfortable she was being naked in front of someone else. But, she was beautiful and it was a shame she couldn't be naked all the time. It would be difficult to get any work done with a naked Lenara running around. As she leaned back, against the arm of the couch. Jean Luc got a nice view of what he'd been looking at before. His eyes had been focused on her pussy, even though it had been covered by her clothing at the time. Now, Jean Luc could see every inch of Lenara, and he loved what he saw. His sly smile turned into a full grin as Lenara spoke. Asking if he wanted to see how she exercised. She also spoke of hin joining her. This really widened his grin. " Oh yes.......I shall join you Lenara.......But first I'd really love to watch you exercise.....Show me how you workout. " Jean Luc spoke, his pants were loose fitting, but his cock was growing hard and starting to poke like a tent pole through his pants.
Jean Luc was getting a real eyeful as Lenara leaned back against the arm of the couch, her body displayed before him sexily. She watched as his gaze moved over her and she saw how his sly grin spread into a full on grin which just got wider when she asked if he wanted to see how she exercised or if he would be joining her. He replied and told her that he would join her, but he first wanted to watch her. As he spoke, she could see how his body was reacting to seeing her, his hardening cock causing his loose fitting pants to tent and she smiled wider. "Very well." she softly told him. So the woman scooted a little until she was more comfortable and she raised a hand, running her fingers over her breast with a soft sigh, her fingertips ghosting over the milky pale skin as they moved along the swell of her breast.

Lenara was a very sexy woman and she knew it. She also knew how to use that sexiness to get what she wanted, having done so a number of times against an enemy. No matter the species, almost all males and even many females, have proven to be attracted to the sexy first officer. While her right hand slowly moved over her breast, Lenara's left one began to move down over her firm, smooth belly and then ran along her thigh until she reached her knee before backtracking along her inner thigh. The entire time she watched Jean Luc with lust filled eyes. As her left hand inched closer and closer to her pussy, Lenara made a soft sound of excitement before she finally reached her finale goal and she gave a soft moan as she touched herself. Her gentle fingers moved over her pussy, stroking over the outside and beginning to spread the wetness of her arousal, making both her fingers and the outside of her pussy glisten.

Suddenly a moan spilt past her lips when her hand between her legs moved a little bit and her fingers found her clit. This made her shiver a little and her head tipped back against the arm of the could as her other hand finally cupped her breast, two of her fingers pinching her nipple and lightly tugging on it then moved over to the other nipple to do the same thing. Lenara was putting on a show for Jean Luc, working on enticing him further and to turn him on more.
Jean Luc couldn't believe that Lenara was naked, and would be touching herself for his enjoyment. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. Jean Luc had been more adventurous during his younger days, but he's put those days behind him after putting more focus on his career. Jean Luc became more serious as he rose through the ranks. He'd never been quite as serious as Lenara had been. Jean Luc did try and enjoy himself in different ways. Sex being part of that, but most of Jean Luc's encounters were rather tame. It had been a long time since Jean Luc met anyone like Lenara. She was clearly comfortable with being naked in front of someone. She was also clearly comfortable with touching herself for the pleasure of someone else. Jean Luc hadn't known some fun loving women in the past, but none of those women were quite as open as Lenara was.

Jean Luc watched as Lenara started. She first touched her breast. Her hand caressing over the perfect shape. Lenara then teasing ran her other hand, down her stomach then along her long legs. Jean Luc's eyes followed along. Watching as her fingers danced down her soft skin, then up the inside of her thigh. Jean Luc then sat forward as Lenara's fingers reached her pussy. He was fixed on each move made by her hands. Jean Luc could see how Lenara began tugging on her nipple. He could also see and greatly enjoyed the way she toyed with her pussy. Spreading the wetness of her arousal, over her tender folds. The sweet sounds of pleasure made by Lenara, were like soft, erotic music being played. Jean Luc loved seeing how Lenara played with herself. It was truly one the hottest and sexiest sights Jean Luc had ever seen. Jean Luc knew, Lenara would enjoy herself on Risa. After a few more moments of watching Lenara. Jean Luc finally slowly stood. He moved over to where Lenara's head laid on the arm of the couch. " You are ever man's wet dream come true. " Jean Luc spoke. He then reached for the waistband of his pants. Jean Luc pulled them down, freeing his hard cock. " Suck my cock while you touch your pussy.........I want to see what kind of slut you are Lenara. " Jean Luc's words were commanding and playful. His hard cock was sticking straight out from his body. Very long and hard. " Make me cum in your mouth.......Then I'll take you into my bedroom and fuck you hard. " Jean Luc added. His eyes were full of lust as he looked down on the sexy woman.
Lenara was making sweet noises of self pleasure as she touched herself, her hands moving slowly and sensually as she tugged at her own nipples, gently pinching and twisting on them while her other hand began to tease her own clit. Her finger slowly moved around the sensitive nub, not quite touching it just yet before she began rubbing it. When she did this, she gasped a little louder and her long legs fell open even further. Lenara's cheeks had begun to turn a light red color as she got more and more turned on from him watching her pleasure herself. Eventually, she spread her pussy open, letting him see how wet she was moments before she plunged two of her long fingers into herself and she moaned as she began to finger her tight pussy.

For a little while she did this before she felt the couch shift a little. Opening her eyes, she watched as Jean Luc moved down to her end of the couch and stood close to where her head laid upon the arm of the couch, telling her that she was every mans wet dream come true. "I hope I'm your wet dream come true." she breathed between her lustful moans. Lenara watched as he tugged his pants down, freeing his hard cock from his pants and he told her to suck his cock while she touched herself. That he wanted to see what kind of slut she was. Hearing Jean Luc speak this way made Lenara shudder with pleasure and she bit her bottom lip while turning her head to look at his hardened cock. "Yes." she breathed, her warm breath puffing over his hard flesh before she did as he asked. Lenara began to run her lips and tongue over Jean Luc's cock before taking him into her mouth again, inch by inch letting him go deeper into her mouth before beginning to bob her head. She sucked on him, caressing her tongue along the underside of his cock while she moaned around him.
Lenara was Jean Luc's wet dream come true. She was in fact, the living embodiment of every dirty thought the older man had. Stretching back from this point, to when he was a young man. Lenara was everything that Jean Luc would dream of at night. All men wanted a real slut in their beds. A woman who would do anything to please her man. Lenara was certainly this type of women. Jean Luc had great respect for Lenara and the hard work she'd done building her career over the years. He was gaining even more respect for the sexual work she showed. Seeing her playing with her pussy. Seeing how touch herself. Jean Luc became so hot for her. He could clearly see how much Lenara enjoyed fingering herself. Not only for her pleasure, but for the pleasure it gave to Jean Luc. He was filled with more lust and want then at any other time in his life.

All of Jean Luc's lust and want, was directed at Lenara. It was all for her, because it all came from her. Jean Luc had lovers throughout his life. He was attracted to many women. Several were or had served on the Enterprise. Despite his attraction for those women, none had turned him on as Lenara did. She was something very special to him, and Jean Luc would treat her that way. He would become a member of a special group of lovers for Lenara. Each member of this group would be a starship captain. Back during her days at the academy. The rumors spoke of how Lenara would sleep around. Giving herself to anyone who could further her career. None of this was true. Lenara never slept with someone to further her career. Those she did have sex with, became her lovers because she cared deeply for them. Lenara was a lover of sex and the tremendous joy it could bring.

Jean Luc's grin stretched a bit wider when Lenara took his cock into her mouth. She was such a willingly slut. Her every move was for pleasure. Her hot breathe caressed over Jean Luc's cock before she started using her lips and mouth. He began to moan from the pleasure she was giving him. " Yessss.......Suck me. " Jean Luc lustfully hissed out. " Suck my cock Lenara........Suck me like the hungry slut you are. " Jean Luc continued to speak. He could tell she loved hearing how he used such words. Lenara had already spoken of how she loved his accent. " Keep playing with yourself while you pleasure me.......Make yourself cum while you make me cum........Just like any dirty slut would. " Jean Luc's words were spoken with a commanding, yet lustful tone.
Jean Luc had unknowingly joined a very select group of lovers that Lenara had. While she had her normal group of lovers, she also had started to entertain ideas of making other captains her lovers as well. Already she had her own Captain, Kyle West, and now she was adding Jean Luc to that list while she had others in mind. She would think about who would be a part of that circle of lovers more when she had time to actually think on it. For now though, she was really enjoying pleasuring both herself and Jean Luc. As she took his cock into her mouth, Lenara's gaze never left the mans face, watching his grin grow while she began sucking upon him. It didn't take long for her actions to begin drawing lustful moans from Jean Luc and he didn't hesitate in being vocal about the pleasure he was feeling.

As she bobbed her head, Lenara's fingers moved in and out of her pussy, drawing her own moans as her hands worked to bring her, her own pleasure. Moving her legs, she parted them so he had a clear view of her hand as her fingers thrust in and out of her wet hole. Shudders of delight continued to race through her as Jean Luc spoke, loving the way such dirty things sounded coming from him. She was loving the commanding and lustful tone in his voice while he told her to suck his cock and to keep playing with herself, to make her cum while she made him cum. Lenara was beginning to move her hips, her breasts rising and falling with her slightly quickened breathing. She wasn't hiding how good she was feeling in that moment as she moaned. Opening her eyes, Lenara looked up at her newest lover, her blue-grey eyes dark with arousal and showing her want for Jean Luc.
Jean Luc wouldn't mind joining Lenara's newest select group of lovers. Not if it meant he could fuck her again, and again and again. As many times as he wanted, and whenever they could get together. Jean Luc would see it as an honor to become one of Lenara's lovers. Those she felt a special connection with, and wanted to share her body, as well as her love with. Lenara could have any man or woman she wanted. It was clear, she wanted Jean Luc Picard. This was an honor to the older man. Knowing that she found him attractive and wanted to have sex with him. Even a onetime encounter would be considered something special to Jean Luc. However, even he knew this was no one night stand. Lenara rarely had such encounters. She would rather enjoy a long lasting relationships with those she had sex with. It was much better for everyone involved. Lenara's lovers all agreed with her thinking.

Jean Luc could see the want Lenara had in her sexy eyes. He found her blue-grey eyes, very attractive. Her eyes were just one of many attractive features on her body. Everything was on display for jean Luc to enjoy. He could see how her fingers moved between her legs. Fucking herself, building her pleasure towards a release. Jean Luc was also on his way to a release. Lenara's mouth & tongue worked magic on his hard cock. She was a true cocksucker, in every sense of the word. Jean Luc's pleasure filled moans grew louder and louder. His climax was coming on quickly. Lenara's own release was building to the breaking point. Soon, neither would be able to hold back. Jean Luc's body began to tremble slightly. His breathing became heavier. " Oh yes Lenara........Keeping sucking my cock. " Jean Luc's words carried a lustful tone. He was almost there. " Oh Lenara!.......Now you get your reward! " Jean Luc's voice grew louder, telling her what was about to happen. His balls then began to empty their load into her mouth. The tip of his cock started spewing out streams of his hot cum. Firing into Lenara's mouth, coating her tongue with his cream.
Lenara would gladly be with Jean Luc again and again. Ever since the first time she'd met him, Lenara had thought that he was a very attractive man, however she'd never thought he would be interested. However, when he began looking her over the way he had during this meeting, she became determined to make him one of her lovers. And this was something that Jean Luc was certainly interested in as well. As she sucked upon his cock, he met her gaze. All of her passion and lust for Jean Luc could be seen in her eyes. Her hand was moving quickly between her legs while her other one continued to pinch, tug and twist her nipple. She was moaning around him, getting pleasure from giving him pleasure.

She could hear how Jean Luc's own moans of pleasure were getting louder and louder as she continued sucking on him. Her own pleasure was building with each passing second, her body beginning to shiver as his was and he told her to keep sucking on his cock. Finally he announced that she was getting her reward and moments later she felt the first shot of his cum landing upon her tongue and she moaned around him as she closed her eyes, her own body tensing a little and then shivering as she came as well, her pussy gripping her own fingers tightly before she withdrew them to rub her clit, making her orgasm stronger and to draw it out as she continued to suck on him, her mouth filling with his cum and then running down the back of her throat as she swallowed, her whimpers of pleasure filling the room.

Finally, after both of their orgasms had subsided, Lenara released his cock from her mouth and gazed up at him. Her pupils were dilated from her heightened arousal while her lips glistened a little from sucking on his cock, the woman slowly licking her lips while gazing up at Jean Luc. A small smile formed on her lips as she raised the hand that had been between her legs, several of her fingers glistening from her arousal and she began to slowly lick them clean without looking away from him.
Jean Luc watched Lenara's face as he came inside her mouth. She was a vision of erotic beauty with his cock between her lips. Lenara's fingers still pumping away at her dripping wet pussy. Dripping from the sweet juice brought on by her orgasm. Lenara removed her fingers, placing them on her clit. She then started rubbing herself. Drawing her orgasm out. Making it last even longer. More of her pussy juice also leaked from her body. Bring out an even nicer shine on the lips between her legs. Jean Luc loved seeing Lenara looking so raw, so sexually primal. Lenara never stopped sucking on her newest lover's cock. She took every drop of his cum into her mouth. Savoring his manly taste before swallowing his load down. Jean Luc felt such lust for Lenara. Using only her mouth, and letting him watch her play with her pussy. She brought Jean Luc to his climax. Jean Luc's cock slipped from between Lenara's lips. Leaving a small bit of cum, as the cock head ran over her bottom lip.

Jean Luc continued to smile as he watched Lenara lick her lips. Cleaning that small dribble of cum which escaped when he cock fell free. The smile remained as Jean Luc then watched Lenara raise her wet fingers. Made wet from the sweet pussy juice was flowed from her orgasm. " You are truly a remarkable and lovely woman Lenara.......So very sexy......Such a perfect slut. " The words rolled off of Jean Luc's tongue, with a lustful tone. He looked down as she was licking her fingers clean. There was want in Jean Luc's eyes. He wanted more of Lenara. However, Jean Luc wanted a change in their location. Once Lenara was down cleaning her fingers. Jean Luc told her they should go get even more comfortable in his bedroom. " I've always wanted to fuck a slut in my bed. " Jean Luc's commanding and lustful tone was still very clear. He then reached down, taking Lenara by her wrist. Jean Luc helped her up from the couch. He then slapped Lenara on her ass. Telling her to get on his bed and spread her legs. Jean Luc was going to take her hot, wet pussy very hard.
In that moment, as Lenara relaxed in the afterglow of her orgasm while cleaning her fingers, Jean Luc got to see Lenara truly open and exposed as he got to witness her in the moments of her climax and enjoying raw pleasure. This was what only her lovers got to witness with her and it was when she looked truly relaxed, free and she was absolutely beautiful in these moments. Lenara had loved the taste of Jean Luc upon her tongue as he came and she swallowed his release, tasting his manly essence before she finally released his cock once his climax ended. She was cleaning her fingers, one at a time, while he gazed down at her. Her legs had been left spread open, so he could see how wet her pussy was from her release.

Jean Luc finally spoke and she smiled around her fingers as he called her a perfect slut. Once she'd finished cleaning her fingers, he suggested they go and get even more comfortable in his bedroom, telling her that he'd always wanted to fuck a slut in his bed. She was then helped up from the couch and she laughed when he slapped her on the ass and then giving her an order to get on his bed. With a bright smile, she leaned in and gave him a quick brief kiss on the lips before slipping away and she moved quickly towards his bedroom, pausing long enough at the doorway to look back at him. Lenara crooked her finger at him while playfully telling him to quickly follow. "I can't wait to have you fucking me, Captain Picard." she told him before slipping into his bedroom.

Moving over to his bed, Lenara climbed up onto Jean Luc's bed and laid down upon it. She quickly became comfortable and spread her legs for him, just as he had ordered her to. It was a scene that many a man could only dream of when it came to the normally stern First Officer of the Protector.
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