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The Sissy Farm (KnightCreep X Dakra)

Texas sucks the sissys cock his large flat tongue running over the sissys rather large cock.
He swallows it. "Mmm your cock is almost as big as your fathers." He says kissing his bride to be.
At the barn Jackie's mommy steps out. "And what do you think your doing to my little girl mister?" She spanks texas' ass.
"Jackie go inside." She says putting Jackie on her feet leading Texas into her stall and shutting it.(want to act as the mare or Texas for this?
Texas moaned and bent over. "I won't ever hurt her, I swear." He knew that she was about to fuck his ass.
"If you do i'll personally remove your balls and sell you as a bull relief toy." She says thrusting her large cock deep into his ass.
Texas moaned loudly and cried out in pain. "I would never hurt her! If you do, you can cut off my whole cock!"
"Good boy. Welcome to my family everyone in this family is my bitch including you now." She says kissing his neck as she ravages his ass. "I protect my bitches." She pets him gently.
"You're welcome." She kisses him smacking his ass before scraping up his cum on her fingers and putting them in his mouth.
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