|| City on the Edge || trample & PressHeart

"Yeah, it sounds useless," he said. "But when you send me to Planet Fitness when I'm supposed to be meeting with Zatanna because you can't tell the difference..." he trailed off and laughed. He knew that in the clock tower there was zero possibility of anyone ever seeing anything Babs didn't want them to see. The place was secure as secure could be, and so he reached up to the sides of his neck and released the two hidden clasps that kept the cowl on. All that tech built in made it more than a little inconvenient.

"And I totally won," he said. He took off the cowl and unclasped the cape as well, setting both down across the back of a chair and sighing with relief. His dark hair was wet with sweat and he pushed a gauntleted hand through it before he took the gloves off, too. "Though if you want to call it a draw, we can have a rematch in someplace that isn't collapsing around us. And..." He set the gloves down by the cowl and flexed his fingers, "I'll have you know the fishnets are a compromise."

His brow arching as he regarded her for a moment was much more obvious without the cowl over his face. He looked more like nightwing, more like Dick now. He did not go on to say that the idea wasn't to get her IN the fishnets so much as OUT of them, but there was something in his playful gaze that made it apparent. His lips curled up into a deeper smile and then he looked away and pushed his hands through his hair again. "I always used to wonder why Bruce seemed to like those snowy nights.... now I know, this suit's an oven!"
Well, there was no mistaking who was in the room with her now. The slight buffer the Batman persona had given Dick was gone, and she came close to asking him to put it back on for her own sake. It was easier to deal with him when she could argue that it wasn't really him. "Compromise?"

The look of confusion on her face quickly turned into one of slight shock as her cheeks reddened and her eyes pulled away from his gaze. Thankfully the subject seemed to change, granting her a moment of relief as well as stopping the images starting to play out in her head. "Such a baby.." The words were mumbled as she moved over to a dresser, tugging open the bottom drawer she pulled out some clothes that should fit him. From time to time other members of the bat family had crashed her, so she kept certain things on hand for convenience.

"Here these should fit. You can take a shower if you need to." It was obvious she was avoiding looking at him now. Had been having difficulties ever since he took the mask off. It had been a while since she had actually seen him, and it wasn't any easier than she thought it would be. Somehow she managed to pull her eyes to meet his though, a soft smile on her lips. "You look good Grayson. I mean, the hair needs some work."

Of course she was picking on the sweaty mess that was now his hair. "Bet you're going to be missing that domino mask too." There was only about a foot between them, and she wanted to both close the gap and turn away all at the same time. It was the constant struggle of being around him. "So, are you strictly Batman now or are you still going to moonlight at Nightwing from time to time?"

Work was always a good thing to talk about when she was struggling to compose herself around him. It was a trick she had learned early on, and it hadn't failed yet.
Of course there were a dozen dozen reasons why Barbara Gordon would have extra men's clothes in her place. All the various Bats and other capes who might or might not come around plus her many friends and even her dad or other members of the GCPD could have left things here for a quick change in a hurry. Undercover work, secret identities... hell, practical as Babs was, she might've just gone and bought some cheap clothes to have on hand for just this sort of occasion... and yet there was a momentary stab of unreasoned jealousy.

He passed it off with a nod and another grin, lopsided and dimpled now that the cowl was gone. "Yeah, I think I might go buzz-cut with it. Or at least lose some volume. Bruce never would've made this thing so hot and thick if he'd had thick, gorgeous hair like mine." He touched the mask where it lay on the table and rolled his eyes at his own words.

Raising his hand to take the offered clothes from her, Dick almost said something complimentary in return. You look great, Babs... something about the costume makes you look happier. Puts a flush in those cheeks that really sets off your eyes and makes it hard not to.... Of course he wasn't going to do that. Both because he'd pin her to that wall and taste her lips if he started and because he was still torn about how to approach her as Batgirl. He wanted her safe, but it was undeniable how much more herself she seemed since recovering and putting on the cape again.

"Nightwing's on some important Justice League business for the foreseeable future," he said, avoiding eye contact. How could she smell so good after a night out punching things? "Stephanie Brown's doing a semester in Bludhaven, which means, Spoiler-Alert," he smirked, "the Spoiler's watching things to some extent. And of course Tim's up there every weekend to see her. Between that and the fact that Bane called all the hoods to worry about down to Gotham to go after Bruce, it should be fine... This is where the mess is that needs cleaning..."

He moved past her, just barely keeping his hand off her hip as he passed, proud of himself, and got a whole step toward the shower before he laughed. "Not your apartment," he said and turned, holding something up he'd lifted from the arm of the couch, "although clearly it could use a little cleaning itself." He held what he'd found up and his brows went up a mile. In front of his face was a lacy and barely-there pair of panties that had apparently eluded her cleaning efforts before his arrival. He never would've pictured Babs in a thong before, but now it was all he was thinking about.
The redhead couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at the idea of Dick with a buzz cut. Mainly because as he had so modestly stated, he had thick, gorgeous hair. Certainly something she had never imagined running her hands through...or tugging on...

Thankfully he took her up on work conversation, and there was a soft sigh of relief as the business talk started up. None of it was really surprising, it all sounded fairly textbook as to how the situation was being handled, but she enjoyed listening to it. There was no confusion, it all made sense and it cleared her mind from the fact that Dick was in her clock tower. Well, somewhat at least.

Of course he just had to go and pick something up. Babs knew what it was before he did, eyes going wide as he lectured her while holding a pair of her panties in his hand. Not just any panties either, it was a lacy barely there thong that...she was kicking herself for not noticing and tossing in the hamper. "Heh...well..." The redhead would try to snatch the fabric from his hands and toss it somewhere, anywhere that far far away from here. "I've been busy...and...nobody really ever comes up here."

In that moment her mind raced for something to say, although there was nothing she could possibly say that was going to hide the redness of her cheeks. Why couldn't he have just...not picked anything up? It was just as reasonable to point out her place was a mess without putting his hands on anything. "You know, I don't usually...wear stuff like that. I had a date and.." Every voice that lived in her head was screaming at her to stop talking. There was no need to explain her underwear, it was none of his business. "You know what, I don't need to discuss my underwear with you."

It was almost defensive, as though he had actually asked about it. Which he hadn't, the redhead had just taken the look on his face and her own embarrassment and rolled with it.
"Only because I chivalrously agreed it was a draw," he said with that raised brow. He rubbed his fingers together through the barely-there garment and kept his eye contact with her for a second before looking down at the panties as if appraising them. "You know this is probably exactly what people are picturing under those badass tights? I mean, I know that when I..." He stopped and shook his head and then flicked the thong at her, using the elastic to launch them like a rubber band toward her flushing face. Hopefully it was enough of a distraction to get her mind off what he had trailed off from saying.

"I was sure you were gonna have to buy some fishnets after losing that sparring match, but now I think I may have misjudged you Barbara Gordon. Next thing you know I'll find handcuffs and blindfolds and a paddle somewhere... I hope there's nothing incriminating in the bathroom, though... I think I'll take you up on that shower offer to buy you some time to hide the rest of your naughty little secrets." He watched her turn redder still for a second and then laughed warmly and turned to head toward the shower with the clothes she'd provided in his arm.

As he headed that way his other hand opened the clasp on the shoulder of the suit and pulled it down, revealing his bare back as he pulled the costume off down to at least his naval. He'd have to get used to how hot it was, but for now he was glistening with sweat, his muscular back somehow tanned even though he didn't see the sun often, rippling with strength as the dark grey and black of the suit folded down and he headed toward the welcome respite of a shower. A cold shower, he thought to himself.
The shock of the panties hitting her face was successful in distracting her from where Dick may have been going with his sentence. In fact it had pretty much stopped all of her thoughts dead in their tracks. That was of course until he brought up handcuffs, blindfolds and paddles. Of course she had handcuffs, but she would plead the fifth if he questioned her about any of the other items.

No words would come out, Dick had successfully spun her head so quickly that she had...nothing. No witty retort, no defense. All she could do was watch as he walked away, pulling down his costume as he did so. The redhead couldn't help the bite she took out of her bottom lip as she watched. That muscled back was perfection, every moved he made highlighting his toned form. All sweaty, masculine and... no!

Babs closed her eyes and shook her head, not that the image was going anywhere. As soon as the bathroom door was closed she let out a groan, running her hands over her face and up into her hair. It wasn't long before she forced herself to snap out of it though. Wanting to clean up anything else embarrassing that might be lying around. It was hustle time, the redhead moving quickly throughout her place and tidying up as best she could.

It was a decent distraction, although her mind kept wandering to the man who was naked in her bathroom right now. In the corner by her bed she did find a pair of handcuffs...which were quickly tossed in the top drawer of her nightstand, along with all her other "naughty little secrets" as Dick had so lovingly called them. Although she had yet to find anyone to actually give her what she wanted and satisfy her in the bedroom department. At least recently. That wasn't really important right now though.

By the time Dick was out of the shower she had taken care of most of the clothes, and the trash that had been lying around. It still wasn't immaculate by any means, but it was better. "Find anything incriminating?" It was said with confidence, well as much as she could have given she wasn't 100% sure she knew everything that had been in the bathroom. Although she was pretty sure nothing naughty was in there. "Enjoy the water pressure?" It was teasing, as her shower head was certainly one that could be removed from the wall...which the redhead found herself doing often enough.
Dick emerged from the shower after a quick rinse in water that was initially warm but wound up bordering on cold by design. He was probably imagining that he could smell anything like arousal or perfume lingering from the hand that had rubbed her tantalizing panties a moment earlier, but whether it was real or not his reaction was genuine. A little aroused, a little visibly aroused, as he got out of the Batsuit and so after rinsing the sweat from his muscular body he'd turned the water to colder in an attempt to keep that sort of thought from presenting itself again. Barbara had always had that sort of effect on him, though when she'd gone from wholesomely appealing and pretty as can be to intensely arousing and precisely as sexy as possible he couldn't tell.

He was wearing the sweatpants she'd given him, the waistband stretched and no drawstring in sight. Rather than risk them dropping off he'd tied them around his waist with the sleeves of the sweatshirt, leaving him bare from the waist up. He was rubbing the towel through his dark unruly hair, every motion bringing definition to the tanned muscles of his arms and chest. Somehow the rippled, tanned, chiseled definition of his abs even managed to get in on the action, as if he engaged every muscle with every action.

"I don't even know, to be honest," he said lightly. "All that girl stuff... there's lotions and salts, which could be incriminating, but whether they're for whatever dirty things Barbara Gordon's trying to get me imagining," his brow went up, "or for witch craft or legitimate bathing, I couldn't say." He scanned the room with his bright blue eyes and then glanced back at her. "Anything incriminating you wanted to leave out for me?"
There was no way to be prepared for a shirtless Dick coming out of the bathroom. Positive she had given him a sweatshirt. As she thought it her eyes wandered down, noticing it had been tied around his waist and she could only assume it was because he didn't want his pants to fall down. It made sense, but it didn't make looking at his muscled form any easier, especially as it twitched an tensed with the movement of his drying his hair.

"You caught me, Grayson. I'm a witch." There was a soft little shrug of her shoulders as she moved into the kitchen, pulling a glass from the cabinet and filling it up with water. As much as she was thirsty...it was also nice to have something to distract herself with. "I'm not sure anything I could have left out you would have known what to do with."

Immediately after speaking she took a few deep pulls from her glass of water. Kicking herself for the words that had come out of her mouth. Teasing him on patrol was one thing, teasing him late at night when he was shirtless and in her clock tower/apartment...that seemed a little more like playing with fire. Not that it was new, walking that line was something they did almost expertly. "The couch folds out if you want to crash here tonight."

It was a lame attempt at changing the subject, but she had to try. Not that inviting him to stay the night was really the best idea with how things were going between them. Or...not going.
"I knew it," he said as he draped the towel over his powerful shoulders. Dick wasn't as broad as Bruce, at least not naturally, but most his lifetime spent practicing and training and molding himself for combat had added powerful muscle to a naturally lean frame. If he couldn't exactly borrow any of Mr. Wayne's suits without them fitting weird, at least no one would notice the negligible difference in Batman's still-impressively broad chest. It wasn't the sort of thing anyone considered while they were being punched into oblivion.

"The fishnets should've been a dead giveaway. Only witches wear those. Or.... magicians. Anyway, it's the dark arts you fancy." Dick Grayson had many, many skills. A british accent, ala Harry Potter, was not one of them. He followed the redhead into the kitchen and leaned against the counter as she filled her glass. "Barbara, Barbara, Barbara," he said, his tone faux-lecturing. As he said her name, he pushed from the counter with his hip and walked slowly toward her bedroom.

"You've known me for half my life by now... and yet you still don't seem to know just how competitive I am with you. 'Wouldn't have known what to do with'?! Does that sound like a challenge to you? It sounds like a challenge to me." He dropped into a deft, acrobatic, effortless crouch as he reached the edge of her bedroom and laid flat on the floor to look under her bed, then, just as quick, sprang back up. "At the very least, it's an admission that there's all sorts of nefarious and complicated toys hanging around." Again the brows went up. "And now you're asking me to sleep over....? I knew I should've hung that mistletoe at the christmas party..."
As soon as he pushed of the counter, saying her name three times, she knew she was in trouble. "No, no...not a challenge." Setting the glass on the counter she scampered off of him, feeling her heart start to race as he moved into her bedroom. Immediately moving to look under her bed before springing back up to his feet. This wasn't happening, and she was trying to think of some way to get him off topic and away from her bed. "On the couch. I offered you my couch."

Babs knew that he could read her like a book, so she was doing everything in her power to not give him a tell and look over at her nightstand. The more she thought about it, and told herself not to do it, the more impossible it seemed to become. "You know it's rude to just...barge into a girls bedroom." It was then it happened, those green eyes flicked from him to the nightstand and she internally kicked herself.

If he noticed it, and started to move she spring into action. Jumping up onto the bed and cutting him off before he could reach the piece of furniture which some of her naughtier stuff had been hidden away. Ass bumping against it as she backed up, nearly knocking over the lamp sitting atop its surface. There was obvious panic, and she was about as red as the hair that framed her face. For some reason she didn't want to Dick to know what she was into, as he had said before he never pegged her for leaning towards the submissive side. The last thing she wanted was to be relentlessly teased for it.

It was bad enough she could barely be around him without her mind wandering places it shouldn't go. Adding to the list of reasons he turned her tummy into knots just seemed like a bad idea. "Fine. If I just admit that I do in fact own some naughty things...can we just drop it? Why do you want to know so badly? Need more fuel for your spank bank? Wait...do you think about me when you..." Eyes trailed down his body to his waist before flicking back upwards to his own. "That's dirty, Grayson. We're like family." It was teasing. Sure, they were kind of like family, but there was no actual blood relation. Still, she wanted to see if she could at least pay him back for what he was doing to her...at least a little bit.
A normal girl wouldn't have even noticed the tell, and even if she had there was no way that she could've gotten between him and that nightstand before he got to it. Dick Grayson was really quick, but even he wasn't fast enough to get to Barbara Gordon's nightstand when she knew he was going for it. He darted one way and then another, but the damn nightstand was in the corner behind her and there was no way to reach it without a repeat of their sparring match (though it was certain that the clock tower had sturdier floors than that flophouse that Barbara had taken him to earlier).

"The Dark Knight cares not for your social graces," he said with farcical and utterly unconvincing gravity. His normal tone came back as he said, "What, no... I don't... " his poise to rush her and/or her nightstand faded a bit as he looked away. He cleared his throat and said, "I haven't..." He shook his head and turned away, saying over his shoulder, "not in, like, months," as if that was a long time. Without being able to see his face, she would have a hard time knowing if he were serious or not though. "And to think I almost tried to kiss you like, four times tonight..."

He began to walk away as if defeated, though he was just waiting for a clear shot at that table.
The fact that he admitted that he had, whether it had been months or not, was enough to make her jaw drop. It really wasn't that surprising with the way the two went at it with the flirting sometimes, but she couldn't help but feel...flattered? Of course his admission wasn't enough to make her fess up to the fact that she had thought of him from time to time as well. More often than was probably healthy for two people who were supposed to be friends and teammates.

Then he had to go and say he had tried to kiss her. It was hard to ignore the rush of butterflies that filled her belly, even if she wanted to pluck the wings off of every one of them. "I didn't mean to...I was just picking on you."

Babs should have known it was a ruse, but Dick was playing it off so well and had her all emotionally frazzled...logic had left the building for a moment. With a sigh she pulled away from the nightstand, not thinking it was even something that needed to be worried about anymore. Feeling like she had actually gone a little too far. As sassy and snarky as she could be, Barbara was really just a warm gooey person. Always wanted to do what was right, take care of her friends.

Walking up behind him she would carefully place her hand along his bare back, focusing on anything but the fact that she was touching him. Even if just the simple touch felt as though it was sending little shocks through her fingers and the palm of her hand. "I don't care if you...you know..." How in the hell was she supposed to word any of this? "You're allowed to think of whoever you want in your private time. I mean, I've thought of some weird people...it happens."

As soon as his intentions were made clear...she was going to be all kinds of riled up. In the way that only Dick Grayson could do. The man knew how to push her buttons, better than anyone. Maybe there was something to be said for that...
Dick almost regretted his plan, hell, he almost abandoned it. It would've been easy to just let the whole nightstand thing go and turn around. Maybe he could even try to kiss her now, or at least tell her, honestly, frankly, how she was always the girl that he thought of, and not just when he.... you know....? But she was who every girl he considered had to stack up against, in terms of care and intellect and appearance and wit... and of course the curvy, brilliant redhead had been in his thoughts for as long as he could remember. Nobody got the reaction from him that she did, so in a way it was only natural that...

But he didn't express any of that.

As she touched him and spoke only sympathy he smirked and spun as fast as he could. With one foot he caught both of hers and his arm sent her hurtling toward the bed in one swift and elegant movement. Just in case, he also threw the towel over his shoulders to cover her head while he leapt across the corner of the bed and reached the nightstand unopposed. "Gotcha!" He shouted triumphantly. Opening the drawer, he reached inside for his prize and tossed several things onto the bed between them as he found them: a blindfold, a vibrator, a collar, and what he believed was a ball-gag... he kept the last item, those aforementioned handcuffs, dangling them in his fingers, and raised that dark brow as he looked at her through one of the cuffs. "So, you wanna take back that comment about me not knowing what to do with things, or....?"
All it took was that smirk on his lips and she knew. Before she could even attempt to react he tripped her up, tossing her to the bed effortlessly. As though she weighed nothing. The redhead landed with a gentle bounce, and as soon as she sat up she was met with a damp towel to the face. "God dammit! Are you insane?!"

By the time the fabric was pulled from her face he had already dug his way into her goodies. Laying them out on the bed. Except for those handcuffs, which he dangled from a finger in front of her. Part of her wanted to hit him, the other part of her wanted to crawl underneath her bed and hide in embarrassment. There was a third part too...but she was doing her best to ignore those feelings right now.

"I-I don't...it's not.." The towel was now spinning nervously in her hands, trying to think of something to say. Pretty sure he wasn't going to buy the 'they're not mine' excuse. Which sucked because it was the only thing she could think of. Like her brain was on a loop. "I would prefer to live in a world where you a good wholesome boy who knows nothing about any of this."

It was a lie, that wasn't what she wanted, but she followed the words with the most convincing smile she could muster. "Just out of curiosity though, what was going to come after the 'or'?" It was the last question she should be asking...but he had just trailed off mid sentence! That always rubbed her the wrong way, and he knew that, even when the conversation wasn't as...intense as this one it would drive her nuts. Maybe he was goading her into asking? It was irritating how well he knew her...
He raised his hand quickly and then snatched the cuffs from the air, as if it somehow symbolized having caught her. Or maybe it was just a playful thing to do with his hand besides the obvious thing that people did with handcuffs. "...or did you want me to prove you wrong?" He looked down at the various things on the bed and then knelt down on the mattress. He laid the handcuffs down on the pillow near the headboard and then picked up the blindfold and laid it across the comforter, roughly where someone's eyes would be if they were cuffed to the headboard.

He laid the ball-gag a few inches below and then he picked up the vibrator and switched it on so that it shook in his hand. He tried to ignore the thought that it had been inside her, possibly when she was thinking about him, but mostly failed. He touched it against the mattress a couple of feet below the ball-gag. The placement, well, quite precise.

"Of course that'd be weird, so..." he shrugged and switched off the toy, leaving it where he'd placed it, a suggestive outline of where her body could be. "I'll just go be wholesome and leave you to your kinky life of fishnets and ball-gags, Babs..." He touched his tongue to his lower lip and then stood up, glancing from the toys spread out on the bed to her. "Though you're damn lucky I didn't hold you to that fishnet thing, because between this discovery and that..." trailing off again. He knew it'd drive her crazy.
Of course these things turned her on, there would be no other reason to own them. The idea of Dick being the one to used them on her though...that somehow took it to a whole other level she wasn't even aware existed. All she could to was watch as he moved the items on the bed, putting them roughly where they would go should someone be handcuffed to the headboard. The redhead hadn't even noticed she had been holding her breath until the vibrator was brought to life, causing her to gasp a little in surprise.

Then he stood up, and all she could do was stare at him. Wide eyed and bit breathless. "Weird..." The word was repeated, mostly to herself. As if trying to remind herself that they were definitely treading dark water now. Never had their teasing had props, never before had he known she had some...particular tastes in the bedroom. It almost seemed a little easier to shrug off when it was all meaningless innuendo.

All she could do was listen, still turning the towel slowly over in her hands, as if she just needed to be doing something with them. Channeling all of her nervous energy out through her finger. Then he had to go and trail off mid sentence again, and she was pretty damn near convinced it was on purpose. "Wait! What?"

Between what he had been saying and what had just happened her head was spinning. Could he really just...walk away like that? Babs was caught somewhere between mad, confused and turned on and it was...a very weird place to be. "For one, I know you'e not wholesome. With a rap sheet like yours, and the fact that girls talk...I mean...I know things." I was only partially true. Whenever bedroom talk about Nightwing had started up she usually excused herself from the conversation. Not because it grossed her out...but because it made her oddly jealous. "Second...stop not finishing your sentences!"
"Well I would," he almost snapped at her before the second half of the sentence came out more calm, "but you have no goddamn idea how cute you are when you're on edge. I mean, that's what's killing me, that and..."

he trailed off, knew it, was about to apologize, but then didn't and instead smirked. Dick held her gaze for a long moment and then said, "see, cards on the table, you're basically the hottest woman alive. Brilliant and funny and... flexible and those eyes...." He held her gaze a moment longer as he drank in those eyes then glanced away. "And then there's this thing we do where I frustrate you and leave you hanging and you get redder and more adorable; it's childish but it's hot as hell, and I was already about to kiss you tonight because I'm tired of wondering if you'd kiss back, and then this....?"

He gestured toward the bed and the arrangement. "Given that I already have the biggest Batgirl crush in the world and the biggest Barbara Gordon crush in the world and that frustrating you is somehow weirdly appealing, finding this stuff and imagining you cuffed and... and .... god...." he but his lower lip and trailed off for only a second as he rounded the corner of the bed. "I don't mean to trail off because you hate it so much, but Barbara, I'm... unless you stop me, I am going to kiss you right now, and I am not sleeping on your couch, so.... tell me to leave now, please, or.... don't. If it's not too weird."
There were a million things she might have expected to come out of his mouth. None of them even close to what he actually said. There it was, all the things she had imagined him saying in one way or another over the years. Always feeling it was just wishful thinking or the fantasies of a silly girl who was smitten with the popular boy. Yet...he was saying them. Unless she was having some kind of fever dream from inhaling all that dust.

Those lip of hers were moving, as though she might say something, but nothing came out. As he rounded the corner of the bed her eyes grew wider, breathing ragged and broken as her heart felt as though it might actually escape her chest. "It's a really comfy couch.." Why that was the only thing she could think to say was beyond here. There's a gorgeous man in front of her, telling her everything she wanted to hear, but she felt it necessary to defend her couch? Genius!

"Dick, I..." Words weren't coming and she was afraid that if they did, they would come out all wrong. So instead she moved forward, herself up onto her knees on the mattress and closed the gap between them. Hands trailed up his chest and over his shoulders before she made the choice for him. There would be no need to worry about whether she would kiss back, if she kissed him first.

It wasn't hesitant, her lips crashed against his with the years of pent up frustration acting a fuel. Every nerve in her body seemed to spark at the moment of contact, legs trembling beneath her as her lips parted to deepen the kiss. With all the emotion rushing through her, the heat of the moment hanging heavy in the air...and just as it started she pulled away with a gasp. Catching her breath, lungs burning a bit from lack of oxygen.

For a moment she felt like she had done something wrong, looking up at him almost questioning. As though this might be the moment he came to his senses, pushed her away and disappeared off into the night. "Stay. I want you to stay. With me. In my bed." Small sentences was all she could work with at the moment, feeling as though she might actually melt into a smitten little puddle of good at any moment. "I've always wanted you to stay..."
That kiss was too much.


It would've been too much if she hadn't pulled back just as he was recovering from the shock of it. It wasn't that it was unwelcome so much as it wasn't Barbara Gordon. Though maybe Dick didn't know Barbara Gordon as well as he thought he did, and that was an invitation he ached to answer, the truth was that he'd expected words. The sentence trailing off was the sort of thing he did, not her. Actions speaking louder than words was a maxim that Barbara Gordon usually didn't go in for, and yet her soft, warm, perfect lips on his was better than anything he could've heard. Even better than her asking to be kissed or even insisting, just doing it. God.... He reached for her body and leaned forward and then... then she pulled away.

A thousand thousand quips came to mind and died on the vine and instead he looked at her, serious for once, though the effect was dampened by the fact that his lips were slightly red from her lips. "I want that, too," he said, sincere as can be. "More than anything..." and then his smirk reappeared, "but just because I adore you, don't think I don't want to try out all that..." He cast a glance toward the toys laid out on her bed and before she could respond his hands were at her waist, sliding her shirt up as he leaned in to kiss her again. Figuring the lips were dangerous for their proximity to teeth, Dick instead kissed her jaw, down her neck, flicking his tongue along her clavicle as he drew her near.
The redhead followed his gaze to the toys on the bed, but all she would managed was soft little chuckle before his hands were on her. It hadn't caught up with her that this was really happening. Still expecting something to stop them. Something had always stopped them before...

With a quick effortless motion her shirt was tossed to the side, a simple black bra fitted perfectly to her body as though it had been painted on was all that now covered her upper half. Those strong hands pulled her in closer, as her own slid down his back. Fingertips tracing all the dips and valleys of his muscled form. "You should use all of that stuff because you adore me."

There was something different in her voice now, a bit darker and laced with lust. Obviously he was having an effect on her, breath falling from her lips in hot little puffs. Barbara hadn't showered, and the night she had would still be evident on her skin. Nails would gently bite into his skin as her hands trailed once again down his back. Not enough to hurt, but enough to leave trails of red in their wake. Just being able to touch him was enough to make her head spin, as she had imagined it...more times than she could possibly count.

Hands reached the sweatshirt that had been tied around his waist and she gave it a little playful tug, feeling the knot he had made with the arms loosen before finally giving way and falling free. "I really hope you're not as cocky as you are because you're compensating for something." It was that same teasing tone she always had, but it was heated...almost seductive.
"Here I'd been sure you'd seen me showering and that was the whole motivation behind all the flirting," he said as his hand reached down to aid her in pushing the makeshift sweatshirt belt aside. "I don't know whether to be flattered you liked me without seeing anything or worried that you're going to back out...." His grin was the same as it always was, but as his hand raised to entangle in her soft red hair and he drew her mouth back toward his, there was something backing it up. Like the subtle difference in his tone between when he teased about a fight versus just general teasing -- like he was confident in more than just chance.

His lips met hers eagerly and he pulled her lower lip between his teeth before he broke away, teasing, smiling, as he let her hand push the too-big sweats down. He was already hardening, had been semi-aroused despite the cold shower, and her hand would find him thick and long and hardening by the moment. He nipped at her lip and smiled against her lips. "I'm on the fence about the gag," he admitted as he kissed her cheek and then her neck, biting gently. "You've got thick walls and I love how you sound," he admitted before he dragged his tongue along her racing pulse.
Well, she certainly wasn't going to be backing out. No matter what she was going to have this moment with Dick, having waited far too long to back out now. Teeth dug into her bottom lip, causing an almost desperate little whimper to escape her throat. Those sweatpants of his were pushed down, one hand moving back up to wrap around his neck...as the other dipped between their bodies.

There was a sharp inhale of air as her fingers dragged softly along the length of his shaft. This time biting her own bottom lip as he shared his reservations about the gag. "Well you're the boss, remember?" The redhead chuckled lightly as she brought up how this whole mess had started. The one comment about her possibly liking him being bossy...and this is were it landed them.

Finally her hand wrapped around him, eyes widening at the thickness of the cock now pushed against her palm. It was a little intimidating, but she tried not to let on to as much. Slowly she would start to stroke him, feeling him harden ever more in her grasp. "Is it too late to back out?" The redhead snickered playfully, finding it ironic that she had thought if she were going to back out it would have been because he had nothing to work with...not the other way around. "You're going to ruin."

Babs didn't really mean it, at least not the part about backing out. There was a part of her that questioned if after this night anything would ever compare. Not just because of the massive length she was currently stroking, but because of the man it was attached to. Everything he made her feel, the rush of his touch...it wasn't like anything she had experienced before.
As she spoke and chuckled, Dick leaned in and pressed a kiss beside her lips and then against them. "Is that supposed to stop me?" he asked. His hand slid up from her flat stomach to cup her breast through the sheer fabric of her bra and he nipped her lower lip before speaking, "because ruining you for everyone else is pretty high on my agenda, Barbara Gordon." He leaned down and let his lips trail her jaw and along her neck as she began to stroke him. He hadn't exactly been concerned about his size, but her teasing comment might've meant that he was actually too big rather than, as he'd hoped, just big enough.

"I mean, I'm the boss, so... unless you've got a serious complaint..." He smirked and let his hands come together at her back, finding the clasp of her bra and opening it as he leaned down further and let his lips press to her clavicle. His mouth very nearly reached the edge of her bra before his fingers unclasped it and he pushed her strap aside with his lips.

"Are you sure you trust me with a blindfold and handcuffs, Babs? I swear you won't regret it..." his tongue moved up her neck toward her lips again as he tossed her bra aside, for once sincere in every word.
The fact that ruining her was high on his list, even if it was said only in teasing, sent a shock through her system. All the attention he was paying her, each press of his perfect lips to her skin, she thought she might explode. "Nope. No complaints thus far. I'll be sure to fill out the comment card at the end though." The soft sound of her bra unhooking hit her ears a moment before she felt the fabric loosen around her. One strap fell from her shoulder as the other was pushed with his lips down her skin.

In a quick fluid motion she pulled her arms free, the cups catching for a just a moment before Dick tossed the flimsy fabric aside. The redhead's perfect perky breasts were free, pink nipples hardening even more now that they were exposed to the open air. Barbara was every bit proportioned as her costume suggested. Truthfully she had a body more built for sin than crime fighting. Which sometimes had given her the advantage in certain situations.

"I trust you." As she said it her nose wrinkled a bit, as though he had just said something absolutely ridiculous. "I don't want you to feel like you have to do it though...if it's not your thing. I mean, having a girl who wants nothing more than to be used for your pleasure and belong to you in every dirty little naughty way possible...it isn't for everyone." As she spoke she leaned in just enough to where her nipples brushed against his chest, her breath hot on his neck. "I'm sure I could find someone else willing to put a collar on Batgirl and make her beg."
His lips dragged lower down her perfect body (Dick would never, ever dare to fuel her ego by letting her know it was perfect, but somehow the way he looked at her probably betrayed it and had for the last decade) and over the swell of her breasts as he threw her bra aside. "Shut up, Batgirl," he said just as his lips found one of those hardening nipples. He flicked his tongue out over it and said, "Batman has entirely too much work to do in the city to need to spend any of it going around punching people for getting the attention of his girl."

He hesitated a second as he heard himself call her his girl. Maybe she'd chalk it up to the Batman/Batgirl thing... but secretly he felt a little thrill at the hint of possessiveness that was, admittedly, different from the thrill of the situation generally. He stopped himself from saying anything else that might cause trouble by parting his lips to take her nipple past them. Smirking and sucking, his tongue flicked the hard, sensitive nub slowly while his hand at the small of her back dragged lower until it was pushing down the elastic waistband of her sweats.

Unwilling to entirely trust himself to speak for the moment, Dick released her nipple and moved to the next, the faint stubble on his chin scraping the soft pale flesh for a moment before his lips claimed a second victim. The only sound escaping his lips was a low moan as he felt her breath catch as he teasingly brushed his teeth across her nipple, hand dipping lower, pushing past sweats and whatever was underneath to cup her bare ass gently.
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