Don't Open: Dead Inside (1x1 between randomname98766789 and Iikaitlynii)

As the fight ensued, and the other man Rick head butted Joe, Scarlett took that as an opportunity and stabbed the one in the stomach that was holding her back. Luckily she did it deep enough to make it hard for him to react. Especially when she did it again in the chest. Once he was down she then went for the head to make sure that he was down for good. It was about that time that the others seemed to have taken care of the rest, so the woman stood more off to the side of everyone as she realized this was probabaly the end of the road and would take off on her own again.

Nodding slightly at the introduction she couldn't quite think of what to say but Daryl pulled her out of earshot anyway. When he asked if she was going to leave, she almost thought it was expected since she didn't actually know any of them. Though he claimed that they wouldn't mind if she stuck around. "You sure?" She first asked about the not minding. It wasn't like she had anywhere to go. "Well I don't exactly have any people to find. It's just me," she admitted and it was a lot more difficult trying to survive on one's own.


"Yeah" Beth nodded slightly and physically there was no reason to worry. Emotionally was a little bit different though because she was worried about both of their wellbeing and was afraid of not being able to get out of this place. While she doubted it was impossible to escape she understood it had to be hard, and with what they did to Oliver as punishment for her screw up, she really didn't want to stick around this place. Unfortunately there wasn't much options at the moment and even if they did get out it would be hard to leave Atlanta. The city was crawling with walkers which was something else they would need to the think about before trying to escape.

Luckily it was starting to get late so they were done for the night. The two headed back to her hospital room and Beth kind of hoped they wouldn't say anything since she didn't really want to be alone. Not when the day had been a rather crappy one if you asked her. The blonde smiled lightly at the words as it made her feel a little bit better. "I love you too," she whispered softly while giving his lips a peck. It would be nice to just lay there with him and could use a little comfort after the day they had.
Thankfully, Scarlett agreed with accompanying Daryl and his friends. “Yes, I am sure about it. We would be happy to bring you along with us. We’re in the process of trying to find the rest of our group though. I heard them say we’re looking for Terminus now.” Daryl explained before pulling back from the woman and walking her towards the trio. He introduce her to Rick, Michonne, and Carl. Michonne and Carl happily introduced themselves to Scarlett as well but Rick was just too emotional right now to talk about anything. However, the others agreed that if Daryl vouched for her then she was good to join them. While Daryl knew nothing about this woman, he felt better about himself by giving her the chance to join them.

When Rick was cleaned off and everyone had gotten ready, the group of five started down the tracks again. Even though it was night, they knew how close they were to reaching Terminus. If they kept going then they might make it to the place early tomorrow morning. If that was the case, then maybe everything would start getting better. Daryl did not want to me out here any longer than he had to be. He wanted for things to get better again and he wanted to not worry about having a place for the nighta gain.


The hospital bed felt like a stereotypical hospital bed. It was hard, cold, and uncomfortable. However, it was quite large and there was plenty of room for both Oliver and Beth to easily fit on the bed. When he lay down first, he wrapped both arms around the blonde woman before pulling her against his chest. When that was done, Oliver kissed Beth again and wrapped his legs around her waist and her legs to cuddle with her properly. At the moment, he kept quiet and just watched her curiously. He was worried about going to sleep tonight because he feared that if he let his guard down at any point in time, then it would not end well for them. He wanted to be alert every second of the day because how could he protect Beth if he was asleep?

He looked down to the love of his life and flashed her a sad smile. “You can get some sleep if you want it. I’m going to stay up and keep an eye out. I want you to get some rest though and maybe later we can switch so we’ll both be ready and rested.” Oliver offered to Beth as he continued looking deeply into her beautiful eyes. All he wanted right now was to feel her own body against him. She was the only thing keeping him calm right now and helping his head stay level so he could even think properly to try and figure a way out.
When he spoke of there being more people, Scarlett couldn't help but wonder how many was actually in their group or what happened for them all to get separated. But she didn't ask though and just followed him back to where the others were. The one named Rick still seemed to out of it to really speak at the moment but the other two were fine with her joining, which was a little relieving even though Daryl already had said they would be fine with it. Once all was said and done they spoke of heading towards Terminus and seemed to think some of their people might be there. "Do you think I could get that gun back?" She asked in a low voice when they started to get within sight of their destination. Scarlett felt a little unease about the place and didn't want to be left without a firearm if things didn't go well.


Beth was more than happy to be able to just lay there with Oliver and not have to do anything else for the moment. There was a lot to worry about but she wanted to forget about that for a least a little bit. Laying there for a few moments she had her eyes closed until he spoke. While she didn't think anything would happen while they were asleep, she realized he'd probabaly feel better this way so she didn't try to talk him out of it. "Okay. Just wake me up when you get tired. If I haven't already woken up," she told him and pressed a kiss to his lips before resting her head on his shoulder again. The moment was nice and quiet which she was happy to have a small amount of peace even though they'd have more to deal with tomorrow. "I love you," she murmured while her eyes were still closed to fall asleep.
Honestly, Daryl forgot about having Scarlett’s gun. When she spoke about it, he swiftly reached for the weapon and placed it back into her hands. “Of course. Sorry. I forgot I had it.” He admitted before turning his attention back towards the train tracks. Rick suggested they did not go into the front because he was worried this was a trap. If it was a trap, going in the front door was a recipe for disaster. They found a low wall on the East side and were able to climb over. When they entered inside of the compound and factory, it looked mostly abandoned. They were greeted by a young male with a smile on his face. The male acted friendly and welcomed them to Terminus. Obviously, Daryl thought it was too good to be true and decided to remain apprehensive and stoic but Michonne and Carl had high hopes for this place so they just stood there and waited for instructions as they were told to give up their weapons.


“I love you too, Beth.” Oliver whispered and watched her eyes get heavy. Even after the apocalypse started, Oliver felt blessed when he was able to see the small things in life such as Beth falling asleep in his arms. She looked so peaceful and cute. It was something the young man would never take for granted. He wanted nothing more than to watch her all night long but he had to remain alert. During the night hours, he remained awake and jumped at every little sound because he was ready to protect the love of his life. Past halfway through the night, he was finally feeling like it was impossible to stay awake and he still had a couple hours before they needed to be awake so he gently woke Beth with a kiss to her lips. “Babe… I need a break for a little bit. Just a couple hours before sunrise I’d like to take.” If he was going to be alert and able to defend Beth then he needed to be somewhat rested, at least.
Taking the gun Scarlett placed it back into her bag, just out of sight, when Rick spoke of going in through the back in case it was a trap. Honestly she preferred that than going in through the front door at least. They ended up finding a low wall to climb over and the place looked mostly empty but she figured it could have just had to do with it being late. When they did see someone she felt the male acted a little too friendly and should have been more cautious with newcomers. Still she felt unease and even more so when he said to give up their weapons. Scarlett made sure to keep a neautral expression but she glanced to the others to see if they would follow instructions. She didn't really want to give up anything but was glad she hid the knife back inside of her boot.


 Beth wasn't sure how long she slept when he finally woke her up but it must have been awhile even if she still did feel a bit tired and out of sorts. She vaguely heard mention of needing a couple hours of sleep so she realized it must have been early and felt bad he stayed up so long. Hopefully soon they could at least feel comfortable enough to be able to both actually sleep she thought. Or else she could try to stay up a while tomorrow so he could sleep more. After stretching a bit she looked to him and nodded. "I'm up," she said but figured he'd still like her to lay with him, which she actually would have liked as well.
Something was wrong. Both Rick and Daryl noticed some items on the Terminus residents. An orange backpack, a pocket watch, and a poncho that belonged to some of their people. Angrily, Rick slapped a plate of food to the ground and held his handgun to the head of someone. Daryl raised his crossbow as well while Rick demanded to know where their people were. Gareth and the others lied, claiming that they found these items at different locations but Daryl knew better than to think so. A shootout and chase ensued briefly. Daryl did his best to keep Scarlett covered but they were trapped soon enough, forced to drop their weapons and climb inside of some boxcar. Daryl had no idea what was going to happen next but whatever it was, he feared it. In the opposite corner of the car was the rest of his people and that made things better. Daryl felt confident they were going to find a way out of this mess.


Since Beth was awake now, Oliver did not exactly want to sleep. It had been so long since the couple shared a private moment together. While the circumstances were not desirable, they were alone and safe from the walkers. Though they dealt with a new threat, they were probably safer than most people right now. Looking deep into her eyes again, Oliver kissed the blonde on her lips. The kiss was held for a number of seconds before he pulled away and just continued gazing into her orbs. Being around her made him feel calm and relaxed so he continued cuddling with her and allowing his lips to trail down to her neck and start peppering kisses all over her skin.
Something was obviously wrong here as the group was confronted about the items and claimed they found them in different locations. The items obviously meant something to Rick's group and a shootout ensued until eventually they were corned and forced to drop their weapons. After that they were made to climb in a boxcar which Scarlett was kind of worried about what would happen next. The only upside was that the rest of their people was in the car too but the downside also was the fact that they were in here. It meant getting out of this situation would be tricky and to make matters worse it seemed like a few people were being taken at a time to god only knew where and for what reason.


Beth certainly didn't mind the attention he was giving and also really enjoyed it as well. Wrapping her arms around him she was content to lay there and wished that in a few hours they wouldn't have to get up and be reminded where they were. After a little bit she finally said, "You should get some rest. They'll probabaly have us do more work tomorrow." Her voice was soft and she figured he had to be very tired. It wouldn't be very good if he was falling asleep or accidentally did something wrong from being tired. That and she didn't think either of them would feel comfortable with both of them falling asleep tomorrow night. "I'll lay here with you until we have to get up," she said and probabaly couldn't go back to sleep anyway so there was no worry there.
Hours passed before anything else happened. The group planned an attack on the residents next time the door opened but when someone entered, they threw tear gas and entered through the roof. Daryl was among a number of others taken out of the cart and tied up to be slaughtered. Three people has already been killed and Glenn was next before some explosion happened and it set everyone off running. Daryl was able to break free from his restraints with the others before sprinting back towards the car and opening the door so everyone else could break free and figure out what the hell was actually going on right now.
Even though it was only hours it certainly felt like both a long time and not long enough. There was a plan of attack but it ended up being useless because tear gas was thrown in through the front door and then they came in through the roof. Rick, Daryl, and another male named Glenn were taken and the rest of them were trying to figure out a way to deal with the next attack since they couldn't let themselves think that the three would end up dead. But it turned out that not long later there was a loud noise that almost sounded like an explosion. Soon enough the door was then opened to allow them all out. There were obviously walkers everywhere, and probabaly more coming because of the noise, but they tried to only kill the ones in their way of escape while also attempting to look for their weapons if they could. If not they would just have to leave them behind.
Daryl, Rick, and Glenn were able to ambush a group of the Terminus residents and take their weapons. They fought their way out and it looked like hundreds of walkers were already pouring into the compound. They would either run or die, the group realized so they moved towards the woods to find the weapon cache in the ground that Rick buried in case something like this happened. When they were there, they met Carol again and they were all happy to see her. Apparently, she was the one that set off those explosions and saved their asses big time. They all hugged her and greeted her again as she was warmly welcomed back into the group. Daryl saw Carol as a very close friend and knowing she was alive and well made him feel better. He also told Maggie about what happened to Beth and he did somewhat know where she was because of the car and they might be looking for that next. After it was all said and done, he turned to look at Scarlett. “How are you doing?” He asked in his gruff voice.
With so many walkers all they could do get out of there as fast as they could. They made their way to a weapons cache that was hidden just in case something bad had happened, which turned out to be a good thing and they also met up with a woman named Carol that Scarlett could only assume had also been apart of their group before they were all split up. "Better now," she responded to Daryl's question as they all started to head somewhere to meet up with another person and someone named Judith. From the way Rick and Carl acted, it was easy to assume that it was either someone close to them from after the apocalypse started, a wife and mother, or a daughter and sister. "It's just been one hell of a day, I guess you could say."
The group walked from Terminus towards the railroad tracks again where Tyreese was with Judith. When they arrived and the father and his son were reunited with the baby, everyone looked happy. They were back together, they knew where Beth was, and things were looking pretty good for them right now. When things calmed down, Daryl introduced Scarlett to everyone again and this time, they were all nice about meeting her, shaking her hand and welcoming her into the group to show their acceptance. Plus, there were a few people daryl did not know either but somehow or another they were all together again. At the end of the day when everyone spread out, Daryl was just talking with Scarlett. “This is almost everyone. That girl I told you about that was taken, I think we’ll be trying to find her next. Are you still on board with us?”
From the sounds of it Scarlett wasn't the only person that was new and that others in the group didn't know. Luckily because of that she felt less like the center of attention when Daryl did introduce her to the rest. They were all friendly though which made her feel a bit more at ease when he did that. After they found Judith, who she realized was a young child, there was now talk of finding a girl that had been taken. Nodding slightly when he mentioned that's probabaly what they would focus on next and looked to him at the question. "Yeah. I mean if that's alright," she replied.
“Yeah, it’s alright.” Daryl responded to Scarlett’s statement. They all decided to rest for the night and Daryl made his bed close beside of Scarlett. She had her gun back now and all her belongings back that he held so it was not going to be confiscated. “If you don’t mind me asking you, Scarlett, how long had you been alone?” Daryl knew it was almost impossible to survive while being alone. If the walkers did not kill you, then the loneliness probably would. Daryl had never really been alone since the outbreak started and while he enjoyed having some alone time, he could not fathom not having this group.
Nodding slightly Scarlett then started making up a bed once it was clear they were stopping to rest for the night. While she wasn't particularly tired at the moment she was sure it would start to hit her soon. "I'm not exactly sure. Maybe a few months at most." It had obviously felt like much longer with being on her own, not to mention difficult, but there really had not been much choice in the matter. "It did seem longer though," she admitted and was feeling better now that she had her gun and things back. Plus she did feel a little more at ease having Daryl close, particularly because he was the one she knew most in the group, even though she didn't even know him very well.
Inside of this small cabin, Daryl slid down against the wall to rest for the night. He was right beside of where Scarlett made her bed for the night. He listened to her talk and nodded his head slowly. It probably did seem like a longer time if she was alone for a while. It was something Daryl did not fathom. “Well, you have this group now. I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine. You don’t have anything to worry about now.” Daryl murmured softly and even placed a hand onto her shoulder as a nice gesture before turning onto his side and trying to get into a comfortable resting position on the ground. “If you need anything during the night, don’t hesitate to wake me.”
Managing a smile, Scarlett hoped he was right. At the moment she still felt like an outsider despite having been apart of the Terminus mess. The only thing that made it a little easier was the fact she knew others were also new to the grouo. "Thanks," she said before laying down and getting situated. It was doubtful that she'd have to wake up anyone during the night unless there was some sort of trouble but she hoped that wouldn't be the case. It might take some time to fall asleep but she closed her eyes to try and do so.
Somehow, Daryl slept peacefully that night. Early the next morning, the group woke up and started moving forward from the cabin. They were following the nearest highway and it was so hot outside. They had basically zero supplies and things were getting miserable but Daryl kept his mind focused on the road ahead, keeping a close eye on Scarlett. For whatever reason, he could not shake the thought of her after their interactions lately. He had no idea where they were going but they were going somewhere far away from Terminus, that was for sure. They also made sure all the Terminus signs said that it was not a sanctuary so nobody could make the same mistake.

Bringing up the rear of the group was the married couple of Josh and Maggie. They had been together forever, since they were kids, and married a few months before the outbreak. Throughout these years, they survived together and sustained their life. They had such a close call at Terminus and Josh was one of the men taken out to be killed of the boxcar yet he was still here. While walking with the long haired brunette, Josh laced their fingers together. “How are you?” He murmured, asking for both her mental state and her physical state. He worried about her constantly, obviously. That was his job.
Scarlett had managed to get some sleep before they were up and moving early the next morning. Because of already being used to not getting a lot of sleep, it made it easy to get up once everyone was ready to move. The brunette assumed they were going for that girl who was taken even if they didn't seem to have much to go off of. But despite that they continued to move and wrote on the signs that Terminus was not a sancturary. Scarlett was glad for that to be over with and she did feel slightly more at ease with being around some people again and not on her own.


Things hadn't been too great since the outbreak at the prison. They had been separated for awhile but eventually Maggie and Josh found each other again. They also had met some others along the way before ending up at Terminun. Luckily that was all over with and now they were trying to find her sister Beth. The dark haired woman was a bit worried about her and was afraid something bad would happen. "I'm.. better now," she gave her husband a smile. "I'm just worried about Beth," she admitted to him.
Daryl left the group for an hour at most to hunt animals on his own. It was not uncommon. When he returned, he brought a bag full of rabbits and squirrels from his adventure. It was only moments after he arrived back onto the main road when the group heard cries for help. Rick did not think they should go but Carl along with others convinced Rick to go that way. Daryl led the charge and they found some man dressed up as a preacher standing on top of a rock surrounded by walkers. The group dispatched all the walkers and formed a perimeter, watching the man distrustfully. When he jumped down, the man threw up from what happened and introduced himself as Father Gabriel Stokes.

“We’ll find her.” Josh assured his wife. When the group rushed to the voice, he kept close with Maggie and took down some walkers. His gun was trained on the preacher just in case he tried something slick. The preacher said he did not carry any weapons before asking for food. Carl gave him some pecans. Then, he claimed to have a church. Rick searched him for weapons and asked those three questions he asked everyone they met. Gabriel had not killed any walkers or people. It was not comfortable for Josh to think about that. How did he survive for so long? Nonetheless, they were soon headed for the church, keeping an eye open in case it was a trap. Of course, Josh walked close with Maggie along the way.
The group ended up coming across a male calling out for help not long after Daryl had returned to the group. It was odd to Hayley to hear he hadn't killed anything, or anyone, since the world ended. The questions were random enough, but the answers bothered her a little. They decided to head back with him to the church since he was a preacher, but like most others probabaly were she was hesitant. When they did arrive and the others checked around, it was clear he was the only living person around besides them. Still something felt a little off or not right.


"I know, your right " Maggie agreed but still had some worry when she thought about Beth being taken. Those people could easily harm her before they could find her. But she tried not to think much on that even if it was hard. It sis help to focus on clearing out walkers as they saved a priest named Father Gabriel. He claimed not to have killed any walkers or humans before and also had no weapons when Rick searched him. She had to wonder how the man managed to survive such a long time by himself without any means of defense. Keeping close to Josh as they arrived at the church, it turned out to be empty aside from the lot of them that just arrived.
Daryl did not like this. How did someone survive the entire outbreak without killing anything? The preacher explained that he had been shacked up inside this church for the entire time. It happened that the church had some big canned food drive before the people started dying and getting sick. Thankfully, they had raised so much canned food but had not turned it in yet and he was able to live off that and live off staying alone and being safe. Daryl helped the others check out the church and secure the perimeter. It seemed that everything was clear and he was definitely alone. Because of this, they decided to maybe trust him and hear what he had to say.

Again, Josh stayed close by with Maggie. Especially since this was an unknown place, Josh made sure to keep his eyes wide open and his ears wide open. He had to keep Maggie safe. The church was secure and he was truly alone. Gabriel told them about some nearby food place that would have a lot of food for them to get but it was overrun with walkers and the group agreed to help him clear it. Josh and Maggie were one of the few that joined the group to find this store and clear out the walkers. There were about one dozen walkers according to the preacher but they had handled many more than that during their time.
Scarlett was still a tad hesitant but the male had a reasonable reason as to how he managed to survive so long. She supposed she was just overly paranoid when it came to people thanks to her last couple of encounters, not counting Daryl's group of people. She decided to volunteer to help out that with getting food, that way she wouldn't feel like she wasn't contributing at all. A dozen or so walkers didn't seem like that many when a few of them were going. Of course there was always some danger since there could be more than expected, and she understood that.


Once it was decided that things were safe and that the preacher seemed trustworthy enough, Gabriel then told them of a place that they could scavenge food from. Maggie and Josh found themselves among the few that would go while some stayed behind. There was a dozen or so according to Gabriel and they figured maybe five or so of them could go. Rick was another one who planned on going while Carl stayed with Judith. Scarlett also volunteered to go as well before they got ready to head out.
Finally, the group arrived to the food bank and they climbed down inside the basement. The water was up to their waists but enough shelves were in the way to hold them off from the walkers. Gabriel freaked out when he was some woman dressed in church clothing. He tried to escape but the wooden ladder broke and all hell was breaking out. The group had to fight forward to kill all the walkers and get to Gabriel and save him. After Bob had a little episode with the final walker, the group was able to pull out a massive supply of food, water, and other supplies. It was a good run.

During their fight in the food bank, Josh made sure that the walkers never got too close to Maggie. Sure, she could handle them but Josh was protective and made sure she did not get overwhelmed. They were able to kill all walkers and leave with a large supply of food. It would not take them long to get back to the church and they were returned by midnight, giving the group the good news about all this stuff they had found. It was going to be helpful to the group for sure.
The run went fairly well all things considered. Other than Gabriel freaking out there wasn't too much trouble and they were able to clear out the walkers fairly easily. There was a lot of food and it would certainly help the group. After the area was safe they all helped to carry the supplies back to the church.

During the fight Maggie tended not to drift to far away from Josh. There wasn't a lot, and even though it wouldn't have been dangerous, she just preferred to stick closer to him and felt safer that way. After they accomplished the task of clearing out the place, they each carried a portion and got back to the church before midnight. It was a relief since they hadn't had much supplies and this would be a big help.
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