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Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

The Federation forces didn't know the Breen had a secret weapon which could destroy both the Enterprise & the Protector. The Breen didn't want to use their weapon now. This was only a slap in the face of the Federation. It was to let the Federation Alliance know the Breen had joined with the Dominion. The Breen wouldn't use their weapon until later, in a battle for higher stakes. Without their secret weapon. The Breen ships were no more power then the ships they faced. However, the Protector & Enterprise worked together. Both ships firing as a team on their targets. They were two against fifteen. The starships needed to work as one. The Breen forces began falling apart. Starbase 1 got it's phasers back online and started firing on the enemy ships. Lenara was vicious in her attacks. She fire a burst of quantum torpedoes, slipping a Breen Battle Cruiser down the middle. She then focused fired all forward phasers on the two large pieces, blowing them into bits.

Lieutenant T'Pren spoke of picking up a group of ships entering the system. She said they were Federation Starships. By this time, the battle had turned against the Breen. Working as a team. The Protector & the Enterprise had devastated the Breen forces. As the Starships came in, what remained of the Breen ships, were already running for their lives. With the Breen forces beaten off. Kyle ordered Mr. Simms to place the ship into a standard orbit. " Mr. Simms you have the bridge........Commander Singh.....Lieutenant T'Pren let's beam down and find out how bad the damage is. " Kyle gave out his orders while leaving his seat and moving towards the turbo lift. The turbo lift doors opened. The small party entered then headed for transporter room one. Once at the transporter room. Kyle told Chief Tyson to beam them down to Starfleet Headquarters. It was heavily damaged during the attack.
Just as she had in numerous battles in the past, Lenara showed just how proficient she was and how ruthless she could be when in a battle. As the Protector and the Enterprise worked together, the Breen were quickly being picked off and destroyed, falling apart as the two starships worked as one, targeting ships and taking them down. At one point, she used a burst of quantum torpedoes to split a Breen Battle Cruiser down the middle before then blowing the two pieces to small bits with the use of all forward phasers. The entire time, she didn't make a sound besides when she was speaking. She was calm and collected the entire time which could of been worrisome if it was anyone other then the serious first officer of the Protector. However, her shipmates knew that it wasn't when she was quiet that they should worry. It was when she had an outburst that it was time to worry.

Finally towards the end of the battle, Federation Starships began to join them and Lieutenant T'Pren announced their arrival and Lenara shook her head while picking off the occasional Breen ship that lagged behind the others, taking them down before ceasing fire and she looked over at Kyle. Kyle then ordered Mr. Simms to take them to standard orbit and he gave command of the bridge to Mr. Simms before ordering Lenara and T'Pren to join him. They would be beaming down and checking out how bad the damage was. Nodding, she moved away from her station and followed her captain towards the turbo lift, the trio heading down to the transporter room one where they were beamed down to Starfleet Headquarters. As they took the turbo lift down, Lenara softly told Kyle that she wanted to meet the Enterprise's tactical officer in person. "They were most impressive during that battle." she told him as they stepped off the turbo lift.
As they traveled down in the turbo lift. Lenara spoke of wanting to meet the tactical officer of the Enterprise. Kyle nodded his head as she spoke. He couldn't be sure who was on duty at that time. Kyle did know a few members of the Enterprise crew. A couple had served under him on the USS Ranger, as young ensigns before being transferred to the Enterprise. Kyle suspected Captain Picard would be beaming down to Earth, with a team. Kyle suggested that Lenara speak with Jean Luc and find out who was on duty. He said she could then beam up to the Enterprise and meet that person if she wished. The Protector would be in orbit for perhaps an hour or so. To give Commander Quinn time to do some repair work before they set off for Vulcan.

After stepping into the transporter chamber. Kyle told Chief Tyson to energize. The three figures were then transformed into energy and beamed down to the planet. They were beamed right in front of Starfleet Headquarters. As they became solid forms again. A shocking sight greeted their eyes. Starfleet Headquarters had suffered some major damage. Even the famed Golden Gate Bridge in the background was hit. Kyle, Lenara & T'Pren had all stood here in the past. Looking out at that once beautiful bridge. Now it was broken and twisted. Scared by the Breen attack. " My God! " T'Pren was over come by the sight. This was one time she wished her emotion weren't so free. She remembered being a cadet and standing here. " Captain West?.......I'm very happy to see you and your crew. " A voice called out. Breaking the small groups attention away from the damage surrounding them. The voice belonged to Vice Admiral Paris. He came over, taking Kyle's hand and shaking it. " It good to see you again Sir.......This is my First Officer Commander Lenara Singh and Science Officer Lieutenant T'Pren. " Kyle introduced Lenara & T'Pren. He then asked if there was anything the Protector could do? Wanting to know if they needed medical teams or personnel for search and rescue? Admiral Paris thanked Kyle, but said they had everything under control. " I have some bad news........Your sister was killed during the attack......She was living in part of San Fransisco which was hit hard.......Your niece survived the attack but she's in the hospital. " Kyle wasn't sure how to take this news. He and his sister had been estranged ever since Kyle joined the House of Klang. His sister felt alien races were to blame for all of Earth's troubles. She disowned Kyle as her brother, feeling he was betraying Earth. Kyle remained stone faced while thanking Admiral Paris. The admiral then left leaving Kyle to his thoughts.
After she spoke of wishing to meet the tactical officer of the Enterprise, Kyle nodded and suggested that she speak with Jean-Luc and find out who was on duty. When he said she could then beam up to the Enterprise, she smiled slightly and nodded, telling him she just might do that. However, they currently had other things to see to. After being beamed right in front of Starfleet Headquarters, the trio were shocked by what met their gaze. When Lenara saw just how bad the damage was, it was like all emotion was drained from her face. Her gaze hardened and her mouth became set into a firm line, though Kyle and T'Pren would be able to read her fairly well with how well they knew her. She was angry with what had happened and she was quite upset as well. Like T'Pren, Lenara could remember standing here as a cadet. When she had first come here, she had been so amazed by the sight. Everything had seemed so beautiful to the young Lenara at the time. And now it had been attacked.

Lenara was shaken from her private thoughts when a voice spoke out and Lenara turned to see Vice Admiral Paris approaching them, shaking Kyle's hand while the men spoke. When she was introduced to Vice Admiral Paris, Lenara greeted him respectfully. Kyle then offered aid in any way they could, asking if Paris needed anything, but the offer was declined. Then Paris gave Kyle some bad news. It turned out that Kyles estranged sister had been living in part of San Francisco that had been hit hard and she'd been killed during the attack, though his niece lived. Lenara remained quiet as they spoke and then the admiral left. For a little bit, the trio stood in silence before Lenara moved to Kyles side. Reaching out, she placed a gentle hand upon his arm. "Are you okay?" she softly asked. It was a little out of character for her, since she usually didn't act in such a way in public, but this was different. The man that Lenara cared deeply for, was just told his sister had died and Lenara would be there for him if he needed her.
Kyle and his sister Serena had troubles between them after their parents were killed. Serena, who hated all aliens, blamed Starfleet for the deaths of their parents. She said they failed to keep a madman like Khan from hurting people. Kyle didn't see Starfleet having that much blame in what happened. No one knew what Khan had planned when he blew up that building. Kyle pointed out, that it was officers serving in Starfleet who stopped Khan. This was Captain Kirk and the crew of his Enterprise. From that point, the relationship between the brother & sister went straight to hell. Serena called her brother a traitor for joining the House of Klang. Kyle saw it as an honor. Humans weren't asked to join great houses of Klingon families everyday. His sister saw it as a betrayal of Earth and humanity.

T'Pren remained silent, just as Lenara was. She didn't know what to say. Knowing nothing of Kyle's family. She looked on as Lenara finally spoke. Asking Kyle if he was okay? Kyle stood there. His face still shown no signs of what was going on inside of him. Kyle wasn't sure how he should feel at this moment. He still cared for his sister, but they parted with some hateful words for each other. Hearing Lenara's voice, and feeling her hand on his arm, pulled Kyle from his thoughts. " I ahhhhh.....I don't know. " Kyle spoke while lowering his head. " I should go and see my niece.......Make sure she's okay and make some arrangements.......I'll see you back aboard the ship later........Please inform Mr. Simms that we'll be remaining in orbit a while longer.......Have Lesley contact Mr. Vox and inform him of the delay......Also let Ambassador Spock know what's going on. " Kyle then walked slowly away from where Lenara & T'Pren stood. The Vulcan moved closer to Lenara. " Was the captain close with his sister? " T'Pren asked as the two women watched as Kyle moved away.

" Commander Singh?! " Another voice called out. It was a familiar voice to Lenara. Belonging to Captain Picard. He just beamed down and spotted Kyle. Before he could call out to him, Kyle started walking away. Captain Picard approached where Lenara & T'Pren now stood. " Is there something wrong?........Kyle didn't appear to be himself. " Captain Picard asked. He knew Kyle West very well. Jean Luc had never seen Kyle so somber looking. Even in the heat of battle, Kyle could crack a joke. The man was like an unbreakable rock.
Upon touching his arm, Lenara moved a little closer, some of her concern showing upon her face as she gazed at her captain. It took him a moment, but finally Kyle replied while lowering his head and he spoke of going and seeing his niece. "Of course." she softly told him. "Take what time you need, Captain. We will take care of everything else while you do what you need to." She reached down further and squeezed his hand gently within her own before watching as Kyle turned and walked away slowly. The woman watched as he moved away, a small frown tugging at the corners of her mouth as T'Pren moved closer to Lenara and asked if the captain had been close to his sister. "When they were younger, I believe they were." she replied. "But there were some personal issues that caused them to become estranged from each other."

Before either of them could go on, a voice called out Lenara's name and she turned to see Captain Picard approaching them. He must of just recently beamed down. Lenara shook her head after he asked if something was wrong. "Captain West just received some bad news, sir." she told him, "His sister had been caught in the attack on the area of San Francisco. She hadn't made it, but his niece did." The concern for her captain was evident in the way she spoke about him and she looked off in the direction that Kyle had just gone, sighing softly while shaking her head. "I just hope that he will be okay." she told Picard. In the time she'd known him, Lenara had seen Kyle upset and angry, happy and excited, but she had never seen him quite like this and it was a bit upsetting.
Captain Picard was saddened to hear the news about Kyle's sister. Jean Luc understand what his friend was going through. He'd suffered a family tragedy several years ago. The loss shook Jean Luc to his very core. It took time, but Jean Luc was able to deal with his grief and move on. He was sure Kyle would be able to do the same. " Kyle West is one of the finest people I know.....He is a good man and a great Starfleet Captain........He'll come through this.......We all need him too. " Captain Picard spoke as he looked off in the direction Kyle had gone. Kyle West was a strong man. Not just in a physical sense, but also in an emotional one. However, even the strongest man can suffer emotional pain. Jean Luc planned on having a talk with Kyle before their ships left Earth.

Captain Picard turned his attention back to Lenara. " Before I beamed down.....I got a message from Starfleet Intelligence.......The Breen have declared war on the Federation Alliance......They joined the Dominion. " Captain Picard spoke, then began looking around at all the damage. " Lenara.......The Breen declaration of war didn't come out until after they attacked Earth.........This was a sneak attack.......A slap in our faces. " Captain Picard continued, his eyes falling on Lenara once again. " We need Kyle West more then ever.......This war just became more dangerous for us all. " Captain Picard added. His words brought a chill to T'Pren's body. They knew so little about the Breen. And knowing your enemy was an important part of any war. Captain Picard then complemented Lenara on her work during the battle with the Breen ships. He said she fought with the skill of a Klingon Warrior. Jean Luc had dealings with the Klingons in the past and understood that race very well. He was aware of the friendship between Worf & Lenara.
Lenara stood before Jean-Luc while they spoke of her captain, the woman standing tall as she gazed at the man before her. When he spoke of Kyle being one of the finest people he knew, she nodded in agreement. "There is truly no one quite like Captain West." she told Picard. "He is one of the few people that I would gladly lay my life on the line for time and again." This was very true on her part. She had almost died for her captain. In fact, if anyone asked Doctor Boyd, he would actually say that she had died several times on the surgery table because of the injury she sustained from the Jem'Hadar weapon, but he had been able to bring her back. It was all a credit to his skills and because of how much of a fighter she was. And Lenara told Kyle that she would do it all again for him. "Because the Federation needed Captains like Kyle West." was what she'd said to him one time during their meals together.

Kyle Wests strength was something that made her care for him so much. He was strong of heart, mind and body. But she knew perfectly well how even the strongest could suffer from emotional pain. After all, she was considered by many to be very strong in many way, but she had suffered greatly with the death of Jadzia. As Captain Picard turned his attention to her, she tilted her head when he told her about the message that Starfleet Intelligence had received. It turned out that the Breen had joined with the Dominion and declared war on the Federation Alliance. This made her frown a little further as he told her that the Breen had waited to announce the declaration of war until after the attack on Earth had happened. "Indeed it was a slap in the face." she agreed with a sigh.

The woman slowly nodded as he spoke that they needed Kyle West now, more then ever. With the Breen now taking part in the war, they would indeed need Kyle. Lenara needed her captain because she felt she was a better officer with him commanding her. They had become like two parts of a whole when it came to running the Protector. However, she was brought out of her thoughts when Captain Picard complimented her on her work during the battle with the Breen ships. His comment of her fighting with the skill of a Klingon Warrior saw her standing up taller, a bit of pride showing on her face before she thanked him. "Thank you sir." she told him. "Speaking of the battle with the Breen Ships, before we beamed down, I was just telling Captain West that I would in fact like to meet your tactical officer who was fighting during the battle. Their skills were impressive as well." Lenara didn't often wish to meet specific officers from other ships, but the Tactical Officer from Picards ship was someone she wouldn't mind fighting along side in a fight like that again.
Captain Picard & Lenara were in full agreement. The Federation needed Kyle West. Now more then ever before. The Breen were an unknown element added into this bitter war with the Dominion. They were a powerful race, not afraid to take great risks. Their attack on Earth showed that much. Neither Jean Luc, nor Lenara doubted that Kyle would give up. It would take much more then the loss of a family member to make a man like Kyle West quit. It was just a matter of time before he was back to his old self. How much time was needed, was the only question. Certainly one man doesn't win a war, but one man can make a difference during a critical moment. With the balance of power about to swing back to the Dominion. They were stronger then ever.

Captain Picard stood while Lenara spoke of the recent battle. She spoke of having a conversation with Captain West about the tactical officer on duty for the Enterprise during the fight. The conversation was about Lenara meeting this person. She said their skills were also impressive. Captain Picard nodded his, then gave Lenara a smile. " The Officer on duty was Lieutenant Padraig Daniels.......He is a fine young man.......If you'd like......You can contact the Enterprise and have them beam you up.......I'll have someone meet you in the transporter room and then take you to meet Lieutenant Daniels. " Captain Picard suggested. Like the Protector, the Enterprise had pulled into a standard orbit around Earth. Both ships were using this time to make repairs of their battle damage.
After bringing up her interest in meeting Captain Picard's tactical officer who had been on duty during the fight, Picard smiled at her after he had nodded and he told her who had been on duty at the time. It had been an officer named Lieutenant Padraig Daniels who Picard said was a fine young man. The captain then told her that she could contact the Enterprise and have them beam her up. This made Lenara smiled at the man and she thanked him for the offer. "I would like that very much, Captain." she told him with a nod. "Lieutenant Daniels would be someone I would be happy to work along side of, should the Enterprise and the Protector end up in a fight together against others."

Lenara told Captain Picard that she would be contacting the Enterprise soon to beam her up. Of course, first she would see to her duties and the tasks that Captain West had given her. She explained that she had to speak with some of her crew about them remaining at Earth for a time longer. "I do, however, look forward to meeting Lieutenant Daniels." she told Picard. "If you'll excuse us, Captain Picard, T'Pren and myself have plenty to do while our Captain takes care of his own tasks." Lenara had plenty left to do before she could go over to the Enterprise, but it wouldn't take too long to finish those tasks. Most of what needed done was just passing on messages to others who would take care of things. And Lenara was a fast worker when it came to getting things done.
Captain Picard was impressed with Lenara. She was obviously one of the best tactical officers in the fleet. He also liked how she presented herself. Lenara was a fine officer all around. Jean Luc would love to have her as part of his crew. He would certainly offer her a position on the Enterprise should she ever wish to leave her current posting. Captain Picard wasn't the only one who admired Lenara's professional attitude and what a hard worker she was. Captain Sisko wouldn't mind having Lenara posted on Deep Space Nine. If for some reason, Lenara would ever leave the Protector, she wouldn't have to look hard to find a new posting. In the last two years. Lenara had impressed several important Starfleet Captains. Each would think themselves lucky to have her as part of their crews.

Captain Picard told Lenara, he would have someone to meet her once she beamed aboard the Enterprise. He said Mr. Daniels was currently off duty. Jean Luc then said whoever met her, would know where to find the young officer. Captain Picard had several things to do himself. He bid to two women a good day before leaving. T'Pren & Lenara then began slowly walking. " I never met Captain Picard before.......He seems like a nice man......The Enterprise has a reputation for being a great ship to serve on. " T'Pren spoke. There had been a time when the pretty Vulcan had thought about serving on the Enterprise. That was something many cadets think about. The Enterprise was the Flagship of the Fleet. One of the ships people dreamed about serving on. The Protector was such a ship. Those who did serve aboard her, felt lucky to be there.
Personally, Lenara hoped that she should never come to the point where she wanted to leave the Protector. The ship had become her home and she loved serving upon the Protector. However, she did know that it ever came to that, there were plenty of Captains who would love to have her on their crew. Since joining the Protector, she had been told that she was welcome to join their crew any time and she thanked them earnestly, but told them that she was currently quite happy where she was. But she would consider them seriously if she ever wanted to leave Captain West's crew. And she was both honored and flattered that so many important Captains wanted her on their crew. But for now her place was with the Protector.

After she told Captain Picard that she would finish her work and then contact his ship. She thanked him and the two women bid him good day before the small group departed from each other, the two women going one way while Picard went another. While Lenara walked with T'Pren, the two of them spoke with each other about Captain Picard. "Captain Picard is a great man." she told her friend. "And he is very nice." She had heard all the same stories about Picard and the Enterprise that T'Pren had. She had met him before today when Picard and West were both called to a meeting to which their first officers had joined them. She had enjoyed meeting both men then and she enjoyed meeting Picard now, though she seriously wished it had been under better circumstances.

So Lenara returned to the Protector where she passed on several messages and then she went and spoke with Ambassador Spock in person, explaining that it would be a little longer before they head away from Earth and returned on course for Vulcan. She told him about how long they would be in orbit and when they were hoping to be leaving. After finishing her tasks, Lenara then contacted the Enterprise about being beamed on board.
After Kyle had left Lenara & T'Pren. He went to the Starfleet information office. There he found out which hospital his niece was taken too. She had been brought to the Starfleet medical facility at headquarters. Kyle went there, and quickly found the room where his niece, Heather was resting. She'd been injured during the attack, but not seriously hurt. The reunion between the uncle and niece was bittersweet. Heather was very happy to see Kyle again. He was only uncle. Heather hadn't seen Kyle in several years. Not since Kyle and his sister broke apart. Heather had been keeping up on the activity of her famous uncle. Without her mother knowing about it of course. Kyle & Heather talked about the past, and what the future could hold for the teenage girl. Heather was 17, so she wouldn't looked after for much longer. Though at the moment, she wasn't sure what she would be doing. There were several choices, among which was her going to Starfleet Academy. Though Heather never told Kyle of this. With everything that happened between Kyle and his sister. Heather wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to share this thought with her uncle.

After walking away from Lenara & T'Pren. Captain Picard contacted the Enterprise. He informed his ship that Commander Lenara Singh of the Protector would be calling them about visiting. He gave orders that Lenara be met and taken to where ever Lieutenant Daniels would be whenever she came aboard. When Lenara did contact the Enterprise, she was given permission to beam aboard. Lieutenant Commander Data was asked to greet Lenara. The android accepted his orders and went to transporter room one. He arrived shortly before Lenara beamed over from the Protector. " Greetings Commander Singh.......I'm Lieutenant Commander Data....I was asked to escort you to meet with Lieutenant Daniels. " Data was pleasant with his greeting of Lenara. The tone of his voice was very monotone. Being an android, his pitch never changed. Even in the heat of battle. Data would make an attack sound mundane.
Lenara took care of her duties and spoke with Mr. Simms, followed by Lesley and then with Ambassador Spock about everything that was going on. She made sure that everything was taken care of on the Protector before she was ready to visit the Enterprise. Once she was ready, she contacted them and they gave her permission to beam aboard and Lenara was soon beaming over to the Enterprise where she was greeted by Lieutenant Commander Data. When she beamed over, her body materialized and one of the first things she saw was the android standing there and he greeted her. "Greeting Lieutenant Commander Data." she said before nodding slightly. His comment of being asked to escort her to meet with Lieutenant Daniels was met with a positive reply of her own. "Yes, I spoke to Captain Picard of wishing to meet with him." she said as she stepped away from the transporter.

While Data spoke, she took in his appearance and after hearing him speak, she knew that he was an android. It was actually fairly easy to spot. This was the first time that Lenara had ever been on the Enterprise, though she'd heard plenty about it from Worf and from Chief O'Brien. Her friends had both served upon the Enterprise before they went to serve at DS9. Both of them had seemed to enjoy their time on the Enterprise as they both had spoken highly of it.
This was the first meeting between Lenara & Data. She'd heard plenty about him from Worf & Chief O'Brien. Both men were friends of Lenara's and shared many stories of their days on the Enterprise-D. During her visits to Deep Space Nine, Lenara heard much about the Enterprise crew. She was aware of the type of men Picard, Riker and Data was. Though he was an android. Data was fully functional and programed in multiple techniques of pleasure. That was something that Lenara might think about for another day. Surely, she would wonder about what she'd learned from her friends of the android Commander. Lenara & Data chatted while they walked along. Data was pleasant to talk with, but at times he could give way to much information on a subject. Lenara never met anyone like him before.

Data took Lenara to Lieutenant Daniels' quarters. He spoke of leaving her now and returning to his duties. Data said Lenara should be able to find her away back to the transporter room. He then left her standing at the door to Daniels quarters. Data was the type who could be funny, even when he didn't mean to be funny. However, Lenara hadn't come to see him. She'd come to meet a fellow tactical officer. Someone she found respect for during the battle with the Breen forces who attacked Earth. After pressing the door buzzer, there was a long moment before the doors slid open. A man wearing only a towel, wrapped around his waist stood in the doorway. He didn't know who Lenara was. She wasn't part of the Enterprise crew. " Commander?.......What can I do for you? " Daniels asked while looking at Lenara.
Walking with Data, Lenara spoke with the android. She had been told plenty about the crew of the Enterprise from Worf and Chief O'Brien, the two men telling her about them during their different conversations while she spent time on DS9. As she spoke with him, Lenara pondered a couple things about Data. She knew that he was fully functional. The woman would have to think further about Data at a later time, but for now she was enjoying her conversation with him. He was pleasant enough to talk with, but occasionally he seemed to offer a tad bit too much information. Not that she really minded. It was a little refreshing to talk to someone like him. Data took her straight to Lieutenant Daniels' quarters where he spoke of leaving her and returning to his duties. "Of course. Thank you Data for showing me the way. And yes, I believe I'll be able to find my way back to the transporter room." she told him and watched him walk away, smiling her herself and shaking her head slightly before she looked at the door to Lieutenant Daniels' room.

Reaching out, Lenara pressed the door buzzer and then stood back and waited. After a long moment, the doors slid open and she was greeted by the sight of a man wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. This caused the woman to pause before he spoke. When he did, she realized that he probably hadn't been told that she would be coming to see him. "Lieutenant Daniels, I'm Commander Lenara Signh from the Protector." she told him. "I recently spoke with Captain Picard and he informed me that you were the one manning the Enterprises tactical station during the recent fight with the Breen, and I spoke of my interest in meeting with you. I see that perhaps you hadn't been informed that I was coming." She cleared her throat softly while gazing at the man.
Daniels had just come from the sonic shower, when the door buzzer went off. He had been told of someone coming to see him, but he didn't know when that person would arrive. So Daniels continued on with his day. This included a shower. Daniels stood, listening as Lenara spoke. " I'm pleased to meet you Commander Singh. " Daniels spoke, he then asked for Lenara to come inside. " I was told that you wanted to meet me........But I wasn't sure when you'd arrive. " Daniels continued as he and Lenara moved into his quarters. " If it will make you feel more comfortable......I could put something else on.......I just got out of the sonic shower. " Daniels added before offering Lenara a drink. He then invited her to sit down. Lenara wasn't the type who became embarrassed by how someone dressed, or the lack of their dress in this case. Besides, Daniels had a fine looking body.

Daniels sat down and began talking with Lenara. He asked why she wanted to meet with him? Daniels really didn't know much about Lenara. He was two years out of the academy. No one talked about Lenara or her past anymore. Only those who saw her as a threat continued to plot behind her back. The new officers, had no idea who Lenara Singh was. Other then she was First Officer on the USS Protector. Enough had changed over the years. Lenara wasn't looked on as the enemy by most around her. As Daniels & Lenara sat talking. The towel wrapped around his waist, opened just enough for his cock & balls to show. His cock wasn't hard, but it still looked inviting.
As Daniels corrected her and said that he had been told that she wanted to meet him, but he hadn't been sure when she'd arrive, she nodded. She should of given them some kind of time frame as to when she would arrive, but it was too late to fuss over that now. She was invited into his quarters and she thanked him while they entered his quarters. When he spoke of putting something else on if it would make her feel more comfortable, she smiled at him and shook her head. "Oh, you're perfectly fine." she told him. "I'm not easily embarrassed by others state of dress. So you're fine in your towel." Besides, he was an attractive young man and she didn't mind looking at him.

Lenara accepted his offer of a drink before they sat down and they began talking, starting with him asking to meet with him. "To be honest, your skills had impressed me during the fight today." she told Daniels. "I wanted to meet the person who had run the tactical station, face to face. With the war with the Dominion getting more dangerous, I wanted to meet the person that I may be fighting beside in a battle." As they sat talking with each other, Lenara saw how his towel was opening and she could see his cock and balls were showing. He wasn't hard, but it was an inviting sight as she smiled at him. Daniels was a fine officer and he was a fine looking man. One that she certainly wouldn't mind getting to know much, much better.
Daniels listened as Lenara spoke of wanting to meet the person who was on duty during the battle against the Breen. She spoke the war and how it was becoming more dangerous. This was something that Daniels couldn't deny. Lenara had wanted to meet her fellow tactical officer. Saying they could be fighting along side of each other as the war continued to grow. There certainly didn't seem to be an end in sight. Not with the Breen joining the Dominion. The balance of power seemed to be shift back. It had been going back and fourth throughout the war. Each side being on top for a while, then everything changed and the enemy was on top and in control. Daniels & Lenara continued their conversation. Each talking about the recent battle and how the Breen coming into the war could change things once again.

The encounter wasn't planned to be a sexual one, but sometimes those were the best. Unplanned encounters between two people who just happened to meet. Daniels spoke of joining the Enterprise crew right out of the academy. As he spoke, his eyes began moving over Lenara's fine looking figure. Her uniform was perfectly made to fit her body. Tight in all the right places. Daniels' cock started to grow hard, under the towel. He hadn't noticed, part of the towel had opened and his cock was exposed to Lenara's eyes. Clearly, Mr. Daniels liked what he saw sitting beside him on the couch. His cock was slowly growing longer and thicker as the seconds passed. It would soon be very clear that his towel was open. The head of his cock was starting to grow beyond the opening.
The visit to the Enterprise was meant to be just a brief one where she met her fellow tactical officer and perhaps got to know them a little more. However, sometimes things just happened. The two of them spoke about the war and at the same time, they were checking each other out. Lenara noticed how Daniels was looking her over and she didn't bother to try to hide that she was checking him out as well, though there was also not much hiding Daniels body since he was sitting there in just a towel. When he spoke of having joined the Enterprise right out of the academy, she nodded. A lot of officers were joining starships just out of the academy these past couple years. "The Enterprise is a excellent vessel to serve upon. I have a couple of good friends who once served upon it." she told Mr. Daniels. "They have since joined the crew of Deep Space 9."

While they spoke, it didn't escape Lenara's notice that Daniel's cock was beginning to get longer and thicker as the seconds passed. Seeing this, Lenara tilted her head slightly while watching this happening. After a bit, she looked up at his face and smiled a little wider. "It seems that Captain Picard was right." she said to him. "You do seem like a very promising officer." The woman finished her drink that he had given her and then set her glass aside and stood up. Being bold, Lenara moved over to where Daniels was sitting and she reached down, gently grasping the edge of his towel and she slowly pulled it away from his lap and exposed his hardening cock to the both of them. "I would very much be interested in getting to know you a lot better, Mr. Daniels." she softly told him, the way she spoke being suggestive as she stood in front of him.
The way Daniels sat. He was unaware that his cock could be seen by Lenara. Daniels assumed his cock was still hidden by the towel. He also didn't know the type of woman Lenara was. She wasn't offended by seeing his cock growing. Lenara loved knowing she turned the younger man on. She was the type who would take advantage of this turn of events. Never wishing to see a hard cock go to waste. Lenara was already thinking ahead, even while she continued speaking with Daniels. The conversation had been very polite. Both speaking of their ships and their careers. Daniels had no idea what Lenara would be doing very soon. She remained seated, on the couch, beside Daniels until her drink was finished. She then placed her glass down and stood.

Daniels watched as Lenara moved. First putting the glass down, then standing and moving in front of him. Lenara then reached down, taking a hold of the towel. She pulled his towel away from around his waist, exposing his hard cock. Daniels was stunned by her actions. Lenara then spoke of how she would like to know him better. Though stunned by Lenara's boldness. Her actions brought a smile to Daniels' face. " I would also like to know you better Mr. Singh. " Daniels replied, still smiling at her. He then waited to see what Lenara would do next. Boldness was nothing new for Lenara Singh. And Daniels was going to find out how truly bold she could be.
As she stood up and moved over to where he sat, Daniels watched her every move and as she pulled his towel away from him, she could see that he was stunned. After all, how many women were bold enough to just pull a mans towel off of him just after they had met and talk about getting to know him better. She saw that he wasn't put off by these actions though, as he smiled and replied that he would like to get to know her better as well. With a grin, Lenara leaned in and pressed her lips against his in a soft kiss which promised so much more from her. While she kissed him, Lenara's hands came to rest upon Daniel's thighs and she slid them up, feeling the firm muscle beneath her hands before she wrapped one of them around his cock, feeling how hard he was against her palm.

Slowly she stroked her hand over his cock while they kissed before she broke the kiss and smiled at him. Straightening up, Lenara removed her uniform top and set it aside. She didn't stop there though. Lenara stood in front of Daniels and stripped for him, her clothing creating a pile upon the seat that she'd been sitting on until she was completely naked. He would get the chance to check out her fit, curvy body as she stood there. With a grin, she leaned in again and kissed the man once more. But this time the kiss was deeper and hungrier a she moved closer and straddled him in his seat, her legs on either side of his lap.
Lenara had such a devilish grin when she was ready for sex. This was quite a change from how she looked and acted while on duty. Lenara had been very professional when she first arrived to meet Lieutenant Daniels. She hadn't been looking for sex. But, Lenara was never one to turn down a chance for some hot sex with a fine looking man, like Mr. Daniels. After seeing his cock coming to life under his towel. Lenara took the chance at knowing the lieutenant even better. She leaned in, placing her lips against his. They shared a sweet kiss as her hands came to rest on his legs. Lenara's hands didn't remain on his thighs. Her hands began moving upwards. She felt and loved the muscle the young man had in his legs. One of her hands then wrapped around his cock. He was quite hard and ready for some hot action.

Feeling Lenara grasp his cock, brought a deep moan from Daniels. Lenara began stroking her hand over his shaft. Making the young lieutenant moan even more as they kissed. This wasn't what Daniels had expected from a meeting with Lenara. He could never had dreamt that something like this would happen. However, Daniels was damn glad it was happening. The kiss finally broke, as Lenara slowly stood up. The young man then enjoyed the sight of Lenara stripping off her uniform for him. God, he loved the way she revealed her body to his eyes. Lenara was in full on slut mode at the time. Her sexy, bad girl side was on display. This was a side of Lenara which only the truly lucky got to see. As Lenara stripped, She tossed her uniform onto the couch, in the same place where she had sat. Daniels admired her hot and sexy body. His eyes soaking up every inch as she revealed herself. Finally, Lenara was naked and proudly showing off her body. Daniels' eyes were full of lust and want for the sexy woman. He clearly enjoyed the sight standing before him. Lenara once again leaned down and kissed Daniels. This kiss was much deeper and hungrier then the last one they shared. As they kissed, Lenara moved closer. She climbed onto the couch, then straddled his hips. Daniels put his hands onto Lenara's hip while she joined him. Their kiss grew even deeper.
There were many different sides to who Lenara was. Most of the time, others saw her more serious stern side while she was on duty, but since becoming sexually active with both men and women, followed by the loss of Jadzia, others have begun to see more of who she was on the inside. Others were learning that she did have a sense of humor and that she was a very passionate woman, both in and out of bed. She was passionate about everything she did. When she beamed aboard the Enterprise, sex had been the last thing on her mind, however, Lenara was no longer the type to pass up the chance at it and adding another lover to her circle of intimate partners. There were plenty of stories of sexually promiscuous captains in Starfleet, as well as other Starfleet personnel, and Lenara had become one of those people. While most of her lovers didn't go around telling stories about her because they respected her privacy, some stories about her were beginning to pop up here and there. At first, Lenara had gotten a little upset about it, but some of the others told her that none of the stories about her were bad. In fact, they were flattering because they were about her prowess in bed and how good she was. So she just let it go.

As she stripped for Daniels, he would be able to see every inch of her sexy body. Her genetics had made her into what many would consider to be the perfect woman. She was fit and curvy with an hourglass shape to her, while her breasts and ass were perky and round. The way she stripped for Daniels was something she didn't do for everything, but this was spur of the moment as she decided to take advantage of the moment. With her uniform off and tossed to the side, she returned to him and moved onto the couch with Daniels, straddling his lap as she returned to kissing him. She lifted her hands and ran them through Daniels hair while he placed his hands upon her hips. The woman was getting turned on as she began to touch him more, her hands moving to caress over his chest and she could feel his hardened cock pressing between her legs as she pressed her body against his.

Breaking the kiss, Lenara began to kiss along his jaw and she playfully nibbled on his neck just below his ear. "How bad do you want to fuck me?" she breathed, pressing her hips against his so he could feel her hot, wet pussy against his cock. He was so close to being inside of her and both of them wanted it.
Lenara was a prefect woman. In every sense of the word. There were no flaws on her body. Any wounds she suffered during her career in Starfleet, were healed by the medical technology of the time. Lenara was born without any type of blemish anywhere on her figure. The altered genetics she got from her father, made her body perfect. From her head, down to her toes. Lenara was what those scientists hoped they could create when first making the augments. It was more then just tinkering with human DNA. They should have understood how breeding would effect their work. It was something they totally missed. Khan had picked a normal human female to breed with. That mix of normal human DNA and the augment DNA is what made Lenara so perfect. Breeding had corrected the flaws made by those scientists. So many years ago. Daniels could see how hot and sexy she was. He loved the sight of Lenara's body. She was the stuff wet dreams were made of.

More pleasure filled moans came from Daniels. The moans were muffled by the deep kiss he shared with Lenara. There was longing, lust and passion between them. Daniels could already feel the heat coming from between Lenara's legs. Her pussy wasn't far from touching his cock. The kissed continued as Lenara began touching Daniels' hard body. Her hands moved over his chest. He may not be an augment like she was. But, Daniels was a fine looking and well built man. His cock began brushing against her wet pussy. It was a feeling they both enjoyed. The kiss broke, as Lenara started kissing along his jaw. She then nibbled on his neck. Drawing some long and lustful moans from Daniels. Lenara then spoke, in a low and sexy voice. She asked how bad he wanted to fuck her. That was like asking how bad he wanted to breathe. " I need to have you Lenara......I need to fuck your pussy. " Daniel's voice was husky and filled with the want he had for her. His cock was touching her warm and very wet pussy. They were so close to what they both needed.
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