|| City on the Edge || trample & PressHeart

The statement caused Babs to pause as well, not sure what he meant by it...if anything...but the same little thrill went coursing through her veins as it had his. The only response she would have for him would be a soft little moan as his lips wrapped around her nipple. It didn't seem real, and part of her still felt that at some point they might come to their senses and recognize that this might be a terrible idea. There was still time to walk away, chalk it up to a late night and teasing that had gone to far. At the same time, she couldn't bare the thought of it ending. Felt that she finally had him, after all these years. Or at least would have this one moment with him.

The position of his head shifted, taking her other hardened sensitive nub between his lips. Those hands of his dipping beneath he fabric of her sweatpants and the pair of black panties she had been wearing to grip at the bare flesh of her ass cheeks. It was hard to keep her breathing steady at this point, hands running up through his hair and down his back as her teeth took purchase in her bottom lip. Soft little moans filling the room between breaths. It felt as though her body was on fire, and she knew each sensation felt more intense because of who it was.

"Well then I guess it would be beneficial for you..." The redhead paused, another soft little moan filling the space between them. It was hard to focus with the pleasure ripping through her body. "To keep my attention focused on you. Keep Batgirl happy, and she has no reason to wander elsewhere." Part of her knew that she was hinting at this being a one time event, and she couldn't help but wince inwardly. This must have been the same reason Dick had stopped talking after his somewhat possessive statement. It had taken them how many years to get here? It was obvious neither of them wanted to potentially ruin it by saying something stupid.
It was a complicated thing to consider what this might mean, but then that would require considering anything at all. Should they stop? And if they didn't, could it possibly mean anything more than a late night confluence of teasing and stress and attraction? If he could have thought about it then, really, Dick would've admitted to having as many various outcomes in mind at different times as were possible with Barbara. Did he love her (and if so, was it platonic or was it like a sister or was it romantic)? He definitely had fantasized about her more times than he'd admit on purpose, but whether those fantasies extended beyond the bedroom (or the occasional daring rooftop) varied regularly.

But those considerations were beyond him now. Now, all Dick was concerned about was the way that Barbara's perfect nipple seemed to harden ever-so-slightly as his tongue slid closer to it, first curving below before flicking up over the sensitive pink flesh. His fingers on her ass -- how many times had he stolen glances at her as she stood or ran or even pushed up from her wheelchair back before her recovery. She'd caught him once, actually. Pushing up from her chair with relative ease to slide over onto a couch when he'd been visiting and him frozen, staring. How could she even exercise to keep her ass looking that great...? He'd looked away quickly and probably redddened. Now, though, he could feel her, was cupping her soft, firm ass in his fingers and drawing her closer.

He pulled back with a soft pop as her nipple escaped his lips and his breath poured out warm over her perfect breast. "Oh, I'll keep Batgirl happy," he said with a smile and a quick kiss to her breast, moving his mouth up toward Barbara's. His hand on her ass closed tighter, almost possessive, sliding down further and pushing her sweats down below the curve of her ass. "And if I don't, there's always the handcuffs to keep you from wandering too far, Babs." Was he hinting at this lasting past tonight? Was he trying to? Dick Grayson didn't really know in the moment, but he was sure that he wanted this. His hand slid back up and then quickly pulled away and swatted her, spanking her hard enough to leave a hand print and to make her cry out in surprise -- and his mouth waiting to intercept her if and when she did with a sudden, hungry kiss.
Every time her mind wandered into 'what the hell are you doing?' territory, it was quickly pushed to the side by some action on Dick's part. It was actually impressive how well times his movements were, even though there was no possible way they could be intentional. Unless he had picked up a fun new mind reading trick she wasn't aware of. Which seemed just as unlikely as the situation she currently found herself in...so maybe it wasn't that impossible after all.

The soft pop of a his lips leaving her sensitive hardened nipple pulled a gasp from her lips. Every breath she took causing her chest to rise and fall heavily. How many times had she thought about this happening? Wondered what it would be like? Not that she was alone in fantasizing about what a night with Dick Grayson would be like. Although none of them knew that the man spent his time moonlighting as a hero protecting the city streets. A downfall of trying to have any kind of normal relationship with the lives they led.

The fabric of her sweatpants was tugged down further, feeling his fingers take purchase in the soft flesh of her ass. Pulling her body closer to his, her knees at the edge of the bed as he stood in front of her. The swat did surprise her, the cry of shock and slight pain she let out was quickly muffled by his lips on hers. The sudden warmth was followed by a tingle, skin almost vibrating where his hand had made contact. The mixture of both the kiss and the smack to the bottom were enough to distract her from what he had hinted at with his comment about handcuffs. At least for now, once her head stopped spinning it would probably come back...and raise more than a few questions in her overly analytical mind.

For now though she was fine staying lost in the sensation of that kiss, parting her lips and deepening the lip lock as her tongue sought out his own. Those perfect pink nipples would brush along his bare chest as she leaned in closer, wanting more, a hunger behind every moved she made. If it was just this one night, if they woke in the morning regretting everything, Barbara was going to make it worth it. Both hands moved, one wrapping around the back of his neck as the other moved to his shoulder, gently tugging him towards the bed as she backed up on her knees to allow him more room to join her. The redhead would do everything in her power to keep that kiss going through her movements, not wanting it end. There was only so much she could do though, and the need to take a deep breath was becoming more and more necessary with how ragged her breathing was.

"I can run in handcuffs, Grayson." The tone was very much the know-it-all he would be used to. The girl who was always more than willing to correct him should the opportunity present itself. It seemed that even in this situation, Barbara Gordon couldn't resist. "Something that acted as more of a tether, like...a rope or leash, would be far more effective in keeping someone from wandering away." There it was, that smirk that always seemed to paint her features when she corrected him. Which seemed to be all the more devious when she was in her current state.

Whether he moved on to the bed with her or not, it would be obvious she was having a hard time keeping her hands to herself. Fingertips running along his chest, walking across his flesh, gliding along every dip and valley of his muscular form that she could. Trying to commit it to memory, the feeling something she never wanted to forget.
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