Don't Open: Dead Inside (1x1 between randomname98766789 and Iikaitlynii)

When the group returned to the church, Daryl was pleased to see that nothing happened. Everyone was safe and the church still looked untouched. This made the male feel relief that maybe things were getting better. Plus with all of these supplies they found, it was definitely going to help out everyone. Abraham and a few others decided it was a time to celebrate tonight. Everyone ended up taking some wine and Abraham proposed his plan to D.C. Rick seemed to be on board since everyone else was and they were all having a good time. Daryl approached Scarlett and decided to hand her a glass of wine since she did not have one. “here, looks like you could use a drink.”

When the group returned, Josh helped organize everything. Then, he took some time being on watch until it was time for everyone to celebrate. They were locked up in this church and safe for the night. Josh poured himself some wine since the others did and pulled Maggie close with his free hand. “Hey there, pretty woman. You look beautiful. How about I get you a drink tonight?” He teased playfully, deciding to bring some flirting with their time tonight.
They took watch for a bit once the group was all together again and for now things were relatively quiet and peaceful. Scarlett helped out wherever it seemed needed and after awhile everyone decided to celebrate a little. She heard mention of a plan to go to D.C but she wasn't exactly sure for what reason. Glancing over as Daryl brought over wine she took it with an appreciative nod. "Thanks. Can't remember the last time I had something other than water."

Once they were back some took watch to make sure things were safe since one could never be too careful anymore. Maggie helped a bit with the organizing and things were relatively quiet from what she heard the others saying. That was nice since they could use a bit of a break from all of the bad things that happened to them constantly. So with the area clear they decided to celebrate a little and while others poured drinks they decided to warm up some of the canned goods to eat. Laughing lightly when Josh pulled her close, Maggie smiled. "I suppose one drink wouldn't hurt," she joked.
“I’m glad you could tag along. We’re heading to D.C. now. Apparently that man with the mullet, Eugene, is a scientist and he might have answers to a cure. I know how crazy it sounds but everyone is all over the theory. I guess I found myself wanting to believe it, too.” Daryl answered and handed her a drink before sipping on his own. “So… why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself?” Daryl inquired since they really had not been given a chance since they met to relax and simply talk to each other. Scarlett intrigued him.

Josh poured a glass of wine for himself and his wife, pressing the glass to Maggie’s lips as she consumed the glass of alcohol. Soon, Josh downed his own glass and turned with a grin on his face. They would end up taking a few more glasses before being finished and digging into some of the canned food. “If this thing about D.C. is real, this could be the turning point. We could have normal lives again, maybe.” Josh murmured having been the most skeptical person of the group about this entire ordeal but he figured they would soon find out what was actually happening.
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