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Teamwork (ClearSight x Javorcek)

Amelia could have sworn that telling Sarah that she was an omega made the beta relax, even give her a softer look. It wasn't what she had expected, though Sarah was always different from others as far as expectations went. Sarah couldn't be judged like a normal wolf, one that would be drooling for a chance at an omega, or angry that she had kept a personal secret from her for a short amount of time. It was comforting, not expected but comforting. It made sense in a way, Amelia really did like Sarah, she controlled herself around her and moved as slow as she could manage. Fortunately that was what the younger wolf decided to focus in on, that Amelia was trying her hardest and truly cared about her. It made things easier.

"Thanks Sarah, I'm glad you know..." She started, showing a sign of shyness for the first time. Amelia generally remained calm, sometimes to the point of seeming distant, but it was difficult to do so in the face of her secret being out in the open. She didn't want it to change things between them, but it would regardless, at least a little. Sarah knowing meant she could be more comfortable, that neither of them needed to question activities like Sarah chewing on her while they slept, or why they felt comfortable around one another. It was a step forward, one that came with Sarah kissing her, which was a very pleasant surprise. Though, it would have been easier to handle if Amelia hadn't lost control of her wolf slightly from masturbating... And not finishing.

"Finish?" She asked, slightly dazed from the intoxicating kiss. Maybe it wasn't so feverish, but even the most mundane kiss with Sarah was special for the omega. "Oh!" She snapped back to it, her eyes avoiding Sarah's as she realized what the younger girl was talking about. She really did want to... She was still really horny. Yet, she wanted something else more. Instead of answering she just leaned in and kissed Sarah back, not going too far, but adding a tinge of heat to the lip lock. "You leaving would never, ever be what I wanted." She said, trying to get that through the beta's head. Sarah always seemed to think things would be easier without her around, she didn't realize yet that Amelia had always made the choice to do whatever it took to keep her around.

"Just let me kiss you for a bit and then we can go back to sleep?" She asked, more of a question than a demand, she wasn't great with demands. Still, she kissed Sarah again, leaving her room to say no if she wanted. Amelia didn't want her to be uncomfortable, to feel like it was all rushed, but she really wanted to kiss her, and snuggle a bit before getting some more sleep.


Sky raised an eyebrow when she heard the voice at the other end of the call, her mouth finally shutting for a few seconds, an unusual lull in her blabbering. A girl? The other person, the random she had been playing with... Was another girl? The odds... The fuck! Wow. "I really didn't expect you to be a girl." She finally spoke, but it wasn't keeping with the theme of 'talking is nothing special' that she intended at first. She went right for the important stuff, but didn't pause long enough for her gaming partner to say anything. "That's cool though~" She chirped, clearly pleased it was a girl and not a guy. She did prefer women after all... In every sense. Being able to trade the unwanted flirtatious annoyance of a man with the gorgeous voice coming out the other side of the call... Perfect.

"Don't worry, if you get support it'll be fiiiiine, as long as I get mid this game you'll be plat. Lady luck is smiling after all..." She gave an impression of Twisted Fate that was absolutely awful, adorable but not at all like the character from the game. Still, the difference between her typing and actual spoken manner wasn't all that different, she was always quick and incessant.
Sarah bit back a comment, something along the lines of, 'Me not being around would be easier on you.' It was late and she didn't want to debate the merit of her existence right now, especially when she was having such a nice moment with Amelia. The beta knew that she had a lot of odd habits from her anxiety and ADD, sometimes she would space out or take 1,000 years to make a decision because she would agonize over making the right choice for something as simple as what she should have for lunch...and for some weird reason Amelia, was okay with all of that.

"Yeah...that sounds nice." Sarah gave a pleased hum as Amelia's lips connected with hers. She draped her arms around her friend's neck and gave her a gentle tug downwards so that they could lay back down. The pair of them wriggled around, making a few adjustments to get comfortable while their lips stayed connected. They traded languid kisses for a few minutes before Sarah slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Sorry to disappoint; you won't be talking to someone tall dark and handsome tonight, well, actually, maybe just the tall part." Julia's tone was light and teasing. The beta was naturally playful, even with strangers...even though she supposed technically Sky wasn't a stranger because they had been talking and playing together online for a few weeks.

"Yeah yeah, I know you can carry me, TF" Julia chuckled at Sky's bad impression because it was so awful it was kinda cute. Thought her laughter soon died off as the queue popped and she caught sight of the fact that she was stuck in the support role. "Oh for fuck's sake, Riot." The beta growled and grumbled. Her life was soon getting further ruined with a Kha jungle and a Yasuo top. "Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyy ahhhhh...crap...who to be who to be..." Julia muttered to herself as she looked through her champions. "You're going to be carrying me extra hard." Usually the beta ran around as Leona or her pink paladin Taric, but she grabbed Nautilus to support for the sake of an extra knock up for the Yasuo.
"Psh, who wants dark and handsome." Sky tossed back, not shy at all about what she liked, but not being too flirty with her gaming pal. Though... She really couldn't help but let her mind wander, picturing what the girl behind the voice looked like, but realizing it was impossible without some clues. After all, a voice didn't mean much, and her tag helped even less. She shrugged, it wasn't so important, even if she was curious. Focusing on the game was what truly mattered, so when her duo got her faaaaavorite role, Sky could only grin and get ready for a tough game. It wasn't that Weasels was bad, she was fine, but she was a better jungler.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you~" Sky chirped, but even with her adorable voice it was difficult not to picture a ridiculous cocky grin on her face. Sky was... Passionate? She was full of confidence, but when things went badly she would be the first to yell or curse, her fiery attitude and foul mouth always getting her in trouble. Even in every day life she made herself known. "I'm feeling a winning streak anyways, and you can't get off until we lose! Just accept it, screw classes!" Sky said as she locked in, picking ghost and flash to get around in fights easier. The enemy team didn't have any assassins so she didn't pick exhaust, and with her movement speed quints she planned on being all over the map on her best champ, Twisted Fate. She really did like TF, and Gangplank and Karthus. She liked strange champs, but she knew what she was doing!


Weasels had made it to plat, and while Sky had carried, both of them did well. After that a few more days passed, they played and got to know one another better. She finally learned Julia's name, and while most of it was LoL talk or idle chitchat it was fun, they felt like real friends as time went on. Of course, part of the reason it was fine, was because Julia could deal with Sky's personality. A lot of people would find it jarring or unbearable playing with a high-pitched fireball that went off the second something went wrong, but luckily Julia seemed able to handle it. The truth was, Sky was never really mad, she just had the tendency of expressing herself without holding back, leading to a lot of unnecessary outbursts.

"Hey! I'm not drunk!" Said a very feminine voice, a hmph following soon after as she opened up another can of beer close enough to the mic that Julia would hear it, giggling like an idiot immediately after. "Toooootally not... Drunk!" She finished after taking a long, exaggerated sip. They had been playing together most of the night, and at some point she made an agreement with herself, that she expected Julia to follow, where every death they got came with a sip of beer... And as time went on she started dying more and more. She had long since crossed the sober line into nice and tipsy, though tipsy was an understatement, she was quite intoxicated, not slurring but gigging and ridiculous, her natural drunken demeanor. She didn't get all that clumsy or mean, she became playful... And flirty. She had already started poking at Julia, it was only a matter of time before her big mouth said something more direct.
Julia didn't have a toonnnn of time in her day to devote to League, but after getting her ass kicked in rugby practice, dinner, and a shower, she was ready to sit down and zone out for a few hours before bed. Thank god she only had one afternoon class on Friday so that she could keep up with Skylar's ridiculous drinking game tonight, otherwise she'd reaaalllyyy regret this choice. At least she had the luxury of playing tanks, making her death score markedly less than her friend's...unfortunately she was drinking hard liquor because beer was disgusting. "Yeah, okay. Lightweight." Julia smirked at Sky's drunken antics as she poured herself a line of shots while they waited in the queue. "Guh, I don't know how you can drink that crap. Liquor all the way!"

" coming out or what?" Nicki, the wing captain, poked her head into the study which only seemed to ever be used as an actual 'study' when it was the week of midterms or finals.

"Nooooope." One look at her friend made the beta shake her head. Nicki was dressed to the nines and Julia wasn't about to trade sweatpants and t-shirt for heels and a cocktail dress. Thirsty Thursday drink specials at the bar could go fuck themselves, she wasn't about to be uncomfortable after such a hard practice.

"Seriously?! Come on! I doubt the voice in your head is as cute as the guys at the bar."

"The voice can hear you." Julia pointed to the mic and Nicki had the decency to at least say, "Sorry voice. But seriously, Julia, you're not coming?"

"Noooope. My sweatpants, the strange voice in my head, and I are going to have a hot date playing League. Have fun without me. If you guys go out again tomorrow I'll come." Julia knew the easiest way to get rid of Nicki and get back to her game would be to promise to go out with her teammates another time.
"Not a lightweight!" Sky growled out, nursing the beer in her hand with a pout on her face, as if Julia should have been able to sense her expression. Though she declined to comment about her drink of choice. Of course she couldn't drink liquor, she would be done for in an instant! She would never admit that, hmph. She was already getting drunk enough anyways, she didn't need to make things more difficult for herself, she could already feel her mind losing its grip on anything close to restraint.

"Hey! Tell that bitch you've got a beauty spending her time with you and there's no need to go out and meet desperate guys!" Sky whined, laying on her keyboard as she mumbled about stupid women while she watched random letters fill up her chat box. She giggled at the sight but soon remembered the topic at hand. "Yeah! I'm fucking gorgeous damn you, gorgeous!" She wasn't just some voice, she was a lovely voice and she was the best date Julia was going to get, even if it was going to be over Skype while playing league. That sounded like a pretty good night anyways. "I'm a sexy redhead, got beautiful fair skin, and cuuuuuurves~" Her description of herself was absolutely horrible, but she seemed pleased with it, considering in her mind it was perfectly descriptive, she had an image and was currently being oddly narcissistic as she nodded at her own sexiness.

She eventually seemed to realize how little Julia would be able to get out of the description. "Hmmm, pictures work better..." She grumbled, clicking on a folder on her desktop. Inside were literally hundreds of different pictures of Sky... In cosplay. There were a few that couldn't even be considered cosplay, just her in skimpy clothing or underwear. Maybe she had a bit of a thing for taking her own photos, and they were all self taken. "Heh, this one." She picked a rather normal one of her and then sent it over Skype. [Hmph, in case you were thinking you could find a better person to spend your night with!] Sky was rather gorgeous, though the photo she sent didn't say much about her height. "See it Julia? See it?! No way you could do better than this voice!" She laughed, before letting herself think about Julia. She still didn't know exactly what her friend looked like, but she had a feeling it was a yummy image.
"Aw, what's wrong with desperate guys? They'll do anything..." Julia purred seductively, chuckling as she overheard a soft thud which signaled that Sky was probably resting her head against her desk. She had a feeling that her new friend wasn't really into boys, Sky hadn't said that she was a lesbian outright but she definitely talked like she was one. "Yeah, I'm sure you're a gorgeous, soulless, ginger." Julia teased as she picked up a shot, ready to just down one for the hell of it as she opened the picture and was treated to a sight that made her choke on her Sambuca. The beta coughed and sputtered, of all the images she had conjured up of what Sky might look like, that definitely had not been it. She had been expecting a quintessential gamer girl: pale skin, red hair, maybe some glasses, nerdy t-shirts, and a sweet smile...not a fucking bombshell pin-up girl. She wouldn't have thought the picture was real except for the fact that she knew that Sky was an art major and that it made sense that her friend would have some tastefully done sexy photos of herself.

[What the flying fuck are you doing at home when you could be having sex with every guy on campus?] Julia was unable to speak and her eyes were glued to Sky's perfect rear end. Fuck my life, I need to stop sleeping with Zoe and Bridget before they turn me into a full on lesbian Don't get her wrong, it wouldn't be a bad thing, she had a ton of gay friends and didn't judge. Just...girls like Bridget were more her speed: tomboys who knew their way around a was just more familiar for a girl like her who usually went out with boys and had only had a few female flings. Skylar seemed 100% femme though and she wasn't sure she would really know what to do with a girl like that. Ugh, why am I even thinking about sleeping with her? Fucking, fuck you Sambuca!

"Okay...let's see..." Hmmm...picture...picture...picture... The beta struggled to find one that was decent and recent to share; most of the photographs of Julia were of her and the rugby girls or of her and her ex-boyfriend. She definitely could do without looking at Zack's dumb face and didn't feel like explaining which girl she was in group photos. "Alright, I'll go pic for pic with you." Finally, Julia settled on a picture of herself: it had been taken a few weeks ago (right before her and her teammates had left the rugby house for Rico's Masquerade Formal) and featured her in a black evening gown with a risque slit up the side that showed off her lean legs. She had been trrryyinnnggg to prove that she wasn't drunk and then had fallen into the wall...but hey, she'd fallen into it pretty gracefully!

"There you go, just to be equal and so you know I'm definitely female and not a 13 year old boy."
Sky was irritated for some god forsaken reason, mad that the voice she played games with was talking about guys, because that just made complete sense. Whatever, didn't have to, she could be jealous if she wanted to be. The only comfort was hearing Julia choke on some liquor when she opened the photo, making Sky grin and puff out her chest proudly. She was an art major, and a bit of a jack of all trades when it came to the profession. She loved painting and drawing, creating detailed models, designing, photography, and of course knew her way around the programs necessary for all of that. She was even pretty good at programming, she had considered becoming an artist or game designer in the future. Still, she had skills, and even if the horde of photos she had stashed on her computer were self-taken, they were amazing. It helped that she had some nice assets to work with.

Sky grinned, imagining some drool on Julia's face, only to get a picture back and practically attempt to reach out a grab the gorgeous cutie in the picture. What in the fuck! Why is she super cute too?! One of us should have been unattractive, that's the way the internet works! Maybe it was an exaggeration, but she didn't expect Julia to be so damn yummy. "Nope, definitely not a 13 year old boy... Maaaaaybe my new fantasy though." Sky chuckled, taking another sip of her beer before leaning back in her chair and taping her finger on the desk. She really wasn't shy, and alcohol pushed her comfort level with Julia was further than it should have. "Seriously, why are you so hot? It's almost annoying that the random league pal I make is hotter than the women I've dated."

Sky didn't expect an answer, it wasn't even a question that Julia could say much about, expect for maybe explain how she became so athletic and toned. It wasn't super obvious with the sexy picture, but Sky paid attention, and her and Julia had talked enough, she knew what she was looking at. Still, she wasn't satisfied, she wanted to really blow her friend away now, a competitive fire burning, practically forgetting they were supposed to be playing. "This one..." She murmured, sending another photo of herself... Cosplaying. It wasn't just any cosplay, it was cosplay targeted right at her friend, Shyvana cosplay, specifically Ironscale Shyvana, with a practically perfect recreation of her in-game appearance. "There, it's a bonus pic, now let's play!" Sky chirped, closing the folder with all of her pics and focusing back on League... And maybe waiting to hear Julia's reaction.
"Not the first time my picture has been used as fantasy fodder, though definitely one of the least creepy but still insanely dirty compliments I've heard." Julia grinned at her friend's reaction; it was nice to be desired even if she was getting all of her sexual needs fulfilled by the threeway she was involved in. "Oh, you know, hundreds of years of careful breeding tend to make anyone look good." Most wolves were quite attractive; that was what happened when their mating culture had a bunch of insane rules and complicated traditions. It wasn't as bad as it used to be but there was definitely a lot of pressure on Julia to find a handsome, strong Alpha male...and if she couldn't find that then at least a handsome beta male with a high IQ. Julia herself didn't really care one way or another about what her future mate looked like, but she would prefer to be with someone who could handle being faithful for more than 3 months and who could keep up with her.

"Wow, that is awesome!" Julia blew up the next picture on her screen a little bit so that she could see all of the detail in the Ironscale Shyvana costume. Of course Sky looked amazing in it because she was a fucking bombshell, but the picture was also outstanding because of the level of detail and craftsmanship in the costume. "Huh? Oh," Julia had gotten a little side tracked with the picture but quickly came back to reality at Sky's voice. "Aw come on! Fucking support, seriously?!"


Julia's moment of peace was interrupted by the sounds of groans and hacking coughs growing closer and closer. "Juulliiiaaaaaaa..." Bridget whined and sniffled as she poked her head into the study. The Alpha looked like hell, wrapped up in a blanket.

Ugh, Alphas. All huff and puff as long as they're well, then they turn into great big pups when they're a little sick. "Mmm? What's up, Bridget?"

"I'm sick..."

"Couldn't tell by the way you were hacking up a lung a second ago." Julia responded distractedly. "Hey, I don't know where Bard is, be careful mid."

"Stop playing and take care of meeeeee!"

"Call your girlfriend to take care of you!"

"She's not my girlfriend!" The upset Alpha erupted into another coughing fit as she worked to refute the fact that Zoe had been sneaking over every night this week.

Julia sighed. She knew her poor, stupid Alpha friend couldn't figure out that her and Zoe had something going on. Maybe it wasn't earth shattering love, but it definitely wasn't the purely friendly physical relationship that Julia and Bridget had had. "Alright. Let me finish this game and then I'll make you soup, okay? Go lay down."

The Alpha pouted a little bit before nodding "Kay..."

"Sky, I'm gonna break for like 15 to take care of my mess of my housemate...just gonna text her girlfriend not girlfriend real quick and hopefully not get hooked by this Blitz...." Julia hid her Taric in a bush and then quickly typed out a message to Zoe on her phone. [Hey rookie come take care of your Alpha I got things to do] Julia decided it would be best to leave out the 'Bridget is a big miserable puppy dog and sick'.
Ever since they had started voice chatting, things between Sky and Julia had been changing, and it was impossible not to notice some of it. For instance, they were growing far more flirty, and Sky rather liked it. Julia was hot! Plus she was funny and more than a little charming, for a manipulative silver tongued devil at least. It was almost a shame that Sky was too big a coward to do more than make some increasingly dirtier comments about Julia's yummy form. She never even came close to throwing out the idea of meeting up in real life, keeping things rooted in the virtual world with lengthy sessions of league and chatting, a few photos of her thrown in every now and then. Julia probably had enough for a decent slideshow... And a few of them revealed a good deal, League and anime characters often revealed more than necessary, leaving little of Sky's body to Julia's imagination.

The biggest change had nothing to do with the pictures or flirting though, it was something entirely on Sky's end, it was jealousy. Sky and Julia had talked long enough about every random thing, that Sky had started to get the idea that Julia and her housemate Bridget were... More than friendly. So when Julia had decided to take a break and take care of her... While Sky hated being a stupid jealous idiot... She couldn't help it.

"Huh? Oh, yeah that's okay..." She murmured as Julia told her she was going to take some time. "Actually, I should be getting off soon anyways, I had plans I was considering not going through with, but maybe I should." She chuckled, not seeming out of the ordinary even if there was a slight oddity to her tone. Why? Because she had no plans, she just felt like she needed to... Yeah, because everything in her head always made peeeeerfect sense. "Meet up tomorrow after lunch if you've got the time, I'll be on after I take care of my classes." Sky was the type of person who took classes from the early hours and finished her day before noon, leaving the peak hours open. Though... She had a habit of sleeping during those peak hours quite often, and gaming throughout the night. "Cya."


Sky was sitting at a table in the cafeteria, a full plate of food pushed to the other side to give her room to lay her head down. She felt ridiculous, because she was still thinking of the night before with Julia. After deciding to get off, quite early, she just sat around and did nothing all night, she read. She had wasted hours of prime gaming time with her adorable duo partner because she was too stupid to ignore the jealousy she felt for a voice. Sure she had seen Julia's picture... But come on? Could she really be so lucky, and she had only seen the one. She wanted to convince herself she was being silly, but it was hard and she was tired after thinking about it for nearly the entire day.

"Hey Sky, need some company?" A familiar, upsetting voice entered Sky's ears, forcing her to lift up her head and send a venomous glare at one particular guy in a group of three guys. "What I need is for you not to be anywhere near me, as usual." She spat, never one to be accommodating, instantly showing her true feelings. Unfortunately this only made the leader of the trio grin, with a disgusting, lecherous grin. "I still can't get used to the fact that some lowly mage can talk to me like that. Before that bitch Arlann came into play your kind were very much still our slaves... And mmmm, how I would love... Love, to have you as my slave." He almost shivered with perverted delight, looking down at the gorgeous mage. His desires for her were nothing new, but with each rejection his Alpha ego took a hit, and his manners quickly disappeared. Now he made it obvious what he wanted, even telling her at one point that he would put a nice magic suppression collar on her and make her his if he ever had the chance. Too bad for him he couldn't do as he pleased, and that Sky was far too powerful a mage to be outdone by a couple of thug ass Alphas without any real skill.

"You know David, maybe I should just use my magic to give you permanent erectile dysfunction, or make you eternally shoot blanks, that way your idiot genes will never have a chance to continue on... How big a favor I would be doing the world." She hmphed and pulled her tray of food to her, grabbing a chicken nugget and popping it into her mouth as if the three no longer concerned her. David was furious though, stepping forward and reaching for Sky with a scowl on his features.

Sky narrowed her eyes and jumped out of her seat, her hands both flying forward and glowing a blinding pink light... Yeah, pink, she fucking hated using it in front of people, her aura was god damned embarrassing. Still, the light flashed and David went flying, knocking back into his two goons before hitting the floor. "Who the fuck do you think you are, you pathetic piece of shit?! Try touching me again and I'll do more than threaten!" Her high, feminine voice rung out, followed by an adorable, but clearly furious little growl. The strange thing was, not many people paid attention, and it wasn't just because Sky was seated in a very remote area within the student center where the main cafeteria was placed... It just wasn't strange to see wolves and mages getting into fights, even if one being a short, gorgeous redhead was a bit out of the ordinary.
Julia pouted a little bit on her end when she heard that Sky was going to do whatever it was she was going to do. She supposed she couldn't complain...her online friend had a life and things to do other than wait for her to take care of her dumb housemate. So they finished up their match and then made plans to get online tomorrow. Julia had a 3 hour gap after lunch and her afternoon class so she could probably squeeze in a game or two tomorrow. "Alright, see ya then."

Unfortunately Julia was stuck taking care of Bridget for almost an hour before Zoe could get her butt over to the house. Once she was finished though she hopped online to play a little more before bed and was disappointed to see that Sky wasn't on League and was set to Away on Skype.


As usual on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Julia was sitting at a table with a bunch of the other rugby girls during lunch time. On Sundays the team all ate together in the other dining hall but on the weekdays she just met up with whoever else was free and ate with a handful of other players; camaraderie was the whole reason she had joined the sport. The beta could do without all the stomping into the ground that came with rugby...she wasn't the physically aggressive sort that loved that part of the sport. She just liked the exercise and the culture: the drinking, the partying, the sisterhood culture that wasn't as awful as a sorority.

When the beginnings of a fight started to sound in the cafeteria, the beta continued to just chomp on her food. Scuffles between Alphas vs. Alphas and Wolves vs. Mages weren't all that surprising on campus; werewolves tended to get restless and start fights near full moons or during mating season and while relations between werewolves and mages had improved over the years, incidents still broke on a weekly basis. No one ever died and very few ended up in the hospital so not that many people turned to gawk at the sight of a little mage throwing around a full grown werewolf. University Police would come running in a little bit to break it up anyways, so it wasn't like the fight would escalate into anything truly interesting.

The only reason Julia even turned to look at the fight after a few moments was because of the familiar voice carrying through the cafeteria. No way... She did a double take, not believing it was her random League friend, but, sure enough, there was Sky, causing trouble. It looked like the three Alphas were about ready to shift and tear the small mage to bits after that flash of pink in the air. Julia wasn't 100% sure that her online friend could handle three angry wolves at the same time with her magic so got up from the table to go intervene.

"Kevin~" With a bounce in her step, smile on her face, and honey in her voice, Julia directed her attention to one of David's friends. Kevin was in her Creative Writing class...he was terrible at the 'creative' part but a really good technical writer. Guys like that were sooooooo easy to manipulate. "You're not messing with a mage nearly half your size, are you?"

"Oh, hey, Julia." Kevin perked up when he saw the cute beta and tried to look as innocent as possible, giving David a hard elbow to the ribs when the other Alpha growled at the interruption. "No, of course not. We were just leaving. I'll see you in class later?"

'Just leaving' my butt. Julia let the lie slide because her goal was not to confront the three males; all she wanted to do was provide them a way out that let also them save face. "Yeah. Can't wait to hear the rest of your short story~" It was a total lie but it had the desired effect: Kevin preened and his angry buddy put aside his douchebagness long enough for him to flirt. David may be a dick but at least he's not a cockblocker. Not like Julia had any desire to sleep with Kevin (she wasn't about to sleep with an English major who couldn't write worth shit) but none of the guys needed to know that.

"You're welcome." The beta wore an infuriatingly smug grin as she turned to look at Sky, but she couldn't help it! This was her first time meeting Sky and she got to meet her saving the day! "Always gotta keep my mid laner from getting gets very tiring saving your ass." Julia smiled, making reference to one of last night's games when she had ulted in as Shyv and pushed back a gank long enough for Sky to reposition and decimate the competition.
If there was one thing Sky was not expecting, it was someone deciding to step up and give her a hand. People just didn't do that, culture preferred the herd mentality and avoiding trouble at all cost. So when someone came forward and fended off the assholes messing with her, Sky was shocked, even if the methods were almost as shocking. It was only when she recognized the voice and figure that it made more sense, but even then it was almost enough to make Sky miss a perfect opportunity to talk a few more lines of shit to the pathetic losers who decided to get in her face. Alas, Sky would never miss such a chance.

"Fucking pathetic, some girl comes around acting all cutesy and you decide you're chivalrous? Do you really think anyone would truly consider some thug who helps his friend try to force another woman? We're not stupid you know, we have fucking eyes. Disgusting pricks!" She barked, her hands flailing around, because what kind of person would she be if she didn't talk with her hands, it helped get the point across.

It was only when they were gone that she looked at Julia, but it wasn't all smiles and a hug, it was narrowed eyes and a pout, followed by Sky crossing her arms and taking a defensive stance. "Didn't think you needed to act all cutesy to get rid of a few per-pubescent mutts. Thought you would be a bit more forward..." Even an idiot could find hints that Sky wasn't actually angry or disappointed, she was just jealous, and really bad at hiding her emotions when it came to being around other people... In person. She wasn't socially awkward or inept or anything, but she was too straightforward to hide anything, much less the jealousy she made obvious with just her voice when they talked on Skype.

After a second of staring down Julia, and having no desire to make their first, impromptu meeting in person go poorly, she sighed before letting out a great big smile. "Happy to see you in person anyways! Even if a little more ass kicking would have made you far sexier..." She grinned and gave Julia a once over, nodding, because Julia was exactly what she was expecting, yummy. "Hmmm... Guess having a cutesy savior means it'll be easier to take advantage anyways." She muttered, but loud enough for Julia to hear, even grinning wider to make it clear she was meaning to share her thoughts. "But seriously, hi!" She jumped forward full of energy, hugging Julia... And revealing exactly how small she was by doing it... As well as letting her ample assets press firmly into the athletic wolf.
Even as Julia poured on the charm, Sky was still pissed off. It was understandable, some Alphas were royal douchebags and gave the whole werewolf race a bad name. "If you can't tell, I'm 100% beta." Julia smirked as she motioned to her lithe form that was average height. Yeah, she may be athletic and toned, but she wasn't a jacked or tall as fuck Alpha that could just magically transform into a roaring werewolf fighting machine! "More forward? The only way I could have been more forward is by taking my shirt off. My kind has made it this far by outfoxing Alphas, not by confronting them head on."

The beta was patient while Sky glared and pouted. She merely looked at the other girl, a gentle smile on her face until the mage's sour mood broke and her spirits lifted. "Nice to meet you in real life too. And I am plenty sexy even without any ass kicking!" Julia grinned, though rolled her eyes at her friend's 'easier to take advantage' comment. "You wish. Just because I'm cute and shamelessly flirt in order to get Alphas to do what I want doesn't mean I'm easy." She hadn't taken offense to the comment but wanted to make sure Sky knew that she was a difficult girl to corner into a relationship.

She was a little surprised at the hug; it didn't seem like something that mages would do to werewolves when first meeting. Yeah, there were two mages on the rugby team and she was close to them, enough to be physically affectionate with, but that was different! Julia had known them for years! She had been in person with Sky for less than 5 minutes and was already getting hugs, one that she returned with only slightly less enthusiasm. They were an odd fit...well, not odd really, just different....really different. Sky was so short that she ended up being level with the wolf's breasts which had never happened to Julia before. Plus, the mage was so was weird...wolves were never this soft, their animal metabolisms usually making them muscular even with very little exercise.

"Geeze, I'll have to rescue you more often if this is the kind of reward I'll get." Julia teased as their hug ended. Then she noticed Sky's spot at the table, tray of food still not finished. "Want me to come over and join you? Or you can come over and sit with us." The beta nodded over towards the table of rugby girls on the other side of the cafeteria. "A couple of them play league, only casually though...but still, you'll have something to talk about. That one right there is Sarah, she's actually really good, she's the one I was telling you about." Julia motioned to the pretty, thin wolf with bright green eyes. The anxious beta was an amazing ADC, probably would be Diamond level if she played ranked...unfortunately she choked under pressure whenever she played ranked.
Maybe it made sense that Julia wouldn't want to tangle with a bunch of idiots with access to wolf form when she didn't have it... But if they went wolf Sky wouldn't have let them off easy. It was one thing to reach for her, it was another to be that aggressive, and if they had decided to go so far, she wouldn't have held back. Mages were dangerous, more so than wolves if they could get their spells off before being stopped. Even a mage like Sky, who had always been the odd one to use strange and useless magic, could dish out some damage... Even if it would have been embarrassing. Yep, she had league magic down, though most of it was harmless, like Twisted Fate's cards, but they didn't do any damage. She was such a nerd.

"Hah, easy is relative. I think I have a clear advantage over most." Sky didn't bother explaining herself, but there was no doubt she was confident in laying down some charm on the beta if need be. Though... The moment she hugged herself to Julia she had more perverted and less charming thoughts. She really was a horny little thing, constantly caught up in her own fantasies. It seemed finally meeting Julia didn't stop her overactive imagination.

"Hmmm, if you save me again we could work out a much more satisfying reward~" Sky chirped, only releasing the hug after drawing it out for as long as she could, and even then looking at the yummy sight at eye level before locking eyes with Julia once more. "Uh, I guess I'll join you guys. I usually just sit here and slowly eat the crappy food before running back home anyways, not like I have anything to do." For the first time she sounded a bit hesitant, looking over at the group of people and realizing something... All of her fucking friends are gorgeous! What the fuck! Seriously, every single one of them was gorgeous, maybe she had an edge certain places, but the pretty one who was also good at league was especially eye catching. Even her little mannerisms were adorable! Sky suddenly felt her advantage wane. Still, she wouldn't let it stop her!

Sky grabbed her food and headed over, sitting down at the table and giving a big smile and a cheery hello to the group. "I'm the voice you guys probably hear Julia yelling at all day. Hi!" She grinned, sticking her tongue out at Julia as she became acquainted with the group. Maybe she should use the "pressure" of meeting new people as an excuse to make Julia take her out to eat or something, as compensation... The beta wasn't the only one who could scheme!
Julia was pretty surprised that Sky had accepted her offer to come over to the rugby table; the other girl was literally tossing herself to the wolves. Must be brave...orrrrr never has been around a pack of wolves before. Well, what was the worst that could happen? She'd be sitting there right next to her friend and if worst came to worst the Alphas would growl and grumble and Julia would just have to use her beta charm on them. Just to be on the safe side, she directed Sky to sit between herself and Nicki who was pretty laid back. That put them across the table from a glaring Bridget (who was a little extra ornery because she was still under the weather) but hey, there was a whole three feet the Alpha would have to cross before she could strangle Sky.

"So -you're- the reason Julia bailed on us." Nicki smirked at Julia. It wasn't a big secret that Julia had a thing for tall, muscular wolves. And here she was, roping in a tiny little mage! Hah! She was definitely going to ride her friend's ass about this later, though was at least polite enough to not do it right in front of the new girl at the table.

"Nice to meet you, Sky." Sarah offered a shy smile, the beta was perhaps the most polite of the group but that was mostly due to the fact that she was used to not fitting in. She could recognize that the Alphas at the table, especially Bridget, eyed the mage warily and that was probably imposing. None of them were racist, they pulled the same thing on all newcomers. The team had a very family culture...and all the Alphas took on the roles of overprotective mothers and big sisters.

"Soooooo...back to what we were talking about before-" Julia was content to go back to the conversation from before she had jumped in to save Sky because A) it had been entertaining and B) she still needed to convince Sarah to join up with her. "I still need people for my senior project: 50 Shades of Grey: The Musical! Sarah? Our resident thespian? Any thoughts?"

"Seriously Julia, no." Bridget was quick to play the role of protector and cut off her friend. Julia's suggestion that Sarah play the lead in her parody entitled 50 Shades of Grey: The Musical was insane! In her mind, the anxious beta didn't need that kind of stress anymore. Nothing good could possibly come from Sarah playing the role of Anastasia.

"Bridget, shush. Let her make up her own mind." Julia, on the other hand, had Facebook stalked her friend enough to know that Sarah had -loved- being in the musicals in high school. Yeah, her friend had had a nervous breakdown in college, but that was from the music school's pressure and her asshole of a vocal teacher, not from theatre! "Besides, just look at her, she's perfect for Anastasia! Tall, thin, bright eyed and bushy-tailed." The beta turned back to Sarah. "Pleeaasseee? The drama majors don't want to do it because they've got their heads up their asses for the sake of 'their art' and will not remove them from up there to act anything other than Shakespeare. I don't know any people in the music program and none of those guys know how to act anyways. So that leaves you!" The beta smiled brightly at Sarah who seemed less than convinced by this argument and all sorts of uncomfortable. "Just think about it, okay? I can try to find some gay guy to play Christian if you're uncomfortable about all that or, ooo! We could have Bridget do it and I'll write her in as Christine Grey...Christina Grey? I don't know, we'll figure it out later."

"What? No. No way." Bridget shook her head, she wasn't about to go on stage and make an ass of herself for the sake of Julia's senior project.

"Why not? I can hear you sing in the shower and it's not that bad. You've got the abs for it. Plus you've already kissed Sarah so it's not a big deal."

At that, Bridget choked on the bite of her salad she had been chewing. Sarah turned bright red and looked as though she were contemplating running away. Julia was confused by these reactions because what she said hadn't been anything groundbreaking and seriously who cared if Sky knew? "What? Everyone knows." Right? Everyone knew except...oh...Amelia was sitting with them... "Oops...eheheh...surprise? Don't worry about it though! It was way before you."
Sky was not an easy person to intimidate, mostly because she was so self-assured and outspoken that she would end up being punched before she was aware she had crossed a line. "Heh, probably, I do carry her on league, she can't afford not to play with me." Sky shot back at Nicki, being perfectly aware of the undertone of what the woman had said but deflecting quite brilliantly, or so she believed. Not that there was anything wrong with the undertone... Julia was definitely attractive and had recently been featured in a fantasy or two, but as dense as the mage could be, she wasn't entirely tactless... Sometimes.

"Nice to meet you too, Julia's a chatterbox so I feel like I know most of you to some degree." Sky instantly liked Sarah, she was cute and polite, and shy was always endearing. She didn't try to jab at Julia after that, smirking over at her friend, who had been moved from online to in-person ever so recently. Besides, the second she heard something about a musical off 50 Shades she was curious, listening to the conversation as she munched on her lunch, looking way more comfortable than she should have been considering she was surrounded by wolves.

Through simple observation the mage became aware that she wasn't the only outsider sitting among the pack, eying a similarly estranged member, the very calm looking girl next to Sarah, the one sipping at what looked like a lovely cup of tea and seeming like none of it bothered her in the least, even more so than Sky! Admirable. Though at least she was also a wolf, or so Sky's intuition said. Wolves all had a little something similar about them, an aura perhaps? And a very minor amount of mana that accounted for their unique abilities. It was less than mages but more than humans. Either a wolf or a weak hunter, but hunter seemed unlikely, and Sky had decent intuition.

"Hmmm, not a big deal." Those were the first words out of Amelia's mouth, her composure entirely intact, the slightly older woman giving off an expression of 'we all have previous relationships'. It was normal Amelia, but inside she was not calm at all! Bridget was really close to Sarah, on the same level as herself, and she was... Sexy. The whole strong, muscular alpha thing was definitely appealing, and knowing Sarah was close to her made Amelia want to sulk, but she didn't. Amelia rarely allowed herself to show emotions, and for the sake of keeping her omega side locked down she needed to regulate her emotions. So, she remained calm, even if she wanted to pout and be jealous.

Only, what she said next may have revealed that she was slightly jealous, because she looked at Sarah and smiled, "If you want to do it you don't have to be nervous, I could help out and bit and be there." It was two sided, for one inserting herself as a helper, and insinuating that Sarah could only be calm if she was around. If was a subtle challenge aimed at Bridget, the stupid sexy alpha that was way too close to her Sarah. At least she had the omega thing going for her... And a lot more intellectually in common with Sarah... And a lot of other assets she hadn't revealed yet! She just wasn't as athletic.

When Amelia inserted herself, Sky randomly blurted out something as well. "I could help too if you're short handed, I have a lot of costume and design experience... I'm an art major, with a minor in design." She shrugged after, offering her help but not pushing too hard, she didn't want to seem pushy in front of a group of people who seemed to be watching every move. "Just let me know, I think you've seen some of my stuff already anyways, and I have a lot more shoved away I can show you." Yeah... The photos, Julia had definitely seen some of those.
What. The. Fuck. The moment Bridget's choking fit subsided, she shot Amelia an absolutely murderous look. It as bad enough that Sarah was dating a cold, distant, weakling of a beta who Bridget was certain couldn't possibly care for her close friend; but for Amelia to take the opposite stance as Bridget on this musical nonsense?!?! That was just absolutely infuriating! Who the fuck did this bitch think she was?! She didn't know Sarah like Bridget did!

"Just think about it." Julia spoke up, trying to break the tension in the air before Bridget leapt across the table and murdered Amelia. Hopefully another less stressful position for her Sarah to settle upon would let both parties save face, "If not Anastasia, then at least a consultant? I did a lot of tech and stage crew stuff in high school, and I've written a few plays for my creative writing classes, but I've never directed anything before. Any help you could give me on the musical and choreography end would be appreciated." Of course most wolves knew traditional ballroom dance, Julia included, but she hadn't taken tap, jazz, swing, ballet, and every other fucking thing under the sun like Sarah had. Having her friend on as a consultant wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing.

Sarah had been growing more and more anxious as Bridget glared at Amelia and her girlfriend in turn made things worse by taking the opposite stance as her longtime friend. She would have to remember to have another chat with Bridget about her overprotectiveness, but for now, she squeezed Amelia's hand and gave an appreciative smile and nod. At Julia's next suggestion, the young wolf bit her bottom lip, not even sure she was qualified to be a consultant. She still practiced singing when she was alone...but not nearly as much as she had when she had been a vocal major. She had taken dance for years but hadn't really whipped out anything other than ballroom and swing recently... Well...Julia seems desperate. If she finds someone more qualified then they can replace me. " consultant." Part of her missed being on stage and had felt so thrilling and liberating...but she wasn't sure that she could handle the pressure anymore, even if this was only for the Senior Arts Showcase and not the Spring Musical.

Julia blinked in surprise as Sky piped up and inserted herself into the conversation. The young wolf didn't mind, she just hadn't expected her new friend to offer help. "You - ...really?" She looked at the mage in disbelief. Seriously? Her luck was going to be this good? She was going to get her anxious actress friend to be a consultant -and- get someone to design costumes and maybe even posters for her?! Sweet! "Yeah, sure, that sounds great!" Julia grinned, excited for all this help. She'd still need to find someone to play Anastasia but she could already tell that Bridget would be signed up to be female Christian just to piss off Amelia. Even if Sarah wasn't going to play the lead role and work with Bridget that way, the beta would still need to coach the Alpha with her voice and teach her the choreography.
Amelia wasn't so blind that she would miss Bridget's anger when she spoke her piece, but she was at a point where she really didn't give a damn. Okay, maybe she cared a tiny amount, but only because she was close to Sarah! Just because Bridget had been a pain in her ass from the moment she noticed Amelia and Sarah becoming more than friends didn't mean the grad student could ignore how much the Alpha cared for Sarah. Jealousy and slight annoyance weren't enough for Amelia to cause a rift between the girl she loved and a close friend, even if her protectiveness towards the lovely beta was extreme.

Sky didn't miss the anger in the air, but she had a sole focus, Julia. To say she had a crush was putting it gently, but up until a brief time ago Julia had been a voice, and while that was enough to catch her attention and make her a stupid flirt, it kept a certain distance that was difficult to get rid of. Now that they were together, in person, Sky was swooning a bit. She was offering help nobody asked for, having to actively resist making lusty eyes at her, and having the same insane amount of fantasies as usual. She really was a pervert, and if anyone doubted it they could check the notebook she took to class. No matter how well she was holding herself back while sitting next to the gorgeous wolf beside her, she still ended up being just flirty enough to be obvious. Not that she gave a damn, she didn't stop until the entire group prepared to leave, and even then she threw a reminder to Julia about getting on League.


It had only been a single day since Sky and Julia had met in the cafeteria, but she was already being dragged away again, to a bar. Sky didn't go to bars, not usually, but when Julia was taken away from their League night she had to go out. She ended up sitting in a cramped booth, pressed up against Julia, and grinning like an idiot as she enjoyed the situation and the buzz she had going. At some point most of the others had stood up to do something, either dancing, getting drinks, going out to smoke, or running to the bathroom. At first it seemed like Bridget was going to stick around, but she jumped up with a scowl as well after a moment, leaving just Julia and Sky sitting at the booth. Yet, instead of scooting over and making room, Sky did the opposite and grew bold.

She giggling softly and leaned into Julia, her hand sliding off the table and making its way to Julia's thigh, and at first that was it. Sky's slender digits rubbed her thigh as she looked straight ahead, drink in her other hand. She seemed rather natural, as if nothing was happening, but the flush on her cheeks and rather nervous chewing of her lip gave her away. Still, when Julia didn't push her hand away she grew bolder, moving her hand further up and leaning even closer as she turned her face towards Julia, leaning up and nipping Julia's ear. "You should come to my place tonight and check out my work... See if it'll work for your musical." Sky whispered. It was obvious what she wanted, what she was posing to Julia, but having an excuse seemed like the classy thing. Not that being classy mattered when she was working her way up Julia's thigh, the incredibly athletic, toned thigh. Fuck, say yes, say yes.


Amelia had left to go to the bathroom when Sarah and a few other people slipped outside to smoke. Amelia was already sporting a light high and she felt fine, and with Sarah's friends around she reluctantly let the beta part from her side. What she hadn't expected was Bridget, the infuriating Alpha shoving her nose into every bit of business that didn't belong to her. Usually having someone in her face trying to scare her off would get nothing but an indifferent look and some calm response that didn't intensify things. She wasn't her usual self.

Amelia had been agitated for the past week, finding it difficult to keep her emotions in check. Difficultly controlling herself meant more of her tantalizing scent, which meant more nibbling and unintentional teasing from Sarah. It also meant agitation, which presented itself in her feeling far more jealous than normal the day before, and being infuriated when Bridget practically told her she didn't belong with Sarah. Instead of ignoring the aggressive Alpha, Amelia found herself mouthing off. Something along the lines of, "What happens between myself and Sarah isn't any of YOUR business." And then something about, "Hit me if you want, it'll just push Sarah closer to me." Amelia was so irrational she didn't know what she said even though it had just came out of her mouth. It didn't help that seconds after a growling Bridget punched her in the face, and that she staggered back right before swinging back at the muscular Alpha.

Unfortunately, Amelia had no idea how to throw a punch, and even if she could be considered in shape, Bridget outclassed her completely. From the moment her fist connected with Bridget's jaw, she pulled back her hand in pain. It probably wasn't broke, but for someone who had never thrown a punch, the pain was alarming. "Damn it!" She pulled back, looking back at Bridget, not with fear, but expecting to get the shit beat out of her after her retaliation. Still, to the agitated, irrational Amelia, it was surprisingly worth it.
The next day, Julia was all set to curl up in her pajamas and play a few games of League after classes with Sky. This plan worked for about 2 hours before her housemates came down into the study, threatening to take the router with them if Julia didn't promise to come out to the bar tonight. Her friends were not the type to give empty threats so the beta was left grumbling about her stupid housemates and offering Sky an invitation to come because she felt guilty about ditching her internet friend just to go out with her teammates.

Now the beta was crammed into a booth, relieved to be off her feet for a little bit even though she didn't have any personal space. Like a fool she had worn heels to the bar! But hey, they made her legs and rear look fantastic! And maaayyyybbbeeee she had worn them and the slinky black dress she had on for the sake of tormenting Sky with an eyeful of beautiful beta body...but she wouldn't admit to that, not even when half the team teased her about her clothing choice on their way out of the rugby house or right now, when all her friends conveniently had to go to the bar, bathroom, or outside to smoke. The pair of them now just had the booth all to themselves but Julia made no move to pull away from being shoulder to shoulder with Sky.

A hand coming to rest on her thigh was her first big victory in her war to make Sky make a move. Julia was used to flirting with Alpha males and females: wolves who would seek to take control and dominate her after the teasing beta had worked them up to a breaking point. Sky was not really her type physically; short and soft, Julia hadn't been sure that the mage would be willing to make moves and take the lead. Now she was pleasantly surprised as she felt that hand work it's way further up her leg and warm breath spill over her neck. " I'm just curious to see what you possibly could have accomplished in a day." The beta smirked at Sky's flimsy excuse for her to come over. "Hope you'll have something else to show me afterwards, maybe one of your costumes?" The beta grinned as she slid away from the mage and out of the booth. Seeing Sky in one of her sexy League costumes would definitely make this night a lot more interesting.


Bridget didn't think she had ever had such an aggravating time at the bar as she was having right now. Usually the Alpha was the life of the party; she loved to dance and play drinking games. But with Julia flirting with Sky, Sarah snuggling with Amelia, and Zoe pretending to be straight, Bridget was regretting her choice to come out. Her two playthings doing whatever they wanted didn't really bother her; the Alpha was confident, charming, and strong. Bridget would have an easy enough time seducing a partner for the night if she wanted....but Amelia being with Sarah was just agitating her to the point where she had no game. Before yesterday, the intruding beta had been tolerable, but after the whole thing at yesterday's lunch, Bridget had become certain that the older girl was just going to end up hurting Sarah.

When Sarah left to go smoke and Amelia had left to go to the bathroom, Bridget had tried to just stay in place and clear her mind of how much she wanted to just punch that fucking beta that was a threat to her close friend. Of course her in drunken state, such a feat was impossible. She impulsively got up and headed off to the bathroom to confront the grad student, knowing that she would never feel better about this until this was resolved. "Look, asshole, you ned to back off Sarah." Okay, so maybe she wasn't the most diplomatic person when she was drunk, but it was true! Amelia was not someone who could handle all of Sarah's mental problems. Yeah, the beta seemed fine now, but how long would it be before something happened like last time? How long would it be before Bridget had to hold Sarah in a pool of blood on their dormitory floor and beg her to stay awake and keep breathing while they waited for EMTs to come?

So when Amelia had the audacity to say -anything- other than 'Fine, I'll back off', Bridget lost her composure. The Alpha didn't like to fight wolves who were obviously smaller than her but fuck, Amelia had asked for a punch to the face and Bridget was sure as hell going to deliver.


Sarah didn't do bars.

The beta loved to dance but small, dark places crowded with strangers and loud music was not a good place for a person with anxiety. She had had to smoke soooooo much weed just to get into a headspace that didn't consist of catastrophic, irrational fears...but she had really wanted to go out with Amelia somewhere public. The pair of them had been taking baby steps as a couple: walking together to classes had turned into holding hands, Sarah had even gathered enough courage to kiss Amelia on the cheek a few it just seemed logical to do something a tiny bit more physical like dancing together.

After sharing a few dances with her girlfriend, Sarah had excused herself to get fresh air and smoke. By the time she came back she felt wonderfully least until she saw both Bridget and Amelia missing from the booth. Usually the feelings of doom and dread that Sarah had were unfounded, but as she heard Amelia cursing from the bathroom, she knew that something was amiss. She slid through the crowd and hurried in just in time to throw herself between Bridget and Amelia before the Alpha could tackle the omega to the ground and beat the crap out of her. "Bridge! Enough! Don't hurt her!"

A feral growl rumbled in the Alpha's throat as she glared at Amelia from over Sarah's shoulder. "She fucking asked for it! Runnin' her mouth like she knows what the fuck she's talking about. Then she fucking punches me and you want me to not hurt her?!?!" The Alpha looked incredulously at her friend. How was she the one in the wrong here?!

"Bridge..." Sarah sighed. She knew how much her friend did not like Amelia because all Bridget saw was a cold and distant beta. She let her voice become gentle, looking at her friend with pleading eyes. "I know you're worried about me and I appreciate how much you care...but you're not always going to be here to protect me." The pair didn't like to talk about what would happen after college. Bridget was like the sister that Sarah had never had and vice versa, so it was sad to think they wouldn't be readily around each other after they graduated. But the fact of the matter was that Sarah needed to start putting herself back out there and they both knew that. The beta couldn't walk around on egg shells for the rest of her life just because she was afraid of another nervous break down, and Bridget couldn't spend the rest of her life protecting Sarah from things that may or may not be dangerous. "I like her, a lot, and maybe it's not forever but...I'm okay. I can do this, I can handle it." The beta tried to put as much conviction into her voice as she could. Relationships were scary, sometimes she got stressed out thinking about a possible future with Amelia, but she needed to do this. She didn't want to be alone for the rest of her life. Maybe she wasn't going to marry Amelia but at the very least she needed to put herself into a mindset that allowed her to start dating again.

Bridget looked like she wanted to argue but somewhere, deep down, she knew Sarah was right. Still, as she nodded and then took a step forward to hug her friend, she glared over Sarah's shoulder, straight at Amelia. She definitely had an 'I will murder you and hide your body where no one will find it if you upset her' look. "Always can talk to me, no matter what."

Sarah nodded and gave Bridget a little smile as her friend turned to leave. Then the beta moved over to Amelia, nudging the omega's chin up so that she could nose her favorite spot on her girlfriend's neck. "I'm sorry about her...she just worries." Sarah was tempted to explain why, but couldn't bring the words to come out of her mouth, instead she merely asked, "Are you okay?"
Amelia wasn't a fighter, she was screwed from the start, but that didn't mean that she didn't feel like trying! Even when Sarah rushed over to keep Bridget from beating her senseless, Amelia was a scowling, angry mess. The usual composure was gone, replaced by a cold, furious gaze. She was practically ready to break her hand across Bridget's face if that was what it took to vent, but Sarah was Sarah, she couldn't resist the beta. So when the adorable beta got between them she didn't even attempt to move past her, staying back despite her gut instinct to tell Bridget to go fuck herself. She wouldn't have mouthed off if the Alpha would mind her own fucking business! A relationship was already difficult enough for the closed off omega without some overprotective Alpha constantly insinuating she wasn't good enough for Sarah, or couldn't handle it. Fuck her!

Still, Amelia kept herself from spouting off at the mouth any further, quite aware that something was off with her, because she wouldn't have acted so volatile if things were normal. She was so out of it that hearing something like "it may not be forever" almost became a bigger deal in her mind than it should have been, though she managed to push that irrational reaction away. She couldn't stop them all though, clearly giving Bridget a 'fuck you' look before the Alpha walked off, but even that was better than saying what was on her mind, that Sarah wouldn't need to talk to her. She knew better, even in her current state she didn't want to make it seem like Sarah had to pick between them. Even if she hated Bridget, that didn't mean she wanted Sarah to be isolated from a close friend. It didn't stop her from wanting to be selfish deep down though, even if she didn't act upon the urge.

When Bridget left and Sarah nosed up under her neck, Amelia calmed herself down. "Yeah... I'm, I'm fine Sarah." She sighed, leaning in and kissing Sarah on the forehead. "I'm a bit moody, guess I let things get out of hand, but yeah I'm fine." Maybe it wasn't so convincing when she said it multiple times, but other than being mysteriously emotional the past week she really was fine. "Should we go back to the table? It'll be a bit awkward but I don't mind... And... I'll apologize for punching her tomorrow." She grumbled, taking a step back and smiling at Sarah, and at the same time looking at her hand, which was definitely redder than it was supposed to be... She really should learn to throw a punch.


Zoe had come to the bar same as everyone else, and while she hadn't fallen back into old routine so much so that she went looking for guys or acted ridiculous, she didn't exactly give the opposite impression either. It made it difficult to do what she really wanted to do, which was soak up Bridget's attention. Still, when she noticed the Alpha practically get in a fight over Sarah with the beta's girlfriend, the lesser Alpha found herself feeling frustrated. They weren't dating... She didn't want to date either! But that didn't mean she wasn't jealous, jealousy was natural, and was a great motivator to horny, primal wolves. So after watching Bridget get all aggro, and pushing down any meaning behind her jealousy, Zoe found herself following after Bridget as the Alpha stepped outside, likely to get some fresh air.

"Bridget." Zoe said her name, not bothering to whisper or be sneaky, it wasn't like anyone was around anyways. At first she had wanted to see if the wolf was okay, do the whole bit where she asked questions and they shared, but the moment she caught up she realized that wasn't them at all. Instead of doing what anyone else would have done upon catching up to her, like ask if she was fine or what it had all been about, Zoe looked at her and gave her a meaningful look. "Want to work that stress out?" Between them that meant one thing, and it had been a few days since they had been together anyways, so it was about time. "If so... I'm yours... As always." She didn't blush, clearly more eager than nervous.


"Huh... Nooo..." Sky whined as Julia moved away, all for the idea of showing off more once they got to her place. It was true what she had done in a night wasn't much, merely a piece in the early phase to demonstrate what she would do with it... But she had plenty of other, unrelated, work she could show off. Even if she was satisfied by Julia accepting her proposal, she was highly disappointed when she lost the warm body she was pressing up against. "Don't get up." She practically begged, stumbling out of the booth behind Julia, only to realize the entire reason the beta got up was so they could leave, immediately. Only then did she grin and chase after her, barely keeping herself from groping the wolf on the way, which was hard, she was a damn temptress in her dumb dress and heels!
Slender arms wound their way over Amelia's shoulders as Sarah hugged her girlfriend, silently praying that Amelia didn't decide that she was too much trouble and left. It wouldn't be the first time Bridget had scared someone away...though usually the Alpha did it in the earlier stages, before Sarah could even realize that someone was interested in her. Guess no one thought I'd end up with a girl. Not that she was 'ending up' with Amelia! They weren't that serious yet! It was too soon for her to be thinking such crazy thoughts, no matter how much she really, really, really liked the older girl, especially right now, as the grad student stayed. Even with Sarah's anxiety, odd habits, the snail's pace of their relationship, and the giant guard dog that had just punched her in the face, Amelia stayed.

Amelia was sweet and insisted she was fine, to the point that Sarah didn't quite believe her. When she pulled away to check on her girlfriend, -really- check on her, she noticed the puffy skin under her eye which would probably bruise, and the bright red glow to her hand. Even though she was injured, Amelia was willing to go back to the table if Sarah wanted her to, and such a selfless act made the beta's heart swell with happiness. "You're amazing, you know that?" Sarah smiled and leaned up, catching Amelia's lips in a kiss that was adoring, thankful and heated all at the same time. "Let's go back home, er, to your apartment." The beta quickly corrected herself. Amelia's apartment had been feeling more like 'home' the more time they spent together, and Sarah's apartment was more like 'work'. "We should probably get some ice on your eye and your hand...then maybe a movie and you can have a few more kisses for being so great?"


Bridget hadn't returned to the booth where her friends were; she was still riled up from her confrontation with with Amelia. What the hell does Sarah see in her anyways?!?! It didn't make sense! Amelia was a cold, distant, older wolf. How was someone that emotionless going to take care of Sarah if she ever had another breakdown? Sarah's right though...she needs to make her own mistakes... It's been two years. You freaked out after she stopped seeing her counselor but she's been doing well. She seems like she's taking good care of herself and has been happier... She'll be okay.

Despite her internal pep talk that carried on as Bridget headed outside for some fresh air, the Alpha could not bury all the things that confronting Amelia had shaken up. Memories of the night that she had found Sarah still distracted her, to the point that she actually jumped when she heard her name. She turned to face Zoe, letting the lesser Alpha get a good look at how agitated she still appeared. For a moment she was tempted to tell the other girl to go, she didn't want to talk to anyone about what had just happened. Thankfully though, that's not what the other wolf wanted to do. Zoe provided her with another option: physical release. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips at the rookie's declaration of submission, as fucked up as this was, this was kind of the sweetest thing someone could do for her right now. "Come on, let's go, pet." Bridget took the younger girl by the hand and gave her a light tug, leading the way the five blocks back to the rugby house.


Julia couldn't help but giggle at Sky's whining. It was cute! Plus she was a little drunk and Julia was the type of girl to be a giggly, flirty drunk. "I have to get up, silly lightweight. How will you show me what you've made if we don't leave?" The beta grinned as she watched the realization dawn on Sky that they were going back to her place -right now-. She moved closer to the other girl when she finally managed to scoot her way out of the boot, leaning down to whisper into her ear and nip the arch lightly. "Come on drunky, need me to steady you?" Julia offered her arm, a good excuse for them to walk closer to one another. Plus Sky seemed like she was swaying a little bit, so the mage might actually just need her to keep her upright.
No matter how agitated Amelia was, the second Sarah kissed her she was mush. She smiled softly at her girlfriend, leaning down and nuzzling her, even feeling cheerful enough to shot back a little, "Yeah, I know I am." She hugged Amelia close after, smiling more like a fool when Sarah called her place home. Slip up or not, Amelia liked hearing that, because it meant her apartment made Sarah comfortable. "Hey..." She smiled, looking into Sarah's eyes as he tried to get what she wanted to say straight in her mind. "Yes to going home, yes to more kisses, yes to me being great, but Sarah... I like the idea of you feeling comfortable enough to call the apartment home... And let's be honest, it's our place at this point, not just mine." She smiled, giving a calming kiss to the beautiful beta. She wanted Sarah to move in with her, she realized it at that moment more than ever, but it wasn't the time. "Now let's go home."


Sky was not drunk enough to need someone to hold her up, but the moment Julia offered she was leaned up against her and grinning. It seemed Julia had been of the same mind, though Sky made sure to let her hand wander and grope the beta's incredible ass as they walked. Her place wasn't far so they didn't take a cab, but she still had plenty of chances to feel up the athletic wolf, and press and rub her rather impressive assets against the woman. Her flirtatious demeanor didn't stop for the entire walk, even when people stared, Sky wasn't shy. Maybe she felt a little awkward considering they went from online teasing to real life hookup so quickly, and because she knew her jesting on Skype and the preferences she hinted at were far more realistic than she would like to admit, but she liked Julia and there wasn't a reason not to be honest and go for it.

When they got to her place she led Julia inside, walking her straight into the bedroom, and sat her down on the edge of the bed, motioning for her to wait before she slipped away. When she came back she had the designs she was toying with for the musical, placing it next to Julia to keep her distracted, before running off yet again to dig through her costumes. She wanted to make an impression, so she chose one of the more elaborate costumes, using making to make it all work as quickly as possible. Zyra, a strange choice perhaps, and maybe extreme for a first time, but the whole only a few leaves covering her, it felt so right... Plus, vines. Magic was such a wonderful thing for a pervert like Sky.

After admiring herself for a brief moment, and letting her fantasies go nuts, she went back towards her room, practically purring as she made a surprisingly graceful entrance, swaying gently as she sauntered in. Between the cool air on the walk to her place and what she was about to do, it helped her sober up. "What do you think gorgeous?" She moved towards the bed, the entirety of the costume oozing sex, destroying any remaining mystery about what she wanted, if there was any left. She prowled towards the bed, not giving Julia much of a chance to speak before pushing her backwards onto the bed. She crawled on top of Julia like a true predator, her body skillfully winding upwards, pressed firmly into Julia the entire time. The alcohol actually helped her stay limber, and giving her cheeks some flattering color as she wound her way up to be face to face with Julia. "You have been on my mind for so very long Julia... And I'm going to devour you now that I finally have you to myself."

Sky moved in and captured Julia's lips, letting her soft, skillful tongue entangle the beta's. Her body was small, but she was curvy, soft, and had magic to take the place of raw strength. When the kiss finally ended, she mounted the wolf, grinning at her from above, stroking Julia's cheek while licking her lips seductively, savoring the wolf's taste. "Such a slutty puppy, following an intoxicated mage back to her place, teasing her... Practically begging for punishment." She purred with a delighted grin, her flirty personality intensified now that she had the object of her desires beneath her. "Tonight you belong to a mage, how does that make you feel puppy? Excited? I bet it does excite you." She leaned her small, flexible form forward, licking and biting playfully at Julia's ear. "Wondering how many of my flirty comments were serious now? I bet you are, thinking back to all the things I said. Well stop, because I'm exactly as depraved and perverted as you think I am... And you, you have something much more important you need to think about. You, my beautiful league partner, need to think up a safe word. Oh, and don't pretend you wanted something normal, I've heard plenty about your interests, and its time you experienced a few of mine."
Julia nipped playfully at Sky's ear as the little mage groped her rear. She liked the forwardness, even though she wasn't entirely sure how she felt about the soft body pressed up against her. It wasn't bad, it was just...different. Really different. Julia had never been with anything other than a wolf before. Athletic, dominant, growling wolves. Not that the beta wanted to be overpowered all the time, Julia was a bit of a switch herself. But if she couldn't switch then what was she supposed to do? Sky was small, she was so short she could rest her chin on the other girl's head if she wanted to! How was such a little human supposed to give her the animalistic thrills she needed?!

Well, I guess I'll just find out. She wanted to give Sky a chance. The pair of them got on well enough online and had been flirting for so long that she actually wanted to see this through. The beta let herself be led into the mage's apartment and straight to the bedroom. She let her eyes wander around the room, trying to take in what kind of person Sky was in her home environment. Of course she had gleaned that the mage was a horny pervert and an avid gamer from their conversations online, but there were some things that couldn't be told until they were seen. Before she could properly look around, Sky returned with a sketchbook. "You brought me here for two sketches?" Julia teased as she flipped between the pages. It was impressive that even two designs had been done up in a day.

"They're good, really good...." Footsteps had the young beta looking up from the sketchbook, her mouth falling open as she was met with a curvy little Zyra. Her eyes roved over the mage's body, the beta taking her time to appreciate the gorgeous mage before her. "And that is...very well crafted." Julia said nonchalantly, knowing that Sky was expecting a better answer but not willing to give one until the mage earned it. Such a noncommittal response got her pushed back onto the bed as Sky tried to take more control, just what the beta wanted. Her heart started to race and body her body heated up as she was kissed and mounted. Julia's body arched upward, eagerly accepting the attention that Sky was giving her.

Sky's words soon had the beta squirming underneath her. Maayybbeee she liked being called a slutty puppy, but she tried her hardest to not let on how depraved she was. The mage easily saw through her act, demanding a safe word from the kinky beta. "If you think this puppy is going to be obedient all night, you've got another thing coming, little mage." Even as a beta, Julia was physically stronger than the average human or mage; it was easy for her to flip the two of them over so that she was on top. She let out a playful growl and leaned down, nipping at Sky's bottom lip as she grabbed her by the wrists. From her new perch, she realized that this might end up being a misfire. Julia was treating Sky as she would a wolf: poke and push an Alpha enough and you'd get a roaring beast that wanted to prove it's dominance. She couldn't tell if the mage was bluffing with her sexy show of control or not. "Demacia." Julia grinned, figuring a League related safe word would pair nicely with her League partner.
Sky was a bundle of pervy impulsiveness, with a serious tendency to act without thinking and simply react to whatever came up along the way. It was how she was in league, often either succeeding with terrific results or being absolutely decimated. Her approach to seducing Julia had been the same. They started flirting online, Sky wasn't shy, and it had turned into the same thing when they met in person, only with added groping and lustful gazing. So when they finally got back to her place, Sky didn't consider what she was doing, she just went for it, ignoring what most people would do, which would be to start slow and get to know one another, and jumping right to crazy fucking roleplay scenario, where Julia was her slut puppy and she was the powerful mage! And she was also a league character, but that was Sky's normal, she liked to dress up, even if it wasn't from a game she would have put some sort of delicious something on.

Her forwardness and reactionary nature served the small mage well however, making it easy for the shorter, weaker woman to respond when Julia made a power play. At first she let Julia flip them over, toying with the idea of what it would be like to let a big bad wolf take her at some point, how exciting that would be. Maybe Julia wasn't the biggest, baddest wolf, but she didn't mind, the scenario was a yummy one. Sky loved to indulge in her own fantasies, but she was still focused on Julia, enthralled by her in a sense. How could she not be? The growl, the nip, it was all so alluring, and Julia was gorgeous. It was a shame she didn't feel like submitting. Instead, she let the woman perch atop her while grinning up with a look of assuredness that didn't seem to fit her position as captive beneath the beta.

Then, the moment the safe word came out, the reason for her confidence revealed itself. What looked like vines appeared out of nowhere, wrapping around Julia's wrists and helping Sky regain her freedom. The vines pulled Julia's wrists behind her back and tied them together, taking the place of cuffs. They weren't normal vines though, they didn't cut in to the beta's skin, because they were Sky's own lewd creation. They were some strange mix of being firm enough to do their job properly, but with enough give to be comfortable. The vines had bound Julia's hands behind her back, but that wasn't all Sky had planned for her naughty puppy.

With Julia being somewhat subdued, Sky returned to power, putting the beta onto her back again and retaking her spot mounting on top of the taller girl. She looked pleased looking down at Julia from above, a certain teasing look of superiority being shown on her gorgeous face. "You know, I love when slut puppies misbehave..." She started, leaning down until she was laying flat on Julia, their tits pushing together and Sky's lips against her ear. "It lets me be mean without feeling bad about it." She nipped Julia's ear before pulling back enough to capture her lips, a hungry, lust filled kiss being placed on the beta's lips, Sky's skillful little tongue entering her mouth to make trouble, and waiting for Julia to get absorbed into it before pulling away.

Sky looked down, satisfied with the flushed look on Julia's face from the passionate kiss, her fingers fluttering across the beta's lips, tempted to push inside her beautiful mouth and make her suckle. There would be use for those lips soon enough. "So beautiful, a gorgeous puppy. Makes me want to put a collar on you and lead you around the dormitories to brag. Tell everybody I see that you're my puppy, that you offered yourself up to a mage... Heh." She chuckled softly, straightening herself up again, not wanting to stay in a position where Julia was laying on her arms for long.

Sky put Julia on her stomach before writhing against her again, pressing her front into the wolf's back, nipping at her ear and neck from behind. Her hot breath spilled across Julia's soft skin, the mage taking her her scent as she pressed firmly against her. "You puppies were made for sex, heats and scents, and such depraved instinctual desires." She let out a playful growl before biting down on Julia's neck, hard. As a human she could do something wolves couldn't do with Julia, she could mark her, and it gave her quite the thrill to sink her teeth in. Even after she pulled back she was admiring her work, giggling playfully as her hands continued to roam across Julia's athletic form. "Absolutely perfect. Now, when you return to your dorm, all of those wolves are going to know, you were MY puppy slut. Hmph."

Sky was pleased with herself, but all the teasing and talking was only part of the game, there needed to be action as well... And considering the situation she didn't think some slow build bullshit made sense. Instead she went a different route, one that seemed perfectly reasonable considering she knew Julia was bi, she had one of her vines slip into her night stand and come back with a potion.

Julia still had her hands bound, but Sky adjusted her position and helped the wolf get to her knees, looking happily at the sight in front of her. Perfect ass, athletic thighs, and a slender, defined back. Julia really was a stunner, and Sky could barely contain her desire to chug the potion and plunge inside. Yet, she didn't let her eagerness take over, not this time. She chose to place the potion on the bed, next to Julia's head, letting her see exactly what she had in mind. "Beg for it... Because only good little bitches get a bone." Sky was grinning behind her, so very pleased with the line that she almost broke character, only managing to keep her calm when she thought about how badly she wanted to hear Julia beg, for the beta to confirm that it was okay to use it and take her in the most delicious way possible.
Soon after giving her safe word, strange vines began to creep around the beta's wrists. She gave a soft gasp of surprise but did not struggle. As insane as it might be, she trusted Sky to not hurt her. She wasn't under the delusion that she could overpower the mage if things went south, beta's hadn't succeeded as a subspecies by being stupid, she was just fully confident that Sky would be a responsible top and stop once she uttered her safe word. Besides, the bonds weren't tight or alarming in any other way other than that they were magically there; they weren't the most comfortable thing, especially for a girl like Julia who was a known scratcher, but they weren't unbearable.

Even when she was in the mood to bottom, Julia never played the role of good captive. When Sky put her back onto her back, she wriggled around and nipped at her, just for the sake of reminding the mage that this wasn't a true submissive. The rugby player could have been truly difficult if she wanted...but that would take time, and right now Julia was growing impatient. The full moon was only a few days away and it was messing with her sex drive; plus Sky and her had been flirting a bit online, even worst now that they had met in real life, and the curiosity of what a little curvy mage could sexually offer a tall athletic wolf was killing her.

Dialogue was definitely something new that the mage brought to the table. Wolves could sometimes get so wrapped up in their primal nature that coherent sentences were difficult formulate. This sort of build up was strange to the beta, but she was truly enjoying it as Sky further painted out a fantasy and then kissed her until she was dizzy. Julia nipped at her bottom lip as she pulled away, showing her impatience for this slow game that the mage played. When she was soon rolled onto her stomach and felt soft breasts pressing into her back and blunt teeth against her ear, she forgot why she had been ready to complain a few moments ago. Not only was the position more comfortable because her bound arms didn't have to bare their combined weight, but it felt much more natural to the beta.

"Oh fuck!" Julia let out a surprised moan as the teeth that had been playing at her ear suddenly moved down to her neck and sank into the sensitive flesh there. Her hips instinctively bucked and she let out a feral whine in disappointment when her wolf realized that her sex was not full as she was getting marked. Biting was an incredibly intimate thing among wolves, something that was carefully approached...even her ex's had only given her nibbles or hickeys. Once the flesh was broken and blood mixed with saliva, you were bonded, mates for life, wolves were exceedingly careful with how hard they bit, if they even bit at all. Sky wasn't a wolf though and to make things worse, she was a mage. No matter how many times the two of them might try to bite at each other they would never be Julia got to experience all of the pleasure of a bite without the worry of becoming prematurely mated. She could see now why mages had not only been kept as servants but also as pleasure slaves for several hundred years of werewolf history.

"No fair..." Julia panted softly as Sky pulled away; if she hadn't been soaked before, she definitely was now. Her flushed cheeks darkened further as she was reminded that she was going to have to explain where this bite mark had come from. Everyone at the rugby house was going to pick on her for fucking a mage that was half her size...she'd deal with that later though. Right now she had to pop up onto her knees and fight fire with fire. She was careful to angle her body and shimmy up onto her knees just right so that her dress slid up and pooled around her hips. Now Sky would be treated to the sight of her long legs clad in dark stockings that ended in a fringe of lace around her mid-thighs. Then smooth, tan flesh and muscle all the way up to her perfectly toned rear which was barely covered by the black, satiny thong that was soaked.

If Julia wasn't so wound up, she probably would have laughed at Sky's cheesy line. But as it was, with her eyes glued to the potion that was beside her head and what it meant, she couldn't find it in her to snicker. (Later, she promised herself, she was definitely going to pick on Sky for her borderline tentacle fetish and her doofy dominant dialogue). The mage had been right earlier, wolves were built for sex and Julia definitely wanted it right now. "Please..." She swayed her perfect rear back and forth invitingly as she spoke. "Please Sky, I need you to fuck me... I'll be your good puppy and behave if you just fuck me."
The moment Sky heard Julia's moan, her ecstasy laden exclamation of pleasure from the bite, she felt drunk with desire. She had been aroused from the very start, flirting and attraction making it impossible not to want the beta, but that moan... And it was just from a bite. It was intoxicating, and the mage found herself wanting to sink her teeth in again, barely managing to move forward and not stop to and return to the claiming act. Instead she embraced how horny it made both of them. "I never said I was fair." She grinned, responding to Julia as she admired the woman's form. It was almost infuriating how sexy wolves were, their natural nature and athleticism enough to make anyone drool. Sky wasn't an exception, she had found Julia irresistible from the start, hell if she wasn't so infatuated with Julia she may have been drawn to one of the other gorgeous rugby players. She was though, her eyes glued to the beta, all the more now.

"That's a good puppy... I like that you're bad at this." She grinned, leaving the potion next to Julia for the moment as she reached forward and rubbed her soft hands over Julia's powerful thighs. "It makes me want to train you to the point that begging comes naturally." She giggled, her hands finding their way up to the wolf's perfect ass, playfully moving around, squeezing and rubbing it. "You puppies are adorable after all, whining and whimpering when you want something, growling when you're being playful. Natural pets." She removed her hands, refusing to touch Julia's needy, soaking entrance.

"Plus it makes fucking you like this have so much more meaning." Sky grinned, leaning over to pick up the potion, showing her flexibility by managing to kiss Julia despite the position and height difference. "I'll give you what you want puppy, but you'll have to beg with more enthusiasm if you want me to fill you... And grip your delicate throat with my teeth as I do." She teased, watching Julia for a moment to see her reaction before moving back behind Julia, and downing the potion in an instant.

A soft moan escaped Sky's lips as the potion did its work, heat traveling down her body, before a thick, hot cock grew from her tiny form. It looked bigger on Sky than it would on most, but she didn't give it much thought, for her it was a tool, one that could give both of them pleasure, and add to her dominance of the beta. "Mmmm, such a good girl, truly... With you this wet I won't have to worry." She teased as she straightened herself up and moved the soaked thong to the side, the head of her newly grown cock rubbing teasingly against Julia's hot slit. The truth was she needed a second to adjust to the feeling, but she wouldn't let Julia know that, she had to retain her image as powerful, dominant mage!

"You know, if I didn't know any better I would think you wore all of this expecting to come back to my place tonight, all dressed up with the slutty stockings and lace..." She chewed her lower lip, the motion of her hips causing the magical cock to rub faster against Julia's slit. "I can't hate my presumptuous puppy though... Because I would have dragged you back no matter what you wore, and I appreciate the effort." She finally stopped her teasing, having adjusted to the sensation. In one swift motion she pulled back her hips, positioned herself, and plunged the entirety of her throbbing member inside of Julia, letting out a heavy moan as the beta's heat enveloped her. "Fuck..." She stopped herself from whining by immediately pulling back and slamming back in, giving Julia long, powerful thrusts right from the start. The wolf was incredibly wet, Sky wanted her too much to be patient, and they both made their desires pretty obvious.
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