There's been a few this year specifically:
1) Blindspot RP (TV Show/ Fanfiction) - Not many people watch this show!
2) Male Celebrity x Non-Celebrity, particularly a spy/agent - Not huge interest from anyone to play a male celebrity.
3) The Purge: Anarchy (Film/ franchise) - A lot of people associate The Purge franchise with the first film (which I found so horribly stupid), instead of with the second film, which is actually so much more fascinating, psychological, and psychosocial. This film really highlights issues in our modern society, such as capitalism, racism, politics, discrimination and poverty.
4) Star Wars - REALLY hard to find people who are willing to play outside of the stereotypical pairings such as "Sith x Jedi", "Jedi x Bountry Hunter", "Bounty Hunter x Slave", etc. etc. I find it difficult to find a partner that has an interesting character to play. They are normally generic.
5) Canon x OC - I really, really love playing Original Characters. But it's really hard to get people who are willing to pair a Canon to an OC, especially for superhero themes. Partners normally want to play their own OC, or are the same as me and want to pair their own OC to a female Canon.
6) As mention, SO HARD to find partners for dystopian RPs, or even post-apocalyptic or apocalyptic RP plots that are not also superrrrrrrr generic.
7) Disney/ Fairytale plots - These plots/characters NORMALLY get a hell of a lot of attention, but the problem here is it's a lot of request from people who are more geared towards ultra smut (find the princess/character hot and just want to RP bone them) rather than plot-driver storylines and dark romance.
8) Historical content - I'm a huge history buff and nerd, so I have a massive request thread based solely on cravings for different time periods. It's hard to find partners with the same historical passion as I have.
9) OH AND STRANGER THINGS - Nope. Had one amazing partner, but he unfortunately went on hiatus a while ago and has not yet returned.
That about sums it up!
For links to all of my request threads, you can check out my signature! ^-^